Updated 05/02/2025
No longer in force since 30/12/2023

Version from: 07/06/2020
Amendments (83)
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ANNEX II - Implementing Regulation 2015/2450


Instructions regarding reporting templates for individual undertakings

This Annex contains additional instructions in relation to the templates included in Annex I of this Regulation. The first column of the tables identifies the items to be reported by identifying the columns and rows as showed in the template in Annex I.

Templates which shall be filled in in accordance with the instructions of the different sections of this Annex are referred to as ‘this template’ throughout the text of the Annex.

S.01.01 — Content of the submission

General comments:

This section relates to opening, quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching portfolios and remaining part.

When a special justification is needed, the explanation is not to be submitted within the reporting template but shall be part of the dialogue between undertakings and national competent authorities.





Ring–fenced fund/matching portfolio/remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a ring–fenced fund (‘RFF’), matching adjustment portfolio (‘MAP’) or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0010 = 1, identification number for a ring–fenced fund or matching portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.



S.01.02 — Basic Information — General

This template shall always be reported. The only option possible is:

1 — Reported


S.01.03 — Basic Information — RFF and matching adjustment portfolios

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no RFF or MAP

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.02.01 — Balance sheet

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

6 — Exempted under Article 35 (6) to (8)

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.02.02 — Assets and liabilities by currency

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

3 — Not due in accordance with instructions of the template

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.03.01 — Off–balance sheet items — general

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no off–balance sheet items

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.03.02 — Off–balance sheet items — List of unlimited guarantees received by the undertaking

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no unlimited guarantees received

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.03.03 — Off–balance sheet items — List of unlimited guarantees provided by the undertaking

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no unlimited guarantees provided

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.04.01 — Activity by country

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no activity outside the home country

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.04.02 — Information on class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency II Directive, excluding carrier's liability

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no activity outside the home country in relation to specific class

 18 — Not reported as no direct insurance business

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.05.01 — Premiums, claims and expenses by line of business

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

6 — Exempted under Article 35 (6) to (8)

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.05.02 — Premiums, claims and expenses by country

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

3 — Not due in accordance with instructions of the template

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.06.01 — Summary of Assets

 One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

4 — Not due as S.06.02 and S.08.01 reported quarterly

5 — Not due as S.06.02 and S.08.01 reported annually

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.06.02 — List of assets

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

6 — Exempted under Article 35 (6) to (8)

 7 — Not due annually as reported for Quarter 4 (this option is only applicable on annual submissions)

0– Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.06.03 — Collective investment undertakings — look–through approach


One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no Collective investment undertakings

3 — Not due in accordance with instructions of the template

6 — Exempted under Article 35(6) to (8)

 7 — Not due annually as reported for Quarter 4 (this option is only applicable on annual submissions)

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.07.01 — Structured products


One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no structured products

3 — Not due in accordance with instructions of the template

6 — Exempted under 35 (6) to (8)

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.08.01 — Open derivatives

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no derivative transactions

6 — Exempted under Article 35 (6) to (8)

 7 — Not due annually as reported for Quarter 4 (this option is only applicable on annual submissions)

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.08.02 — Derivatives Transactions

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no derivative transactions

6 — Exempted under Article 35 (6) to (8)

 7 — Not due annually as reported for Quarter 4 (this option is only applicable on annual submissions)

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.09.01 — Income/gains and losses in the period

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.10.01 — Securities lending and repos


One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no Securities lending and repos

3 — Not due in accordance with instructions of the template

6 — Exempted under Article 35(6) to (8)

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.11.01 — Assets held as collateral

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no Assets held as collateral

6 — Exempted under Article 35 (6) to (8)

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.12.01 — Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no life and health SLT business

6 — Exempted under Article 35 (6) to (8)

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.12.02 — Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions — by country

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no life and health SLT business

3 — Not due in accordance with instructions of the template

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.13.01 — Projection of future gross cash flows

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no life and health SLT business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.14.01 — Life obligations analysis

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no life and health SLT business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.15.01 — Description of the guarantees of variable annuities

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no variable annuities

 18 — Not reported as no direct insurance business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.15.02 — Hedging of guarantees of variable annuities

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no variable annuities

 18 — Not reported as no direct insurance business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.16.01 — Information on annuities stemming from Non–Life Insurance obligations

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no annuities stemming from Non–Life Insurance obligations

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.17.01 — Non–Life Technical Provisions

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no non–life business

6 — Exempted under Article 35 (6) to (8)

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.17.02 — Non–Life Technical Provisions — By country

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no non–life business

3 — Not due in accordance with instructions of the template

 18 — Not reported as no direct insurance business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.18.01 — Projection of future cash flows (Best Estimate — Non Life)

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no non–life business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.19.01 — Non–life insurance claims

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no non–life business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.20.01 — Development of the distribution of the claims incurred

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no non–life business

 18 — Not reported as no direct insurance business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.21.01 — Loss distribution risk profile

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no non–life business

 18 — Not reported as no direct insurance business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.21.02 — Underwriting risks non–life

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no non–life business

 18 — Not reported as no direct insurance business

0– Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.21.03 — Non–life distribution of underwriting risks — by sum insured

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no non–life business

 18 — Not reported as no direct insurance business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.22.01 — Impact of long term guarantees measures and transitionals

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no long term guarantees measures (‘LTG’) measures or transitionals are applied

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.22.04 — Information on the transitional on interest rates calculation

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no such transitional measure is applied

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.22.05 — Overall calculation of the transitional on technical provisions

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no such transitional measure is applied

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.22.06 — Best estimate subject to volatility adjustment by country and currency

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as volatility adjustment not applied

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.23.01 — Own funds

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

6 — Exempted under Article 35 (6) to (8)

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.23.02 — Detailed information by tiers on own funds

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.23.03 — Annual movements on own funds

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.23.04 — List of items on own funds

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.24.01 — Participations held

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no participations held

0 — Not reported (in this case special justification is needed)


S.25.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — for undertakings on Standard Formula

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported as standard formula (‘SF’) is used


8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model (‘PIM’)

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model (‘IM’)

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.25.02 — Solvency Capital Requirement — for undertakings using the standard formula and partial internal model

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

10 — Not reported as use of standard formula

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.25.03 — Solvency Capital Requirement — for undertakings on Full Internal Models

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

10 — Not reported as use of standard formula

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.26.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Market risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.26.02 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Counterparty default risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.26.03 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Life underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.26.04 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Health underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.26.05 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Non–Life underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.26.06 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Operational risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.26.07 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Simplifications

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no simplified calculations used

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.27.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Non–Life and Health catastrophe risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.28.01 — Minimum Capital Requirement — Only life or only non–life insurance or reinsurance activity

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1– Reported

2 — Not reported as both life and non–life insurance or reinsurance activity

0– Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.28.02 — Minimum Capital Requirement — Both life and non–life insurance activity

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as only life or only non–life insurance or reinsurance activity or only reinsurance activity

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.29.01 — Excess of Assets over Liabilities

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.29.02 — Excess of Assets over Liabilities — explained by investments and financial liabilities

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.29.03 — Excess of Assets over Liabilities — explained by technical provisions

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.29.04 — Detailed analysis per period — Technical flows versus Technical provisions

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.30.01 — Facultative covers for non–life and life business basic data

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no facultative covers

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.30.02 — Facultative covers for non–life and life business shares data

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no facultative covers

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.30.03 — Outgoing Reinsurance Program basic data

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no reinsurance

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.30.04 — Outgoing Reinsurance Program shares data

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no reinsurance

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.31.01 — Share of reinsurers (including Finite Reinsurance and SPV's)

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no reinsurance

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.31.02 — Special Purpose Vehicles

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no Special Purpose Insurance Vehicles

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.36.01 — IGT — Equity–type transactions, debt and asset transfer

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no intragroup transaction (‘IGT’) on Equity–type transactions, debt and asset transfer

12 — Not reported as no parent undertaking is a mixed–activity insurance holding company where they are not part of a group as defined under Article 213 (2) (a), (b) and (c) of Solvency II Directive

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.36.02 — IGT — Derivatives

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no IGT on Derivatives

12 — Not reported as no parent undertaking is a mixed–activity insurance holding company where they are not part of a group as defined under Article 213 (2) (a), (b) and (c) of Solvency II Directive

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.36.03 — IGT — Internal reinsurance

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no IGT on Internal reinsurance

12 — Not reported as no parent undertaking is a mixed–activity insurance holding company where they are not part of a group as defined under Article 213 (2) (a), (b) and (c) of Solvency II Directive

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


S.36.04 — IGT — Cost Sharing, contingent liabilities, off BS and other items

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no IGT on Cost Sharing, contingent liabilities, off Balance Sheet (‘BS’) and other items

12 — Not reported as no parent undertaking is a mixed–activity insurance holding company where they are not part of a group as defined under Article 213 (2) (a), (b) and (c) of Solvency II Directive

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.02.01 — Balance Sheet

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no RFF/MAP

14 — Not reported as refers to MAP fund

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.12.01 — Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no RFF/MAP or no life and health SLT business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.17.01 — Non–Life Technical Provisions

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no RFF/MAP or no non–life business

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.22.02 — Projection of future cash flows (Best Estimate — Matching portfolios)

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no Matching Adjustment (‘MA’) is applied

15 –Not reported as refers to RFF or remaining part

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.22.03 — Information on the matching adjustment calculation

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no MA is applied

15 –Not reported as refers to RFF or remaining part

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.25.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Only SF

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported as standard formula is used


8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.25.02 — Solvency Capital Requirement — SF and PIM

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

10 — Not reported as use of standard formula

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.25.03 — Solvency Capital Requirement — IM

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

10 — Not reported as use of standard formula

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.26.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Market risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.26.02 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Counterparty default risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.26.03 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Life underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.26.04 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Health underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.26.05 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Non–Life underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.26.06 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Operational risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.26.07 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Simplifications

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Not reported as no simplified calculations used

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

 16 — Reported due to request of Article 112 of Directive 2009/138/EC

17 — Reported twice due to use of PIM

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)


SR.27.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Non–Life Catastrophe risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Reported

2 — Risk not existent

8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

S.01.02 — Basic information

General comments:

This section relates to opening, quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities.





Undertaking name

Legal name of the undertaking. Needs to be consistent over different submissions


Undertaking identification code

Identification code of the undertaking, using the following priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (‘LEI’)

— Identification code used in the local market, attributed by supervisory authority


Type of code of undertaking

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Undertaking Identification code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Type of undertaking

 Identify the type of the reporting undertaking. The following closed list of options shall be used to identify the activity of the undertaking:

2 — Life undertakings

3 — Non–Life undertakings

4 — Undertakings pursuing both life and non–life insurance activity — Article 73(2)

5 — Undertakings pursuing both life and non–life insurance activity — Article 73(5)

6 — Reinsurance undertakings


Country of authorisation

Identify the ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country where the undertaking was authorised (Home–country)


Language of reporting

Identify the 2 letter code of ISO 639–1 code of the language used in the submission of information


Reporting submission date

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date when the reporting to the supervisory authority is made


Financial year end

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the financial year end of the undertaking, e.g. 2017-12-31


Reporting reference date

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date identifying the last day of the reporting period


Regular/Ad–hoc submission

Identify if the submission of information relates to regular submission of information or ad–hoc. The following closed list of options shall be used:

1 — Regular reporting

2 — Ad–hoc reporting

 3 — Re-submission of S.30 templates in accordance with instructions of the template

4 — Empty submission


Currency used for reporting

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the monetary amounts used in each report


Accounting standards

Identification of the accounting standards used for reporting items in S.02.01, financial statements valuation. The following closed list of options shall be used:

1 — The undertaking is using International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’)

2 — The undertaking is using local generally accepted accounting principles (‘GAAP’) (other than IFRS)


Method of Calculation of the SCR

Identify the method used to calculate the SCR. The following closed list of options shall be used:

1 — Standard formula

2 — Partial internal model

3 — Full internal model


Use of undertaking specific parameters

Identify if the undertaking is reporting figures using undertaking specific parameters. The following closed list of options shall be used:

1 — Use of undertaking specific parameters

2 — Don't use undertaking specific parameters


Ring–Fenced Funds

Identify if the undertaking is reporting activity by Ring Fenced Funds (RFF). The following closed list of options shall be used:

1 — Reporting activity by RFF

2 — Not reporting activity by RFF


Matching adjustment

Identify if the undertaking is reporting figures using the matching adjustment. The following closed list of options shall be used:

1– Use of matching adjustment

2 — No use of matching adjustment


Volatility adjustment

Identify if the undertaking is reporting figures using the volatility adjustment. The following closed list of options shall be used:

1– Use of volatility adjustment

2 — No use of volatility adjustment


Transitional measure on the risk–free interest rate

Identify if the undertaking is reporting figures using the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure. The following closed list of options shall be used:

1 — Use of transitional measure on the risk–free interest rate

2 — No use of transitional measure on the risk–free interest rate


Transitional measure on technical provisions

Identify if the undertaking is reporting figures using the transitional deduction to technical provisions. The following closed list of options shall be used:

1 — Use of transitional measure on technical provisions

2 — No use of transitional measure on technical provisions


Initial submission or re–submission

Identify if it is an initial submission of information or a re–submission of information in relation to a reporting reference date already reported. The following closed list of options shall be used:

1 — Initial submission

2 — Re–submission


Exemption of reporting ECAI information

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 —  Exempted for assets (based on article 35(6) and (7))

2 —  Exempted for assets (based on outsourcing)

3 —  Exempted for derivatives (based on article 35(6) and (7))

4 —  Exempted for derivatives (based on outsourcing)

5 —  Exempted for assets and derivatives (based on article 35(6) and (7))

6 —  Exempted for assets and derivatives (based on outsourcing)

0 —  Not exempted

S.01.03 — Basic Information — RFF and matching adjustment portfolios

General comments:

This section relates to opening and annual submission of information for individual entities.

All ring–fenced funds and matching portfolios should be identified regardless if they are material for the purposes of submission of information.

In the first table all ring–fenced funds and matching adjustments portfolios shall be reported. In case a ring–fenced fund has a matching portfolio not covering the full RFF three funds have to be identified, one for the RFF, other for the MAP inside the RFF and other for the remaining part of the fund (vice–versa for the situations where a MAP has a RFF).

In the second table the relations between the funds as explained in previous paragraph are explained. Only the funds with such relations shall be reported in the second table.




List of all RFF/MAP (overlaps allowed)


Fund /Portfolio Number

Number which is attributed by the undertaking, corresponding to the unique number assigned to each ring fenced fund and matching adjustment portfolio. This number has to be consistent over time and shall be used to identify the ring fenced funds and the matching portfolio number in other templates.


Name of ring–fenced fund/Matching adjustment portfolio

Indicate the name of the ring fenced fund and matching adjustment portfolio.

When possible (if linked to a commercial product) the commercial name shall be used. If not possible, e.g. if the fund is linked to several commercial products, a different name shall be used.

The name shall be unique and be kept consistent over time.


RFF/MAP/Remaining part of a fund

Indicate if it is a ring fenced fund or a matching portfolio. In the cases where other funds are included within one fund this cell shall identify the type of each fund or sub–fund. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Ring–fenced fund

2 — Matching portfolio

3 — Remaining part of a fund


RFF/MAP with sub RFF/MAP

Identify if the fund identified has other funds embedded. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Fund with other funds embedded

2 — Not a fund with other funds embedded

Only the ‘mother’ fund shall be identified with option 1.



Indicate if the ring–fenced fund or a matching portfolio is material for the purposes of detailed submission of information. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Material

2 — Not material

In case of fund with other funds embedded, this item is to be reported only for the ‘mother’ fund.


Article 304

Indicate whether the RFF is under Article 304 of Solvency II Directive. One of the following option shall be used:

1 — RFF under Article 304 — with the option for the equity risk sub–module

2 — RFF under Article 304 — without the option for the equity risk sub–module

3 — RFF not under Article 304

List of RFF/MAP with sub RFF/MAP


Number of RFF/MAP with sub RFF/MAP

For the funds with other funds embedded (option 1 reported in item C0070) identify the number as defined for item C0040.

The fund shall be repeated for as many rows as needed to report the funds embedded.


Number of sub RFF/MAP

Identify the number of the funds embedded in other funds as defined for item C0040.



Identify if the nature of the fund embedded in other funds. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Ring–fenced fund

2 — Matching portfolio

S.02.01 — Balance sheet

General comments:

This section relates to opening, quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds and remaining part.

The ‘Solvency II value’ column (C0010) shall be completed using the valuation principles set out in the Directive2009/138/EC, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Solvency 2 Technical Standards and Guidelines.

With regards to the ‘Statutory accounts value’ column (C0020), recognition and valuation methods are the ones used by undertakings in their statutory accounts in accordance with the local GAAP or IFRS if accepted as local GAAP. In template SR.02.01 this column is only applicable if the development of financial statements by RFF is required by national law.

The default instruction is that each item shall be reported in the ‘Statutory accounts value’ column, separately. However, in the ‘Statutory accounts value’ column the dotted rows were introduced in order to enable the reporting of aggregated figures if the split figures are not available.






Ring–fenced fund or remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — RFF

2 — Remaining part


Fund number

When item Z0020 = 1, this is a unique number of fund, as attributed by the undertaking. It shall remain unvarying over time. It shall not be re–used for any other fund.


When item Z0020 = 2, then report ‘0’



Intangible asset that arises as the result of a business combination and that represents the economic value of assets that cannot be individually identified or separately recognised in a business combination.


Deferred acquisition costs

Acquisition costs relating to contracts in force at the balance sheet date which are carried forward from one reporting period to subsequent reporting periods, relating to the unexpired periods of risks. In relation to life business, acquisition costs are deferred when it is probable that they will be recovered.


Intangible assets

Intangible assets other than goodwill. An identifiable non–monetary asset without physical substance.


Deferred tax assets

Deferred tax assets are the amounts of income taxes recoverable in future periods in respect of:

(a)  deductible temporary differences;

(b)  the carryforward of unused tax losses; and/or

(c)  the carryforward of unused tax credits.


Pension benefit surplus

This is the total of net surplus related to employees' pension scheme.


Property, plant & equipment held for own use

Tangible assets which are intended for permanent use and property held by the undertaking for own use. It includes also property for own use under construction.


Investments (other than assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

This is the total amount of investments, excluding assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts.


Property (other than for own use)

Amount of the property, other than for own use. It includes also property under construction other than for own use.


Holdings in related undertakings, including participations

Participations as defined in Article 13(20) and 212 (2) and holdings in related undertakings in Article 212(1)(b) of Directive 2009/138/EC.

When part of the assets regarding participation and related undertakings refer to unit and index linked contracts, these parts shall be reported in ‘Assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts’ in C0010–C0020/R0220.



This is the total amount of equities, listed and unlisted.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where– the split between listed and unlisted is not available, this item shall reflect the sum.


Equities — listed

Shares representing corporations' capital, e.g. representing ownership in a corporation, negotiated on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility, as defined by Directive 2004/39/EC.

It shall exclude holdings in related undertakings, including participations.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where the split between listed and unlisted is not available, this item shall not be reported.


Equities — unlisted

Shares representing corporations' capital, e.g. representing ownership in a corporation, not negotiated on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility, as defined by Directive 2004/39/EC.

It shall exclude holdings in related undertakings, including participations.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where the split between listed and unlisted is not available, this item shall not be reported.



This is the total amount of government bonds, corporate bonds, structured notes and collateralised securities.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020) — where the split of bonds is not available, this item shall reflect the sum.


Government Bonds

Bonds issued by public authorities, whether by central governments, supra–national government institutions, regional governments or local authorities and bonds that are fully, unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the European Central Bank, Member States' central government and central banks denominated and funded in the domestic currency of that central government and the central bank, multilateral development banks referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 117 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 or international organisations referred to in Article 118 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, where the guarantee meets the requirements set out in Article 215 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where the split between bonds, structured products and collateralised securities is not available, this item shall not be reported.


Corporate Bonds

Bonds issued by corporations

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where– the split between bonds, structured products and collateralised securities is not available, this item shall not be reported.


Structured notes

Hybrid securities, combining a fixed income (return in a form of fixed payments) instrument with a series of derivative components. Excluded from this category are fixed income securities that are issued by sovereign governments. Concerns securities that have embedded any categories of derivatives, including Credit Default Swaps (‘CDS’), Constant Maturity Swaps (‘CMS’), Credit Default Options (‘CDOp’). Assets under this category are not subject to unbundling.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where– the split between bonds, structured products and collateralised securities is not available, this item shall not be reported.


Collateralised securities

Securities whose value and payments are derived from a portfolio of underlying assets. Includes Asset Backed Securities (‘ABS’), Mortgage Backed securities (‘MBS’), Commercial Mortgage Backed securities (‘CMBS’), Collateralised Debt Obligations (‘CDO’), Collateralised Loan Obligations (‘CLO’), Collateralised Mortgage Obligations (‘CMO’)

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where the split between bonds, structured products and collateralised securities is not available, this item shall not be reported.


Collective Investments Undertakings

Collective investment undertaking means an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (‘UCITS’) as defined in Article 1(2) of Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council or an alternative investment fund (AIF) as defined in Article 4(1)(a) of Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.



A financial instrument or other contract with all three of the following characteristics:

(a)  Its value changes in response to the change in a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange (‘FX’) rate, index of prices or rates, credit rating or credit index, or other variable, provided in the case of a non–financial variable that the variable is not specific to a party to the contract (sometimes called the ‘underlying’).

(b)  It requires no initial net investment or an initial net investment that is smaller than would be required for other types of contracts that would be expected to have a similar response to changes in market factors.

(c)  It is settled at a future date.

Solvency II value, only if positive, of the derivative as of the reporting date is reported here (in case of negative value, see R0790).


Deposits other than cash equivalents

Deposits other than cash equivalents that cannot be used to make payments until before a specific maturity date and that are not exchangeable for currency or transferable deposits without any kind of significant restriction or penalty.


Other investments

Other investments not covered already within investments reported above.


Assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts

Assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts (classified in line of business 31 as defined in Annex I of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35).


Loans and mortgages

This is the total amount of loans and mortgages, i.e. financial assets created when undertakings lend funds, either with or without collateral, including cash pools.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020) — where the split of the split of loans & mortgages is not available, this item shall reflect the sum


Loans on policies

Loans made to policyholders, collateralised on policies (underlying technical provisions).

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where– the split between loans on policies, loans on mortgages to individuals and other loans and mortgages is not available, this item shall not be reported.


Loans and mortgages to individuals

Financial assets created when creditors lend funds to debtors — individuals, with collateral or not, including cash pools.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where– the split between loans on policies, loans on mortgages to individuals and other loans and mortgages is not available, this item shall not be reported.


Other loans and mortgages

Financial assets created when creditors lend funds to debtors — others, not classifiable in item R0240 or R0250, with collateral or not, including cash pools.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where– the split between loans on policies, loans on mortgages to individuals and other loans and mortgages is not available, this item shall not be reported.


Reinsurance recoverables from:

This is the total amount of reinsurance recoverables. It corresponds to the amount of reinsurer share of technical provisions (including Finite reinsurance and SPV).


Non–life and health similar to non–life

Reinsurance recoverables in respect of technical provisions for non–life and health similar to non–life.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where the split between non–life excluding health and health similar to non–life is not available this item shall reflect the sum.


Non–life excluding health

Reinsurance recoverables in respect of technical provisions for non–life business, excluding technical provisions for health– similar to non –life


Health similar to non–life

Reinsurance recoverables in respect of technical provisions for health similar to non — life.


Life and health similar to life, excluding health and index–linked and unit–linked

Reinsurance recoverable in respect of technical provisions for life and health similar to life, excluding health and index–linked and unit–linked

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where the split between life excluding health and index–linked and unit–linked and health similar to life is not available, this item shall reflect the sum.


Health similar to life

Reinsurance recoverables in respect of technical provisions for health–similar to life.


Life excluding health and index–linked and unit–linked

Reinsurance recoverables in respect of technical provisions for life business, excluding technical provisions health–similar to life techniques and technical provisions for index–linked and unit–linked.


Life index–linked and unit–linked

Reinsurance recoverables in respect of technical provisions for life index–linked and unit–linked business.


Deposits to cedants

Deposits relating to reinsurance accepted.


Insurance and intermediaries receivables

 Amounts for payment by policyholders, insurers and other linked to insurance business that are not included in technical provisions.

It shall include receivables from reinsurance accepted.

For Solvency II column (C0010) this cell shall only include amounts past-due.


Reinsurance receivables

 Amounts for payment by reinsurers and linked to reinsurance business that are not included in reinsurance recoverables.

It might include: the amounts from receivables from reinsurers that relate to settled claims of policyholders or beneficiaries; receivables from reinsurers in relation to other than insurance events or settled insurance claims, for example commissions.

For Solvency II column (C0010) this cell shall only include amounts past-due.


Receivables (trade, not insurance)

Includes amounts receivables from employees or various business partners (not insurance–related), including public entities.


Own shares (held directly)

This is the total amount of own shares held directly by the undertaking.


Amounts due in respect of own fund items or initial fund called up but not yet paid in

Value of the amount due in respect of own fund items or initial fund called up but not yet paid in.


Cash and cash equivalents

Notes and coins in circulation that are commonly used to make payments, and deposits exchangeable for currency on demand at par and which are directly usable for making payments by cheque, draft, giro order, direct debit/credit, or other direct payment facility, without penalty or restriction.

Bank accounts shall not be netted off, thus only positive accounts shall be recognised in this item and bank overdrafts shown within liabilities unless where both legal right of offset and demonstrable intention to settle net exist.


Any other assets, not elsewhere shown

This is the amount of any other assets not elsewhere already included within balance Sheet items.


Total assets

This is the overall total amount of all assets.



Technical provisions — non–life

Sum of the technical provisions non–life.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of Minimum capital requirement (‘MCR’) calculation.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where the split of technical provisions for non –life between non — life (excluding health) and health (similar to non — life) is not possible, this item shall reflect the sum.


Technical provisions — non–life (excluding health)

This is the total amount of technical provisions for non — life business (excluding health).

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — non–life (excluding health) — technical provisions calculated as a whole

This is the total amount of technical provisions calculated as whole (replicable/hedgeable portfolio) for non — life business (excluding health).

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — non–life (excluding health) — Best estimate

This is the total amount of best estimate of technical provisions for non — life business (excluding health).

Best estimate shall be reported gross of reinsurance.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — non–life (excluding health) — Risk margin

This is the total amount of risk margin of technical provisions for non — life business (excluding health).

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — health (similar to non–life)

This is the total amount of technical provisions for health (similar to non — life).

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — health (similar to non–life) — technical provisions calculated as a whole

This is the total amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole (replicable/hedgeable portfolio) for health (similar to non–life).

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — health(similar to non –life) — Best estimate

This is the total amount of best estimate of technical provisions for health business (similar to non–life).

Best estimate shall be reported gross of reinsurance.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — health (similar to non — life) — Risk margin

This is the total amount of risk margin of technical provisions for health business (similar to non–life).

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — life (excluding index–linked and unit–linked)

Sum of the technical provisions life (excluding index–linked and unit–linked).

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where the split of technical provisions life (excluding index — linked and unit — linked) between health (similar to life) and life (excluding health, index– linked and unit — linked) is not possible, this item shall reflect the sum.


Technical provisions — health (similar to life)

This is the total amount of technical provisions for health (similar to life) business.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — health (similar to life) — technical provisions calculated as a whole

This is the total amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole (replicable/hedgeable portfolio) for health (similar to life) business.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — health (similar to life) — Best estimate

This is the total amount of best estimate of technical provisions for health (similar to life) business.

Best estimate shall be reported gross of reinsurance.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — health (similar to life) — Risk margin

This is the total amount of risk margin of technical provisions for health (similar to life) business.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — life (excl. health and index–linked and unit–linked)

This is the total amount of technical provisions for life (excluding health and index — linked and unit — linked) business.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — life (excl. health and index–linked and unit–linked) — technical provisions calculated as a whole

This is the total amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole (replicable/hedgeable portfolio) for life (excluding health and index — linked and unit — linked) business.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — life (excl. health and index–linked and unit–linked) — Best estimate

This is the total amount of best estimate of technical provisions for life (excluding health and index — linked and unit — linked) business.

Best estimate shall be reported gross of reinsurance.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — life (excl. health and index–linked and unit–linked) — Risk margin

This is the total amount of risk margin of technical provisions for life (excluding health and index — linked and unit — linked) business.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked

This is the total amount of technical provisions for index — linked and unit — linked business.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked — technical provisions calculated as a whole

This is the total amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole (replicable/hedgeable portfolio) for index — linked and unit — linked business.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked — Best estimate

This is the total amount of best estimate of technical provisions for index — linked and unit — linked business.

Best estimate shall be reported gross of reinsurance

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked — Risk margin

This is the total amount of risk margin of technical provisions for index — linked and unit — linked business.

This amount shall include the apportionment from the transitional deduction to technical provisions in accordance with the contributory methodology used for the purposes of MCR calculation.


Other technical provisions

Other technical provisions, as recognised by undertakings in their statutory accounts, in accordance with the local GAAP or IFRS.


Contingent liabilities

A contingent liability is defined as:

a)  a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non–occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or

b)  a present obligation that arises from past events even if:

(i)  it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; or

(ii)  the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.

The amount of contingent liabilities recognised in the balance sheet shall follow the criteria set in Article 11 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Provisions other than technical provisions

Liabilities of uncertain timing or amount, excluding the ones reported under ‘Pension benefit obligations’.

The provisions are recognised as liabilities (assuming that a reliable estimate can be made) when they represent obligations and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligations.


Pension benefit obligations

This is the total net obligations related to employees' pension scheme.


Deposits from reinsurers

Amounts (e.g. cash) received from reinsurer or deducted by the reinsurer according to the reinsurance contract.


Deferred tax liabilities

Deferred tax liabilities are the amounts of income taxes payable in future periods in respect of taxable temporary differences.



A financial instrument or other contract with all three of the following characteristics:

(a)  Its value changes in response to the change in a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates, credit rating or credit index, or other variable, provided in the case of a non–financial variable that the variable is not specific to a party to the contract (sometimes called the ‘underlying’).

(b)  It requires no initial net investment or an initial net investment that is smaller than would be required for other types of contracts that would be expected to have a similar response to changes in market factors.

(c)  It is settled at a future date.

Only derivative liabilities shall be reported on this row (i.e. derivatives with negative values as of the reporting date.) Derivatives assets shall be reported under C0010–C0020/R0190.

Undertakings which do not value derivatives in their Local GAAP do not need to provide a financial statements value.


Debts owed to credit institutions

Debts, such as mortgage and loans, owed to credit institutions, excluding bonds held by credit institutions (it is not possible for the undertaking to identify all the holders of the bonds that it issues) and subordinated liabilities. It This shall also include bank overdrafts.

C0010–C0020/R0810  —

Financial liabilities other than debts owed to credit institutions

Financial liabilities including bonds issued by undertaking (held by credit institutions or not), structured notes issued by the undertaking itself and mortgage and loans due to other entities than credit institutions.

Subordinated liabilities shall not be included here.


Insurance and intermediaries payables

 Amounts payable to policyholders, insurers and other business linked to insurance that are not included in technical provisions.

Includes amounts payable to (re)insurance intermediaries (e.g. commissions due to intermediaries but not yet paid by the undertaking).

Excludes loans & mortgages due to other insurance companies, if they only relate to financing and are not linked to insurance business (such loans and mortgages shall be reported as financial liabilities).

It shall include payables from reinsurance accepted.

For Solvency II column (C0010) this cell shall only include amounts past-due


Reinsurance payables

 Amounts payable to reinsurers (in particular current accounts) other than deposits linked to reinsurance business that are not included in reinsurance recoverables.

Includes payables to reinsurers that relate to ceded premiums.

For Solvency II column (C0010) this cell shall only include amounts past-due.


Payables (trade, not insurance)

This is the total amount trade payables, including amounts due to employees, suppliers, etc. and not insurance–related, parallel to receivables (trade, not insurance) on asset side; includes public entities.


Subordinated liabilities

Subordinated liabilities are debts which rank after other specified debts when undertaking is liquidated. This is the total of subordinated liabilities classified as Basic Own Funds and those that are not included in Basic Own Funds.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where the split between subordinated liabilities not in basic own funds and subordinated liabilities in basic own funds is not available, this item shall reflect the sum.


Subordinated liabilities not in Basic Own Funds

Subordinated liabilities are debts which rank after other specified debts when undertaking is liquidated. Other debts may be even more deeply subordinated. Only subordinated liabilities that are not classified in Basic Own Funds shall be presented here.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where the split between subordinated liabilities not in basic own funds and subordinated liabilities in basic own funds is not available, this item shall not be reported.


Subordinated liabilities in Basic Own Funds

Subordinated liabilities classified in Basic Own Funds.

With regard to ‘statutory accounts values’ column (C0020), where– the split between subordinated liabilities not in basic own funds and subordinated liabilities in basic own funds is not available, this item shall not be reported.


Any other liabilities, not elsewhere shown

This is the total of any other liabilities, not elsewhere already included in other Balance Sheet items.


Total liabilities

This is the overall total amount of all liabilities


Excess of assets over liabilities

This is the total of undertaking's excess of assets over liabilities, valued in accordance with Solvency II valuation basis. Value of the assets minus liabilities.


Excess of assets over liabilities

(statutory accounts value)

This is the total of excess of assets over liabilities of statutory accounts value column.

S.02.02 — Assets and liabilities by currency

General comment:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template is to be filled in accordance to the Balance sheet (S.02.01). Valuation principles are laid down in Directive 2009/138/EC, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Solvency II Technical Standards and Guidelines.

This template is not required to be submitted if one single currency represents more than 90 % of assets and also of liabilities.

If submitted, information on the reporting currency shall always be reported regardless of the amount of assets and liabilities. Information reported by currency shall at least represent 90 % of the total assets and of the total liabilities. The remaining 10 % shall be aggregated. If a specific currency has to be reported for either assets or liabilities to comply with the 90 % rule then that currency shall be reported for both assets and liabilities.






Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of each currency to be reported.


Total value of all currencies — Investments (other than assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the total value of the investments (other than assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Investments (other than assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the value of the investments (other than assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for the reporting currency.


Value of the remaining other currencies — Investments (other than assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the total value of the investments (other than assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0020) and in the material currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0020).


Value of material currencies — Investments (other than assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the value of the investments (other than assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for each of the currencies required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Other assets: Property, plant & equipment held for own use, Cash and cash equivalents, Loans on policies, Loans & mortgages to individuals and Other loans & mortgages (other than index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the total value of other assets: Property, plant & equipment held for own use, Cash and cash equivalents, Loans on policies, Loans & mortgages to individuals and Other loans & mortgages (other than index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Other assets: Property, plant & equipment held for own use, Cash and cash equivalents, Loans on policies, Loans & mortgages to individuals and Other loans & mortgages (other than index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the value of the other assets: Property, plant & equipment held for own use, Cash and cash equivalents, Loans on policies, Loans & mortgages to individuals and Other loans & mortgages (other than index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Other assets: Property, plant & equipment held for own use, Cash and cash equivalents, Loans on policies, Loans & mortgages to individuals and Other loans & mortgages (other than index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the total value the other assets: Property, plant & equipment held for own use, Cash and cash equivalents, Loans on policies, Loans & mortgages to individuals and Other loans & mortgages (other than index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0030) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0030).


Value of material currencies — Other assets: Property, plant & equipment held for own use, Cash and cash equivalents, Loans on policies, Loans & mortgages to individuals and Other loans & mortgages (other than index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the value of the other assets: Property, plant & equipment held for own use, Cash and cash equivalents, Loans on policies, Loans & mortgages to individuals and Other loans & mortgages (other than index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for each of the currencies required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts

Report the total value of the assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts

Report the value of the assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts

Report the total value of the assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0040) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0040).


Value of material currencies — Assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts

Report the value of the assets held for index–linked and unit–linked contracts for all currencies required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Reinsurance recoverables

Report the total value of the reinsurance recoverables for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Reinsurance recoverables

Report the value of the reinsurance recoverables for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Reinsurance recoverables

Report the total value of the reinsurance recoverables for remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0050) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0050).


Value of material currencies — Reinsurance recoverables

Report the value of the Reinsurance recoverables for each of the currencies required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Deposits to cedants, insurance and intermediaries receivables and reinsurance receivables

Report the total value of the deposits to cedants, insurance and intermediaries receivables and reinsurance receivables for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Deposits to cedants, insurance and intermediaries receivables and reinsurance receivables

Report the value of the deposits to cedants, insurance and intermediaries receivables and reinsurance receivables for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Deposits to cedants, insurance and intermediaries receivables and reinsurance receivables

Report the value of the deposits to cedants, insurance and intermediaries receivables and reinsurance receivables for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0060) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0060).


Value of material currencies — Deposits to cedants, insurance and intermediaries receivables and reinsurance receivables

Report the value of the deposits to cedants, insurance and intermediaries receivables and reinsurance receivables for each of the currencies required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Any other assets

Report the total value of any other assets for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Any other assets

Report the value of any other assets for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Any other assets

Report the total value of any other assets for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0070) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0070).


Value of material currencies — Any other assets

Report the value of any other assets for each of the currencies required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Total assets

Report the total value of the total assets for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Total assets

Report the value of total assets for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Total assets

Report the value of total assets for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0100) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0100).


Value of material currencies — Total assets

Report the value of total assets for each of the currencies required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Technical provisions (excluding index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the total value of the technical provisions (excl. index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Technical provisions (excluding index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the value of the technical provisions (excl. index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for the reporting currency


Value of remaining other currencies — Technical provisions (excluding index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the total value of the technical provisions (excl. index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0110) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0110).


Value of material currencies — Technical provisions (excluding index–linked and unit–linked contracts)

Report the value of the Technical provisions (excl. index–linked and unit–linked contracts) for each of the currencies required to be reported separately


Total value of all currencies — Technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked contracts

Report the total value of the technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked contracts for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked contracts

Report the value of the technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked contracts for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked contracts

Report the value of the technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked contracts for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0120) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0120).


Value of material currencies — Technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked contracts

Report the value of the technical provisions — index–linked and unit–linked contracts for each of the currencies required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Deposits from reinsurers and insurance, intermediaries and reinsurance payables

 Report the total value of the deposits from reinsurers, insurance and intermediaries payables and reinsurance payables for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Deposits from reinsurers and insurance, intermediaries and reinsurance payables

 Report the value of the deposits from reinsurers, insurance and intermediaries payables and reinsurance payables for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Deposits from reinsurers and insurance, intermediaries and reinsurance payables

Report the value of the deposits from reinsurers, insurance and intermediaries payables and reinsurance payables for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.
This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0130) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0130).


Value of material currencies — Deposits from reinsurers and insurance, intermediaries and reinsurance payables

 Report the value of the deposits from reinsurers, insurance and intermediaries payables and reinsurance payables for each of the currencies required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Derivatives

Report the total value of the derivatives for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Derivatives

Report the value of the derivatives for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Derivatives

Report the total value of the derivatives for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0140) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0140).


Value of material currencies — Derivatives

Report the value of the derivatives for each of the currency required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Financial liabilities

Report the total value of the financial liabilities for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Financial liabilities

Report the value of the financial liabilities for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Financial liabilities

Report the total value of the financial liabilities for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0150) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0150).


Value of material currencies — Financial liabilities

Report the value of the financial liabilities for each of the currencies required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Contingent liabilities

Report the total value of the Contingent liabilities for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Contingent liabilities

Report the value of the contingent liabilities for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Contingent liabilities

Report the total value of the contingent liabilities for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0160) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0160).


Value of material currencies — Contingent liabilities

Report the value of the contingent liabilities for each of the currencies required to be reported separately


Total value of all currencies — Any other liabilities

Report the total value of any other liabilities for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Any other liabilities

Report the value of any other liabilities for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Any other liabilities

Report the total value of any other liabilities for remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0170) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0170).


Value of material currencies — Any other liabilities

Report the value of any other liabilities for each of the currencies required to be reported separately.


Total value of all currencies — Total liabilities

Report the total value of the total liabilities for all currencies.


Value of the reporting currency — Total liabilities

Report the value of total liabilities for the reporting currency.


Value of remaining other currencies — Total liabilities

Report the total value of total liabilities for the remaining currencies that are not reported by currency.

This means that this cell excludes the amount reported in the reporting currency (C0030/R0200) and in the currencies reported by currency (C0050/R0200).


Value of material currencies — Total liabilities

Report the value of total liabilities for each of the currency required to be reported separately.

S.03.01 — Off–balance sheet items — General

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This section includes the information referring to off–balance sheet items and the maximum and solvency II value of contingent liabilities in Solvency II balance sheet.

As regards the Solvency II value, the instructions define the items from a recognition perspective. Valuation principles are laid down in Directive 2009/138/EC, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Solvency II Technical Standards and Guidelines.

Guarantees require the issuer to make specified payments to reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs if a specified debtor fails to make payment when due under the original or modified terms of a debt instrument. These guarantees can have various legal forms, such as financial guarantees, letters of credit, credit default contracts. These items shall not include guarantees stemming from insurance contracts, which are recognised in technical provisions.

A contingent liability is defined as:


a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non–occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or


a present obligation that arises from past events even if:


it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; or


the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.

Collateral is an asset with a monetary value or a commitment that secure the lender against the defaults of the borrower.

The guarantees listed in this template are not reported in S.03.02 and S.03.03. This means that only limited guarantees are to be reported in this template.





Maximum value — Guarantees provided by the undertaking, including letters of credit

Sum of all possible cash out–flows related to guarantees if events triggering guarantees were all to happen in relation to guarantees provided by the undertaking to another party. It includes cash–flows related to letter of credit.

In case any guarantee is also identified as contingent liability under R0310, the maximum amount shall also be included in this row.


Maximum value — Guarantees provided by the undertaking, including letters of credit, of which, guarantees, including letters of credit provided to other undertakings of the same group

Part of C0010/R0010 related to guarantees, including letters of credit, provided to other undertakings of the same group.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Guarantees provided by the undertaking, including letters of credit

Solvency II value of the guarantees provided by the undertaking, including letters of credit


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Guarantees provided by the undertaking, including letters of credit, of which, guarantees, including letters of credit provided to other undertakings of the same group

Part of C0020/R0010 related guarantees, including letters of credit provided to other undertakings of the same group.


Maximum value — Guarantees received by the undertaking, including letters of credit

Sum of all possible cash in–flows related to guarantees if events triggering guarantees were all to happen in relation to guarantees received by the undertaking from another party to guarantee the payment of the liabilities due by the undertaking (includes letter of credit, undrawn committed borrowing facilities).


Maximum value — Guarantees received by the undertaking, including letters of credit, of which, guarantees, including letters of credit received from other undertakings of the same group

Part of C0010/R0030 related to guarantees, including letters of credit received from other undertakings of the same group.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Guarantees received by the undertaking, including letters of credit

Solvency II value of the guarantees received by the undertaking, including letters of credit.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Guarantees received by the undertaking, including letters of credit, of which, guarantees, including letters of credit received from other undertakings of the same group

Part of C0020/R0030 related to guarantees, including letters of credit received from other undertakings of the same group.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities –Collateral held for loans made or bonds purchased

Solvency II value of the collaterals held for loans made or bonds purchased.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities –Collateral held for derivatives

Solvency II value of the collaterals held for derivatives.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Assets pledged by reinsurers for ceded technical provisions

Solvency II value of the assets pledged by reinsurers for ceded technical provisions.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Other collateral held

Solvency II value of other collaterals held.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities –Total collateral held

Total Solvency II value of the collaterals held.


Value of assets for which collateral is held — Collateral held for loans made or bonds purchased

Solvency II value of the assets for which the collateral for loans made or bonds purchased is held.


Value of assets for which collateral is held — Collateral held for derivatives

Solvency II value of the assets for which the collateral for derivatives is held.


Value of assets for which collateral is held — Assets pledged by reinsurers for ceded technical provisions

Solvency II value of the assets for which the collateral on assets pledged by reinsurers for ceded technical provisions is held.


Value of assets for which collateral is held — Other collateral held

Solvency II value of the assets for which the other collateral is held.


Value of assets for which collateral is held — Total collateral held

Total Solvency II value of the assets for which the total collateral is held.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Collateral pledged for loans received or bonds issued

Solvency II value of the collaterals pledged for loans received or bonds issued.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Collateral pledged for derivatives

Solvency II value of the collaterals pledged for derivatives.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Assets pledged to cedants for technical provisions (reinsurance accepted)

Solvency II value of the assets pledged to cedants for technical provisions (reinsurance accepted).


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Other collateral pledged

Solvency II value of the collateral pledged for other collateral.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Total collateral pledged

Total Solvency II value of the collateral pledged.


Value of liabilities for which collateral is pledged — Collateral pledged for loans received or bonds issued

Solvency II value of the liabilities for which the collateral for loans received or bonds issued is pledged.


Value of liabilities for which collateral is pledged — Collateral pledged for derivatives

Solvency II value of the liabilities for which the collateral for derivatives is pledged.


Value of liabilities for which collateral is pledged — Assets pledged to cedants for technical provisions (reinsurance accepted)

Solvency II value of the liabilities for which the assets are pledged to cedants for technical provisions (reinsurance accepted).


Value of liabilities for which collateral is pledged — Other collateral pledged

Solvency II value of the liabilities for which other collateral is pledged.


Value of liabilities for which collateral is pledged — Total collateral pledged

Total Solvency II value of the liabilities for which the collateral is pledged.


Maximum value — Contingent liabilities not in Solvency II Balance Sheet

Maximum possible value, regardless of their probability (i.e. future cash out–flows required to settle the contingent liability over the lifetime of that contingent liability, discounted at the relevant risk–free interest rate term structure) of contingent liabilities that are not included in those valued in Solvency II Balance Sheet (item C0010/R0740 of S.02.01).

This shall relate to contingent liabilities that are not material.

This amount shall include guarantees reported in R0010 if considered as contingent liabilities.


Maximum value — Contingent liabilities not in Solvency II Balance Sheet, of which contingent liabilities toward entities of the same group

Part of C0010/R0310 related to contingent liabilities toward entities of the same group.


Maximum value — Contingent liabilities in Solvency II Balance Sheet

Maximum possible value, regardless of their probability (i.e. future cash out– flows required to settle the contingent liability over the lifetime of that contingent liability, discounted at the relevant risk–free interest rate term structure) of contingent liabilities that are valued in Solvency II Balance Sheet as defined in Article 11 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Maximum value — Total Contingent liabilities

Total maximum possible value regardless of their probability (i.e. future cash flows required to settle the contingent liability over the lifetime of that contingent liability, discounted at the relevant risk–free interest rate term structure) of contingent liabilities..


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Contingent liabilities not in Solvency II Balance Sheet

Solvency II value of the contingent liabilities not in Solvency II Balance Sheet.


Value of guarantee/collateral/contingent liabilities — Contingent liabilities in Solvency II Balance Sheet

Solvency II value of the contingent liabilities in Solvency II Balance Sheet. This value shall only be reported in relation to contingent liabilities for which a value in item C0010/R0330 in S.03.01 was reported.

If this value is lower than C0010/R0740 in S.02.01 an explanation shall be provided in the narrative reporting.

S.03.02 — Off Balance–sheet items — list of unlimited guarantees received

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

As regards the Solvency II value, the instructions define the items from a recognition perspective. Valuation principles are laid down in Directive 2009/138/EC, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Solvency II Technical Standards and Guidelines.

Unlimited guarantees refer to guarantees with unlimited amount, regardless of the date being limited or unlimited.

The guarantees listed in this template are not reported in S.03.01.





Code of guarantee

Code of guarantee received. This number, attributed by the undertaking, must be unique and consistent over time. It shall not be reused for other guarantees.


Name of provider of guarantee

Identification of the name of the provider of the guarantee


Code of provider of guarantee

Identification code of provider using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If not available this item shall not be reported.


Type of code of provider of guarantee

Identification of the code used for the ‘Code of provider of guarantee’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None


Provider of guarantee belonging to the same group

Indication if provider of the guarantee belongs to the same group as the undertaking.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Belonging to the same group

2 — Not belonging to the same group


Triggering event(s) of guarantee

Identify the triggering event. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Bankruptcy filing International Swaps and Derivatives Association (‘ISDA’) credit event

2 — Downgrading by a rating agency

3 — Fall of SCR below a threshold but higher than 100 %

4 — Fall of MCR below a threshold but higher than 100 %

5 — Breach of SCR

6 — Breach of MCR

7 — Non–payment of a contractual obligation

8 — Fraud

9 — Breach of contractual obligation linked with the disposal of assets

10 — Breach of contractual obligation linked with the acquisition of assets

0 — Other


Specific triggering event (s) of guarantee

Description of the triggering event in case undertakings selected ‘0 — Other’ for item C0060 ‘Triggering event(s) of guarantee’.


Effective date of guarantee

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the starting date of the coverage of the contract.


Ancillary Own Funds

Indication if the guarantee is classified as Ancillary Own Fund and is presented in the following items of S.23.01:

— Letters of credit and guarantees under Article 96(2) of the Directive 2009/138/EC (C0010/R0340)

— Letters of credit and guarantees other than under Article 96(2) of the Directive 2009/138/EC (C0010/R0350)

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Ancillary own fund

2 — Not an ancillary own fund

S.03.03 — Off Balance–sheet items — List of unlimited guarantees provided by the undertaking

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

As regards the Solvency II value, the instructions define the items from a recognition perspective. Valuation principles are laid down in Directive 2009/138/EC, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Solvency II Technical Standards and Guidelines.

Unlimited guarantees refer to guarantees with unlimited amount, regardless of the date being limited or unlimited.

The guarantees listed in this template are not reported in S.03.01.





Code of guarantee

Code of guarantee provided. This number, attributed by the undertaking, must be unique and consistent over time. It shall not be reused for other guarantees.


Name of receiver of guarantee

Identification of the name of the receiver of the guarantee.


Code of receiver of guarantee

Identification code of receiver of guarantee using the using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If none is available this item shall not be reported.


Type of code of receiver of guarantee

Identification of the code used for the ‘code of receiver of guarantee’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None


Receiver of guarantee belonging to the same group

Indication if the receiver of the guarantee belongs to the same group as undertaking.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Belonging to the same group

2 — Not belonging to the same group


Triggering event(s) of guarantee

List of triggering events. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Bankruptcy filing ISDA credit event

2 — Downgrading by a rating agency

3 — Fall of SCR below a threshold but higher than 100 %

4 — Fall of MCR below a threshold but higher than 100 %

5 — Breach of SCR

6 — Breach of MCR

7 — Non–payment of a contractual obligation

8 — Fraud

9 — Breach of contractual obligation linked with the disposal of assets

10 — Breach of contractual obligation linked with the acquisition of assets

0 — Other


Estimation of the maximum value of guarantee

Sum of all possible cash flows if events triggering guarantees were all to happen in relation to guarantees provided by the undertaking to another party


Specific triggering event(s) of guarantee

Description of the triggering event in case undertakings selected ‘0 — Other’ for item C0060 ‘Triggering event(s) of guarantee’


Effective date of guarantee

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date indicating the start of the guarantee being valid.

S.04.01 — Activity by country

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template is to be reported from an accounting perspective, i.e.: Local GAAP or IFRS if accepted as local GAAP. It shall however be fulfilled using the lines of business as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. Undertakings shall use the recognition and valuation basis as for the published financial statements, no new recognition or re–valuation is required, except for the classification between investment contracts and insurance contracts when this is applicable in the financial statements. This template shall include all insurance business regardless of the possible different classification between investment contracts and insurance contracts applicable in the financial statements.

When the insurance and reinsurance undertaking has business outside the home–country information shall be reported distinguishing between the home country, each of the other countries belonging to the European Economic Area and material non–EEA countries;


The information in relation to EEA countries shall cover the following:


Business underwritten by the undertaking in the country where it is established;


Business underwritten by the undertaking under freedom to provide services (‘FPS’) in other EEA members;


Business underwritten by each EEA branch in the country where they are established;


Business underwritten by each EEA branch under freedom to provide services in other EEA members;


Premiums written in the country under freedom to provide services by the undertaking or any of the undertaking's EEA branches;


Material non–EEA shall be reported when needed to report at least 90 % of the gross written premiums or if gross written premiums of a non–EEA country are higher than 5 % of the total gross written premiums;


The information not reported by non–EEA country shall be reported as a sum. The localisation of business by country shall depend on where the business is underwritten, meaning that the business performed by a branch under FPS shall be reported under the country where the branch is established.

Information shall include direct business and accepted reinsurance business and be presented gross, without deduction of reinsurance ceded.





Line of Business

Identification of the line of business as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, reported. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Medical expense insurance

2 — Income protection insurance

3 — Workers' compensation insurance

4 — Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — Other motor insurance

6 — Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — General liability insurance

9 — Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — Legal expenses insurance

11 — Assistance

12 — Miscellaneous financial loss

13 — Proportional medical expense reinsurance

14 — Proportional income protection reinsurance

15 — Proportional workers' compensation reinsurance

16 — Proportional motor vehicle liability reinsurance

17 — Proportional other motor reinsurance

18 — Proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

19 — Proportional fire and other damage to property reinsurance

20 — Proportional general liability reinsurance

21 — Proportional credit and suretyship reinsurance

22 — Proportional legal expenses reinsurance

23 — Proportional assistance reinsurance

24 — Proportional miscellaneous financial loss reinsurance

25 — Non–proportional health reinsurance

26 — Non–proportional casualty reinsurance

27 — Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

28 — Non–proportional property reinsurance

29 — Health insurance

30 — Insurance with profit participation

31 — Index–linked and unit–linked insurance

32 — Other life insurance

33 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations

34 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligations other than health insurance obligations

35 — Health reinsurance

36 — Life reinsurance


Undertaking — Business underwritten in the home country, by the undertaking

Amount of business underwritten in the home country, by the undertaking.

 This excludes the business underwritten by branches and it excludes the business underwritten through FPS, by the undertaking in the EEA countries.


Undertaking — Business underwritten through FPS, by the undertaking in the EEA countries different from the home country

Business underwritten through FPS, by the undertaking in the EEA countries different from the home country.

This excludes the business underwritten by branches.


Undertaking — Business underwritten through FPS in the home country, by any EEA branch

Business underwritten through FPS in the home country, by any EEA branch


All EEA members — Total business underwritten by all EEA branches in the country where they are established

Total of business underwritten by EEA branches in the country where they are established.

This shall be the sum of C0080 for all branches.


All EEA members — Total business underwritten through FPS, by all EEA branches

Total of business underwritten through FPS by EEA branches in countries of EEA where they are not established.

This shall be the sum of C0090 for all branches.


All EEA members — Total of the business underwritten through FPS by the undertaking and all EEA branches

 Total of business underwritten through FPS by the undertaking and all EEA branches in EEA countries where they are not established except FPS by branches in the home country of the undertaking.

 This shall be the sum of C0100 for the undertaking and all branches.


Total business underwritten by all non–EEA branches

Amount of the business underwritten by all non–EEA branches.


By EEA member — Business underwritten in the considered country, by the EEA branch established in this country

Amount of business underwritten in the country, by the EEA branch that is established in this country.


By EEA member — Business underwritten through FPS, by the EEA branch established in the considered country

Amount of business underwritten through FPS, by the EEA branch in the EEA countries where it is not established.


By EEA member — Business underwritten in the considered country through FPS, by the undertaking or any EEA branch

Amount of business underwritten through FPS, by the undertaking or any EEA branch in the considered country.

This column shall be reported in relation to all EEA countries were the undertaking or any branch does business through FPS, except for the home country. In this latter case the relevant amount shall be reported in C0030.


By material non–EEA member — Business underwritten by material non–EEA country branches

Amount of business underwritten by material non–EEA country branches in the country where it is established.



ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the EEA member where branch is established.


By EEA member — Country

ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the EEA member where the branch is established


By EEA member — Country

ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the EEA member where FPS is done


By material non–EEA member — Country

ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the non–EEA member where branch is established


Premiums written

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts due during the financial year in respect of insurance contracts, regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later financial year.


Claims incurred

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the financial year related to insurance contracts.

This shall exclude claims management expenses.



Acquisition expenses incurred, including renewal expenses, which can be identified at the level of individual insurance contract and have been incurred because the undertaking has issued that particular contract. These are commission costs, costs of selling, underwriting and initiating an insurance contract that has been issued. It includes movements in deferred acquisition costs.

For reinsurance undertakings, definition shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

S.04.02 — Information on class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency II Directive, excluding carrier's liability

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template is to be reported according to Article 159 of directive 2009/138/EC and addresses only direct business.

Information shall be reported in relation to freedom to provide services performed by the undertaking and by EEA country, identifying separately the business performed by branch and through freedom to provide services.






ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the EEA member where the branch is located


Undertaking — FPS — Frequency of claims for Motor Vehicle Liability (except carrier's liability)

Number of claims, in relation to the business performed by the undertaking through freedom to provide services, incurred with regard to class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency II Directive (except carrier's liability), over the average insured vehicles in the reporting period. The average insured vehicles correspond to the mean between the number of insured vehicles at the end of the reporting year and the number of insured vehicles at the end of the year before the reporting year. Claims without any incurred amounts shall not be taken into account.


Undertaking — FPS — Average cost of claims for Motor Vehicle Liability (except carrier's liability)

Average of claims incurred, in relation to the business performed by the undertaking through freedom to provide services, with regard to class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency II Directive (except carrier's liability), measured as amount of claims incurred divided by the number of claims incurred. Claims without any incurred amounts shall not be taken into account.


Branch — Frequency of claims for Motor Vehicle Liability (except carrier's liability)

Number of claims, for each branch in relation to the business performed in the country where the branch is established, incurred with regard to class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency II Directive (except carrier's liability), over the average insured vehicles in the reporting period. The average insured vehicles correspond to the mean between the number of insured vehicles at the end of the reporting year and the number of insured vehicles at the end of the year before the reporting year. Claims without any incurred amounts shall not be taken into account.


FPS — Frequency of claims for Motor Vehicle Liability (except carrier's liability)

Number of claims, for each branch in relation to the business performed through freedom to provide services, incurred with regard to class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency II Directive (except carrier's liability), over the average insured vehicles in the reporting period. The average insured vehicles correspond to the mean between the number of insured vehicles at the end of the reporting year and the number of insured vehicles at the end of the year before the reporting year. Claims without any incurred amounts shall not be taken into account.


Branch — Average cost of claims for Motor Vehicle Liability (except carrier's liability)

Average of claims incurred, for each branch in relation to the business performed in the country where the branch is established, with regard to class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency II Directive (except carrier's liability), measured as amount of claims incurred divided by the number of claims incurred. Claims without any incurred amounts shall not be taken into account.


FPS — Average cost of claims for Motor Vehicle Liability (except carrier's liability)

Average of claims incurred, for each branch in relation to the business performed through freedom to provide services, with regard to class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency II Directive (except carrier's liability), measured as amount of claims incurred divided by the number of claims incurred. Claims without any incurred amounts shall not be taken into account.

S.05.01 — Premiums, claims and expenses by line of business

General comments

This section relates to quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template shall be reported from an accounting perspective, i.e.: Local GAAP or IFRS if accepted as local GAAP but using Solvency II lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. Undertakings shall use the recognition and valuation basis as for the published financial statements, no new recognition or re–valuation is required. The template is based on a year–to–date basis.  , except for the classification between investment contracts and insurance contracts when this is applicable in the financial statements. This template shall include all insurance business regardless of the possible different classification between investment contracts and insurance contracts applicable in the financial statements.

For quarterly reporting administrative expenses, investment management expenses, acquisition expenses, claims management expenses, overhead expenses shall be presented aggregated.




Non–life insurance and reinsurance obligations

C0010 to C0120/R0110

Premiums written — Gross — Direct Business

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts due during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts, arising from direct business, regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

C0010 to C0120/R0120

Premiums written — Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts due during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts, arising from proportional reinsurance accepted business, regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

C0130 to C0160/R0130

Premiums written — Gross — Non proportional reinsurance accepted

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts due during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts, arising from non–proportional reinsurance accepted business, regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

C0010 to C0160/R0140

Premiums written — Reinsurers' share

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts ceded to reinsurers during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

C0010 to C0160/R0200

Premiums written — Net

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the net premiums written represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0010 to C0120/R0210

Premiums earned — Gross — Direct business

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to direct insurance business.

C0010 to C0120/R0220

Premiums earned — Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to proportional reinsurance accepted business.

C0130 to C0160/R0230

Premiums earned — Gross — Non proportional reinsurance accepted

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to non–proportional reinsurance accepted business.

C0010 to C0160/R0240

Premiums earned — reinsurers' share

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of reinsurer's share in gross premiums written minus the change in the reinsurer's share in provision for unearned premiums.

C0010 to C0160/R0300

Premiums earned — Net

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0010 to C0120/R0310

Claims incurred Gross — Direct business

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period related to insurance contracts arising from direct business.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0010 to C0120/R0320

Claims incurred Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period related to insurance contracts arising from the gross proportional reinsurance accepted.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0130 to C0160/R0330

Claims incurred — Gross — Non proportional reinsurance accepted

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period related to insurance contracts arising from the gross non proportional reinsurance accepted.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0010 to C0160/R0340

Claims incurred — Reinsurers' share

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the reinsurer's share in the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0010 to C0160/R0400

Claims incurred — Net

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period related to the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0010 to C0120/R0410

Changes in other technical provisions — Gross — Direct business

Changes in other technical provisions as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the changes in other technical provisions for the gross direct business.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0010 to C0120/R0420

Changes in other technical provisions — Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Changes in other technical provisions as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the changes in other technical provisions for the gross proportional reinsurance accepted.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0130 to C0160/R0430

Changes in other technical provisions — Gross — Non– proportional reinsurance accepted

Changes in other technical provisions as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the changes in other technical provisions for the gross non– proportional reinsurance accepted.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0010 to C0160/R0440

Changes in other technical provisions — Reinsurers' share

Changes in other technical provisions as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the changes in other technical provisions related to the amounts ceded to reinsurers.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative or as a negative amount if variation is positive.

C0010 to C0160/R0500

Changes in other technical provisions — Net

Changes in other technical provisions as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the net amount of changes in other technical provisions represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0010 to C0160/R0550

Expenses incurred

All technical expenses incurred by the undertaking during the reporting period, on accrual basis.

C0010 to C0120/R0610

Administrative expenses — Gross — direct business

Administrative expenses incurred by the undertaking during the  reporting period, on accrual basis are expenses which are connected with policy administration including expenses in respect of reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. Some administrative expenses relate directly to activity regarding a specific insurance contract (e.g. maintenance cost) such as cost of premium billing, cost of sending regular information to policyholders and cost of handling policy changes (e.g. conversions and reinstatements). Other administrative expenses relate directly to insurance activity but are a result of activities that cover more than one policy such as salaries of staff responsible for policy administration.

The amount relates to the gross direct business.

C0010 to C0120/R0620

Administrative expenses — Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Administrative expenses incurred by the undertaking during the reporting period, on accrual basis are expenses which are connected with policy administration including expenses in respect of reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. Some administrative expenses relate directly to activity regarding a specific insurance contract (e.g. maintenance cost) such as cost of premium billing, cost of sending regular information to policyholders and cost of handling policy changes (e.g. conversions and reinstatements). Other administrative expenses relate directly to insurance activity but are a result of activities that cover more than one policy such as salaries of staff responsible for policy administration.

The amount relates to the gross proportional reinsurance accepted.

C0130 to C0160/R0630

Administrative expenses — Gross — non proportional reinsurance accepted

Administrative expenses incurred by the undertaking during the reporting period, on accrual basis are expenses which are connected with policy administration including expenses in respect of reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. Some administrative expenses relate directly to activity regarding a specific insurance contract (e.g. maintenance cost) such as cost of premium billing, cost of sending regular information to policyholders and cost of handling policy changes (e.g. conversions and reinstatements). Other administrative expenses relate directly to insurance activity but are a result of activities that cover more than one policy such as salaries of staff responsible for policy administration.

The amount relates to the gross non proportional reinsurance accepted.

C0010 to C0160/R0640

Administrative expenses — reinsurers' share

Administrative expenses incurred by the undertaking during the reporting period, on accrual basis are expenses which are connected with policy administration including expenses in respect of reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. Some administrative expenses relate directly to activity regarding a specific insurance contract (e.g. maintenance cost) such as cost of premium billing, cost of sending regular information to policyholders and cost of handling policy changes (e.g. conversions and reinstatements). Other administrative expenses relate directly to insurance activity but are a result of activities that cover more than one policy such as salaries of staff responsible for policy administration.

The amount relates to the reinsurer's share.

Reinsurers' share shall by default be allocated by type of expenses, if not possible shall be reported as acquisition expenses.

C0010 to C0160/R0700

Administrative expenses — Net

Administrative expenses incurred by the undertaking during the reporting period, on accrual basis are expenses which are connected with policy administration including expenses in respect of reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. Some administrative expenses relate directly to activity regarding a specific insurance contract (e.g. maintenance cost) such as cost of premium billing, cost of sending regular information to policyholders and cost of handling policy changes (e.g. conversions and reinstatements). Other administrative expenses relate directly to insurance activity but are a result of activities that cover more than one policy such as salaries of staff responsible for policy administration.

The net administrative expenses represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0010 to C0120/R0710

Investment management expenses — Gross — direct business

Investment management expenses are usually not allocated on a policy by policy basis but at the level of a portfolio of insurance contracts. Investment management expenses could include expenses of record keeping of the investments' portfolio, salaries of staff responsible for investment, remunerations of external advisers, expenses connected with investment trading activity (i.e. buying and selling of the portfolio securities) and in some cases also remuneration for custodial services.

The amount relates to the gross direct business.

C0010 to C0120/R0720

Investment management expenses — Gross — proportional reinsurance accepted

Investment management expenses are usually not allocated on a policy by policy basis but at the level of a portfolio of insurance contracts. Investment management expenses could include expenses of recordkeeping of the investments' portfolio, salaries of staff responsible for investment, remunerations of external advisers, expenses connected with investment trading activity (i.e. buying and selling of the portfolio securities) and in some cases also remuneration for custodial services.

The amount relates to the gross proportional reinsurance accepted.

C0130 to C0160/R0730

Investment management expenses — Gross — non proportional reinsurance accepted

Investment management expenses are usually not allocated on a policy by policy basis but at the level of a portfolio of insurance contracts. Investment management expenses could include expenses of recordkeeping of the investments' portfolio, salaries of staff responsible for investment, remunerations of external advisers, expenses connected with investment trading activity (i.e. buying and selling of the portfolio securities) and in some cases also remuneration for custodial services.

The amount relates to the gross non proportional reinsurance accepted.

C0010 to C0160/R0740

Investment management expenses — reinsurers' share

Investment management expenses are usually not allocated on a policy by policy basis but at the level of a portfolio of insurance contracts. Investment management expenses could include expenses of recordkeeping of the investments' portfolio, salaries of staff responsible for investment, remunerations of external advisers, expenses connected with investment trading activity (i.e. buying and selling of the portfolio securities) and in some cases also remuneration for custodial services.

The amount relates to the reinsurers' share.

Reinsurers' share shall by default be allocated by type of expenses, if not possible shall be reported as acquisition expenses.

C0010 to C0160/R0800

Investment management expenses — Net

Investment management expenses are usually not allocated on a policy by policy basis but at the level of a portfolio of insurance contracts. Investment management expenses could include expenses of recordkeeping of the investments' portfolio, salaries of staff responsible for investment, remunerations of external advisers, expenses connected with investment trading activity (i.e. buying and selling of the portfolio securities) and in some cases also remuneration for custodial services.

The amount relates to the net investment management expenses.

The net investment management expenses represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0010 to C0120/R0810

Claims management expenses– Gross — direct business

Claims management expenses are expenses that will be incurred in processing and resolving claims, including legal and adjuster's fees and internal costs of processing claims payments. Some of these expenses could be assignable to individual claim (e.g. legal and adjuster's fees), others are a result of activities that cover more than one claim (e.g. salaries of staff of claims handling department).

The amount relates to the gross direct business.

This shall include the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0010 to C0120/R0820

Claims management expenses — Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Claims management expenses are expenses that will be incurred in processing and resolving claims, including legal and adjuster's fees and internal costs of processing claims payments. Some of these expenses could be assignable to individual claim (e.g. legal and adjuster's fees), others are a result of activities that cover more than one claim (e.g. salaries of staff of claims handling department).

The amount relates to the gross proportional reinsurance accepted.

This shall include the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0130 to C0160/R0830

Claims management expenses — Gross — Non–proportional reinsurance accepted

Claims management expenses are expenses that will be incurred in processing and resolving claims, including legal and adjuster's fees and internal costs of processing claims payments. Some of these expenses could be assignable to individual claim (e.g. legal and adjuster's fees), others are a result of activities that cover more than one claim (e.g. salaries of staff of claims handling department).

The amount relates to the gross non proportional reinsurance accepted.

This shall include the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0010 to C0160/R0840

Claims management expenses — Reinsurers' share

Claims management expenses are expenses that will be incurred in processing and resolving claims, including legal and adjuster's fees and internal costs of processing claims payments. Some of these expenses could be assignable to individual claim (e.g. legal and adjuster's fees), others are a result of activities that cover more than one claim (e.g. salaries of staff of claims handling department).

The amount relates to the reinsurers' share.

This shall include the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

Reinsurers' share shall by default be allocated by type of expenses, if not possible shall be reported as acquisition expenses.

C0010 to C0160/R0900

Claims management expenses — Net

Claims management expenses are expenses that will be incurred in processing and resolving claims, including legal and adjuster's fees and internal costs of processing claims payments. Some of these expenses could be assignable to individual claim (e.g. legal and adjuster's fees), others are a result of activities that cover more than one claim (e.g. salaries of staff of claims handling department).

The net claims management expenses represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

This shall include the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0010 to C0120/R0910

Acquisition expenses — Gross — direct business

Acquisition expenses include expenses, including renewal expenses, which can be identified at the level of individual insurance contract and have been incurred because the undertaking has issued that particular contract. These are commission costs, costs of selling, underwriting and initiating an insurance contract that has been issued. It includes movements in deferred acquisition costs. For reinsurance undertaking definition shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

The amount relates to the gross direct business.

C0010 to C0120/R0920

Acquisition expenses — Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Acquisition expenses include expenses, including renewal expenses, which can be identified at the level of individual insurance contract and have been incurred because the undertaking has issued that particular contract. These are commission costs, costs of selling, underwriting and initiating an insurance contract that has been issued. It includes movements in deferred acquisition costs. For reinsurance undertaking definition shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

The amount relates to the gross proportional reinsurance accepted.

C0130 to C0160/R0930

Acquisition expenses — Gross — Non proportional reinsurance accepted

Acquisition expenses include expenses, including renewal expenses, which can be identified at the level of individual insurance contract and have been incurred because the undertaking has issued that particular contract. These are commission costs, costs of selling, underwriting and initiating an insurance contract that has been issued. It includes movements in deferred acquisition costs. For reinsurance undertaking definition shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

The amount relates to the non–proportional reinsurance accepted.

C0010 to C0160/R0940

Acquisition expenses — Reinsurers' share

Acquisition expenses include expenses, including renewal expenses, which can be identified at the level of individual insurance contract and have been incurred because the undertaking has issued that particular contract. These are commission costs, costs of selling, underwriting and initiating an insurance contract that has been issued. It includes movements in deferred acquisition costs. For reinsurance undertaking definition shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

The amount relates to the reinsurers' share.

