(Article 7)
1. |
Full name |
2. |
Country of establishment |
3. |
Address of registered office |
4. |
Legal status |
5. |
With respect to the contact person(s) for the purpose of the application:
6. |
With respect to the Compliance Officer:
7. |
Description of the business activities the credit rating agency conducts, including ancillary services, and if it has one or several branches or subsidiaries, the business conducted by each branch or subsidiary |
8. |
Identification of the class of credit ratings according to the categories specified in Article 5 for which the credit rating agency applies to be registered |
9. |
Identification of the regulated markets where the credit rating agency is listed, if applicable |
10. |
Financial reports:
11. |
Number of employees (excluding employees located in branches) as at the date of application and as at the close of each of the three most recent financial years, reported in the following categories:
12. |
If a credit rating agency has branches, with respect to each branch:
13. |
List of countries from which the credit rating agency intends to endorse credit ratings |