Updated 22/10/2024
In force

Initial Legal Act
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Article 2 - Right to be heard by the investigating officer

Article 2

Right to be heard by the investigating officer

1.   Upon completion of his/her investigations and before submitting the file to ESMA’s Board of Supervisors pursuant to Article 3(1), the investigating officer shall inform the person subject to investigation in writing of his/her findings and shall provide it with the opportunity to make written submissions pursuant to paragraph 3. That statement of findings shall set out the facts liable to constitute one or more of the infringements listed in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009, including any aggravating or mitigating factors of these infringements.

2.   The statement of findings shall set a reasonable time limit within which the person subject to investigation may make its written submissions. The investigating officer shall not be obliged to take into account written submissions received after that time limit has expired.

3.   In its written submissions, the person subject to investigation may set out all the facts known to it which are relevant to its defence. It shall attach any relevant documents as proof of the facts set out. It may propose that the investigating officer hear other persons who may corroborate the facts set out in the submissions of the person subject to investigation.

4.   The investigating officer may also invite a person subject to investigation to which a statement of findings has been addressed to attend an oral hearing. The persons subject to investigation may be assisted by their lawyers or other qualified persons admitted by the investigating officer. Oral hearings shall not be held in public.