Reinsurers' share shall by default be allocated by type of expenses, if not possible shall be reported as acquisition expenses.

C0010 to C0160/R1000

Acquisition expenses — Net

Acquisition expenses include expenses, including renewal expenses, which can be identified at the level of individual insurance contract and have been incurred because the undertaking has issued that particular contract. These are commission costs, costs of selling, underwriting and initiating an insurance contract that has been issued. It includes movements in deferred acquisition costs. For reinsurance undertakings, the definition shall be applied mutatis mutandis.
The net acquisition expenses represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0010 to C0120/R1010

Overhead expenses — Gross — direct business

Overhead expenses include salaries to general managers, auditing costs and regular day–to–day costs i.e. electricity bill, rent for accommodations, IT costs. These overhead expenses also include expenses related to the development of new insurance and reinsurance business, advertising insurance products, improvement of the internal processes such as investment in system required to support insurance and reinsurance business (e.g. buying new IT system and developing new software).

The amount relates to the gross direct business.

C0010 to C0120/R1020

Overhead expenses — Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Overhead expenses include salaries to general managers, auditing costs and regular day–to–day costs i.e. electricity bill, rent for accommodations, IT costs. These overhead expenses also include expenses related to the development of new insurance and reinsurance business, advertising insurance products, improvement of the internal processes such as investment in system required to support insurance and reinsurance business (e.g. buying new IT system and developing new software).

The amount relates to the gross proportional reinsurance accepted.

C0130 to C0160/R1030

Overhead expenses — Gross — Non proportional reinsurance accepted

Overhead expenses include salaries to general managers, auditing costs and regular day–to–day costs i.e. electricity bill, rent for accommodations, IT costs. These overhead expenses also include expenses related to the development of new insurance and reinsurance business, advertising insurance products, improvement of the internal processes such as investment in system required to support insurance and reinsurance business (e.g. buying new IT system and developing new software).

The amount relates to the gross — non proportional reinsurance accepted.

C0010 to C0160/R1040

Overhead expenses — Reinsurers' share

Overhead expenses include salaries to general managers, auditing costs and regular day–to–day costs i.e. electricity bill, rent for accommodations, IT costs. These overhead expenses also include expenses related to the development of new insurance and reinsurance business, advertising insurance products, improvement of the internal processes such as investment in system required to support insurance and reinsurance business (e.g. buying new IT system and developing new software).

The amount relates to the reinsurers' share.

Reinsurers' share shall by default be allocated by type of expenses, if not possible shall be reported as acquisition expenses.

C0010 to C0160/R1100

Overhead expenses — Net

Overhead expenses include salaries to general managers, auditing costs and regular day–to–day costs i.e. electricity bill, rent for accommodations, IT costs. These overhead expenses also include expenses related to the development of new insurance and reinsurance business, advertising insurance products, improvement of the internal processes such as investment in system required to support insurance and reinsurance business (e.g. buying new IT system and developing new software).

The net overhead expenses represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.



Total for different items for all Lines of Business.


Other expenses

Other technical expenses not covered by above mentioned expenses and not split by lines of business.

Shall not include non–technical expenses such as tax, interest expenses, losses on disposals, etc.


Total expenses

Amount of all technical expenses

Life insurance and reinsurance obligations

C0210 to C0280/R1410

Premiums written — Gross

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts due during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts, arising from gross business, regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

It includes both direct and reinsurance business.

C0210 to C0280/R1420

Premiums written — Reinsurers' share

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts ceded to reinsurers due during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

C0210 to C0280/R1500

Premiums written — net

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the net premiums written represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0210 to C0280/R1510

Premiums earned — Gross

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to direct insurance and reinsurance accepted business.

C0210 to C0280/R1520

Premiums earned — reinsurers' share

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the reinsurer's share in gross premiums written minus the change in the reinsurer's share in provision for unearned premiums.

C0210 to C0280/R1600

Premiums earned — Net

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0210 to C0280/R1610

Claims incurred — Gross

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period, related to insurance contracts arising from the direct and reinsurance business.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0210 to C0280/R1620

Claims incurred — Reinsurers' share

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC: it is the reinsurer's share in the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0210 to C0280/R1700

Claims incurred — Net

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period, related to the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0210 to C0280/R1710

Changes in other technical provisions — Gross

Definition of changes in other technical provisions provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the changes in other technical provisions relating to insurance contracts arising from the gross direct and reinsurance business.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0210 to C0280/R1720

Change in other technical provisions — Reinsurers' share

Definition of changes in other technical provisions provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the reinsurers' share in changes in other technical provisions.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative or as a negative amount if variation is positive.

C0210 to C0280/R1800

Change in other technical provisions — Net

Definition of changes in other technical provisions provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the net changes in other technical provisions related to the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0210 to C0280/R1900

Expenses incurred

All technical expenses incurred by the undertaking during the reporting period, on accrual basis.

C0210 to C0280/R1910

Administrative expenses — Gross

Administrative expenses incurred by the undertaking during the  reporting period, on accrual basis are expenses which are connected with policy administration including expenses in respect of reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. Some administrative expenses relate directly to activity regarding a specific insurance contract (e.g. maintenance cost) such as cost of premium billing, cost of sending regular information to policyholders and cost of handling policy changes (e.g. conversions and reinstatements). Other administrative expenses relate directly to insurance activity but are a result of activities that cover more than one policy such as salaries of staff responsible for policy administration.

The amount relates to the gross direct and reinsurance business.

C0210 to C0280/R1920

Administrative expenses — reinsurers' share

Administrative expenses incurred by the undertaking during the reporting period, on accrual basis are expenses which are connected with policy administration including expenses in respect of reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. Some administrative expenses relate directly to activity regarding a specific insurance contract (e.g. maintenance cost) such as cost of premium billing, cost of sending regular information to policyholders and cost of handling policy changes (e.g. conversions and reinstatements). Other administrative expenses relate directly to insurance activity but are a result of activities that cover more than one policy such as salaries of staff responsible for policy administration.

The amount relates to the reinsurer's share.

Reinsurers' share shall by default be allocated by type of expenses, if not possible shall be reported as acquisition expenses.

C0210 to C0280/R2000

Administrative expenses — Net

Administrative expenses incurred by the undertaking during the reporting period, on accrual basis are expenses which are connected with policy administration including expenses in respect of reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. Some administrative expenses relate directly to activity regarding a specific insurance contract (e.g. maintenance cost) such as cost of premium billing, cost of sending regular information to policyholders and cost of handling policy changes (e.g. conversions and reinstatements). Other administrative expenses relate directly to insurance activity but are a result of activities that cover more than one policy such as salaries of staff responsible for policy administration.

The amount relates to the net administrative expenses.

The net administrative expenses represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0210 to C0280/R2010

Investment management expenses — Gross

Investment management expenses are usually not allocated on a policy by policy basis but at the level of a portfolio of insurance contracts. Investment management expenses could include expenses of recordkeeping of the investments' portfolio, salaries of staff responsible for investment, remunerations of external advisers, expenses connected with investment trading activity (i.e. buying and selling of the portfolio securities) and in some cases also remuneration for custodial services.

The amount relates to the gross direct and reinsurance business.

C0210 to C0280/R2020

Investment management expenses — reinsurers' share

Investment management expenses are usually not allocated on a policy by policy basis but at the level of a portfolio of insurance contracts. Investment management expenses could include expenses of recordkeeping of the investments' portfolio, salaries of staff responsible for investment, remunerations of external advisers, expenses connected with investment trading activity (i.e. buying and selling of the portfolio securities) and in some cases also remuneration for custodial services.

The amount relates to the reinsurers' share.

Reinsurers' share shall by default be allocated by type of expenses, if not possible shall be reported as acquisition expenses.

C0210 to C0280/R2100

Investment management expenses — Net

Investment management expenses are usually not allocated on a policy by policy basis but at the level of a portfolio of insurance contracts. Investment management expenses could include expenses of recordkeeping of the investments' portfolio, salaries of staff responsible for investment, remunerations of external advisers, expenses connected with investment trading activity (i.e. buying and selling of the portfolio securities) and in some cases also remuneration for custodial services.

The amount relates to the net investment management expenses.

The net investment management expenses represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0210 to C0280/R2110

Claims management expenses — Gross

Claims management expenses are expenses that will be incurred in processing and resolving claims, including legal and adjuster's fees and internal costs of processing claims payments. Some of these expenses could be assignable to individual claim (e.g. legal and adjuster's fees), others are a result of activities that cover more than one claim (e.g. salaries of staff of claims handling department).

The amount relates to the gross direct and reinsurance business.

This shall include the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0210 to C0280/R2120

Claims management expenses — Reinsurers' share

Claims management expenses are expenses that will be incurred in processing and resolving claims, including legal and adjuster's fees and internal costs of processing claims payments. Some of these expenses could be assignable to individual claim (e.g. legal and adjuster's fees), others are a result of activities that cover more than one claim (e.g. salaries of staff of claims handling department).

The amount relates to the reinsurers' share.

This shall include the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

Reinsurers' share shall by default be allocated by type of expenses, if not possible shall be reported as acquisition expenses.

C0210 to C0280/R2200

Claims management expenses — Net

Claims management expenses are expenses that will be incurred in processing and resolving claims, including legal and adjuster's fees and internal costs of processing claims payments. Some of these expenses could be assignable to individual claim (e.g. legal and adjuster's fees), others are a result of activities that cover more than one claim (e.g. salaries of staff of claims handling department).

The net claims management expenses represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

This shall include the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0210 to C0280/R2210

Acquisition expenses — Gross

Acquisition expenses include expenses which can be identified at the level of individual insurance contract and have been incurred because the undertaking has issued that particular contract. These are commission costs, costs of selling, underwriting and initiating an insurance contract that has been issued. It includes movements in deferred acquisition costs. For reinsurance undertaking definition shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

The amount relates to the gross direct and reinsurance business.

C0210 to C0280/R2220

Acquisition expenses — Reinsurers' share

Acquisition expenses include expenses which can be identified at the level of individual insurance contract and have been incurred because the undertaking has issued that particular contract. These are commission costs, costs of selling, underwriting and initiating an insurance contract that has been issued. It includes movements in deferred acquisition costs. For reinsurance undertaking definition shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

The amount relates to the reinsurers' share.

Reinsurers' share shall by default be allocated by type of expenses, if not possible shall be reported as acquisition expenses.

C0210 to C0280/R2300

Acquisition expenses — Net

Acquisition expenses include expenses which can be identified at the level of individual insurance contract and have been incurred because the undertaking has issued that particular contract. These are commission costs, costs of selling, underwriting and initiating an insurance contract that has been issued. It includes movements in deferred acquisition costs. For reinsurance undertaking definition shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

The net acquisition expenses represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0210 to C0280/R2310

Overhead expenses — Gross

Overhead expenses include salaries to general managers, auditing costs and regular day–to–day costs i.e. electricity bill, rent for accommodations, IT costs. These overhead expenses also include expenses related to the development of new insurance and reinsurance business, advertising insurance products, improvement of the internal processes such as investment in system required to support insurance and reinsurance business (e.g. buying new IT system and developing new software).

The amount relates to the gross direct and reinsurance business.

C0210 to C0280/R2320

Overhead expenses — Reinsurers' share

Overhead expenses include salaries to general managers, auditing costs and regular day–to–day costs i.e. electricity bill, rent for accommodations, IT costs. These overhead expenses also include expenses related to the development of new insurance and reinsurance business, advertising insurance products, improvement of the internal processes such as investment in system required to support insurance and reinsurance business (e.g. buying new IT system and developing new software).

The amount relates to the reinsurers' share.

Reinsurers' share shall by default be allocated by type of expenses, if not possible shall be reported as acquisition expenses.

C0210 to C0280/R2400

Overhead expenses — Net

Overhead expenses include salaries to general managers, auditing costs and regular day–to–day costs i.e. electricity bill, rent for accommodations, IT costs. These overhead expenses also include expenses related to the development of new insurance and reinsurance business, advertising insurance products, improvement of the internal processes such as investment in system required to support insurance and reinsurance business (e.g. buying new IT system and developing new software).

The net overhead expenses represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.



Total for different items for all life lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Other expenses

Other technical expenses not covered by above mentioned expenses and not split by lines of business.

Shall not include non–technical expenses such as tax, interest expenses, losses on disposals, etc.


Total expenses

Amount of all technical expenses.

C0210 to C0280/R2700

Total amount of surrenders

This amount represents the total amount of surrenders occurred during the year.

This amount is also reported under claims incurred (item R1610).

S.05.02 — Premiums, claims and expenses by country

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.  The template is not due when the thresholds for reporting by country described below are not applicable, i.e. the home country represents 90 % or more of the total gross written premiums.

This template shall be reported from an accounting perspective, i.e.: Local GAAP or IFRS if accepted as local GAAP The template is based on a year–to–date basis Undertakings shall use the recognition and valuation basis as for the published financial statements, no new recognition or re–valuation is required.  , except for the classification between investment contracts and insurance contracts when this is applicable in the financial statements. This template shall include all insurance business regardless of the possible different classification between investment contracts and insurance contracts applicable in the financial statements.

The following criteria for the classification by country shall be used:

The information, provided by country, shall be completed for the five countries with the biggest amount of gross written premiums in addition to the home country or until reaching 90 % of the total gross written premiums;
For the direct insurance business for the lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, ‘Medical expense’, ‘Income protection’, ‘Workers' compensation’, ‘Fire and other damage to property’ and ‘Credit and suretyship’ information shall be reported by country where the risk is situated as defined in Article 13 (13) of Directive 2009/138/EC;
For direct insurance business for all other line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, information shall be reported by country where the contract was entered into;
For proportional and non–proportional reinsurance information shall be reported by country of localisation of the ceding undertaking.

For the purposes of this template ‘country where the contract was entered into’ means:


The country where the insurance undertaking is established (home country) when the contract was not sold through a branch or freedom to provide services;


The country where the branch is located (host country) when the contract was sold through a branch;


The country where the freedom to provide services was notified (host country) when the contract was sold through freedom to provide services.


If an intermediary is used or in any other situation, it is a), b) or c) depending on who sold the contract.




Non–life insurance and reinsurance obligations

C0020 to C0060/R0010

Top 5 countries (by amount of gross premiums written) — non–life obligations

Identify the ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the countries being reported for the non–life obligations.

C0080 to C0140/R0110

Premiums written — Gross — Direct Business

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts due during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts, arising from direct business, regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

C0080 to C0140/R0120

Premiums written — Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts due during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts, arising from proportional reinsurance accepted business, regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

C0080 to C0140/R0130

Premiums written — Gross — Non proportional reinsurance accepted

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts due during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts, arising from non–proportional reinsurance accepted business, regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

C0080 to C0140/R0140

Premiums written — Reinsurers' share

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts ceded to reinsurers during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

C0080 to C0140/R0200

Premiums written — net

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the net premiums written represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0080 to C0140/R0210

Premiums earned — Gross — Direct business

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to insurance direct business.

C0080 to C0140/R0220

Premiums earned — Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to proportional reinsurance accepted business.

C0080 to C0140/R0230

Premiums earned — Gross — Non proportional reinsurance accepted

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to non–proportional reinsurance accepted business.

C0080 to C0140/R0240

Premiums earned — reinsurers' share

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of reinsurer's share in gross premiums written minus the change in the reinsurer's share in provision for unearned premiums.

C0080 to C0140/R0300

Premiums earned — Net

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0080 to C0140/R0310

Claims incurred Gross — Direct business

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period related to insurance contracts arising from direct business.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0080 to C0140/R0320

Claims incurred Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable:

the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period related to insurance contracts arising from proportional reinsurance accepted.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses..

C0080 to C0140/R0330

Claims incurred — Gross — Non proportional reinsurance accepted

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period related to insurance contracts arising from non–proportional reinsurance accepted.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0080 to C0140/R0340

Claims incurred — Reinsurers' share

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the reinsurer's share in sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses..

C0080 to C0140/R0400

Claims incurred — Net

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period related to the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

This shall exclude claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0080 to C0140/R0410

Changes in other technical provisions — Gross — Direct business

Changes in other technical provisions as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the changes in other technical provisions for the gross direct business.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0080 to C0140/R0420

Changes in other technical provisions — Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

Changes in other technical provisions as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the changes in other technical provisions for the gross proportional reinsurance accepted.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0080 to C0140/R0430

Changes in other technical provisions — Gross — Non– proportional reinsurance accepted

Changes in other technical provisions as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the changes in other technical provisions for the gross non– proportional reinsurance accepted.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0080 to C0140/R0440

Changes in other technical provisions — Reinsurers' share

Changes in other technical provisions as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the changes in other technical provisions related to the amounts ceded to reinsurers.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative or as a negative amount if variation is positive.

C0080 to C0140/R0500

Changes in other technical provisions — Net

Changes in other technical provisions as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the net amount of changes in other technical provisions represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0080 to C0140/R0550

Expenses incurred

All technical expenses incurred by the undertaking during the reporting period, on accrual basis.


Other expenses

Other technical expenses not covered by above mentioned expenses and not split by lines of business.

Shall not include non–technical expenses such as tax, interest expenses, losses on disposals, etc


Total expenses

Amount of all technical expenses corresponding to countries covered by this template.

Life insurance and reinsurance obligations

C0160 to C0200/R1400

Top 5 countries (by amount of gross premiums written) — life obligations

Identify the ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the countries being reported for the life obligations.

C0220 to C0280/R1410

Premiums written — Gross

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts due during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts, arising from gross business, regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

C0220 to C0280/R1420

Premiums written — Reinsurers' share

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: gross premiums written shall comprise all amounts ceded to reinsurers due during the  reporting period in respect of insurance contracts regardless of the fact that such amounts may relate in whole or in part to a later  reporting period.

C0220 to C0280/R1500

Premiums written — net

Definition of premiums written provided in application of directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the net premiums written represent the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0220 to C0280/R1510

Premiums earned — Gross

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to direct and reinsurance accepted gross business.

C0220 to C0280/R1520

Premiums earned — reinsurers' share

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the reinsurer's share in gross premiums written minus the change in the reinsurer's share in provision for unearned premiums.

C0220 to C0280/R1600

Premiums earned — Net

Definition of earned premiums provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the sum of gross premiums written minus the change in the gross provision for unearned premiums related to the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

C0220 to C0280/R1610

Claims incurred — Gross

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period related to insurance contracts arising from the gross direct and reinsurance business.

It excludes claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0220 to C0280/R1620

Claims incurred — Reinsurers' share

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the reinsurers' share in the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period.

It excludes claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0220 to C0280/R1700

Claims incurred — Net

Claims incurred in the reporting period as defined in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: the claims incurred means the sum of the claims paid and the change in the provision for claims during the  reporting period related to the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

It excludes claims management expenses and the movement in provisions in claims management expenses.

C0220 to C0280/R1710

Changes in other technical provisions — Gross

Definition of changes in other technical provisions provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the changes in other technical provisions relating to insurance contracts arising from the gross direct and reinsurance business.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0220 to C0280/R1720

Change in other technical provisions — Reinsurers' share

Definition of changes in other technical provisions provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the reinsurers' share in changes in other technical provisions.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative or as a negative amount if variation is positive.

C0220 to C0280/R1800

Change in other technical provisions — Net

Definition of changes in other technical provisions provided in directive 91/674/EEC where applicable: it is the changes in other technical provisions related to the sum of the direct business and the accepted reinsurance business reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance undertakings.

 This item shall be reported as a positive amount if the variation is negative (reduction of other technical provisions leading to a profit) or as a negative amount if variation is positive (increase of other technical provisions leading to a loss).

C0220 to C0280/R1900

Expenses incurred

All technical expenses incurred by the undertaking during the reporting period, on accrual basis.


Other expenses

Other technical expenses not covered by above mentioned expenses and not split by lines of business.

Shall not include non–technical expenses such as tax, interest expenses, losses on disposals, etc.


Total expenses

Amount of all technical expenses corresponding to countries covered by this template.

S.06.01 — Summary of assets

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities. This template is relevant only for the insurance and reinsurance undertakings exempted from the annual submission of information in templates S.06.02 or S.08.01 in accordance with Article 35 (7) of Directive 2009/138/EC.

The asset categories referred to in this template are the ones defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories of this Regulation.

This template contains a summary of information on assets and derivatives regarding the undertaking as a whole, including assets and derivatives held in unit linked and index linked contracts.

Items shall be reported with positive values unless its Solvency II value is negative (e.g. the case of derivatives that are a liability of the undertaking).




C0010 to C0060/R0010

Assets listed

Value of listed assets by portfolio.

For the purpose of this template an asset is considered as being listed if it is negotiated on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility, as defined by Directive 2004/39/EC.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0020

Assets that are not listed in a stock exchange

Value of assets not listed in a stock exchange, by portfolio.

For the purpose of this template, not listed assets are the ones that are not negotiated on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility, as defined by Directive 2004/39/EC.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring–fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0030

Assets that are not exchange tradable

Value of assets that are not exchange tradable, by portfolio.

For the purpose of this template, not exchange tradable assets are the ones that by their nature are not subject to negotiation on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility, as defined by Directive 2004/39/EC.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0040

Government bonds

Value of assets classifiable under asset category 1 of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0050

Corporate bonds

Value of assets classifiable under asset category 2 of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0060


Value of assets classifiable under asset category 3 of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0070

Collective Investment Undertakings

Value of assets classifiable under asset category 4 of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0080

Structured notes

Value of assets classifiable under asset category 5 of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0090

Collateralised securities

Value of assets classifiable under asset category 6 of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0100

Cash and deposits

Value of assets classifiable under asset category 7 of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0110

Mortgages and loans

Value of assets classifiable under asset category 8 of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0120


Value of assets classifiable under asset category 9 of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0130

Other investments

Value of assets classifiable under asset category 0 of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0140


Value of assets classifiable under asset category A of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0150

Call options

Value of assets classifiable under asset category B of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0160

Put options

Value of assets classifiable under asset category C of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0170


Value of assets classifiable under asset category D of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0180


Value of assets classifiable under asset category E of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

C0010 to C0060/R0190

Credit derivatives

Value of assets classifiable under asset category F of Annex IV — Assets Categories, by portfolio.

Portfolio corresponds to the distinction between life, non–life, ring–fenced funds, other internal funds, shareholder's funds and general (no split).

The split by portfolio is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be made if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split by portfolio ‘general’ shall be used.

S.06.02 — List of assets

General comments:

This section relates to quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities.

The asset categories referred to in this template are the ones defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories of this Regulation and references to Complementary Identification Code (‘CIC’) refer to Annex VI — CIC table of this Regulation.

This template shall reflect the list of all assets included in the Balance–sheet classifiable as asset categories 0 to 9 of Annex IV — Assets Categories of this Regulation. In particular in case of securities lending and repurchase agreements the underlying securities that are kept in the Balance–sheet shall be reported in this template.

This template contains an item–by–item list of assets held directly by the undertaking (i.e. not on a look–through basis), classifiable as asset categories 0 to 9 (in case of unit–linked and index–linked product managed by the (re)insurance undertaking, the assets to be reported are also only the ones covered by asset categories 0 to 9, e.g. recoverables and liabilities related to this products shall not be reported), with the following exceptions:


Cash shall be reported in one row per currency, for each combination of items C0060, C0070, C0080 and C0090;


Transferable deposits (cash equivalents) and other deposits with maturity of less than one year shall be reported in one row per pair of bank and currency, for each combination of items C0060, C0070, C0080, C0090 and C0290;


Mortgages and loans to individuals, including loans on policies, shall be reported in two rows, one row regarding loans to administrative, management and supervisory body, for each combination of items C0060, C0070, C0080, C0090 and C0290 and another regarding loans to other natural persons, for each combination of items C0060, C0070, C0080, C0090 and C0290;


Deposits to cedants shall be reported in one single line, for each combination of items C0060, C0070, C0080 and C0090;


Plant and equipment for the own use of the undertaking shall be reported in one single line, for each combination of items C0060, C0070, C0080 and C0090.

This template comprises two tables: Information on positions held and Information on assets.

On the table Information on positions held, each asset shall be reported separately in as many lines as needed in order to properly fill in all non-monetary variables with the exception of item ‘Quantity’, requested in that table. If for the same asset two values can be attributed to one variable, then this asset needs to be reported in more than one line.

On the table Information on assets, each asset shall be reported separately, with one row for each asset, filling in all applicable variables requested in that table.

The information regarding the external rating (C0320) and nominated External Credit Assessment Institutions (‘ECAI’) (C0330) may be limited (not reported) in the following circumstances:


through a decision of the national supervisory authority (‘NSA’) under Article 35 (6) and (7) of the Directive 2009/138/EC; or


through a decision of the national supervisory authority in the cases where the insurance and reinsurance undertakings have in place outsourcing arrangements in the area of investments that lead to this specific information not being available directly to the undertaking.




Information on positions held


Asset ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. This code must be unique and kept consistent over time.

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code Type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 99 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code + currency: ‘99/1’.



Distinction between life, non–life, shareholder's funds, other internal funds, general (no split) and ring fenced funds. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Life

2 — Non–life

3 — Ring fenced funds

4 — Other internal funds

5 — Shareholders' funds

6 — General

The split is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be reported if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split ‘general’ shall be used.


Fund number

Applicable to assets held in ring fenced funds or other internal funds (defined according to national markets).

Number which is attributed by the undertaking, corresponding to the unique number assigned to each fund. This number has to be consistent over time and shall be used to identify the funds in other templates. It shall not be re–used for a different fund.


Matching portfolio number

Number which is attributed by the undertaking, corresponding to the unique number assigned to each matching adjustment portfolio as prescribed in Article 77b(1)(a) of Directive 2009/138/EC. This number has to be consistent over time and shall be used to identify the matching adjustment portfolio in other templates. It shall not be re–used for a different matching adjustment portfolio.


Asset held in unit linked and index linked contracts

Identify the assets that are held by unit linked and index linked contracts. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Unit–linked or index–linked

2 — Neither unit–linked nor index–linked


Asset pledged as collateral

Identify assets kept in the undertaking's balance–sheet that are pledged as collateral. For partially pledged assets two rows for each asset shall be reported, one for the pledged amount and another for the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used for the pledged part of the asset:

1 — Assets in the balance sheet that are collateral pledged

2 — Collateral for reinsurance accepted

3 — Collateral for securities borrowed

4 — Repos

9 — Not collateral


Country of custody

ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country where undertaking assets are held in custody. For identifying international custodians, such as Euroclear, the country of custody will be the one where the custody service was contractually defined.
In case of the same asset being held in custody in more than one country, each asset shall be reported separately in as many rows as needed in order to properly identify all countries of custody.
 This item is not applicable for CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, CIC 71, CIC 75 and for CIC 95 — Plant and equipment.
Regarding CIC Category 9, excluding CIC 95 — Plant and equipment (for own use), the issuer country is assessed by the address of the property.



Name of the financial institution that is the custodian.

In case of the same asset being held in custody in more than one custodian, each asset shall be reported separately in as many rows as needed in order to properly identify all custodians.

When available, this item corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When this is not available it corresponds to the legal name.

 This item is not applicable for CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, CIC 71, CIC 75 and for CIC category 9 — Property.



Number of assets, for relevant assets.

This item shall not be reported if item Par amount (C0140) is reported.

 This item is not applicable for CIC category 71 and 9.


Par amount

 Amount outstanding measured at par amount, for all assets where this item is relevant, and at nominal amount for CIC = 72, 73, 74, 75, 79 and 8. This item is not applicable for CIC category 71 and 9. This item shall not be reported if item Quantity (C0130) is reported.


Valuation method

Identify the valuation method used when valuing assets. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — quoted market price in active markets for the same assets

2 — quoted market price in active markets for similar assets

3 — alternative valuation methods

4 — adjusted equity methods (applicable for the valuation of participations)

5 — IFRS equity methods (applicable for the valuation of participations)

6 — Market valuation according to Article 9(4) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


Acquisition value

Total acquisition value for assets held, clean value without accrued interest. Not applicable to CIC categories 7 and 8.


Total Solvency II amount


Value calculated as defined by article 75 of the Directive 2009/138/EC, which corresponds to:

— the multiplication of ‘Par amount’ (principal amount outstanding measured at par amount or nominal amount) by ‘Unit percentage of par amount Solvency II price’ plus ‘Accrued interest’, for assets where the first two items are relevant;

—   the multiplication of ‘Quantity’ by ‘Unit Solvency II price’, for assets where these two items are relevant (plus ‘Accrued interest’ if applicable);

— Solvency II value of the asset for assets classifiable under asset categories 71 and 9.


Accrued interest

Quantify the amount of accrued interest after the last coupon date for interest bearing  assets. Note that this value is also part of item Total Solvency II amount.




Information on assets


Asset ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. This code must be unique and kept consistent over time.

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code Type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

 7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 9 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code+currency:  ‘99/1’.


Item Title

Identify the reported item by filling the name of the asset (or the address in case of property), with the detail settled by the undertaking.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons, this item shall contain ‘Loans to AMSB members’ i.e. loans to the Administrative, Management and Supervisory Body (‘AMSB’) or ‘Loans to other natural persons’, according to its nature, as those assets are not required to be individualised. Loans to other than natural persons shall be reported line–by–line.

— This item is not applicable for CIC 95 — Plant and equipment (for own use) as those assets are not required to be individualised, CIC 71 and CIC 75.


Issuer Name

Name of the issuer, defined as the entity that issues assets to investors.

When available, this item corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When this is not available corresponds to the legal name.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the issuer name is the name of the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the issuer name is the name of the depositary entity;

— Regarding CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons, this item shall contain ‘Loans to AMSB members’ or ‘Loans to other natural persons’, according to its nature, as those assets are not required to be individualised;

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the information shall relate to the borrower;

— This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property.


Issuer Code

Identification of the issuer code using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If none is available this item shall not be reported.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the issuer code is the code of the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the issuer code is the code of the depositary entity

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the information shall relate to the borrower;

— This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75and CIC category 9 — Property;

— This item is not applicable to CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons.


Type of issuer code

Identification of the type of code used for the ‘Issuer Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None

This item is not applicable to CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons.

This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property.


Issuer Sector

Identify the economic sector of issuer based on the latest version of the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (‘NACE’) code (as published in an EC Regulation). The letter reference of the NACE code identifying the Section shall be used as a minimum for identifying sectors (e.g. ‘A’ or ‘A0111’ would be acceptable) except for the NACE relating to Financial and Insurance activities, for which the letter identifying the Section followed by the 4 digits code for the class shall be used (e.g. ‘K6411’).

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the issuer sector is the sector of the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the issuer sector is the sector of the depositary entity

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the information shall relate to the borrower;

— This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75and CIC category 9 — Property;

— This item is not applicable to CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons.


Issuer Group

Name of issuer's ultimate parent entity. For collective investment undertakings the group relation relates to the fund manager.

When available, this item corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When this is not available corresponds to the legal name.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the group relation relates to the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the group relation relates to the depositary entity

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the group relation relates to the borrower;

— This item is not applicable for CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans (for mortgages and loans to natural persons)

— This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property.


Issuer Group Code

Issuer group's identification using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If none is available, this item shall not be reported.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the group relation relates to the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the group relation relates to the depositary entity

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the group relation relates to the borrower;

— This item is not applicable for CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans (for mortgages and loans to natural persons)

— This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property.


Type of issuer group code

Identification of the code used for the ‘Issuer Group Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None

This item is not applicable to CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons.

This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property.


Issuer Country

ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country of localisation of the issuer.

The localisation of the issuer is assessed by the address of the entity issuing the asset.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the issuer country is the country is relative to the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the issuer country is the country of the depositary entity

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the information shall relate to the borrower;

— This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property;

— This item is not applicable to CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons.

One of the options shall be used:

— ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code

— XA: Supranational issuers

— EU: European Union Institutions



Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the issue.

The following shall be considered:

— This item is not applicable for CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans (for mortgages and loans to natural persons, as those assets are not required to be individualised), CIC 75 and for CIC 95 Plant and equipment (for own use) for the same reason;

— Regarding CIC Category 9, excluding CIC 95 Plant and equipment (for own use), the currency corresponds to the currency in which the investment was made.



Complementary Identification Code used to classify assets, as set out in Annex VI — CIC Table of this Regulation. When classifying an asset using the CIC table, undertakings shall take into consideration the most representative risk to which the asset is exposed to.


SCR calculation approach for CIU

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1-  CIUs for which a full look-through was applied for the purposes of SCR calculation in accordance with Article 84(1) of Delegated Regulation (EC) No 2015/35;

2-  CIUs for which the ‘simplified’ look-through was applied on the basis of the target underlying asset allocation or last reported asset allocation and for which the data groupings is used in accordance with Article 84(3) of Delegated Regulation (EC) No 2015/35;

3-  CIUs for which the ‘simplified’ look-through was applied on the basis of the target underlying asset allocation or last reported asset allocation and for which no data groupings is used in accordance with Article 84(3) of Delegated Regulation (EC) No 2015/35;

4-  CIUs for which for the ‘equity risk type 2’ was applied in accordance with Article 168(3) of Delegated Regulation (EC) No 2015/35;

9-  Not applicable

The look-through options of this item shall reflect the approach taken for the SCR calculation. For the purposes of reporting the information on look-through required in template S.06.03 the look-through information is required considering the thresholds defined in the general comments of that template.

This item is only applicable to CIC category 4.


Infrastructure investment

Identify if the asset is an infrastructure investment as defined in article 1 (55a) and (55b) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Not an infrastructure investment

2 — Infrastructure non-qualifying: Government Guarantee (Government, Central bank, Regional government or local authority)

3 — Infrastructure non-qualifying: Government Supported including Public Finance initiative (Government, Central bank, Regional government or local authority)

4 — Infrastructure non-qualifying: Supranational Guarantee/Supported (ECB, Multilateral development bank, International organisation)

9 — Infrastructure non-qualifying: Other non-qualifying infrastructure loans or investments, not classified under the above categories

12 — Infrastructure qualifying: Government Guarantee (Government, Central bank, Regional government or local authority)

13 — Infrastructure qualifying: Government Supported including Public Finance initiative (Government, Central bank, Regional government or local authority)

14 — Infrastructure qualifying: Supranational Guarantee/Supported (ECB, Multilateral development bank, International organisation)

19 — Infrastructure qualifying: Other qualifying infrastructure investments, not classified in the above categories.

20 — European Long-Term Investment Fund (ELTIF investing in infrastructure assets and ELTIF investing in other — non infrastructure — assets)


Holdings in related undertakings, including participations

Only applicable to asset categories 3 and 4.
Identify if an equity and other share is a participation. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:  
1 –  Not a participation
2 –  Is a participation in which the look though approach in accordance with Article 84 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 is applied
3 –  Is a participation in which the look though approach in accordance with Article 84 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 is not applied


External rating

 Applicable at least to CIC categories 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8 (Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgages and loans to natural persons), where available.

This is the issue rating of the asset at the reporting reference date as provided by the nominated credit assessment institution (ECAI).

If an issue rating is not available, the item shall be left blank.


Nominated ECAI

 Identify the credit assessment institution (ECAI) giving the external rating in C0320, by using the following closed list. In case of ratings issued by subsidiaries of the ECAI please report the parent ECAI (the reference is to ESMA list of credit rating agencies registered or certified in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies). In case a new Credit Rating Agency is registered or certified by ESMA and while the closed list is not up-dated please report ‘Other nominated ECAI’.
Applicable at least to CIC categories 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8 (Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgages and loans to natural persons), where available.  
—  Euler Hermes Rating GmbH (LEI code: 391200QXGLWHK9VK6V27)
—  Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd (LEI code: 35380002378CEGMRVW86)
—  BCRA-Credit Rating Agency AD (LEI code: 747800Z0IC3P66HTQ142)
—  Creditreform Rating AG (LEI code: 391200PHL11KDUTTST66)
—  Scope Ratings GmbH (LEI code: 391200WU1EZUQFHDWE91)
—  ICAP Group SA (LEI code: 2138008U6LKT8VG2UK85)
—  GBB-Rating Gesellschaft für Bonitätsbeurteilung GmbH (LEI code: 391200OLWXCTKPADVV72)
—  ASSEKURATA Assekuranz Rating-Agentur GmbH (LEI code: 529900977LETWLJF3295)
—  ARC Ratings, S.A. (LEI code: 213800OZNJQMV6UA7D79)
—  AM Best Europe
—  A.M. Best (EU) Rating Services B.V. (LEI code: 549300Z2RUKFKV7GON79)
—  AM Best Europe-Rating Services Ltd. (AMBERS) (LEI code: 549300VO8J8E5IQV1T26)
—  DBRS Ratings Limited (LEI code: 5493008CGCDQLGT3EH93)
—  Fitch

— Fitch France S.A.S. (LEI code: 2138009Y4TCZT6QOJO69)

— Fitch Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 213800JEMOT1H45VN340)

— Fitch Italia S.p.A. (LEI code: 213800POJ9QSCHL3KR31)

— Fitch Polska S.A. (LEI code: 213800RYJTJPW2WD5704)

— Fitch Ratings España S.A.U. (LEI code: 213800RENFIIODKETE60)

— Fitch Ratings Limited (LEI code: 2138009F8YAHVC8W3Q52)

— Fitch Ratings CIS Limited (LEI code: 213800B7528Q4DIF2G76)

—  Moody’s

— Moody’s Investors Service Cyprus Ltd (LEI code: 549300V4LCOYCMNUVR81)

— Moody’s France S.A.S. (LEI code: 549300EB2XQYRSE54F02)

— Moody’s Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 549300M5JMGHVTWYZH47)

— Moody’s Italia S.r.l. (LEI code: 549300GMXJ4QK70UOU68)

— Moody’s Investors Service España S.A. (LEI code: 5493005X59ILY4BGJK90)

— Moody’s Investors Service Ltd (LEI code: 549300SM89WABHDNJ349)

— Moody’s Investors Service EMEA Ltd (LEI code: 54930009NU3JYS1HTT72)

— Moody’s Investors Service (Nordics) AB (LEI code: 549300W79ZVFWJCD2Z23)

—  Standard & Poor’s
—  S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (LEI code:5493008B2TU3S6QE1E12)
—  CRIF Ratings S.r.l. (LEI code: 8156001AB6A1D740F237)
—  Capital Intelligence Ratings Ltd (LEI code: 549300RE88OJP9J24Z18)
—  European Rating Agency, a.s. (LEI code: 097900BFME0000038276)
—  Axesor Risk Management SL (LEI code: 959800EC2RH76JYS3844)
—  Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A. (LEI code: 8156004AB6C992A99368)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency (LEI code: 549300QYZ5CZYXTNZ676)
—  The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd (LEI code: 213800Q7GRZWF95EWN10)
—  Dagong Europe Credit Rating Srl (Dagong Europe) (LEI code: 815600BF4FF53B7C6311)
—  Spread Research (LEI code: 969500HB6BVM2UJDOC52)
—  EuroRating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 25940027QWS5GMO74O03)
—  HR Ratings de México, S.A. de C.V. (HR Ratings) (LEI code: 549300IFL3XJKTRHZ480)
—  Egan-Jones Ratings Co. (EJR) (LEI code: 54930016113PD33V1H31)
—  modeFinance S.r.l. (LEI code: 815600B85A94A0122614)
—  INC Rating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 259400SUBF5EPOGK0983)
—  Rating-Agentur Expert RA GmbH (LEI code: 213800P3OOBSGWN2UE81)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency Europe Limited (LEI code: 5493001NGHOLC41ZSK05)
—  Nordic Credit Rating AS (LEI code: 549300MLUDYVRQOOXS22)
—  DBRS Rating GmbH (LEI code: 54930033N1HPUEY7I370)
—  Beyond Ratings SAS (LEI code: 9695006ORIPPZ3QSM810)
—  Other nominated ECAI
—  No ECAI has been nominated and a simplification is being used to calculate the SCR
 This item shall be reported where External rating (C0320) is reported. In case ‘No ECAI has been nominated and a simplification is used to calculate the SCR’, the External rating (C0320) shall be left blank and in Credit quality step (C0340) one of the following options shall be used: 2a; 3a or 3b.


Credit quality step

 Applicable to any asset for which Credit quality step needs to be attributed for the purpose of SCR calculation.
Identify the credit quality step attributed to the asset, as defined by Article 109a(1) of Directive 2009/138/EC.
The credit quality step shall in particular reflect any readjustments to the credit quality made internally by the undertakings that use the standard formula.
This item is not applicable to assets for which undertakings using internal model use internal ratings. If undertakings using internal model do not use internal rating, this item shall be reported.
One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:  
0 –  Credit quality step 0
1 –  Credit quality step 1
2 –  Credit quality step 2
2a –  Credit quality step 2 due to the application of Article 176a of Delegated Regulation (EC) No 2015/35 for unrated bonds and loans
3 –  Credit quality step 3
3a –  Credit quality step 3 due to the application of the simplified calculation under Article 105a of Delegated Regulation (EC) No 2015/35
3b –  Credit quality step 3 due to the application of Article 176a of Delegated Regulation (EC) No 2015/35 for unrated bonds and loans
4 –  Credit quality step 4
5 –  Credit quality step 5
6 –  Credit quality step 6
9 –  No rating available


Internal rating


 Applicable at least to CIC categories 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8 (Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgages and loans to natural persons), where available.



Only applies to CIC categories 1, 2, 4 (when applicable, e.g. for collective investment undertaking mainly invested in bonds), 5 and 6.

Asset duration, defined as the ‘residual modified duration’ (modified duration calculated based on the remaining time for maturity of the security, counted from the reporting reference date). For assets without fixed maturity the first call date shall be used. The duration shall be calculated based on economic value.


Unit Solvency II price

Amount in reporting currency for the asset, if relevant.

This item shall be reported if a ‘quantity’ (C0130) has been provided in the first part of the template (‘Information on positions held’).

This item shall not be reported if item Unit percentage of par amount Solvency II price (C0380) is reported.


Unit percentage of par amount Solvency II price

Amount in percentage of par value, clean price without accrued interest, for the asset, if relevant.
This item shall be reported if a ‘par amount’ information (C0140) has been provided in the first part of the template (‘Information on positions held’) except for CIC category 71 and 9.
This item shall not be reported if item Unit Solvency II price (C0370) is reported.


Maturity date

Only applicable for CIC categories 1, 2, 5, 6, and 8, CIC 74 and CIC 79.

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the maturity date.

It corresponds always to the maturity date, even for callable securities.

The following shall be considered:

— For perpetual securities use ‘9999–12–31’

— For CIC category 8, regarding loans and mortgages to individuals, the weighted (based on the loan amount) remaining maturity is to be reported.

S.06.03 — Collective investment undertakings — look–through approach

General comments:

This section relates to quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template contains information on the look through of collective investment undertakings or investments packaged as funds, including when they are participations, by underlying asset category, country of issue and currency.  Considering proportionality and specific instructions of the template, the look through shall be performed until the asset categories, countries and currencies are identified. In case of funds of funds the look–through shall follow the same approach.

The template shall include information corresponding to 100 % of the value invested in collective investment undertakings. However, for the identification of countries the look–through shall be implemented in order to identify the exposures of 90 % of the total value of the funds minus the amounts relating to CIC 8 and 9, and for the identification of currencies the look–through shall be implemented in order to identify the exposures of 90 % of the total value of the funds. Undertakings shall ensure that the 10 % not identified by country is diversified across geographical areas, for example that not more than 5 % is in one single country. The look-through shall be applied by undertakings starting from the major, considering the amount invested, to the lowest single fund and the approach shall be kept consistent over time.

Quarterly information shall only be reported when the ratio of collective investments undertakings held by the undertaking to total investments, measured as the ratio between item C0010/R0180 of template S.02.01 plus collective investments undertakings included in item C0010/R0220 of template S.02.01 plus collective investments undertakings included in item C0010/R0090 and the sum of item C0010/R0070 and C0010/RC0220 of template S.02.01, is higher than 30 %.

Items shall be reported with positive values unless otherwise stated in the respective instructions.

The asset categories referred to in this template are the ones defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories of this Regulation and references to CIC codes refer to Annex VI — CIC table of this Regulation.





Collective Investments Undertaking ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available, and must be consistent over time


Collective Investments Undertaking ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO/6166 for ISIN

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


Underlying asset category

Identify the assets categories, receivables and derivatives within the collective investment undertaking. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Government bonds

2 — Corporate bonds

3L — Listed equity

3X — Unlisted equity

4 — Collective Investment Undertakings

5 — Structured notes

6 — Collateralised securities

7 — Cash and deposits

8 — Mortgages and loans

9 — Properties

0 — Other investments (including receivables)

A — Futures

B-Call Options

C — Put Options

D — Swaps

E — Forwards

F — Credit derivatives

L — Liabilities

 Category ‘4 — Collective Investment Units’ shall be used only for non–material residual values for both ‘funds of funds’ and any other fund.


Country of issue

Breakdown of each asset category identified in C0030 by issuer country. Identify the country of localisation of the issuer.

The localisation of the issuer is assessed by the address of the entity issuing the asset.

One of the options shall be used:

— ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code

— XA: Supranational issuers

— EU: European Union Institutions

— AA: aggregated countries due to application of threshold

This item is not applicable to Categories 8 and 9 as reported in C0030.



 Identify whether the currency of the asset category is the reporting currency or a foreign currency. All other currencies than the reporting currency are referred to as foreign currencies. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 —  Reporting currency

2 —  Foreign currency

3 —  Aggregated currencies due to application of threshold


Total amount

Total amount invested by asset category, country and currency through collective investment undertakings.

 For liabilities a positive amount shall be reported, unless the item is a derivative liability.

For derivatives the Total amount can be positive (if an asset) or negative (if a liability).

S.07.01 — Structured products

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

The asset categories referred to in this template are the ones defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories of this Regulation and references to CIC codes refer to Annex VI — CIC table of this Regulation.

This template contains an item–by–item list of structured products held directly by the undertaking in its portfolio (i.e. not on a look–through basis). Structured products are defined as assets falling into the asset categories 5 (Structured notes) and 6 (Collateralised securities).

This template shall only be reported when the amount of structured products, measured as the ratio between assets classified as asset categories 5 (Structured notes) and 6 (Collateralised securities) as defined in Annex IV — Asset Categories of this Regulation and the sum of item C0010/R0070 and C0010/R0220 of template S.02.01, is higher than 5 %.

In some cases the types of structured products (C0070) identify the derivative embedded in the structured product. In this case this classification shall be used when the structured product has the referred derivative embedded.





Asset ID Code

The Identification code of the structured product, as reported in S.06.02. using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. The code used shall be kept consistent over time and shall not be reused for other product.

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO/6166 for ISIN

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 9 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code+currency: ‘9/1’.


Collateral type

Identify the type of collateral, using the assets categories defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Government bonds

2 — Corporate bonds

3 — Equity

4 — Collective Investment Undertakings

5 — Structured notes

6 — Collateralised securities

7 — Cash and deposits

8 — Mortgages and loans

9 — Properties

0 — Other investments

10 — No collateral

When more than one category of collateral exists for one single structured product, the most representative one shall be reported.


Type of structured product

Identify the type of structure of the product. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Credit linked notes

Security or deposit with an embedded credit derivative (e.g. credit default swaps or credit default options)

2 — Constant maturity swaps

(security with an embedded interest rate swap (‘IRS’), where the floating interest portion is reset periodically according to a fixed maturity market rate.)

3 — Asset backed securities

(security that has an asset as collateral.)

4 — Mortgage backed securities

(security that has real estate as collateral.)

5 — Commercial mortgage backed securities

(security that has real estate as collateral such as retail properties, office properties, industrial properties, multifamily housing and hotels.)

6 — Collateralised debt obligations

(structured debt security backed by a portfolio consisting of secured or unsecured bonds issued by corporate or sovereign obligators, or secured or unsecured loans made to corporate commercial and industrial loan costumers of lending banks.)

7 — Collateralised loan obligations

(security that has as underlying a trust of a portfolio of loans where the cash–flows from the security are derived from the portfolio.)

8 — Collateralised mortgage obligations

(investment–grade security backed by a pool of bonds, loans and other assets.)

9 — Interest rate–linked notes and deposits

10 — Equity–linked and Equity Index Linked notes and deposits

11 — FX and commodity–linked notes and deposits

12 — Hybrid linked notes and deposits

(it includes real estate and equity securities)

13 — Market–linked notes and deposits

14 — Insurance–linked notes and deposits, including notes covering Catastrophe and Weather Risk as well as Mortality Risk

99 — Others not covered by the previous options


Capital protection

Identify whether the product has capital protection. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Full capital protection

2 — Partial capital protection

3 — No capital protection


Underlying security/index/portfolio

Describe the type of underlying. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Equity and Funds (a selected group or basket of equities)

2 — Currency (a selected group or basket of currencies)

3 — Interest rate and yields (bond indices, yield curves, differences in prevailing interest rates on shorter and longer–term maturities, credit spreads, inflation rates and other interest rate or yield benchmarks)

4 — Commodities (a selected, basic good or group of goods)

5 — Index (performance of a selected index)

6 — Multi (allowing for a combination of the possible types listed above)

9 — Others not covered by the previous options (e.g. other economic indicators)


Callable or Putable

Identify whether the product has call and/or put features, or both, if applicable. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Call by the buyer

2 — Call by the seller

3 — Put by the buyer

4 — Put by the seller

5 — Any combination of the previous options

 6 — Not applicable


Synthetic structured product

Identify if it is a structured products without any transfer of assets (e.g. products that will not give rise to any delivery of assets, except cash, if an adverse/favourable event occurs). One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Structured product without any transfer of asset

2 — Structured product with transfer of asset


Prepayment structured product

Identify if it is a structured products which have the possibility of prepayment, considered as an early unscheduled return of principal. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Prepayment structured product

2 — Not a prepayment structured product


Collateral value

Total amount of collateral attached to the structured product despite the nature of the collateral.

In case of collateralisation on a portfolio basis, only the value referred to the single contract must be reported and not the total.


Collateral portfolio

This item informs if the collateral to the structured product covers only one structured product or more than one structured product that is held by the undertaking. Net positions refer to the positions held on structured products. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Collateral calculated on the basis of net positions resulting from a set of contracts

2 — Collateral calculated on the basis of a single contract

10 — No collateral


Fixed annual return

Identify the coupon (reported as a decimal), if applicable, for CIC categories 5 (Structured notes) and 6 (Collateralised securities).


Variable annual return

Identify variable rate of return, if applicable, for CIC categories 5 (Structured notes) and 6 (Collateralised securities). It is most commonly identified as a benchmark market rate plus a spread, or as dependent on the performance of a portfolio or index (underlying dependent) or more complex returns set by the path of the underlying asset's price (path dependent), among others.  When needed this item may be reported as a string to reflect how the return is calculated.


Loss given default

The percentage (reported as a decimal,  —) of the invested amount that will not be recovered following default, if applicable, for CIC categories 5 (Structured notes) and 6 (Collateralised securities).

If information is not defined in the contract this item shall not be reported. This item is not applicable for non–credit structured product.


Attachment point

The contractually defined loss percentage (reported as a decimal) above which the losses affect the structured product, if applicable, for CIC categories 5 (Structured notes) and 6 (Collateralised securities). This item is not applicable for non–credit structured product.


Detachment point

The contractually defined loss percentage (reported as a decimal) above which the losses seize to affect the structured product, if applicable, for CIC categories 5 (Structured notes) and 6 (Collateralised securities). This item is not applicable for non–credit structured product.

S.08.01 — Open derivatives

General comments:

This section relates to quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities.

The derivatives categories referred to in this template are the ones defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories of this Regulation and references to CIC codes refer to Annex VI — CIC table of this Regulation. This template contains an item–by–item list of derivatives held directly by the undertaking (i.e. not on a look–through basis), classifiable as asset categories A to F.

Derivatives are considered assets if their Solvency II value is positive or zero. They are considered liabilities if their Solvency II value is negative. Both derivatives considered as assets or considered as liabilities shall be included.

Information shall include all derivatives contracts that existed during the reporting period and were not closed prior to the reporting reference date.

If there are frequent trades on the same derivative, resulting in multiple open positions, the derivative can be reported on an aggregated or net basis, as long as all the relevant characteristics are common and following the specific instruction for each relevant item.

Items shall be reported with positive values unless otherwise stated in the respective instructions.

A derivative is a financial instrument or other contract with all three of the following characteristics:


Its value changes in response to the change in a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates, credit rating or credit index, or other variable, provided in the case of a non–financial variable that the variable is not specific to a party to the contract (sometimes called the ‘underlying’).


It requires no initial net investment or an initial net investment that is smaller than would be required for other types of contracts that would be expected to have a similar response to changes in market factors.


It is settled at a future date.

This template comprises two tables: Information on positions held and Information on derivatives.

On the table Information on positions held, each derivative shall be reported separately in as many rows as needed in order to properly fill in all non-monetary variables, requested in that table. If for the same derivative two values can be attributed to one variable, then this derivative needs to be reported in more than one line.

In particular, for derivatives that have more than a pair of currencies, it shall be split into the pair components and reported in different rows.

On the table Information on derivative, each derivative shall be reported separately, with one row for each derivative, filling in all variables requested in that table.

The information regarding the External rating (C0290) and Nominated ECAI (C0300) may be limited (not reported) in the following circumstances:


through a decision of the national supervisory authority under Article 35 (6) and (7) of the Directive 2009/138/EC; or


through a decision of the national supervisory authority in the cases where the insurance and reinsurance undertakings have in place outsourcing arrangements in the area of investments that lead to this specific information not being available directly to the undertaking.




Information on positions held


Derivative ID Code

Derivative ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available, and must be consistent over time


Derivative ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Derivative ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO/6166 for ISIN

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking



Distinction between life, non–life, shareholder's funds, general (no split) and ring fenced funds. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Life

2 — Non–life

3 — Ring fenced funds

4 — Other internal fund

5 — Shareholders' funds

6 — General

The split is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be reported if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split ‘general’ shall be used.


Fund number

Applicable to derivatives held in ring fenced funds or other internal funds (defined according to national markets).

Number which is attributed by the undertaking, corresponding to the unique number assigned to each fund. This number has to be consistent over time and shall be used to identify the funds in other templates. It shall not be re–used for a different fund.


Derivatives held in unit linked and index linked contracts

Identify the derivatives that are held by unit linked and index linked contracts. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Unit–linked or index–linked

2 — Neither unit–linked nor index–linked


Instrument underlying the derivative

 ID Code of the instrument (asset or liability) underlying the derivative contract. This item is to be provided only for derivatives that have a single or multiple underlying instruments in the undertakings' portfolio. An index is considered a single instrument and shall be reported. Identification code of the instrument underlying the derivative using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking for the underling instrument when the options above are not available and must be unique and consistent over time for that instrument;

— ‘Multiple assets/liabilities’, if the underlying assets or liabilities are more than one.

If the underlying instrument is an index then the code of the index shall be reported.


Type of code of asset or liability underlying the derivative

 Type of ID Code used for the ‘Instrument underlying the derivative’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 —  ISO/6166 for ISIN

2 —  CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 —  SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 —  WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 —  Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 —  BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 —  Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 —  FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 —  Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 —  Code attributed by the undertaking in case that none of the above options are available. This option shall also be used for the cases of ‘Multiple assets/liabilities’ and indexes


Use of derivative

Describe the use of the derivative (micro/macro hedge, efficient portfolio management).

Micro hedge refers to derivatives covering a single financial instrument (asset or liability), forecasted transaction or other liability.

Macro hedge refers to derivatives covering a set of financial instruments (assets or liabilities), forecasted transactions or other liabilities.

Efficient portfolio management refers usually to operations where the manager wishes to improve a portfolio' income by exchanging a (lower) cash–flow pattern by another with a higher value, using a derivative or set of derivatives, without changing the asset' portfolio composition, having a lower investment amount and less transaction costs.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Micro hedge

2 — Macro hedge

3 — Matching assets and liabilities cash–flows used in the context of matching adjustment portfolios

4 — Efficient portfolio management, other than ‘Matching assets and liabilities cash–flows used in the context of matching adjustment portfolios’



Only applicable to CIC categories B and C (Call and put options), with reference to the reporting date.

Measures the rate of change of option value with respect to changes in the underlying asset's price.

This shall be reported as a decimal.


Notional amount of the derivative

The amount covered or exposed to the derivative.

For futures and options corresponds to contract size multiplied by the trigger value and by the number of contracts reported in that line. For swaps and forwards it corresponds to the contract amount of the contracts reported in that line. When the trigger value corresponds to a range, the average value of the range shall be used.

The notional amount refers to the amount that is being hedged/invested (when not covering risks). If several trades occur, it shall be the net amount at the reporting date.



Only for futures and options, swaps and credit derivatives contracts  —.

Identify whether the derivative contract was bought or sold.

The buyer and seller position for swaps is defined relatively to the security or notional amount and the swap flows.

A seller of a swap owns the security or notional amount at the contract inception and agrees to deliver during the contract term that security or notional amount, including any other outflows related to the contract, when applicable.

A buyer of a swap will own the security or the notional amount at the end of the derivatives contact and will receive during the contract term that security or notional amount, including any other inflows related to the contract, when applicable.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used, with the exception of Interest Rate Swaps:

1 — Buyer

2 — Seller

For interest rate swaps one of the options in the following closed list shall be use:

3 — FX–FL: Deliver fixed–for–floating

4 — FX–FX: Deliver fixed–for–fixed

5 — FL–FX: Deliver floating–for–fixed

6 — FL–FL: Deliver floating–for–floating


Premium paid to date

 The payment made (if bought), for options and also up–front and periodical premium amounts paid for swaps, since the moment the undertaking entered into the derivative contract.


Premium received to date

 The payment received (if sold), for options and also up–front and periodical premium amounts received for swaps, since the moment the undertaking entered into the derivative contract.


Number of contracts

Number of similar derivative contracts reported in the line. It shall be the number of contracts entered into. For Over–The–Counter derivatives, e.g., one swap contract, ‘1’ shall be reported, if ten swaps with the same characteristics, ‘10’ shall be reported.

The number of contracts shall be the ones outstanding at the reporting date.


Contract size

Number of underlying assets in the contract (e.g. for equity futures it is the number of equities to be delivered per derivative contract at maturity, for bond futures it is the reference amount underlying each contract).

The way the contract size is defined varies according with the type of instrument. For futures on equities it is common to find the contract size defined as a function of the number of shares underlying the contract.

For futures on bonds, it is the bond nominal amount underlying the contract.

Only applicable for futures and options.


Maximum loss under unwinding event

Maximum amount of loss if an unwinding event occurs. Applicable to CIC category F.

Where a credit derivative is 100 % collateralised, the maximum loss under an unwinding event is zero.


Swap outflow amount

Amount delivered under the swap contract (other than premiums), during the reporting period. Corresponds to interest paid for IRS and amounts delivered for currency swaps, credit swaps, total return swaps and other swaps.

In the cases where the settlement is made on a net basis then only one of the items C0200 and C0210 shall be reported.


Swap inflow amount

Amount received under the swap contract (other than premiums), during the reporting period. Corresponds to interest received for IRS and amounts received for currency swaps, credit swaps, total return swaps and other swaps.

In the cases where the settlement is made on a net basis then only one of the items C0200 and C0210 shall be reported.


Initial date

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date when obligations under the contract come into effect.

When various dates occur for the same derivative, report only the one regarding the first trade date of the derivative and only one row for each derivative (no different rows for each trade) reflecting the total amount invested in that derivative considering the different dates of trade.

In case of novation, the novation date becomes the trade date for that derivative.



Derivative duration, defined as the residual modified duration, for derivatives for which a duration measure is applicable.

Calculated as the net duration between in and out flows from the derivative, when applicable.


Solvency II value

Value of the derivative as of the reporting date calculated as defined by Article 75 of the Directive 2009/138/EC. It can be positive, negative or zero.


Valuation method

Identify the valuation method used when valuing derivatives. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — quoted market price in active markets for the same assets or liabilities

2 — quoted market price in active markets for similar assets or liabilities

3 — alternative valuation methods

6 — Market valuation according to Article 9(4) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35




Information on derivatives


Derivative ID Code

Derivative ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available, and must be consistent over time


Derivative ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Derivative ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO/6166 for ISIN

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


Counterparty Name

Name of the counterparty of the derivative. When available, this item corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When not available, corresponds to the legal name.

The following shall be considered:

— Name of the exchange market for exchanged traded derivatives; or

— Name of Central Counterparty (‘CCP’) for Over–The–Counter derivatives where they are cleared through a CCP; or

— Name of the contractual counterparty for the other Over–The–Counter derivatives.


Counterparty Code


Identification code of the counterparty using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If none is available this item shall not be reported


Type of counterparty code


Identification of the code used for the ‘Counterparty Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None


External rating

Only applicable to Over–The–Counter derivatives.

 The rating of the counterparty of the derivative at the reporting reference date as provided by the nominated credit assessment institution (ECAI).

This item is not applicable to derivatives for which undertakings using internal model use internal ratings. If undertakings using internal model do not use internal rating, this item shall be reported.

 If an issuer rating is not available, the item shall be left blank.


Nominated ECAI

 Identify the credit assessment institution (ECAI) giving the external rating in C0290, by using the following closed list. In case of ratings issued by subsidiaries of the ECAI please report the parent ECAI (the reference is to ESMA list of credit rating agencies registered or certified in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies). In case a new Credit Rating Agency is registered or certified by ESMA and while the closed list is not up-dated please report ‘Other nominated ECAI’.
—  Euler Hermes Rating GmbH (LEI code: 391200QXGLWHK9VK6V27)
—  Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd (LEI code: 35380002378CEGMRVW86)
—  BCRA-Credit Rating Agency AD (LEI code: 747800Z0IC3P66HTQ142)
—  Creditreform Rating AG (LEI code: 391200PHL11KDUTTST66)
—  Scope Ratings GmbH (LEI code: 391200WU1EZUQFHDWE91)
—  ICAP Group SA (LEI code: 2138008U6LKT8VG2UK85)
—  GBB-Rating Gesellschaft für Bonitätsbeurteilung GmbH (LEI code: 391200OLWXCTKPADVV72)
—  ASSEKURATA Assekuranz Rating-Agentur GmbH (LEI code: 529900977LETWLJF3295)
—  ARC Ratings, S.A. (LEI code: 213800OZNJQMV6UA7D79)
—  AM Best Europe
—  A.M. Best (EU) Rating Services B.V. (LEI code: 549300Z2RUKFKV7GON79)
—  AM Best Europe-Rating Services Ltd. (AMBERS) (LEI code: 549300VO8J8E5IQV1T26)
—  DBRS Ratings Limited (LEI code: 5493008CGCDQLGT3EH93)
—  Fitch
—  Fitch France S.A.S. (LEI code: 2138009Y4TCZT6QOJO69)
—  Fitch Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 213800JEMOT1H45VN340)
—  Fitch Italia S.p.A. (LEI code: 213800POJ9QSCHL3KR31)
—  Fitch Polska S.A. (LEI code: 213800RYJTJPW2WD5704)
—  Fitch Ratings España S.A.U. (LEI code: 213800RENFIIODKETE60)
—  Fitch Ratings Limited (LEI code: 2138009F8YAHVC8W3Q52)
—  Fitch Ratings CIS Limited (LEI code: 213800B7528Q4DIF2G76)
—  Moody’s
—  Moody’s Investors Service Cyprus Ltd (LEI code: 549300V4LCOYCMNUVR81)
—  Moody’s France S.A.S. (LEI code: 549300EB2XQYRSE54F02)
—  Moody’s Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 549300M5JMGHVTWYZH47)
—  Moody’s Italia S.r.l. (LEI code: 549300GMXJ4QK70UOU68)
—  Moody’s Investors Service España S.A. (LEI code: 5493005X59ILY4BGJK90)
—  Moody’s Investors Service Ltd (LEI code: 549300SM89WABHDNJ349)
—  Moody’s Investors Service EMEA Ltd (LEI code: 54930009NU3JYS1HTT72)
—  Moody’s Investors Service (Nordics) AB (LEI code: 549300W79ZVFWJCD2Z23)
—  Standard & Poor’s
—  S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (LEI code:5493008B2TU3S6QE1E12)
—  CRIF Ratings S.r.l. (LEI code: 8156001AB6A1D740F237)
—  Capital Intelligence Ratings Ltd (LEI code: 549300RE88OJP9J24Z18)
—  European Rating Agency, a.s. (LEI code: 097900BFME0000038276)
—  Axesor Risk Management SL (LEI code: 959800EC2RH76JYS3844)
—  Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A. (LEI code: 8156004AB6C992A99368)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency (LEI code: 549300QYZ5CZYXTNZ676)
—  The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd (LEI code: 213800Q7GRZWF95EWN10)
—  Dagong Europe Credit Rating Srl (Dagong Europe) (LEI code: 815600BF4FF53B7C6311)
—  Spread Research (LEI code: 969500HB6BVM2UJDOC52)
—  EuroRating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 25940027QWS5GMO74O03)
—  HR Ratings de México, S.A. de C.V. (HR Ratings) (LEI code: 549300IFL3XJKTRHZ480)
—  Egan-Jones Ratings Co. (EJR) (LEI code: 54930016113PD33V1H31)
—  modeFinance S.r.l. (LEI code: 815600B85A94A0122614)
—  INC Rating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 259400SUBF5EPOGK0983)
—  Rating-Agentur Expert RA GmbH (LEI code: 213800P3OOBSGWN2UE81)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency Europe Limited (LEI code: 5493001NGHOLC41ZSK05)
—  Nordic Credit Rating AS (LEI code: 549300MLUDYVRQOOXS22)
—  DBRS Rating GmbH (LEI code: 54930033N1HPUEY7I370)
—  Beyond Ratings SAS (LEI code: 9695006ORIPPZ3QSM810)
—  Other nominated ECAI
This item shall be reported when External rating (C0290) is reported.


Credit quality step

Identify the credit quality step attributed to the counterparty of the derivative, as defined by Article 109a(1) of Directive 2009/138/EC. The credit quality step shall reflect any readjustments to the credit quality made internally by the undertakings that use the standard formula.

This item is not applicable to derivatives for which undertakings using internal model use internal ratings. If undertakings using internal model do not use internal rating, this item shall be reported.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

0 — Credit quality step 0

1 — Credit quality step 1

2 — Credit quality step 2

3 — Credit quality step 3

4 — Credit quality step 4

5 — Credit quality step 5

6 — Credit quality step 6

9 — No rating available


Internal rating

Internal rating of assets for undertakings using internal model to the extent that the internal ratings are used in their internal modelling. If an internal model undertaking is using solely external ratings this item shall not be reported.


Counterparty group

Only applicable to Over–The–Counter derivatives, regarding contractual counterparties other than an exchange market and Central Counterparty (CCP).

Name of the ultimate parent entity of counterparty. When available, this item corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When not available, corresponds to the legal name.


Counterparty group code

Only applicable to Over–The–Counter derivatives, regarding contractual counterparties other than an exchange market and Central Counterparty (CCP).

Identification code using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If none is available this item shall not be reported.


Type of counterparty group code

Identification of the code used for the ‘Counterparty group Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None


Contract name

Name of the derivative contract.



Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the derivative, i.e., currency of the notional amount of the derivative (e.g.: option having as underlying an amount in USD, currency for which the notional amount is expressed contractually for FX swap, etc.).



Complementary Identification Code used to classify assets, as set out in Annex — VI CIC Table of this Regulation. When classifying derivatives using the CIC table, undertakings shall take into consideration the most representative risk to which the derivative is exposed to.


Trigger value

Reference price for futures, strike price for options (for bonds, price shall be a percentage of the par amount), currency exchange rate or interest rate for forwards, etc.

Not applicable to CIC D3 — Interest rate and currency swaps. For CIC F1 — Credit default swaps it shall not be completed if not possible.

In the case of more than one trigger over time, report the next trigger occurring.

When the derivative has a range of trigger values, report the set separated by comma ‘,’ if the range is not continuous and report the range separated by ‘–’ if it is continuous.


Unwind trigger of contract

Identify the event that causes the unwinding of the contract, out of the regular expiration or term conditions. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Bankruptcy of the underlying or reference entity

2 — Adverse fall in value of the underlying reference asset

3 — Adverse change in credit rating of the underlying assets or entity

4 — Novation, i.e. the act of replacing an obligation under the derivative with a new obligation, or replacing a party of the derivative with a new party

5 — Multiple events or a combination of events

6 — Other events not covered by the previous options

9 — No unwind trigger


Swap delivered currency

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the swap price (only for currency swaps and currency and interest rate swaps).


Swap received currency

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the swap notional amount (only for currency swaps and currency and interest rate swaps).


Maturity date

Identify the contractually defined ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date of close of the derivative contract, whether at maturity date, expiring date for options (European or American), etc.

S.08.02 — Derivatives Transactions

General comments:

This section relates to quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities.

The derivatives categories referred to in this template are the ones defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories of this Regulation and references to CIC codes refer to Annex V — CIC table of this Regulation.

This template contains an item–by–item list of closed derivatives held directly by the undertaking (i.e. not on a look–through basis), classifiable as asset categories A to F. When a contract is still open but has been reduced in size the closed portion shall be reported.

Derivatives are considered assets if their Solvency II value is positive or zero.  They are considered liabilities if their Solvency II value is negative. Both derivatives considered as assets or considered as liabilities shall be included.

Closed derivatives are the ones that were open at some point of the reference period (i.e. last quarter if template is submitted quarterly or last year if template is only submitted annually) but were closed before the end of the reporting period.

If there are frequent trades on the same derivative, the derivative can be reported on an aggregated or net basis (indicating only the first and the last trade dates), as long as all the relevant characteristics are common and following the specific instruction for each relevant item.

Items shall be reported with positive values unless otherwise stated in the respective instructions.

A derivative is a financial instrument or other contract with all three of the following characteristics:


Its value changes in response to the change in a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates, credit rating or credit index, or other variable, provided in the case of a non–financial variable that the variable is not specific to a party to the contract (sometimes called the ‘underlying’).


It requires no initial net investment or an initial net investment that is smaller than would be required for other types of contracts that would be expected to have a similar response to changes in market factors.


It is settled at a future date.

This template comprises two tables: Information on positions held and Information on derivatives.

 On the table Information on positions held, each derivative shall be reported separately in as many rows as needed in order to properly fill in all non-monetary variables, requested in that table. If for the same derivative two values can be attributed to one variable, then this derivative needs to be reported in more than one line.

In particular, for derivatives that have more than a pair of currencies, it shall be split into the pair components and reported in different rows.

On the table Information on derivative, each derivative shall be reported separately, with one row for each derivative, filling in all variables requested in that table.




Information on positions held


Derivative ID Code

Derivative ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available, and must be consistent over time


Derivative ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Derivative ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO/6166 for ISIN

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking



Distinction between life, non–life, shareholder's funds, general (no split) and ring fenced funds. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Life

2 — Non–life:

3 — Ring fenced funds

4 — Other internal fund

5 — Shareholders' funds

6 — General

The split is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be reported if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split ‘general’ shall be used.


Fund number

Applicable to derivatives held in ring fenced funds or other internal funds (defined according to national markets).

Number which is attributed by the undertaking, corresponding to the unique number assigned to each fund. This number has to be consistent over time and shall be used to identify the funds in other templates. It shall not be re–used for a different fund.


Derivatives held in unit linked and index linked contracts

Identify the derivatives that are held by unit linked and index linked contracts. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Unit–linked or index–linked

2 — Neither unit–linked nor index–linked


Instrument underlying the derivative

 ID Code of the instrument (asset or liability) underlying the derivative contract. This item is to be provided only for derivatives that have a single or multiple underlying instruments in the undertakings' portfolio. An index is considered a single instrument and shall be reported. Identification code of the instrument underlying the derivative using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available;

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking for the underling instrument when the options above are not available and must be unique and consistent over time for that instrument;

— ‘Multiple assets/liabilities’, if the underlying assets or liabilities are more than one.

If the underlying instrument is an index then the code of the index shall be reported.


Type of code of asset or liability underlying the derivative

 Type of ID Code used for the ‘Instrument underlying the derivative’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 —  ISO/6166 for ISIN

2 —  CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 —  SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 —  WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 —  Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 —  BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 —  Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 —  FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 —  Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 —  Code attributed by the undertaking in case that none of the above options are available. This option shall also be used for the cases of ‘Multiple assets/liabilities’ and indexes

This item is not reported for derivatives which have as underlying more than one asset or liability.


Use of derivative

Describe the use of the derivative (micro/macro hedge, efficient portfolio management).

Micro hedge refers to derivatives covering a single financial instrument (asset or liability), forecasted transaction or other liability.

Macro hedge refers to derivatives covering a set of financial instruments (assets or liabilities), forecasted transactions or other liabilities.

Efficient portfolio management refers usually to operations where the manager wishes to improve a portfolio' income by exchanging a (lower) cash–flow pattern by another with a higher value, using a derivative or set of derivatives, without changing the asset' portfolio composition, having a lower investment amount and less transaction costs.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Micro hedge

2 — Macro hedge

3 — Matching assets and liabilities cash–flows used in the context of matching adjustment portfolios

4 — Efficient portfolio management, other than ‘Matching assets and liabilities cash–flows used in the context of matching adjustment portfolios’


Notional amount of the derivative

The amount covered or exposed to the derivative.

For futures and options corresponds to contract size multiplied by the trigger value and by the number of contracts reported in that line. For swaps and forwards it corresponds to the contract amount of the contracts reported in that line.

The notional amount refers to the amount that is being hedged/invested (when not covering risks). If several trades occur, it shall be the net amount at the reporting date.



Only for futures and options, swaps and credit derivatives contracts (currency, credit and securities swaps).

Identify whether the derivative contract was bought or sold.

The buyer and seller position for swaps is defined relatively to the security or notional amount and the swap flows.

A seller of a swap owns the security or notional amount at the contract inception and agrees to deliver during the contract term that security or notional amount, including any other outflows related to the contract, when applicable.

A buyer of a swap will own the security or the notional amount at the end of the derivatives contact and will receive during the contract term that security or notional amount, including any other inflows related to the contract, when applicable.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used, with the exception of Interest Rate Swaps:

1 — Buyer

2 — Seller

For interest rate swaps one of the options in the following closed list shall be use:

3 — FX–FL: Deliver fixed–for–floating

4 — FX–FX: Deliver fixed–for–fixed

5 — FL–FX: Deliver floating–for–fixed

6 — FL–FL: Deliver floating–for–floating


Premium paid to date

 The payment made (if bought), for options and also up–front and periodical premium amounts paid for swaps, since the moment the undertaking entered into the derivative contract.


Premium received to date

 The payment received (if sold), for options and also up–front and periodical premium amounts received for swaps, since the moment the undertaking entered into the derivative contract.


Profit and loss to date

 Amount of profit and loss arising from the derivative since the moment the undertaking entered into the derivative contract, realised at the closing/maturing date. Corresponds to the difference between the value (price) at sale date and the value (price) at acquisition date.

This amount could be positive (profit) or negative (loss).


Number of contracts

Number of similar derivative contracts reported in the line. For Over–The–Counter derivatives, e.g., one swap contract, 1 shall be reported, if ten swaps with the same characteristics, 10 shall be reported.

The number of contracts shall be the ones entered into and that were closed at the reporting date.


Contract size

Number of underlying assets in the contract (e.g. for equity futures it is the number of equities to be delivered per derivative contract at maturity, for bond futures it is the reference amount underlying each contract).

The way the contract size is defined varies according with the type of instrument. For futures on equities it is common to find the contract size defined as a function of the number of shares underlying the contract.

For futures on bonds, it is the bond nominal amount underlying the contract.

Only applicable for futures and options.


Maximum loss under unwinding event

Maximum amount of loss if an unwinding event occurs. Applicable to CIC category F.


Swap outflow amount

Amount delivered under the swap contract (other than premiums), during the reporting period. Corresponds to interest paid for IRS and amounts delivered for currency swaps, credit swaps, total return swaps and other swaps.

In the cases where the settlement is made on a net basis then only one of the items C0200 and C0210 shall be reported.


Swap inflow amount

Amount received under the swap contract (other than premiums), during the reporting period. Corresponds to interest received for IRS and amounts received for currency swaps, credit swaps, total return swaps and other swaps.

In the cases where the settlement is made on a net basis then only one of the items C0200 and C0210 shall be reported.


Initial date

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date when obligations under the contract come into effect.

When various trades occur for the same derivative, report only the one regarding the first trade date of the derivative and only one row for each derivative (no different rows for each trade) reflecting the total amount invested in that derivative considering the different dates of trade.

In case of novation, the novation date becomes the trade date for that derivative.


Solvency II value

 Value of the derivative calculated as defined by article 75 of the Directive 2009/138/EC at the trade (closing or sale) or maturity date. It can be positive, negative or zero.




Information on derivatives


Derivative ID Code

Derivative ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available, and must be consistent over time


Derivative ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Derivative ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO/6166 for ISIN

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


Counterparty Name

Name of the counterparty of the derivative. When available, corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When not available, corresponds to the legal name.

The following shall be considered:

— Name of the exchange market for exchanged traded derivatives; or

— Name of Central Counterparty (CCP) for Over–The–Counter derivatives where they are cleared through a CCP; or

— Name of the contractual counterparty for the other Over–The–Counter derivatives.


Counterparty Code


Identification code using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If none is available this item shall not be reported.


Type of counterparty code


Identification of the code used for the ‘Counterparty Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None


Counterparty group

Only applicable to Over–The–Counter derivatives, regarding contractual counterparties other than an exchange market and Central Counterparty (CCP).

Name of the ultimate parent entity of counterparty. When available, this item corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When not available, corresponds to the legal name.


Counterparty group code

Only applicable to Over–The–Counter derivatives, regarding contractual counterparties other than an exchange market and Central Counterparty (CCP).

Identification code using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If none is available this item shall not be reported.


Type of counterparty group code

Identification of the code used for the ‘Counterparty group Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None


Contract name

Name of the derivative contract.



Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the derivative, i.e., currency of the notional amount of the derivative (e.g.: option having as underlying an amount in USD, currency for which the notional amount is expressed contractually for FX swap, etc.).



Complementary Identification Code used to classify assets, as set out in Annex — VI CIC table of this Regulation. When classifying derivatives using the CIC table, undertakings shall take into consideration the most representative risk to which the derivative is exposed to.


Trigger value

Reference price for futures, strike price for options (for bonds price shall be a percentage of the par amount), currency exchange rate or interest rate for forwards, etc.

Not applicable to CIC D3 — Interest rate and currency swaps.

For CIC F1 — Credit default swaps it shall not be completed if not possible.

In the case of more than one trigger over time, report the next trigger occurring.

When the derivative has a range of trigger values, report the set separated by comma ‘,’ if the range is not continuous and report the range separated by ‘–’ if it is continuous.


Unwind trigger of contract

Identify the event that causes the unwinding of the contract, out of the regular expiration or term conditions. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Bankruptcy of the underlying or reference entity

2 — Adverse fall in value of the underlying reference asset

3 — Adverse change in credit rating of the underlying assets or entity

4 — Novation, i.e. the act of replacing an obligation under the derivative with a new obligation, or replacing a party of the derivative with a new party

5 — Multiple events or a combination of events

6 — Other events not covered by the previous options

9 — No unwind trigger


Swap delivered currency

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the swap price (only for currency swaps and currency and interest rate swaps).


Swap received currency

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the swap notional amount (only for currency swaps and currency and interest rate swaps).


Maturity date

Identify the contractually defined ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date of close of the derivative contract, whether at maturity date, expiring date for options (European or American), etc.

S.09.01 — Information on gains/income and losses in the period

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template contains information on gains/income and losses by asset category (including derivatives). i.e., no item–by–item reporting is required. The asset categories considered in this template are the ones defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories.

Items shall be reported with positive values unless otherwise stated in the respective instructions.





Asset category

Identify the asset categories present in the portfolio.

Use the categories defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories.



Distinction between life, non–life, shareholder's funds, other internal funds, general (no split) and ring fenced funds. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Life

2 — Non–life

3 — Ring fenced funds

4 — Other internal funds

5 — Shareholders' funds

6 — General

The split is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be reported if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split ‘general’ must be used.


Asset held in unit linked and index linked contracts

Identify the assets that are held by unit linked and index linked contracts. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Unit–linked or index–linked

2 — Neither unit–linked nor index–linked



Amount of dividends earned over the reporting period, i.e. dividends received less the right to receive a dividend already recognised at the beginning of the reporting period, plus the right to receive a dividend recognised at the end of the reporting period. Applicable to dividend paying assets such as equity, preferred securities and collective investment undertakings.

Includes also dividends received from assets that have been sold or matured.



Amount of interest earned, i.e. interest received less accrued interest at the start of the period plus accrued interest at the end of the reporting period.

Includes interest received when the asset is sold/matured or when the coupon is received.

Applicable to coupon and interest paying assets such as bonds, loans and deposits.



Amount of rent earned i.e. rent received less accrued rent at the start of the period plus accrued rent at the end of the reporting period. Includes also rents received when the asset is sold or matured.

Only applicable to properties, regardless of the function.


Net gains and losses

Net gains and losses resulting from assets sold or matured during the reporting period.

The gains and losses are calculated as the difference between selling or maturity value and the value according to Article 75 of Directive 2009/138/EC at the end of the prior reporting year (or, in case of assets acquired during the reporting period, the acquisition value).

The net value can be positive, negative or zero.

 This calculation shall be performed without interest accrued.


Unrealised gains and losses

Unrealised gains and losses resulting from assets not sold nor matured during the reporting period.

The unrealised gains and losses are calculated as the difference between the value according to Article 75 of Directive 2009/138/EC at the end of the reporting year end and the value according to Article 75 of Directive 2009/138/EC at the end of the prior reporting year (or, in case of assets acquired during the reporting period, the acquisition value).

The net value can be positive, negative or zero.

 This calculation shall be performed without interest accrued.

S.10.01 — Securities lending and repos

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template contains an item–by–item list of securities lending transactions and repurchase agreements (buyer and seller) contracts, held directly by the undertaking (i.e. not on a look–through basis), which include also the liquidity swaps referred to in Article 309 (2)(f) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

It shall be reported only when the value of the underlying securities on and off balance sheet involved in lending or repurchase agreements, with maturity date falling after the reporting reference date represent more than 5 % of the total investments as reported in C0010/R0070 and C0010/R0220 of template S.02.01.

All contracts that are on the balance sheet or off balance sheet shall be reported. The information shall include all contracts in the reporting period regardless of whether they were open or closed at the reporting date. For contracts which are part of a roll–over strategy, where they substantially are the same transaction, only open positions shall be reported.

A repurchase agreement (repo) is defined as the sale of securities together with an agreement for the seller to buy back the securities at a later date. Securities lending is defined as the lending of securities by one party to another, which requires that the borrower provides the lender with collateral.

Items shall be reported with positive values unless otherwise stated in the respective instructions.

The asset categories referred to in this template are the ones defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories of this Regulation and references to CIC codes refer to Annex VI — CIC table of this Regulation.

Each repo and securities lending contract shall be reported in as many rows as needed to provide the information requested. If for one item one option fits one part of the instrument being reported and a different option fits the other part then the contract needs to be unbundled unless is stated otherwise in the instructions.






Distinction between life, non–life, shareholder's funds, general (no split) and ring fenced funds. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Life

2 — Non–life:

3 — Ring fenced funds

4 — Other internal fund

5 — Shareholders' funds

6 — General

The split is not mandatory, except for identifying ring fenced funds, but shall be reported if the undertaking uses it internally. When an undertaking does not apply a split ‘general’ must be used.

For assets held off–balance sheet this item shall not be reported.


Fund number

Applicable to assets held in ring fenced funds or other internal funds (defined according to national markets).

Number which is attributed by the undertaking, corresponding to the unique number assigned to each fund. This number has to be consistent over time and shall be used to identify the funds in other templates. It shall not be re–used for a different fund.


Asset category

Identify the asset category of the underlying asset lent/provided as part of a securities lending transactions or repurchase agreements.

Use the categories defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories of this Regulation.


Counterparty Name

Name of the counterparty of the contract.

When available, this item corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When not available, corresponds to the legal name.


Counterparty code

Identification code of the counterparty using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If none is available, this item shall not be reported.


Type of counterparty code

Identification of the code used for the ‘Counterparty Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None


Counterparty asset category

Identify the most significant asset category borrowed/received as part of a securities lending transactions or repurchase agreements.

Use the asset categories defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories of this Regulation.


Asset held in unit–linked and index–linked contracts

Identify if the underlying asset identified in C0060 is held by unit linked and index linked contracts. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Unit–linked or index–linked

2 — Neither unit–linked nor index–linked


Position in the contract

Identify whether the undertaking is a buyer or seller in the repo or a lender or borrower in the securities lending. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Buyer in a repo

2 — Seller in a repo

3 — Lender in a securities lending

4 — Borrower in a securities lending


Near leg amount

Represents the following amounts:

— Buyer in a repo: amount received at the contract inception

— Seller in a repo: amount ceded at the contract inception

— Lender in a securities lending: amount received as guarantee at the contract inception

— Borrower in a securities lending: amount or market value of the securities received at the contract inception


Far leg amount

This item is only applicable for repos and represents the following amounts:

— Buyer in a repo: amount ceded at the contract maturity

— Seller in a repo: amount received at the contract maturity


Start date

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the contract start date. The contract start date refers to the date when obligations under the contract come into effect.


Maturity date

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the contract closing date. Even if the contract is on an open call basis, there is usually a date when the contract expires. In these cases this date must be reported, if no call occurs before.

An agreement is considered closed when it has matured, a call occurs or the agreement is cancelled.

For contracts with no defined maturity date report ‘9999–12–31’.


Solvency II Value

This item is only applicable for contracts that are still open at the reporting date.

Value of the repo or securities lending contract, following Article 75 of Directive 2009/138/EC rules for valuation of contracts.

This value can be positive, negative or zero.

S.11.01 — Assets held as collateral

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template contains an item–by–item list of off–balance sheet assets held as collateral for covering balance sheet assets held directly by the undertaking (i.e. not on a look–through basis).

It consists of detailed information from the perspective of the assets held as collateral and not from the perspective of the collateral arrangement.

If there is a pool of collaterals or a collateral arrangement comprising multiple assets, as many rows as the assets in the pool or arrangement shall be reported.

This template comprises two tables: Information on positions held and Information on assets.

On the table Information on positions held, each asset held as collateral shall be reported separately in as many rows as needed in order to properly fill in all variables requested in that table. If for the same asset two values can be attributed to one variable, then this asset needs to be reported in more than one line.  Real estate held as collateral of the mortgages related to individuals shall be reported in one single line.

On the table Information on assets, each asset held as collateral shall be reported separately, with one row for each asset, filling in all variables requested in that table.

All items except items ‘Type of asset for which the collateral is held’ (C0140), ‘Name of the counterparty pledging the collateral’ (C0060) and ‘Name of the group of the counterparty pledging the collateral’ (C0070) relate to information on the assets held as collateral. Item C0140 relates to the asset on the balance sheet for which the collateral is held while items C0060 and C0070 relate to the counterparty pledging the collateral.

The asset categories referred to in this template are the ones defined in Annex IV — Assets Categories of this Regulation and references to CIC codes refer to Annex VI — CIC table of this Regulation.




Information on positions held


Asset ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available, and must be consistent over time

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code Type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO/6166 for ISIN

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 9 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code+currency: ‘9/1’.


Name of the counterparty pledging the collateral

The name of the counterpart that is pledging the collateral. When available, this item corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When this is not available corresponds to the legal name.

When the assets on the balance sheet for which the collateral is held are loans on policies, ‘Policyholder’ shall be reported.


Name of the group of the counterparty pledging the collateral

Identify the economic group of the counterpart pledging the collateral. When available, this item corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When this is not available corresponds to the legal name.

This item is not applicable when the assets on the balance sheet for which the collateral is held are loans on policies.


Country of custody

ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country where undertaking assets are held in custody. For identifying international custodians, such as Euroclear, the country of custody will be the one where the custody service was contractually defined.
In case of the same asset being held in custody in more than one country, each asset shall be reported separately in as many rows as needed in order to properly identify all countries of custody.
 This item is not applicable for collateral with CIC category 8 – Mortgages and Loans, CIC 71, CIC 75 and for CIC 95 – Plant and equipment.
Regarding CIC Category 9, excluding CIC 95 — Plant and equipment (for own use), the issuer country is assessed by the address of the property.



Number of assets, for all assets if relevant.

This item shall not be reported if item Par amount (C0100) is reported.


Par amount

 Amount outstanding measured at par amount, for all assets where this item is relevant, and at nominal amount for CIC = 72, 73, 74, 75, 79 and 8. This item is not applicable for CIC category 71 and 9. This item shall not be reported if item Quantity (C0090) is reported.


Valuation method

Identify the valuation method used when valuing assets. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — quoted market price in active markets for the same assets

2 — quoted market price in active markets for similar assets

3 — alternative valuation methods:

4 — adjusted equity methods (applicable for the valuation of participations)

5 — IFRS equity methods (applicable for the valuation of participations

6 — Market valuation according to Article 9(4) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


Total amount


Value calculated as defined by article 75 of the Directive 2009/138/EC, which corresponds to:

— the multiplication of ‘Par amount’ (principal amount outstanding measured at par amount or nominal amount) by ‘Unit percentage of par amount Solvency II price’ plus ‘Accrued interest’, for assets where the first two items are relevant;

— the multiplication of ‘Quantity’ by ‘Unit Solvency II price’, for assets where these two items are relevant;

— Solvency II value of the asset for assets classifiable under asset categories 71 and 9.


Accrued interest

Quantify the amount of accrued interest after the last coupon date for interest bearing securities. Note that this value is also part of item Total amount.


Type of asset for which the collateral is held

Identify the type of asset for which the collateral is held.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Government bonds

2 — Corporate bonds

3 — Equities

4 — Collective Investment Undertakings

5 — Structured notes

6 — Collateralised securities

7 — Cash and deposits

8 — Mortgages and loans

9 — Properties

0 — Other investments (including receivables)

X — Derivatives




Information on assets


Asset ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available, and must be consistent over time

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code Type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO/6166 for ISIN

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 9 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code+currency: ‘9/1’.


Item Title

Identify the reported item by filling the name of the asset (or the address in case of property), with the detail settled by the undertaking.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons, this item shall contain ‘Loans to AMSB members’ or ‘Loans to other natural persons’, according to its nature, as those assets are not required to be individualised. Loans to other than natural persons shall be reported line–by–line.

— This item is not applicable for CIC 95 — Plant and equipment (for own use) as those assets are not required to be individualised, CIC 71 and CIC 75

— When the collateral comprises insurance policies (regarding loans collateralised by insurance policies) those policies don't need to be individualised and this item is not applicable.


Issuer Name

Name of the issuer, defined as the entity that issues assets to investors, representing part of its capital, part of its debt, derivatives, etc.

When available, this item corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When not available, corresponds to the legal name.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the issuer name is the name of the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the issuer name is the name of the depositary entity

— Regarding CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons, this item shall contain ‘Loans to AMSB members’ or ‘Loans to other natural persons’, according to its nature, as those assets are not required to be individualised;

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the information shall relate to the borrower;

This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and — CIC category 9 — Property.


Issuer Code

Identification code of the issuer code using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the issuer code is the code of the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the issuer code is the code of the depositary entity

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the information shall relate to the borrower;

— This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property;

This item is not applicable to CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons.


Type of issuer code

Identification of the code used for the ‘Issuer Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None

This item is not applicable to CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons.

This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property.


Issuer Sector

Identify the economic sector of issuer based on the latest version of NACE code (as published in an EC Regulation). The letter reference of the NACE code identifying the Section shall be used as a minimum for identifying sectors (e.g. ‘A’ or ‘A111’ would be acceptable) except for the NACE relating to Financial and Insurance activities, for which the letter identifying the Section followed by the 4 digits code for the class shall be used (e.g. ‘K6411’).

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the issuer sector is the sector of the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the issuer sector is the sector of the depositary entity

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the information shall relate to the borrower;

— This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property;

— This item is not applicable to CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons.


Issuer Group Name

Name of issuer's ultimate parent entity.

When available, this item corresponds to the entity name in the LEI database. When not available, corresponds to the legal name.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the group relation relates to the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the group relation relates to the depositary entity

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the group relation relates to the borrower;

— This item is not applicable for CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans (for mortgages and loans to natural persons)

— This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property.


Issuer Group Code

Issuer group identification code using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If none is available this item shall not be reported.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the group relation relates to the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the group relation relates to the depositary entity

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the group relation relates to the borrower;

— This item is not applicable for CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans (for mortgages and loans to natural persons)

This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property.


Type of issuer group code

Identification of the code used for the ‘Issuer Group Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None

This item is not applicable to CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons.

This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property.


Issuer Country

ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country of localisation of the issuer.

The localisation of the issuer is assessed by the address of the entity issuing the asset.

The following shall be considered:

— Regarding CIC category 4 — Collective Investments Undertakings, the issuer country is the country is relative to the fund manager;

— Regarding CIC category 7 — Cash and deposits (excluding CIC 71 and CIC 75), the issuer country is the country of the depositary entity

— Regarding CIC 8 — Mortgages and Loans, other than mortgage and loans to natural persons the information shall relate to the borrower;

— This item is not applicable for CIC 71, CIC 75 and CIC category 9 — Property;

This item is not applicable to CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans, when relating to mortgage and loans to natural persons.

One of the options shall be used:

— ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code

— XA: Supranational issuers

— EU: European Union Institutions



Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the issue.

The following shall be considered:

— This item is not applicable for CIC category 8 — Mortgages and Loans (for mortgages and loans to natural persons, as those assets are not required to be individualised), CIC 75 and for CIC 95 — Plant and equipment (for own use) for the same reason.

— Regarding CIC Category 9, excluding CIC 95 — Plant and equipment (for own use), the currency corresponds to the currency in which the investment was made.



Complementary Identification Code used to classify assets, as set out in Annex VI — CIC table of this Regulation. When classifying an asset using the CIC table, undertakings shall take into consideration the most representative risk to which the asset is exposed to.


Unit price

Unit price of the asset, if relevant.

This item shall not be reported if item Unit percentage of par amount Solvency II price (C0270) is reported.


Unit percentage of par amount Solvency II price

Amount in percentage of par value, clean price without accrued interest, for the asset, if relevant.
This item shall be reported if a ‘par amount’ information (C0100) has been provided in the first part of the template (‘Information on positions held’) except for CIC category 71 and 9.
This item shall not be reported if item Unit Solvency II price (C0260) is reported.


Maturity date

Only applicable for CIC categories 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8, and CIC 74 and CIC 79.

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the maturity date.

Corresponds always to the maturity date, even for callable securities. The following shall be considered:

— For perpetual securities use ‘9999–12–31’

— For CIC category 8, regarding loans and mortgages to individuals, the weighted (based on the loan amount) remaining maturity is to be reported.

S.12.01 — Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions

General comments:

This section relates to quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

Undertakings may apply appropriate approximations in the calculation of the technical provisions as referred to in Article 21 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. In addition, Article 59 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 may be applied to calculate the risk margin during the financial year.

Line of business for life obligations: The lines of business, referred to in Article 80 of the Directive 2009/138/EC, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. The segmentation shall reflect the nature of the risks underlying the contract (substance), rather than the legal form of the contract (form). By default, where an insurance or reinsurance contract covers risks across the lines of business undertakings shall, where possible, unbundled the obligations into the appropriate lines of business (Article 55 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35).

Lines of business ‘Index–linked and unit–linked insurance’, ‘Other life insurance’ and ‘Health insurance’ are split between ‘Contracts without options and guarantees’ and ‘Contracts with options or guarantees’. For this split the following shall be considered:

‘Contracts without options and guarantees’ shall include the amounts related to contracts without any financial guarantees or contractual options, meaning that the technical provision calculation does not reflect the amount of any financial guarantees or contractual options. Contracts with non–material contractual options or financial guarantees that are not reflected in the technical provisions calculation shall also be reported in this column;
‘Contracts with options or guarantees’ shall include contracts that have either financial guarantees, contractual options, or both as far as the technical provision calculation reflect the existence of those financial guarantees or contractual options.

The information reported shall be gross of reinsurance as information on Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite reinsurance is requested in specific rows.

The information to be reported between R0010 and R0100 shall be after the volatility adjustment, the matching adjustment and the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure if applied but shall not include the transitional deduction to technical provisions. The amount of transitional deduction to technical provisions is requested separately between rows R0110 and R0130.





Ring Fenced Fund/Matching adjustment portfolio or remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

Identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.


Technical provisions calculated as a whole

 C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0110, C0120, C0130, C0140, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0010

Technical provisions calculated as a whole

Amount of Technical provisions calculated as a whole per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Technical provisions calculated as a whole — Total (Life other than health insurance, incl. Unit–Linked)

Total amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Technical provisions calculated as a whole — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100 to C0140, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0020

Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default associated to TP calculated as a whole

Amount of recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and finite reinsurance (‘Finite Re’) after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default of technical provisions (‘TP’) calculated as a whole per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default associated to TP calculated as a whole — Total (Life other than health insurance, incl. Unit–Linked)

Total amount of recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default of technical provisions calculated as a whole for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default associated to TP calculated as a whole — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default of technical provisions calculated as a whole for Health similar to life insurance.

Technical provisions calculated as a sum of best estimate and risk margin

C0020, C0040, C0050, C0070, C0080, C0090, C0100 to C0140, C0170, C0180, C0190, C0200/R0030

Technical provisions calculated as a sum of Best Estimate (‘BE’) and Risk Margin (‘RM’), Gross Best Estimate

Amount of Gross Best estimate (no deduction of reinsurance, SPVs and Finite Re according to Article 77(2) of Directive 2009/138/EC) per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Technical provisions calculated as a sum of BE and RM, Gross Best Estimate — Total (Life other than health insurance, incl. Unit–Linked)

Total amount of Gross Best estimate (no deduction of reinsurance, SPVs and Finite Re according to Article 77(2) of Directive 2009/138/EC), for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Technical provisions calculated as a sum of BE and RM, Gross Best Estimate — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of Gross Best estimate (no deduction of reinsurance, SPVs and Finite Re according to Article 77(2) of Directive 2009/138/EC), for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0040, C0050, C0070, C0080, C0090, C0100, C0170, C0180, C0190, C0200/R0040

Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default

Amount of recoverables before adjustment for expected losses due to possibility of default of the reinsurer, as defined in Article 81 of Directive 2009/138/EC, including ceded intra group reinsurance, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default — Total (Life other than health insurance, incl. Unit–Linked)

Total amount of recoverables before adjustment for expected losses due to possibility of default of the reinsurer, as defined in art. 81 of Directive 2009/138/EC, including ceded intra group reinsurance, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of the recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0040, C0050, C0070, C0080, C0090, C0100, C0170, C0180, C0190, C0200/R0050

Recoverables from reinsurance (except SPV and Finite Re) before adjustment for expected losses

Amount of recoverables (before adjustment for expected losses) from ‘traditional’ reinsurance, i.e. without SPVs and Finite Reinsurance, calculated consistently with the boundaries of the contracts to which they relate, including ceded intra group reinsurance, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total Recoverables from reinsurance (except SPV and Finite Re) before adjustment for expected losses — Total (Life other than health insurance, incl. Unit–Linked)

Total Amount of recoverables (before adjustment for expected losses) from ‘traditional’ reinsurance, i.e. without SPVs and Finite Reinsurance, calculated consistently with the boundaries of the contracts to which they relate, including ceded intra group reinsurance, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Total Recoverables from reinsurance (except SPV and Finite Re) before adjustment for expected losses — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of recoverables from reinsurance (except SPVs and Finite Reinsurance) before adjustment for expected losses, calculated consistently with the boundaries of the contracts to which they relate, for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0040, C0050, C0070, C0080, C0090, C0100, C0170, C0180, C0190, C0200/R0060

Recoverables from SPV before adjustment for expected losses

Amount of recoverables from SPVs before adjustment for expected losses, calculated consistently with the boundaries of the contracts to which they relate, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, including ceded intra group reinsurance, per each line of business.


Total Recoverables from SPV before adjustment for expected losses — Total (Life other than health insurance, incl. Unit–Linked)

Total amount of recoverables from SPVs before adjustment for expected losses, calculated consistently with the boundaries of the contracts to which they relate, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Total Recoverables from SPV before adjustment for expected losses — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of recoverables from SPVs before adjustment for expected losses for Health similar to life insurance

C0020, C0040, C0050, C0070, C0080, C0090, C0100, C0170, C0180, C0190, C0200/R0070

Recoverables from Finite Re before adjustment for expected losses

Amount of recoverables from Finite Re before adjustment for expected losses, calculated consistently with the boundaries of the contracts to which they relate, including ceded intra group reinsurance, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total Recoverables from Finite Re before adjustment for expected losses — Total (Life other than health insurance, incl. Unit–Linked)

Total amount of recoverables from Finite Re before adjustment for expected losses, calculated consistently with the boundaries of the contracts to which they relate, including ceded intra group reinsurance, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Total Recoverables from Finite Re before adjustment for expected losses — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of recoverables from Finite Reinsurance before adjustment for expected losses for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0040, C0050, C0070, C0080, C0090, C0100 to C0140, C0170, C0180, C0190, C0200/R0080

Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default

Amount of recoverables after adjustment for expected losses due to possibility of default of the reinsurer, as defined in art. 81 of Directive 2009/138/EC, including ceded intra group reinsurance, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default — Total (Life other than health insurance, incl. Unit–Linked)

Total amount of recoverables after adjustment for expected losses due to possibility of default of the reinsurer, as defined in art. 81 of Directive 2009/138/EC, including ceded intra group reinsurance, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of recoverables after adjustment for expected losses due to possibility of default of the reinsurer, as defined in art. 81 of Directive 2009/138/EC, including ceded intra group reinsurance, for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0040, C0050, C0070, C0080, C0090, C0100, C0170, C0180, C0190, C0200/R0090

Best Estimate minus recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re

Amount of Best Estimate minus recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after adjustment for expected losses due to possibility of default of the reinsurer, as defined in art. 81 of Directive 2009/138/EC, per each Line of Business.


Best Estimate minus recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re — Total (Life other than health insurance, incl. Unit–Linked)

Total amount of Best Estimate minus recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re, after adjustment for expected losses due to possibility of default of the reinsurer, as defined in art. 81 of Directive 2009/138/EC, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Best estimate minus recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of Best estimate minus recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after adjustment for expected losses due to possibility of default of the reinsurer, as defined in art. 81 of Directive 2009/138/EC, for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100 to C0140, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0100

Risk Margin

Amount of Risk margin, as defined in Article 77(3) of Directive 2009/138/EC, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Risk Margin — Total (Life other than health insurance, incl. Unit–Linked)

Total amount of Risk Margin for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Risk Margin — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of Risk Margin for Health similar to life insurance.

Amount of the transitional on Technical Provisions

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0110

Technical Provisions calculated as a whole

Amount of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the technical provisions calculated as a whole, per each Line of Business.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.


Technical Provisions calculated as a whole — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Amount of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the technical provisions calculated as a whole for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.


Technical Provisions calculated as a whole — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Amount of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the technical provisions calculated as a whole for Health similar to life insurance.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.

C0020, C0040, C0050, C0070, C0080, C0090, C0100, C0170, C0180, C0190, C0200/R0120

Best Estimate

Amount of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the best estimate, per each Line of Business.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.;


Best Estimate — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the best estimate for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.


Best Estimate — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the best estimate for Health similar to life insurance.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0130

Risk Margin

Amount of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the risk margin, per each Line of Business.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.


Risk Margin — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the risk margin for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.


Risk Margin — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the risk margin for Health similar to life insurance.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.

Technical provisions — Total

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0200

Technical Provisions — Total

Total amount of Technical Provisions for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, including technical provisions calculated as a whole and after the transitional deduction to technical provisions.


Technical Provisions — Total — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of Technical Provisions for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked, including technical provisions calculated as a whole and after the transitional deduction to technical provisions.


Technical Provisions — Total — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of Technical Provisions for Health similar to life insurance, including technical provisions calculated as a whole and after the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0110, C0120, C0130, C0140, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0210

Technical Provisions minus Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re — Total

Total amount of Technical Provisions minus Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, including technical provisions calculated as a whole and after the transitional deduction to technical provisions.


Technical Provisions minus Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re — Total — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of Technical Provisions minus Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked, including technical provisions calculated as a whole and after the transitional deduction to technical provisions.


Technical Provisions minus Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re — Total — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of Technical Provisions minus Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re for Health similar to life insurance, including technical provisions calculated as a whole and after the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

Best Estimate of products with a surrender option

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190/R0220

Best Estimate of products with a surrender option

Amount of gross Best Estimate of products with a surrender option per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

This amount shall also be included in R0030 to R0090.


Best Estimate of products with a surrender option — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of gross Best Estimate of products with a surrender option for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.

This amount shall also be included in R0030 to R0090.


Best Estimate of products with a surrender option — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of gross Best Estimate of products with a surrender option for Health similar to life insurance.

This amount shall also be included in R0030 to R0090.

Gross BE for Cash flow

C0030, C0060, C0090, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0230

Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flow, Future guaranteed and discretionary benefits

Amount of discounted Cash out–flows (payments to policyholders and beneficiaries) for future guaranteed benefits and for future discretionary benefits, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

Future Discretionary Benefits means future benefits other than index–linked or unit–linked benefits of insurance or reinsurance contracts which have one of the following characteristics:

a)  The benefits are legally or contractually based on one or several of the following results:

i.  the performance of a specified group of contracts or a specified type of contract or a single contract;

ii.  the realised or unrealised investment return on a specified pool of assets held by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking;

iii.  the profit or loss of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking or fund corresponding to the contract;

b)  the benefits are based on a declaration of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking and the timing or the amount of the benefits is at its full or partial discretion.


Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flow, Future guaranteed and discretionary benefits – Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked).

Total amount of discounted Cash out–flows (payments to policyholders and beneficiaries) for future guaranteed benefits and for future discretionary benefits for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flow, Future guaranteed and discretionary benefits – Total (Health similar to life insurance).

Total amount of discounted Cash out–flows (payments to policyholders and beneficiaries) for future guaranteed benefits and for future discretionary benefits for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0100/R0240

 Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flow, Future guaranteed benefits

 Amount of discounted Cash out–flows (payments to policyholders and beneficiaries) for future guaranteed benefits. Regarding C0020/R0240, line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, ‘Insurance with profit participation’ shall be reported. Regarding C0100/R0240 all future guaranteed benefits relating to accepted reinsurance, regardless of the line of business, shall be reported.


Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flow, Future guaranteed benefits – Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flow, Future guaranteed benefits for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.

C0020, C0100/R0250

Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flows, Future discretionary benefits — Insurance with profit participation

Amount of discounted Cash out–flows (payments to policyholders and beneficiaries) for future discretionary benefits, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, ‘Insurance with profit participation’.

Future Discretionary Benefits means future benefits other than index–linked or unit–linked benefits of insurance or reinsurance contracts which have one of the following characteristics:

a)  The benefits are legally or contractually based on one or several of the following results:

i.  the performance of a specified group of contracts or a specified type of contract or a single contract;

ii.  the realised or unrealised investment return on a specified pool of assets held by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking;

iii.  the profit or loss of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking or fund corresponding to the contract;

b)  the benefits are based on a declaration of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking and the timing or the amount of the benefits is at its full or partial discretion.


Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flows, Future discretionary benefits – Insurance with profit participation – Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flows, Future discretionary benefits – Insurance with profit participation for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0260

Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flow, Future expenses and other cash out–flows

Amount of discounted Cash out–flows for Future expenses and other cash out–flows, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. Shall reflect expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash–flow items such as taxation payments which are, or are expected to be, charged to policyholders, or are required to settle the insurance or reinsurance obligations.


Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flow, Future expenses and other cash out–flows — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of discounted Cash out–flows for Future expenses and other cash out–flows, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked

Shall reflect expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash–flow items such as taxation payments which are, or are expected to be, charged to policyholders, or are required to settle the insurance or reinsurance obligations.


Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash out–flow, Future expenses and other cash out–flows — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of discounted Cash out–flows for Future expenses and other cash out–flows, for Health similar to life insurance.

Shall reflect expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash–flow items such as taxation payments which are, or are expected to be, charged to policyholders, or are required to settle the insurance or reinsurance obligations.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0270

Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash in–flows, Future premiums

Amount of discounted Cash in–flows from future premiums and any additional cash–flows that results from those premiums, including accepted reinsurance premiums, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash in–flows, Future premiums — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Amount of discounted Cash in–flows from future premiums and any additional cash–flows that results from those premiums, including accepted reinsurance premiums, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash in–flows, Future premiums — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Amount of discounted Cash in–flows from future premiums and any additional cash–flows that results from those premiums, including accepted reinsurance premiums, for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0280

Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash in–flows, Other cash in–flows

Amount of any other discounted cash in–flows not included in Future premiums and not including investment returns, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash in–flows, Other cash in–flows — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Amount of any other discounted cash in–flows not included in Future premiums and not including investment returns, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Gross Best Estimate for Cash flow, Cash in–flows, Other cash in–flows — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Amount of any other discounted cash in–flows not included in Future premiums and not including investment returns, for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0290

Percentage of gross Best Estimate calculated using approximations

Indicate the percentage of gross best estimate included in Gross Best Estimate (R0030) calculated using approximations as established in Article 21 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, per each Line of Business.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0300

Surrender value

Indicate the amount of surrender value, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, as mentioned in Article 185 (3) (f) of Directive 2009/138/EC, net of taxes.

Shall reflect the amount, defined contractually, to be paid to the policyholder in case of early termination of the contract (i.e. before it becomes payable by maturity or occurrence of the insured event, such as death), net of charges and policy loans. It includes surrender values guaranteed and not guaranteed.


Surrender value, Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total surrender value for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Surrender value, Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total surrender value for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0310

Best estimate subject to transitional of the interest rate

Indicate the amount of gross best estimate (R0030) subject to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Best estimate subject to transitional of the interest rate — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of gross best estimate (R0030) subject to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.


Best estimate subject to transitional of the interest rate — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of gross best estimate (R0030) subject to transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, for Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0320

Technical provisions without transitional on interest rate

Amount of technical provisions where the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure has been applied calculated without the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

In the cases where the same best estimates were also subject to the volatility adjustment, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value without the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure but with the volatility adjustment.


 Technical provisions without transitional on interest rate — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of technical provisions  — calculated without the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.

In the cases where the same best estimates were also subject to the volatility adjustment, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value without the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure but with the volatility adjustment.


 Technical provisions without transitional on interest rate — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of technical provisions  — calculated without the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, for Health similar to life insurance.

In the cases where the same best estimates were also subject to the volatility adjustment, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value without the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure but with the volatility adjustment.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0330

Best estimate subject to volatility adjustment

Indicate the amount of gross best estimate (R0030) subject to volatility adjustment, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Best estimate subject to volatility adjustment — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of gross best estimate (R0030) subject to volatility adjustment, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked


Best estimate subject to volatility adjustment — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of gross best estimate (R0030) subject to volatility adjustment, for Health similar to life insurance.

 C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0340

Technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without others transitional measures

Amount of technical provisions  — calculated without volatility adjustment, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

In the cases where the same technical provisions were also subject to the transitional deduction to technical provisions/transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value with neither the volatility adjustment nor the transitional deduction to technical provisions/transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.


Technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without others transitional measures — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of technical provisions  — calculated without volatility adjustment, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.

In the cases where the same technical provisions were also subject to the transitional deduction to technical provisions/transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value with neither the volatility adjustment nor the transitional deduction to technical provisions/transitioanl adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.


Technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without others transitional measures — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of technical provisions  — calculated without volatility adjustment, for Health similar to life insurance.

In the cases where the same technical provisions were also subject to the transitional deduction to technical provisions/transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value with neither the volatility adjustment nor the transitional deduction to technical provisions/transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0350

Best estimate subject to matching adjustment

Indicate the amount of gross best estimate (R0030) subject to matching adjustment, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Best estimate subject to matching adjustment — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of gross best estimate (R0030) subject to matching adjustment, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked


Best estimate subject to matching adjustment — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of gross best estimate (R0030) subject to matching adjustment, for Health similar to life insurance

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0160, C0190, C0200/R0360

Technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the others

Amount of technical provisions  — calculated without matching adjustment, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

In the cases where the same technical provisions were also subject to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value with neither the matching adjustment nor the transitional deduction to technical provisions.


Technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the others — Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked)

Total amount of technical provisions  — calculated without matching adjustment, for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.

In the cases where the same technical provisions were also subject to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value with neither the matching adjustment nor the transitional deduction to technical provisions.


Technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the others — Total (Health similar to life insurance)

Total amount of technical provisions  — calculated without matching adjustment, for Health similar to life insurance.

In the cases where the same technical provisions were also subject to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value with neither the matching adjustment nor the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

S.12.02 — Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions — by Country

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities. The template is not due when the thresholds for reporting by country described below are not applicable, i.e. the home country represents 100 % of the sum of the technical provisions calculated as a whole and gross best estimate. When this amount is higher than 90 % but lower than 100 % then only R0010, R0020 and R0030 shall be reported.

Undertakings shall take into account all the obligations in different currencies and convert them into the reporting currency.

The information by country shall be reported according to the following specifications:


Information on the home country shall be always reported regardless of the amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole and gross best estimate;


Information reported by country shall at least represent 90 % of the sum of the technical provisions calculated as a whole and gross best estimate of any line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35;


If a specific country has to be reported for a particular line of business to comply with sub–paragraph b) then that country shall be reported for all lines of business;


The other countries shall be reported aggregated in ‘other–EEA’ or ‘other–non EEA’


For direct business information shall be reported by country where the contract was entered into;


For proportional and non–proportional reinsurance information shall be reported by country of localisation of the ceding undertaking.

For the purposes of this template ‘country where the contract was entered into’ means:


The country where the insurance undertaking is established (home country) when the contract was not sold through a branch or freedom to provide services;


The country where the branch is located (host country) when the contract was sold through a branch;


The country where the freedom to provide services was notified (host country) when the contract was sold through freedom to provide services.


If an intermediary is used or in any other situation, it is a), b) or c) depending on who sold the contract.

The information to be reported shall include the volatility adjustment, the matching adjustment, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

Gross TP calculated as a whole and Gross BE for different countries




C0010/R0040, …

Geographical zone/Country

Report the country ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code for identifying the countries within the materiality threshold

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0150, C0160, C0190, C0200, C0210/R0010

Gross TP calculated as a whole and Gross BE for different countries — Home country

Amount of Gross TP calculated as a whole and gross Best Estimate by country where the contract was entered into or country of localisation of the ceding undertaking, when the country is the home country, for each Line of Business and totals for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked and Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0150, C0160, C0190, C0200, C0210/R0020

Gross TP calculated as a whole and Gross BE for different countries — EEA countries outside the materiality threshold — not reported by country

Amount of Gross TP calculated as a whole and gross Best Estimate, for EEA countries outside the materiality threshold (i.e. those not reported separately by country), except the home country, for each Line of Business and totals for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked and Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0150, C0160, C0190, C0200, C0210/R0030

Gross TP calculated as a whole and Gross BE for different countries — Non–EEA countries outside the materiality threshold — not reported by country

Amount of Gross TP calculated as a whole and gross Best Estimate, for non–EEA countries outside the materiality threshold (i.e. those not reported separately by country), except the home country, for each Line of Business and totals for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked and Health similar to life insurance.

C0020, C0030, C0060, C0090, C0100, C0150, C0160, C0190, C0200, C0210/R0040, …

Gross TP calculated as a whole and Gross BE for different countries — Country 1 [one row for each country in the materiality threshold]

Amount of Gross TP calculated as a whole and gross Best Estimate by country where the contract was entered into or country of localisation of the ceding undertaking, for each of the countries in the materiality threshold, except the home country, for each Line of Business and totals for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked and Health similar to life insurance.

S.13.01 — Projection of future gross cash flows (Best Estimate –life)

General comments:

This part of Annex II relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template shall include information only in relation to the best estimates. The cash flows to be reported are gross of reinsurance and undiscounted.

Cash–flow projections such as central scenarios can be used as no perfect reconciliation with Best Estimate calculation is required. If difficult to project some future cash–flows like collective Future Discretionary Benefits the undertaking shall report the cash flow it effectively uses for calculating the Best Estimate.

All cash flows expressed in different currencies shall be considered and converted in the reporting currency using the exchange rate at the reporting date

In case the undertaking uses simplifications for the calculation of technical provisions, for which an estimate of the expected future cash–flows arising from the contracts are not calculated, the information shall be reported only in those cases where more than 10 % of total technical provisions have a settlement period longer than 24 months.





Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Insurance with profit participation (gross), Cash out–flows — Future benefits

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones stemming from future benefits regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Insurance with profit participation.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Insurance with profit participation (gross), Cash out–flows — Future expenses and other cash out–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones related to expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash–flow items such as taxation payments which are, or expected to be, charged to policyholders or are required to settle the insurance obligations, for line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Insurance with profit participation.

Cash out–flows from non–life insurance contracts that will change to Annuities but not yet formally settled as Annuities, and dealt with within the same company shall also be included.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Insurance with profit participation (gross), Cash in–flows — Future premiums

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones stemming from future premiums and any additional cash–flows that result from those premiums, for line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Insurance with profit participation.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Insurance with profit participation (gross), Cash in–flows — Other cash in–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones not included in Future premiums and not including investment returns, for line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Insurance with profit participation.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Index linked and unit–linked insurance (gross), Cash out–flows — Future benefits

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones stemming from Future benefits regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Index linked and unit–linked insurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Index linked and unit–linked insurance (gross), Cash out–flows — Future expenses and other cash out–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones related to expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash–flow items such as taxation payments which are, or expected to be, charged to policyholders or are required to settle the insurance obligations, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Index linked and unit–linked insurance.

Cash out–flows from non–life insurance contracts that will change to Annuities but not yet formally settled as Annuities, and dealt with within the same company shall also be included.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Index linked and unit–linked insurance (gross), Cash in–flows — Future premiums

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones stemming from future premiums and any additional cash–flows that result from those premiums,, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Index linked and unit–linked insurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Index linked and unit–linked insurance (gross), Cash in–flows — Other cash in–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones not included in Future premiums and not including investment returns, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Index linked and unit–linked insurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Other life insurance (gross), Cash out–flows — Future benefits

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones stemming from Future benefits regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Other life insurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Other life insurance (gross), Cash out–flows — Future expenses and other cash out–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones related to expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash–flow items such as taxation payments which are, or expected to be, charged to policyholders or are required to settle the insurance obligations, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Other life insurance.

Cash out–flows from non–life insurance contracts that will change to Annuities but not yet formally settled as Annuities, and dealt with within the same company shall also be included.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Other life insurance (gross), Cash in–flows — Future premiums

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones stemming from future premiums and any additional cash–flows that result from those premiums, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Other life insurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Other life insurance (gross), Cash in–flows — Other cash in–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones not included in Future premiums and not including investment returns, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Other life insurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Annuities stemming from non–life contracts (gross), Cash out–flows — Future benefits

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones stemming from Future benefits regarding lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Annuities stemming from non–life contracts relating to insurance obligations, including health insurance obligations.

Cash out–flows from non–life insurance contracts that will change to Annuities but are not yet formally settled as Annuities and shall not be included.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Annuities stemming from non–life contracts (gross), Cash out–flows — Future expenses and other cash out–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones related to expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash–flow items such as taxation payments which are, or expected to be, charged to policyholders or are required to settle the insurance obligations, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Annuities stemming from non–life contracts relating to insurance obligations, including health insurance obligations.

Cash out–flows from non–life insurance contracts that are not yet settled as Annuities and will change to Annuities and dealt with within the same company shall not be included.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Annuities stemming from non–life contracts (gross), Cash in–flows — Future premiums

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones stemming from future premiums and any additional cash–flows that result from those premiums, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Annuities stemming from non–life contracts relating to insurance obligations, including health insurance obligations.

Cash out–flows from non–life insurance contracts that are not yet settled as Annuities and will change to Annuities shall not be included.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Annuities stemming from non–life contracts (gross), Cash in–flows — Other cash in–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones not included in Future premiums and not including investment returns, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Annuities stemming from non–life contracts relating to insurance obligations, including health insurance obligations.

Cash out–flows from non–life insurance contracts that are not yet settled as Annuities and will change to Annuities shall not be included.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Accepted reinsurance (gross), Cash out–flows — Future benefits

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones stemming from Future benefits regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Life reinsurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Accepted reinsurance (gross), Cash out–flows — Future expenses and other cash out–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones related to expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash–flow items such as taxation payments which are, or expected to be, charged to policyholders or are required to settle the insurance obligations, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Life reinsurance.

Cash out–flows from non–life insurance contracts that will change to Annuities but not yet formally settled as Annuities, and dealt with within the same company shall also be included.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Accepted reinsurance (gross), Cash in–flows — Future premiums

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones stemming from future premiums and any additional cash flows that result from those premiums, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Life reinsurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Accepted reinsurance (gross), Cash in–flows — Other cash in–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones not included in Future premiums and not including investment returns, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Life reinsurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Health insurance (gross), Cash out–flows — Future benefits

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones stemming from Future benefits regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Health insurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Health insurance (gross), Cash out–flows — Future expenses and other cash out–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones related to expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash–flow items such as taxation payments which are, or expected to be, charged to policyholders or are required to settle the insurance obligations, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Health insurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Health insurance (gross), Cash in–flows — Future premiums

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones stemming from future premiums and any additional cash flows that result from those premiums, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35,line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Health insurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Health insurance (gross), Cash in–flows — Other cash in–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones not included in Future premiums and not including investment returns, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Health insurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Health reinsurance (gross), Cash out–flows — Future benefits

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones stemming from Future benefits regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Health reinsurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Health reinsurance (gross), Cash out–flows — Future expenses and other cash out–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash–flows are the ones related to expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash–flow items such as taxation payments which are, or expected to be, charged to policyholders or are required to settle the insurance obligations, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Health reinsurance.

Cash out–flows from non–life insurance contracts that will change to Annuities but not yet formally settled as Annuities, and dealt within the same company shall also be included.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Health reinsurance (gross), Cash in–flows — Future premiums

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones stemming from future premiums and any additional cash flows that result from those premiums, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Health reinsurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Health reinsurance (gross), Cash in–flows — Other cash in–flows

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The cash– flows are the ones not included in Future premiums and not including investment returns, regarding line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Health reinsurance.


Future cash–flows used in the Best estimate, Total recoverable from reinsurance (after the adjustment)

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30, aggregated for the interval of years 31 to 40, aggregated for the interval of years 41 to 50 and aggregated for all the years after year 50.

The future cash–flows undiscounted from amounts recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs/Finite Re, including ceded intra group reinsurance, including future reinsurance premiums. Amount shall be reported net of adjustment for counterparty default risk.

S.14.01 — Life obligations analysis

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template includes information about life insurance contracts (direct business and accepted reinsurance) and also includes annuities stemming from non–life contracts (which are also analysed in S.16.01). All insurance contracts shall be reported even if classified as investments contract on accounting basis. In case of products unbundled, the different parts of the product shall be reported in different rows, using different ID codes.

Columns C0010 to C0080 shall be reported by product.

Columns C0090 to C0160 characterise the product.

Columns C0170 to C0210 shall be reported by Homogeneous Risk Group.






Product ID code

Internal product ID code used by the undertaking for the product. If a code is already in use or is attributed by the competent authority for supervisory purposes that code shall be used.

Different products are characterised according to cells C0090 to C0160.

The ID code shall be consistent over time.

 In the cases where the same product needs to be reported in more than one row the content of C0010 (and C0090) shall follow the specific pattern:

{ID code of product}/+/{number of version}. For example ‘AB222/+/3’.


Fund number

Applicable to products that are part of ring fenced funds or other internal funds (defined according to national markets). This number is attributed by the undertaking and shall be consistent over time and shall not be reused for other funds.

The number shall be used consistently across all templates, where relevant, to identify the fund.


Line of Business

Line of business as defined in Annex 1 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.The following closed list shall be used:

29 — Health insurance

30 — Insurance with profit participation

31 — Index–linked and unit–linked insurance

32 — Other life insurance

33 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations

34 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligations other than health insurance obligations

35 — Health reinsurance

36 — Life reinsurance


Number of contracts at the end of the year

Number of contracts attached to each reported product. Contracts with more than one policyholder count as only one contract.

In case of inactive policyholder (no premium paid) the contract shall be reported anyway unless the contract is cancelled.

For annuities stemming from non–life use the number of annuities obligations.

 For products which are unbundled in more than one row, please report the number of contract in all rows reported.


Number of new contracts during year

Number of new contracts during reporting year (this is for all new contracts). Otherwise use the same instructions as for cell C0040.

For annuities stemming from non–life use the number of annuities obligations.


Total amount of Written premiums

Total amount of gross written premiums as defined in Article 1(11) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

For annuities stemming from non–life this cell is not applicable.


Total amount of claims paid during year

Total amount of gross claims paid during the year, including claims management expenses.



Country ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code or list of codes according to the following instructions:

— ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country where the contract was entered into, for countries representing more than 10 % of technical provisions or written premiums for a given product.

— If reinsurance it shall refer to the country of the cedent undertaking.

— For countries representing less than 10 % of Technical Provisions or written premiums for a given product, report a list of ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 Codes of the countries concerned.


Characteristics of product


Product ID code

Same code as in C0010.

Internal product ID code used by the undertaking for the product. If a code is already in use or is attributed by the competent authority for supervisory purposes that code shall be used.

The ID code shall be consistent over time.


Product classification

The following close list shall be used:

1 — single life

2 — joint life

3 — collective

4 — pension entitlements

5 — other

If more than one characteristic is applicable use ‘5 — other’.

For annuities stemming from non–life use ‘5 — other’.


Type of product

General qualitative description of the product type. If a product code is attributed by the competent authority for supervisory purposes, the description of product type for that code shall be used.


Product denomination

Commercial name of product (undertaking–specific).


Product still commercialised?

Specify if product is still for sale or if it is just in run–off. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Still comercialised

2 — In run–off


Type of premium

The following close list shall be used:

1 — Regular premium, premiums that policyholder has to pay at pre–determined dates and predetermined or variable amounts in order to have the full effect of its guarantee, including those cases when contracts provide the right of policyholders of changing dates and amount of premiums.

2 — Single premium with possibility of additional premiums with additional guarantee according to amount paid

3 — Single premium without possibility to pay an additional premium in the future

4 — Other, any other case not mentioned in options above or a combination

For annuities stemming from non–life use ‘4 — other’.


Use of financial instrument for replication?

State whether the product is considered replicable by a financial instrument (i.e. hedgeable, with technical provisions calculated as a whole). The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Replicable by financial instrument;

2 — Not replicable by financial instrument;

3 — Partially replicable by financial instrument.


Number of HRGs in products

If Homogeneous Risk Groups (‘HRG’) within the product are common to other products, specify the number of Homogeneous Risk Groups in the product that are common to other products.

Information on Homogeneous risk groups


HRG code

Homogeneous Risk Group Internal ID code used by undertaking for each Homogeneous Risk Group, as referred to in Article 80 of Directive 2009/138/EC.

The ID code shall be consistent over time.


 Best Estimate and Technical Provisions as a whole

 Amount of gross best estimate and Technical Provisions as a whole calculated by Homogenous Risk Group.



The capital at risk, as defined in the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

For annuities stemming from non–life contracts this cell shall be filled in with zero unless the annuities have positive risk.


Surrender value

Surrender value (where available), as mentioned in Article 185 (3) (f) of Directive 2009/138/EC, net of taxes: amount to be paid to the policyholder in case of early termination of the contract (i.e. before it becomes payable by maturity or occurrence of the insured event, such as death), net of charges and policy loans; does not concern contracts without options, given that surrender value is an option.


Annualised guaranteed rate (over average duration of guarantee)

Average guaranteed rate to the policy holder over the remaining life time of the contract expressed as a percentage. Only applicable where a guaranteed rate is provided in the contract.

Not applicable for unit linked contracts.

Information on products and homogeneous risk groups


Product ID code

Same code as in C0010.

Internal product ID code used by the undertaking for the product. If a code is already in use or is attributed by the competent authority for supervisory purposes that code shall be used.

The ID code shall be consistent over time.

If one product corresponds to more than one Homogeneous Risk Group identify which ones by rows, repeating the Product ID code.

If different products correspond to one single Homogeneous Risk Group report each product once identifying the HRG ID code.


HRG ID code

Same code as in in C0170.

Internal HRG ID code used by the undertaking for each Homogeneous Risk Group, as referred to in Article 80 of Directive 2009/138/EC.

The ID code shall be consistent over time.

Identify the HRG for each product that is considered for the purposes of calculating the technical provisions.

S.15.01 — Description of the guarantees of variable annuities

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template shall only be reported in relation to the direct business by insurance companies that have variable annuities portfolios.

Variable annuities are unit–linked life insurance contracts with investment guarantees which, in exchange for single or regular premiums, allow the policyholder to benefit from the upside of the unit but be partially or totally protected when the unit loses value.

If Variable Annuities policies are split between two insurance undertakings, for instance a life company and a non–life company for the variable annuities guarantee, the company with the guarantee shall report this template. Only one row per product shall be reported.





Product ID code

Internal product ID code used by the undertaking for the product. If a code is already in use or is attributed by the competent authority for supervisory purposes that code shall be used.


Product denomination

Commercial name of product (undertaking–specific)


Description of the product

General qualitative description of the product. If a product code is attributed by the competent authority for supervisory purposes, the description of product type for that code shall be used.


Initial date of guarantee

The ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the initial date of the cover.


Final date of guarantee

The ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the final date of the cover.


Type of guarantee

The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Guaranteed minimum death benefit

2 — Guaranteed minimum accumulation benefit

3 — Guaranteed minimum income benefit

4 — Guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits

9 — Other


Guaranteed level

 Indicate the level of the guaranteed benefit.


Description of the guarantee

General description of the guarantees.

This shall include at least the capital accumulation mechanisms (e.g. roll–up, ratchet, step–up, reset), its frequency (infra–annual, annual, x–yearly), the base for computation of guaranteed levels (e.g. premium paid, premium paid net of expenses and/or withdrawals and/or paid–ups, premium increased by the capital accumulation mechanism), the guaranteed conversion factor, other general information about how the guarantee works.

S.15.02 — Hedging of guarantees of variable annuities

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template shall only be reported in relation to the direct business by insurance companies that have Variable Annuities portfolios.

Variable annuities are unit–linked life insurance contracts with investment guarantees which, in exchange for single or regular premiums, allow the policyholder to benefit from the upside of the unit but be partially or totally protected when the unit loses value.

If Variable Annuities policies are split between two insurance undertakings, for instance a life company and a non–life company for the Variable Annuities guarantee, the company with the guarantee shall report this template. Only one row per product shall be reported.





Product ID code

Internal product ID code used by the undertaking for the product. If a code is already in use or is attributed by the competent authority for supervisory purposes that code shall be used.

The ID code shall be consistent over time and for the individual reporting correspond with the ID code reported in S.14.01 (C0010) and S.15.01 (C0020).


Product denomination

Commercial name of product (undertaking–specific)


Type of hedging

The following closed list shall be used:

1 — No hedging

2 — Dynamic hedging

3 — Static hedging

4 — Ad hoc hedging

Dynamic hedging is frequently rebalanced; static hedging is made of ‘standard’ derivatives but not frequently rebalanced; ad hoc hedging is made of financial products structured for the specific purpose of hedging those liabilities.


Delta hedged

The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Delta hedged

2 — Delta not hedged

3 — Delta partially hedged

4 — Guarantee not sensitive to delta.

Partial means that the strategy is not intended to cover the whole risk. Not sensitive is to be selected if the guarantee sold is deemed independent from the risk factor.


Rho hedged

The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Rho hedged

2 — Rho not hedged

3 — Rho partially hedged

4 — Guarantee not sensitive to rho.

Partial means that the strategy is not intended to cover the whole risk. Not sensitive is to be selected if the guarantee sold is deemed independent from the risk factor.


Gamma hedged

The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Gamma hedged

2 — Gamma not hedged

3 — Gamma partially hedged

4 — Guarantee not sensitive to gamma

Partial means that the strategy is not intended to cover the whole risk. Not sensitive is to be selected if the guarantee sold is deemed independent from the risk factor.


Vega hedged

The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Vega hedged

2 — Vega not hedged

3 — Vega partially hedged

4 — Guarantee not sensitive to vega

Partial means that the strategy is not intended to cover the whole risk. Not sensitive is to be selected if the guarantee sold is deemed independent from the risk factor.


FX hedged

The following closed list shall be used:

1 — FX hedged

2 — FX not hedged

3 — FX partially hedged

4 — Guarantee not sensitive to FX

Partial means that the strategy is not intended to cover the whole risk. Not sensitive is to be selected if the guarantee sold is deemed independent from the risk factor.


Other hedged risks

If other risks are hedged specify their names


Economic result without hedging

The ‘economic result’ that the guarantee of the policies has generated during the reporting year if there is no hedging strategy in place, or would have generated without it if there is one in place.

It shall be equal to: written premium/fees for the guarantee, minus expenses incurred to the guarantee, minus claims due to the guarantee, minus variation of guarantee technical provisions.


Economic result with hedging

 The ‘economic result’ that the guarantee of the policies has generated during the reporting year considering the result of the hedging strategy. Where hedging is performed for a portfolio of products, for instance in cases where hedge instruments may not be allocated to specific products, the undertaking shall allocate the effect of hedging to the different products using the weight of each product in the ‘Economic result without hedging’ (C0110). This is not to be reported in case the undertaking has no hedging program itself, but only reinsures the guarantee part.

S.16.01. — Information on annuities stemming from Non–Life Insurance obligations

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual undertakings.

This template shall be reported only for annuities formally settled stemming from non–life contracts and relating to health insurance obligations and relating to insurance obligations other than health insurance obligations.

Undertakings are required to report data on an accident year or underwriting year basis, in accordance with any requirements of the National Supervisory Authority. If the National Supervisory Authority has not stipulated which to use then the undertaking may use accident or underwriting year according to how they manage each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, provided that they use the same year consistently, year on year.

This template shall be reported by non–life line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, originating the annuity and by currency, considering the following specifications:


If the best estimate for the annuity claims provisions on a discounted basis from one non–life line of business represents more than 3 % of the total best estimate for all annuity claims provisions the information shall be reported with the following split by currencies in addition to the total for the line of business:


Amounts for the reporting currency;


Amounts for any currency that represents more than 25 % of the best estimate for the annuity claims provisions on a discounted basis from that non–life line of business; or


Amounts for any currency that represents less than 25 % of the best estimate for the annuity claims provisions (discounted basis) from that non–life line of business but more than 5 % of total best estimate for all annuity claims provisions.


If the best estimate for the annuity claims provisions on a discounted basis from one non–life line of business represents less than 3 % of the total best estimate for all annuity claims provisions no currency split is required, only the total for the line of business shall be reported;


The information shall be reported in the original currency of the contracts unless otherwise specified.

This template is interlinked with the non–Life template S.19.01. The sum of technical provisions in templates S.16.01 and S.19.01 for one non–life line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, represents the total claims best estimate originating from this line of business (also refer log to template S.19.01). All or part of an obligation moves from S.19.01 into S.16.01, when both of the conditions below are met:


All or part of the obligation has been formally settled as an annuity; and


a best estimate of an obligation formally settled as an annuity can be established using life techniques.

Formally settled as an annuity typically means that a legal process has ordered that the beneficiary is to receive payments as an annuity.

In the event that after an obligation has been formally settled as an annuity some of that obligation subsequently ends up being settled via a lump sum payment that was not in the original annuity payment order, that lump sum would be recorded as a payment in template S.16.01; i.e. there is no movement of claims data out of template S.16.01 and into S.19.01.

Year N is the reporting year.





The related non–life line of business

Name of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.
The origin of the liability (medical expense, income protection, workers' comp, motor liability etc.). All the figures in the template are stemming from the related line of business.
The following close list shall be used:  
1 —  1 and 13 Medical expense insurance
2 —  2 and 14 Income protection insurance
3 —  3 and 15 Workers' compensation insurance
4 —  4 and 16 Motor vehicle liability insurance
5 —  5 and 17 Other motor insurance
6 —  6 and 18 Marine, aviation and transport insurance
7 —  7 and 19 Fire and other damage to property insurance
8 —  8 and 20 General liability insurance
9 —  9 and 21 Credit and suretyship insurance
10 —  10 and 22 Legal expenses insurance
11 —  11 and 23 Assistance
12 —  12 and 24 Miscellaneous financial loss
25 —  Non–proportional health reinsurance
26 —  Non–proportional casualty reinsurance
27 —  Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance
28 —  Non–proportional property reinsurance


Accident year/Underwriting year

Report the standard used by the undertakings for reporting of claims development.

The following close list shall be used:

1 — Accident year

2 — Underwriting year



Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the settlement currency of the obligation. All amounts, not reported by currency, are reported in the undertaking's reporting currency.
This item shall be filled in with ‘Total’ when reporting the total for the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Currency conversion

Identify if the information reported by currency is being reported in the original currency (default) or in the reporting currency (otherwise specified). The following close list shall be used:

1 — Original currency

Only applicable when reporting by currency.

Information on year N:


The average interest rate

The average interest rate used in percentage (as a decimal) for the end of year N


The average duration of the obligations

Average duration in years on total obligations basis for the end of the year N


The weighted average age of the beneficiaries

The weight shall be the Best Estimate for annuity claims provisions at the end of year N. Age of beneficiaries calculated on a weighted average for total obligations.
The beneficiary is the person to whom the payments are reverting to, following the occurrence of a claim (that affects the insured person) which originates this type of payment.  
Information should be considered gross of reinsurance.

Annuities information:


Undiscounted annuity claims provisions at the start of year N

Amount of annuity claims best estimate stemming from Non–Life Insurance obligations at beginning of year N.



Undiscounted annuity claims provisions set up during year N

Total amount of annuity claims provisions stemming from Non–Life Insurance obligations set up during year N as at the moment they were first set up (i.e., where assumptions used were for the first time based on life techniques)

 This is a part of technical provisions set up during year N (Net movements between new reserves during year N/release of reserves during year N).


Annuity payments paid during year N

Total amount of annuity payments stemming from Non–Life Insurance obligations made during the calendar year N.


Undiscounted annuity claims provisions at the end of year N

Total amount of annuity claims provisions stemming from Non–Life Insurance obligations at end of year N.


Number of annuities obligations at the end of year N

Number of non–life insurance annuity obligations.


Best Estimate for annuity claims provisions at the end of year N (discounted basis)

Best estimate covering annuities stemming from Non–Life Insurance obligations at the end of calendar year N.  
Information should be considered gross of reinsurance.


Undiscounted development result

 Undiscounted development result calculated as the undiscounted annuity claims provisions at the start of year N, minus annuity payments paid during year N and minus undiscounted annuity claims provisions at the end of year N.



Total amount of the undiscounted development result for all accident/underwriting years.

S.17.01 — Non–life Technical Provisions

General comments:

This section relates to quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

Undertakings may apply appropriate approximations in the calculation of the technical provisions as referred to in Article 21 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. In addition, Article 59 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 may be applied to calculate the risk margin during the financial year.

Line of Business for non–life obligations: The lines of business, referred to in Article 80 of the Directive 2009/138/EC, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, referred to direct business/accepted proportional reinsurance and accepted non–proportional reinsurance. The segmentation shall reflect the nature of the risks underlying the contract (substance), rather than the legal form of the contract (form).

Health direct insurance business pursued on a non–similar technical basis to life insurance shall be segmented into Non–Life line of business 1 to 3.

Accepted proportional reinsurance shall be considered together with the direct business in the C0020 to C0130.

The information to be reported between R0010 and R0280 shall be after the volatility adjustment, the matching adjustment and the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure if applied but shall not include the transitional deduction to technical provisions. The amount of transitional deduction to technical provisions is requested separately between rows R0290 and R0310.





Ring Fenced Fund/Matching adjustment portfolio or remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

Identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.  

Technical provisions calculated as a whole

C0020 to C0170/R0010

Technical provisions calculated as a whole

The amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted business.

This amount shall be gross of any recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite Re related to this business.


Technical provisions calculated as a whole — Total Non–Life obligation

The total amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole regarding direct and accepted business.

This amount shall be gross of any recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite Re related to this business.

C0020 to C0130/R0020

Technical provisions calculated as a whole — direct business

The amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, for the direct business.

This amount shall be gross of any recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite Re related to this business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Technical provisions calculated as a whole, total direct business

The total amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole, for the direct business.

This amount shall be gross of any recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite Re related to this business.

C0020 to C0130/R0030

Technical provisions calculated as a whole — accepted proportional reinsurance business

The amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, for the accepted proportional reinsurance business.

This amount shall be gross of any recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite Re related to this business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Technical provisions calculated as a whole, total accepted proportional reinsurance business

The total amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole, for the accepted proportional reinsurance business.

This amount shall be gross of any recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite Re related to this business.

C0140 to C0170/R0040

Technical provisions calculated as a whole — accepted non–proportional reinsurance business

The amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, for the accepted non–proportional reinsurance business.

This amount shall be gross of any recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite Re related to this business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Technical provisions calculated as a whole, total accepted non proportional reinsurance business

The total amount of technical provisions calculated as a whole, for the accepted non–proportional reinsurance business.

This amount shall be gross of any recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite Re related to this business.

C0020 to C0170/R0050

Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default associated to TP calculated as a whole

The amount of recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default of technical provisions calculated as a whole per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default associated to TP calculated as a whole

The total amount, for all lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default of technical provisions calculated as a whole per each line of business.

Technical provisions calculated as a sum of a best estimate and a risk margin — Best estimate

C0020 to C0170/R0060

Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Gross, total

The amount of best estimate for premium provisions, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Gross, total

The total amount of best estimate for premium provisions, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance regarding direct and accepted business.

C0020 to C0130/R0070

Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Gross — direct business

The amount of best estimate for premium provisions, for the direct business, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Gross, total direct business

The total amount of best estimate for premium provisions, for the direct business, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance.

C0020 to C0130/R0080

Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Gross — accepted proportional reinsurance business

The amount of best estimate for premium provisions, for accepted proportional reinsurance business, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Gross, total accepted proportional reinsurance business

The total amount of best estimate for premium provisions, for the accepted proportional reinsurance business, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance.

C0140 to C0170/R0090

Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Gross — accepted non proportional reinsurance business

The amount of best estimate for premium provisions, for accepted non–proportional reinsurance business, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Gross, total accepted non proportional reinsurance business

The total amount of best estimate for premium provisions, for accepted non–proportional reinsurance business, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance.

C0020 to C0170/R0100

Best estimate of Premium provisions, Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite re before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default Direct and accepted reinsurance business

Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite reinsurance before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default, referred to the best estimate for premium provisions for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best estimate of Premium provisions, Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite re before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default

The Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite reinsurance before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default, referred to the best estimate for premium provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0110

Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Recoverables from reinsurance (except SPV and Finite Reinsurance) before adjustment for expected losses — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The amount of Recoverables from reinsurance (except SPV and Finite Reinsurance) before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the best estimate for premium provisions, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Recoverables from reinsurance (except SPV and Finite Reinsurance) before adjustment for expected losses

The total amount of Recoverables from reinsurance (except SPV and Finite Reinsurance) before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the best estimate for premium provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0120

Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Recoverables from SPV before adjustment for expected losses — Direct and accepted reinsurance business.

The amount of Recoverables from SPV before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the best estimate for premium provisions, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Recoverables from SPV before adjustment for expected losses

The total amount of Recoverables from SPV before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the best estimate for premium provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0130

Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Recoverables from Finite Reinsurance before adjustment for expected losses — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The amount of Recoverables from Finite Reinsurance before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the best estimate for premium provisions, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Recoverables from Finite Reinsurance before adjustment for expected losses.

The total amount of Recoverables from Finite Reinsurance before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the best estimate for premium provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0140

Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite reinsurance after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The amount of recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite reinsurance after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Premium provisions, Recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite reinsurance after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default.

The total amount of Recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite reinsurance after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default, referred to the best estimate for premium provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0150

Net best estimate of Premium provisions — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The amount of net best estimate for premium provisions, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total Non–Life obligations, Net best estimate of Premium provisions

The total amount of net best estimate for premium provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0160

Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, Gross, Total

The amount of best estimate for Claims Provisions, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, Gross, total

The total amount of best estimate for Claims Provisions, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance.

C0020 to C0130/R0170

Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, Gross — direct business

The amount of best estimate for claims provisions, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, Gross, total direct business

The total amount of best estimate for Claims provisions, direct business, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance.

C0020 to C0130/R0180

Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, Gross — accepted proportional reinsurance business

The amount of best estimate for claims provisions, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding accepted proportional reinsurance.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, Gross, total accepted proportional reinsurance business

The total amount of best estimate for Claims provisions, accepted proportional reinsurance business, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance.

C0140 to C0170/R0190

Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, Gross — accepted non proportional reinsurance business

The amount of best estimate for Claims Provisions, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding accepted non proportional reinsurance.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, Gross — accepted non proportional reinsurance business

The total amount of best estimate for Claims Provisions, gross of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts, special purpose vehicles and finite reinsurance.

C0020 to C0170/R0200

Best Estimate of Claims provisions, Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default

Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re, before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default, referred to the Best Estimate for Claims Provisions, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best estimate of Claims Provisions, Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite re before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default

The Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV, and Finite before the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default, referred to the Best Estimate for Claims Provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0210

Best Estimate of Claims provisions, Recoverables from reinsurance (except SPV and Finite Reinsurance) before adjustment for expected losses — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The amount of Recoverables from reinsurance (except SPV and Finite Reinsurance) before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the Best Estimate for Claims Provisions, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best estimate of Claims provisions, Total Recoverables from reinsurance (except SPV and Finite Reinsurance) before adjustment for expected losses — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The total amount of Recoverables from reinsurance (except SPV and Finite Reinsurance) before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the Best Estimate for Claims Provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0220

Best Estimate of Claims provisions, Recoverables from SPV before adjustment for expected losses — Direct and accepted reinsurance business.

The amount of Recoverables from SPV before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the Best Estimate for Claims Provisions, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, Recoverables from SPV before adjustment for expected losses

The total amount of Recoverables from SPV before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the Best Estimate for Claims Provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0230

Best Estimate of Claims provisions, Recoverables from Finite Reinsurance before adjustment for expected losses — Direct and accepted reinsurance business.

The amount of Recoverables from Finite Reinsurance before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the best estimate for claims provisions, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, Recoverables from Finite Reinsurance before adjustment for expected losses.

The total amount of Recoverables from Finite Reinsurance before adjustment for expected losses, referred to the Best Estimate for Claims Provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0240

Best Estimate of Claims provisions, Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The amount recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, Recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default.

The total amount of Recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finite re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default, referred to the Best Estimate for Claims Provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0250

Net best estimate of Claims provisions — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The amount of net best estimate for claims provisions, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Net best estimate of Claims Provisions

The total amount of net Best Estimate for Claims Provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0260

Total best estimate, Gross — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The amount of Total gross best estimate, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Total Best Estimate, Gross

The total amount of Gross Best Estimate (sum of the Premium Provision and Claims Provisions).

C0020 to C0170/R0270

Total best estimate, Net — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The amount of Total net best estimate, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Total Best Estimate, Net

The total amount of Net Best Estimate (sum of the Premium Provision and Claims Provisions).

C0020 to C0170/R0280

Technical provisions calculated as a sum of a best estimate and a risk margin — Risk margin

The amount of risk margin, as required by Directive 2009/138/EC (Article 77 (3)). The risk margin is calculated to whole portfolio of (re)insurance obligations and then allocated to each single line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Total risk margin

The total amount of risk margin, as required by Directive 2009/138/EC (Article 77 (3)).

Amount of the transitional on Technical Provisions

C0020 to C0170/R0290

Amount of the transitional on Technical Provisions — Technical Provisions calculated as a whole

Amount of the transitional deduction to Technical Provisions allocated to the technical provisions calculated as a whole, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.


Amount of the transitional on Technical Provisions — Technical Provisions calculated as a whole

Total amount, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the technical provisions calculated as a whole.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0300

Amount of the transitional on Technical Provisions — Best Estimate

Amount of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the best estimate, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.


Amount of the transitional on Technical Provisions — Best Estimate

Total amount, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the best estimate.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0310

Amount of the transitional on Technical Provisions — Risk Margin

Amount of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the risk margin, per each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.


Amount of the transitional on Technical Provisions — Risk Margin

Total amount, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of the transitional deduction to technical provisions allocated to the risk margin.  
This value shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the technical provisions.

Technical provisions — Total

C0020 to C0170/R0320

Technical provisions, Total — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The total amount of gross technical provisions, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business, including technical provisions calculated as a whole and after the transitional deduction to technical provisions.


Total Non–Life obligations, Technical Provision — total

The total amount of gross technical provisions regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business, including technical provisions calculated as a whole and after the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0330

Technical provisions, Total — Recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite reinsurance, after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The total amount of recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite reinsurance, after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.


Total Non–Life obligations, Recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite re, after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The total amount of recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finite reinsurance, after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business.

C0020 to C0170/R0340

Technical provisions, Total — Technical provisions minus recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite reinsurance — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The total amount of net technical provisions, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business, including technical provisions calculated as a whole and after the transitional deduction to technical provisions.


Total Non–Life obligations, Technical provisions minus recoverables from reinsurance and SPV — Direct and accepted reinsurance business

The total amount of net technical provisions regarding direct and accepted reinsurance business, including technical provisions calculated as a whole and after the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

Line of Business: further segmentation (Homogeneous Risk Groups)

C0020 to C0170/R0350

Line of Business, further segmentation by (Homogeneous Risk Groups) — Premium provisions — Total number of homogeneous risk groups

Information regarding the number of HRG in the segmentation, if the (re)insurance undertaking further segmented line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, into homogenous risk groups according to nature of the risks underlying the contract, for each line of business where that segmentation was performed, regarding direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance and accepted non–proportional reinsurance, in respect of premium provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0360

Line of Business, further segmentation by (Homogeneous Risk Groups) — Claims provisions — Total number of homogeneous risk groups

Information regarding the number of HRG in the segmentation, if the (re)insurance undertaking further segmented line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, into homogenous risk groups according to nature of the risks underlying the contract, for each line of business where that segmentation was performed, regarding direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance and accepted non–proportional reinsurance, in respect of claims provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0370

Best estimate Premium Provisions, Cash out–flows, future benefits and claims

The amount of split, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance and Accepted non–proportional reinsurance, of cash flows for future benefits and claims used to determine the gross best estimate of premium provisions, i.e. the probability–weighted average of future cash out–flows, discounted to take into account the time value of money (expected present value of future cash–flows). In case of use of a stochastic methodology for the cash–flow projection, it is required to report the average scenario.


Best estimate Premium Provisions, Cash out–flows, future benefits and claims — Total

The total amount of cash flows for future benefits and claims used to determine the gross best estimate of premium provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0380

Best estimate Premium Provisions, Cash out–flows, future expenses and other cash–out flows

The amount of split, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance and Accepted non–proportional reinsurance, of cash flows for future expenses and other cash out–flows used to determine the gross best estimate of premium provisions, i.e. the probability–weighted average of future cash out–flows, discounted to take into account the time value of money (expected present value of future cash–flows). In case of use of a stochastic methodology for the cash–flow projection, it is required to report the average scenario.


Best estimate Premium Provisions, Cash out–flows, future expenses and other cash–out flows — Total

The total amount of future expenses and other cash–out flows used to determine the gross best estimate of premium provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0390

Best estimate Premium Provisions, Cash in–flows, future premiums

The amount of split, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance and accepted non–proportional reinsurance, of cash flows for future premiums used to determine the gross best estimate of premium provisions, i.e. the probability–weighted average of future cash in–flows, discounted to take into account the time value of money (expected present value of future cash–flows). In case of use of a stochastic methodology for the cash–flow projection, it is required to report the average scenario.


Best estimate Premium Provisions, Cash in–flows, future premiums — Total

The total amount of future premiums used to determine the gross best estimate of premium provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0400

Best estimate Premium Provisions, Cash in–flows, Other cash–in flows (incl. Recoverables from salvages and subrogations)

The amount of split, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance and Accepted non–proportional reinsurance, of cash flows for other cash in–flows, including recoverables from salvages and subrogations, used to determine the gross best estimate of premium provisions, i.e. the probability–weighted average of future cash in–flows, discounted to take into account the time value of money (expected present value of future cash–flows). In case of use of a stochastic methodology for the cash–flow projection, it is required to report the average scenario.


Best estimate Premium Provisions, Cash in–flows, Other cash–in flows (incl. recoverables from salvages and subrogations) — Total

The total amount of Other cash–in flows (including recoverables from salvages and subrogations) used to determine the gross best estimate of premium provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0410

Best estimate Claims Provisions, Cash out–flows, future benefits and claims

The amount of split, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance and Accepted non–proportional reinsurance, of cash flows for future benefits and claims used to determine the gross best estimate of Claims provisions, i.e. the probability–weighted average of future cash out–flows, discounted to take into account the time value of money (expected present value of future cash–flows). In case of use of a stochastic methodology for the cash–flow projection, it is required to report the average scenario.


Best estimate Claims Provisions, Cash out–flows, future benefits and claims — Total

The total amount of Claims Provisions, Cash out–flows, future benefits and claims used to determine the gross best estimate of claims provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0420

Best estimate Claims Provisions, Cash out–flows, future expenses and other cash–out flows

The amount of split, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance and Accepted non–proportional reinsurance, of cash flows for future expenses and other cash out–flows used to determine the gross best estimate of Claims provisions, i.e. the probability–weighted average of future cash out–flows, discounted to take into account the time value of money (expected present value of future cash–flows). In case of use of a stochastic methodology for the cash–flow projection, it is required to report the average scenario.


Best estimate Claims Provisions, Cash out–flows, future expenses and other cash–out flows — Total

The total amount of Claims Provisions, Cash out–flows, future expenses and other cash–out flows used to determine the gross best estimate of claims provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0430

Best estimate Claims Provisions, Cash in–flows, future premiums

The amount of split, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance and accepted non–proportional reinsurance, of cash flows for future premiums used to determine the gross best estimate of claims provisions, i.e. the probability–weighted average of future cash in–flows, discounted to take into account the time value of money (expected present value of future cash–flows). In case of use of a stochastic methodology for the cash–flow projection, it is required to report the average scenario.


Best estimate Claims Provisions, Cash in–flows, future premiums — Total

The total amount of Claims Provisions, cash in–flows, future premiums used to determine the gross best estimate of claims provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0440

Best estimate Claims Provisions, Cash in–flows, Other cash–in flows (incl. Recoverable from salvages and subrogations)

The amount of split, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, regarding direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance and accepted non–proportional reinsurance, of other cash–in flows (including Recoverable from salvages and subrogations) used to determine the gross best estimate of Claims provisions, i.e. the probability–weighted average of future cash in–flows, discounted to take into account the time value of money (expected present value of future cash–flows). In case of use of a stochastic methodology for the cash–flow projection, it is required to report the average scenario.


Best estimate Claims Provisions, Cash in–flows, Other cash–in flows (incl. Recoverable from salvages and subrogations) — Total

The total amount of Claims Provisions, cash in–flows, Other cash–in flows (including Recoverable from salvages and subrogations) used to determine the gross best estimate of claims provisions.

C0020 to C0170/R0450

Use of simplified methods and techniques to calculate technical provisions — Percentage of gross Best Estimate calculated using approximations

Indicate the percentage of gross best estimate included in Total Best Estimate Gross (R0260) calculated using approximations as established in Article 21 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, per each Line of Business.


Use of simplified methods and techniques to calculate technical provisions — Percentage of gross Best Estimate calculated using approximations — Total

Indicate the percentage of total gross best estimate included in Total Best Estimate Gross (R0260) calculated using approximations as established in Article 21 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, per each Line of Business regarding direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance and accepted non–proportional reinsurance.

C0020 to C0170/R0460

Best estimate subject to transitional of the interest rate

Indicate the amount of best estimate reported in R0260 subject to transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Best estimate subject to transitional of the interest rate — Total Non–Life obligation

Indicate the total amount, for all lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of Best estimate reported in R0260 subject to transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

C0020 to C0170/R0470

Technical provisions without transitional of the interest rate

Indicate the amount of the technical provisions  — calculated without the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

In the cases where the same best estimates were also subject to the volatility adjustment, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value without the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure but with the volatility adjustment.


Technical provisions without transitional of the interest rate — Total Non–Life obligation

Indicate the total amount, for all lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of the technical provisions  — calculated without the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

In the cases where the same best estimates were also subject to the volatility adjustment, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value without the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure but with the volatility adjustment.

C0020 to C0170/R0480

Best estimate subject to volatility adjustment

Indicate the amount of best estimate reported in R0260 subject to volatility adjustment, for each Line of Business.


Best estimate subject to volatility adjustment — Total Non–Life obligation

Indicate the total amount, for all lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of the best estimate reported in R0260 subject to volatility adjustment.

C0020 to C0170/R0490

Technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without others transitional measures

Indicate the amount of Technical provisions without volatility adjustment, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

In the cases where the same best estimates were also subject to the transitional deduction to technical provisions/transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value without both the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and without the volatility adjustment.


Technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without others transitional measures — Total Non–Life obligation

Indicate the total amount, for all lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of technical provisions without volatility adjustment.

In the cases where the same best estimates were also subject to the transitional deduction to technical provisions/transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, the amount reported in this item shall reflect the value without both the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and without the volatility adjustment.

S.17.02 — Non-Life Technical Provisions — By country

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities. The template is not due when the thresholds for reporting by country described below are not applicable, i.e. the home country represents 100 % of the sum of the technical provisions calculated as a whole and gross best estimate. When this amount is higher than 90 % but lower than 100 % then only R0010, R0020 and R0030 shall be reported.

Health direct insurance business pursued on a non–similar technical basis to life insurance shall be segmented into Non–Life line of business 1 to 3.

Undertakings shall take into account all the obligations in different currencies and convert them into the reporting currency.

The information by country shall be reported according to the following:


Information on the home country shall be always reported regardless of the amount of Technical Provisions as a whole and Gross Best Estimate (referred to direct business);


Information reported by country shall at least represent 90 % of the total Technical Provisions as a whole and Gross Best Estimate (referred to direct business) of any line of business;


If a specific country has to be reported for a particular line of business to comply with sub–paragraph b) then that country shall be reported for all lines of business;


The other countries shall be reported aggregated in ‘other–EEA’ or ‘other–non EEA’;


For the direct insurance business for the lines of business ‘Medical expense’, ‘Income protection’, ‘Workers' compensation’, ‘Fire and other damage to property’ and ‘Credit and suretyship’ information shall be reported by country where the risk is situated as defined in Article 13 (13) of Directive 2009/138/EC;


For direct insurance business for all other lines of business not referred in sub–paragraph e) information shall be reported by country where the contract was entered into;

For the purposes of this template ‘country where the contract was entered into’ means:


The country where the insurance undertaking is established (home country) when the contract was not sold through a branch or freedom to provide services;


The country where the branch is located (host country) when the contract was sold through a branch;


The country where the freedom to provide services was notified (host country) when the contract was sold through freedom to provide services.


If an intermediary is used or in any other situation, it is a), b) or c) depending on who sold the contract.

The information to be reported shall include the volatility adjustment, the matching adjustment, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the transitional deduction to technical provisions.





Country 1

Report the country ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of each required country, row by row.

C0020 to C0130/R0010

Gross TP calculated as a whole and Gross BE for different countries — Home country

Amount of gross technical provision calculated as a whole and gross best estimate, by country where the risk is situated or country where the contract was entered into when the country is the Home country, for each Line of Business, regarding direct business only (excluding accepted reinsurance).

In some cases undertaking may need to use their judgment/approximations to provide correct data, in line with assumptions used for the calculation of Technical Provisions.

C0020 to C0130/R0020

Gross TP calculated as a whole and Gross BE for different countries — EEA countries outside the materiality threshold — not reported by country

Amount of gross technical provision calculated as a whole and gross best estimate, for EEA countries outside the materiality threshold (i.e. those not reported separately by country), except the home country for each Line of Business, regarding direct business only (excluding accepted reinsurance)

In some cases undertaking may need to use their judgment/approximations to provide correct data, in line with assumptions used for the calculation of TP.

C0020 to C0130/R0030

Gross TP calculated as a whole and Gross BE for different countries — Non–EEA countries outside the materiality threshold — not reported by country

Amount of gross technical provision calculated as a whole and gross best estimate, for non–EEA countries outside the materiality threshold (i.e. those not reported separately by country), for each Line of Business, regarding direct business only (excluding accepted reinsurance).

In some cases undertaking may need to use their judgment/approximations to provide correct data, in line with assumptions used for the calculation of TP.

C0020 to C0130/R0040

Gross TP calculated as a whole and Gross BE for different countries — Country 1 [one row for each country in the materiality threshold]

Amount of gross technical provision calculated as a whole and gross best estimate, by country where the risk is situated or country where the contract was entered into, for each Line of Business, regarding direct business only (excluding accepted reinsurance).

In some cases undertaking may need to use their judgment/approximations to provide correct data, in line with assumptions used for the calculation of TP.

S.18.01 — Projection of future cash flows (Best Estimate — Non Life)

General Comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual undertakings.

This template applies only to Best Estimate and the following shall be considered:

All cash flows expressed in different currencies shall be considered and converted in the reporting currency using the exchange rate at the reporting date;
The cash flows shall be reported gross of reinsurance and undiscounted;
In case the undertaking uses simplifications for the calculation of technical provisions, for which an estimate of the expected future cash–flows arising from the contracts are not calculated, the information shall be reported only in those cases where more than 10 % of technical provisions have a settlement period longer than 24 months.




C0010/R0010 to R0310

Best Estimate Premium Provision (Gross) — Cash out–flows — Future Benefits

Amounts of all the expected payments to policyholders and beneficiaries as defined in Article 78 (3) of Directive 2009/138/EC, referred to the whole portfolio of non–life obligations falling within the contract boundary, used in the calculation of premium provisions, from year 1 to year 30 and from year 31 and after.

C0020/R0010 to R0310

Best Estimate Premium Provision (Gross) — Cash out–flows — Future expenses and other cash–out flows

Amount of expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations as defined in Article 78 (1) of Directive 2009/138/EC and in Article 31 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 and other cash–out flow items such as taxation payments which are charged to policyholders used in the calculation of premium provisions, referred to the whole portfolio of non–life obligations from year 1 to year 30 and from year 31 and after.

C0030/R0010 to R0310

Best Estimate Premium Provision (Gross) — Cash in–flows — Future Premiums

Amounts of all the future premiums stemming from existing policies, excluding the past–due premiums, referred to the whole portfolio of non–life obligations, used in the calculation of premium provisions, from year 1 to year 30 and from year 31 and after.

C0040/R0010 to R0310

Best Estimate Premium Provision (Gross) — Cash in–flows — Other cash–in flows

Amount of recoverables from salvages and subrogations and other cash–in flows (not including investment returns), used in the calculation of premium provisions, referred to the whole portfolio of non–life obligations from year 1 to year 30 and from year 31 and after.

C0050/R0010 to R0310

Best Estimate Claims Provision (Gross) — Cash out–flows — Future Benefits

Amounts of all the expected payments to policyholders and beneficiaries as defined in Article 78 (3) of Directive 2009/138/EC, referred to the whole portfolio of non–life obligations and relating existing contracts, used in the calculation of claims provisions, from year 1 to year 30 and from year 31 and after.

C0060/R0010 to R0310

Best Estimate Claims Provision (Gross) — Cash out–flows — Future Expenses and other cash–out flows

Amount of expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations as defined in Article 78 (1) of Directive 2009/138/EC and other cash–flow items such as taxation payments which are charged to policyholders used in the calculation of claims provisions, referred to the whole portfolio of non–life obligations from year 1 to year 30 and from year 31 and after.

C0070/R0010 to R0310

Best Estimate Claims Provision (Gross) — Cash in–flows — Future premiums

Amounts of all the future premiums stemming from existing policies, excluding the past–due premiums, referred to the whole portfolio of non–life obligations used in the calculation of claims provisions, from year 1 to year 30 and from year 31 and after.

C0080/R0010 to R0310

Best Estimate Claims Provision (Gross) — Cash in–flows — Other cash–in flows

Amount of recoverables from salvages and subrogations and other cash–in flows (not including investment returns), used in the calculation of claims provisions, referred to the whole portfolio of non–life obligations and relating existing contracts, from year 1 to year 30 and from year 31 and after.

C0090/R0010 to R0310

Total recoverable from reinsurance (after the adjustment)

Amount of undiscounted cash–flows expected for each year from year 1 to year 30 and from year 31 and after.

The future cash–flows undiscounted from amounts recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs/Finite Re, including ceded intra group reinsurance, including future reinsurance premiums. Amount shall be reported net of adjustment for counterparty default risk.

S.19.01 — Non–life insurance claims

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

Claims development triangles show the insurer's estimate of the cost of claims (claims paid and claims provisions under Solvency II valuation principle) and how this estimate develops over time.

Three set of triangles are required regarding claims paid, best estimate of claims provisions and RBNS claims.

This template shall be reported for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, and material considering the following specifications:


reporting by line of business: it is required to report lines of business 1–12 (as reported in S.17.01) for both direct and accepted proportional reinsurance (to be reported together) and lines of business 25–28 for accepted non–proportional reinsurance;


If the total gross best estimate for one non–life line of business represents more than 3 % of the total gross best estimate of the claims provision the information shall be reported with the following split by currencies in addition to the total for the line of business:


Amounts in the reporting currency;


Amounts for any currency that represents more than 25 % of the gross best estimate of the claims provisions from that non–life line of business; or


Amounts for any currency that represents less than 25 % of the gross best estimate of the claims provisions from that non–life line of business but more than 5 % of total gross best estimate of the claims provisions.


If the total gross best estimate for one non–life line of business represents less than 3 % of the total gross best estimate of the claims provision no currency split is required, only the total for the line of business shall be reported.


The information by currency shall be reported in the original currency of the contracts unless otherwise specified.

Undertakings are required to report data on an accident year or underwriting year basis, in accordance with any requirements of the National Supervisory Authority. If the National Supervisory Authority has not stipulated which to use then the undertaking may use accident or underwriting year according to how they manage each line of business, provided that they use the same year consistently, year on year.

The default length of run–off triangle is 15 + 1 years for all lines of business but the reporting requirement is based on the undertakings' claims development (if length of the claims settlement cycle is shorter than 15 years, undertakings are required to report according to the internal shorter development).

Historical data, starting from the first time application of Solvency II, are required for claims paid and RBNS claims but not for Best Estimate of Claims Provision. For the compilation of the historical data for claims paid and RBNS claims the same approach concerning the length of triangle for the on–going reporting will be applied (i.e. the shorter between 15 + 1 years and the undertakings' claims settlement cycle).

All or part of an obligation moves from S.19.01 into S.16.01, when both of the conditions below are met:


All or part of the obligation has been formally settled as an annuity; and


a best estimate of an obligation formally settled as an annuity can be established using life techniques.

Formally settled as an annuity typically means that a legal process has ordered that the beneficiary is to receive payments as an annuity.

The sum of provisions in templates S.16.01 and S.19.01 for one non–life line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, represents the total claims reserves originating from this line of business.





Line of Business

Identification of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, reported. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — 1 and 13 Medical expense insurance

2 — 2 and 14 Income protection insurance

3 — 3 and 15 Workers' compensation insurance

4 — 4 and 16 Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — 5 and 17 Other motor insurance

6 — 6 and 18 Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — 7 and 19 Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — 8 and 20 General liability insurance

9 — 9 and 21 Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — 10 and 22 Legal expenses insurance

11 — 11 and 23 Assistance

12 — 12 and 24 Miscellaneous financial loss

25 — Non–proportional health reinsurance

26 — Non–proportional casualty reinsurance

27 — Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

28 — Non–proportional property reinsurance


Accident year or Underwriting year

Report the standard used by the undertakings for reporting of claims development. One of the options from the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Accident year

2 — Underwriting year



Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency in which the obligation is denominated.

This item shall be filled in with ‘Total’ when reporting the total for the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Currency conversion

Identify if the information reported by currency is being reported in the original currency (default) or in the reporting currency (otherwise specified). The following close list shall be used:

1 — Original currency

Only applicable when reporting by currency.

C0010 to C0160/ R0100 to R0250

Gross Claims Paid (non–cumulative) –Triangle

The Gross Claims Paid, net of salvage and subrogation, excluding expenses, in a triangle showing the developments of the gross claims payment already made: for each of the accident/underwriting years from N–14 (and prior) and all previous reporting periods to — including — N (last reporting year) report the payments already made corresponding at each development year (which is the delay between the accident/underwriting date and the payment date).

The data are in absolute amount, non–cumulative and undiscounted.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses.

C0170/ R0100 to R0260

Gross Claims Paid (non–cumulative) — In current year

Total ‘Current year’ reflects the last diagonal (all data referred to last reporting year) from  R0100 to R0250.

R0260 is the total of  R0100 to R0250.

C0180/ R0100 to R0260

Gross Claims Paid — Sum of years (cumulative)

 Total ‘Sum of all years’ contains the sum of all data in rows (sum of all payments referred to the accident/underwriting year), including total.

C0200 to C0350/ R0100 to R0250

Gross undiscounted Best Estimate Claims Provisions — Triangle

Triangles of undiscounted best estimate of claims provisions, gross of reinsurance for each of the accident/underwriting years from N–14 (and prior) and all previous reporting periods to — including — N (last reporting year). The best estimate for claims provision relates to claims events occurred before or at the valuation date, whether the claims arising from these events have been reported or not.

The data are in absolute amount, non–cumulative and undiscounted.

C0360/ R0100 to R0260

Gross Best Estimate Claims Provisions — Year end (discounted data)

Total ‘Year end’ reflects the last diagonal but on a discounted basis (all data referred to last reporting year) from  R0100 to R0250.

R0260 is the total of  R0100 to R0250

C0400 to C0550/ R0100 to R0250

Gross Reported but not Settled Claims (RBNS) — Triangle

Triangles for each of the accident/underwriting years from N–14 (and prior) and all previous reporting periods to — including — N (last reporting year) of provisions in respect of claim events that have happened and been reported to the insurer, but have not yet been settled, excluding incurred but not reported claims (‘IBNR’). These may be case–by–case reserves estimated by claim handlers and do not need to be on a best estimate Solvency II basis. The reported but not settled claims (‘RBNS’) shall be measured using consistent reserve strength over time.

The data are in absolute amount, non–cumulative and undiscounted.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses.

C0560/ R0100 to R0260

Gross Reported but not Settled Claims (RBNS) — Year end (discounted data)

 Total ‘Year end’ reflects the last diagonal but on a discounted basis (all data referred to last reporting year) from R0100 to R0250.

R0260 is the total of  R0100 to R0250.

C0600 to C0750/ R0300 to R0450

 Reinsurance Recoveries (non–cumulative) — Triangle

 Triangles for each of the accident/underwriting years from N–14 (and prior) and all previous reporting periods to — including — N (last reporting year) of payments (claims paid by reinsurer plus reinsurance recoverables), reported in the ‘Gross Claims Paid (non–cumulative)’, covered by a reinsurance contract.

The amounts of reinsurance recoverables shall be considered after the adjustment for the counterparty default.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses.

C0760/ R0300 to R0460

Reinsurance Recoveries received (non–cumulative) — In current year

Total ‘Current year’ reflects the last diagonal (all data referred to last reporting year) from  R0300 to R0450.

R0460 is the total of  R0300 to R0450.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses.

C0770/ R0300 to R0450

Reinsurance Recoveries received — Sum of years (cumulative)

Total ‘Sum of years’ contains the sum of all data in rows (sum of all payments referred to the i–accident/underwriting year), including total.

C0800 to C0950/ R0300 to R0450

Undiscounted Best Estimate Claims Provisions — Reinsurance recoverable — Triangle

Provisions referred to the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. In the triangle is required to reported undiscounted data, while the column ‘Year end’ will contain data on discounted basis.

The amounts shall be considered after the adjustment for the counterparty default.

C0960/ R0300 to R0460

Best Estimate Claims Provisions — Reinsurance recoverable — Year end (discounted data)

Total ‘Year end’ reflects the last diagonal but a on discounted basis (all data referred to last reporting year) from  R0300 to R0450.

R0460 is the total of  R0300 to R0450.

C1000 to C1150/ R0300 to R0450

Reinsurance RBNS Claims — Triangle

Triangles for each of the accident/underwriting years from N–14 (and prior) and all previous reporting periods to — including — N (last reporting year) of reinsurance share of provisions, reported in the ‘Gross Reported but not Settled Claims (RBNS)’, covered by a reinsurance contract.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses.

C1160/ R0300 to R0460

 Reinsurance RBNS Claims — Year end (discounted data)

 Total ‘Year end’ reflects the last diagonal but on a discounted basis (all data referred to last reporting year) from R0300 to R0450.

R0460 is the total of  R0300 to R0450.

C1200 to C1350/ R0500 to R0650

Net Claims Paid (non–cumulative) — Triangle

Triangles for each of the accident/underwriting years from N–14 (and prior) and all previous reporting periods to — including — N (last reporting year) of claims paid net of salvage/subrogation and reinsurance.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses.

C1360/ R0500 to R0660

Net Claims Paid (non–cumulative) — In current year

Total ‘Current year’ reflects the last diagonal (all data referred to last reporting year), from  R0500 to R0650.

R0660 is the total of  R0500 to R0650

C1370/ R0500 to R0660

Net Claims Paid — Sum of year (cumulative)

Total ‘Sum of years’ contains the sum of all data in rows (sum of all payments referred to the accident/underwriting year), including total.

C1400 to C1550/ R0500 to R0650

Net Undiscounted Best Estimate Claims Provisions — Triangle

Triangles for each of the accident/underwriting years from N–14 (and prior) and all previous reporting periods to — including — N (last reporting year) of Best Estimate of Claims Provisions, net of reinsurance.

C1560/ R0500 to R0660

Net Undiscounted Best Estimate Claims Provisions — Year end (discounted data)

 Total ‘Year end’ reflects the last diagonal but on a discounted basis (all data referred to last reporting year) from R0500 to R0650.

R0660 is the total of  R0500 to R0650

C1600 to C1750/ R0500 to R0650

Net RBNS Claims — Triangle

Triangles for each of the accident/underwriting years from N–14 (and prior) and all previous reporting periods to — including — N (last reporting year) of Claims Outstanding net of salvage/subrogation and reinsurance.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses.

C1760/ R0500 to R0660

 Net RBNS Claims — Year end (discounted data)

 Total ‘Year end’ reflects the last diagonal but on a discounted basis (all data referred to last reporting year) from R0500 to R0650.

R0660 is the total of  R0500 to R0650.

Inflation rates (only in the case of using methods that take into account inflation to adjust data)

C1800 to C1940/ R0700

Historic inflation rate — total

In the case of use of run–off techniques that explicitly take into account inflation in order to adjust data report by year, and for the 15 years, historic inflation rate used to adjusted historical paid losses triangles.

C1800 to C1940/ R0710

Historic inflation rate — external inflation

In the case of use of run–off techniques that explicitly take into account inflation in order to adjust data report, by year, and for the 15 years, historic external inflation: which is the ‘economic’ or ‘general’ inflation, i.e. the increase of the price of goods and services in an specific economy (e.g. Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index, etc.

C1800 to C1940/ R0720

Historic inflation rate — endogenous inflation

In the case of use of run–off techniques that explicitly take into account inflation in order to adjust data report, by year, and for the 15 years, historic endogenous inflation: which is an increase of claim costs specific of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, under consideration.

C2000 to C2140/ R0730

Expected inflation rate — total

In the case of use of run–off techniques that explicitly take into account inflation in order to adjust data report by year, and for the 15 years, expected inflation rate used to adjusted historical paid losses triangles.

C2000 to C2140/ R0740

Expected inflation rate — external inflation

In the case of use of run–off techniques that explicitly take into account inflation in order to adjust data report, by year, and for the 15 years, expected external inflation: which is the ‘economic’ or ‘general’ inflation, i.e. the increase of the price of goods and services in an specific economy (e.g. Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index, etc.

C2000 to C2140/ R0750

Expected inflation rate — endogenous inflation

In the case of use of run–off techniques that explicitly take into account inflation in order to adjust data report, by year, and for the 15 years, expected endogenous inflation: which is an increase of claim costs specific of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, under consideration.

C2200/ R0760

Description of inflation rate used

In the case of use of run–off techniques that explicitly take into account inflation in order to adjust data report narrative description of inflation rate used.

S.20.01 — Development of the distribution of the claims incurred

General comments:

This section provides an overview about the run–off/movement of non–life claims portfolios, in terms of both claims paid (split by different type of claims) and RBNS claims (as defined in S.19.01).

This template must be filled for each Line of Business (12 line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, in total) with regards to gross direct business (i.e. undertakings are exempted to report the accepted — proportional and non–proportional — business); in case of RBNS denominated in different currencies, it is required to report only the total in the reporting currency.

With regard to the number of claims to be reported, undertakings will use their specific definition or, if available, specification existing at national level (for instance requirement laid down by the National Supervisory Authority). However, each claim shall be reported once  by Line of Business. If any claim is closed and reopened during the year, it shall not be reported in the column ‘Reopen Claims during the year’ but it shall be reported in relevant column regarding ‘Open Claims at the beginning of the year’ or ‘Claims reported during the year’.

Undertakings are required to report data on accident year or underwriting year basis, in accordance with any requirements of the National Supervisory Authority. If the National Supervisory Authority has not stipulated which to use then the undertaking may use accident or underwriting year according to how they manage each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, provided that they use the same year consistently, year on year.

As per the number of years to be reported, the same reporting requirement introduced in S.19.01 applies.





Line of business

Identification of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, reported. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Medical expense insurance

2 — Income protection insurance

3 — Workers' compensation insurance

4 — Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — Other motor insurance

6 — Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — General liability insurance

9 — Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — Legal expenses insurance

11 — Assistance

12 — Miscellaneous financial loss


Accident year/Underwriting year

Report the standard used by the undertakings for reporting of claims development. One of the options from the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Accident year

2 — Underwriting year

C0020/R0010 to R0160

RBNS claims. Open Claims at the beginning of the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Number of claims

The number of open claims at the beginning of the year and still open at the end of the reporting year, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

C0030/R0010 to R0160

RBNS claims. Open Claims at the beginning of the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Gross RBNS at the beginning of the year

The amount of gross RBNS Claims, net of salvage and subrogation, at the beginning of the year and still open at the end of the reporting year, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.

C0040/R0010 to R0160

RBNS claims. Open Claims at the beginning of the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Gross payments made during the current year

The amount of gross payments, net of salvage and subrogation, made during the current year regarding claims still open at the end of the reporting year, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.

C0050/R0010 to R0160

RBNS claims. Open Claims at the beginning of the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Gross RBNS at the end of the period

The amount of gross RBNS Claims, net of salvage and subrogation, at the end of the period regarding claims still open at the end of the reporting year, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.

C0060/R0010 to R0160

RBNS claims. Open Claims at the beginning of the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled with payment — Number of claims ended with payments

The number of Claims open at the beginning of the year and closed at the end of the year and settled with payments, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

C0070/R0010 to R0160

RBNS claims. Open Claims at the beginning of the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled with payment — Gross RBNS at the beginning of the year

The amount of gross RBNS Claims, net of salvage and subrogation, open at the beginning of the year and closed at the end of the year and settled with payments, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.

C0080/R0010 to R0160

RBNS claims. Open Claims at the beginning of the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled with payment — Gross payments made during the current year

The amount of gross payments, net of salvage and subrogation, made during the current year regarding claims closed at the end of the reporting year and settled with payments, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims

C0090/R0010 to R0160

RBNS claims. Open Claims at the beginning of the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled without any payment — Number of claims ended without any payment

The number of Claims open at the beginning of the year and closed at the end of the year and settled without any payment, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

C0100/R0010 to R0160

RBNS claims. Open Claims at the beginning of the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled without any payment — Gross RBNS at the beginning of the year referred to claims settled without any payment

The amount of gross RBNS Claims, net of salvage and subrogation, open at the beginning of the year and closed at the end of the year and settled without any payment, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.

C0110/R0010 to R0160

Claims reported during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Number of claims

The number of claims reported during the year and still open at the end of the year, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

C0120/R0010 to R0160

Claims reported during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Gross payments made during the current year

The amount of gross payments, net of salvage and subrogation, made during the current year regarding claims reported during the year and still open at the end of the reporting year, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.

C0130/R0010 to R0160

Claims reported during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Gross RBNS at the end of the period

The amount of gross RBNS Claims, net of salvage and subrogation, at the end of the period regarding claims reported during the year and still open at the end of the reporting year, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.

C0140/R0010 to R0160

Claims reported during the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled with payment — Number of claims ended with payments

The number of Claims reported during the year and closed at the end of the year and settled with payments, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

C0150/R0010 to R0160

Claims reported during the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled with payment — Gross payments made during the current year

The amount of gross payments, net of salvage and subrogation, made during the current year regarding claims reported during the year and closed at the end of the year and settled with payments, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.

C0160/R0010 to R0160

Claims reported during the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled without any payment — Number of claims ended without any payment

The number of Claims reported during the year and closed at the end of the year and settled without any payment, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

C0170/R0010 to R0160

Reopen claims during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Number of claims

The number of Claims reopened during the year and still open at the end of the year, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

C0180/R0010 to R0160

Reopen claims during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Gross payments made during the current year

The amount of gross payments, net of salvage and subrogation, made during the current year regarding claims reopened during the year and still open at the end of the year, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.

C0190/R0010 to R0160

Reopen claims during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Gross RBNS at the end of the period

The amount of gross RBNS Claims, net of salvage and subrogation,at the end of the period regarding claims reopened during the year and still open at the end of the year, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.

C0200/R0010 to R0160

Reopen claims during the year, Closed Claims at the end of the period — Number of claims ended with payments

The number of Claims reopened during the year and closed at the end of the year and ended with payments, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

C0210/R0010 to R0160

Reopen claims during the year, Closed Claims at the end of the period — Gross payments made during the current year

The amount of gross payments, net of salvage and subrogation, made during the current year regarding claims reopened during the year and closed at the end of the year with payments, by accident/underwriting years from the year N–1 (the year before the reporting year) to N–14, amount of all previous reporting periods prior to N–14 and the total of all the years from N–1 to prior to year N–14.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.


Claims reported during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Number of claims

The number of claims reported during the year and still open at the end of the year, for the accident/underwriting year, regarding the reporting year N.


Claims reported during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Gross payments made during the current year

The amount of gross payments, net of salvage and subrogation, made during the current year regarding claims reported during the year and still open at the end of the reporting year, for the accident/underwriting year, regarding the reporting year N.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.


Claims reported during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Gross RBNS at the end of the period

The amount of gross RBNS Claims, net of salvage and subrogation, at the end of the period regarding claims reported during the year and still open at the end of the reporting year, for the accident/underwriting year, regarding the reporting year N.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.


Claims reported during the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled with payment — Number of claims ended with payments

The number of Claims reported during the year and closed at the end of the year and settled with payments, for the accident/underwriting year, regarding the reporting year N.


Claims reported during the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled with payment — Gross payments made during the current year

The amount of gross payments, net of salvage and subrogation, made during the current year regarding claims reported during the year and closed at the end of the year and settled with payments, for the accident/underwriting year, regarding the reporting year N.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.


Claims reported during the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled without any payment — Number of claims ended without any payment

The number of Claims reported during the year and closed at the end of the year and settled without any payment, for the accident/underwriting year, regarding the reporting year N.


Total Claims reported during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Number of claims

Total number of claims reported during the year still open at the end of the year.


Total Claims reported during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Gross payments made during the current year

Total of gross payments, net of salvage and subrogation,made during the current year in relation to total number of claims reported during the year still open at the end of the year.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.


Total Claims reported during the year, Open Claims at the end of the year — Gross RBNS at the end of the period

Total of Gross RBNS, net of salvage and subrogation,at the end of the period in relation to total number of claims reported during the year still open at the end of the year.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.


Total Claims reported during the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled with payment — Number of claims ended with payments

Total number of claims reported during the year and settled with payments.


Total Claims reported during the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled with payment — Gross payments made during the current year

Gross payments, net of salvage and subrogation, made during the current year in relation to claims reported during the year and settled with payments.

The amount includes all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims.


Total Claims reported during the year, Closed Claims at the end of the year, settled without any payment — Number of claims ended without any payment

Total number of claims reported during the year and settled without any payment.

S.21.01 — Loss distribution risk profile

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual undertakings.

The information shall be filled in relation to non–life business (including health insurance business other than that pursued on a similar basis to that of life insurance (‘Non–SLT Health’)) only for the direct business. There shall be a separate template for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

The loss distribution profile non–life shows the distribution, in (predefined) brackets, of the accumulated claims incurred at the end of the reporting year.

Accumulated claims incurred means the sum of gross claims paid and gross reported but not settled claims (RBNS) on a case by case basis for each and every single claim, open or closed, which belongs to a specific accident year (‘AY’)/underwriting year (‘UWY’) (AY/UWY). Claims incurred amounts include all the elements that compose the claim itself but excludes any expenses except those attributable to specific claims. Data regarding claims shall be reported net of salvage and subrogation. Historical data, starting from the first time application of Solvency II, is required.

Undertakings are required to report data on an accident year or underwriting year basis, in accordance with any requirements of the National Supervisory Authority. If the National Supervisory Authority has not stipulated which to use then the undertaking may use accident or underwriting year according to how they manage each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, provided that they use the same year consistently, year on year.

The default brackets to be used are defined in euros. For different reporting currencies each relevant supervisory authority shall define the equivalent options for the amounts to be used in the 20 brackets.

An undertaking may use undertaking specific brackets, in particular when incurred losses are lower than EUR 100 000 . The brackets chosen shall be used consistently over the reporting periods, unless the distribution of claims changes significantly. In this case the undertaking shall notify the supervisory authority in advance, unless already specified by the supervisory authority.





Line of business

Identification of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, reported. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Medical expense insurance

2 — Income protection insurance

3 — Workers' compensation insurance

4 — Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — Other motor insurance

6 — Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — General liability insurance

9 — Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — Legal expenses insurance

11 — Assistance

12 — Miscellaneous financial loss


Accident year/underwriting year

Report the standard used by the undertakings for reporting of template S.19.01. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Accident year

2 — Underwriting year

C0030/R0010 to R0210

Start claims incurred

Start amount of the interval of the corresponding bracket.

 In case the reporting currency is in Euros, one of the following 5 base options based on the normal loss distribution can be used:

1 — 20 brackets of 5 000 plus 1 extra open bracket for accumulated incurred losses > 100 000 .

2 — 20 brackets of 50 000 plus 1 extra open bracket for accumulated incurred losses > 1 million.

3 — 20 brackets of 250 000 plus 1 extra open bracket for accumulated incurred losses > 5 million.

4 — 20 brackets of 1 million plus 1 extra open bracket for accumulated incurred losses > 20 million.

5 — 20 brackets of 5 million plus 1 extra open bracket for accumulated incurred losses > 100 million.

However, an undertaking shall use undertaking specific brackets, in particular when accumulated incurred losses < 100 000 to guarantee that the level of detail is sufficient to provide adequate insight in the distribution of the accumulated claims incurred, unless already specified by the supervisory authority.

The option chosen needs to be used consistently over the reporting periods, unless the distribution of claims changes significantly.

For different reporting currencies National Supervisory Authorities need to define the equivalent options for the amounts to be used in the 20 brackets.

C0040/R0010 to R0200

End claims incurred

End amount of the interval of the corresponding bracket.

C0050, C0070, C0090, C0110, C0130, C0150, C0170, C0190, C0210, C0230, C0250, C0270, C0290, C0310, C0330/R0010 to R0210

Number of claims AY/UWY year N:N–14

 The number of claims attributed to each of the accident/underwriting years N to N–14, whose accumulated claims incurred at the end of the reporting year falls within the start amount and end amount of the applicable bracket. The number of claims is the sum of the accumulated number of open claims at the end of the period plus the accumulated number of closed claims ended with payments.

C0060, C0080, C0100, C0120, C0140, C0160, C0180, C0200, C0220, C0240, C0260, C0280, C0300, C0320, C0340/R0010 to R0210

Total claims incurred AY/UWY year N:N–14

 The accumulated and aggregated amount of claims incurred of all individual claims, attributed to each of the accident/underwriting years N to N–14, whose accumulated claims incurred at the end of the reporting year falls within the start amount and end amount of the applicable bracket.

For smaller claims, estimations (e.g. default amount) are allowed as long as it is in line with the amounts considered in run–off triangles reported in Non–life Insurance Claims Information (template S.19.01).

 Accumulated claims incurred means the sum of gross claims paid and gross reported but not settled claims (RBNS) on a case by case basis for each and every single claim, open and closed, which belongs to a specific accident year/underwriting year (AY/UWY).

C0050, C0070, C0090, C0110, C0130, C0150, C0170, C0190, C0210, C0230, C0250, C0270, C0290, C0310, C0330/R0300

Number of claims AY/UWY year N:N–14 — Total

Total of the accumulated and aggregated number of claims for all brackets for each of the years N to N–14.

C0060, C0080, C0100, C0120, C0140, C0160, C0180, C0200, C0220, C0240, C0260, C0280, C0300, C0320, C0340/R0300

Total claims incurred AY/UWY year N:N–14 — Total

Total of the accumulated and aggregated claims incurred for all brackets for each of the years N to N–14.

S.21.02 — Underwriting risks non–life

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual undertakings.

Template shall be filled in relation to non–life business (including Non–SLT Health) only for direct business.

In this template the 20 biggest single underwriting risks, based on net retention, across all lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, shall be reported. If the 2 biggest single underwriting risks for any of the lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 are not covered through the above methodology, then they shall be reported in addition. In case a single underwriting risk of a specific line of business forms part of the top 20, the same risk of the affected line of business must only be filled in once.

Net retention of the single underwriting risk means the maximum possible liability of the undertaking after the recoverables from reinsurers (including SPV and Finite Reinsurance) and the original deductible of the policyholder has been taken into account. In case the net retention is equal for too many risks the policy with the highest Sum insured shall be used as a second criteria. In case the Sum insured is also the same and the most appropriate risk considering the risk profile of the undertaking must be used as the ultimate criteria.





Risk identification code

The code is a unique identifying number assigned by the undertaking that identifies the risk and shall remain unchanged for subsequent annual reports.


Identification of the company/person to which the risk relates

If the risk relates to a company identify the name of the company to whom the risk relates.

If the risk relates to a natural person, pseudonymise the original policy number and report pseudonymised information. Pseudonymous data refer to data that cannot be attributed to a specific individual without the use of additional information, as long as such additional information is kept separately. Consistency over time shall be insured. It implies that if a single underwriting risk appears from one year to another, it shall receive the same pseudonymised format.


Description risk

The description of the risk. Depending on the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, report the type of company, building or occupation of the specific risk insured.


Line of business

Identification of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Medical expense insurance

2 — Income protection insurance

3 — Workers' compensation insurance

4 — Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — Other motor insurance

6 — Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — General liability insurance

9 — Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — Legal expenses insurance

11 — Assistance

12 — Miscellaneous financial loss


Description risk category covered

The description of the risk category covered is entity specific and is not mandatory. Also the term ‘risk category’ isn't based on Level 1 and 2 terminologies but can be considered as an extra possibility the give additional information about the underwriting risk(s).


Validity period (start date)

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date of commencement of the specific cover, i.e., date when the cover took effect.


Validity period (expiry date)

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the final expiry date of the specific cover.



 Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the original currency.


Sum insured

The highest amount that the insurer can be obliged to pay out under the policy. The insured sum relates to the underwriting risk.

Where the policy covers a number of exposures/risks across the country the individual underwriting risk with the highest net retention shall be specified. If the risk has been accepted on a co–insurance basis, the insured sum indicates the maximum liability of the reporting non–life insurer. In case of a joint several liability, the part belonging to a defaulting co–insurer must be included as well.


Original deductible policyholder

Part of the sum insured which is retained by the policyholder.


Type of underwriting model

Type of underwriting model which is used to estimate the exposure of the underwriting risk and the need for reinsurance protection. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Sum Insured:

the highest amount that the insurer can be obliged to pay out according to the original policy. Sum insured must also be filled when type of underwriting model is not applicable

2 — Maximum Possible Loss:

loss which may occur when the most unfavourable circumstances being more or less exceptionally combined, the fire is only stopped by impassable obstacles or lack of substance.

3 — Probable Maximum Loss:

defined as the estimate of the largest loss from a single fire or peril to be expected, assuming the worst single impairment of primary private fire protection systems but with secondary protection systems or organizations (such as emergency organizations and private and/or public fire department response) functioning as intended. Catastrophic conditions like explosions resulting from massive release of flammable gases, which might involve large areas of the plant, detonation of massive explosives, seismic disturbances, tidal waves or flood, falling aircraft, and arson committed in more than one area are excluded in this estimate. This definition is a hybrid form between Maximum Possible Loss and Estimated Maximum Loss that is generally accepted and frequently used by insurers, reinsurers and reinsurance brokers

4 — Estimated Maximum Loss:

loss that could reasonably be sustained from the contingencies under consideration, as a result of a single incident considered to be within the realms of probability taking into account all factors likely to increase or lessen the extent of the loss, but excluding such coincidences and catastrophes which may be possible but remain unlikely.

5 — Other:

defined as other possible underwriting models used. The type of ‘other’ underwriting model applied must be explained in the Regular Supervisory Report

Although abovementioned definitions are used for the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, ‘Fire and other damage to property insurance’, similar definitions might be in place for other lines of business.


Amount underwriting model

Maximum loss amount of the single underwriting risk which is the result of the underwriting model applied. In case no specific type of underwriting model is used the amount must be equal to the sum insured reported in C0090 minus the original deductible reported in C0100.


Sum reinsured on a facultative basis, with all reinsurers

Part of the sum insured that the insurer has reinsured on a facultative basis (by treaty and/or by individual cover) with the reinsurers. When the facultative cover is not placed for 100 % but only for 80 % the 20 % not placed shall be considered as retention.


Sum reinsured, other than on facultative basis, with all reinsurers

Part of the sum insured that the insurer has reinsured through traditional reinsurance treaties or another basis (including SPV and Finite Reinsurance) other than facultative reinsurance.


Net retention of the insurer

The net amount for which the insurer acts as risk carrier, i.e.: part of the sum insured that exceeds the original deductible of the policyholder and is not reinsured.

S.21.03 — Non–life distribution of underwriting underwriting risks — by sum insured

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual undertakings.

The template is retrospective and shall be filled in relation to non–life business (including Non–SLT Health) only for the direct business and only for the Non–life Lines of Business (lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35).

The underwriting risk portfolio is the distribution, in (predefined) brackets, of the sum insured of each and every single underwriting risk which have been accepted by the undertaking. The underwriting risk portfolio is per line of business. However, whereas some lines of business are reportable on a compulsory basis for all member states, the individual member states may also require compulsory basis reporting for further lines of business where deemed to be relevant. For certain lines of business, the template would not be applicable. (See also item Line of business).

The default brackets to be used are defined in euros. For different reporting currencies each relevant supervisory authority shall define the equivalent options for the amounts to be used in the 20 brackets.

An undertaking may use undertaking specific brackets, in particular when sum insured is lower than EUR 100 000 . The brackets chosen shall be used consistently over the reporting periods, unless the distribution of claims changes significantly. In this case the undertaking shall notify the supervisory authority in advance, unless already specified by the supervisory authority.

By default the reference date shall be the end of the reporting year, however if duly justified, the undertaking may choose the reference date of collecting the information from the policy administration. This means that the underwriting risk portfolio can be based for example on the same reference date that is used to collect similar information for the renewal of reinsurance treaties and facultative cover.

The sum insured relates to each and every individual underwriting risk, only looking at the main coverage of the policy per line of business, and means the highest amount that the insurer can be obliged to pay out. This means:

If the sum insured of the additional cover for ‘Theft’ is lower than the sum insured of the main cover for ‘Fire and other damage’ (both belonging to the same line of business), the highest sum insured must be taken.
A policy cover comprising a number of buildings across the country/car fleet etc must be broken down.
If the risk has been accepted on a co–insurance basis, the insured sum indicates the maximum liability of the reporting non–life insurer.
In case of joint liability through co–insurance, the part belonging to a defaulting co–insurer must be included in the sum insured as well.





Line of business

Identification of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, reported.

First category: lines of business that are compulsory for all member states:

— Other motor insurance;

— Marine, aviation and transport insurance;

— Fire & other damage to property insurance;

— Credit & Suretyship insurance.

Second category: lines of business that are compulsory at the discretion of each individual NSAs:

— Motor vehicle liability insurance;

— General liability insurance;

— Medical expense insurance;

— Income protection insurance;

— Worker's compensation insurance;

— Miscellaneous financial loss;

— Legal expenses insurance;

— Assistance.

The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Medical expense insurance

2 — Income protection insurance

3 — Workers' compensation insurance

4 — Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — Other motor insurance

6 — Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — General liability insurance

9 — Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — Legal expenses insurance

11 — Assistance

12 — Miscellaneous financial loss


Start sum insured

Start amount of the interval within which the sum insured of the individual underwriting risk belongs and needs to be aggregated.

In case the reporting currency is in Euros, one of the following 5 base options for the distribution of the underwriting risks can be used:

1 — 20 brackets of 25 000 plus 1 extra bracket for Sum Insured > 500 000 .

2 — 20 brackets of 50 000 plus 1 extra bracket for Sum Insured > 1 million.

3 — 20 brackets of 250 000 plus 1 extra bracket for Sum Insured > 5 million.

4 — 20 brackets of 1 million plus 1 extra bracket for Sum Insured > 20 million.

5 — 20 brackets of 5 million plus 1 extra bracket for Sum Insured > 100 million.

However, an undertaking shall use undertaking specific brackets, in particular when Sum Insured < 100 000 to guarantee that the level of detail is sufficient to provide adequate insight in the distribution of the claims incurred, unless already specified by the supervisory authority.

For policies where there is no Sum Insured defined in the policy the undertaking shall do their own estimations or use default values.

The option chosen needs to be used consistently over the reporting periods, unless the distribution of claims changes significantly.

For different reporting currencies National Supervisory Authorities need to define the equivalent options for the amounts to be used in the 20 brackets.


End sum insured

End amount of the interval within which the sum insured of the individual underwriting risk belongs and needs to be aggregated.


Number of underwriting risks

The number of underwriting risks whose sum insured falls within the start amount and end amount of the applicable bracket.


Number of underwriting risks — Total

Total number of underwriting risks reported in all brackets.


Total sum insured

The aggregated amount of the sum insured, on a gross basis and using the reporting currency, of all the individual underwriting risks, whose sum insured falls within the start amount and end amount of the applicable bracket.


Total sum insured — Total

Total of the aggregated amounts of the sum insured, on a gross basis and using the reporting currency, of all the individual underwriting risks reported in all brackets.


Total annual written premium

The aggregated amount of the written premium as defined in Article 1(11) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35of the underlying underwriting risks.


Total annual written premium — Total

Total of the aggregated amounts of the annual written premium reported in all brackets.

S.22.01 — Impact of long term guarantees measures and transitionals

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template is relevant when at least one long term guarantee measure or transitional is used by the undertaking.

This template shall reflect the impact on the financial positions when no transitional is used and each LTG measures or transitional is set to zero.  For that purpose, a cumulative step–by–step approach shall be followed taking out each transitional and LTG measure one by one and without recalculating the impact of the remaining measures after each step.

The impacts need to be reported positive if they increase the amount of the item being reported and negative if they decrease the amount of the item (e.g. if amount of SCR increases or if amount of Own Funds increases then positive values shall be reported).





Amount with LTG measures and transitionals — Technical Provisions

 Total amount of gross technical provisions including long term guarantee measures and transitional measures


Without transitional on technical provisions — Technical Provisions

 Total amount of gross technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, but keeping adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional deduction to technical provisions is not applicable report the same amount as in C0010.


Impact of transitional on technical provisions — Technical provisions

Amount of the  adjustment to the gross technical provisions due to the application of the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

It shall be the difference between the technical provisions without transitional deduction to technical provisions and the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without transitional on interest rate — Technical Provisions

 Total amount of gross technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, but keeping adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment (‘MA’).

 If transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is not applicable report the same amount as in C0020.


Impact of transitional on interest rate — Technical provisions

Amount of the  adjustment to the gross technical provisions due to the application of the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

It shall be the difference between the technical provisions without transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures — Technical Provisions

 Total amount of gross technical provisions without the adjustments due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the volatility adjustment, but keeping adjustments due to the matching adjustment, if any.

 If volatility adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0040.


Impact of volatility adjustment set to zero — Technical provisions

Amount of the  adjustment to the gross technical provisions due to the application of the volatility adjustment. It shall reflect the impact of setting the volatility adjustment to zero.

It shall be the difference between the technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures and the maximum between the technical provisions reported under C0010, C0020 and C0040.


Without matching adjustment and without all the others — Technical Provisions

 Total amount of gross technical provisions without any LTG measure.

 If matching adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0060.


Impact of matching adjustment set to zero — Technical Provisions

Amount of the  adjustment to the gross technical provisions due to the application of the matching adjustment. It shall include the impact of setting the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment to zero.

It shall be the difference between the technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the other transitional measures and the maximum between the technical provisions reported under C0010, C0020, C0040 and C0060.


Impact of all LTG measures and transitionals — Technical Provisions

Amount of the  adjustment to the gross technical provisions due to the application of the LTG measures and transitionals.


Amount with LTG measures and transitionals — Basic own funds

Total amount of basic own funds calculated considering technical provisions including the adjustments due to the long term guarantee measures and transitional measures.


Without transitional on technical provisions — Basic own funds

Total amount of basic own funds calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional deduction to technical provisions is not applicable report the same amount as in C0010.


Impact of transitional on technical provisions — Basic own funds

Amount of the adjustment to the Basic own funds due to the application of the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

 It shall be the difference between the basic own funds calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional deduction to technical provisions and the basic own funds calculated with the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without transitional on interest rate — Basic own funds

Total amount of basic own funds calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is not applicable report the same amount as in C0020.


Impact of transitional on interest rate — Basic own funds

Amount of the adjustment to the basic own funds due to the application of the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

 It shall be the difference between the basic own funds calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the basic own funds calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0020.


Without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures — Basic own funds

Total amount of basic own funds calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustments due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the volatility adjustment, but keeping the adjustments due to the matching adjustment.

 If volatility adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0040.


Impact of volatility adjustment set to zero — Basic own funds

Amount of the adjustment to the Basic own funds due to the application of the volatility adjustment. It shall reflect the impact of setting the volatility adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the basic own funds calculated considering the technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures and the basic own funds calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0040.


Without matching adjustment and without all the others — Basic own funds

Total amount of basic own funds calculated considering technical provisions without any LTG measure.

 If matching adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0060.


Impact of matching adjustment set to zero — Basic own funds

Amount of the adjustment to the basic own funds due to the application of the matching adjustment. It shall include the impact of setting the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the basic own funds calculated considering the technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the other transitional measures and the basic own funds calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0060.


Impact of all LTG measures and transitionals — Basic own funds

Amount of the adjustment to the basic own funds due to the application of the LTG measures and transitionals.


Amount with LTG measures and transitionals — Basic own funds — Excess of assets over liabilities

Total amount of excess of assets over liabilities calculated considering technical provisions including the adjustments due to the long term guarantee measures and transitional measures.


Without transitional on technical provisions — Basic own funds — Excess of assets over liabilities

Total amount of excess of assets over liabilities calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional deduction to technical provisions is not applicable report the same amount as in C0010.


Impact of transitional on technical provisions — Basic own funds — Excess of assets over liabilities

Amount of the adjustment to the excess of assets over liabilities due to the application of the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

 It shall be the difference between the excess of assets over liabilities calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional deduction to technical provisions and the excess of assets over liabilities calculated with the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without transitional on interest rate — Basic own funds — Excess of assets over liabilities

Total amount of excess of assets over liabilities calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is not applicable report the same amount as in C0020.


Impact of transitional on interest rate — Basic own funds — Excess of assets over liabilities

Amount of the adjustment to the excess of assets over liabilities due to the application of the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

 It shall be the difference between the excess of assets over liabilities calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the excess of assets over liabilities calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0020.


Without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures — Basic own funds — Excess of assets over liabilities

Total amount of excess of assets over liabilities calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustments due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the volatility adjustment, but keeping the adjustments due to the matching adjustment.

 If volatility adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0040.


Impact of volatility adjustment set to zero — Basic own funds — Excess of assets over liabilities

Amount of the adjustment to the excess of assets over liabilities due to the application of the volatility adjustment. It shall reflect the impact of setting the volatility adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the excess of assets over liabilities calculated considering the technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures and the excess of assets over liabilities calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0040.


Without matching adjustment and without all the others — Basic own funds — Excess of assets over liabilities

Total amount of excess of assets over liabilities calculated considering Technical provisions without any LTG measure.

 If matching adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0060.


Impact of matching adjustment set to zero — Basic own funds — Excess of assets over liabilities

Amount of the adjustment to the excess of assets over liabilities due to the application of the matching adjustment. It shall include the impact of setting the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the excess of assets over liabilities calculated considering the technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the other transitional measures and the excess of assets over liabilities calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0060.


Impact of all LTG measures and transitionals — Basic own funds — Excess of assets over liabilities

Amount of the adjustment to the excess of assets over liabilities due to the application of the LTG measures and transitionals.


Amount with LTG measures and transitionals — Basic own funds — Restricted own funds due to ring–fencing and matching portfolio

Total amount of restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated considering technical provisions including the adjustments due to the long term guarantee measures and transitional measures.


Without transitional on technical provisions — Basic own funds — Restricted own funds due to ring–fencing and matching portfolio

Total amount of restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional deduction to technical provisions is not applicable report the same amount as in C0010.


Impact of transitional on technical provisions — Basic own funds — Restricted own funds due to ring–fencing and matching portfolio

Amount of the adjustment to the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing due to the application of the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

 It shall be the difference between the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional deduction to technical provisions and the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated with the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without transitional on interest rate — Basic own funds — Restricted own funds due to ring–fencing and matching portfolio

Total amount of restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is not applicable report the same amount as in C0020.


Impact of transitional on interest rate — Basic own funds — Restricted own funds due to ring–fencing and matching portfolio

Amount of the adjustment to the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing due to the application of the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

 It shall be the difference between the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0020.


Without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures — Basic own funds — Restricted own funds due to ring–fencing and matching portfolio

Total amount of restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustments due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the volatility adjustment, but keeping the adjustments due to the matching adjustment.

 If volatility adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0040.


Impact of volatility adjustment set to zero — Basic own funds — Restricted own funds due to ring–fencing and matching portfolio

Amount of the adjustment to the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing due to the application of the volatility adjustment. It shall reflect the impact of setting the volatility adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated considering the technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures and the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0040.


Without matching adjustment and without all the others — Basic own funds — Restricted own funds due to ring–fencing and matching portfolio

Total amount of restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated considering technical provisions without any LTG measure.

 If matching adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0060.


Impact of matching adjustment set to zero — Basic own funds — Restricted own funds due to ring–fencing and matching portfolio

Amount of the adjustment to the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing due to the application of the matching adjustment. It shall include the impact of setting the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated considering the technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the other transitional measures and the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0060.


Impact of all LTG measures and transitionals — Basic own funds — Restricted own funds due to ring–fencing and matching portfolio

Amount of the adjustment to the restricted own funds due to ring–fencing due to the application of the LTG measures and transitionals.


Amount with LTG measures and transitionals — Eligible own funds to meet SCR

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated considering technical provisions including the adjustments due to the long term guarantee measures and transitional measures.


Without transitional on technical provisions — Eligible own funds to meet SCR

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional deduction to technical provisions is not applicable report the same amount as in C0010.


Impact of transitional on technical provisions — Eligible own funds to meet SCR

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR due to the application of the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional deduction to technical provisions and the eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated with the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without transitional on interest rate — Eligible own funds to meet SCR

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is not applicable report the same amount as in C0020.


Impact of transitional on interest rate — Eligible own funds to meet SCR

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR due to the application of the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0020.


Without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures — Eligible own funds to meet SCR

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustments due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the volatility adjustment, but keeping the adjustments due to the matching adjustment.

 If volatility adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0040.


Impact of volatility adjustment set to zero — Eligible own funds to meet SCR

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR due to the application of the volatility adjustment. It shall reflect the impact of setting the volatility adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated considering the technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures and the eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0040.


Without matching adjustment and without all the others — Eligible own funds to meet SCR

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated considering technical provisions without any LTG measure.

 If matching adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0060.


Impact of matching adjustment set to zero — Eligible own funds to meet SCR

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR due to the application of the matching adjustment. It shall include the impact of setting the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated considering the technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the other transitional measures and the eligible own funds to meet SCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0060.


Impact of all LTG measures and transitionals — Eligible own funds to meet SCR

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR due to the application of the LTG measures and transitionals.


Amount with LTG measures and transitionals — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated considering technical provisions including the adjustments due to the long term guarantee measures and transitional measures.


Without transitional on technical provisions — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional deduction to technical provisions is not applicable report the same amount as in C0010.


Impact of transitional on technical provisions — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 due to the application of the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional deduction to technical provisions and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated with the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without transitional on interest rate — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is not applicable report the same amount as in C0020.


Impact of transitional on interest rate — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 due to the application of the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0020.


Without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustments due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the volatility adjustment, but keeping the adjustments due to the matching adjustment.

 If volatility adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0040.


Impact of volatility adjustment set to zero — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 due to the application of the volatility adjustment. It shall reflect the impact of setting the volatility adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated considering the technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0040.


Without matching adjustment and without all the others — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated considering technical provisions without any LTG measure.

 If matching adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0060.


Impact of matching adjustment set to zero — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 due to the application of the matching adjustment. It shall include the impact of setting the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated considering the technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the other transitional measures and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0060.


Impact of all LTG measures and transitionals — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 1 due to the application of the LTG measures and transitionals.


Amount with LTG measures and transitionals — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated considering technical provisions including the adjustments due to the long term guarantee measures and transitional measures.


Without transitional on technical provisions — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional deduction to technical provisions is not applicable report the same amount as in C0010.


Impact of transitional on technical provisions — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 due to the application of the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional deduction to technical provisions and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated with the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without transitional on interest rate — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is not applicable report the same amount as in C0020.


Impact of transitional on interest rate — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 due to the application of the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0020.


Without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustments due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the volatility adjustment, but keeping the adjustments due to the matching adjustment.

 If volatility adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0040.


Impact of volatility adjustment set to zero — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 due to the application of the volatility adjustment. It shall reflect the impact of setting the volatility adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated considering the technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0040.


Without matching adjustment and without all the others — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated considering technical provisions without any LTG measure.

 If matching adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0060.


Impact of matching adjustment set to zero — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 due to the application of the matching adjustment. It shall include the impact of setting the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated considering the technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the other transitional measures and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0060.


Impact of all LTG measures and transitionals — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 2 due to the application of the LTG measures and transitionals.


Amount with LTG measures and transitionals — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated considering technical provisions including the adjustments due to the long term guarantee measures and transitional measures.


Without transitional on technical provisions — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional deduction to technical provisions is not applicable report the same amount as in C0010.


Impact of transitional on technical provisions — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 due to the application of the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional deduction to technical provisions and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated with the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without transitional on interest rate — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is not applicable report the same amount as in C0020.


Impact of transitional on interest rate — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 due to the application of the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0020.


Without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustments due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the volatility adjustment, but keeping the adjustments due to the matching adjustment.

 If volatility adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0040.


Impact of volatility adjustment set to zero — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 due to the application of the volatility adjustment. It shall reflect the impact of setting the volatility adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated considering the technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0040.


Without matching adjustment and without all the others — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated considering technical provisions without any LTG measure.

 If matching adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0060.


Impact of matching adjustment set to zero — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 due to the application of the matching adjustment. It shall include the impact of setting the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated considering the technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the other transitional measures and the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0060.


Impact of all LTG measures and transitionals — Eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet SCR–Tier 3 due to the application of the LTG measures and transitionals.


Amount with LTG measures and transitionals — SCR

Total amount of SCR calculated considering technical provisions including the adjustments due to the long term guarantee measures and transitional measures


Without transitional on technical provisions –SCR

Total amount of SCR calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional deduction to technical provisions is not applicable report the same amount as in C0010.


Impact of transitional on technical provisions — SCR

Amount of the adjustment to the SCR due to the application of the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

 It shall be the difference between the SCR calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional deduction to technical provisions and the SCR calculated with the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without transitional on interest rate — SCR

Total amount of SCR calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is not applicable report the same amount as in C0020.


Impact of transitional on interest rate — SCR

Amount of the adjustment to the SCR due to the application of the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

 It shall be the difference between the SCR calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the SCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0020.


Without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures — SCR

Total amount of SCR calculated considering Technical provisions without the adjustments due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the volatility adjustment, but keeping the adjustments due to the matching adjustment.

 If volatility adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0040.


Impact of volatility adjustment set to zero — SCR

Amount of the adjustment to the SCR due to the application of the volatility adjustment. It shall reflect the impact of setting the volatility adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the SCR calculated considering the technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures and the SCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0040.


Without matching adjustment and without all the others — SCR

Total amount of SCR calculated considering Technical provisions without any LTG measure.

 If matching adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0060.


Impact of matching adjustment set to zero — SCR

Amount of the adjustment to the SCR due to the application of the matching adjustment. It shall include the impact of setting the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the SCR calculated considering the technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the other transitional measures and the SCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0060.


Impact of all LTG measures and transitionals –SCR

Amount of the adjustment to the SCR due to the application of the LTG measures and transitionals.


Amount with LTG measures and transitionals — Eligible own funds to meet MCR

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated considering technical provisions including the adjustments due to the long term guarantee measures and transitional measures.


Without transitional on technical provisions — Eligible own funds to meet MCR

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional deduction to technical provisions is not applicable report the same amount as in C0010.


Impact of transitional on technical provisions — Eligible own funds to meet MCR

Amount of the adjustment to the eligible own funds to meet MCR due to the application of the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional deduction to technical provisions and the eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated with the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without transitional on interest rate — Eligible own funds to meet MCR

Total amount of eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is not applicable report the same amount as in C0020.


Impact of transitional on interest rate — Eligible own funds to meet MCR

Amount of the adjustment to the Eligible own funds to meet MCR due to the application of the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0020.


Without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures — Eligible own funds to meet MCR

Total amount of Eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated considering Technical provisions without the adjustments due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the volatility adjustment, but keeping the adjustments due to the matching adjustment.

 If volatility adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0040.


Impact of volatility adjustment set to zero — Eligible own funds to meet MCR

Amount of the adjustment to the Eligible own funds to meet MCR due to the application of the volatility adjustment. It shall reflect the impact of setting the volatility adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated considering the technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures and the eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0040.


Without matching adjustment and without all the others — Eligible own funds to meet MCR

Total amount of Eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated considering Technical provisions without any LTG measure.

 If matching adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0060.


Impact of matching adjustment set to zero — Eligible own funds to meet MCR

Amount of the adjustment to the Eligible own funds to meet MCR due to the application of the matching adjustment. It shall include the impact of setting the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated considering the technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the other transitional measures and the eligible own funds to meet MCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0060.


Impact of all LTG measures and transitionals — Eligible own funds to meet MCR

Amount of the adjustment to the Eligible own funds to meet MCR due to the application of the LTG measures and transitionals.


Amount with LTG measures and transitionals — Minimum Capital Requirement

Total amount of MCR calculated considering technical provisions including the adjustments due to the long term guarantee measures and transitional measures.


Without transitional on technical provisions — Minimum Capital Requirement

Total amount of MCR calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional deduction to technical provisions is not applicable report the same amount as in C0010.


Impact of transitional on technical provisions — Minimum Capital Requirement

Amount of the adjustment to the MCR due to the application of the transitional deduction to technical provisions.

 It shall be the difference between the MCR calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional deduction to technical provisions and the MCR calculated with the technical provisions with LTG and transitional measures.


Without transitional on interest rate — Minimum Capital Requirement

Total amount of MCR calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustment due to the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure, but keeping the adjustments due to the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment.

 If transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is not applicable report the same amount as in C0020.


Impact of transitional on interest rate — Minimum Capital Requirement

Amount of the adjustment to the MCR due to the application of the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

 It shall be the difference between the MCR calculated considering the technical provisions without transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and MCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0020.


Without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures — Minimum Capital Requirement

Total amount of MCR calculated considering technical provisions without the adjustments due to the transitional deduction to technical provisions, the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure and the volatility adjustment, but keeping the adjustments due to the matching adjustment.

 If volatility adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0040.


Impact of volatility adjustment set to zero — Minimum Capital Requirement

Amount of the adjustment to the MCR due to the application of the volatility adjustment. It shall reflect the impact of setting the volatility adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the MCR calculated considering the technical provisions without volatility adjustment and without other transitional measures and the MCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0040.


Without matching adjustment and without all the others — MCR

Total amount of MCR calculated considering technical provisions without any LTG measure.

 If matching adjustment is not applicable report the same amount as in C0060.


Impact of matching adjustment set to zero — Minimum Capital Requirement

Amount of the adjustment to the MCR due to the application of the matching adjustment. It shall include the impact of setting the volatility adjustment and the matching adjustment to zero.

 It shall be the difference between the MCR calculated considering the technical provisions without matching adjustment and without all the other transitional measures and the MCR calculated with the technical provisions reported under C0060.


Impact of all LTG measures and transitionals — Minimum Capital Requirement

Amount of the adjustment to the MCR due to the application of the LTG measures and transitionals.

S.22.02 — Projection of future cash flows (Best Estimate — Matching portfolios)

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template shall be reported by each matching portfolio approved by the supervisory authority.





Matching portfolio

Indicate the number which is attributed by the undertaking, corresponding to the unique number assigned to each matching portfolio.

This number shall be consistent over time and shall be used to identify the matching portfolio number in other templates.

C0020/R0010 to R0450

Projection of future cash–flows at the end of the reporting period — Longevity, mortality and revision obligations cash outflows

Future cash out–flows related to the longevity, mortality and revision benefits of insurance and reinsurance obligations for each matching portfolio and split by year of due payment of the cash flow, counting the periods of 12 months from the date of reference of the reporting.

C0030/R0010 to R0450

Projection of future cash–flows at the end of the reporting period — Expenses cash outflows

Future cash out–flows related to the expenses of insurance and reinsurance obligations for each matching portfolio and split by year of due payment of the cash flow, counting the periods of 12 months from the date of reference of the reporting.

C0040/R0010 to R0450

Projection of future cash–flows at the end of the reporting period — De–risked Assets cash–flows

Cash flows (out–flows and in–flows) of assets linked to each matching portfolio and split by year of due payment or receipt of the cash flow. These flows shall be appropriately corrected to take into account the probability of default or the portion of the long term average of the spread over the risk–free interest rate as set out in Article 53 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

C0050/R0010 to R0450

Mismatch during reporting period — Positive undiscounted mismatch (inflows > outflows)

If the frequency is lower than yearly then report the sum of the positive undiscounted mismatches (inflows > outflows) through the year of each row.

Positive mismatches for some periods shall not be netted off of negative mismatches.

C0060/R0010 to R0450

Mismatch during reporting period — Negative undiscounted mismatch (inflows < outflows)

If the frequency is lower than yearly then report the sum of the deficit undiscounted mismatches (inflows < outflows) through the year of each row.

Negative mismatches for some periods shall not be netted off of positive mismatches.

S.22.03 –Information on the matching adjustment calculation

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template shall be reported by each matching portfolio approved by the supervisory authority.





Matching portfolio

Indicate the number which is attributed by the undertaking, corresponding to the unique number assigned to each matching portfolio.

This number has to be consistent over time and shall be used to identify the matching portfolio number in other templates.

Overall calculation of the matching adjustment


Annual effective rate applied to the CF of the obligations

The annual effective rate, calculated as the single discount rate that, where applied to the cash flows (‘CF’) of the portfolio of insurance or reinsurance obligations, results in a value that is equal to the value in accordance with Article 75 of Directive 2009/138/EC of the portfolio of assigned assets.


Annual effective rate of the best estimate

The annual effective rate, calculated as the single discount rate that, where applied to the cash flows of the portfolio of insurance or reinsurance obligations, results in a value that is equal to the value of the best estimate of the portfolio of insurance or reinsurance obligations where the time value of money is taken into account using the basic risk–free interest rate term structure.


Probability of default used to de–risk assets cash flows

The probability of default corresponds to the amount expressed as a financial percentage (same format as for rows R0010 and R0020) used to adjust the assets cash flows of the assigned portfolio of assets pursuant to Article 53 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

‘De–risked assets cash flows’ means ‘expected assets cash–flows’ as referred to in Article 53 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

This amount shall not include the increase reported in row R0050.


Portion of the fundamental spread not reflected when de–risking assets cash flows

Portion of the fundamental spread that has not been reflected in the adjustment to the cash–flows of the assigned portfolio of assets as set out in Article 53 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

This amount shall be expressed as a financial percentage (same format as rows R0010 and R0020). This amount shall not include the increase reported in row R0050.


Increase of fundamental spread for sub investment grade assets

Increase of the fundamental spread for sub–investment grade assets expressed as a financial percentage (same format as rows R0010, R0020 and R0120). The increase of the probability of default for sub investment grade assets shall be considered in the de–risking of cash flows.


Matching adjustment to the risk free rate

 Matching adjustment to the risk free rate for the reported portfolio, reported in basis points using decimal notation, e.g. 100bp reported as 0.01.

Eligibility criteria using SCR mortality stress


Mortality risk stress for the purpose of the matching adjustment

Increase of the gross best estimate calculated with the basic risk free rate following a mortality risk stress compared to the gross best estimate calculated with the basic risk rate, as set out in Article 77b (1–f) of Directive 2009/138/EC and Article 52 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.



Market value of the assets of the portfolio

Solvency II value of the assets of the portfolio.


Market value of assets linked to inflation

Solvency II value of the assets with return linked to inflation (Article 77b (1) of Directive 2009/138/EC).


Best estimate linked to inflation

Amount of best estimate of cash flows of the insurance or reinsurance obligations that depend on inflation.


Market value assets where third party can change the cash flows

Value of the assets where third party can change the cash flows (Article 77b (1) of Directive 2009/138/EC).


Return on assets — portfolio assets

Identify the de–risked Internal Rate of Return (‘IRR’) of the assets linked to any matching adjustment portfolio measured as the discount rate at which the present value of the cash outflows of an asset equals the present value of its de–risked cash inflows.


Market value of surrendered contracts

Value of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations stemming from contracts underlying each matching adjustment portfolio which have been surrendered during the reporting period.


Number of surrender options exercised

Number of surrender options exercised during the reporting period related to insurance and reinsurance obligations of each matching portfolio.


Market value of assets covering surrendered contracts

Value of the assets, valued in accordance with Article 75 of the Directive 2009/138/EC, covering the insurance and reinsurance obligations surrendered at the time the surrender options were exercised.


Amount paid to policyholders

Value of the amount paid to policyholders according to their surrender rights.

This amount differs from row R0130 and R0150 where the surrender clause of the contract does not give the policyholder the right to receive the full amount in those rows.




Measure equivalent to Macaulay duration for liabilities considering all cash flows of insurance or reinsurance obligations arising from portfolios where the matching adjustment has been used.

S.22.04 — Information on the transitional on interest rates calculation

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template shall be reported by currency for which the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is applied. When filling C0020 only the guaranteed Best Estimate of obligations stemming from products providing a guaranteed rate shall be considered. The Future Discretionary Benefits shall not be considered.

The assessment to distinguish between the Solvency I interest rate intervals might be done by Homogeneous Risk Groups (HRG).




Overall calculation of the transitional adjustment



Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of each of the currency for which the transitional adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure is applied.


Solvency I interest rate

The interest rate (as a decimal) as determined by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions which are adopted pursuant to Article 20 of Directive 2002/83/EC at the last date of the application of that Directive.


Annual effective rate

The annual effective rate, calculated as the single discount rate that, where applied to the cash flows of the portfolio of admissible insurance and reinsurance obligations, results in a value that is equal to the value of the best estimate of the portfolio of admissible insurance and reinsurance obligations where the time value of money is taken into account using the relevant risk–free interest rate term structure referred to in Article 77(2) of Directive 2009/138/EC.


Portion of the difference applied at the reporting date

Percentage (as a decimal) of the difference between the Solvency I interest rate (R0010) and the Annual effective rate (R0020) (e.g. 1,00 at the beginning of the transitional period and 0,00 at the end).


Adjustment to risk free rate

Transitional adjustment to the risk free rate expressed as a percentage (as a decimal).

Solvency I interest rate


Best estimate — Up to 0.5 per cent

Value of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations for which the interest rate as determined by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions which are adopted pursuant to Article 20 of Directive 2002/83/EC at the last date of the application of that Directive was up to 0,5 % (inclusive).

Only the guaranteed Best Estimate of obligations stemming from products providing a guaranteed rate shall be considered. The Future Discretionary Benefits shall not be considered.

C0020/R0110 to R0200

Best estimate — Best estimate

Value of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations for which the interest rate as determined by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions which are adopted pursuant to Article 20 of Directive 2002/83/EC at the last date of the application of that Directive was in the correspondent interval.

The lower reference is exclusive and the higher reference is inclusive.

Only the guaranteed Best Estimate of obligations stemming from products providing a guaranteed rate shall be considered. The Future Discretionary Benefits shall not be considered.


Best estimate — Above 8.0 per cent

Value of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations for which the interest rate as determined by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions which are adopted pursuant to Article 20 of Directive 2002/83/EC at the last date of the application of that Directive was above 8,0 % (exclusive).

Only the guaranteed Best Estimate of obligations stemming from products providing a guaranteed rate shall be considered. The Future Discretionary Benefits shall not be considered.


Average duration of insurance and reinsurance obligations — Up to 0.5 per cent

Residual Macaulay duration of the insurance and reinsurance obligations for which the interest rate as determined by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions which are adopted pursuant to Article 20 of Directive 2002/83/EC at the last date of the application of that Directive was up to 0,5 % (inclusive).

C0030/R0110 to R0200

Average duration of insurance and reinsurance obligations — Average duration of insurance and reinsurance obligations

Residual Macaulay duration of the insurance and reinsurance obligations for which the interest rate as determined by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions which are adopted pursuant to Article 20 of Directive 2002/83/EC at the last date of the application of that Directive was in the correspondent interval.

The lower reference is exclusive and the higher reference is inclusive.


Average duration of insurance and reinsurance obligations — Above 8.0 per cent

Residual Macaulay duration of the insurance and reinsurance obligations for which the interest rate as determined by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions which are adopted pursuant to Article 20 of Directive 2002/83/EC at the last date of the application of that Directive was above 8,0 % (exclusive).

S.22.05 — Overall calculation of the transitional on technical provisions

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.





Day 1 Solvency II technical provisions

Amount of technical provisions, subject to transitional deduction to technical provisions, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles, calculated in accordance with Article 76 of Directive 2009/138/EC at the first date of the application of the Directive 2009/138/EC. This calculation shall consider all insurance and reinsurance obligations existing at the first date of application of the Directive 2009/138/EC.

 If a re–calculation was requested on the basis of Article 308d(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC this calculation shall consider only those insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to the transitional and that still exist at the recalculation reference date valued at the reporting date (Solvency II value reducing the contracts not existing anymore).


Technical provisions subject to transitional measure on technical provisions — TP calculated as a whole

Amount of the technical provisions calculated as a whole, subject to transitional deduction to technical provisions, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles, calculated in accordance with Article 76 of Directive 2009/138/EC at the reporting date, before the application of the transitional.



Technical provisions subject to technical provisions transitional — Best estimate

Amount of the best estimate, subject to transitional deduction to technical provisions, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles, calculated in accordance with Article 76 of Directive 2009/138/EC at the reporting date, before the application of the transitional.

 If a re–calculation was requested on the basis of Article 308d(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC this calculation shall consider only those insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to the transitional and that still exist at the recalculation reference date valued at the reporting date (Solvency II value minus contracts not existing anymore).


Technical provisions subject to technical provisions transitional — Risk margin

Amount of the Risk margin, subject to transitional deduction to technical provisions, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles, calculated in accordance with Article 76 of Directive 2009/138/EC at the reporting date, before the application of the transitional.

 If a re–calculation was requested on the basis of Article 308d(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC this calculation shall consider only those insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to the transitional and that still exist at the recalculation reference date valued at the reporting date (Solvency II value minus contracts not existing anymore).


Solvency I technical provisions

 Amount of technical provisions, subject to transitional deduction to technical provisions, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts calculated in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions which are adopted pursuant to Article 15 of Directive 73/239/EEC, Article 20 of Directive 2002/83/EC and Article 32 of Directive 2005/68/EC on the day before those Directives are repealed pursuant to Article 310 of Directive 2009/138/EC.

If a re–calculation was requested on the basis of Article 308d(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC this calculation shall consider only those insurance and reinsurance obligations existing at the recalculation reference date.


Portion of the difference adjusted

Percentage (in decimals) of the portion of the difference adjusted.

The maximum portion deductible shall decrease linearly at the end of each year from 1 during the year starting from 1 January 2016 to 0 on 1 January 2032.


Limitation applied in accordance to Article 308d(4)

 Amount of the adjustment to the technical provisions after any limitation applied in accordance to Article 308d(4) of the Directive 2009/138/EC, if applicable.

 If no limitation the amount calculated as R0060*(R0010-R0050) shall be reported.


Technical provision after transitional on technical provisions

Amount of technical provisions, subject to transitional deduction to technical provisions, after transitional deduction to technical provisions.

S.22.06 — Best estimate subject to volatility adjustment by country and currency

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template shall only be reported by insurance and reinsurance undertakings that apply volatility adjustment in accordance with Article 77d of the Directive 2009/138/EC.

This template shall reflect the gross best estimate of insurance and reinsurance life obligations subject to volatility adjustment split by currency of the obligations and by country in which the contract was entered into. The best estimate reported shall take into account the volatility adjustment. The best estimate subject to any matching adjustment shall not be reported in this template.

Information shall be reported in relation to material obligations in countries and currencies for which a currency volatility adjustment, and a country increase if applicable, is applied until 90 % of the total best estimate subject to volatility adjustment is reported by currency and country.





Line of Business

Identify if the information is being reported in relation to life or non-life activity. The following close list shall be used:

1 — Life and health SLT

2 — Non–life and health other than that pursued on a similar basis to that of life insurance


By currency

Report the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of each currency reported.

Best estimate subject to country and currency volatility adjustment — Total and home country by currency


Total value of Best Estimate subject to volatility adjustment (for all currencies)/Total value of all countries

Total value, for all currencies and all countries, of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to volatility adjustment.


Part of the Best Estimate subject to volatility adjustment written in the reporting currency/Total value of all countries

Total value for all countries, of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to volatility adjustment for the reporting currency.


Part of the Best Estimate subject to volatility adjustment written in currencies/Total value of all countries

Total value for all countries of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to volatility adjustment split by currency.


Total value of Best Estimate subject to volatility adjustment (for all currencies)/Home country

Total value, for all currencies for the home country, of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to volatility adjustment.


Part of the Best Estimate subject to volatility adjustment written in the reporting currency/Home country

Total value for the home country, of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to volatility adjustment for the reporting currency.


Part of the Best Estimate subject to volatility adjustment written in currencies/Home country

Value of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to volatility adjustment split by currency for the home country.

Best estimate subject to country and currency volatility adjustment — By country and currency



Report the ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of each country reported.


Total value of Best Estimate subject to volatility adjustment (for all currencies) — by country

Total value, for all currencies by country, of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to volatility adjustment.


Part of the Best Estimate subject to volatility adjustment written in the reporting currency — by country

Value of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to volatility adjustment for the reporting currency split by country.


Part of the Best Estimate subject to volatility adjustment written in currencies — by country

Value of the best estimate of the insurance and reinsurance obligations subject to volatility adjustment split by currency and by country.

S.23.01 — Own Funds

General comments:

This section relates to opening, quarterly and annual submission for individual entities.




Basic own funds before deduction for participations in other financial sector as foreseen in Article 68 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


Ordinary share capital (gross of own shares) — total

This is the total ordinary share capital, both held directly and indirectly (before deduction of own shares). This is the total ordinary share capital of the undertaking that fully satisfies the criteria for Tier 1 or Tier 2 items. Any ordinary share capital that does not fully satisfy the criteria shall be treated as preference shares capital and classified accordingly notwithstanding their description or designation.


Ordinary share capital (gross of own shares) — tier 1 unrestricted

This is the amount of paid up ordinary share capital that meets unrestricted Tier 1 criteria.


Ordinary share capital (gross of own shares) — tier 2

This is the amount of called up ordinary share capital that meets the criteria for Tier 2.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital — total

The total share premium account related to ordinary share capital of the undertaking that fully satisfies the criteria for Tier 1 or Tier 2 items.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital — tier 1 unrestricted

This is the amount of the share premium account related to ordinary shares that meets the criteria for Tier 1 unrestricted because it relates to ordinary share capital treated as unrestricted Tier 1.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital — tier 2

This is the amount of the share premium account related to ordinary shares that meets the criteria for Tier 2 because it relates to ordinary share capital treated as Tier 2.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual–type undertakings — total

The initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual–type undertakings that fully meets the criteria for Tier 1 or Tier 2 items.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual–type undertakings — tier 1 unrestricted

This is the amount of the initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual–type undertakings that meets the criteria for Tier 1 unrestricted.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual–type undertakings — tier 2

This is the amount of the initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual–type undertakings that meets Tier 2 criteria.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — total

This is the total amount of subordinated mutual member accounts that fully satisfy the criteria for Tier 1 restricted, Tier 2 or Tier 3 items.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — tier 1 restricted

This is the amount of subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 1 restricted.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — tier 2

This is the amount of subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — tier 3

This is the amount of subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Surplus funds — total

This is the total amount of surplus funds that fall under Article 91 (2) of the Directive 2009/138/EC.


Surplus funds — tier 1 unrestricted

These are the surplus funds that fall under Article 91 (2) of the Directive 2009/138/EC and that meet the criteria for Tier 1, unrestricted items.


Preference shares — total

This is the total amount of preference shares issued by the undertaking that fully satisfy the criteria for Tier 1 restricted, Tier 2 or Tier 3 items.


Preference shares — tier 1 restricted

This is the amount of the preference shares issued by the undertaking that meet the criteria for Tier 1 restricted.


Preference shares — tier 2

This is the amount of the preference shares issued by the undertaking that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Preference shares — tier 3

This is the amount of the preference shares issued by the undertaking that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Share premium account related to preference shares — total

The total share premium account related to preference shares capital of the undertaking that fully satisfies the criteria for Tier 1 restricted, Tier 2 or Tier 3 items.


Share premium account related to preference shares — tier 1 restricted

This is the amount of the share premium account that relates to preference shares that meets the criteria for Tier 1 restricted items because it relates to preference shares treated as Tier 1 restricted items.


Share premium account related to preference shares — tier 2

This is the amount of the share premium account that relates to preference shares that meets the criteria for Tier 2 because it relates to preference shares treated as Tier 2.


Share premium account related to preference shares — tier 3

This is the amount of the share premium account that relates to preference shares that meets the criteria for Tier 3 because it relates to preference shares treated as Tier 3.


Reconciliation reserve — total

The total reconciliation reserve represents reserves (e.g. retained earnings), net of adjustments (e.g. ring–fenced funds). It results mainly from differences between accounting valuation and valuation according to Article 75 of Directive 2009/138/EC.


Reconciliation reserve — tier 1 unrestricted

The reconciliation reserve represents reserves (e.g. retained earnings), net of adjustments (e.g. ring–fenced funds). It results mainly from differences between accounting valuation and valuation according to Directive 2009/138/EC.


Subordinated liabilities — total

This is the total amount of subordinated liabilities issued by the undertaking.


Subordinated liabilities — tier 1 restricted

This is the amount of subordinated liabilities issued by the undertaking that meet the criteria for Tier 1 restricted items.


Subordinated liabilities — tier 2

This is the amount of subordinated liabilities issued by the undertaking that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Subordinated liabilities — tier 3

This is the amount of subordinated liabilities issued by the undertaking that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


An amount equal to the value of net deferred tax assets — total

This is the total amount of net deferred tax assets of the undertaking.


An amount equal to the value of net deferred tax assets — tier 3

This is the amount of net deferred tax assets of the undertaking that meet the tier 3 classification criteria.


Other own fund items approved by the supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above

This is the total of basic own fund items not identified above and that received supervisory approval.


Other own fund items approved by the supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above — tier 1 unrestricted

This is the amount of basic own fund items not identified above that meet Tier 1 unrestricted criteria and that received supervisory approval.


Other own fund items approved by the supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above — Tier 1 restricted

This is the amount of basic own fund items not identified above which meet the criteria for Tier 1, restricted items and that received supervisory approval.


Other own fund items approved by the supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above — tier 2

This is the amount of basic own fund items not identified above that meet the criteria for Tier 2 and that received supervisory approval.


Other own fund items approved by the supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above — tier 3

This is the amount of basic own fund items not identified above that meet the criteria for Tier 3 and that received supervisory approval.

Own funds from the financial statements that should not be represented by the reconciliation reserve and do not meet the criteria to be classified as Solvency II own funds


Own funds from the financial statements that shall not be represented by the reconciliation reserve and do not meet the criteria to be classified as Solvency II own funds — total

This is the total amount of own fund items from financial statements that are not represented by the reconciliation reserve and do not meet the criteria to be classified as Solvency II own funds.

These own fund items are either:

i)  items that appear in the lists of own fund items, but fail to meet the classification criteria or the transitional provisions; or

ii)  items intended to perform the role of own funds that are not on the list of own fund items and have not been approved by the supervisory authority, and do not appear on the balance sheet as liabilities.

Subordinated liabilities which do not count as basic own funds shall not be reported here, but on the balance sheet (template S.02.01) as subordinated liabilities that do not count as basic own funds.



Deduction for participations in financial and credit institutions — total

This is the total deduction for participations in financial and credit institutions in accordance with Article 68 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Deduction for participations in financial and credit institutions — tier 1 unrestricted

This is the amount of the deduction for participations in financial and credit institutions that are deducted from tier 1 unrestricted in accordance with Article 68 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Deduction for participations in financial and credit institutions — tier 1 restricted

This is the amount of the deduction for participations in financial and credit institutions that are deducted from tier 1 restricted in accordance with Article 68 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Deduction for participations in financial and credit institutions — tier 2

This is the amount of the deduction for participations in financial and credit institutions that are deducted from tier 2 in accordance with Article 68 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Deduction for participations in financial and credit institutions — Tier 3

This is the amount of the deduction for participations in financial and credit institutions that are deducted from Tier 3 in accordance with article 68 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

Total basic own funds after deductions


Total basic own funds after deductions

This is the total amount of basic own fund items after deductions.


Total basic own funds after deductions — tier 1 unrestricted

This is the amount of basic own fund items after deductions that meet the criteria for Tier 1 unrestricted items.


Total basic own funds after deductions — tier 1 restricted

 This is the amount of basic own fund items after deductions that meet the criteria for Tier 1 restricted items.


Total basic own funds after deductions — tier 2

 This is the amount of basic own fund items after deductions that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Total basic own funds after deductions — tier 3

 This is the amount of basic own fund items after deductions that meet the criteria for Tier 3.

Ancillary own funds


Unpaid and uncalled ordinary share capital callable on demand — total

This is the total amount of issued ordinary share capital that has not been called up or paid up but that is callable on demand.


Unpaid and uncalled ordinary share capital callable on demand — tier 2

This is the amount of issued ordinary share capital that has not been called up or paid up but that is callable on demand that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Unpaid and uncalled initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual — type undertakings, callable on demand–total

This is the total amount of initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual–type undertakings that has not been called up or paid up but that is callable on demand.


Unpaid and uncalled initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual–type undertakings, callable on demand — tier 2

This is the amount of initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual–type undertakings that has not been called up or paid up but that is callable on demand that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Unpaid and uncalled preference shares callable on demand — total

This is the total amount of preference shares that have not been called up or paid up but that are callable on demand.


Unpaid and uncalled preference shares callable on demand — tier 2

This is the amount of preference shares that have not been called up or paid up but that are callable on demand that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Unpaid and uncalled preference shares callable on demand — tier 3

This is the amount of preference shares that have not been called up or paid up but that are callable on demand that meet the criteria for Tier 3


A legally binding commitment to subscribe and pay for subordinated liabilities on demand — total

This is the total amount of legally binding commitments to subscribe and pay for subordinated liabilities on demand.


A legally binding commitment to subscribe and pay for subordinated liabilities on demand — tier 2

This is the amount of legally binding commitments to subscribe and pay for subordinated liabilities on demand that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


A legally binding commitment to subscribe and pay for subordinated liabilities on demand — tier 3

This is the amount of legally binding commitments to subscribe and pay for subordinated liabilities on demand that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Letters of credit and guarantees under Article 96(2) of the Directive 2009/138/EC– total

This is the total amount of letters of credit and guarantees that are held in trust for the benefit of insurance creditors by an independent trustee and provided by credit institutions authorised in accordance with Directive 2006/48/EC.


Letters of credit and guarantees under Article 96(2) of the Directive 2009/138/EC– tier 2

This is the amount of letters of credit and guarantees that are held in trust for the benefit of insurance creditors by an independent trustee and provided by credit institutions authorised in accordance with Directive 2006/48/EC that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Letters of credit and guarantees other than under Article 96(2) of the Directive 2009/138/EC– total

This is the total amount of letters of credit and guarantees that satisfy criteria for Tier 2 or Tier 3, other than those that are held in trust for the benefit of insurance creditors by an independent trustee and provided by credit institutions authorised in accordance with Directive 2006/48/EC.


Letters of credit and guarantees other than under Article 96(2) of the Directive 2009/138/EC — tier 2

This is the amount of letters of credit and guarantees that meet the criteria for Tier 2, other than those which are held in trust for the benefit of insurance creditors by an independent trustee and provided by credit institutions authorised in accordance with Directive 2006/48/EC.


Letters of credit and guarantees other than under Article 96(2) of the Directive 2009/138/EC– tier 3

This is the amount of letters of credit and guarantees that meet the criteria for Tier 3, other than those which are held in trust for the benefit of insurance creditors by an independent trustee and provided by credit institutions authorised in accordance with Directive 2006/48/EC.


Supplementary members calls under first subparagraph of Article 96(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC– total

This is the total amount of any future claims which mutual or mutual–type associations of ship owners with variable contributions solely insuring risks listed in classes 6, 12 and 17 in Part A of Annex I may have against their members by way of a call for supplementary contributions, within the following 12 months.


Supplementary members calls under first subparagraph of Article 96(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC — tier 2

This is the amount of any future claims which mutual or mutual–type associations of ship owners with variable contributions solely insuring risks listed in classes 6, 12 and 17 in Part A of Annex I may have against their members by way of a call for supplementary contributions, within the following 12 months.


Supplementary members calls — other than under first subparagraph of Article 96(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC

This is the total amount of any future claims which mutual or mutual–type associations with variable contributions may have against their members by way of a call for supplementary contributions, within the following 12 months, other than those described in the first subparagraph of article 96(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC.


Supplementary members calls — other than under first subparagraph of Article 96(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC — tier 2

This is the amount of any future claims which mutual or mutual–type associations of with variable contributions may have against their members by way of a call for supplementary contributions within the following 12 months, other than those described in the first subparagraph of article 96(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Supplementary members calls — other than under first subparagraph of Article 96(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC — tier 3

This is the amount of any future claims which mutual or mutual–type associations with variable contributions may have against their members by way of a call for supplementary contributions within the following 12 months, other than those described in the first subparagraph of article 96(3) of the Framework Directive 2009/138/EC that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Other ancillary own funds — total

This is the total amount of other ancillary own funds.


Other ancillary own funds — tier 2

This is the amount of other ancillary own funds that meet criteria for Tier 2.


Other ancillary own funds — tier 3

This is the amount of other ancillary own funds that meet criteria for Tier 3.


Total ancillary own funds

This is the total amount of ancillary own fund items.


Total ancillary own funds tier 2

This is the amount of ancillary own fund items that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Total ancillary own funds — tier 3

This is the amount of ancillary own fund items that meet the criteria for Tier 3.

Available and eligible own funds


Total available own funds to meet the SCR

 This is the sum of all basic own fund items, after deductions, and ancillary own fund items that meet the Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 criteria and that are therefore available to meet the SCR.


Total available own funds to meet the SCR — tier 1 unrestricted

 This is the sum of all basic own fund items, after deductions, that meet the criteria to be included in Tier 1 unrestricted items and that are therefore available to meet the SCR.


Total available own funds to meet the SCR — tier 1 restricted

 This is the sum of all basic own fund items, after deductions, that meet the criteria to be included in Tier 1 restricted items and that are therefore available to meet the SCR.


Total available own funds to meet the SCR — tier 2

 This is the sum of all basic own fund items, after deductions, and ancillary own fund items that meet the criteria to be included in Tier 2 and that are therefore available to meet the SCR.


Total available own funds to meet the SCR — tier 3

 This is the sum of all basic own fund items, after deductions, and ancillary own fund items that meet the criteria to be included in Tier 3 and that are therefore available to meet the SCR.


Total available own funds to meet the MCR

 This is the sum of all basic own fund items, after deductions, that meet the Tier 1 and Tier 2 criteria and that are therefore available to meet the MCR.


Total available own funds to meet the MCR — tier 1 unrestricted

 This is the sum of all basic own fund items, after deductions, that meet the criteria to be included in Tier 1 unrestricted items and that are therefore available to meet the MCR.


Total available own funds to meet the MCR — tier 1 restricted

 This is the sum of all basic own fund items, after deductions, that meet the criteria to be included in Tier 1 restricted items and that are therefore available to meet the MCR.


Total available own funds to meet the MCR — tier 2

 This is the sum of all basic own fund items, after deductions, that meet the criteria to be included in Tier 2 and that are therefore available to meet the MCR.


Total eligible own funds to meet the SCR

This is the total amount of available own funds that are eligible to cover the SCR.


Total eligible own funds to meet the SCR — tier 1 unrestricted

This is the amount of unrestricted Tier 1 own fund items that are eligible to meet the SCR.


Total eligible own funds to meet the SCR — tier 1 restricted

This is the amount of restricted Tier 1 own fund items that are eligible to meet the SCR.


Total eligible own funds to meet the SCR — tier 2

This is the amount of Tier 2 own fund items that are eligible to meet the SCR.


Total eligible own funds to meet the SCR — tier 3

This is the amount of Tier 3 own fund items that are eligible to meet the SCR.


Total eligible own funds to meet the MCR

This is the total amount of own fund items that are eligible to meet the MCR.


Total eligible own funds to meet the MCR — tier 1 unrestricted

This is the amount of unrestricted Tier 1 own fund items that are eligible to meet the MCR.


Total eligible own funds to meet the MCR — tier 1 restricted

This is the amount of restricted Tier 1 own fund items that are eligible to meet the MCR.


Total eligible own funds to meet the MCR — tier 2

This is the amount of Tier 2 basic own fund items that are eligible to meet the MCR.



This is the total SCR of the undertaking as a whole and shall correspond to the SCR reported on the relevant SCR template.

For quarterly reporting this is the latest SCR to be calculated and reported in accordance with Articles 103 to 127 of Directive 2009/138/EC, either the annual one or a more recent one in case the SCR has been recalculated (e.g. due to a change in risk profile), including capital add on.



This is the MCR of the undertaking and shall correspond to the total MCR reported in the relevant MCR template.


Ratio of eligible own funds to SCR

This is the solvency ratio calculated as the total eligible own funds to meet the SCR divided by the SCR amount.


Ratio of eligible own funds to MCR

This is the MCR ratio calculated as the total of eligible own funds to meet the MCR divided by the MCR amount.

Reconciliation Reserve


Excess of assets over liabilities

This is the excess of assets over liabilities as reported in the Solvency 2 balance sheet.


Own shares (held directly and indirectly)

This is the amount of own shares held by the undertaking, both directly and indirectly.


Foreseeable dividends, distributions and charges

These are the dividends, distributions and charges foreseeable by the undertaking.


Other basic own fund items

These are the basic own fund items included in points (a)(i) to (v) of Article 69, Article 72(a) and Article 76(a), as well as those basic own fund items approved by the supervisory authority in accordance with Article 79 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Adjustment for restricted own fund items in respect of matching adjustment portfolios and ring fenced funds

This is the total amount of the adjustment to the reconciliation reserve due to the existence of restricted own fund items in respect of ring–fenced funds and matching portfolios.


Reconciliation reserve — total

This the reconciliation reserve of the undertaking, before deduction for participations in other financial sector as foreseen in Article 68 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Expected profits included in future premiums (EPIFP) — Life business

The reconciliation reserve includes an amount of the excess of assets over liabilities that corresponds to the expected profit in future premiums (‘EPIFP’). This cell represents that amount for the life business of the undertaking.


Expected profits included in future premiums (EPIFP) — Non– life business

The reconciliation reserve includes an amount of the excess of assets over liabilities that corresponds to the expected profit in future premiums (EPIFP). This cell represents that amount for the non–life business of the undertaking.


Total Expected profits included in future premiums (EPIFP)

This is the total amount calculated as expected profits included in future premiums.

S.23.02 — Detailed information by tiers on own funds

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission for individual entities.





Ordinary share capital –Paid in — total

This is the total of paid in ordinary share capital, including own shares.


Ordinary share capital — Paid in — tier 1

This is the total of paid in ordinary share capital that meets the criteria for Tier 1, including own shares.


Ordinary share capital –Called up but not yet paid in — total

This is the total amount of ordinary shares that have been called up but not yet paid in, including own shares.


Ordinary share capital –Called up but not yet paid in — tier 2

This is the amount of ordinary shares that have been called up but not yet paid in that meet the criteria for Tier 2, including own shares.


Own shares held — total

This is the total amount of own shares held by the undertaking.


Own shares held — tier 1

This is the total amount of own shares held by the undertaking, that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Total ordinary share capital

This is the total of ordinary share capital. Note that own shares held will be included in either paid in or called up but not yet paid in.


Total ordinary share capital — tier 1

This is the total of ordinary share capital that meets the criteria for Tier 1. Note that own shares held will be included in either paid in or called up but not yet paid in.


Total ordinary share capital — tier 2

This is the total of ordinary share capital that meets the criteria for Tier 2.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own–fund items for mutual and mutual–type undertaking –Paid in — total

This is the total of paid in initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own–fund item for mutual and mutual–type undertaking.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own–fund items for mutual and mutual–type undertaking –Pain in — tier 1

This is the total of initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertaking that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own–fund items for mutual and mutual–type undertaking –Called up but not yet paid in — total

This is the total of called up but not yet paid in initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertaking


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own–fund items for mutual and mutual–type undertaking –Called up but not yet paid in — tier 2

This is the total of initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertaking that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertaking

This is the total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertaking


Total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertaking — tier 1

This is the total of the initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertaking that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertaking — tier 2

This is the total of the initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertaking that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Dated subordinated — total

This is the total amount of dated subordinated mutual member accounts


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Dated subordinated — tier 1

This is the total amount of dated subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Dated subordinated — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total amount of dated subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Dated subordinated — tier 2

This is the total amount of dated subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Dated subordinated — tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total amount of dated subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Dated subordinated — tier 3

This is the total amount of dated subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with a call option — total

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with a call option.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with a call option — tier 1

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with a call option that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with a call option — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with a call option that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with a call option — tier 2

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with a call option that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with a call option — tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with a call option that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with a call option — tier 3

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with a call option that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with no contractual opportunity to redeem — total

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with no contractual opportunity to redeem.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 1

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 2

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Undated subordinated with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 3

This is the total of undated subordinated mutual member accounts with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Total Subordinated mutual member accounts

This is the total subordinated mutual member accounts.


Total Subordinated mutual member accounts — tier 1

This is the total of the subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Total Subordinated mutual member accounts — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of the subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Total Subordinated mutual member accounts — tier 2

This is the total of the subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Total Subordinated mutual member accounts — tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of the subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Total Subordinated mutual member accounts — tier 3

This is the total of the subordinated mutual member accounts that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Dated preference shares — total

This is the total dated preference shares.


Dated preference shares — tier 1

This is the total of dated preference shares that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Dated preference shares — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of dated preference shares that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Dated preference shares — tier 2

This is the total of dated preference shares that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Dated preference shares — tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of dated preference shares that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Dated preference shares — tier 3

This is the total of dated preference shares that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Undated preference shares with a call option — total

This is the total undated preference shares with a call option.


Undated preference shares with a call option — tier 1

This is the total of undated preference shares with a call option that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Undated preference shares with a call option — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of undated preference shares with a call option that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Undated preference shares with a call option — tier 2

This is the total of undated preference shares with a call option that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Undated preference shares with a call option — tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of undated preference shares with a call option that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Undated preference shares with a call option — tier 3

This is the total of undated preference shares with a call option that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem — total

This is the total undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem.


Undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 1

This is the total of undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 2

This is the total of undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 3

This is the total of undated preference shares with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Total preference shares

This is the total preference shares.


Total preference shares — tier 1

This is the total of preference shares that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Total preference shares — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of preference shares that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Total preference shares — tier 2

This is the total of preference shares that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Total preference shares — tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of preference shares that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Total preference shares — tier 3

This is the total of preference shares that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Dated subordinated liabilities — total

This is the total of dated subordinated liabilities.


Dated subordinated liabilities– tier 1

This is the amount of dated subordinated liabilities that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Dated subordinated liabilities — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the amount of dated subordinated liabilities that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Dated subordinated liabilities– tier 2

This is the amount of dated subordinated liabilities that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Dated subordinated liabilities– tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the amount of dated subordinated liabilities that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Dated subordinated liabilities– tier 3

This is the amount of dated subordinated liabilities that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Undated subordinated liabilities with a contractual opportunity to redeem — total

This is the total of undated subordinated liabilities that have a contractual opportunity to redeem.


Undated subordinated liabilities with a contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 1

This is the amount of undated subordinated liabilities with contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Undated subordinated liabilities with a contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the amount of undated subordinated liabilities with a contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Undated subordinated liabilities with a contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 2

This is the amount of undated subordinated liabilities with a contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Undated subordinated liabilities with a contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the amount of undated subordinated liabilities with contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Undated subordinated liabilities with a contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 3

This is the amount of undated subordinated liabilities with contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem — total

This is the total of undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem.


Undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 1

This is the amount of undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the amount of undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 2

This is the amount of undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the amount of undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem — tier 3

This is the amount of undated subordinated liabilities with no contractual opportunity to redeem that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Total subordinated liabilities — total

This is the total of subordinated liabilities.


Total subordinated liabilities — tier 1

This is the total of subordinated liabilities that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Total subordinated liabilities — tier 1 of which counted under transitionals

This is the total of subordinated liabilities that meet the criteria for Tier 1 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Total subordinated liabilities — tier 2

This is the amount of subordinated liabilities that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Total subordinated liabilities — tier 2 of which counted under transitionals

This is the amount of subordinated liabilities that meet the criteria for Tier 2 that are counted under the transitional provisions.


Total subordinated liabilities — tier 3

This is the amount of subordinated liabilities that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Ancillary own fund items for which an amount was approved — tier 2 initial amounts approved

This the initial amount approved for ancillary own funds for which an amount was approved under Tier 2.


Ancillary own fund items for which an amount was approved — tier 2 current amounts

This is the current amount for ancillary own funds for which an amount was approved under Tier 2.


Ancillary own fund items for which an amount was approved — tier 3 initial amounts approved

This the initial amount approved for ancillary own funds for which an amount was approved under Tier 3.


Ancillary own fund items for which an amount was approved — tier 3 current amounts

This is the current amount for ancillary own funds for which an amount was approved under Tier 3.


Ancillary own fund items for which a method was approved — tier 2 current amounts

This is the current amount for ancillary own funds for which a method was approved under Tier 2.


Ancillary own fund items for which a method was approved — tier 3 current amounts

This is the current amount for ancillary own funds for which a method was approved under Tier 3.


Excess of assets over liabilities — attribution of valuation differences –Difference in the valuation of assets

This is the difference in the valuation of assets.


Excess of assets over liabilities — attribution of valuation differences — Difference in the valuation of technical provisions

This is the difference in the valuation of technical provisions.


Excess of assets over liabilities — attribution of valuation differences –Difference in the valuation of other liabilities

This is the difference in the valuation of other liabilities.


Total of reserves and retained earnings from financial statements

This is total reserves and retained earnings taken from the financial statements.


Other, please explain why you need to use this line.

This is the amount of any other items not already identified. When reporting a value in R0640/C0110, the value in R0640/C0120 shall provide an explanation and details of such items.


Other, please explain why you need to use this line

This is the explanation of other items reported in R0640/C0110.


Reserves from financial statements adjusted for Solvency II valuation differences

This is the total of reserves from the financial statements after adjustment for valuation differences. This item shall include values from financial statement such as retained earnings, reserve capital, net profit, profits from previous years, revaluation capital (fund), other reserve capital.


Excess of assets over liabilities attributable to basic own fund items (excluding the reconciliation reserve)

This is the excess of assets over liabilities attributable to basic own funds, excluding reconciliation reserve.


Excess of assets over liabilities

This is the amount of excess of assets over liabilities.

S.23.03 — Annual movements on own funds

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission for individual entities.




Ordinary share capital — movements in the reporting period


Ordinary share capital –Paid in — balance brought forward

This is the balance of paid in ordinary share capital brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Ordinary share capital –Paid in — increase

This is the increase in paid in ordinary share capital over the reporting period.


Ordinary share capital –Paid in — reduction

This is the reduction in paid in ordinary share capital over the reporting period


Ordinary share capital –Paid in — balance carried forward

This is the balance of paid in ordinary share capital carried forward to the next reporting period.


Ordinary share capital –Called up but not yet paid in — balance brought forward

This is the balance of called up but not yet paid in ordinary share capital brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Ordinary share capital –Called up but not yet paid in — increase

This is the increase in called up but not yet paid in ordinary share capital over the reporting period.


Ordinary share capital –Called up but not yet paid in — reduction

This is the reduction in called up but not yet paid in ordinary share capital over the reporting period.


Ordinary share capital –Called up but not yet paid in — balance carried forward

This is the balance of called up but not yet paid in ordinary share capital carried forward to the next reporting period.


Own shares held — balance brought forward

This is the balance of own shares held, brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Own shares held — increase

This is the increase in own shares held, brought over the reporting period.


Own shares held — reduction

This is the reduction in own shares held, brought over the reporting period.


Own shares held — balance carried forward

This is the balance of own shares held carried forward to the next reporting period.


Total ordinary share capital — balance brought forward

This is the balance of total ordinary share capital brought forward from the previous reporting period. R0100/C0010 includes own shares held.


Total ordinary share capital — increase

This is the increase in total ordinary share capital over the reporting period.


Total ordinary share capital — reduction

This is the reduction in total ordinary share capital over the reporting period.


Total ordinary share capital — balance carried forward

This is the balance of total ordinary share capital carried forward to the next reporting period.

Share premium account related to ordinary share capital — movements in the reporting period


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Tier 1 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of the share premium account related to ordinary share capital that is tier 1 brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Tier 1 — increase

This is the increase in the share premium account related to ordinary share capital that is tier 1 over the reporting period.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Tier 1 — reduction

This is the reduction in the share premium account related to ordinary share capital that is tier 1 over the reporting period.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Tier 1 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of the share premium account related to ordinary share capital that is tier 1 carried forward to the next reporting period.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Tier 2 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of the share premium account related to ordinary share capital that is tier 2 brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Tier 2 — increase

This is the increase in the share premium account related to ordinary share capital that is tier 2 over the reporting period.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Tier 2 — reduction

This is the reduction in the share premium account related to ordinary share capital that is tier 2 over the reporting period.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Tier 2 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of the share premium account related to ordinary share capital that is tier 2 carried forward to the next reporting period.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Total — balance brought forward

This is the total balance of the share premium account related to ordinary share capital brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Total — increase

This is the increase in the total share premium account related to ordinary share capital over the reporting period.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Total — reduction

This is the reduction in the total share premium account related to ordinary share capital over the reporting period.


Share premium account related to ordinary share capital –Total — balance carried forward

This is the balance of the share premium account related to ordinary share capital carried forward to the next reporting period.

Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings — movements in the reporting period


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings ––Paid in — balance brought forward

This is the balance of the paid in initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings –Paid in — increase

This is the increase in the paid in initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings over the reporting period.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings –Paid in — reduction

This is the reduction in the paid in initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings over the reporting period.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings –Paid in — balance carried forward

This is the balance of the paid in initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings carried forward to the next reporting period.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings –Called up but not yet paid in — balance brought forward

This is the balance of the called up but not yet paid in initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings –Called up but not yet paid in — increase

This is the increase in the called up but not yet paid in initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings over the reporting period.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings –Called up but not yet paid in — reduction

This is the reduction in the called up but not yet paid in initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings over the reporting period.


Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings –Called up but not yet paid in — balance carried forward

This is the balance of the called up but not yet paid in initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings carried forward to the next reporting period.


Total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings — balance brought forward

This is the balance of the total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings — increase

This is the increase in the total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings over the reporting period.


Total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings — reduction

This is the decrease in the total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings over the reporting period.


Total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings — balance carried forward

This is the balance of the total initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own — fund item for mutual and mutual type undertakings carried forward to the next reporting period.

Subordinated mutual member accounts — movements in the reporting period


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Tier 1 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of tier 1 subordinated mutual member accounts brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 1 — issued

This is the amount of tier 1 subordinated mutual member accounts issued over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 1 — redeemed

This is the amount of tier 1 subordinated mutual member accounts redeemed over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 1 — movements in valuation

This is the amount reflecting movement in valuation tier 1 subordinated mutual member accounts over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 1 — regulatory action

This is the amount reflecting an increase/decrease in tier 1 subordinated mutual member accounts due to regulatory action over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 1 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of tier 1 subordinated mutual member accounts carried forward to the next reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 2 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of tier 2 subordinated mutual member accounts brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 2 — issued

This is the amount of tier 2 subordinated mutual member accounts issued over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 2 — redeemed

This is the amount of tier 2 subordinated mutual member accounts redeemed over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 2 — movements in valuation

This is the amount reflecting movement in valuation tier 2 subordinated mutual member accounts over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 2 — regulatory action

This is the amount reflecting an increase/decrease in tier 2 subordinated mutual member accounts due to regulatory action over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 2 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of tier 2 subordinated mutual member accounts carried forward to the next reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 3 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of tier 3 subordinated mutual member accounts brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 3 — issued

This is the amount of tier 3 subordinated mutual member accounts issued over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 3 — redeemed

This is the amount of tier 3 subordinated mutual member accounts redeemed over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 3 — movements in valuation

This is the amount reflecting movement in valuation tier 3 subordinated mutual member accounts over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 3 — regulatory action

This is the amount reflecting an increase/decrease in tier 3 subordinated mutual member accounts due to regulatory action over the reporting period.


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Tier 3 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of tier 3 subordinated mutual member accounts carried forward to the next reporting period.


Total subordinated mutual member accounts –– balance brought forward

This is the total balance of subordinated mutual member accounts brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Total subordinated mutual member accounts — issued

This is the total amount of subordinated mutual member accounts issued over the reporting period.


Total subordinated mutual member accounts — redeemed

This is the total amount of subordinated mutual member accounts redeemed over the reporting period.


Total subordinated mutual member accounts– movements in valuation

This is the amount reflecting the total movement in valuation subordinated mutual member accounts over the reporting period.


Total subordinated mutual member accounts — regulatory action

This is the amount reflecting the total increase/decrease in subordinated mutual member accounts due to regulatory action over the reporting period.


Total subordinated mutual member accounts — balance carried forward

This is the total balance of subordinated mutual member accounts carried forward to the next reporting period.

Surplus funds


Surplus funds –Balance brought forward

This is the balance of surplus funds brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Surplus funds –Balance carried forward

This is the balance of surplus funds carried forward to the next reporting period.

Preference shares — movements in the reporting period


Preference shares –Tier 1 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of Tier 1 preference shares brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Preference shares –Tier 1 — increase

This is the increase in Tier 1 preference shares over the reporting period.


Preference shares –Tier 1 — reduction

This is the reduction in Tier 1 preference shares over the reporting period.


Preference shares –Tier 1 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of Tier 1 preference shares carried forward to the next reporting period.


Preference shares –Tier 2 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of Tier 2 preference shares brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Preference shares –Tier 2 — increase

This is the increase in Tier 2 preference shares over the reporting period.


Preference shares –Tier 2 — reduction

This is the reduction in Tier 2 preference shares over the reporting period.


Preference shares –Tier 2 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of Tier 2 preference shares carried forward to the next reporting period.


Preference shares –Tier 3 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of Tier 3 preference shares brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Preference shares –Tier 3 — increase

This is the increase in Tier 3 preference shares over the reporting period.


Preference shares –Tier 3 — reduction

This is the reduction in Tier 3 preference shares over the reporting period.


Preference shares –Tier 3 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of Tier 3 preference shares carried forward to the next reporting period.


Total preference shares — balance brought forward

This is the balance of total preference shares brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Total preference shares — increase

This is the increase in total preference shares over the reporting period.


Total preference shares — reduction

This is the reduction in total preference shares over the reporting period.


Total preference shares — balance carried forward

This is the balance of total preference shares carried forward to the next reporting period.

Share premium relating to preference shares


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 1 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 1 brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 1 — increase

This is the increase in the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 1 over the reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 1 — reduction

This is the reduction in the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 1 over the reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 1 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 1 carried forward to the next reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 2 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 2 brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 2– increase

This is the increase in the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 2 over the reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 2 — reduction

This is the reduction in the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 2 over the reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 2 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 2 carried forward to the next reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 3 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 3 brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 3 — increase

This is the increase in the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 3 over the reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 3 — reduction

This is the reduction in the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 3 over the reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Tier 3 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of the share premium account relating to preference shares that is tier 3 carried forward to the next reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Total — balance brought forward

This is the balance of the total share premium account relating to preference shares that is brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Total — increase

This is the increase in the total share premium account relating to preference shares over the reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Total — reduction

This is the reduction in the total share premium account relating to preference shares over the reporting period.


Share premium relating to preference shares –Total — balance carried forward

This is the balance of the total share premium account relating to preference shares that is carried forward to the next reporting period.

Subordinated liabilities — movements in the reporting period


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 1 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of Tier 1 subordinated liabilities brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 1 — issued

This is the amount of Tier 1 subordinated liabilities issued over the reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 1 — redeemed

This is the amount of Tier 1 subordinated liabilities redeemed over the reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 1 — movements in valuation

This is an amount reflecting the movements in valuation of Tier 1 subordinated liabilities over the reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 1 — regulatory action

This is an amount reflecting change to Tier 1 subordinated liabilities due to regulatory action.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 1 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of Tier 1 subordinated liabilities carried forward to the next reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 2 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of Tier 2 subordinated liabilities brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 2 — issued

This is the amount of Tier 2 subordinated liabilities issued over the reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 2 — redeemed

This is the amount of Tier 2 subordinated liabilities redeemed over the reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 2 — movements in valuation

This is an amount reflecting the movements in valuation of Tier 2 subordinated liabilities over the reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 2 — regulatory action

This is an amount reflecting change to Tier 2 subordinated liabilities due to regulatory action.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 2 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of Tier 2 subordinated liabilities carried forward to the next reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 3– balance brought forward

This is the balance of Tier 3 subordinated liabilities brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 3 — issued

This is the amount of Tier 3 subordinated liabilities issued over the reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 3 — redeemed

This is the amount of Tier 3 subordinated liabilities redeemed over the reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 3 — movements in valuation

This is an amount reflecting the movements in valuation of Tier 3 subordinated liabilities over the reporting period.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 3 — regulatory action

This is an amount reflecting change to Tier 3 subordinated liabilities due to regulatory action.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier 3 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of Tier 3 subordinated liabilities carried forward to the next reporting period.


Total subordinated liabilities — balance brought forward

This is the balance of total subordinated liabilities brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Total subordinated liabilities — issued

This is the amount of total subordinated liabilities issued over the reporting period.


Total subordinated liabilities — redeemed

This is the amount of total subordinated liabilities redeemed over the reporting period.


Total subordinated liabilities — movements in valuation

This is an amount reflecting the movements in valuation of total subordinated liabilities over the reporting period.


Total subordinated liabilities — regulatory action

This is an amount reflecting change to total subordinated liabilities due to regulatory action.


Total subordinated liabilities — balance carried forward

This is the balance of total subordinated liabilities carried forward to the next reporting period.

An amount equal to the value of deferred tax assets


An amount equal to the value of net deferred tax assets –Balance brought forward

This is the balance of an amount equal to the value of deferred tax assets brought forward from the previous reporting period.


An amount equal to the value of net deferred tax assets –Balance carried forward

This is the balance of an amount equal to the value of deferred tax assets carried forward to the next reporting period.

Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above — movements in the reporting period


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 1 unrestricted items — balance brought forward

This is the balance of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 1 to be treated as unrestricted items brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 1 to be treated as unrestricted items — issued

This is the amount of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 1 to be treated as unrestricted items issued over the reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 1 to be treated as unrestricted items — redeemed

This is the amount of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 1 to be treated as unrestricted items redeemed over the reporting period


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 1 to be treated as unrestricted items — movements in valuation

This is an amount reflecting movements in valuation of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 1 to be treated as unrestricted items.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 1 to be treated as unrestricted items — balance carried forward

This is the balance of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 1 to be treated as unrestricted items carried forward to the next reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 1 to be treated as restricted items –– balance brought forward

This is the balance of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 1 to be treated as restricted items brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 1 to be treated as restricted items –– issued

This is the amount of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 1 to be treated as restricted items issued over the reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 1 to be treated as restricted items –– redeemed

This is the amount of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 1 to be treated as restricted items redeemed over the reporting period


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 1 to be treated as restricted items –– movements in valuation

This is an amount reflecting movements in valuation of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 1 to be treated as restricted items.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 1 to be treated as restricted items –– balance carried forward

This is the balance of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 1 to be treated as restricted items carried forward to the next reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 2 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 2 brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 2 — issued

This is the amount of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 2 issued over the reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 2 — redeemed

This is the amount of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 2 redeemed over the reporting period


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 2 — movements in valuation

This is an amount reflecting movements in valuation of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 2.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 2– balance carried forward

This is the balance of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 2 carried forward to the next reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 3 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 3 brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 3 — issued

This is the amount of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 3 issued over the reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 3 — redeemed

This is the amount of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 3 redeemed over the reporting period.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 3 — movements in valuation

This is an amount reflecting movements in valuation of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 3.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 3 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are Tier 3 carried forward to the next reporting period.


Total of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own fund items not specified above — balance brought forward

This is the balance of total other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Total of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own fund items not specified above — issued

This is the amount of total other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above issued over the reporting period.


Total of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own fund items not specified above –redeemed

This is the amount of total other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above that are redeemed over the reporting period.


Total of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own fund items not specified above — movements in valuation

This is an amount reflecting movements in valuation of total other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above.


Total of other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own fund items not specified above — balance carried forward

This is the balance of total other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above carried forward to the next reporting period.

Ancillary own funds — movements in the reporting period


Ancillary own funds –Tier 2 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of Tier 2 ancillary own funds brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Ancillary own funds –Tier 2 — new amount made available

This is the new amount of Tier 2 ancillary own funds to be made available over the reporting period.


Ancillary own funds –Tier 2 — reduction to amount available

This is the reduction to the amount available Tier 2 ancillary own funds over the reporting period.


Ancillary own funds –Tier 2 — called up to basic own fund

This is the amount of Tier 2 ancillary own funds that are called up to a basic own fund item over the reporting period.


Ancillary own funds –Tier 2 — balance carried forward

This is the balance of Tier 2 ancillary own funds carried forward to the next reporting period.


Ancillary own funds –Tier 3 — balance brought forward

This is the balance of Tier 3 ancillary own funds brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Ancillary own funds –Tier 3– new amount made available

This is the new amount of Tier 3 ancillary own funds to be made available over the reporting period.


Ancillary own funds –Tier 3 — reduction to amount available

This is the reduction to the amount available Tier 3 ancillary own funds over the reporting period.


Ancillary own funds –Tier 3 — called up to basic own fund

This is the amount of Tier 3 ancillary own funds that are called up to a basic own fund item over the reporting period.


Ancillary own funds –Tier 3– balance carried forward

This is the balance of Tier 3 ancillary own funds carried forward to the next reporting period.


Total ancillary own funds — balance brought forward

This is the balance of total ancillary own funds brought forward from the previous reporting period.


Total ancillary own funds — new amount made available

This is the new amount of Tier 2 ancillary own funds to be made available over the reporting period.


Total ancillary own funds — reduction to amount available

This is the reduction to the amount available total ancillary own funds over the reporting period.


Total ancillary own funds — called up to basic own fund

This is the amount of total ancillary own funds that are called up to a basic own fund item over the reporting period.


Total ancillary own funds — balance carried forward

This is the balance of total ancillary own funds carried forward to the next reporting period.

S.23.04 — List of items on own funds

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission for individual entities.





Description of subordinated mutual member accounts

This shall list subordinated mutual member accounts for an individual undertaking.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Amount (in reporting currency)

This is the amount of individual subordinated mutual member accounts.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Tier

This shall indicate the tier of the subordinated mutual member accounts.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Tier 1

2 — Tier 1 — unrestricted

3 — Tier 1 — restricted

4 — Tier 2

5 — Tier 3


Subordinated mutual member accounts –Currency Code

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency. This is the original currency.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Counted under transitionals?

This shall indicate whether the subordinated mutual member accounts are counted under the transitional provisions.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Counted under transitionals

2 — Not counted under transitionals


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Counterparty (if specific)

This shall list the counterparty of the subordinated mutual member accounts


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Issue date

This is the issue date of the subordinated mutual member accounts. This shall be in ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Maturity date

This is the maturity date of the subordinated mutual member accounts. This shall be in ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Subordinated mutual member accounts — First call date

This is the first call date of the subordinated mutual member accounts. This shall be in ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Details of further call dates

These are the further call dates of the subordinated mutual member accounts.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Details of incentives to redeem

These are the incentives to redeem the subordinated mutual member accounts.


Subordinated mutual member accounts — Notice period

This is the notice of the subordinated mutual member accounts. The date shall be entered here, using ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Subordinated mutual member account — Buy back during the year

Explanation if the item has been bought back during the year.


Description of preference shares

This shall list individual preference shares


Preference shares — Amount

This is the amount of the preference shares.


Preference shares — Counted under transitionals?

This shall indicate whether the preference shares are counted under the transitional provisions.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Counted under transitionals

2 — Not counted under transitionals


Preference shares — Counterparty (if specific)

This shall list the holder of the preference shares if limited to a single party. If the shares are broadly issued, no data is required.


Preference shares — Issue date

This is the issue date of the preference share. This shall be in ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Preference shares — First call date

This is the first call date of the preference share. This shall be in ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Preference shares — Details of further call dates

These are the further call dates of the preference shares.


Preference shares — Details of incentives to redeem

These are the incentives to redeem the preference share.


Description of subordinated liabilities

This shall list the individual subordinated liabilities for an individual undertaking.


Subordinated liabilities –Amount

This is the amount of individual subordinated liabilities.


Subordinated liabilities –Tier

This shall indicate the tier of the subordinated liabilities.


Subordinated liabilities Currency Code

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency.


Subordinated liabilities — Lender (if specific)

This shall list the lender of the subordinated liabilities if specific. If not specific this item shall not be reported.


Subordinated liabilities — Counted under transitionals?

This shall indicate whether the subordinated liability is counted under the transitional provisions.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Counted under transitionals

2 — Not counted under transitionals


Subordinated liabilities — Issue date

This is the issue date of the subordinated liabilities. This shall be in ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Subordinated liabilities — Maturity date

This is the maturity date of the subordinated liabilities. This shall be in ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Subordinated liabilities — First call date

 This is the first future call date of the subordinated liabilities. This shall be in ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Subordinated liabilities — Further call dates

These are the further call dates of the subordinated liabilities.


Subordinated liabilities — Details of incentives to redeem

These are the details about the incentives to redeem the subordinated liabilities.


Subordinated liabilities — Notice period

This is the notice of the subordinated liabilities. The date shall be entered here, using ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above

This shall list the other individual items approved by the supervisory authority for an individual undertaking.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Amount

This is the amount of other individual items approved by the supervisory authority.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Currency code

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 1

This is the amount of other individual items approved by the supervisory authority that meet the criteria for Tier 1.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 2

This is the amount of other individual items approved by the supervisory authority that meet the criteria for Tier 2.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Tier 3

This is the amount of other individual items approved by the supervisory authority that meet the criteria for Tier 3.


Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above –Date of authorisation

This is the date of authorisation of other individual items approved by the supervisory authority. It shall be in ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Own funds– from the financial statements that shall not be represented by the reconciliation reserve and do not meet the criteria to be classified as Solvency II own funds — Description

This cell shall contain a description of the own fund item from the financial statements that shall not be represented by the reconciliation reserve and do not meet the criteria to be classified as Solvency II own funds.


Own funds from the financial statements that shall not be represented by the reconciliation reserve and do not meet the criteria to be classified as Solvency II own funds — Total amount

This is the total amount of the own fun item from the financial statements that shall not be represented by the reconciliation reserve and do not meet the criteria to be classified as Solvency II own funds.


Ancillary own funds –Description

This is details of each ancillary own fund for an individual undertaking.


Ancillary own funds — Amount

This is the amount for each ancillary own fund.


Ancillary own funds — Counterpart

This is the counterpart of each ancillary own fund.


Ancillary own funds — Issue date

This is the issue date of each ancillary own fund. This shall be in ISO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).


Ancillary own fund — Date of authorisation

This is the date of authorisation of each ancillary own fund. This shall be in 1SO 8601 format (yyyy–mm–dd).

Adjustment for ring fenced funds and matching adjustment portfolios


Ring–fenced fund/matching adjustment portfolio — Number

Identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.


Ring–fenced fund/matching adjustment portfolio — Notional SCR

This is the notional SCR of each ring–fenced fund/each matching adjustment portfolio.


Ring–fenced fund/matching adjustment portfolio — Notional SCR (negative results set to zero)

This is the notional SCR. When the value is negative zero shall be reported.


Ring–fenced fund/matching adjustment portfolio — Excess of assets over liabilities

This is the amount of excess of assets over liabilities of each ring–fenced fund/matching adjustment portfolio. This value shall reflect any deduction of future transfers attributable to shareholders.


Ring–fenced fund/matching adjustment portfolio — Future transfers attributable to shareholders

Value of future transfers attributable to shareholders' of each ring–fenced fund/matching adjustment portfolio according to art 80 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Ring fenced funds/matching adjustment portfolio — Adjustment for restricted own fund items in respect of matching adjustment portfolios and ring fenced funds

This is the total deduction for ring–fenced funds and matching adjustment portfolios.


Ring fenced funds/matching adjustment portfolio — Adjustment for restricted own fund items in respect of matching adjustment portfolios and ring fenced funds

 This is the deduction for each ring–fenced fund/matching adjustment portfolio in accordance with Article 81 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

S.24.01 — Participations held

General Comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.




Table 1 — Participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions which individually exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi) of Article 69, not including consolidated strategic participations for the purpose of deductions under Article 68 (1) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


Name of related undertaking

This is the name of the related undertaking in which the participation is held. These are participations in financial and credit institutions which individually exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i), (ii), iv) and (vi), of Article 69 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This does not include consolidated strategic participations.


Asset ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. This code must be unique and kept consistent over time.

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 99 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code + currency: ‘99/1’.



This is the full total value for all tiers held in each participation in financial and credit institutions which individually exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i), (ii), iv) and (vi) of Article 69. This does not include consolidated strategic participations.


Common Equity Tier 1

This is the full value of Common Equity Tier 1 held in each participation in financial and credit institutions which individually exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i), (ii), iv) and (vi), of Article 69). This does not include consolidated strategic participations. Common Equity Tier 1 has the meaning as defined in the relevant sector rules.


Additional Tier 1

This is the full value of Additional Tier 1 held in each participation in financial and credit institutions which individually exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i), (ii), iv) and (vi), of Article 69). This does not include consolidated strategic participations. Additional Tier 1 has the meaning as defined in the relevant sector rules.


Tier 2

This is the full value of Tier 2 held in each participation in financial and credit institutions which individually exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i), (ii), iv) and (vi), of Article 69). This does not include consolidated strategic participations. Tier 2 has the meaning as defined in the relevant sector rules.

Table 2 — Participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions which when aggregated exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i), (ii), (v) and (vi) of Article 69, not including consolidated strategic participations for the purpose of deductions under Article 68 (2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


Name of related undertaking

This is the name of the related undertaking in which the participation is held.

These are participations in financial and credit institutions which when aggregated exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi) of Article 69 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, not including consolidated strategic participations.


Asset ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. This code must be unique and kept consistent over time.

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 99 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code + currency: ‘99/1’.



This is the total value held in the participation (not yet the amount to be deducted).

These are participations in financial and credit institutions which when aggregated exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i),(ii),(iv) and (vi) of Article 69 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, not including consolidated strategic participations.


Common Equity Tier 1

This is the value of Common Equity Tier 1 held in the participation (not only the part to be deducted).

Common Equity Tier 1 has the meaning as defined in the relevant sector rules.

These are participations in financial and credit institutions which when aggregated exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi) of Article 69 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, not including consolidated strategic participations.


Additional Tier 1

This is the value of Additional Tier 1 held in the participation (not only the part to be deducted)..

Additional Tier 1 has the meaning as defined in the relevant sector rules.

These are participations in financial and credit institutions which when aggregated exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi) of Article 69 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, not including consolidated strategic participations.


Tier 2

This is the value of Tier 2 held in the participation.

Tier 2 has the meaning as defined in relevant sector rules (not only the part to be deducted).

These are participations in financial and credit institutions which when aggregated exceed 10 % of items included in (a) (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi) of Article 69 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, not including consolidated strategic participations

Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions (for which there is an OF deduction)


Total participations in financial and credit institutions — Total

This is the total value of participations in financial and credit institutions. (for which there is an OF deduction)


Total participations in financial and credit institutions — Common Equity Tier 1

This is the total value of Common Equity Tier 1 held in financial and credit institutions. (for which there is an OF deduction)


Total participations in financial and credit institutions — Additional Tier 1

This is the total value of Additional Tier 1 held in financial and credit institutions. (for which there is an OF deduction)


Total participations in financial and credit institutions– Tier 2

This is the total value of Tier 2 held in financial and credit institutions. (for which there is an OF deduction)

Own funds deductions


Article 68 (1) deduction — total

This is the total value of the Article 68 (1) deduction, specified in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Article 68 (1) deduction — tier 1 unrestricted

This is the value of the Article 68(1) deduction which is deducted from tier 1 unrestricted items in accordance with Article 68 (5) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Article 68 (1) deduction — tier 1 restricted

This is the value of the Article 68(1) deduction which is deducted from tier 1 restricted items in accordance with Article 68 (5) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Article 68 (1) deduction — Tier 2

This is the value of the Article 68(1) deduction which is deducted from tier 2 items in accordance with Article 68 (5) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Article 68(2) deduction — total

This is the total value of the Article 68 (2) deduction of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Article 68 (2) deduction — tier 1 unrestricted

This is the value of the Article 68(2) deduction which is deducted from tier 1 unrestricted items in accordance with Article 68 (5) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Article 68 (2) deduction — tier 1 restricted

This is the value of the Article 68 (2) deduction which is deducted from tier 1 restricted items in accordance with Article 68 (5) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Article 68 (2) deduction — tier 2

This is the value of the Article 68(2) deduction which is deducted from tier 2 items in accordance with Article 68 (5) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total deductions

The overall total of all deductions for participations under Article 68 (1) and Article 68 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total deductions — tier 1 unrestricted

The overall total of all deductions for participations for tier 1 unrestricted under Article 68 (1) and Article 68 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total deductions — tier 1 restricted

The overall total of all deductions for participations for tier 1 restricted under Article 68 (1) and Article 68 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total deductions — tier 2

The overall total of all deductions for participations for tier 2 under Article 68 (1) and Article 68 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

Table 3 — Participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions which are considered strategic as defined in Article 171 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 and which are included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1 (no OF deduction according to art 68(3)).


Name of related undertaking

This is the name of the related undertaking in which the participation is held. These are participations in financial and credit institutions which are considered strategic as defined in Article 171 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35) and which are included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1.


Asset ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. This code must be unique and kept consistent over time.

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 99 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code + currency: ‘99/1’.



This is the total value for all tiers held in each participation in financial and credit institutions which are considered strategic as defined in Article 171 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35) and which are included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1.


Type 1 Equity

This is the value of type 1 equity held in each participation in financial and credit institutions which are considered strategic as defined in Article 171 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35) and which are included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1.

Type 1 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35).


Type 2 Equity

This is the value of type 2 equity held in each participation. in financial and credit institutions which are considered strategic as defined in Article 171 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35) and which are included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1.

Type 2 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168(3) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35).


Subordinated liabilities

This is the value of subordinated liabilities held in each participations in financial and credit institutions which are considered strategic as defined in Article 171 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35) and which are included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1.

Table 4 — Participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions which are strategic (as defined in Article 171 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35), not included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1 and which are not deducted according to art 68(1) and 68 (2) (It shall include the remaining part (the part of participation which was not deducted) following the partial deduction according to Article 68 (2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35)


Name of related undertaking

This is the name of the related undertaking that is financial or credit institution in which the participation is held. The participations in this related undertakings is strategic (as defined in Article 171 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35)), not included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1 and not deducted according to art 68(1) and art 68(2).


Asset ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. This code must be unique and kept consistent over time.

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 99 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code + currency: ‘99/1’.



This is the total value for all tiers of each participation in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions which are strategic, not included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1 and which are not deducted according to Article 68(1) and Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, meaning the sum of:.

1)  the value of strategic participations in financial and credit institutions which are not deducted according to both Article 68(1) and 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, because the sum of participations in financial and credit institutions is less than 10 %,

2)  the remainder of the strategic participations which are deducted following the Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Type 1 Equity

This is the value of each participation in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions which are strategic, not included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1, not deducted according to Article 68(1) and Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35and held in Type 1 equities, meaning the sum of:.

1)  the value of strategic participations in financial and credit institutions which are not deducted according to both Article 68(1) and 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, because the sum of participations in financial and credit institutions is less than 10 %,

2)  the remainder of the strategic participations which are deducted following the Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

Type 1 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Type 2 Equity

This is the value of each participation in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions which are strategic, not included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1, not deducted according to Article 68(1) and Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 and held in Type 2 equities, meaning the sum of:.

1)  the value of strategic participations in financial and credit institutions which are not deducted according to both Article 68(1) and 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, because the sum of participations in financial and credit institutions is less than 10 %,

2)  the remainder of the strategic participations which are deducted following the Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

Type 2 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (3) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Subordinated liabilities

This is the value of each participation in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions which are strategic, not included in the calculation of the group solvency on the basis of method 1, not deducted according to Article 68(1) and Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 and held in subordinated liabilities, meaning the sum of:.

1)  the value of strategic participations in financial and credit institutions which are not deducted according to both Article 68(1) and 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, because the sum of participations in financial and credit institutions is less than 10 %,

2)  the remainder of the strategic participations which are deducted following the Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

Table 5 — Participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions which are not strategic and which are not deducted according to art 68(1) and 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35

(It shall include the remaining part following the partial deduction according to Article 68 (2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35)


Name of related undertaking

This is the name of the related undertaking that are financial and credit institutions in which the participation is held. These are participations in related undertakings which are not strategic and not deducted according to art 68(1) and 68 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Asset ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. This code must be unique and kept consistent over time.

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 99 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code + currency: ‘99/1’.



This is the total value for all tiers of each participation in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions, which are not strategic and which are not deducted according to art 68(1) and 68 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 meaning the sum of:.

1)  the value of non–strategic participations in financial and credit institutions which are not deducted according to both Articles 68(1) and 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, because the sum of participations in financial and credit institutions is less than 10 %,

2)  the remainder of the non–strategic participations which are deducted following the Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Type 1 Equity

This is the value of each participation in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions which are not strategic, not deducted according to art 68(1) and art 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 and held in Type 1 equities, meaning the sum of:.

1)  the value of non–strategic participations in financial and credit institutions which are not deducted according to both Articles 68(1) and 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, because the sum of participations in financial and credit institutions is less than 10 %,

2)  the remainder of the non–strategic participations which are deducted following the Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

Type 1 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Type 2 Equity

This is the value of each participation in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions, which are not strategic, not deducted according to art 68(1) and art 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 and held in Type 2 equities, meaning the sum of:.

1)  the value of non–strategic participations in financial and credit institutions which are not deducted according to both Article 68(1) and 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, because the sum of participations in financial and credit institutions is less than 10 %,

2)  the remainder of the non–strategic participations which are deducted following the Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

Type 2 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (3) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Subordinated liabilities

This is the value of each participation in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions, which are not strategic, not deducted according to art 68(1) and art 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 and held in subordinated liabilities, meaning the sum of:.

1)  the value of non–strategic participations in financial and credit institutions which are not deducted according to both Article 68(1) and 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, because the sum of participations in financial and credit institutions is less than 10 %,

2)  the remainder of the non–strategic participations which are deducted following the Article 68(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

Table 6 — Other strategic participations not in financial and credit institution


Name of related undertaking

This is the name of the related undertaking in which the participation is held.

These are participations which are not in financial and credit institutions and which are considered strategic.


Asset ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. This code must be unique and kept consistent over time.

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 99 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code + currency: ‘99/1’.



This is the total value held for all tiers in each participation that are not financial and credit institutions and that are considered strategic.


Type 1 Equity

This is the value of type 1 equity held in each participation that are not financial and credit institutions and that are considered strategic.

Type 1 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35).


Type 2 Equity

This is the value of type 2 equity held in each participation that are not financial and credit institutions and that are considered strategic.

Type 2 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (3) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Subordinated liabilities

This is the value of subordinated liabilities held in each participation that are not financial and credit institutions and that are considered strategic.

Table 7 — Other non–strategic participations not in financial and credit institution


Name of related undertaking

This is the name of the related undertaking in which the participation is held.

These are participations which are not in financial and credit institutions and which are not considered strategic.


Asset ID Code

Asset ID code using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. This code must be unique and kept consistent over time.

When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies, it is necessary to specify the Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, as in the following example: ‘code+EUR’


Asset ID Code type

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


When the same Asset ID Code needs to be reported for one asset that is issued in 2 or more different currencies and the code in C0040 is defined by Asset ID code and the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency, the Asset ID Code Type shall refer to option 99 and the option of the original Asset ID Code, as in the following example for which the code reported was ISIN code + currency: ‘99/1’.



This is the total value held for all tiers in each participation that are not financial and credit institutions and that are not considered strategic.


Type 1 Equity

This is the value of type 1 equity held in each participation that are not financial and credit institutions and that are not considered strategic.

Type 1 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Type 2 Equity

This is the value of type 2 equity held in each participation that are not financial and credit institutions and that are not considered strategic.

Type 2 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (3) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Subordinated liabilities

This is the value of subordinated liabilities held in each participations that are not financial and credit institutions and that are not considered strategic.

Total for SCR calculation


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions –Total

This is the total value of participations in undertakings which are financial and credit institutions.


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions — Type 1 Equity

This is the total value of Type 1 Equity of participations in undertakings which are financial and credit institutions.

Type 1 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions — Type 2 Equity

This is the total value of Type 2 Equity of participations in undertakings which are financial and credit institutions.

Type 2 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (3) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions — Subordinated liabilities

This is the total value of Subordinated liabilities of participations in undertakings which are financial and credit institutions.


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions, of which strategic (method 1 or less than 10 % not method –Total

This is the total value of strategic participations in undertakings (method 1 or less than 10 % not method 1) which are financial and credit institutions.


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions, of which strategic (method 1 or less than 10 % not method 1) — Type 1 Equity

This is the total value of Type 1 Equity of strategic participations in undertakings (method 1 or less than 10 % not method 1) which are financial and credit institutions.

Type 1 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions, of which strategic (method 1 or less than 10 % not method 1) — Type 2 Equity

This is the total value of Type 2 Equity of strategic participations in undertakings (method 1 or less than 10 % not method 1) which are financial and credit institutions.

Type 2 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (3) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions, of which strategic (method 1 or less than 10 % not method 1) — Subordinated liabilities

This is the total value of Subordinated liabilities of strategic participations in undertakings (method 1 or less than 10 % not method 1) which are financial and credit institutions.


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions of which non–strategic (less than 10 %) –Total

This is the total value of not strategic participations in undertakings (less than 10 %) which are financial and credit institutions.


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions of which non–strategic (less than 10 %) — Type 1 Equity

This is the total value of Type 1 Equity of not strategic participations in undertakings (less than 10 % — C0500) which are financial and credit institutions.

Type 1 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions of which non–strategic (less than 10 %) — Type 2 Equity

This is the total value of Type 2 Equity of not strategic participations in undertakings (less than 10 %) which are financial and credit institutions.

Type 2 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (3) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Total participations in related undertakings that are financial and credit institutions of which non–strategic (less than 10 %) — Subordinated liabilities

This is the total value of Subordinated liabilities of not strategic participations in undertakings (less than 10 %) which are financial and credit institutions.


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions –Total

This is the total value of participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions. This is the sum of C0470 and C0540.


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions — Type 1 Equity

This is the total value of Type 1 Equities held in participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions.

Type 1 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This is the sum of C0480 and C550.


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions — Type 2 Equity

This is the total value of Type 2 Equities held in participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions.

Type 2 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (3) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This is the sum of C0490 and C0560)


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions — Subordinated liabilities

This is the total value of subordinated liabilities held in participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions. This is the sum of C0500 and C0570.


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions — Total– of which strategic

This is the total value of strategic participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions. This is the sum of C0470.


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions — Type 1 Equity — of which strategic

This is the total value of Type 1 Equities held in strategic participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions.

Type 1 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This is the sum of C0480.


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions — Type 2 Equity — of which strategic

This is the total value of Type 2 Equities held in strategic participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions. This is the sum of C0490).


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions — Subordinated liabilities — of which strategic

This is the total value of subordinated liabilities held in strategic participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions. This is the sum of C0500.


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions — total — of which non–strategic

This is the total value of non–strategic participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions. This is the sum of C0540.


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions — Type 1 Equity — of which non–strategic

This is the total value of Type 1 Equities held in non–strategic participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions. Type 1 equity has the meaning as defined in Article 168 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This is the sum of C0550.


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions — Type 2 Equity — of which non–strategic

This is the total value of Type 2 Equities held in non–strategic participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions. This is the sum of C0560.


Total participations in related undertakings that are not financial and credit institutions — Subordinated liabilities — of which non–strategic

This is the total value of subordinated liabilities held in non–strategic participations in undertakings which are not financial and credit institutions. This is the sum of C0570.



Total of all participations

This is the total value of all participations.

S.25.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — for undertakings on Standard Formula

General comments:

This section relates to opening and annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

Template SR.25.01 has to be filled in for each ring–fenced fund (RFF), each matching adjustment portfolio (MAP) and for the remaining part. However, where a RFF/MAP includes a MAP/RFF embedded, the fund should be treated as different funds. This template shall be reported for all sub–funds of a material RFF/MAP as identified in the second table of template S.01.03.

Where the entity has MAP or RFF (except those under the scope of Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC) when reporting at the level of the whole undertaking, the notional Solvency Capital Requirement (‘nSCR’) at risk module level and the loss–absorbing capacity (LAC) of technical provisions and deferred taxes to be reported shall be calculated as follows:

Where the undertaking applies the full adjustment due to the aggregation of the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level the nSCR is calculated as if no loss of diversification exists and the LAC shall be calculated as the sum of the LAC across all RFF/MAP and remaining part;
Where the undertaking applies the Simplification at risk sub–module level to aggregate the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level the nSCR is calculated considering a direct summation at sub–module level method and the LAC shall be calculated as the sum of the LAC across all RFF/MAP and remaining part,
Where the undertaking applies the simplification at risk module level to aggregate the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level the nSCR is calculated considering a direct summation at module level method and the LAC shall be calculated as the sum of the LAC across all RFF/MAP and remaining part.

The adjustment due to the aggregation of the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level shall be allocated (C0050) to the relevant risk modules (i.e. market risk, counterparty default risk, life underwriting risk, health underwriting risk and non–life underwriting risk). The amount to be allocated to each relevant risk module shall be calculated as follows:



, where

adjustment= Adjustment calculated according to one of the three methods referred above

BSCR′= Basic solvency capital requirement calculated according to the information reported in this template (C0040/R0100)

nSCR int = nSCR for intangible assets risk according to the information reported in this template (C0040/R0070)

Multiplication of this ‘q factor’ by the nSCR of each relevant risk module (i.e. market risk, counterparty default risk, life underwriting risk, health underwriting risk and non–life underwriting risk)





Article 112

Identifies whether the reported figures have been requested under Article 112(7) of Directive 2009/138/EC, to provide an estimate of the SCR using standard formula.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Article 112(7) reporting

2 — Regular reporting


Ring–fenced fund, matching adjustment portfolio or remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0020 = 1, identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.



Net solvency capital requirement

Amount of the net capital charge for each risk module, as calculated using the standard formula.

The difference between the net and the gross SCR is the consideration of the future discretionary benefits according to Article 205 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

This amount shall fully consider diversification effects according to Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC where applicable.

These cells do not include the allocation of the adjustment due to the aggregation of the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level. These figures represent the SCR as if there was no loss of diversification.


Gross solvency capital requirement

Amount of the gross capital charge for each risk module, as calculated using the standard formula.

The difference between the net and the gross SCR is the consideration of the future discretionary benefits according to Article 205 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

This amount shall fully consider diversification effects according to Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC where applicable.

These cells do not include the allocation of the adjustment due to the aggregation of the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level. These figures represent the SCR as if there was no loss of diversification.


Allocation of RFF adjustment due to RFF and Matching adjustments portfolios

Part of the adjustment allocated to each risk module according to the procedure described in the general comments. This amount shall be positive.


Net solvency capital requirement Diversification

Amount of the diversification effects between Basic SCR of net risk modules due to the application of the correlation matrix defined in Annex IV of Directive 2009/138/EC.

This amount shall be reported as a negative value.


Gross solvency capital requirement Diversification

Amount of the diversification effects between Basic SCR of gross risk modules due to the application of the correlation matrix defined in Annex IV of Directive 2009/138/EC.

This amount shall be reported as a negative value.


Net solvency capital requirement Intangible asset risk

Amount of the capital charge, after the adjustment for the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions, for intangible assets risk, as calculated using the standard formula.


Gross solvency capital requirement Intangible assets risk

The future discretionary benefits according to Article 205 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 for intangible assets risk is zero under standard formula, hence R0070/C0040 equals R0070/C0030.


Net solvency capital requirement — Basic Solvency Capital Requirement

Amount of the basic capital requirements, after the consideration of future discretionary benefits according to Article 205 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, as calculated using the standard formula.

This amount shall fully consider diversification effects according to Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC where applicable.

This cell does not include the allocation of the adjustment due to the aggregation of the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level. These figures represent the SCR as if there was no loss of diversification.

This amount shall be calculated as a sum of the net capital charges for each risk module within the standard formula, including adjustment for diversification effect within standard formula.


Gross solvency capital requirement — Basic Solvency Capital Requirement

Amount of the basic capital requirements, before the consideration of future discretionary benefits according to Article 205 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, as calculated using the standard formula.

This amount shall fully consider diversification effects according to Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC where applicable.

This cell does not include the allocation of the adjustment due to the aggregation of the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level. These figures represent the SCR as if there was no loss of diversification.

This amount shall be calculated as a sum of the gross capital charges for each risk module within the standard formula, including adjustment for diversification effect within standard formula

Calculation of Solvency Capital Requirement


Adjustment due to RFF/MAP nSCR aggregation

Adjustment to correct the bias on SCR calculation due to aggregation of RFF/MAP nSCR at risk module level. This amount shall be positive.


Operational risk

Amount of the capital requirements for operational risk module as calculated using the standard formula.


Loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions

Amount of the adjustment for loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions calculated according to the standard formula.

This amount shall be reported as a negative value.

At RFF/MAP level and at entity level where there are no RFF (other than those under Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC) nor MAP it is the maximum between zero and the amount corresponding to the minimum between the amount of technical provisions without risk margin in relation to future discretionary benefits net of reinsurance and the difference between gross and net basic solvency capital requirement.

Where there are RFF (other than those under Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC) or MAP, this amount shall be calculated as the sum of the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions of each RFF/MAP and remaining part, taking into account the net future discretionary benefits as a top limit.


Loss–absorbing capacity of deferred taxes

Amount of the adjustment for loss–absorbing capacity of deferred taxes calculated according to the standard formula.

This amount shall be negative.


Capital requirement for business operated in accordance with Art. 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC

Amount of the capital requirement, calculated according to the rules stated in article 17 of Directive 2003/41/EC, for ring–fenced funds relating to pension business operated under article 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC to which transitional measures are applied. This item is to be reported only during the transitional period.


Solvency capital requirement excluding capital add–on

Amount of the total diversified SCR before any capital add–on.


Capital add–ons already set

Amount of capital add–on that had been set at the reporting reference date. It will not include capital add–ons set between that date and the submission of the data to the supervisory authority, nor any set after the submission of the data.


Solvency capital requirement

Amount of the Solvency Capital Requirement.

Other information on SCR


Capital requirement for duration–based equity risk sub–module

Amount of the capital requirement for duration–based equity risk sub–module.


Total amount of notional Solvency Capital Requirements for remaining part

Amount of the notional SCRs of remaining part when undertaking has RFF.


Total amount of notional Solvency Capital Requirements for ring–fenced funds

Amount of the sum of notional SCRs of all ring–fenced funds when undertaking has RFF (other than those related to business operated in accordance with article 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC (transitional)).


Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirements for matching adjustment portfolios

Amount of the sum of notional SCRs of all matching adjustment portfolios.


Diversification effects due to RFF nSCR aggregation for article 304

Amount of the adjustment for a diversification effect between ring–fenced funds under Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC and the remaining part where applicable.


Method used to calculate the adjustment due to RFF/MAP nSCR aggregation

Method used to calculate the adjustment due to RFF nSCR aggregation. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Full recalculation

2 — Simplification at risk sub–module level

3 — Simplification at risk module level

4 — No adjustment

When the undertaking has no RFF (or have only RFF under Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC) it shall select option 4.


Net future discretionary benefits

Amount of technical provisions without risk margin in relation to future discretionary benefits net of reinsurance.

Approach to tax rate


Approach based on average tax rate

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 –  Yes

2 –  No

3 –  Not applicable as the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes (LAC DT) is not used (in this case R0600 to R0690 are not applicable)

See EIOPA Guidelines on loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions and deferred taxes (EIOPA-BoS-14/177)

Calculation of the adjustment for loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes (voluntary information until 31 December 2019, compulsory as from 1 January 2020)


DTA Before the shock

Total amount of the deferred tax assets (DTA) in the balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation before the instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. The DTA amount of this cell shall be consistent with the value in the cell R0040/C0010 in S.02.01


DTA After the shock

Total amount of the deferred tax assets (DTA) if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This cell shall be left blank where R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.


DTA carry forward- Before the shock

Amount of deferred tax assets (DTA) in the balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation due to carry forward of previous losses or tax deductions before the instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


DTA carry forward — After the shock

Amount of deferred tax assets (DTA) due to carry forward of previous losses or tax deductions if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This cell shall be left blank where R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.


DTA due to deductible temporary differences- Before the shock

Amount of deferred tax assets (DTA) in the balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation due to differences between the Solvency II valuation of an asset or liability and its tax base before the instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


DTA due to deductible temporary differences — After the shock

Amount of deferred tax assets (DTA) due to differences between the Solvency II valuation of an asset or liability and its tax base if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This cell shall be left blank if R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.


DTL — Before the shock

Amount of Deferred Tax Liabilities (DTL) in the balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation before the instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. The DTL amount of this cell shall be consistent with the value in the cell R0780/C0010 in S.02.01.


DTL — After the shock

Amount of Deferred Tax Liabilities (DTL) if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

This cell shall be left blank in case of an average tax rate approach and where R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.



Amount of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. The LAC amount of this cell shall be the same as the value in the cell R0150/C0100 in S.25.01.01.


LAC DT justified by reversion of deferred tax liabilities

Amount of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by reversion of deferred tax liabilities


LAC DT justified by reference to probable future taxable economic profit

Amount of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by reference to probable future taxable economic profit


LAC DT justified by carry back, current year

Amount of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by profits from past years. Amount of the losses allocated to the next year.


LAC DT justified by carry back, future years

Amount of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by profits from past years. Amount of losses allocated to the years after next year.


Maximum LAC DT

Maximal amount of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, that could be available, before the assessment whether the increase in net deferred tax assets can be used for the purposes of the adjustment, as provided for in Article 207(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

S.25.02 — Solvency Capital Requirement — for undertakings using the standard formula and partial internal model

General comments:

This section relates to opening and annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

The components to be reported shall be agreed between national supervisory authorities and insurance and reinsurance undertakings.

Template SR.25.02 shall be reported by ring–fenced fund, matching adjustment portfolio and the remaining part for every undertaking under a partial internal model. This includes undertakings where a partial internal model is applied to a full ring–fenced fund and/or matching adjustment portfolio while the other ring–fenced funds and/or matching adjustment portfolios are under the standard formula. This template shall be reported for all sub–funds of a material RFF/MAP as identified in the second table of S.01.03.

For those undertakings under a partial internal model to which the adjustment due to the aggregation of the nSCR of RFF/MAP is applicable, where the entity has MAP or RFF (except those under the scope of Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC) when reporting at the level of the whole undertaking, the nSCR at risk module level and the loss–absorbing capacity (LAC) of technical provisions and deferred taxes to be reported shall be calculated as follows:

Where the undertaking applies the full adjustment due to the aggregation of the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level: the nSCR is calculated as if no RFF and the LAC shall be calculated as the sum of the LAC across all RFF/MAP and remaining part;
Where the undertaking applies the Simplification at risk sub–module level to aggregate the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level the the nSCR and LAC are calculated considering a direct summation at sub–module level method,
Where the undertaking applies the Simplification at risk module level to aggregate the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level the nSCR and LAC are calculated considering a direct summation at module level method.

The adjustment due to the aggregation of the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level shall be allocated (C0060) to the relevant risk modules (i.e. market risk, counterparty default risk, life underwriting risk, health underwriting risk and non–life underwriting risk) when calculated according to the standard formula. The amount to be allocated to each relevant risk module shall be calculated as follows:



, where

adjustment = Adjustment calculated according to one of the three methods referred above

BSCR′ = Basic solvency capital requirement calculated according the information reported in this template

nSCRint = nSCR for intangible assets risk according to the information reported in this template

Multiplication of this ‘q factor’ by the nSCR of each relevant risk module (i.e. market risk, counterparty default risk, life underwriting risk, health underwriting risk and non–life underwriting risk)





Ring–fenced fund, matching adjustment portfolio or Remaining Part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0020 = 1, identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.



Unique number of component

Unique number of each component agreed with their national supervisory authority to identify uniquely components from their model. This number shall always be used with the appropriate component description reported in each item. Where the partial internal model allow the same split by risk module as the one in the standard formula, the following numbers of components shall be used:

— 1 — Market risk

— 2 — Counterparty default risk

— 3 — Life underwriting risk

— 4 — Health underwriting risk

— 5 — Non–life underwriting risk

— 6 — Intangible asset risk

— 7 — Operational risk

— 8 — LAC Technical Provisions (negative amount)

— 9 — LAC Deferred Taxes (negative amount)

Where standard formula risk modules cannot be reported, undertaking shall attribute a number to each component different from 1 to 7.

This number shall always be used with the appropriate component description reported in each item C0030. The numbers of the components shall be kept consistent over time.


Components description

Identification, using free text, of each of the components that can be identified by the undertaking. These components shall be aligned with standard formula risk modules if possible according to the partial internal model. Each component shall be identified using a separate entry. Undertakings shall identify and report components consistently across different reporting periods, unless there has been some change to the internal model affecting the categories.

Loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions and/or deferred taxes not embedded within components shall be reported as separated components.


Calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement

Amount of the capital charge for each component regardless of the method of calculation (either standard formula or partial internal model), after the adjustments for loss–absorbing capacity of technical provision and/or deferred taxes when they are embedded in the component calculation.

For the components Loss absorbing capacity (‘LAC’) of technical provisions and/or deferred taxes when reported as a separate component it shall be the amount of the loss–absorbing capacity (these amounts shall be reported as negative values)

For components calculated using the standard formula this cell represents the gross nSCR. For components calculated using the partial internal model, this represents the value considering the future management actions which are embedded in the calculation, but not those which are modelled as a separate component.

This amount shall fully consider diversification effects according to Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC where applicable where applicable.

When applicable, this cell does not include the allocation of the adjustment due to the aggregation of the nSCR of the RFF/MAP at entity level.


Allocation from adjustments due to RFF and Matching adjustment portfolios

Where applicable, part of the adjustment allocated to each risk module according to the procedure described in the general comments. This amount shall be positive.


Consideration of the future management actions regarding technical provisions and/or deferred taxes

To identify if the future management actions relating to the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions and/or deferred taxes are embedded in the calculation, the following closed list of options shall be used:

1 — Future management actions regarding the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions embedded within the component

2 — Future management actions regarding the loss–absorbing capacity of deferred taxes embedded within the component

3 — Future management actions regarding the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions and deferred taxes embedded within the component

4 — No embedded consideration of future management actions.


Amount modelled

For each component this cell represents the amount calculated according to the partial internal model.


Total of undiversified components

Sum of all components.



The total amount of the diversification among components reported in C0030.

This amount does not include diversification effects inside each component, which shall be embedded in the values reported in C0030.

This amount shall be reported as negative value.


Adjustment due to RFF/MAP nSCR aggregation

When applicable, adjustment to correct the bias on SCR calculation due to aggregation of RFF/MAP nSCR at risk module level.


Capital requirement for business operated in accordance with Art. 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC

Amount of the capital requirement, calculated according to the rules stated in article 17 of Directive 2003/41/EC, for ring–fenced funds relating to pension business operated under article 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC to which transitional measures are applied. This item is to be reported only during the transitional period.


Solvency capital requirement, excluding capital add–ons

Amount of the total diversified SCR before any capital add–on.


Capital add–ons already set

Amount of capital add–ons that had been set at the reporting reference date. It will not include capital add–ons set between that date and the submission of the data to the supervisory authority, nor any set after the submission of the data.


Solvency Capital Requirement

Overall capital requirement including capital add–ons

Other information on SCR


Amount/Estimate of the overall loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions

Amount/Estimate of the overall adjustment for loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions, including the part embedded in the components and the part reported as a single component. This amount shall be reported as a negative amount.


Amount/Estimate of the loss absorbing capacity for deferred taxes

Amount/Estimate of the overall adjustment for loss–absorbing capacity for deferred taxes, including the part embedded in the components and the part reported as a single component. This amount shall be reported as a negative amount.


Capital requirement for duration–based equity risk sub–module

Amount of the capital requirement for duration–based equity risk sub–module.


Total amount of notional Solvency Capital Requirements for remaining part

Amount of the notional SCRs of remaining part when undertaking has RFF.


Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirements for ring fenced funds

Amount of the sum of notional SCRs of all ring–fenced funds when undertaking has RFF (other than those related to business operated in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC (transitional)).


Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirements for matching adjustment portfolios

Amount of the sum of notional SCRs of all matching adjustment portfolios

This item does not have to be reported when reporting SCR calculation at RFF or matching adjustment portfolio level.


Diversification effects due to RFF nSCR aggregation for article 304

Amount of the adjustment for a diversification effect between ring fenced funds under Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC and the remaining part where applicable.

It shall be equal to the difference between the sum of the nSCR for each RFF/MAP/RP and the SCR reported in R0200/C0100.


Method used to calculate the adjustment due to RFF nSCR aggregation

Method used to calculate the adjustment due to RFF nSCR aggregation. One of the following option shall be used:

1 — Full recalculation

2 — Simplification at risk sub–module level

3 — Simplification at risk module level

4 — No adjustment

When the undertaking has no RFF (or have only RFF under Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC) it shall select option 4.


Net future discretionary benefits

Amount of technical provisions without risk margin in relation to future discretionary benefits net of reinsurance.

Approach to tax rate


Approach based on average tax rate

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 –  Yes

2 –  No

3 –  Not applicable as the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes (LAC DT) is not used (in this case R0600 to R0690 are not applicable)

See EIOPA Guidelines on loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions and deferred taxes (EIOPA-BoS-14/177 (1))

Calculation of adjustment for loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes (voluntary until 31 December 2019, compulsory from 1 January 2020)


DTA Before the shock

Total amount of the Deferred Tax Assets (DTA) in the balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation before the instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. The DTA amount of this cell shall be consistent with the value in the cell R0040/C0010 in S.02.01.


DTA After the shock

Total amount/estimate of the Deferred Tax Assets (DTA) if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This cell shall be left blank where R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.


DTA carry forward- Before the shock

Amount of deferred tax assets (DTA) in the balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation due to carry forward of previous loses or tax deductions before the instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


DTA carry forward — After the shock

Amount/estimate of deferred tax assets (DTA) due to carry forward of previous loses or tax deductions if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This cell shall be left blank where R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.


DTA due to deductible temporary differences- Before the shock

Amount of deferred tax assets (DTA) in the balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation due to differences between the Solvency II valuation of an asset or liability and its tax base before the instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


DTA due to deductible temporary differences — After the shock

Amount/estimate of deferred tax assets (DTA) due to differences between the Solvency II valuation of an asset or liability and its tax base if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This cell shall be left blank where R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.


DTL — Before the shock

Amount of Deferred Tax Liabilities (DTL) in balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation before the instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. The DTL amount of this cell shall be consistent with the value in the cell R0780/C0010 in S.02.01.


DTL — After the shock

Amount/estimate of Deferred Tax Liabilities (DTL) if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

This cell shall be left blank in case of an average tax rate approach and where R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.


Amount/estimate of LAC DT

Amount/estimate of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. The LAC amount of this cell shall be the same as the value in the cell R0310/C0100 in S.25.02.01.


Amount/estimate of LAC DT justified by reversion of deferred tax liabilities

Amount/estimate of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by reversion of deferred tax liabilities.


Amount/estimate of LAC DT justified by reference to probable future taxable economic profit

Amount/estimate of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by reference to probable future taxable economic profit.


Amount/estimate of LAC DT justified by carry back, current year

Amount/estimate of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by profits from past years. Amount of the losses allocated to the next year..


Amount/estimate of LAC DT justified by carry back, future years

Amount/estimate of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by profits from past years Amount of losses allocated to the years after next year.


Amount/estimate of Maximum LAC DT

Maximal amount of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes that could be available, before the assessment whether the increase in net deferred tax assets can be used for the purposes of the adjustment, as provided for in Article 207(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


Guidelines EIOPA-BoS-14/177 of 2 February 2015 on the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions and deferred taxes (https://eiopa.europa.eu/publications/eiopa-guidelines/guidelines-on-the-loss-absorbing-capacity-of-technical-provisions-and-deferred-taxes).

S.25.03 — Solvency Capital Requirement — for undertakings using full internal model

General comments:

This section relates to opening and annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

The components to be reported shall be agreed between national supervisory authorities and insurance and reinsurance undertakings.

Template SR.25.03 has to be filled in for each ring–fenced fund (RFF), each matching adjustment portfolio (MAP) and for the remaining part for every undertaking under a full internal model. However, where a RFF/MAP includes a MAP/RFF embedded, the fund should be treated as different funds. This template shall be reported for all sub–funds of a material RFF/MAP as identified in the second table of S.01.03.





Ring–fenced fund, matching adjustment portfolio or Remaining Part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0020 = 1, identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.



Unique number of component

Unique number of each component of the full internal model, agreed with their national supervisory authority to identify uniquely components from their model. This number shall always be used with the appropriate component description reported in each item C0020.

The numbers of the components shall be kept consistent over time.


Components description

Identification, using free text, of each of the components that can be identified by the undertaking within the full internal model. These components may not exactly align with the risks defined for the standard formula. Each component shall be identified using a separate entry. Undertakings shall identify and report components consistently across different reporting periods, unless there has been some change to internal model affecting the categories.

Loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions and/or deferred taxes modelled but not within components shall be reported as separated components.


Calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement

Amount of the net capital charge for each component, after the adjustments for the future management actions relating to technical provision and/or deferred taxes when applicable, calculated by the full internal model on an undiversified basis, to the extent that these adjustments are modelled within components.

Loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions and/or deferred taxes modelled but not within components shall be reported as negative values.


Consideration of the future management actions regarding technical provisions and/or deferred taxes

To identify if the future management actions relating to the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions and/or deferred taxes are embedded in the calculation, the following closed list of options shall be used:

1 — Future management actions regarding the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions embedded within the component

2 — Future management actions regarding the loss–absorbing capacity of deferred taxes embedded within the component

3 — Future management actions regarding the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions and deferred taxes embedded within the component

4 — No embedded consideration of future management actions.


Total of undiversified components

Sum of all components.



The total amount of the diversification among components reported in C0030 calculated using the full internal model.

This amount does not include diversification effects inside each component, which shall be embedded in the values reported in C0030.

This amount shall be negative.


Capital requirement for business operated in accordance with Art. 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC

Amount of the capital requirement, calculated according to the rules stated in article 17 of Directive 2003/41/EC, for ring–fenced funds relating to pension business operated under article 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC to which transitional measures are applied. This item is reported only during the transitional period.


Solvency capital requirement, excluding capital add–on

Amount of the total diversified SCR before any capital add–on.


Capital add–ons already set

Amount of capital add–on that had been set at the reporting reference date. It will not include capital add–ons set between that date and the submission of the data to the supervisory authority, nor any set after the submission of the data.


Solvency capital requirement

Amount of total SCR calculated using full internal model.

Other information on SCR


Amount/estimate of the overall loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions

Amount/Estimate of the overall adjustment for loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions, including the part embedded in each component and the part reported as a single component.


Amount/estimate of the overall loss–absorbing capacity of deferred taxes

Amount/Estimate of the overall adjustment for loss–absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, including the part embedded in each component and the part reported as a single component.


Total amount of notional Solvency Capital Requirements for remaining part

Amount of the notional SCRs of remaining part when undertaking has RFF.


Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirements for ring fenced funds

Amount of the sum of notional SCRs of all ring–fenced funds when undertaking has RFF (other than those related to business operated in accordance with article 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC (transitional)).


Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirements for matching adjustment portfolios

Amount of the sum of notional SCRs of all matching adjustment portfolios.


Diversification effects due to RFF nSCR aggregation for article 304

Amount of the adjustment for a diversification effect between ring fenced funds under Article 304 of Directive 2009/138/EC and remaining part where applicable.


Net future discretionary benefits

Amount of technical provisions without risk margin in relation to future discretionary benefits net of reinsurance.


Approach based on average tax rate

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 –  Yes

2 –  No

3 –  Not applicable as the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of deferred tax (LAC DT) is not used (in this case R0600 to R0690 are not applicable).

See EIOPA Guidelines on loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions and deferred taxes (EIOPA-BoS-14/177)

Calculation of adjustment for loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes (voluntary information until 31 December 2019, compulsory as from 1 January 2020)


DTA Before the shock

Total amount of the deferred tax assets (DTA) in the balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation before the instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. The DTA amount of this cell shall be consistent with the value in the cell R0040/C0010 in S.02.01


DTA After the shock

Total amount of the Deferred Tax Assets (DTA) if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This cell shall be left blank where R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.


DTA carry forward- Before the shock

Amount of deferred tax assets (DTA) in the balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation due to carry forward of previous loses or tax deductions before instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


DTA carry forward — After the shock

Amount/estimate of deferred tax assets (DTA) due to carry forward of previous loses or tax deductions if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This cell shall be left blank where R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.


DTA due to deductible temporary differences- Before the shock

Amount of deferred tax assets (DTA) in the balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation due to differences between the Solvency II valuation of an asset or liability and its tax base before the instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35


DTA due to deductible temporary differences — After the shock

Amount/estimate of deferred tax assets due to differences between the Solvency II valuation of an asset or liability and its tax base if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. This cell shall be left blank where R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.


DTL — Before the shock

Amount of Deferred Tax Liabilities (DTL) in the balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation before the instantaneous loss described in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. The DTL amount of this cell shall be consistent with the value in the cell R0780/C0010 in S.02.01.


DTL — After the shock

Amount/estimate of Deferred Tax Liabilities if a balance-sheet using Solvency II valuation was set up after the instantaneous loss, as provided for in Article 207(1) and (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

This cell shall be left blank in case of an average tax rate approach and where R0590/C0109 is filled with ‘1-Yes’.


Amount/estimate of LAC DT

Amount/estimate of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, as defined in Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. The LAC amount of this cell shall be the same as the value in the cell R0310/C0100 in S.


Amount/estimate of LAC DT justified by reversion of deferred tax liabilities

Amount/estimate of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, as calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by reversion of deferred tax liabilities


Amount/estimate of LAC DT justified by reference to probable future taxable economic profit

Amount/estimate of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, as calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by reference to probable future taxable economic profit.


Amount/estimate of LAC DT justified by carry back, current year

Amount/estimate of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, as calculated in accordance with Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by profits from past years. Amount of the losses allocated to the next year.


Amount/estimate of LAC DT justified by carry back, future years

Amount/estimate of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes, as defined in Article 207 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, justified by profits from past years. Amount of losses allocated to the years after next year.


Amount/estimate of Maximum LAC DT

Maximal amount of loss-absorbing capacity of deferred taxes that could be available, before the assessment whether the increase in net deferred tax assets can be used for the purposes of the adjustment as provided for in Article 207(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35

S.26.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Market risk

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

The template SR.26.01.01 has to be filled in for each ring–fenced fund (RFF), each matching adjustment portfolio (MAP) and for the remaining part. However, where a RFF/MAP includes a MAP/RFF embedded, the fund should be treated as different funds. This template shall be reported for all sub–funds of a material RFF/MAP as identified in the second table of S.01.03.

Amounts before and after shock shall be filled in with the amount of assets and liabilities sensitive to that shock. For the liabilities the assessment shall be done at the most granular level available between contract and homogeneous risk group. This means that if a contract/HRG is sensitive to a shock the amount of liabilities associated to that contract/HRG shall be reported as amount sensitive to that shock.





Article 112

Identifies whether the reported figures have been requested under Article 112(7), to provide an estimate of the SCR using standard formula. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Article 112(7) reporting

2 — Regular reporting


Ring–fenced fund, matching adjustment portfolio or remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0020 = 1, identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.



Simplifications spread risk – bonds and loans

The options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 –  Simplification for Article 104

2 –  Simplifications for Article 105a

9 –  Simplifications not used

Options 1 and 2 may be used simultaneously.

If R0012/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0410


Simplifications market risk concentration– simplifications used

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 –  Simplifications for Article 105a

9 –  Simplifications not used


Captives simplifications — interest rate risk

Identify whether a captive undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of interest rate risk. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0020/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0100–R0120


Captives simplifications — spread risk on bonds and loans

Identify whether a captive undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of spread risk with regard to bonds and loans. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used


Captives simplifications — market risk concentration

Identify whether a captive undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of market risk concentration. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

Interest rate risk


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — interest rate risk

This is the net capital charge for interest rate risk, i.e. after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0020/C0010=1, this item represents the net capital charge for interest rate risk calculated using simplified calculations for captive undertakings.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement– interest rate risk

This is the gross capital charge for interest rate risk, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0020/C0010=1, this item represents the gross capital charge for interest rate risk calculated using simplified calculations for captive undertakings.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Interest rate risk — interest rate down/up shock

This is the total value of the assets sensitive to interest rate down/up risk, before shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Interest rate risk — interest rate down/up shock

This is the total value of the liabilities sensitive to interest rate down/up risk, before shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Interest rate risk — interest rate down/up shock

This is the absolute value of assets sensitive to interest rate down/up risks after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Interest rate risk– interest rate down/up shock

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to interest rate down/up risks after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement– interest rate risk– interest rate down/up shock

This is the net capital charge for interest rate down/up risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0020/C0010=1, this item represents the net capital charge for interest rate down/up risk calculated using simplifications.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Interest rate risk — Interest rate down/up shock

This is the absolute value of liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to interest rate down/up risks after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — interest rate risk — interest rate down/up shock

This is the gross capital charge for the interest rate down/up risk, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of Technical provisions

If R0020/C0010=1, this item represents the gross capital charge for interest rate down/up risk calculated using simplifications.

Equity risk


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — equity risk

This is the net capital charge for equity risk, i.e. after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — equity risk

This is the gross capital charge for equity risk, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — equity risk — type 1 equities

This is the initial absolute value of the assets sensitive to the equity risk charge related to type 1 equities

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — equity risk — type 1 equities

This is the initial absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to equity risk related to type 1 equities.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Equity risk — type 1 equities

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the equity risk charge related to type 1 equities category, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Equity risk –type 1 equities

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to equity risk charge related to type 1 equities, after the shock and after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — equity risk –type 1 equities

This is the net capital charge for equity risk (for type 1 equities), after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — equity risk –type 1 equities

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to equity risk charge related to type 1 equities, after the shock but before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Equity risk –type 1 equities

This is the gross capital charge for equity risk for type 1 equities, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — equity risk –type 1 equities

This is the initial absolute value of the assets sensitive to the equity risk (for each kind of type 1 equity).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — equity risk –type 1 equities

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive the equity risk charge, (for each kind of type 1 equity), after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — equity risk –type 2 equities

This is the initial absolute value of the assets sensitive to the equity risk for type 2 equities

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — equity risk –type 2 equities

This is the initial absolute value of liabilities sensitive to the equity risk for type 2 equities.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Equity risk — type 2 equities

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to equity risk charge for type 2 equities, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Equity risk –type 2 equities

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to equity risk (for type 2 equities), after the shock and after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — equity risk –type 2 equities

This is the net capital charge for equity risk (for type 2 equities) after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) equity risk –type 2 equities

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to equity risk (for type 2 equities), after the shock but before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Equity risk — type 2 equities

This is the gross capital charge for equity risk for type 2 equities, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — equity risk –type 2 equities

This is the value of the assets sensitive to the equity risk (for each kind of type 2 equities)

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — equity risk –type 2 equities

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to equity risk (for each kind of type 2 equities), after the equity shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.

R0291/C0020, R0293-R0295/C0020

Initial absolute values before shock – Assets – Equity risk –qualifying infrastructure corporate equities

This is the initial absolute value of the assets sensitive to the equity risk for each kind of qualifying infrastructure corporate equities.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.

R0291/C0030, R0293-R0295/C0030

Initial absolute values before shock – Liabilities – Equity risk – qualifying infrastructure corporate equities

This is the initial absolute value of liabilities sensitive to the equity risk for each kind of qualifying infrastructure corporate equities.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

R0291/C0040, R0293-R0295/C0040

Absolute values after shock – Assets – Equity risk – qualifying infrastructure corporate equities

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to equity risk for each kind of qualifying infrastructure corporate equities, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.

R0291/C0050, R0293-R0295/C0050

Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (after the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – Equity risk – qualifying infrastructure corporate equities

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to equity risk (for each kind of qualifying infrastructure corporate equities), after the shock and after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

R0291/C0060, R0293-R0295/C0060

Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – Equity risk –qualifying infrastructure corporate equities

This is the net capital charge for equity risk (for each kind of qualifying infrastructure corporate equities) after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

R0291/C0070, R0293-R0295/C0070

Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (before the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – Equity risk – qualifying infrastructure corporate equities

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to equity risk (for each kind of qualifying infrastructure corporate equities), after the shock but before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

R0291/C0080, R0293-R0295/C0080

Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – Equity risk – qualifying infrastructure corporate equities

This is the gross capital charge for equity risk for each kind of qualifying infrastructure corporate equities, i.e. before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

R0292/C0020, R0296-R0298/C0020

Initial absolute values before shock – Assets – Equity risk –qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities

This is the initial absolute value of the assets sensitive to the equity risk for each kind of qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.

R0292/C0030, R0296-R0298/C0030

Initial absolute values before shock – Liabilities – Equity risk – qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities

This is the initial absolute value of liabilities sensitive to the equity risk for each kind of qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

R0292/C0040, R0296-R0298/C0040

Absolute values after shock – Assets – Equity risk – qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to equity risk for each kind of qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.

R0292/C0050, R0296-R0298/C0050

Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (after the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – Equity risk – qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to equity risk (for each kind of qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities), after the shock and after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

R0292/C0060, R0296-R0298/C0060

Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – Equity risk –qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities

This is the net capital charge for equity risk (for each kind of qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities) after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

R0292/C0070, R0296-R0298/C0070

Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (before the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – Equity risk – qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to equity risk (for each kind of qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities), after the shock but before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

R0292/C0080, R0296-R0298/C0080

Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – Equity risk – qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities

This is the gross capital charge for equity risk for each kind of qualifying infrastructure equities other than corporate equities, i.e. before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

Property risk


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Property risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the property risk.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Property risk

This is the value of the liabilities sensitive to the property risk.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Property risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to property risk charge, after the property shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Property risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities underlying property risk charge, after the property shock and after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — property risk

This is the net capital charge for property risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — property risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities underlying property risk charge, after the property shock but before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Property risk

This is the gross capital charge for property risk, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

Spread risk


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — spread risk

This is the net capital charge for spread risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — spread risk

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk, before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — spread risk — bonds and loans

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — spread risk — bonds and loans

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — spread risk — bonds and loans

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — spread risk — bonds and loans

This is the absolute value of the liabilities underlying the spread risk charge for bonds and loans, after the shock and after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — spread risk — bonds and loans

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on bonds and loans, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0010/C0010 = 1, this item represents the net solvency capital requirement for spread risk — bonds and loans, calculated using simplifications


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– spread risk — bonds and loans

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans, after the shock but before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — spread risk — bonds and loans

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on bonds and loans, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0010/C0010 = 1, this item represents gross solvency capital requirement for spread risk — bonds and loans calculated using simplifications.


Initial absolute values before shock – Assets – Spread risk – bonds and loans (other than qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the initial absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans other than qualifying infrastructure investment and infrastructure corporate.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock – Liabilities – Spread risk – bonds and loans (other than qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the initial absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans other than qualifying infrastructure investment and infrastructure corporate. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock – Assets – Spread risk – bonds and loans (other than qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans other than qualifying infrastructure investment and infrastructure corporate, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – Spread risk – bonds and loans (other than qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the absolute value of the liabilities underlying the spread risk charge for bonds and loans other than qualifying infrastructure investment and infrastructure corporate, after the shock and after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (other than qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on bonds and loans other than qualifying infrastructure investment and infrastructure corporate, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

If R0010/C0010 = 1, this item shall not be reported.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – Spread risk – bonds and loans (other than qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans other than qualifying infrastructure investment and infrastructure corporate, after the shock but before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (other than qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on bonds and loans other than qualifying infrastructure investment and infrastructure corporate, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

If R0010/C0010 = 1, this item shall not be reported.


Initial absolute values before shock – Assets – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the initial absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure investment other than infrastructure corporate.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock – Liabilities – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the initial absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure investment other than infrastructure corporate. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. Where the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock – Assets – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure investment other than infrastructure corporate, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the absolute value of the liabilities underlying the spread risk charge for bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure investment other than infrastructure corporate, after the shock and after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure investment other than infrastructure corporate, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

If R0010/C0010 = 1, this item shall not be reported.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure investment other than infrastructure corporate, after the shock but before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure investment)

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure investment other than infrastructure corporate, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

If R0010/C0010 = 1, this item shall not be reported.


Initial absolute values before shock – Assets – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure corporate investment)

This is the initial absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure corporate investment.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock – Liabilities – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure corporate investment)

This is the initial absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure corporate investment. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock – Assets – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure corporate investment)

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure corporate investment, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure corporate investment)

This is the absolute value of the liabilities underlying the spread risk charge for bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure corporate investment, after the shock and after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure corporate investment)

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure corporate investment, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

If R0010/C0010 = 1, this item shall not be reported.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure corporate investment)

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure corporate investment, after the shock but before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – Spread risk – bonds and loans (qualifying infrastructure corporate investment)

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on bonds and loans that are qualifying infrastructure corporate investment, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. This value shall be reported only where the split between R0412, R0413 and R0414 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. When the split is not possible only R0410 shall be filled in.

If R0010/C0010 = 1, this item shall not be reported.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — spread risk — credit derivatives

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on credit derivatives, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — spread risk — credit derivatives

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on credit derivatives, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — spread risk — credit derivatives — downward/upward shock on credit derivatives

This is the absolute value of assets sensitive to the downward/upward shock in respect to the spread risk on credit derivatives.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — spread risk — credit derivatives — downward/upward shock on credit derivatives

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the downward/upward shock in respect to spread risk on credit derivatives.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — spread risk — credit derivatives — downward/upward shock on credit derivatives

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive the downward/upward shock for spread risk on credit derivatives, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — spread risk –credit derivatives — downward/upward shock on credit derivatives

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the downward/upward shock for spread risk on credit derivatives, after the shock and after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — spread risk — credit derivatives — downward/upward shock on credit derivatives

This is the net capital charge for the downward/upward shock for spread risk on credit derivatives, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– spread risk –credit derivatives — downward/upward shock on credit derivatives

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the downward/upward shock for spread risk on credit derivatives, after the shock but before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — spread risk — credit derivatives — downward/upward shock on credit derivatives

This is the gross capital charge for the downward/upward shock for spread risk on credit derivatives, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — spread risk — securitisation positions

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on securitisation positions.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — spread risk — securitisation positions

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on securitisation positions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — spread risk — securitisation positions

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on securitisation positions, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — spread risk — securitisation positions )

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on securitisation positions, after the shock and after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — spread risk — securitisation positions

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on securitisation positions, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– spread risk — securitisation positions

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on securitisation positions, after the shock but before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — spread risk — securitisation positions

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on securitisation positions, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Initial absolute values before shock – Assets – spread risk – securitisation positions – senior STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on senior STS securitisation positions.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock – Liabilities – spread risk – securitisation positions – senior STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on senior STS securitisation positions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 could be derived from the method used for the calculation. Where the split is not possible only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock – Assets – spread risk – securitisation positions – senior STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on senior STS securitisation positions, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (after the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – spread risk – securitisation positions – senior STS securitisation)

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on senior STS securitisation positions, after the shock and after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – senior STS securitisation

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on senior STS securitisation positions, after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (before the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– spread risk – securitisation positions – senior STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on senior STS securitisation positions, after the shock but before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – senior STS securitisation

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on senior STS securitisation positions, i.e. before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation. Where the split is not possible only R0450 shall be filled in.


Initial absolute values before shock – Assets – spread risk – securitisation positions – non-senior STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on non-senior STS securitisation positions.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock – Liabilities – spread risk – securitisation positions – non-senior STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on non-senior STS securitisation positions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock – Assets – spread risk – securitisation positions – non-senior STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on non-senior STS securitisation positions, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (after the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – spread risk – securitisation positions – non-senior STS securitisation)

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on non-senior STS securitisation positions, after the shock and after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – non-senior STS securitisation

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on non-senior STS securitisation positions, after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (before the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– spread risk – securitisation positions – non-senior STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on non-senior STS securitisation positions, after the shock but before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – non-senior STS securitisation

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on non-senior STS securitisation positions, i.e. before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — spread risk — securitisation positions — resecuritisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on resecuritisation positions.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — spread risk — securitisation positions — resecuritisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on resecuritisation positions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — spread risk — securitisation positions — resecuritisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on resecuritisation positions, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — spread risk — securitisation positions — resecuritisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on resecuritisation positions, after the shock and after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — spread risk — securitisation positions — resecuritisation

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on resecuritisation positions, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– spread risk — securitisation positions — resecuritisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on resecuritisation positions, after the shock but before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — spread risk — securitisation positions — resecuritisation

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on resecuritisation positions, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Initial absolute values before shock – Assets – spread risk – securitisation positions – other securitisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on other securitisation positions.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock – Liabilities – spread risk – securitisation positions – other securitisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on other securitisation positions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock – Assets – spread risk – securitisation positions – other securitisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on other securitisation positions, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (after the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – spread risk – securitisation positions – other securitisation)

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on other securitisation positions, after the shock and after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – other securitisation

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on other securitisation positions, after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (before the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– spread risk – securitisation positions – other securitisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on other securitisation positions, after the shock but before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – other securitisation

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on other securitisation positions, i.e. before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.


Initial absolute values before shock – Assets – spread risk – securitisation positions – transitional type 1 securitisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on transitional type 1 securitisation positions.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock – Liabilities – spread risk – securitisation positions – transitional type 1 securitisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on transitional type 1 securitisation positions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock – Assets – spread risk – securitisation positions – transitional type 1 securitisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on transitional type 1 securitisation positions, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (after the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – spread risk – securitisation positions – transitional type 1 securitisation)

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on transitional type 1 securitisation positions, after the shock and after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – transitional type 1 securitisation

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on transitional type 1 securitisation positions, after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (before the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– spread risk – securitisation positions – transitional type 1 securitisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on transitional type 1 securitisation positions, after the shock but before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – transitional type 1 securitisation

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on transitional type 1 securitisation positions, i.e. before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.


Initial absolute values before shock – Assets – spread risk – securitisation positions – guaranteed STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on guaranteed STS securitisation positions.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock – Liabilities – spread risk – securitisation positions – guaranteed STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on guaranteed STS securitisation positions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock – Assets – spread risk – securitisation positions – guaranteed STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the spread risk on guaranteed STS securitisation positions, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (after the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions) – spread risk – securitisation positions – guaranteed STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on guaranteed STS securitisation positions, after the shock and after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Net solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – guaranteed STS securitisation

This is the net capital charge for spread risk on guaranteed STS securitisation positions, after the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.


Absolute values after shock – Liabilities (before the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– spread risk – securitisation positions – guaranteed STS securitisation

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to the spread risk on guaranteed STS securitisation positions, after the shock but before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock – Gross solvency capital requirement – spread risk – securitisation positions – guaranteed STS securitisation

This is the gross capital charge for spread risk on guaranteed STS securitisation positions, i.e. before the application of the adjustment for the loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

This value shall only be reported where the split between R0461 to R0483 can be derived from the method used for the calculation of the SCR for spread risk. Where the split is not possible, only R0450 shall be filled in.

Concentration risk


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — market risk concentrations

This is the absolute value of the asset sensitive to the market risk concentrations

For captive undertakings, if R0040/C0010=1, this item represents the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the market risk concentration, after taking into account simplifications allowed for captives.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — market risk concentrations

This is the net capital charge for market risk concentrations, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions, aggregated for each single name exposure.

For captive undertakings, if cell R0040/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for market risk concentration, calculated using simplified calculation.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — market risk concentrations

This is the gross capital charge for market risk concentrations, aggregated for each single name exposure, i.e. before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

Currency risk


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — currency risk

This is the sum for the different currencies of:

— the capital requirement (including after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for an increase in value of the foreign currency against the local currency;

— the capital requirement (including after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for a decrease in value of the foreign currency against the local currency.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — currency risk

This is the sum for the different currencies of:

— the capital requirement (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for an increase in value of the foreign currency against the local currency;

— the capital requirement (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for a decrease in value of the foreign currency against the local currency.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Currency risk — increase/ decrease in the value of the foreign currency

This is the total value of the assets sensitive to currency increase/decrease risk, before shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Currency risk — increase/ decrease in the value of the foreign currency

This is the total value of the liabilities sensitive to currency increase/decrease risk, before shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Currency risk — increase/ decrease in the value of the foreign currency

This is the absolute value of assets sensitive to currency increase/decrease risk after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Currency risk — increase/ decrease in the value of the foreign currency

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to currency increase/decrease risk after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Currency risk — increase/ decrease in the value of the foreign currency

This is the net capital charge for currency increase/decrease risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. In R0610 only the currencies where the increase shock is the largest shall be reported and in R0620 only the currencies where the decrease shock is the largest shall be reported.


Absolute values after shock (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Currency risk — increase/ decrease in the value of the foreign currency

This is the absolute value of liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to currency increase/decrease risk after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement (excluding the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Currency risk — increase/ decrease in the value of the foreign currency

This is the gross capital charge for the currency increase/decrease risk, i.e. excluding before the loss absorbing capacity of Technical provisions. In R0610 only the currencies where the increase shock is the largest shall be reported and in R0620 only the currencies where the decrease shock is the largest shall be reported.

Diversification within market risk module


Diversification within market risk module –net

This is the diversification effect within the market risk module as a result of the aggregation of the net capital requirements (after loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) of the single risk sub–modules.

Diversification shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the capital requirement.


Diversification within market risk module — gross

This is the diversification effect within the market risk module as a result of the aggregation of the gross capital requirements (before loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) of the single risk sub–modules.

Diversification shall be reported as a negative value when it reduces the capital requirement.

Total solvency capital requirement for market risk


Total market risk — Net solvency capital requirement

This is the total net capital charge for all market risks, after loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions, calculated using the standard formula.


Total market risk — Gross solvency capital requirement

This is the total gross capital charge for all market risks, excluding loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions, calculated using the standard formula

S.26.02 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Counterparty default risk

General comments

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

Template SR.26.02.01 has to be filled in for each ring–fenced fund (RFF), each matching adjustment portfolio (MAP) and for the remaining part. However, where a RFF/MAP includes a MAP/RFF embedded, the fund should be treated as different funds. This template shall be reported for all sub–funds of a material RFF/MAP as identified in the second table of S.01.03.





Article 112

Identifies whether the reported figures have been requested under Article 112(7), to provide an estimate of the SCR using standard formula. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Article 112(7) reporting

2 — Regular reporting


Ring Fenced Fund/Matching adjustment portfolios/Remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0020 = 1, identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.




 Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of counter party default risk. The options in the following closed list shall be used:

3 –  Simplification pooling arrangements, Article 109

4 –  Simplification grouping single name exposures, Article 110

5 –  Simplification of the LGD for reinsurance arrangements, Article 112a

6 –  Simplification for type 1 exposures, Article 112b

7 –  Simplification for the risk-mitigating effect of reinsurance arrangements, Article 111

9 –  Simplifications not used

Options 3 to 7 may be used simultaneously.

If R0010/C0010 = 4 or 6, for Type 1 exposures, only R0100/C0080 shall be filed in for R0100.


Type 1 exposures — Gross solvency capital requirement

 This is the gross capital charge (before the loss–absorbency capacity of technical provisions) for counterparty default risk arising from all Type 1 exposures.

If R0010/C0010 = 4 or 6, this item represents the Gross solvency capital requirement using simplifications.


Name of single name exposure

Describe the name of the 10 largest single exposures.


Code of single name exposure

Identification code using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If not available this item shall not be reported


Type of code of the single name exposure

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code of single name exposure’. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None


Type 1 exposures — Single name exposure X — Loss Given Default

The value of the Loss Given Default for each of the 10 largest single name exposure.


Type 1 exposures — Single name exposure X — Probability of Default

The Probability of Default for each of the 10 largest single name exposure.


Type 2 exposures — Gross solvency capital requirement

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss–absorbency capacity of technical provisions) for counterparty default risk arising from all Type 2 exposures, as defined for Solvency II purposes


Type 2 exposures — Receivables from Intermediaries due for more than 3 months — Loss Given Default

This is the value of Loss Given Default for Type 2 counterparty risk arising from intermediaries due for more than 3 months.


Type 2 exposures — All type 2 exposures other than receivables from Intermediaries due for more than 3 months — Loss Given Default

This is the value of Loss Given Default for Type 2 counterparty risk arising from all type 2 exposures other than receivables from Intermediaries due for more than 3 months.


Diversification within counterparty default risk module — gross solvency capital requirement

This is the amount of gross diversification effects allowed in aggregation of capital requirements for counterparty default risk for Type 1 and Type 2 exposures.


Total net solvency capital requirement for counterparty default risk

This is the total amount of the net capital charge (after the loss–absorbency capacity of technical provisions) for counterparty default risk.


Total gross solvency capital requirement for counterparty default risk

This is the total amount of the gross capital charge (before the loss–absorbency capacity of technical provisions) for counterparty default risk.

Further details on mortgages


Losses stemming from type 2 mortgage loans

Amount of the overall losses stemming from mortgage loans that has been classified as type 2 exposures according to Article 191 (13) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Overall losses stemming from mortgage loans

Amount of the overall losses stemming from mortgage loans according to Article 191 (13) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

S.26.03 — Solvency Capital Requirements — Life underwriting risk

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

Template SR.26.03.01 has to be filled in for each ring–fenced fund (RFF), each matching adjustment portfolio (MAP) and for the remaining part. However, where a RFF/MAP includes a MAP/RFF embedded, the fund should be treated as different funds. This template shall be reported for all sub–funds of a material RFF/MAP as identified in the second table of S.01.03.

All values shall be reported net of reinsurance and other risk mitigating techniques.

Amounts before and after shock shall be filled in with the amount of assets and liabilities sensitive to that shock. For the liabilities the assessment shall be done at the most granular level available between contract and homogeneous risk group. This means that if a contract/HRG is sensitive to a shock the amount of liabilities associated to that contract/HRG shall be reported as amount sensitive to that shock.





Article 112

Identifies whether the reported figures have been requested under Article 112(7), to provide an estimate of the SCR using standard formula. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Article 112(7) reporting

2 — Regular reporting


Ring–fenced fund, matching adjustment portfolio or remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0020 = 1, identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.



Simplifications used: mortality risk

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for a calculation of mortality risk. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0010/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0100.


Simplifications used — longevity

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of longevity risk. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0020/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0200.


Simplifications used: disability– morbidity risk —

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of disability — morbidity risk. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0030/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0300.


Simplifications used: lapse risk

 Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of lapse risk. The following options shall be used:

1 –  Simplification for the purposes of Article 95

2 –  Simplification for the purposes of Article 95a

9 –  Simplifications not used

Options 1 and 2 may be used simultaneously.

If R0040/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0400 to R0420.


Simplifications used: life expense risk —

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of life expense risk. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0050/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0500.


Simplifications used: life catastrophe risk

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of life catastrophe risk. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0060/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0700.

Life underwriting risk


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Mortality risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to mortality risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Mortality risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to mortality risk, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Mortality risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to mortality risk after the shock (i.e. permanent increase in mortality rates).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Mortality risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to risk, after the shock (i.e. permanent increase in mortality rates).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Mortality risk

This is the net capital charge for mortality risk after the shock (after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions).

If R0010/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for mortality risk calculated using simplifications.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Mortality risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to mortality risk, after the shock (permanent increase in mortality rates).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Mortality risk

This is the gross capital charge for mortality risk. (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions)

If R0010/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for mortality risk calculated using simplifications.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Longevity risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to longevity risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Longevity risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to longevity risk charge, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Longevity risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to longevity risk, after the shock (i.e. permanent decrease in mortality rates).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Longevity risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions sensitive to longevity risk, after the shock (i.e. permanent decrease in mortality rates).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Longevity risk

This is the net capital charge for longevity risk after the shock (after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions).

If R0020/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for longevity risk calculated using simplifications


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– Longevity risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to longevity risk charge, after the shock (permanent decrease in mortality rates.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Longevity risk

This is the gross capital charge for longevity risk (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions).

If R0020/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for longevity risk calculated using simplifications.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Disability — morbidity risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to disability — morbidity risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Disability– morbidity risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to disability — morbidity risk, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Disability — morbidity risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to disability — morbidity risk, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula: an increase in disability and morbidity rates which are used in calculation of technical provisions to reflect the disability and morbidity experience in the next following 12 months, and for all months after the following 12 months and a decrease in the disability and morbidity rates recovery rates used in the calculation of technical provisions in respect of next 12 months and for all year thereafter.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Disability — morbidity risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to disability — morbidity risk, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula, see description provided in definition to cell R0300/C0040).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Disability — morbidity risk

This is the net capital charge for disability — morbidity risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0030/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for disability and morbidity risk calculated using simplifications.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Disability — morbidity risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to disability — morbidity risk, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula, see description provided in definition to cell R0300/C0040).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Disability — morbidity risk

This is the gross capital charge for disability — morbidity risk (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions).

If R0030/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for disability and morbidity risk calculated using simplifications.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Lapse risk

This is the overall net capital charge for lapse risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0040/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for lapse risk calculated using simplifications.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Lapse risk

This is the overall gross capital charge (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for lapse risk.

If R0040/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for lapse risk calculated using simplifications.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Lapse risk– risk of increase in lapse rates

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the risk of an increase in lapse rates, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Lapse risk — risk of increase in lapse rates

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to the risk of an increase in lapse rates, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Lapse risk –risk of increase in lapse rates

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the risk of an increase in lapse rates, after the shock (i.e. permanent increase in the lapse rates).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Lapse risk — risk of increase in lapse rates

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to the risk of an increase in lapse rates, after the shock (i.e. permanent increase in the lapse rates).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Lapse risk — risk of increase in lapse rates

This is the net capital charge for the risk of a permanent increase in lapse rates, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0040/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for a permanent increase in lapse rates, calculated using simplified calculation for lapse rate.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions — Lapse risk — risk of increase in lapse rates)

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to the risk of a permanent increase in lapse rates, after the shock (permanent increase in lapse rates).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Lapse risk — risk of increase lapse rates

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for the risk of a permanent increase in lapse rates.

If R0040/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for a permanent increase in lapse rates, calculated using simplified calculation for lapse rate.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Lapse risk — risk of decrease in lapse rates

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Lapse risk — risk of decrease in lapse rates

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Lapse risk — risk of decrease in lapse rates

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, after the shock (i.e. permanent decrease in the rates of lapse rates).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Lapse risk — risk of decrease in lapse rates

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, after the shock (i.e. permanent decrease of the rates of lapse rates).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Lapse risk — risk of decrease in lapse rates

This is the net capital charge for the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0040/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for a permanent decrease in lapse rates, calculated using simplified calculation for lapse rate.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– Lapse risk — risk of decrease in lapse rates

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, after the shock (permanent decrease in lapse rates).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Lapse risk — risk of decrease in lapse rates

This is the gross capital charge for the risk of a decrease in lapse rates as used to compute the risk (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions).

If R0040/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for a permanent decrease in lapse rates, calculated using simplified calculation for lapse rate


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Lapse risk– mass lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to mass lapse risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Lapse risk –mass lapse risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to mass lapse risk, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Lapse risk — mass lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to mass lapse risk charge, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Lapse risk — mass lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to mass lapse risk charge, after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Lapse risk — mass lapse risk

This is the net capital charge for mass lapse risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions)– Lapse risk — mass lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to mass lapse risk charge, after the shock (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Lapse risk — mass lapse risk

This is the gross capital charge for mass lapse risk, after the shock (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions).


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Life — expense risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to life — expense risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Life — expense risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to life –expense risk, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Life — expense risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to life expense risk, after the shock (i.e. shock as prescribed by standard formula: a 10 % increase the amount of expenses taken into account in the calculation of technical provisions and increase in 1 percentage point to the expense inflation rate (expressed as a percentage) used for the calculation of technical provision).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Life — expense risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to expense risk, after the shock (i.e. a shock. as prescribed by standard formula, refer to description provided within definition to cell R0500/C0040).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Life expense risk

This is the net capital charge for expense risk, including adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0050=1, this cell represents net capital charge for life expense risk calculated using simplified calculation.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Life — expense risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to expense risk, after the shock (i.e. shock as prescribed by standard formula, refer to description provided within definition to cell R0500/C0040).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Life –expense risk

This is the gross capital charge for expense risk (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions).

If R0050/C0010=1, this cell represents gross capital charge for life expense risk calculated using simplified calculations.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Revision risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to revision risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Revision risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to revision risk, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Revision risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to revision risk, after the shock (i.e. shock as prescribed by standard formula: a % increase in the amount of annuity benefits taken into account in the calculation of technical provisions.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Revision risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to revision risk charge, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula, refer to a definition in item R0600/C0040).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Revision risk

This is the net capital charge for revision risk after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Revision risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (excluding the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) underlying revision risk charge, after the shock ((i.e. shock as prescribed by standard formula, refer to a definition provided in item R0600/C0040), as used to compute the risk.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Revision risk

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for revision risk.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Life Catastrophe risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to life catastrophe risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Life Catastrophe risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to life catastrophe risk, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Life Catastrophe risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to life catastrophe risk, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Life catastrophe risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to life catastrophe risk charge, after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — life catastrophe risk

This is the net capital charge for life catastrophe risk after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0060/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for life catastrophe risk calculated using simplified calculations.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (before the loss–absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — life catastrophe risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to life catastrophe risk, after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — life catastrophe risk

This is the gross capital charge for life catastrophe risk (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions).

If R0060/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for life catastrophe risk calculated using simplified calculations.


Diversification within life underwriting risk module — Net

This is the diversification effect within the life underwriting risk module as a result of the aggregation of the net capital requirements (after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) of the single risk sub–modules.

Diversification shall be reported as a negative value if they reduce the capital requirement.


Diversification within life underwriting risk module — Gross

This is the diversification effect within the life underwriting risk module as a result of the aggregation of the gross capital requirements (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) of the single risk sub–modules.

Diversification shall be reported as a negative value if they reduce the capital requirement.


Total net solvency capital requirement for life underwriting risk

This is the total net capital charge for life underwriting risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Total gross solvency capital requirement for life underwriting risk

This is the total gross capital charge for life underwriting risk, before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

Further details on revision risk


USP — Factors applied for the revision risk shock

Revision shock — undertaking specific parameter (‘USP’) as calculated by the undertaking and approved by the supervisory authority.

This item is not reported where no undertaking specific parameter is used.

S.26.04 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Health underwriting risk

General Comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

Template SR.26.04.01 has to be filled in for each ring–fenced fund (RFF), each matching adjustment portfolio (MAP) and for the remaining part. However, where a RFF/MAP includes a MAP/RFF embedded, the fund should be treated as different funds. This template shall be reported for all sub–funds of a material RFF/MAP as identified in the second table of S.01.03.

All values shall be reported net of reinsurance and other risk mitigating techniques.

Amounts before and after shock shall be filled in with the amount of assets and liabilities sensitive to that shock. For the liabilities the assessment shall be done at the most granular level available between contract and homogeneous risk group. This means that if a contract/HRG is sensitive to a shock the amount of liabilities associated to that contract/HRG shall be reported as amount sensitive to that shock.





Article 112

Identifies whether the reported figures have been requested under Article 112(7), to provide an estimate of the SCR using standard formula. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Article 112(7) reporting

2 — Regular reporting


Ring–fenced fund, matching adjustment portfolio or remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0020 = 1, identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.



Simplifications used — health mortality risk

Identify whether an undertakings used simplifications for the calculation of health mortality risk. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0010/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0100.


Simplifications used — health longevity risk

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of health longevity risk. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0020/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0200.


Simplifications used: health disability– morbidity risk — Medical expense

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of health disability morbidity risk — Medical expense. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0030/C0010 = 1, only C0060/R0310 and C0080/R0310 shall be filled in. R0320 and R0330 shall not be filled in.


Simplifications used: health disability– morbidity risk — Income protection

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of health disability morbidity risk — Income protection. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0040/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0340.


Simplifications used: SLT lapse risk

 Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of lapse risk. The following options shall be used:

1 –  Simplification for the purposes of Article 102

2 –  Simplification for the purposes of Article 102a

9 –  Simplifications not used

Options 1 and 2 may be used simultaneously.

If R0050/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0400 to R0420.


Simplifications – NSLT lapse risk

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of lapse risk. The following options shall be used:

1 –  Simplification for the purposes of Article 96a

9 –  Simplifications not used


Simplifications used: health expense risk

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of health expense risk. The following options shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0060/C0010 = 1, only C0060 and C0080 shall be filled in for R0500.

SLT health underwriting risk


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Health mortality risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health mortality risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Health mortality risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to health mortality risk, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Health mortality risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health mortality risk charge, after the shock (i.e. permanent increase in mortality rates).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health mortality risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to health mortality risk charge, after the shock (i.e. permanent increase in mortality rates).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Health mortality risk

This is the net capital charge for health mortality risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0010/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for health mortality risk calculated using simplifications.


Absolute value after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health mortality risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to health mortality risk charge, after the shock (permanent increase in mortality rates).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Health mortality risk

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for health mortality risk.

If R0010/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for health mortality risk calculated using simplifications.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Health longevity risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health longevity risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Health longevity risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to health longevity risk, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Health longevity risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health longevity risk after the shock (i.e. permanent decrease in mortality rates).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health longevity risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to health longevity risk, after the shock (i.e. permanent decrease in mortality rates.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Health longevity risk

This is the net capital charge for health longevity risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0020/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for health longevity risk calculated using simplifications.


Absolute value after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health longevity risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to health longevity risk, after the shock (permanent decrease in mortality rates).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Health longevity risk

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for health longevity risk.

If R0020/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for health longevity risk calculated using simplifications.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement –Health disability — morbidity risk

This is the net capital charge for health disability — morbidity risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Health disability — morbidity risk

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for health disability — morbidity risk.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement –Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense

This is the net capital charge for health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0030/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense calculated using simplifications.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense.

If R0030/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense calculated using simplifications.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — increase of medical payments

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense charge due to an increase of medical payments, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — increase of medical payments

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense charge due to an increase of medical payments, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — increase of medical payments

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense charge due to an increase of medical payments, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — increase of medical payments

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense charge due to an increase of medical payments, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement –Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — increase of medical payments

This is the net capital charge for health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — increase of medical payments, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Absolute value after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — increase of medical payments

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) underlying health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense charge expenses — increase of medical payments, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula) as used to compute the risk.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — increase of medical payments

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — increase of medical payments.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — decrease of medical payments

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense charge due to an decrease of medical payments, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — decrease of medical payments

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense charge due to an decrease of medical payments, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — decrease of medical payments

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense charge due to an decrease of medical payments, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — decrease of medical payments

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense charge due to an decrease of medical payments, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement –Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — decrease of medical payments

This is the net capital charge for health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — decrease of medical payments, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Absolute value after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — decrease of medical payments

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) underlying health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense charge — decrease of medical payments, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula) as used to compute the risk.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — increase of medical payments

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for health disability — morbidity risk — Medical expense — decrease of medical payments.

If R0030/C0010=1, this row shall not be filled in.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection charge, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection charge, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement –Health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection

This is the net capital charge for health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0040/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection calculated using simplifications.


Absolute value after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) underlying health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection charge, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula) as used to compute the risk.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection.

If R0040/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for health disability — morbidity risk — Income protection calculated using simplifications.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — SLT Health lapse risk

This is the overall net capital charge for SLT health lapse risk referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — SLT Health lapse risk

This is the overall gross capital charge (before the loss absorbing capacity for technical provisions) for SLT health lapse risk referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — SLT health lapse risk– risk of increase in lapse

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the risk of an increase in lapse rates, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — SLT health lapse risk — risk of increase in lapse

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to the risk of an increase in lapse rates, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — SLT health lapse risk –risk of increase in lapse

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the risk of an increase in lapse rates after the shock (i.e. permanent increase in the rates of lapse).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — SLT health lapse risk –risk of increase in lapse

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to the risk of an increase in lapse rates, after the shock (i.e. permanent increase of the rates of lapse).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — SLT health lapse risk –risk of increase in lapse

This is the net capital charge for the risk of a permanent increase in lapse rates, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0050/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for a permanent increase in SLT health lapse rates referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, calculated using simplified calculation for SLT health lapse rate


Absolute value after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — SLT health lapse risk — risk of increase in lapse

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) underlying the risk of a permanent increase in lapse rates, after the shock (permanent increase in lapse rates) as used to compute the risk.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — SLT health lapse risk –risk of increase in lapse

This is the gross capital charge (excluding the loss absorbing capacity for technical provisions) for the risk of a permanent increase in lapse rates.

If R0050/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for a permanent increase in lapse rates, calculated using simplified calculation for SLT health lapse rate referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — SLT health lapse risk– risk of decrease in lapse

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — SLT health lapse risk — risk of decrease in lapse

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — SLT health lapse risk –risk of decrease in lapse

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, after the shock (i.e. permanent decrease in the rates of lapse).

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — SLT health lapse risk –risk of decrease in lapse

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, after the shock (i.e. permanent decrease of the rates of lapse).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement– SLT health lapse risk –risk of decrease in lapse

This is the net capital charge for the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0050/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for a permanent decrease in SLT health rates referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, calculated using simplified calculation for SLT health lapse rate


Absolute value after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — SLT health lapse risk –risk of decrease in lapse

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates, after the shock (permanent decrease in lapse rates).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — SLT health lapse risk — risk of decrease in lapse

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss absorbing capacity for technical provisions) for the risk of a permanent decrease in lapse rates

If R0050/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for a permanent decrease in SLT health rates referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, calculated using simplified calculation for SLT health lapse rate.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — SLT health lapse risk– mass lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to mass lapse risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — SLT health lapse risk –mass lapse risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to mass lapse risk, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — SLT health lapse risk — mass lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to mass lapse risk, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — SLT health lapse risk — mass lapse risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to mass lapse risk, after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — SLT health lapse risk — mass lapse risk

This is the net capital charge for SLT health lapse risk — mass lapse risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute value after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health lapse risk — mass lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to mass lapse risk, after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — SLT health lapse risk — mass lapse risk

This is the gross capital charge (excluding the loss absorbing capacity for technical provisions) for SLT health lapse risk — mass lapse risk referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Health expense risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to expense risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Health expense risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to expense risk, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Health expense risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health expense risk, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health expense risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to health expense risk, after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Health expense risk

This is the net capital charge for health expense risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

If R0060/C0010=1, this item represents net capital charge for health expense risk calculated using simplified calculations.


Absolute value after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health expense risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to expense risk charge, after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Health expense risk

This is the gross capital charge (excluding the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for health expense risk.

If R0060/C0010=1, this item represents gross capital charge for health expense risk calculated using simplified calculations.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Health revision risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health revision risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities –Health revision risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to health revision risk charge, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Health revision risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to health revision risk, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health revision risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities (after the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to health revision risk, after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Net solvency capital requirement — Health revision risk

This is the net capital charge for health revision risk, after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Absolute value after shock — Liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) — Health revision risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) sensitive to health revision risk charge, after the shock (i.e. as prescribed by standard formula, a % increase in the annual amount payable for annuities exposed to revision risk).

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock — Gross solvency capital requirement — Health revision risk

This is the gross capital charge (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for health revision risk.


Diversification within SLT health underwriting risk module — Net

This is the diversification effect within the SLT health underwriting risk module referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, as a result of the aggregation of the net capital requirements (after adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) of the single risk sub–modules.

Diversification shall be reported as a negative value if they reduce the capital requirement.


Diversification within SLT health underwriting risk module — Gross

This is the diversification effect within the SLT health underwriting risk module referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, as a result of the aggregation of the gross capital requirements (before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) of the single risk sub–modules.

Diversification shall be reported as a negative value if they reduce the capital requirement.


Net solvency capital requirement — SLT health underwriting risk

This is the total net capital charge for SLT health underwriting risk referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, after adjustment of the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Gross solvency capital — SLT health underwriting risk

This is the total gross capital charge for SLT health underwriting risk referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, before adjustment of the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.

Further details on revision risk


Revision shock USP

Revision shock — undertaking specific parameter as calculated by the undertaking and approved by the supervisory authority.

This item is not reported where no undertaking specific parameter is used.

NSLT Health premium and reserve risk


Standard deviation for premium risk — USP

This is the undertaking specific standard deviation for premium risk for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, and its proportional reinsurance as calculated by the undertaking and approved or prescribed by the supervisory authority.

This item is not reported where no undertaking specific parameter is used.


USP Standard Deviation gross/net

Identify if the USP standard Deviation was applied gross or net. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — USP gross

2 — USP net


Standard deviation for premium risk — USP — Adjustment factor for non — proportional reinsurance

This is the undertaking specific adjustment factor for non–proportional reinsurance of each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, which allows undertakings to take into account the risk–mitigating effect of particular per risk excess of loss (‘XL’) reinsurance — as calculated by the undertaking and approved or prescribed by the supervisory authority

Where no undertaking specific parameter is used, this cell shall be left blank.


Standard deviation for reserve risk — USP

This is the undertaking specific standard deviation for reserve risk for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, and its proportional reinsurance as calculated by the undertaking and approved or prescribed by the supervisory authority.

This item is not reported where no undertaking specific parameter is used.


Volume measure for premium and reserve risk — volume measure for premium risk: Vprem

The volume measure for premium risk for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, and its proportional reinsurance


Volume measure for premium and reserve risk –Volume measure reserve risk: Vres

The volume measure for reserve risk for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, and its proportional reinsurance


Volume measure for premium and reserve risk — Geographical Diversification

This represents the geographical diversification to be used for the volume measure for premium and reserve risk for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, and its proportional reinsurance.

If the factor for geographical diversification is not calculated, then this item is set to the default value of 1.


Volume measure for premium and reserve risk — V

The volume measure for NSLT health premium and reserve risk referred to in Title I Chapter V Sections 4 and 12 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, and its proportional reinsurance


Total Volume measure for premium and reserve risk

The total volume measure for premium and reserve risk, equal to the sum of the volume measures for premium and reserve risk for all lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Combined standard deviation

This is the combined standard deviation for premium and reserve risk for all segments.


Solvency capital requirement — NSLT health premium and reserve risk

This is the total capital charge for the NSLT health premium and reserve risk sub module referred to in Title I Chapter V Sections 4 and 12 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the NSLT health lapse risk referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Lapse risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to the NSLT health lapse risk referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the NSLT health lapse risk referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock Liabilities — Lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to lapse risk, after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute value after shock– Solvency capital requirement — Lapse risk

This is the capital charge for NSLT health lapse risk referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Diversification within NSLT health underwriting risk — gross

This is the diversification effect within the NSLT health underwriting risk sub–module referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, as a result of the aggregation of the capital requirements for NSLT health premium and reserve risk and NSLT health lapse risk.

Diversification shall be reported as a negative value if they reduce the capital requirement.


Total solvency capital requirement for NSLT health underwriting

This is the total capital charge for the NSLT health underwriting risk sub module referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

Health catastrophe risk


Net solvency capital requirement for health catastrophe risks — Mass accident risk sub module

The net solvency capital requirement for the mass risk sub–module calculated after loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions


Gross solvency capital requirement for health catastrophe risks — Mass accident risk sub module

The gross solvency capital requirement for the mass risk sub–module, calculated before loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Net solvency capital requirement for health catastrophe risks — Accident concentration risk

The net solvency capital requirement for the accident concentration risk sub–module, calculated after loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions


Gross solvency capital requirement for health catastrophe risks– Accident concentration risk

The gross solvency capital requirement for the accident concentration risk sub–module calculated before loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Net solvency capital requirement for health catastrophe risks — Pandemic risk

The net solvency capital requirement for the pandemic risk sub–module, calculated after loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Gross solvency capital requirement for health catastrophe risks — Pandemic risk

The gross solvency capital requirement for the pandemic risk sub–module is calculated before loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Diversification within health catastrophe risk — Net

This is the diversification effect within the health catastrophe risk sub–module as a result of the aggregation of the capital requirements for the risks of a mass accident, accident concentration and pandemic risk, calculated after loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions


Diversification within health catastrophe risk — Gross

This is the diversification effect within the health catastrophe risk sub–module as a result of the aggregation of the capital requirements for the risks of a mass accident, accident concentration and pandemic risk, calculated after loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Total net solvency capital requirement for health catastrophe risk

This is the total net capital charge (after loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions) for the health catastrophe risk sub–module


Total gross solvency capital requirement for health catastrophe risk

This is the total gross capital charge for the health catastrophe risk sub — module (before loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions)

Total health underwriting risk


Diversification within health underwriting risk module — Net

This is the diversification effect within the health underwriting risk sub–module as a result of the aggregation of the capital requirements SLT health underwriting risk sub–module, NSLT health underwriting risk sub–module and health catastrophe risk sub–module, referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, calculated after loss absorbing capacity of technical provision.


Diversification within health underwriting risk module — Gross

This is the diversification effect within the health underwriting risk sub–module as a result of the aggregation of the capital requirements SLT health underwriting risk sub–module, NSLT health underwriting risk sub–module and health catastrophe risk sub–module, referred to in Title I Chapter V Section 4 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, calculated before loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions.


Total net solvency capital requirement for health underwriting risk

This is the total net solvency capital requirement for the health underwriting risk module.


Total gross solvency capital requirement for health underwriting risk

This is the total gross solvency capital requirement for the health underwriting risk module.

S.26.05 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Non–Life underwriting risk

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

Template SR.26.05.01 has to be filled in for each ring–fenced fund (RFF), each matching adjustment portfolio (MAP) and for the remaining part. However, where a RFF/MAP includes a MAP/RFF embedded, the fund should be treated as different funds. This template shall be reported for all sub–funds of a material RFF/MAP as identified in the second table of S.01.03.

All values shall be reported net of reinsurance and other risk mitigating techniques.

Amounts before and after shock shall be filled in with the amount of assets and liabilities sensitive to that shock. For the liabilities the assessment shall be done at the most granular level available between contract and homogeneous risk group. This means that if a contract/HRG is sensitive to a shock the amount of liabilities associated to that contract/HRG shall be reported as amount sensitive to that shock.





Article 112

Identifies whether the reported figures have been requested under Article 112(7), to provide an estimate of the SCR using standard formula. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Article 112(7) reporting

2 — Regular reporting


Ring–fenced fund, matching adjustment portfolio or remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0020 = 1, identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.



Captives simplifications — non life premium and reserve risk

Identify whether a captive undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of non–life premium and reserve risk. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Simplifications used

2 — Simplifications not used

If R0010/C0010 = 1, only C0060, C0070 and C0090 shall be filled in for R0100 — R0230.


Simplifications used – non-life lapse risk

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of non-life underwriting risk. The following options shall be used:

1 –  Simplification for the purposes of Article 90a

9 –  Simplification not used

Non–life premium and Reserve Risk


Standard deviation for premium risk — USP Standard Deviation

This is the undertaking specific standard deviation for premium risk for each segment as calculated by the undertaking and approved or prescribed by the supervisory authority.

This item is not reported where no undertaking specific parameter is used.


USP Standard Deviation gross/net

Identify if the USP standard Deviation was applied gross or net. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — USP gross

2 — USP net


Standard deviation for premium risk — USP — Adjustment factor for non — proportional reinsurance

This is the undertaking specific adjustment factor for non — proportional reinsurance of each segment allows undertakings to take into account the risk — mitigating effect of particular per risk excess of loss reinsurance — as calculated by the undertaking and approved or prescribed by the supervisory authority.

This item is not reported where no undertaking specific parameter is used.


Standard deviation for reserve risk — USP

This is the undertaking specific standard deviation for reserve risk each segment as calculated by the undertaking and approved or prescribed by the supervisory authority.

This item is not reported where no undertaking specific parameter is used.


Volume measure for premium and reserve risk — volume measure for premium risk: Vprem

The volume measure for premium risk for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Volume measure for premium and reserve risk –Volume measure reserve risk: Vres

The volume measure for reserve risk for each segment, equal to the best estimate for the provisions for claims outstanding for the segment, after deduction of the amount recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles.


Volume measure for premium and reserve risk — Geographical Diversification —

Geographical diversification used for the volume measure for each segment

If the factor for geographical diversification is not calculated, then this item is set to the default value of 1.


Volume measure for premium and reserve risk — V

The volume measure for non — life premium and reserve risk for each segment

If R0010/C0010 = 1, this item shall represent the capital requirement for non — life premium and reserve risk of particular segment calculated using simplifications


Total Volume measure for premium and reserve risk

The total volume measure for premium and reserve risk, equal to the sum of the volume measures for premium and reserve risk for all segments:


Combined standard deviation

This is the combined standard deviation for premium and reserve risk for all segments.  


Total capital requirement for non — life premium and reserve risk

This is the total capital charge for the non–life premium and reserve risk sub module.

Non–life lapse risk


Initial absolute values before shock — Assets — Non–life underwriting risk — Lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to the non–life lapse risk, before the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Initial absolute values before shock — Liabilities — Non–life underwriting risk — Lapse risk

This is the absolute value of liabilities sensitive to the non–life lapse risk, before the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Absolute values after shock — Assets — Non–life underwriting risk — Lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the assets sensitive to non–life lapse risk, after the shock.

Recoverables from reinsurance and SPVs shall not be included in this cell.


Absolute values after shock — Liabilities — Non–life underwriting risk — Lapse risk

This is the absolute value of the liabilities sensitive to non–life lapse risk, after the shock.

The amount of TP shall be net of reinsurance and SPV recoverables.


Solvency capital requirement — Non–life underwriting risk — Lapse risk

This is the capital charge for non–life underwriting lapse risk.

Non–life catastrophe risk


Capital requirement for non–life catastrophe risk

This is the total non–life catastrophe risk capital requirement.

Total non–life underwriting risk


Diversification within non–life underwriting risk module

This is the diversification effect within the non–life underwriting risk sub–module as a result of the aggregation of the capital requirements premium and reserve risk, catastrophe risk and lapse risk.

Diversification shall be reported as a negative value if they reduce the capital requirement.


Total capital requirement for non–life underwriting risk

This is the solvency capital requirement for non–life underwriting risk sub module.

S.26.06 — Solvency Capital Requirements — Operational risk

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

Template SR.26.06.01 has to be filled in for each ring–fenced fund (RFF), each matching adjustment portfolio (MAP) and for the remaining part. However, where a RFF/MAP includes a MAP/RFF embedded, the fund should be treated as different funds. This template shall be reported for all sub–funds of a material RFF/MAP as identified in the second table of S.01.03.





Article 112

Identifies whether the reported figures have been requested under Article 112(7), to provide an estimate of the SCR using standard formula. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Article 112(7) reporting

2 — Regular reporting


Ring–fenced fund, matching adjustment portfolio or remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0020 = 1, identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.



Life gross technical provisions (excluding risk margin)

This is technical provisions for life insurance obligations  , excluding unit-linked. For these purposes, technical provisions shall not include the risk margin, and shall be without deduction of recoverables from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles.


Life gross technical provisions unit–linked (excluding risk margin)

This is technical provisions for life insurance obligations where the investment risk is borne by the policyholders. For these purposes, technical provisions shall not include the risk margin, and shall be without deduction of recoverables from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles.


Non–life gross technical provisions (excluding risk margin)

This is technical provisions for non–life insurance obligations. For these purposes, technical provisions shall not include the risk margin, and shall be without deduction of recoverables from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles.


Capital requirement for operational risk based on technical provisions

This is the capital requirement for operational risk based on technical provisions


Earned life gross premiums (previous 12 months)

Premium earned during the previous 12 months for life insurance obligations,  excluding unit-linked without deducting premium ceded to reinsurance


Earned life gross premiums unit–linked (previous 12 months)

Premium earned during the previous 12 months for life insurance obligations where the investment risk is borne by the policyholders without deducting premium ceded to reinsurance


Earned non–life gross premiums (previous 12 months)

Premium earned during the previous 12 months for non–life insurance obligations, without deducting premiums ceded to reinsurance


Earned life gross premiums (12 months prior to the previous 12 months)

Premium earned during the 12 months prior to the previous 12 months for life insurance obligations,  excluding unit-linked without deducting premium ceded to reinsurance


Earned life gross premiums unit–linked (12 months prior to the previous 12 months)

Premium earned during the 12 months prior to the previous 12 months for life insurance obligations where the investment risk is borne by the policy holders without deducting premium ceded to reinsurance.


Earned non–life gross premiums (12 months prior to the previous 12 months)

Premium earned during the 12 months prior to the previous 12 months for non–life insurance obligations, without deducting premiums ceded to reinsurance


Capital requirement for operational risk based on earned premiums

This is the capital requirement for operational risks based on earned premiums.


Capital requirement for operational risk before capping

This is the capital requirement for operational risk before capping adjustment


Cap based on Basic Solvency Capital Requirement

This is the result of the cap percentage applied to the Basic SCR.


Capital requirement for operational risk after capping

This is the capital requirement for operational risk after capping adjustment.


Expenses incurred in respect of unit linked business (previous 12 months)

This is the amount of expenses incurred in the previous 12 months in respect of life insurance where the investment risk is borne by the policyholders.


Total capital requirement for operational risk

This is the capital charge for operational risk.

S.26.07 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Simplifications

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

Template SR.26.07.01 has to be filled in for each ring–fenced fund (RFF), each matching adjustment portfolio (MAP) and for the remaining part. However, where a RFF/MAP includes a MAP/RFF embedded, the fund should be treated as different funds. This template shall be reported for all sub–funds of a material RFF/MAP as identified in the second table of S.01.03.





Article 112

Identifies whether the reported figures have been requested under Article 112(7), to provide an estimate of the SCR using standard formula. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Article 112(7) reporting

2 — Regular reporting


Ring–fenced fund, matching adjustment portfolio or remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0020 = 1, identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.



Currency for interest rate risk (captives)

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of issue. Each currency shall be reported in a different line

Market risk (including captives)

R0010/C0010 –C0070

Spread risk (bonds and loans) — Market value — by credit quality step

Market value of the assets subject to a capital requirement for spread risk on bonds and loans for each credit quality step where a credit assessment by a nominated ECAI is available


Spread risk (bonds and loans) — Market value — No rating available

Market value of the assets subject to a capital requirement for spread risk on bonds and loans where no credit assessment by a nominated ECAI is available

R0020/C0010 –C0070

Spread risk (bonds and loans) — Modified duration — by credit quality step

Modified duration in years of the assets subject to a capital requirement for spread risk on bonds and loans for each credit quality step where a credit assessment by a nominated ECAI is available


Spread risk (bonds and loans) — Modified duration — No rating available

Modified duration in years of the assets subject to a capital requirement for spread risk on bonds and loans where no credit assessment by a nominated ECAI is available


Spread risk (bonds and loans) — Increase in unit–linked and index–linked technical provisions

Increase in the technical provisions less risk margin for policies where the policyholders bear the investment risk with embedded options and guarantees that would result from an instantaneous decrease in the value of the assets subject to the capital requirement for spread risk on bonds according to the simplified calculation

Interest rate risk (captives)


Interest rate risk (captives) — Capital requirement — Interest rate up — by currency

Capital requirement for the risk of an increase in the term structure of interest rates according to the captive simplified calculation for each currency reported.


Interest rate risk (Captives) — Capital requirement — Interest rate down — by currency

Capital requirement for the risk of a decrease in the term structure of interest rates according to the captive simplified calculation for each currency reported.

Life underwriting risk


Mortality risk — Capital at risk

Sum of positive capitals at risk as defined in Article 91 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 for all obligations subject to mortality risk


Mortality risk — Average rate t+1

Average mortality rate during the following 12 (t + 1) months weighted by sum insured for policies with a positive capital at risk


Mortality risk — Modified duration

Modified duration in years of all payments payable on death included in the best estimate for policies with a positive capital at risk


Longevity risk — Best estimate

Best estimate of obligations subject to longevity risk.


Longevity risk — Average rate t+1

Average mortality rate during the following 12 (t + 1) months weighted by sum insured for policies where a decrease in the mortality rate leads to an increase in technical provisions


Longevity risk — Modified duration

Modified duration in years of all payments to beneficiaries included in the best estimate for policies where a decrease in the mortality rate leads to an increase in technical provisions


Disability–morbidity risk — Capital at risk

Sum of positive capitals at risk as defined in Article 93 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 for all obligations subject to disability–morbidity risk


Disability–morbidity risk — Capital at risk t+1

Capital at risk as defined in R0120/C0120 after 12 (t + 1) months


Disability–morbidity risk — Best estimate

Best estimate of obligations subject to disability–morbidity risk.


Disability–morbidity risk — Average rate t+1

Average disability–morbidity rate during the following 12 months (t + 1) weighted by sum insured for policies with a positive capital at risk


Disability–morbidity risk — Average rate t+2

Average disability–morbidity rate during the 12 months after the following 12 months (t+2) weighted by sum insured for policies with a positive capital at risk


Disability–morbidity risk — Modified duration

Modified duration in years of all payments on disability–morbidity included in the best estimate for policies with a positive capital at risk


Disability–morbidity risk — Termination rates

Expected termination rates during the following 12 months for policies with a positive capital at risk


Lapse risk (up) — Surrender strain

Sum of all positive surrender strains as defined in Article 95 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Lapse risk (up) — Average rate (t+1)

Average lapse rate for policies with positive surrender strains


Lapse risk (up) — Average run off period

Average period in years over which the policies with a positive surrender strain run off


Lapse risk (down) — Surrender strain

Sum of all negative surrender strains as defined in Article 95 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Lapse risk (down) — Average rate (t+1)

Average lapse rate for policies with negative surrender strains


Lapse risk (down) — Average run off period

Average period in years over which the policies with a negative surrender strain run off


Life expense risk — Modified duration

Modified duration in years of the cash flows included in the best estimate of life insurance and reinsurance obligations


Life expense risk — Payments

Expenses paid related to life insurance and reinsurance during the last 12 months


Life expense risk — Average inflation rate

Weighted average inflation rate included in the calculation of the best estimate of those obligations, where the weights are based on the present value of expenses included in the calculation of the best estimate for servicing existing life obligations.


Life catastrophe risk — Capital at risk

Sum of positive capitals at risk as defined in Article 96 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

Health underwriting risk


Health mortality risk — Capital at risk

Sum of positive capitals at risk as defined in Article 97 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 for all obligations subject to health mortality risk


Health mortality risk — Average rate t+1

Average mortality rate during the following 12 months (t + 1) weighted by sum insured for policies with a positive capital at risk


Health mortality risk — Modified duration

Modified duration in years of all payments payable on death included in the best estimate for policies with a positive capital at risk


Health longevity risk — Best estimate

Best estimate of obligations subject to health longevity risk.


Health longevity risk — Average rate t+1

Average mortality rate during the following 12 months (t + 1) weighted by sum insured for policies where a decrease in the mortality rate leads to an increase in technical provisions


Health longevity risk — Modified duration

Modified duration in years of all payments to beneficiaries included in the best estimate for policies where a decrease in the mortality rate leads to an increase in technical provisions


Health disability–morbidity risk (medical expense) — Modified duration

Modified duration in years of the cash flows included in the best estimate of medical expense insurance and reinsurance obligations


Health disability–morbidity risk (medical expense) — Payments

Expenses paid related to medical expense insurance and reinsurance during the last 12 months


Health disability–morbidity risk (medical expense) — Average inflation rate

Weighted average rate of inflation on medical payments included in the calculation of the best estimate of those obligations, where the weights are based on the present value of medical payments included in the calculation of the best estimate of those obligations.


Health disability–morbidity risk (income protection) — Capital at risk

Sum of positive capitals at risk as defined in Article 100 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 for all obligations subject to disability–morbidity risk (income protection)


Health disability–morbidity risk (income protection) — Capital at risk t+1

Capital at risk as defined in R0230/C0120 after 12 months


Health disability–morbidity risk (income protection) — Best estimate

Best estimate of obligations subject to disability–morbidity risk.


Health disability–morbidity risk (income protection) — Average rate t+1

Average disability–morbidity rate during the following 12 (t + 1) months weighted by sum insured for policies with a positive capital at risk


Health disability–morbidity risk (income protection) — Average rate t+2

Average disability–morbidity rate during the 12 months after the following 12 months (t + 2) weighted by sum insured for policies with a positive capital at risk


Health disability–morbidity risk (income protection) — Modified duration

Modified duration in years of all payments on disability–morbidity included in the best estimate for policies with a positive capital at risk


Health disability–morbidity risk (income protection) — Termination rates

Expected termination rates during the following 12 months for policies with a positive capital at risk


Health SLT lapse risk (up) — Surrender strain

Sum of all positive surrender strains as defined in Article 102 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Health SLT lapse risk (up) — Average rate t+1

Average lapse rate for policies with positive surrender strains


Health SLT lapse risk (up) — Average run off period

Average period in years over which the policies with a positive surrender strain run off


Health SLT lapse risk (down) — Surrender strain

Sum of all negative surrender strains as defined in Article 102 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Health SLT lapse risk (down) — Average rate t+1

Average lapse rate for policies with negative surrender strains


Health SLT lapse risk (down) — Average run off period

Average period in years over which the policies with a negative surrender strain run off


Health expense risk — Modified duration

Modified duration in years of the cash flows included in the best estimate of health insurance and reinsurance obligations


Health expense risk — Payments

Expenses paid related to health insurance and reinsurance during the last 12 months


Health expense risk — Average inflation rate

Weighted average inflation rate included in the calculation of the best estimate of these obligations, weighted by the present value of expenses included in the calculation of the best estimate for servicing existing health obligations.

Market risk — Market risk concentrations


Debt portfolio share

The share of the debt portfolio for which a simplified SCR calculation was performed.

This item shall only be reported in case of the reporting exemption of S.06.02.

NAT CAT simplifications


Windstorm – risk weight chosen in the NAT CAT simplifications

Include risk weight used in windstorm simplifications


Windstorm – sum of exposures subject to the NAT CAT simplifications

Include sum of exposures subject to windstorm simplifications


Hail – risk weight chosen in the NAT CAT simplifications

Include risk weight chosen in hail simplifications


Hail – sum of exposures subject to the NAT CAT simplifications

Include sum of exposures subject to hail simplifications


Earthquake – risk weight chosen in the NAT CAT simplifications

Include risk weight chosen in earthquake simplifications


Earthquake – sum of exposures subject to the NAT CAT simplifications

Include sum of exposures subject to earthquake simplifications


Flood – risk weight chosen in the NAT CAT simplifications

Include risk weight chosen in flood simplifications


Flood – sum of exposures subject to the NAT CAT simplifications

Include sum of exposures subject to flood simplifications


Subsidence – risk weight chosen in the NAT CAT simplifications

Include risk weight chosen in subsidence simplifications


Subsidence – sum of exposures subject to the NAT CAT simplifications

Include sum of exposures subject to subsidence simplifications

S.27.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Non–life and health catastrophe risk

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities, ring fenced–funds, matching adjustment portfolios and remaining part.

Template SR.27.01 has to be filled in for each ring–fenced fund (RFF), each matching adjustment portfolio (MAP) and for the remaining part. However, where a RFF/MAP includes a MAP/RFF embedded, the fund should be treated as different funds. This template shall be reported for all sub–funds of a material RFF/MAP as identified in the second table of S.01.03.

This template is designed to allow an understanding of how the catastrophe risk module of the SCR has been calculated and what are the main drivers.

For every type of catastrophe risk the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles must be determined. This calculation is prospective and must be based on the reinsurance program of the next reporting year as described in the reinsurance templates for Facultative covers (S.30.01 and S.30.02) and Outgoing reinsurance program in the next reporting year (S.30.03 and S.30.04).

Undertakings need to estimate their recoveries from risk mitigation in line with the Directive 2009/138/EC, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 and any relevant technical standard. Undertakings shall complete the catastrophe reporting template only to the granularity required to perform this calculation.

Under the non–life and health underwriting risk modules, catastrophe risk is defined as the risk of loss, or of adverse change in the value of insurance liabilities, resulting from significant uncertainty of pricing and provisioning assumptions related to extreme or exceptional events as set out in Article 105(2)(b) and (4)(c) of the Directive 2009/138/EC.

The reported capital requirements reflects the capital requirements before and after risk mitigation which is the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. The reported capital requirement after risk mitigation is before the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions. The default value of the risk mitigation shall be reported as a positive value in order to be deducted.

In case the diversification effect reduces the capital requirement the default value of the diversification shall be reported as a negative value.





Ring–fenced fund, matching adjustment portfolio or remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a RFF, matching adjustment portfolio or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:


2 — Remaining part


Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0020 = 1, identification number for a ring fenced fund or matching adjustment portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.



Simplifications used – fire risk

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of fire risk. The following options shall be used:

1 –  Simplifications for the purposes of Article 90c

9 –  Simplifications not used

If R0001/C0001 = 1, only C0880 shall be filled in for R2600.


Simplifications used – natural catastrophe risk

Identify whether an undertaking used simplifications for the calculation of natural catastrophe risk. The following options shall be used:

1 –  Simplification for the purposes of Article 90b windstorm

2 –  Simplification for the purposes of Article 90b earthquake

3 –  Simplification for the purposes of Article 90b flood

4 –  Simplification for the purposes of Article 90b hail

5 –  Simplification for the purposes of Article 90b subsidence

9 –  Simplifications not used

Options 1 to 5 may be used simultaneously.

Non–life catastrophe risk — Summary


SCR before risk mitigation — Natural catastrophe risk

This is the total catastrophe risk before risk mitigation arising from all natural catastrophe perils and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the perils given in C0010/R0070.


SCR before risk mitigation — Natural catastrophe risk perils

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation per natural catastrophe peril, taking into consideration the diversification effect between zones and regions.

Per natural peril this amount is equal to the Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation.


SCR before risk mitigation — Diversification between perils

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges before risk mitigation relating to different natural catastrophe perils.


Total risk mitigation — Natural catastrophe risk

This is the total risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles arising from all natural catastrophe perils and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the perils given in C0020/R0070.


Total risk mitigation — Natural catastrophe risk perils

This is the total risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles per natural catastrophe peril.


Total risk mitigation — Diversification between perils

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to different natural catastrophe perils.


SCR after risk mitigation — Natural catastrophe risk

This is the total catastrophe risk after risk mitigation arising from all natural catastrophe perils and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the perils given in C0030/R0070.


SCR after risk mitigation — Natural catastrophe risk perils

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation per natural catastrophe peril, taking into consideration the diversification effect between zones and regions.

Per natural peril this amount is equal to the Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation.


SCR after risk mitigation — Diversification between perils

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges after risk mitigation relating to different natural catastrophe perils.


SCR before risk mitigation — Catastrophe risk non–proportional property reinsurance

This is the total catastrophe risk before risk mitigation arising from non–proportional property reinsurance.


Total risk mitigation — Catastrophe risk non–proportional property reinsurance

This is the total risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles for non–proportional property reinsurance.


SCR after risk mitigation — Catastrophe risk non–proportional property reinsurance

This is the total catastrophe risk after risk mitigation arising from non–proportional property reinsurance.


SCR before risk mitigation — Man–made catastrophe risk

This is the total catastrophe risk before risk mitigation arising from all man–made perils and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the perils given in C0010/R0160.


SCR before risk mitigation — Man–made catastrophe risk perils

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation per man–made peril, taking into consideration the diversification effect between sub–perils.

Per man–made peril this amount is equal to the Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation.


SCR before risk mitigation — Diversification between perils

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges before risk mitigation relating to different man–made perils.


Total risk mitigation — Man–made catastrophe risk

This is the total risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles arising from all man–made perils and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the perils given in C0020/R0160.


Total risk mitigation — Man–made catastrophe risk perils

This is the total risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles per man–made catastrophe peril.


Total risk mitigation — Diversification between perils

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to different man–made perils.


SCR after risk mitigation — Man–made catastrophe risk

This is the total catastrophe risk after risk mitigation arising from all man–made catastrophe perils and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the perils given in C0030/R0160.


SCR after risk mitigation — Man–made catastrophe risk perils

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation per man–made catastrophe peril, taking into consideration the diversification effect between sub–perils.

Per man–made peril this amount is equal to the Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation.


SCR after risk mitigation — Diversification between perils

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges after risk mitigation relating to different man–made catastrophe perils.


SCR before risk mitigation — Other non–life catastrophe risk

This is the total catastrophe risk before risk mitigation arising from all ‘other non–life’ perils and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the perils given in C0010/R0180.


SCR before risk mitigation — Diversification between perils

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges before risk mitigation relating to different ‘other non–life’ perils.


Total risk mitigation — Other non–life catastrophe risk

This is the total risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles arising from all ‘other non–life’ perils and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the perils given in C0020/R0180.


Total risk mitigation — Diversification between perils

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to different ‘other non–life’ perils.


SCR after risk mitigation — Other non–life catastrophe risk

This is the total catastrophe risk after risk mitigation arising from all ‘other non–life’ catastrophe perils and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the perils given in C0030/R0180.


SCR after risk mitigation — Diversification between perils

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges after risk mitigation relating to different ‘other non–life’ catastrophe perils.


SCR before risk mitigation — Total Non–life catastrophe risk before diversification

This is the total catastrophe risk before risk mitigation arising from all the sub–modules (Natural catastrophe, Non–proportional property reinsurance, Man–made and ‘Other non–life’ catastrophe risks) before the diversification effect between the sub–modules.


SCR before risk mitigation — Diversification between sub–modules

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges before risk mitigation relating to different sub–modules (Natural catastrophe, Non–proportional property reinsurance, Man–made and ‘Other non–life’ catastrophe risks).


SCR before risk mitigation — Total Non–life catastrophe risk after diversification

This is the total catastrophe risk before risk mitigation arising from all the sub–modules (Natural catastrophe, Non–proportional property reinsurance, Man–made and ‘Other non–life’ catastrophe risks), taking into consideration the diversification effect between the sub–modules given in C0010/R0200.


Total risk mitigation — Total Non–life catastrophe risk before diversification

This is the total risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles arising from all the sub–modules (Natural catastrophe, Non–proportional property reinsurance, Man–made and ‘Other non–life’ catastrophe risks), before the diversification effect between the sub–modules.


Total risk mitigation — Diversification between sub–modules

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to different sub–modules (Natural catastrophe, Non–proportional property reinsurance, Man–made and ‘Other non–life’ catastrophe risks).


Total risk mitigation — Total Non–life catastrophe risk after diversification

This is the total risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles arising from all the sub–modules (Natural catastrophe, Non–proportional property reinsurance, Man–made and ‘Other non–life’ catastrophe risks), taking into consideration the diversification effect between the sub–modules given in C0020/R0200.


SCR after risk mitigation — Total Non–life catastrophe risk before diversification

This is the total catastrophe risk after risk mitigation arising from all the sub–modules (Natural catastrophe, Non–proportional property reinsurance, Man–made and ‘Other non–life’ catastrophe risks), before the diversification effect between the sub–modules.


SCR after risk mitigation — Diversification between sub–modules

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges after risk mitigation relating to different sub–modules (Natural catastrophe, Non–proportional property reinsurance, Man–made and ‘Other non–life’ catastrophe risks).


SCR after risk mitigation — Total Non–life catastrophe risk after diversification

This is the total catastrophe risk after risk mitigation arising from all the sub–modules (Natural catastrophe, Non–proportional property reinsurance, Man–made and ‘Other non–life’ catastrophe risks), taking into consideration the diversification effect between the sub–modules given in item C0030/R0200.

Health catastrophe risk — Summary


SCR before risk mitigation — Health catastrophe risk

This is the total catastrophe risk before risk mitigation arising from all Health catastrophe risk sub–modules and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the sub–modules given in C0010/R0340.


SCR before risk mitigation — Health catastrophe risk sub–modules

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation per Health catastrophe risk sub–modules, taking into consideration the diversification effect between the countries.

Per Health catastrophe risk sub–module this amount is equal to the Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation.


SCR before risk mitigation — Diversification between sub–modules

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges before risk mitigation relating to different Health catastrophe risk sub–modules.


Total risk mitigation — Health catastrophe risk

This is the total risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles arising from all Health catastrophe risk sub–modules and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the sub–modules given in C0020/R0340.


Total risk mitigation — Health catastrophe risk sub–modules

This is the total risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles per Health catastrophe risk sub–module.


Total risk mitigation — Diversification between sub–modules

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to different Health catastrophe risk sub–modules.


SCR after risk mitigation — Health catastrophe risk

This is the total catastrophe risk after risk mitigation arising from all Health catastrophe risk sub–modules and taking into consideration the diversification effect between the sub–modules given in C0030/R0340.


SCR after risk mitigation — Health catastrophe risk sub–modules

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation per Health catastrophe risk sub–module, taking into consideration the diversification effect between countries.

Per Health catastrophe risk sub–module this amount is equal to the Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation.


SCR after risk mitigation — Diversification between sub–modules

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges after risk mitigation relating to different Health catastrophe risk sub–modules.

Non–life catastrophe risk

Natural catastrophe risk — Windstorm


Estimation of the gross premium to be earned — Other Regions

An estimate of the premiums to be earned by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following year in relation to the 14 regions other than the  specified regions (include regions as specified in Annex III, except the ones specified in Annex V or in Annex XIII of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35), for the contract in relation to the obligations of lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 Fire and other damage covering windstorm risk, including the proportional reinsurance obligations and marine, aviation and transport insurance covering onshore property damage by windstorm, including the proportional reinsurance obligations.

Premiums shall be gross, without deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts.


Estimation of the gross premium to be earned — Total Windstorm Other Regions before diversifications

Total of the estimate of the premiums to be earned by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking before diversification, during the following year for the other 14 regions other than the  specified regions.





Exposure —  specified Region

The sum of the total insured per each of the 20 specified regions for lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Fire and other damage, including the proportional reinsurance obligations, in relation to contracts that cover windstorm risk and where the risk is situated in this particular  specified region; and

— Marine, aviation and transport insurance, including the proportional reinsurance obligations, in relation to contracts that cover onshore property damage by Windstorm and where the risk is situated in this particular  specified region.


Exposure — Total Windstorm  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the exposure before diversification for the 20  specified regions.


Specified Gross Loss —  specified Region

Specified gross windstorm loss per each of the 20  specified regions, taking into consideration the effect of diversification effect between zones.


Specified Gross Loss — Total Windstorm  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the specified gross loss before diversification for the 20  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Factor before risk mitigation —  specified Region

The risk charge factor per each of the 20  specified regions for Windstorm, taking into consideration the effect of diversification efferct between zones.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Factor before risk mitigation — Total Windstorm  specified Regions before diversification

Ratio between total specified gross loss and total exposure.


Scenario A or B —  specified Region

The larger of the capital requirement for Windstorm risk for each of the 20  specified regions according to scenario A or scenario B.

When determining the largest amount of scenario A and B, the risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, shall be taken into account.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation —  specified Region

Capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Windstorm for each of the 20  specified Regions corresponding to the larger of scenario A or B.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Windstorm  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Windstorm for the 20  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Windstorm Other Regions before diversifications

The capital requirement before risk mitigation for Windstorm risk in regions other than the  specified Regions. It is the amount of the instantaneous loss, without deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and Special Purpose Vehicles.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Windstorm all Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Windstorm for all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Diversification effect between regions

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the Windstorm risks relating to the different regions (both  specified Regions and ‘other regions’)


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Windstorm after diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for Windstorm risk, taking into consideration the diversification effect reported in item C0090/R0810.


Estimated Risk Mitigation —  specified Region

Per each of the 20  specified Regions, the estimated risk mitigation effect, corresponding to the selected scenario, of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Windstorm  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated risk mitigation arising from Windstorm for the 20  specified regions.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Windstorm Other Regions before diversifications

For all the regions other the  specified Regions, the estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Windstorm all Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated risk mitigation arising from Windstorm for all regions.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums —  specified Region

For each of the 20  specified Regions, the estimated reinstatement premiums, corresponding to the selected scenario, as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Windstorm  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated reinstatement premiums for the 20  specified regions.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Windstorm Other Regions before diversifications

For all the regions other than the  specified Regions, the estimated reinstatement premiums, as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Windstorm all Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated reinstatement premiums for all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation —  specified Region

Capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, arising from Windstorms in each of the  specified regions, corresponding to the selected scenario.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Windstorm  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles for the 20  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Windstorm Other Regions before diversifications

Capital requirement after risk mitigation for Windstorm risk in regions other than the  specified Regions. It is the amount of the instantaneous loss, including the deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and Special Purpose Vehicles.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Windstorm all Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles for all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Diversification effect between regions

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the capital requirement after risk mitigations for Windstorm risks relating to the different regions (both  specified Regions and ‘other regions’).


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Windstorm after diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation for Windstorm risk, taking into consideration the diversification effect given in item C0120/R0810.

Natural catastrophe risk — Earthquake


Estimation of the gross premium to be earned — Other Regions

An estimate of the premiums to be earned by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following year in relation to each of the 14 regions other than the  specified Regions (include regions as specified in Annex III, except the ones specified in Annex V or in Annex XIII of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35), for the contract in relation to the obligations of lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Fire and other damage covering earthquake risk, including the proportional reinsurance obligations; and

— Marine, aviation and transport insurance covering onshore property damage by earthquake, including the proportional reinsurance obligations.

Premiums shall be gross, without deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts.


Estimation of the gross premium to be earned — Total Earthquake Other Regions before diversification

Total of the estimate of the premiums to be earned, by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following year for the other regions.


Exposure —  specified Region

The sum of the total insured per each of the 20  specified regions for the lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Fire and other damage, including the proportional reinsurance obligations, in relation to contracts that cover Earthquake risk and where the risk is situated in this particular  specified region; and

— For lines of business Marine, aviation and transport insurance, including the proportional reinsurance obligations, in relation to contracts that cover onshore property damage by Earthquake and where the risk is situated in this particular  specified region.


Exposure — Total Earthquake  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the exposure for the 20  specified regions.


Specified Gross Loss —  specified Region

Specified gross Earthquake loss for each of the 20  specified regions, taking into consideration the effect of diversification effect between zones.


Specified Gross Loss — Total Earthquake  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the specified gross Earthquake loss for the 20  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Factor before risk mitigation —  specified Region

The Risk Charge Factor per each of the 20  specified regions for Earthquake according to the Standard Formula, taking into consideration the effect of diversification effect between zones.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Factor before risk mitigation — Total Earthquake  specified Regions before diversification

Ratio between total specified gross loss and total exposure.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation —  specified Region

Capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Earthquakes in each of the 20  specified Regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Earthquake  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Earthquakes for the 20  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Earthquake — Other Regions before diversification

The capital requirement before risk mitigation for Earthquake risk in regions other than the  specified Regions. It is the amount of the instantaneous loss, without deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and Special Purpose Vehicles.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Earthquake — All Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Earthquakes for all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Diversification effect between regions

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the Earthquake risks relating to the different regions (both  specified Regions and Other regions).


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Earthquake after diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for Earthquake risk, taking into consideration the diversification effect given in C0170/R1240.


Estimated Risk Mitigation —  specified Region

Per each of the 20  specified Regions the estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Earthquake  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated Risk Mitigation for the 20  specified regions.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Earthquake — Other Regions before diversification

For all the regions other than the  specified Regions, the estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Earthquake — All Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated Risk Mitigation for all regions.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums —  specified Region

Per each of the 20  specified Regions the estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Earthquake  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated reinstatement premiums for the 20  specified regions.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Earthquake Other Regions before diversification

For all the regions other than the  specified Regions, the estimated reinstatement premiums, as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Earthquake All Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated reinstatement premiums for all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation —  specified Region

Capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, arising from Earthquake in each of the 20  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Earthquake  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, arising from Earthquake for the 20  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Earthquake Other Regions before diversification

Capital requirement after risk mitigation for Earthquake risk in regions other than the  specified Regions. It is the amount of the instantaneous loss, including the deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and Special Purpose Vehicles.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Earthquake All Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, arising from Earthquake for all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Diversification effect between regions

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the capital requirement after risk mitigations for Earthquake risks relating to the different regions (both  specified Regions and Other regions).


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Earthquake after diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation for Earthquake risk, taking into consideration the diversification effect given in C0200/R1240.

Natural catastrophe risk — Flood


Estimation of the gross premiums to be earned — Other Regions

An estimate of the premiums to be earned by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following year in relation to each of the 14 regions other than the  specified Regions (include regions as specified in Annex III, except the ones specified in Annex V or in Annex XIII of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35), for the contract in relation to the obligations of lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Fire and other damage covering flood risk, including the proportional reinsurance obligations;

— Marine, aviation and transport insurance covering onshore property damage by flood, including the proportional reinsurance obligations;

— Other motor insurance, including the proportional reinsurance obligations.

Premiums shall be gross, without deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts.


Estimation of the gross premium to be earned — Total Flood Other Regions before diversification

Total of the estimate of the premiums to be earned, by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following year for the other regions.


Exposure —  specified Region

The sum of the total insured per each of the 14  specified regions of lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Fire and other damage, including the proportional reinsurance obligations, in relation to contracts that cover Flood risk and where the risk is situated in this particular  specified region;

— Marine, aviation and transport insurance, including the proportional reinsurance obligations, in relation to contracts that cover onshore property damage by Flood and where the risk is situated in this particular  specified region; and

— Other motor insurance, including the proportional reinsurance obligations, multiplied by 1.5, in relation to contracts that cover onshore property damage by Flood and where the risk is situated in this particular  specified region.


Exposure — Total Flood  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the exposure for the 14  specified regions.


Specified Gross Loss —  specified Region

Specified gross Flood loss in each of the 14  specified regions, taking into consideration the effect of diversification effect between zones.


Specified Gross Loss — Total Flood  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the specified gross Flood loss for the 14  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Factor before risk mitigation —  specified Region

The Risk Charge Factor per each of the 14  specified regions for Flood according to the Standard Formula, taking into consideration the effect of diversification effect between zones.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Factor before risk mitigation — Total Flood  specified Regions before diversification

Ratio between total specified gross loss and total exposure.


Scenario A or B —  specified Region

The larger of the capital requirement for Flood risk in each of the 14  specified regions according to scenario A or scenario B.

When determining the largest amount of scenario A and B, the risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, must be taken into account.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation —  specified Region

Capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Floods in each of the 14  specified Regions, corresponding to the larger of scenario A or B.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Flood  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Floods for the 14  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Flood Other Regions before diversification

The capital requirement before risk mitigation for Flood risk in regions other than the  specified Regions. It is the amount of the instantaneous loss, without deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and Special Purpose Vehicles.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Flood All Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Floods for all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Diversification effect between regions

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the Flood risks relating to the different regions (both  specified Regions and Other regions).


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Flood after diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for Flood risk, taking into consideration the diversification effect given in C0260/R1610.


Estimated Risk Mitigation —  specified Region

Per each of the 14  specified Regions the estimated risk mitigation effect, corresponding to the selected scenario, of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Flood  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated Risk Mitigation for the 14  specified regions.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Flood Other Regions before diversification

For all the regions other than the  specified Regions, the estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Flood All Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated Risk Mitigation for all regions.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums —  specified Region

Per each of the 14  specified Regions the estimated reinstatement premiums, corresponding to the selected scenario, as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Flood –  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated reinstatement premiums for the 14  specified regions.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Flood –Other Regions before diversification

For all the regions other than the  specified Regions, the estimated reinstatement premiums, as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Flood — All Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated reinstatement premiums for all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation —  specified Region

Capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, arising from Flood in each of the 14  specified regions, corresponding to the selected scenario.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Flood —  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles for the 14  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Flood — Other Regions before diversification

Capital requirement after risk mitigation for Flood risk in regions other than the  specified Regions. It is the amount of the instantaneous loss, including the deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and Special Purpose Vehicles.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Flood — All Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Diversification effect between regions

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the capital requirement after risk mitigations for Flood risks relating to the different regions (both  specified Regions and Other regions).


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Flood after diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation for Flood risk, taking into consideration the diversification effect given in C0290/R1610.

Natural catastrophe risk — Hail


Estimation of the gross premiums to be earned — Other Regions

An estimate of the premiums to be earned by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following year and in relation to each of the 9 regions other than the  specified Regions (include regions as specified in Annex III, except the ones specified in Annex V or in Annex XIII of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35), for the contract in relation to the obligations of lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Fire and other damage covering hail risk, including the proportional reinsurance obligations;

— Marine, aviation and transport insurance covering onshore property damage by hail, including the proportional reinsurance obligations; and

— Other motor insurance, including the proportional reinsurance obligations.

Premiums shall be gross, without deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts.


Estimation of the gross premium to be earned — Total Hail Other Regions before diversification

Total of the estimate of the premiums to be earned, by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following year for the other regions.


Exposure —  specified Region

The sum of the total insured per each of the 9  specified regions for lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Fire and other damage, including the proportional reinsurance obligations, in relation to contracts that cover Hail risk and where the risk is situated in this particular  specified region;

— Marine, aviation and transport insurance, including the proportional reinsurance obligations, in relation to contracts that cover onshore property damage by Hail and where the risk is situated in this particular  specified region; and

— Other motor insurance, including the proportional reinsurance obligations, multiplied by 5, in relation to contracts that cover onshore property damage by Hail and where the risk is situated in this particular  specified region.


Exposure — Total Hail  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the exposure for the 9  specified regions.


Specified Gross Loss —  specified Region

Specified gross Hail loss in each of the 9  specified regions, taking into consideration the effect of diversification effect between zones.


Specified Gross Loss — Total Hail  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the specified gross Hail loss for the 9  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Factor before risk mitigation —  specified Region

The Risk Charge Factor per each of the 9  specified regions for Hail according to the Standard Formula, taking into consideration the effect of diversification effect between zones.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Factor before risk mitigation — Total Hail  specified Regions before diversification

Ratio between total specified gross loss and total exposure.


Scenario A or B —  specified Region

The larger of the capital requirement for Hail risk in each of the 9  specified regions according to scenario A or scenario B.

When determining the largest amount of scenario A and B, the risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, must be taken into account.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation —  specified Region

Capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Hails in each of the 9  specified Regions corresponding to the larger of scenario A or B.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Hail  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Hails for the 9  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Hail Other Regions before diversification

The capital requirement before risk mitigation for Hail risk in regions other than the  specified Regions. It is the amount of the instantaneous loss, without deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and Special Purpose Vehicles.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Hail All Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from Hails for all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Diversification effect between regions

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the Hail risks relating to the different regions (both  specified Regions and other regions).


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Hail after diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for Hail risk, taking into consideration the diversification effect given in C0350/R1930.


Estimated Risk Mitigation —  specified Region

Per each of the 9  specified Regions the estimated risk mitigation effect, corresponding to the selected scenario, of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Hail  specified Region before diversification

Total of the estimated risk mitigation for the 9  specified regions.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Hail Other Regions before diversification

For all the regions other than the  specified Regions, the estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Hail All Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated risk mitigation for all regions.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums —  specified Region

Per each of the 9  specified Regions the estimated reinstatement premiums, corresponding to the selected scenario, as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Hail  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated reinstatement premiums for the 9  specified regions.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Hail Other Regions before diversification

For all the regions other than the  specified Regions, the estimated reinstatement premiums, as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Hail All Regions before diversification

Total of the estimated reinstatement premiums for all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation —  specified Region

Capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, arising from Hail in each of the 9  specified Regions, corresponding to the selected scenario.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Hail  specified Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles for the 9  specified regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Hail Other Regions before diversification

Capital requirement after risk mitigation for Hail risk in regions other than the  specified Regions. It is the amount of the instantaneous loss, including the deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and Special Purpose Vehicles.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Hail All Regions before diversification

Total of the capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles for all regions.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Diversification effect between regions

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the capital requirement after risk mitigations for Hail risks relating to the different regions (both  specified Regions and Other regions).


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Hail after diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation for Hail risk, taking into consideration the diversification effect given in C0380/R1930.

Natural catastrophe risk — Subsidence


Estimation of the gross premium to be earned — Total Subsidence before diversification

An estimate of the premiums to be earned, by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following year, for the contract in relation to the obligations of fire and other damage, including the proportional reinsurance obligations.

Premiums shall be gross, without deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, and in relation to the territory of France.


Exposure — Total Subsidence before diversification

The sum of the total insured made up of the geographical divisions of the territory of France for fire and other damage, including the proportional reinsurance obligations, which are sufficiently homogeneous in relation to the subsidence risk that the insurance and reinsurance undertakings are exposed to in relation to the territory. Together the zones shall comprise the whole territory.


Specified Gross Loss — Total Subsidence before diversification

 Specified gross subsidence loss, before taking into consideration the effect of diversification effect between zones.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Factor before risk mitigation — Total Subsidence before diversification

 The Risk Charge Factor of the territory of France for subsidence, before taking into consideration the effect of diversification effect between zones.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Subsidence before diversification

The capital requirement before risk mitigation for Subsidence risk in the territory of France. It is the amount of the instantaneous loss, without deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and Special Purpose Vehicles, which for subsidence is equal to the Specified Gross Loss (item C0410/R1950).


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Diversification effect between zones

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the Subsidence risks relating to the different zones of the territory of France.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Subsidence after diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for subsidence risk, taking into consideration the diversification effect given in item C0430/R1960.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Subsidence before diversification

The estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Subsidence before diversification

The estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Subsidence before diversification

Capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, arising from subsidence.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Diversification effect between zones

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the capital requirement after risk mitigations for Subsidence risks relating to the different zones of the territory of France.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Subsidence after diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation for subsidence risk, taking into consideration the diversification effect given in item C0460/R1960.

Natural catastrophe risk — Non–proportional property reinsurance


Estimation of the gross premium to be earned

An estimate of the premiums to be earned, by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following year, for the contract in relation to the obligations of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, non–proportional property reinsurance other than non–proportional reinsurance obligations relating to insurance obligations included in lines of business 9 and 21.

Premiums shall be gross, without deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation

The capital requirement before risk mitigation for non–proportional property reinsurance. It is the amount of the instantaneous loss, without deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and Special Purpose Vehicles.


Estimated Risk Mitigation

The estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from accepted non–proportional property reinsurance, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums

The estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from accepted non–proportional property reinsurance.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation

Capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from accepted non–proportional property reinsurance.

Man–made catastrophe risk — Motor Vehicle Liability


Number of vehicles policy limit above 24M EUR

Number of vehicles insured by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Motor vehicle liability insurance, including proportional reinsurance obligations, with a deemed policy limit above 24000000 Euro.


Number of vehicles policy limit below or equal to 24M EUR

Number of vehicles insured by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Motor vehicle liability insurance, including proportional reinsurance obligations, with a deemed policy limit below or equal to 24000000 Euro.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Motor Vehicle Liability before risk mitigation

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for Motor Vehicle Liability risk.


Estimated Risk Mitigation

The estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Motor Vehicle Liability, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums

The estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Motor Vehicle Liability.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Motor Vehicle Liability after risk mitigation

Capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles, relating to risks arising from Motor Vehicle Liability.

Man–made catastrophe risk — Marine Tanker Collision


Type of cover Catastrophe Risk Charge Share marine hull in tanker t before risk mitigation

This is the capital requirement before risk mitigation, per each marine hull cover, for risks arising from Marine Tanker Collision.

The maximum relates to all oil and gas tankers insured by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in respect of tanker collision in lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Marine, aviation and transport, including proportional reinsurance obligations; and

— Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance.

The amount for this cover is equal to the sum insured accepted by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking for marine insurance and reinsurance in relation to each tanker.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Share marine liability in tanker t before risk mitigation

This is the capital requirement before risk mitigation, per marine liability cover, for risks arising from Marine Tanker Collision.

The maximum relates to all oil and gas tankers insured by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in respect of tanker collision in lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Marine, aviation and transport, including proportional reinsurance obligations; and

— Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance.

The amount for this cover is equal to the sum insured accepted by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking for marine insurance and reinsurance in relation to each tanker.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Share marine oil pollution liability in tanker t before risk mitigation

This is the capital requirement before risk mitigation, per marine oil polution liability cover, for risks arising from Marine Tanker Collision.

The maximum relates to all oil and gas tankers insured by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in respect of tanker collision in lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Marine, aviation and transport, including proportional reinsurance obligations; and

— Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance.

The amount for this cover is equal to the sum insured accepted by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking for marine insurance and reinsurance in relation to each tanker.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Marine Tanker Collision before risk mitigation

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for risks arising from Marine Tanker Collision.


Estimated Risk Mitigation

The estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Marine Tanker Collision, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums

The estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Marine Tanker Collision.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Marine Tanker Collision after risk mitigation

The total capital requirement after risk mitigation, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles, relating to risks arising from Marine Tanker Collision.


Name vessel

Name of the corresponding vessel.

Man–made catastrophe risk — Marine Platform Explosion


Catastrophe Risk Charge Marine Platform Explosion — Type of cover — before risk mitigation

This is the capital requirement before risk mitigation, per type of cover (Property damage, Removal of wreckage, Loss of production income, Capping of the well or making the well secure, Liability insurance and reinsurance obligations), for risks arising from Marine Platform Explosion.

The maximum relates to all oil and gas offshore platforms insured by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in respect of platform explosion in lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Marine, aviation and transport, including proportional reinsurance obligations; and

— Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance.

The amount per type of cover is equal to the sum insured for the specific type of cover accepted by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in relation to the selected platform.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Marine Platform Explosion before risk mitigation

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for risks arising from Marine Platform Explosion.


Estimated Risk Mitigation

The estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Marine Platform Explosion, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums

The estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Marine Platform Explosion.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Marine Platform Explosion after risk mitigation

Capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles, relating to risks arising from Marine Platform Explosion.


Name platform

Name of the corresponding platform.

Number of vessels


Number of vessels below the threshold of EUR 250k

This is the number of vessels below the threshold of EUR 250k

Man–made catastrophe risk — Marine


Catastrophe Risk Charge Marine before risk mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, before diversification effect between types of events, for marine risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Marine before risk mitigation — Diversification between type of event

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges before risk mitigation relating to different type of events for marine risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Marine before risk mitigation — Total after diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, after diversification effect between the types of events, for marine risks.


Estimated Total Risk Mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the total risk mitigation effect, before diversification effect between types of events, of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles arising from the marine risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Marine after risk mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation, before diversification effect between types of events, for marine risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Marine after risk mitigation — Diversification between type of event

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges after risk mitigation relating to different type of events for marine risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Marine after risk mitigation — Total after diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation, after diversification effect between the types of events, for marine risks.

Man–made catastrophe risk — Aviation


Catastrophe Risk Charge Aviation before risk mitigation — Type of cover– before risk mitigation

This is the capital requirement before risk mitigation, per type of cover (Aviation hull and Aviation liability), for risks arising from Aviation.

The maximum relates to all aircrafts insured by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35:

— Marine, aviation and transport, including proportional reinsurance obligations; and

— Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance.

The amount per type of cover is equal to the sum insured for the specific type of cover accepted by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking for aviation insurance and reinsurance and in relation to the selected aircraft.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Aviation before risk mitigation

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for risks arising from Aviation.


Estimated Risk Mitigation

The estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Aviation, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums

The estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Aviation.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Aviation after risk mitigation — Total (row)

The total capital requirement after risk mitigation, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles, relating to risks arising from Aviation.

Man–made catastrophe risk — Fire


Catastrophe Risk Charge Fire before risk mitigation

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for Fire risks.

This amount is equal to the largest fire risk concentration of an insurance or reinsurance undertaking being the set of buildings with the largest sum insured that meets the following conditions:

— The insurance or reinsurance undertaking has insurance or reinsurance obligations in lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 Fire and other damage to property insurance, including proportional reinsurance obligations, in relation to each building which cover damage due to fire or explosion, including as a result of terrorist attacks.

— All buildings are partly or fully located within a radius of 200 meters.


Estimated Risk Mitigation

The estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Fire, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums

The estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Fire.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation Fire

The total capital requirement after risk mitigation, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles, relating to risks arising from Fire.

Man–made catastrophe risk — Liability


Earned premium following 12 months –Type of cover

Premiums earned, per type of cover, by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following 12 months, in relation to insurance and reinsurance obligations in liability risks, for the following type of covers:

— Professional malpractice liability insurance and proportional reinsurance obligations other than professional malpractice liability insurance and reinsurance for self–employed crafts persons or artisans;

— Employers liability insurance and proportional reinsurance obligations;

— Directors and officers liability insurance and proportional reinsurance obligations;

— Liability insurance and reinsurance obligations included in line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, General liability insurance, including proportional reinsurance obligations, other than obligations included in liability risk groups 1 to 3 and other than personal liability insurance and proportional reinsurance and other than professional malpractice liability insurance and reinsurance for self–employed crafts persons or artisans;

— Non–proportional reinsurance.

For this purpose premiums shall be gross, without deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts.


Earned premium  following 12 months — Total

Total for all types of covers of premiums earned by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following 12 months.


Largest liability limit provided –Type of cover

The largest liability limit, per type of cover, provided by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking in liability risks.


Number of claims –Type of cover

The number of claims, per type of cover, which is equal to the lowest integer that exceeds the amount according to the provided formula.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Liability before risk mitigation –Type of cover

This is the capital requirement before risk mitigation, per type of cover, for liability risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Liability before risk mitigation — Total

Total for all types of cover of the capital requirement before risk mitigation for liability risks.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Type of cover

The estimated risk mitigation effect, per type of cover, of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Liability, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total

Total for all types of cover of the estimated risk mitigation.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Type of cover

The estimated reinstatement premiums, per type of cover, as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from Liability.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total

Total for all types of cover of the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Liability after risk mitigation — Type of cover

Capital requirement, per type of cover, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles, relating to risks arising from Liability.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Liability after risk mitigation — Total

Total for all types of cover of the capital requirement, per type of cover, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles, relating to risks arising from Liability.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Liability before risk mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, before diversification effect between types of cover, for liability risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Liability before risk mitigation — Diversification between type of cover

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges before risk mitigation relating to different type of covers for liability risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Liability before risk mitigation — Total after diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, after diversification effect between the types of covers, for liability risks.


Estimated Total Risk Mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the estimated total risk mitigation, before diversification effect between types of cover, for liability risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Liability after risk mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation, before diversification effect between types of cover, for liability risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Liability after risk mitigation — Diversification between type of cover

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges after risk mitigation relating to different type of covers for liability risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Liability after risk mitigation — Total after diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation, after diversification effect between the types of covers, for liability risks.

Man–made catastrophe risk — Credit & Suretyship


Exposure (individual or group) — Largest exposure

Two largest gross credit insurance exposures of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking based on a comparison of the net loss–given–default of the credit insurance exposures, being the loss–given–default after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles.


Exposure (individual or group) — Total

Total of the two largest gross credit insurance exposures of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking based on a comparison of the net loss–given–default of the credit insurance exposures, being the loss–given–default after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles.


Proportion of damage caused by scenario — Largest exposure

Percentage representing the loss given default of the gross credit exposure without deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles, for each of the two largest gross credit insurance exposures of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking.


Proportion of damage caused by scenario — Total

Average loss given default of the two largest gross credit exposures without deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship before risk mitigation — Large Credit Default –Largest exposure

This is the capital requirement before risk mitigation, per largest exposure, arising from the Large Credit Default scenario of Credit & Suretyship risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship before risk mitigation — Large Credit Default — Total

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation arising from the Large Credit Default scenario of Credit & Suretyship risks.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Largest exposure

The estimated risk mitigation effect, per largest exposure, of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from the Large Credit Default scenario of Credit & Suretyship, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total

The estimated risk mitigation effect, for the two largest exposures, of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from the Large Credit Default scenario of Credit & Suretyship, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Largest exposure

The estimated reinstatement premiums, per largest exposure, as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from the Large Credit Default scenario of Credit & Suretyship.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total

The estimated reinstatement premiums, for the two largest exposures, as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from the Large Credit Default scenario of Credit & Suretyship.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship after risk mitigation — Large Credit Default — Largest exposure

Net capital requirement, per largest exposure, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles, relating to risks arising from the Large Credit Default scenario of Credit & Suretyship.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship after risk mitigation — Large Credit Default — Total

The total capital requirement after risk mitigation, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles, relating to risks arising from the Large Credit Default scenario of Credit & Suretyship.


Earned premium following 12 months

Gross premiums earned by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following 12 months, in line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Credit and Suretyship insurance including proportional reinsurance obligations.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship before risk mitigation — Recession Risk

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for the Recession scenario of Credit & Suretyship risks.


Estimated Risk Mitigation

The estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from the Recession scenario of Credit & Suretyship, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums

The estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to risks arising from the Recession scenario of Credit & Suretyship.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship after risk mitigation — Recession Risk

The total capital requirement after risk mitigation, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific retrocession contracts and special purpose vehicles, relating to risks arising from the Recession scenario of Credit & Suretyship.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship before risk mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, before diversification effect between types of events, for Credit & Suretyship risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship before risk mitigation — Diversification between type of event

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges before risk mitigation relating to different type of events for Credit & Suretyship risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship before risk mitigation — Total after diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, after diversification effect between the types of events, for Credit & Suretyship risks.


Estimated Total Risk Mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the total risk mitigation effect, before diversification effect between types of events, of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles arising from the Credit & Suretyship risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship after risk mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation, before diversification effect between types of events, for Credit & Suretyship risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship after risk mitigation — Diversification between type of event

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges after risk mitigation relating to different type of events for Credit & Suretyship risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Credit & Suretyship after risk mitigation — Total after diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation, after diversification effect between the types of events, for Credit & Suretyship risks.

Man–made catastrophe risk — Other non–life catastrophe risk


Estimation of the gross premium to be earned — Group of obligations

An estimate of the premiums to be earned by the insurance or reinsurance undertaking, during the following year, for the contracts in relation to the following group of obligations:

— Insurance and reinsurance obligations included in line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, Marine, aviation and transport insurance, including proportional reinsurance obligations, other than marine insurance and reinsurance and aviation insurance and reinsurance;

— Reinsurance obligations included in line of business Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance, other than marine reinsurance and aviation reinsurance;

— Insurance and reinsurance obligations included in line of business Miscellaneous financial loss, including proportional reinsurance obligations other than extended warranty insurance and reinsurance obligations provided that the portfolio of these obligations is highly diversified and these obligation do not cover the costs of product recalls;

— Reinsurance obligations included in line of business Non–proportional casualty reinsurance, other than general liability reinsurance;

— Non–proportional reinsurance obligations relating to insurance obligations included in line of business Credit and Suretyship insurance, including proportional reinsurance obligations.

Premiums shall be gross, without deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Other non–life catastrophe risk before risk mitigation — Group of obligations

This is the capital requirement before risk mitigation, per group of obligations, for Other non–life catastrophe risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Other non–life catastrophe risk before risk mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, before diversification effect between groups of obligations, for Other non–life catastrophe risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Other non–life catastrophe risk before risk mitigation — Diversification between groups of obligations

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges before risk mitigation relating to different groups of obligations for Other non–life catastrophe risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Other non–life catastrophe risk before risk mitigation — Total after diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, after diversification effect between groups of obligations, for Other non–life catastrophe risks.


Estimated Total Risk Mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the estimated total risk mitigation, before diversification effect between groups of obligations, for Other non–life catastrophe risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Other non–life catastrophe risk after risk mitigation — Total before diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation, before diversification effect between groups of obligations, for Other non–life catastrophe risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Other non–life catastrophe risk after risk mitigation — Diversification between groups of obligations

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the total capital charges after risk mitigation relating to different groups of obligations for Other non–life catastrophe risks.


Catastrophe Risk Charge Other non–life catastrophe risk after risk mitigation — Total after diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation, after diversification effect between groups of obligations, for Other non–life catastrophe risks.

Health catastrophe risk

Health catastrophe risk — Mass accident






Policyholders — per type of event

All insured persons of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking who are inhabitants of each of the countries and are insured against the following types of event:

— Death caused by an accident;

— Permanent disability caused by an accident;

— Disability that lasts 10 years caused by an accident;

— Disability that lasts 12 months caused by an accident;

— Medical treatment caused by an accident.






Value of benefits payable — per type of event

The value of the benefits shall be the sum insured or where the insurance contract provides for recurring benefit payments the best estimate of the benefit payments, using the cash–flow projection, per event type.

Where the benefits of an insurance contract depend on the nature or extent of any injury resulting from event types, the calculation of the value of the benefits shall be based on the maximum benefits obtainable under the contract which are consistent with the event.

For medical expense insurance and reinsurance obligations the value of the benefits shall be based on an estimate of the average amounts paid in case of event types taking into account the specific guarantees the obligations include.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation

Capital requirement before risk mitigation, for each of the countries, arising from the mass accident risk sub–module to health insurance and reinsurance obligations.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Mass accident all countries before diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, before diversification effect between countries, for the mass accident risk sub–module to health insurance and reinsurance obligations.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Diversification effect between countries

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the mass accident risk sub–module to health insurance and reinsurance obligations relating to the different countries.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Mass accident all countries after diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, after diversification effect between countries, for the mass accident risk sub–module to health insurance and reinsurance obligations.


Estimated Risk Mitigation

For each country the estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Mass accident all countries before diversification

Total amount of estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles for all countries.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums

For each country the estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Mass accident all countries before diversification

Total amount of estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles for all countries.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation

Capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, arising from the mass accident risk sub–module to health insurance and reinsurance obligations, for each country.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Mass accident all countries before diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation, before diversification effect between countries, for the mass accident risk sub–module to health insurance and reinsurance obligations.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Diversification effect between countries

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the capital requirement after risk mitigations for the mass accident risk sub–module to health insurance and reinsurance obligations relating to the different countries.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Mass accident all countries after diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation for the mass accident risk sub–module to health insurance and reinsurance obligations, taking into consideration the diversification effect given in C1300/R3620.

Health catastrophe risk — Concentration accident


Largest known accident risk concentration — Countries

The largest accident risk concentration of an insurance or reinsurance undertaking, for each country, shall be equal to the largest number of persons for which the following conditions are met:

— The insurance or reinsurance undertaking has a workers' compensation insurance or reinsurance obligation or a group income protection insurance or reinsurance obligation in relation to each of the persons;

— The obligations in relation to each of the persons cover at least one of the events set out in the next item;

— The persons are working in the same building which is situated in this particular country.

These persons are insured against the following types of event:

— Death caused by an accident;

— Permanent disability caused by an accident;

— Disability that lasts 10 years caused by an accident;

— Disability that lasts 12 months caused by an accident;

— Medical treatment caused by an accident.






Average sum insured per type of event

 The average value of benefits payable by insurance and reinsurance undertakings for the largest accident risk concentration.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation

Capital requirement before risk mitigation, for each country, arising from the health sub–module concentration accident.


Other countries to be considered in the Concentration accident

Identify the ISO code of other countries to be considered in the Concentration accident.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Concentration accident all countries before diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, before diversification effect between countries, for the health sub–module concentration accident.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Diversification effect between countries

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the health sub–module concentration accident relating to the different countries.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Concentration accident all countries after diversification

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation, after diversification effect between countries, for the health sub–module concentration accident.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Countries

For each of the countries identified the estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Concentration accident all countries before diversification

Total of estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles for all countries.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Countries

For each of the countries identified the estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Concentration accident all countries before diversification

Total of the estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles for all countries.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Countries

Capital requirement, after the deduction of the risk mitigating effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, arising from the health sub–module concentration accident for each of the countries identified.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Concentration accident all countries before diversification

The total capital requirement after risk mitigation, before diversification effect between countries, for the health sub–module concentration accident.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Diversification effect between countries

Diversification effect arising from the aggregation of the capital requirement after risk mitigations for the health sub–module concentration accident risks relating to the different countries.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Concentration accident all countries after diversification

This is the total capital requirement after risk mitigation for the health sub–module concentration accident risk, taking into consideration the diversification effect given in C1400/R4020.

Health catastrophe risk — Pandemic


Medical expense — Number of insured persons — Countries

The number of insured persons of insurance and reinsurance undertakings, for each of the countries identified, which meet the following conditions:

— The insured persons are inhabitants of this particular country;

— The insured persons are covered by medical expense insurance or reinsurance obligations, other than workers' compensation insurance or reinsurance obligations that cover medical expense resulting from an infectious disease.

These insured persons may claim benefits for the following healthcare utilisation:

— Hospitalisation;

— Consultation with a medical practitioner;

— No formal medical care sought.




Medical expense — Unit claim cost per type of healthcare — Countries

Best estimate of the amounts payable, using the cash–flow projection, by insurance and reinsurance undertakings for an insured person in relation to medical expense insurance or reinsurance obligations, other than workers' compensation insurance or reinsurance obligations per healthcare utilisation type, in the event of a pandemic, for each of the countries identified.




Medical expense — Ratio of insured persons using type of healthcare — Countries

The ratio of insured persons with clinical symptoms utilising healthcare type, for each of the countries identified.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Countries

Capital requirement before risk mitigation, for each of the countries identified, arising from the health sub–module pandemic.


Other countries to be considered in the Pandemic

Identify the ISO code of other countries to be considered in the Concentration accident.


Income protection — Number of insured persons — Total Pandemic all countries

Total number of insured persons for all countries identified covered by the income protection insurance or reinsurance obligations other than workers' compensation insurance or reinsurance obligations.


Income protection — Total pandemic exposure — Total Pandemic all countries

The total of all income protection pandemic exposure for all countries identified of insurance and reinsurance undertakings.

The value of the benefits payable for the insured person shall be the sum insured or where the insurance contract provides for recurring benefit payments the best estimate of the benefit payments assuming that the insured person is permanently disabled and will not recover.


Catastrophe Risk Charge before risk mitigation — Total Pandemic all countries

This is the total capital requirement before risk mitigation for the health sub–module pandemic for all countries identified.


Estimated Risk Mitigation — Total Pandemic all countries

The total estimated risk mitigation effect of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril, excluding the estimated reinstatement premiums for all countries identified.


Estimated Reinstatement Premiums — Total Pandemic all countries

The total estimated reinstatement premiums as a result of the undertaking's specific reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles relating to this peril for all countries identified.


Catastrophe Risk Charge after risk mitigation — Total Pandemic all countries

The total capital requirement after risk mitigation for the health sub–module pandemic for all countries identified.

S.28.01 — Minimum Capital Requirement — Only life or only non–life insurance or reinsurance activity

General comments:

This section relates to opening, quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities.

In particular, S.28.01 is to be submitted by insurance and reinsurance undertakings other than insurance undertakings engaged in both life and non–life insurance activity. These undertakings shall submit S.28.02 instead.

This template shall be completed on the basis of Solvency II valuation, i.e. written premiums are defined as the premiums due to be received by the undertaking in the period (as defined in Article 1(11) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35).

All references to technical provisions address technical provisions after application of Long Term Guarantee measures and transitionals.

The calculation of MCR combines a linear formula with a floor of 25 % and a cap of 45 % of the SCR. The MCR is subject to an absolute floor depending on the nature of the undertaking (as defined in Article 129 (1) (d) of the Directive 2009/138/EC).





Linear formula component for non–life insurance and reinsurance obligations — MCRNL Result

This is the linear formula component for non–life insurance and reinsurance obligations calculated in accordance with Article 250 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Income protection insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for income protection insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Income protection insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for income protection insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Workers' compensation insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for workers' compensation insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Workers' compensation insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for workers' compensations insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


General liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for general liability insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


General liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for general liability insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Assistance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for assistance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Assistance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for assistance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Non–proportional health reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) and best estimate TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for non–proportional health reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Non–proportional health reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for non–proportional health reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Non–proportional casualty reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) and best estimate TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for non–proportional casualty reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Non–proportional casualty reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for non–proportional casualty reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Non–proportional property reinsurance — net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions for non–proportional property reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Non–proportional property reinsurance — net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months

These are the premiums written for non–proportional property reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero.


Linear formula component for life insurance and reinsurance obligations — MCRL Result

This is the result of the linear formula component for life insurance or reinsurance obligations calculated in accordance with Article 251 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Obligations with profit participation — guaranteed benefits — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin in relation to guaranteed benefits for life insurance obligations with profit participation, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero and technical provisions without a risk margin for reinsurance obligations where the underlying life insurance obligations include profit participation, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Obligations with profit participation — future discretionary benefits — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin in relation to future discretionary benefits for life insurance obligations with profit participation, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Index–linked and unit–linked insurance obligations — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin for index–linked and unit–linked life insurance obligations and reinsurance obligations relating to such insurance obligations, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.


Other life (re)insurance and health (re)insurance obligations — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin for all other life insurance obligations and reinsurance obligations relating to such insurance obligations, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero.

Annuities related to non–life contracts shall be reported here.


Total capital at risk for all life (re)insurance obligations — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) total capital at risk

These are the total capital at risk, being the sum in relation to all contracts that give rise to life insurance or reinsurance obligations of the capital at risk of the contracts.


Overall MCR calculation — Linear MCR

The linear Minimum Capital Requirement shall equal to the sum of the MCR linear formula component for non–life insurance and reinsurance and the MCR linear formula component for life insurance and reinsurance obligations calculated in accordance with Article 249 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Overall MCR calculation — SCR

This is the latest SCR to be calculated and reported in accordance with Articles 103 to 127 of Directive 2009/138/EC, either the annual one or a more recent one in case the SCR has been recalculated (e.g. due to a change in risk profile), including capital add on. Undertakings using internal model or partial internal model to calculate the SCR shall refer to the relevant SCR, except where under Article 129 (3) of Directive 2009/138/EC the national supervisory authority requires a reference to the standard formula.


Overall MCR calculation — MCR cap

This is calculated as 45 % of the SCR including any capital add–on in accordance with Art 129 (3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC.


Overall MCR calculation — MCR floor

This is calculated as 25 % of the SCR including any capital add–on in accordance with Art 129 (3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC.


Overall MCR calculation — Combined MCR

This is the result of the formula component calculated in accordance with Article 248 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Overall MCR calculation — Absolute floor of the MCR

This is calculated as defined in Art 129(1) d of Directive 2009/138/EC.


Minimum Capital Requirement

This is the result of the formula component calculated in accordance with Article 248 (1) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

S.28.02 — Minimum Capital Requirement — Both life and non–life insurance activity

General comments:

This section relates to opening, quarterly and annual submission of information for individual entities.

In particular, S.28.02 is to be submitted by insurance undertakings engaged in both life and non–life insurance activity. Insurance and reinsurance undertakings other than insurance undertakings engaged in both life and non–life insurance activity shall submit S.28.01 instead.

This template shall be completed on the basis of Solvency II valuation, i.e. written premiums are defined as the premiums due to be received by the undertaking in the period (as defined in Article 1(11) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35).

All references to technical provisions address technical provisions after application of Long Term Guarantee measures and transitionals.

The calculation of MCR combines a linear formula with a floor of 25 % and a cap of 45 % of the SCR. The MCR is subject to an absolute floor depending on the nature of the undertaking (as defined in Article 129 (1) (d) of the Directive 2009/138/EC).





Linear Formula component for non-life insurance and reinsurance obligations — MCR(NL,NL) result — non-life activities

This is the linear formula component for non-life insurance and reinsurance obligations relating to non-life insurance activities calculated in accordance with Article 252 (4) and (5) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Linear Formula component for non-life insurance and reinsurance obligations — MCR(NL,L) result

This is the linear formula component for non-life insurance and reinsurance obligations relating to life insurance activities calculated in accordance with Article 252 (9) and (10) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for medical expense insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Income protection insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for income protection insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Income protection insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for income protections insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Income protection insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for income protection insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Income protection insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for income protections insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Workers' compensation insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for workers' compensation insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Workers' compensation insurance and proportional reinsurance- Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for workers' compensations insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Workers' compensation insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for workers' compensation insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Workers' compensation insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for workers' compensations insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


General liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for general liability insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


General liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for general liability insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


General liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for general liability insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


General liability insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for general liability insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Assistance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for assistance and its proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Assistance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for assistance and its proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Assistance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for assistance and its proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Assistance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for assistance and its proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Non-proportional health reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for non-proportional health reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Non-proportional health reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for non-proportional health reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Non-proportional health reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for non-proportional health reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Non-proportional health reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for non-proportional health reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Non-proportional casualty reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for non-proportional casualty reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Non-proportional casualty reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for non-proportional casualty reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Non-proportional casualty reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for non-proportional casualty reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Non-proportional casualty reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for non-proportional casualty reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Non-proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for non-proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Non-proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for non-proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Non-proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for non-proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Non-proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for non-proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Non-proportional property reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions for non-proportional property reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Non-proportional property reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — non-life activities

These are the premiums written for non-proportional property reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Non-proportional property reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions for non-proportional property reinsurance, without risk margin after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Non-proportional property reinsurance — Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months — life activities

These are the premiums written for non-proportional property reinsurance during the (rolling) last 12 months, after deduction of premiums for reinsurance contracts, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Linear Formula component for life insurance and reinsurance obligations MCR(L,NL) Result

This is the linear formula component for life insurance and reinsurance obligations relating to non-life insurance activities calculated in accordance with Article 252 (4) and (5) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Linear Formula component for life insurance and reinsurance obligations MCR(L,L) Result

This is the linear formula component for life insurance and reinsurance obligations relating to life insurance activities calculated in accordance with Article 252 (9) and (10) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Obligations with profit participation — guaranteed benefits — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin for guaranteed benefits in respect of life insurance obligations with profit participation, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities and technical provisions without a risk margin for reinsurance obligations where the underlying insurance obligations include profit participation, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Obligations with profit participation — guaranteed benefits — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin for guaranteed benefits in respect of life insurance obligations with profit participation, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities and technical provisions without a risk margin for reinsurance obligations where the underlying insurance obligations include profit participation, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Obligations with profit participation — future discretionary benefits — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin for future discretionary benefits in respect of life insurance obligations with profit participation, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Obligations with profit participation — future discretionary benefits — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin for future discretionary benefits in respect of life insurance obligations with profit participation, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Index-linked and unit-linked insurance obligations — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin for index-linked and unit-linked life insurance obligations and reinsurance obligations relating to such insurance obligations, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Index-linked and unit-linked insurance obligations — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin for index-linked and unit-linked life insurance obligations and reinsurance obligations relating to such insurance obligations, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPVs, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Other life (re)insurance and health (re)insurance obligations — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — non-life activities

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin for other life insurance obligations and reinsurance obligations relating to such insurance obligations, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPV, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Other life (re)insurance and health (re)insurance obligations — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole — life activities

These are the technical provisions without a risk margin for other life insurance obligations and reinsurance obligations relating to such insurance obligations, after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and SPV, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Total capital at risk for all life (re)insurance obligations — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) total capital at risk — non-life activities

This is the total capital at risk, being the sum over all contracts that give rise to life insurance or reinsurance obligations of the highest amounts that the insurance undertaking would pay in the event of the death or disability of the persons insured under the contract after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles in such event, and the expected present value of annuities payable on death or disability less the net best estimate, with a floor equal to zero, relating to non-life activities.


Total capital at risk for all life (re)insurance obligations — Net (of reinsurance/SPV) total capital at risk — life activities

This is the total capital at risk, being the sum over all contracts that give rise to life insurance or reinsurance obligations of the highest amounts that the insurance undertaking would pay in the event of the death or disability of the persons insured under the contract after deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles in such event, and the expected present value of annuities payable on death or disability less the net best estimate, with a floor equal to zero, relating to life activities.


Overall MCR calculation — Linear MCR

The linear Minimum Capital Requirement shall equal to the sum of the MCR linear formula component for non-life insurance and reinsurance and the MCR linear formula component for life insurance and reinsurance obligations calculated in accordance with Article 249 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Overall MCR calculation — SCR

This is the latest SCR to be calculated and reported in accordance with Articles 103 to 127 of Directive 2009/138/EC, either the annual one or a more recent one in case the SCR has been recalculated (e.g. due to a change in risk profile), including capital add-on. Undertakings using internal model or partial internal model to calculate the SCR shall refer to the relevant SCR, except where under Article 129(3) of Directive 2009/138/EC the national supervisor requires a reference to the standard formula.


Overall MCR calculation — MCR cap

This is calculated as 45 % of the SCR including any capital add-on in accordance with Article 129(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC.


Overall MCR calculation — MCR floor

This is calculated as 25 % of the SCR including any capital add-on in accordance with Article 129(3) of Directive 2009/138/EC.


Overall MCR calculation — Combined MCR

This is the result of the formula component calculated in accordance with Article 248 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Overall MCR calculation — Absolute floor of the MCR

This is calculated as defined in Article 129(1)d of Directive 2009/138/EC  and Article 253 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Minimum Capital Requirement

This is the result of the formula component calculated in accordance with Article 248 (1) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional linear MCR — non-life activities

This is calculated in accordance with Article 252 (3) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional linear MCR -life activities

This is calculated in accordance with Article 252 (9) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional SCR excluding add-on (annual or latest calculation) — non-life activities

This is the latest notional SCR to be calculated and reported in accordance with in accordance with Articles 103 to 127 of Directive 2009/138/EC, either the annual one or a more recent one in case the notional SCR has been recalculated (e.g. due to a change in risk profile), excluding capital add-on. Undertakings using internal model or partial internal model to calculate the SCR shall refer to the relevant SCR, except where under Article 129(3) of Directive 2009/138/EC the national supervisor requires a reference to the standard formula.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional SCR excluding add-on (annual or latest calculation) -life activities

This is the latest notional SCR to be calculated and reported in accordance with in accordance with Articles 103 to 127 of Directive 2009/138/EC, either the annual one or a more recent one in case the notional SCR has been recalculated (e.g. due to a change in risk profile), excluding capital add-on. Undertakings using internal model or partial internal model to calculate the SCR shall refer to the relevant SCR, except where under Article 129(3) of Directive 2009/138/EC the national supervisor requires a reference to the standard formula.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional MCR cap — non-life activities

This is calculated as 45 % of the notional non-life SCR including the non-life capital add-on in accordance with Article 129 (3) of Directive 2009/138/EC.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional MCR cap -life activities

This is calculated as 45 % of the notional life SCR including the life capital add-on in accordance with Article 129 (3) of Directive 2009/138/EC.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional MCR floor — non-life activities

This is calculated as 25 % of the notional non-life SCR including the non-life capital add-on in accordance with Article 129 (3) of Directive 2009/138/EC.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional MCR floor -life activities

This is calculated as 25 % of the notional life SCR including the life capital add-on in accordance with Article 129 (3) of Directive 2009/138/EC.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional Combined MCR — non-life activities

This is calculated in accordance with Article 252 (3) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional Combined MCR -life activities

This is calculated in accordance with Article 252 (8) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Absolute floor of the notional MCR — non-life activities

This is the amount defined in Article 129(1)(d)(i) of Directive 2009/138/EC  before considering Article 253 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Absolute floor of the notional MCR — life activities

This is the amount defined in Article 129(1)(d)(ii) Directive 2009/138/EC  before considering Article 253 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional MCR — non-life activities

This is the notional non-life MCR calculated in accordance with Article 252 (2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Notional non-life and life MCR calculation — Notional MCR — life activities

This is the notional life MCR calculated in accordance with Article 252 (7) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

S.29.01 — Excess of Assets over Liabilities

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template, together with S.29.02 to S.29.04, explains the variation of Excess of Assets over Liabilities by reconciling the different sources of movements (please see the five main sources in b) below). In these templates, creation of value needs to be reported (such as income from investments).

The content of this template covers:


A presentation of all variations in Basic Own fund items during the reporting period. It isolates the variation of the Excess of Assets over Liabilities as part of this total variation. This first analysis is entirely performed based on information also reported in template S.23.01 (year N and N–1).


A summary of the 5 main sources affecting the variation of the Excess of Assets over Liabilities between the prior and the last reporting periods (cells C0030/R0190 to C0030/R0250):

The variation related to investments and financial liabilities — detailed in template S.29.02,
The variation related to technical provisions — detailed in templates S.29.03 and S.29.04,
The variation of ‘pure’ capital items, which is not directly influenced by the business carried on (e.g., variations in ordinary shares numbers and values); these variations are analysed in detail within template S.23.03;
Other main variations linked to tax and dividend distribution, namely:
Variation in Deferred Tax position
Income Tax of the reporting period
Dividend distribution
Other variations not explained elsewhere.





Basic Own fund items — Year N

These items do not cover all Basic Own fund items, but only those before adjustments/deductions for:

— Own funds from the financial statements that shall not be represented by the reconciliation reserve and do not meet the criteria to be classified as Solvency II own funds;

— Participations in financial and credit institutions.

C0020/R0010 — R0120

Basic Own fund items — Year N–1

These items do not cover all Basic Own fund items, but only those before adjustments/deductions for:

— Own funds from the financial statements that shall not be represented by the reconciliation reserve and do not meet the criteria to be classified as Solvency II own funds;

— Participations in financial and credit institutions


Basic Own fund items — Variation

Variation between reporting period N and N–1 of own fund items.


Excess of assets over liabilities (Variations of Basic Own Funds explained by Variation Analysis Templates)

Variation of excess of assets over liabilities. This item is further assessed in rows R0190 to R0250 and then in templates S.29.02 to S.29.04.

Excess of assets over liabilities shall be considered before deductions for Participations in financial and credit institutions.


Own shares

Variation of own shares included as assets on the balance sheet.


Foreseeable dividends, distributions and charges

Variation of foreseeable dividends, distributions and charges.


Other basic own fund items

Variation of other basic own fund items.


Restricted own fund items due to ring fencing and matching

Variation of restricted own fund items due to ring fencing and matching.


Total variation of Reconciliation Reserve

Total variation of Reconciliation Reserve.


Variations due to investments and financial liabilities

Variations in the Excess of assets over liabilities explained by variations in investments and financial liabilities (for instance variations in value in the period, financial revenues, etc.)  . This amount shall not include amount of Own Shares.


 Variations due to net technical provisions

Variations in the Excess of assets over liabilities explained by variations in technical provisions (for instance provision reversals or new earned premiums, etc.).


Variations in capital basic own fund items and other items approved

This amount explains the part of the variation of Excess of Assets over Liabilities due to movements in ‘pure’ capital items, such as Ordinary share capital (gross of own shares), Preference shares, Surplus funds.


Variations in Deferred Tax position

Variations in the Excess of assets over liabilities explained by variation of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities


Income tax of the reporting period

Amount of corporate tax of the reporting period, as stated in the financial statements of the reporting period.


Dividend distribution

Amount of dividend distributed during the reporting period, as stated in the financial statements of the reporting period.


Other variations in Excess of Assets over Liabilities

The remaining variations in the excess of assets over liabilities.

S.29.02 — Excess of Assets over Liabilities — explained by investments and financial liabilities

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template focuses on changes in the Excess of Assets over Liabilities due to investments and financial liabilities.

The scope of this template:


Includes investments;


Includes liabilities position of derivatives (as investments);


Includes Own shares;


Includes Financial liabilities (comprising subordinated liabilities);


Includes assets held for unit–linked and index–linked funds;


Excludes property held for own use.

For all these items, the template covers the investments held at closing date of the prior reporting period (N–1) and the investments acquired/issued during the reporting period (N).

The difference between template S.29.02 (last table) and information in template S.09.01 is the inclusion of the revenue from own shares and the exclusion of Property held for own use. The purpose of the template is to provide a detailed understanding of the changes in the Excess of Assets over Liabilities related to investments, considering:


Movements in valuation with an impact on the Excess of Assets over Liabilities (e.g. realised gains and losses from sales, but also valuation differences);


Revenues triggered by investments;


Expenses related to investments (including interest charges on financial liabilities.).





Valuation movements on investments

Valuation movements on investments, including:

— For those assets kept in the portfolio, the difference between Solvency II values at the end of the reporting period (N) and at the beginning of the Year (N–1);

— For those investments divested between the two reporting periods (including where an asset was acquired during the reporting period), the difference between the selling price and the Solvency II value as at the last reporting period (or, in case of investments acquired during the period, the acquisition cost value);

— For those assets acquired during the reporting period and still held at the end of the reporting period, the difference between the closing Solvency II value and the acquisition cost/value.

It shall include amounts relative to derivatives regardless of derivatives being an asset or a liability.

It shall not include amounts reported in ‘Investment revenues — R0040’ and ‘Investments expenses including Interest charges on subordinated and financial liabilities — R0050’.


Valuation movements on own shares

Same as for cell C0010/R0010, but for own shares.


Valuation movements on financial liabilities and subordinated liabilities

Valuation movements on financial liabilities and subordinated liabilities, including:

— For those financial and subordinated liabilities issued prior to the reporting period and not redeemed, the difference between Solvency II values at the end of the reporting period (N) and at the beginning of the reporting period (N–1);


— For those financial and subordinated liabilities redeemed during the reporting period, the difference between the redemption price and the Solvency II value as at the end of the last reporting period;

— For those financial and subordinated liabilities issued during the reporting period and not redeemed during the period, the difference between the closing Solvency II value and issuance price.


Investment Revenues

Includes dividends, interests, rents and other revenues, due to investments within scope of this template.


Investments expenses including interest charges on subordinated and financial liabilities

 Investments expenses including interest charges on subordinated and financial liabilities, including:

— Investment management expenses – related to ‘Investments’ and to ‘Own shares’;

— Interest charges on financial and subordinated liabilities related to ‘Financial liabilities other than debts owed to credit institutions’ as well as ‘Debts owed to credit institutions’ and ‘Subordinated liabilities’.

Those expenses and charges correspond to the ones recorded and recognised on an accrual basis at the end of the period.


Variation in Excess of Assets over Liabilities explained by investments and financial liabilities management

Total of variation in Excess of Assets over Liabilities explained by investments and financial liabilities management.



 Amount of dividends earned over the reporting period, excluding any dividends from property held for own use.

The same definition as in S.09.01 shall apply (except for the scope of investments to consider).



 Amount of interest earned over the reporting period, excluding any interest from property held for own use.

The same definition as in S.09.01 shall apply (except for the scope of investments to consider).



 Amount of rent earned over the reporting period, excluding any rent from property held for own use.

The same definition as in S.09.01 shall apply (except for the scope of investments to consider).



 Amount of other investments income received and accrued at the end of the reporting year. Applicable to other investment income not considered in cells C0010/R0070, C0010/R0080 and C0010/R0090, such as securities lending fees, commitment fees etc., excluding the ones from property held for own use.

S.29.03 — Excess of Assets over Liabilities — explained by technical provisions

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template focuses on changes in the Excess of Assets over Liabilities due to technical provisions (TP). The scope of technical provisions includes risks captured through Best Estimate (BE) and Risk margin, and those captured through TP calculated as a whole.

As regards the order of calculation in the table ‘breakdown of Variation in Best Estimate’, presentation of the order is not deemed prescriptive as to the order in which the calculation is performed, as long as the content of the different cells indeed reflect the purpose and definition of these cells.

Undertakings are required to report data on accident year or underwriting year basis, in accordance with any requirements of the National Supervisory Authority. If the National Supervisory Authority has not stipulated which to use then the undertaking may use accident or underwriting year according to how they manage each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, provided that they use the same year consistently, year on year.

The purpose of the template is to provide a detailed understanding of the changes in the Excess of Assets over Liabilities related to technical provisions, considering:

Changes in TP captions;
Changes in technical flows of the period;
A detailed breakdown of the variation of Best Estimate — gross of reinsurance by sources of changes (such as new business, changes in assumptions, experience, etc.).

The accepted reinsurance on unit-linked and index-linked business shall be included within the template.




Of which the following breakdown of Variation in Best Estimate — analysis per UWY if applicable — Gross of reinsurance


Opening Best Estimate

Amount of Best Estimate — gross of reinsurance — as stated in the Balance Sheet at closing year N–1 related to those lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, for which an underwriting year approach (UWY) is used for Best Estimate calculation.


Exceptional elements triggering restating of opening Best Estimate

Amount of adjustment to opening Best Estimate due to elements, other than changes in perimeter that led to restate the opening BE.

Shall essentially concern changes in models (in case models are used) for correction of the model and other modifications. It shall not concern changes in assumptions.

These cells are expected to be mostly applicable for Life business.


Changes in perimeter

Amount of adjustment to opening Best Estimate related to changes in perimeter of the portfolio like sales of (part of) portfolio and purchases. This could also concern changes of perimeter due to liabilities evolving to annuities stemming from Non–Life obligations (triggering some changes from Non–Life to Life).


Foreign exchange variation

Amount of adjustment to opening Best Estimate related to foreign exchange variation during the period.

In this case the foreign exchange variation is actually meant to be applied to contracts which are taken out in currencies different from the balance sheet currency. For the calculation, the cash–flows of these contracts contained in the opening Best Estimate are simply converted due to the exchange variation.

This item does not address the impact on the cash–flows of the insurance portfolio induced by re–valuation of year N–1 assets due to foreign exchange variation during year N.


Best Estimate on risks accepted during the period

It represents present expected future cash flows (gross of reinsurance) included in Best Estimate and related to risks accepted during the period.

This shall be considered at the closing date (and not at the actual date of inception of the risks), i.e. this shall form part of the Best Estimate at closing date.

The scope of cash flows refers to Article 77 of Directive 2009/138/EC.


Variation of Best Estimate due to unwinding of discount rate — risks accepted prior to period

The variation of Best Estimate captured here shall only relate to the unwinding of discount rates, and does not take into account other parameters such as changes in assumptions or discount rates, experience adjustment, etc.

The concept of unwinding may be illustrated as follows: Calculate the Best Estimate of year N–1 again but using the shifted interest rate term structure

In order to isolate this strict scope of variation, the calculation may be as follows:

— Consider Opening Best Estimate including the adjustment to opening Best Estimate (cells C0010/R0010 to R0040);

— Based on this figure, run the calculation of the unwinding of discount rates.


Variation of Best Estimate due to year N projected in and out flows — risks accepted prior to period

Premiums, claims, and surrenders that were forecasted on the Opening Best Estimate as to be paid during the year, will not be in the closing Best Estimate anymore as they would have been paid/received during the year. A neutralisation adjustment shall be performed.

In order to isolate this adjustment, the calculation may be as follows:

— Consider Opening Best Estimate (cell C0010/R0010) including the adjustment to opening Best Estimate (cells C0010/R0020 to R0040)

— Isolate the amount of cash flows (cash in minus cash out) that were projected within this opening Best Estimate for the period considered

— This isolated amount of cash flow shall come in addition to Opening Best Estimate (for neutralisation effect) — and be filled in cell C0010/R0070 and C0020/R0070.


Variation of Best Estimate due to experience — risks accepted prior to period

 The variation of Best Estimate captured here shall strictly relate to the cash flows projected at the end of the period when compared to the cash flows that were projected at the beginning of the period for the periods N + 1 and future.

It shall only capture the changes due to the realisation of the CF in year N and not linked to changes in assumptions.


Variation of Best Estimate due to changes in non–economic assumptions — risks accepted prior to period

 It mainly refers to changes in best estimate not driven by realised technical flows and changes in assumptions directly linked to insurance risks (i.e. lapse rates), which can be referred to as non–economic assumptions.

In order to isolate the strict scope of variation due to changes in assumptions, the calculation may be as follows:


— Consider the opening Best Estimate (cell C0010/R0010) including the adjustment to opening Best Estimate (cell C0010/R0010 to R0040) and the impact of unwinding of year N projected cash–flows (C0010/R0060 to R0080 and C0020/R0060 to R0080 respectively);

— Based on this figure, run calculations with new assumptions not related to discount rates — that applied at year end N (if any)

This will provide the variation of Best Estimate strictly related to changes in these assumptions. This may not capture the variation due to case–by–case revision of RBNS, which would thus have to be added.

For Non–Life, cases can be expected where these changes cannot be discerned separately from changes due to experience (C0020/R0080). In such cases, report the total figure under C0020/R0080.


Variation of Best Estimate due to changes in economic environment — risks accepted prior to period

It mainly refers to assumptions not directly linked to insurance risks, i.e. mainly the impact of the changes in economic environment on the cash flows (taking management actions into account, e.g. reduction of future discretionary benefits (‘FDB’)) and changes in discount rates.

For non–life (C0020/R0100), in case variation due to inflation cannot be discerned from changes due to experience, the whole amount would be reported under C0020/R0080.

In order to isolate this strict scope of variation, the calculation may be as follows:

— Consider the opening Best Estimate including the adjustment to opening Best Estimate (cell C0010/R0010 to R0040) and the impact of unwinding, of year N projected cash–flows and experience (C0010/R0060 to R0080 and C0020/R0060 to R0080 respectively, or alternatively, C0010/R0060 to R0090 and C0020/R0060 to R0090 respectively)

— Based on this figure, run calculations with new discount rates that applied during year N, together with related financial assumptions (if any).

This will provide the variation of Best Estimate strictly related to changes in discount rates and related financial assumptions.


Other changes not elsewhere explained

Corresponds to other variations in Best Estimate, not captured in cells C0010/R0010 to R0100 (for Life) or C0020/R0010 to R0100 (Non–Life).


Closing Best Estimate — gross of reinsurance

Amount of Best Estimate as stated in the Balance Sheet at closing year N related to those lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, for which an underwriting year approach (UWY) is used for Best Estimate calculation.

These cells might be nil (if no UWY approach is used), or might total the closing Best Estimate figure in the Balance Sheet if no accident Year approach (AY) is used.

Of which the following breakdown of Variation in Best Estimate — analysis per UWY if applicable — Reinsurance recoverables


Opening Best Estimate

Amount of Best Estimate of reinsurance recoverable as stated in the Balance Sheet at closing year N–1 related to those lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, for which an underwriting year approach (UWY) is used for Best Estimate calculation.


Closing Best Estimate

Amount of Best Estimate of reinsurance recoverable as stated in the Balance Sheet at closing year N related to those lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, for which an underwriting year approach (UWY) is used for Best Estimate calculation.

Of which the following breakdown of Variation in Best Estimate — analysis per AY if applicable — Gross of reinsurance


Opening Best Estimate

Amount of Best Estimate — gross of reinsurance — as stated in the Balance Sheet at closing year N–1 related to those lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, for which an accident year approach (AY) is used for Best Estimate calculation.


Exceptional elements triggering restating of opening Best Estimate

Same as for C0010 and C0020/R0020


Changes in perimeter

Same as for C0010 and C0020/R0030


Foreign exchange variation

Same as for C0010 and C0020/R0040


Variation of Best Estimate on risk covered after the period

 It is expected that these cells mainly concerns Non–Life and refers to changes in (part of) Premiums Provisions (i.e. in relation to all recognised obligations within the boundary of the contract at the valuation date where the claim has not yet occurred) as follows:

— Identify the part of premiums provisions at end of year (N) related to a coverage period starting after the closing year end N;

— Identify the part of premiums provisions at end of Year (N – 1) related to a coverage period starting after the closing Year end N;

Derive the variation from the two figures.


Variation of Best Estimate on risks covered during the period

 It is expected that these cells mainly concerns Non–Life, and refers to the following cases:

a)  (part of) Premiums Provisions at Year end N – 1 which turned to Claims Provisions at year end N because claim has occurred during that period

b)  claims provisions related to claims occurred during the period (for which there was no Premiums provisions at year end N – 1)

Calculation may be as follows:

— Identify the part of claims provisions at Year end (N) related to risks covered during the period;

— Identify the part of premiums provisions at Year end (N – 1) related to risks covered during the period;

Derive the variation from the two figures.


Variation of Best Estimate due to unwinding of discount rate — risks covered prior to period

The concept of unwinding may be illustrated as follows: Calculate the Best Estimate of year N–1 again but using the shifted interest rate term structure.

In order to isolate this strict scope of variation, the calculation may be as follows:

— Consider part of the Opening Best Estimate related to risks covered prior to period, i.e. Opening Best Estimate excluding Premiums provisions but including opening adjustments if any (see cells C0050/R0160 to R0180 and C0060/R0160 to R0180;

— Based on this figure, run the calculation of the unwinding of discount rates that applied during year N.


Variation of Best Estimate due to year N projected in and out flows — risks covered prior to period

Premiums, claims, and surrenders that were forecasted on the Opening Best Estimate (related to risks covered prior to period) as to be paid during the year, will not be in the closing Best Estimate anymore as they would have been paid/received during the year.

A neutralization adjustment has thus to be performed.

In order to isolate this adjustment, the calculation may be as follows:

— Consider part of the Opening Best Estimate related to risks covered prior to period, i.e. Opening Best Estimate excluding Premiums provisions;

— Isolate the amount of cash flows (cash in minus cash out) that were projected within this opening Best Estimate for the period considered;

— This isolated amount of cash flow shall come in addition to Opening Best Estimate (for neutralisation effect) — and be filled in cell C0050 and C0060/R0220.


Variation of Best Estimate due to experience risks — covered prior to period

 The variation of Best Estimate captured here shall strictly relate to the cash flows projected at the end of the period when compared to the cash flows that were projected at the beginning of the period for the periods N + 1 and future.

It shall only capture the changes due to the realisation of the CF in year N and not linked to changes in assumptions.


Variation of Best Estimate due to changes in non–economic assumptions — risks covered prior to period

 It mainly refers to changes in best estimate not driven by realised technical flows and changes in assumptions directly linked to insurance risks (i.e. lapse rates), which can be referred to as non–economic assumptions.

In order to isolate the strict scope of variation due to changes in assumptions, the calculation may be as follows:

Consider the opening Best Estimate (cell C0050-C0060/R0150) including the adjustment to opening Best Estimate (cells C0050-C0060/R0160 to R0180) and the impact of unwinding of year N projected cash–flows (C0050-C0060/R0210 to R0230);

Based on this figure, run calculations with new assumptions not related to discount rates – that applied at year end N (if any);

This will provide the variation of Best Estimate strictly related to changes in these assumptions. This may not capture the variation due to case–by–case revision of RBNS, which would thus have to be added.

For Non–Life, in cases where these changes cannot be discerned separately from changes due to experience, report the total figure under C0060/R0230.


Variation of Best Estimate due to changes in economic environment — risks covered prior to period

It mainly refers to assumptions not directly linked to insurance risks, i.e. mainly the impact of the changes in economic environment on the cash flows (taking management actions into account, e. g. reduction of FDB) and changes in discount rates.

For non–life (C0060/R0250), in case variation due to inflation cannot be discerned from changes due to experience, the whole amount would be reported under C0060/R0230.

In order to isolate this strict scope of variation, the calculation may be as follows:

— Consider the opening Best Estimate including the adjustment to opening Best Estimate (cells C0050/R0160 to R0180) and the impact of unwinding, of year N projected cash–flows and experience (C0050/R0210 to R0230 and C0060/R0210 toR0230 respectively, or alternatively, C0050/R0210 to R0240 and C0060/R0210 toR0240, respectively);

— Based on this figure, run calculations with new discount rates that applied during year N, together with related financial assumptions (if any).

This will provide the variation of Best Estimate strictly related to changes in discount rates and related financial assumptions.


Other changes not elsewhere explained

 Corresponds to other variations in Best Estimate, not captured in cells C0050/R0150 to R0250 (for Life) or C0060/R0150 to R0250 (Non–Life).


Closing Best Estimate

Amount of Best Estimate as stated in the Balance Sheet at closing year N related to those lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, for which an accident year approach (AY) is used for Best Estimate calculation.

Of which the following breakdown of Variation in Best Estimate — analysis per AY if applicable — reinsurance recoverables


Opening Best Estimate

Amount of Best Estimate of reinsurance recoverable as stated in the Balance Sheet at closing year N–1 related to those lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, for which an accident year approach (AY) is used for Best Estimate calculation.


Closing Best Estimate

Amount of Best Estimate of reinsurance recoverable as stated in the Balance Sheet at closing year N related to those lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 for which an accident year approach (AY) is used for Best Estimate calculation.

Of which adjustments in Technical Provisions related to valuation of Unit linked contracts, with theoretically a neutralising impact on Assets over Liabilities


Net variation for index-linked and unit-linked business

Amount shall represent the net variation, in Balance Sheet, of the Assets held for index–linked and unit–linked funds and of technical provisions – index-linked and unit-linked (calculated as best estimate and risk margin or calculate as a whole).

Technical flows affecting Technical provisions


Premiums written during the period

 Amount of written premiums under Solvency II, respectively for Life and Non–life.


Claims and benefits during the period, net of salvages and subrogations

Amount of claims and benefits during the period, net of salvages and subrogations, respectively for Life and Non–life.

If amounts are already captured in the  closing best estimate, they shall not be part of this item.


Expenses (excluding Investment expenses)

Amount of expenses (excluding investment expenses — which are reported under S.29.02), respectively for Life and Non–life.

If amounts are already captured in the  closing best estimate, they shall not be part of this item.


Total technical flows on gross Technical Provisions

Total amount of technical flows affecting gross TP.


Technical flows related to reinsurance during the period (recoverables received net of premiums paid)

Total amount of technical flows related to reinsurance recoverable during the period, i.e. recoverable received net of premiums, respectively for Life and Non–life.

Variation in Excess of Assets over Liabilities explained by Technical provisions


Variation in Excess of Assets over Liabilities explained by Technical provisions management — Gross Technical Provisions

 This calculation corresponds to the following principle:

— consider the variation (opening minus closing) in BE, RM, TP calculated as a whole and transitional on Technical Provisions;

— add amount of total technical flows, i.e.: inflows minus outflows on gross technical provisions (C0100/R0340 for Life and C0110/R0340 for Non–Life).


Variation in Excess of Assets over Liabilities explained by Technical provisions management — Reinsurance recoverables

 This calculation corresponds to the following principle:

— consider the variation in Reinsurance recoverables;

— add total amount of technical flows, i.e.: inflows minus outflows, related to reinsurance during the period.

If the amount has a positive impact on Excess of Assets over Liabilities, this shall be a positive amount.

S.29.04 — Detailed analysis per period — Technical flows versus Technical provisions

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template shall  shall be completed on the basis of Solvency II valuation, i.e. written premiums are defined as the premiums due to be received by the undertaking in the period. Applying this definition means that written premiums in the given year are the premiums actually due to be received in that year, regardless of the coverage period. The definition of written premiums is consistent with the definition of ‘premium receivables’.

Undertakings are required to report data on an accident year or underwriting year basis, in accordance with any requirements of the National Supervisory Authority. If the National Supervisory Authority has not stipulated which to use then the undertaking may use accident or underwriting year according to how they manage each line of business, provided that they use the same year consistently, year on year.

As regards the split per Lines of business for the analysis per period, line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, shall refer to both direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance.





Lines of Business


Lines of business (LoB) for which a split of the analysis per period will be required. The following close list shall be used:

1 — 1 and 13 Medical expense insurance

2 — 2 and 14 Income protection insurance

3 — 3 and 15 Workers' compensation insurance

4 — 4 and 16 Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — 5 and 17 Other motor insurance

6 — 6 and 18 Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — 7 and 19 Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — 8 and 20 General liability insurance

9 — 9 and 21 Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — 10 and 22 Legal expenses insurance

11 — 11 and 23 Assistance

12 — 12 and 24 Miscellaneous financial loss

25 — Non-proportional health reinsurance

26 — Non-proportional casualty reinsurance

27 — Non-proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

28 — Non-proportional property reinsurance

 37 — Life (including lines of business 30, 31, 32, 34 and 36, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35)

38 — Health SLT (including lines of business 29, 33 and 35)

Detailed analysis per period — Technical flows versus Technical provisions — UWY

Risks accepted during period


Written premiums underwritten during period

Part of the written premiums during the period that corresponds to contracts underwritten during the year.

Allocation keys may be used to identify this part of the total written premiums under Solvency II affected to contracts underwritten during the year.


Claims and benefits — net of salvages and subrogations recovered

Part of the claims and benefits, net of salvages and subrogations during the period that corresponds to risks accepted during the period.

Allocation keys may be used to identify this part of the total claims, as long as this reconciles at the end to total claims and benefits net of salvages and subrogations as reported in C0100/R0320 from S.29.03 and C0110/R0320 from S.29.03.


Expenses (related to insurance and reinsurance obligations)

Part of the expenses during the period that corresponds to risks accepted during the period.

Allocation keys may be used to identify this part of the total expenses, as long as this reconciles at the end to total expenses as reported in C0100/R0330 from template S.29.03 plus C0110/R0330 from template S.29.03.


Variation of Best Estimate

Corresponds to the variation of Best Estimate for risk accepted during the period.


Variation of Technical Provisions as a whole

Part of TP calculated as a whole corresponding to risks accepted during period.

Allocation keys may be used to identify this part of the total variation of TP calculated as a whole, as long as this reconciles at the end to total.


Net variation for index-linked and unit-linked business

Amount shall represent the net variation, in Balance Sheet, of the Assets held for index–linked and unit–linked funds and of technical provisions – index-linked and unit-linked (calculated as best estimate and risk margin or calculate as a whole).



Total impact from risks accepted during period — gross of reinsurance).

Risks accepted prior to period


Written premiums on contract underwritten during period

Part of the written premiums during the period that corresponds to contracts underwritten prior to period.

See instructions on C0010/R0010.


Claims and benefits — net of salvages and subrogations recovered

Part of the claims and benefits, net of salvages and subrogations during the period that corresponds to risks accepted prior to period.

See instructions on C0010/R0020.


Expenses (related to insurance and reinsurance obligations)

Part of the expenses during the period that corresponds to risks accepted prior to period.

See instructions on C0010/R0030.


Variation of BE

Variation of BE due to year N projected in and out flows – risks accepted prior to period (gross of reinsurance)

Total for all reported line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, shall correspond to the sum of cells C0010/R0060 to C0010/R0100 from template S.29.03 and C0020/R0060 to C0020/R0100 from template S.29.03.


Variation of Technical Provisions as a whole

Part of TP calculated as a whole corresponding to risks accepted prior to period.

See instructions on C0010/R0050.


Net variation for index-linked and unit-linked business

See instructions on C0010/R0060.



Total of changes related to risks accepted to prior, gross of reinsurance.

Detailed analysis per period — Technical flows versus Technical provisions — AY

Risks covered after the period


Written premiums

Corresponds to part of written premiums related to risks covered after the period, i.e. premiums to be earned after the period.

In addition, allocation keys may be used to identify this part of the premiums affected to risks covered after the period.


Claims and benefits — net of salvages and subrogations recovered

Corresponds to part of claims and benefits, net of salvages and subrogations related to risks covered after the period (theoretically at nil).

See instructions on C0010/R0020.


Expenses (related to insurance and reinsurance obligations)

Part of the expenses during the period that corresponds to risks covered after the period.

See instructions on C0010/R0030.


Variation of Best Estimate

 This variation of BE shall correspond to the sum of cells C0050/R0190 from template S.29.03 and C0060/R0190 from template S.29.03. if the analysis in S.29.03 is performed on a line of business basis.

The amount refers to changes in (part of) Premiums Provisions (i.e. in relation to all recognised obligations within the boundary of the contract at the valuation date where the claim has not yet occurred) as follows:

— Identify the part of premiums provisions at end of year (N) related to a coverage period starting after the closing year-end N

— Identify the part of premiums provisions at the end of year (N – 1) related to a coverage period starting after the closing year-end N (i.e. in case of premiums provisions in relation to obligations on more than one future reporting period)

In case Premiums Provisions at year end (N – 1) includes amount for which claims occurred during year N, this amount shall not be considered in Variation of BE on risks covered after the period, but, instead in Variation of BE on risks covered during the period, as this provision turned to Claims provisions.


Variation of Technical Provisions as a whole

Part of TP calculated as a whole corresponding to risks covered after the period.

See instructions on C0010/R0050.


Net variation for index-linked and unit-linked business

This cell is deemed not applicable for Non–Life

See instructions on C0010/R0060.



Total changes related to risks covered after the period, gross of reinsurance.

Risks covered during the period


Written premiums

Corresponds to part of written premiums related to risks covered during the period, i.e. earned premiums under Solvency II principles.

In addition, allocation keys may be used to identify this part of the premiums affected to risks covered after the period.


Claims and benefits — net of salvages and subrogations recovered

Corresponds to part of claims and benefits, net of salvages and subrogations related to risks covered during the period.

See instructions on C0010/R0020.


Expenses (related to insurance and reinsurance obligations)

Part of the expenses during the period that corresponds to risks covered during the period.

See instructions on C0010/R0030.


Variation of Best Estimate

 Amount of the variation of best estimate for the risks covered during the period.

For risks covered during the period: this variation of BE shall correspond to the sum of cells C0050/R0200 from template S.29.03 and C0060/R0200 from template S.29.03. if the analysis in S.29.03 is performed on a line of business basis.

The amount refers to the following cases:

a)  Premiums Provisions at Year end N–1 which turned to Claims Provisions at year end N because claim has occurred during the period

b)  Claims provisions related to claims occurred during the period (for which there was no Premiums provisions at year end N – 1)

Calculation may be as follows:

— Identify the part of claims provisions at year-end (N) related to risks covered during the period.

— Identify the part of premiums provisions at year-end (N – 1) related to risks covered during the period.

Derive the variation from the two figures.


Variation of Technical Provisions as a whole

Part of TP calculated as a whole corresponding to risks covered during period.

See instructions on C0010/R0050.


Net variation for index-linked and unit-linked business

This cell is deemed not applicable for Non–Life

See instructions on C0010/R0060.



Total changes related to risks covered during period, gross of reinsurance.

Risks covered prior to period


Written premiums

Corresponds to part of written premiums related to risks covered prior to the period, i.e. earned premiums under Solvency II principles (when the premium is only due after the coverage period).

In addition, allocation keys may be used to identify this part of the premiums.


Claims and benefits — net of salvages and subrogations recovered

Corresponds to part of claims and benefits, net of salvages and subrogations related to risks covered prior to the period.

See instructions on C0010/R0020.


Expenses (related to insurance and reinsurance obligations)

Part of the expenses during the period that corresponds to risks covered prior to the period.

See instructions on C0010/R0030.


Variation of Best Estimate  —

 For risks covered prior to period corresponds to year N projected in and out technical flows for risks accepted prior to period. For risks covered prior to the period this variation of BE shall correspond to the sum of cells R0210/C0050-C0060 to R0250/C0050–C0060 from template S.29.03 if the analysis in S.29.03 is performed on a line of business basis.

The calculation may be as follows:

— Consider part of the Opening Best Estimate related to risks covered prior to period, i.e. Opening Best Estimate excluding Premiums provisions;

— Isolate the amount of cash flows (cash in minus cash out) that were projected within this opening Best Estimate for the period considered;

— This isolated amount of cash flow shall come in addition to Opening Best Estimate (for neutralisation effect).


Variation of Technical Provisions as a whole

Part of technical provisions as a whole corresponding to risks covered prior to period.

See comment on C0010/R0050


Net variation for index-linked and unit-linked business

This cell is deemed not applicable for Non–Life

See instructions on C0010/R0060.



Total changes related to risks covered prior to period, gross of reinsurance.

S.30.01 — Facultative covers for non–life and life business basic data

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template is relevant to insurance and reinsurance undertakings which reinsure and/or retrocede business on a facultative basis.

It shall be filled by the non–life and life insurance and reinsurance undertakings with information on facultative covers in the next reporting year, covering information on the 10 most important risks in terms of reinsured exposure for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 (e.g. in cases where the risks accepted do not fit in the regular policy acceptance and could only be accepted in case part of the risk is reinsured on a facultative basis). Each facultative risk is submitted to the reinsurer and terms and conditions of the facultative reinsurance are negotiated individually for each policy. Treaties that automatically cover risks are out of scope of this template and must be reported in S.30.03.

There shall be one separate template for each line of business. For each line of business, a selection must be made of the 10 most important risks in terms of reinsured exposure (part of sum insured transferred to all reinsurers) on a facultative basis. Furthermore, each underwriting risk shall have a unique code specified by the ‘risk identification code’.

This template is prospective (to be in line with S.30.03) and as such shall reflect the reinsurance treaties effective and valid during the next reporting year for the selected 10 most important risks in terms of reinsured exposure for each line of business. Undertakings shall report the most important risks of the next reporting period which are covered by reinsurance treaties valid during the next reporting period. If reinsurance strategy changes materially after the validity date or if the renovation of the reinsurance contracts are performed later than the reporting date and before next 1 January, the information on this template shall be re–submitted when adequate.

Facultative placements covering different lines of business shall also appear in the various relevant line of business if they are ranked within the 10 biggest risks of the same line of business.




Facultative covers non–life


Line of business

Identification of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, reported. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Medical expense insurance

2 — Income protection insurance

3 — Workers' compensation insurance

4 — Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — Other motor insurance

6 — Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — General liability insurance

9 — Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — Legal expenses insurance

11 — Assistance

12 — Miscellaneous financial loss

13 — Proportional medical expense reinsurance

14 — Proportional income protection reinsurance

15 — Proportional workers' compensation reinsurance

16 — Proportional motor vehicle liability reinsurance

17 — Proportional other motor reinsurance

18 — Proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

19 — Proportional fire and other damage to property reinsurance

20 — Proportional general liability reinsurance

21 — Proportional credit and suretyship reinsurance

22 — Proportional legal expenses reinsurance

23 — Proportional assistance reinsurance

24 — Proportional miscellaneous financial loss reinsurance

25 — Non–proportional health reinsurance

26 — Non–proportional casualty reinsurance

27 — Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

28 — Non–proportional property reinsurance


Reinsurance program code

Undertaking specific reinsurance code that links the dominant treaty of reinsurance programme which also protects the risk covered by the facultative reinsurance. The Reinsurance program code shall be in line with the Reinsurance program code of S.30.03 — Outgoing Reinsurance Program in the next reporting year.


Risk identification code

For each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of non–life insurance a selection shall be made of the 10 most important risks in terms of exposure that are subject to facultative reinsurance in force in the next reporting period (also if they originated in preceding years). The code is a unique identifying number assigned by the insurer that identifies the risk and shall remain unchanged for subsequent annual reports.

 This code once assigned shall not be reused for another risk even when the risk to which the code was originally assigned does not exist anymore.

When one risk affects more than one line of business the same code can be used for all the lines of business affected.


Facultative reinsurance placement identification code

Each facultative reinsurance placement must be assigned a sequence number which is unique for the risk. The facultative reinsurance placement identification code is entity specific.


Finite reinsurance or similar arrangements

Identification of the reinsurance contract. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Non–traditional or Finite RE

(if any reinsurance contract or financial instrument which is not directly based on the principle of indemnity or is based on a contract wording which has limited or no demonstrable risk transfer mechanism)

2 — Other than non–traditional or Finite RE

In case of Finite reinsurance or a similar arrangement only the items which are feasible must be filled.



Indicate whether the reinsurance program is proportional reinsurance, i.e., involves a reinsurer taking a stated percent share of each policy that an insurer underwrites. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Proportional reinsurance

2 — Non–proportional reinsurance


Identification of the company/person to which the risk relates

If the risk relates to a company identify the name of the company to whom the risk relates.

If the risk relates to a natural person, pseudonymise the original policy number and report pseudonymised information. Pseudonymous data refer to data that cannot be attributed to a specific individual without the use of additional information, as long as such additional information is kept separately. Consistency over time shall be insured. It implies that if a single underwriting risk appears from one year to another, it shall receive the same pseudonymised format.


Description risk

The description of the risk. Depending on the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, report the type of company, building or occupation of the specific risk insured.


Description risk category covered

Description of the main scope of the cover of the facultative risk. It is normally part of the description used to identify the placement.

The description of the risk category covered is entity specific and is not mandatory. Also the term ‘risk category’ is not based on Directive 2008/138/EC or Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35/EC terminologies but can be considered as an extra possibility the give additional information about the underwriting risk(s).


Validity period (start date)

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date of commencement of the specific cover, i.e., date when the cover took effect.


Validity period (expiry date)

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the final expiry date of the specific cover.

In case the cover conditions remain unchanged when filling in the template and the undertaking is not making use of the termination clause, the expiry date will be the next possible expiry date.



Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency used while placing the facultative cover. All the amounts must be expressed in this currency for the specific facultative cover, unless otherwise required by the national supervisory authority. In case the facultative cover is placed in two different currencies, then the main currency must be filled.


Sum insured

The highest amount that the insurer can be obliged to pay out under the policy. The insured sum relates to the underwriting risk. Where the facultative cover provides for a number of exposures/risks across the country the aggregate policy limits shall be specified. If the risk has been accepted on a co–insurance basis, the insured sum indicates the maximum liability of the reporting non–life insurer.

 In the case of unlimited sum insured, the ‘Sum insured’ shall be an estimation of the expected possible loss (calculated using the same methods as used for the calculation of the premium, which shall reflect the actual risk exposure).


Type of underwriting model

Type of underwriting model which is used to estimate the exposure of the underwriting risk and the need for reinsurance protection. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Sum Insured

the highest amount that the insurer can be obliged to pay out according to the original policy. SI must also be filled when type of underwriting model is not applicable

2 — Maximum Possible Loss

loss which may occur when the most unfavourable circumstances being more or less exceptionally combined, the fire is only stopped by impassable obstacles or lack of substance.

3 — Probable Maximum Loss

defined as the estimate of the largest loss from a single fire or peril to be expected, assuming the worst single impairment of primary private fire protection systems but with secondary protection systems or organizations (such as emergency organizations and private and/or public fire department response) functioning as intended. Catastrophic conditions like explosions resulting from massive release of flammable gases, which might involve large areas of the plant, detonation of massive explosives, seismic disturbances, tidal waves or flood, falling aircraft, and arson committed in more than one area are excluded in this estimate. This definition is a hybrid form between Maximum Possible Loss and Estimated Maximum Loss that is generally accepted and frequently used by insurers, reinsurers and reinsurance brokers

4 — Estimated Maximum Loss

loss that could reasonably be sustained from the contingencies under consideration, as a result of a single incident considered to be within the realms of probability taking into account all factors likely to increase or lessen the extent of the loss, but excluding such coincidences and catastrophes which may be possible but remain unlikely.

5 — Other

other possible underwriting models used. The type of ‘other’ underwriting model applied must be explained in the Regular Supervisory Report

Although abovementioned definitions are used for the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 ‘Fire and other damage to property insurance’, similar definitions might be in place for other lines of business.


Amount underwriting model

Maximum loss amount of the underwriting risk which is the result of the underwriting model used.


Sum reinsured on a facultative basis, with all reinsurers

The sum reinsured on a facultative basis is part of the sum insured which is reinsured on a facultative basis. The amount shall be consistent with the Sum insured as specified in C0130 and reflects the maximum liability (100 %) for the facultative reinsurers.


Facultative reinsurance premium ceded to all reinsurers for 100 % of the reinsurance placement

Expected gross annual or written reinsurance premium, gross of ceding commissions, ceded to reinsurers for their share.


Facultative reinsurance commission

Expected commission with the gross annual or written reinsurance premium. This shall include all ceding, overriding and profit commissions that represent cash–flows into the reporting insurer due from the reinsurer.

Facultative covers life


Line of business

Identification of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, reported. The following closed list shall be used:

29 — Health insurance

30 — Insurance with profit participation

31 — Index–linked and unit–linked insurance

32 — Other life insurance

33 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations

34 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligations other than health insurance obligations

35 — Health reinsurance

36 — Life reinsurance


Reinsurance program code

Undertaking specific reinsurance code that links the dominant treaty of reinsurance programme which also protects the risk covered by the facultative reinsurance. The Reinsurance program code shall be in line with the Reinsurance program code of S.30.03 — Outgoing Reinsurance Program in the next reporting year.


Risk identification code

For each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of life insurance a selection shall be made of the 10 most important risks in terms of exposure that are subject to facultative reinsurance in force in the reporting period (also if they originated in preceding years). The code is a unique identifying number assigned by the insurer that identifies the risk within the branch, and this code cannot be reused for other risks in the same branch and shall remain unchanged for subsequent annual reports.

 This code once assigned shall not be reused for another risk even when the risk to which the code was originally assigned does not exist anymore.

When one risk affects more than one line of business the same code can be used for all the lines of business affected.


Facultative reinsurance placement identification code

Each facultative reinsurance placement must be assigned a sequence number which is unique for the risk. The facultative reinsurance placement identification code is entity specific.


Finite reinsurance or similar arrangements

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Non–traditional or Finite RE

(if any reinsurance contract or financial instrument which is not directly based on the principle of indemnity or is based on a contract wording which has limited or no demonstrable risk transfer mechanism)

2 — Other than non–traditional or Finite RE



Indicate whether the reinsurance program is proportional reinsurance, i.e., involves a reinsurer taking a stated percent share of each policy that an insurer underwrites. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Proportional reinsurance

2 — Non–proportional reinsurance


Identification of the company/person to which the risk relates

If the risk relates to a company identify the name of the company to whom the risk relates

If the risk relates to a natural person, pseudonymise the original policy number and report pseudonymised information. Pseudonymous data refer to data that cannot be attributed to a specific individual without the use of additional information, as long as such additional information is kept separately. Consistency over time shall be insured. It implies that if a single underwriting risk appears from one year to another, it shall receive the same pseudonymised format.


Description risk category covered

Description of the main scope of the cover of the facultative risk. It is normally part of the description used to identify the placement.

The description of the risk category covered is entity specific and is not mandatory. Also the term ‘risk category’ isn't based on Solvency II Directive terminologies but can be considered as an extra possibility the give additional information about the underwriting risk(s).


Validity period (start date)

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date of commencement of the specific cover, i.e., date when the cover took effect.


Validity period (expiry date)

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the final expiry date of the specific cover.



Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency used while placing the facultative cover. All the amounts of this record must be expressed in this currency.


Sum Insured

The amount that the life insurer pays out to the beneficiary. If the risk is co–insured with other life insurers, the insured capital payable by the reporting life insurer has to be reported here.


Capital at risk

The capital at risk, as defined in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35/EC.

If the risk is co–insured with other life insurers, the risk capital relating to the life insurer's amount share in the insured capital has to be reported here.


Sum reinsured on a facultative basis, with all reinsurers

 The sum reinsured on a facultative basis is that part of the sum insured which is reinsured on a facultative basis. The amount shall be consistent with the Sum insured as specified in C0290 and reflects the maximum liability (100 %) for the facultative reinsurers.


Facultative reinsurance premium ceded to all reinsurers for 100 % of the reinsurance placement

Expected gross annual or written reinsurance premium, gross of ceding commissions, ceded to the reinsurers for their share.


Facultative reinsurance commission

Expected commission with the gross annual or written reinsurance premium. This shall include all ceding, overriding and profit commissions that represent cash–flows into the reporting insurer due from the reinsurer.

S.30.02 — Facultative covers for non–life and life business shares data

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template is relevant to insurance and reinsurance undertakings which reinsure and/or retrocede business on a facultative basis.

It shall be filled by the non–life and life insurance and reinsurance undertakings with information on shares of reinsurers of facultative covers in the next reporting year covering information on the 10 most important risks in terms of reinsured exposure, for each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, (e.g. in cases where the risks accepted do not fit in the regular policy acceptance and could only be accepted in case part of the risk is reinsured on a facultative basis). Each facultative risk is submitted to the reinsurer and terms and conditions of the facultative reinsurance are negotiated individually for each policy. Treaties that automatically cover risks are out of scope of this template and must be reported in S.30.03.

There shall be one separate template for each line of business. For each line of business, a selection must be made of the 10 most important risks in terms of reinsured exposure (part of sum insured transferred to all reinsurers) on a facultative basis. Furthermore, each underwriting risk shall have a unique code specified by the ‘risk identification code’. Each chosen risk shall be separated to get unique conditions for a contract in a single line.  Where a facultative cover as reported in template S.30.01 is related to more than one reinsurance undertaking, this template shall be filled in with as many rows as the number of reinsurance undertakings involved for the specific facultative cover.

This template is prospective (to be in line with S.30.03) and as such shall reflect the reinsurance treaties effective and valid during the next reporting year for the selected 10 most important risks in terms of reinsured exposure for each line of business. Undertakings shall report the most important risks of the next reporting period which are covered by reinsurance treaties valid during the next reporting period. If reinsurance strategy changes materially after the validity date or if the renovation of the reinsurance contracts are performed later than the reporting date and before next 1 January, the information on this template shall be re–submitted when adequate.

Facultative placements covering different lines of business shall also appear in the various relevant lines of business if they are ranked within the 10 biggest risks of the same line of business.

This template shall be filled in for each reinsurer that accepted the facultative cover.




Facultative covers non–life


Line of business

Identification of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, reported. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Medical expense insurance

2 — Income protection insurance

3 — Workers' compensation insurance

4 — Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — Other motor insurance

6 — Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — General liability insurance

9 — Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — Legal expenses insurance

11 — Assistance

12 — Miscellaneous financial loss

13 — Proportional medical expense reinsurance

14 — Proportional income protection reinsurance

15 — Proportional workers' compensation reinsurance

16 — Proportional motor vehicle liability reinsurance

17 — Proportional other motor reinsurance

18 — Proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

19 — Proportional fire and other damage to property reinsurance

20 — Proportional general liability reinsurance

21 — Proportional credit and suretyship reinsurance

22 — Proportional legal expenses reinsurance

23 — Proportional assistance reinsurance

24 — Proportional miscellaneous financial loss reinsurance

25 — Non–proportional health reinsurance

26 — Non–proportional casualty reinsurance

27 — Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

28 — Non–proportional property reinsurance


Reinsurance program code

Undertaking specific reinsurance code that links the dominant treaty of reinsurance programme which also protects the risk covered by the facultative reinsurance. The Reinsurance program code shall be in line with the Reinsurance program code of S.30.03 — Outgoing Reinsurance Program in the next reporting year.


Risk identification Code

For each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of non–life insurance a selection shall be made of the 10 most important risks in terms of exposure that are subject to facultative reinsurance in force in the reporting period (also if they originated in preceding years). The code is a unique identifying number assigned by the insurer that identifies the risk and shall remain unchanged for subsequent annual reports.

 This code once assigned shall not be reused for another risk even when the risk to which the code was originally assigned does not exist anymore.

When one risk affects more than one line of business the same code can be used for all the lines of business affected.


Facultative reinsurance

Placement identification code

Each facultative reinsurance placement must be assigned a sequence number which is unique for the risk. The facultative reinsurance placement identification code is entity specific.


Code reinsurer

Identification code of the reinsurer by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking

 In case a specific code is attributed by the undertaking, the code shall be unique for the specific reinsurer or broker and shall not overlap with any other code, attributed by the undertaking or LEI code.

In the cases where a code already exists (e.g. national identifier), the same code is used as this identifier and shall be kept consistently over time until a LEI code exists.


Type of code reinsurer

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code reinsurer’ The following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Code broker

Identification code of the broker by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking

If more than one broker was involved in the reinsurance placement only the dominant main broker is required.


Type of code broker

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code broker’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Activity code broker


Representing the activities of the broker involved, as considered by the undertaking. In case the activities are combined all activities must be mentioned separated by a ‘,’:

1 — Intermediary for placement

2 — Underwriting on behalf of

3 — Financial services


Share reinsurer (%)

Percentage of the facultative placement accepted by the reinsurer, expressed as an absolute percentage of the Amount reinsured on a facultative basis, with all reinsurers, as reported in column C0160 of S.30.01 — Facultative covers (in terms of reinsured exposure) — Basic.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.



Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency used while placing the facultative cover. All the amounts must be expressed in this currency for the specific facultative cover, unless otherwise required by the national supervisory authority. In case the facultative cover is placed in two different currencies, then the main currency must be filled.


Sum reinsured to facultative reinsurer

The sum reinsured on a facultative basis with the reinsurer.


Facultative ceded reinsurance premium

Expected gross annual or written reinsurance premium, ceded to reinsurer for their share.



Description of cases where either the reinsurer's participation is at conditions different from those of the standard facultative or treaty placement, or to provide any other information that the undertaking has to bring to the attention of the Supervisor.

Facultative covers life


Line of business

Identification of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, reported. The following closed list shall be used:

29 — Health insurance

30 — Insurance with profit participation

31 — Index–linked and unit–linked insurance

32 — Other life insurance

33 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations

34 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligations other than health insurance obligations

35 — Health reinsurance

36 — Life reinsurance


Reinsurance program code

Undertaking specific reinsurance code that links the dominant treaty of reinsurance programme which also protects the risk covered by the facultative reinsurance. The Reinsurance program code shall be in line with the Reinsurance program code of S.30.03 — Outgoing Reinsurance Program in the next reporting year.


Risk identification code

For each line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, of life insurance a selection shall be made of the 10 most important risks in terms of exposure that are subject to facultative reinsurance in force in the reporting period (also if they originated in preceding years). The code is a unique identifying number assigned by the insurer that identifies the risk within the branch, and this code cannot be reused for other risks in the same branch and shall remain unchanged for subsequent annual reports.

 This code once assigned shall not be reused for another risk even when the risk to which the code was originally assigned does not exist anymore.

When one risk affects more than one line of business the same code can be used for all the lines of business affected.


Facultative reinsurance placement identification code

A sequential number which is unique for the risk, assigned to each facultative reinsurance placement by the undertaking.


Code reinsurer

Identification code of the reinsurer by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking

In case a specific code is attributed by the undertaking, the code shall be unique for the specific reinsurer and shall not overlap with any other code, attributed by the undertaking or LEI code.


Type of code reinsurer

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code reinsurer’ The following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Code broker

Identification code of the broker by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking

In case a specific code is attributed by the undertaking, the code shall be unique for the specific broker and shall not overlap with any other code, attributed by the undertaking or LEI code.

If more than one broker was involved in the reinsurance placement only the dominant broker is required.


Type of code broker

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code broker’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Activity code broker


Representing the activities of the broker involved, as considered by the undertaking. In case the activities are combined all activities must be mentioned separated by a ‘,’:

1 — Intermediary for placement

2 — Underwriting on behalf of

3 — Financial services


Share reinsurer (%)

Percentage of the facultative placement accepted by the reinsurer, expressed as an absolute percentage of the Amount reinsured on a facultative basis, with all reinsurers, as reported in column C0310 of S.30.01 — Facultative covers (in terms of reinsured exposure) — Basic.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.



Identify ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency used while placing the facultative cover. All the amounts must be expressed in this currency for the specific facultative cover, unless otherwise required by the national supervisory authority. In case the facultative cover is placed in two different currencies, then the main currency must be filled.


Sum reinsured to facultative reinsurer

The sum reinsured on a facultative basis with the reinsurer.


Facultative ceded reinsurance premium

Expected gross annual or written reinsurance premium, ceded to reinsurer for their share.



Description of cases where either the reinsurer's participation is at conditions different from those of the standard facultative or treaty placement, or to provide any other information that the undertaking has to bring to the attention of the Supervisor.

Information on reinsurers and brokers


Code reinsurer

Identification code of the reinsurer by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking

In case a specific code is attributed by the undertaking, the code shall be unique for the specific reinsurer and shall not overlap with any other code, attributed by the undertaking or LEI code.


Type of code reinsurer

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code reinsurer’ The following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Legal name reinsurer

Legal name of the reinsurer to whom the underwriting risk has been transferred. The official name of the risk–carrier reinsurer is stated in the reinsurance contract. It is not permitted to fill in the name of a reinsurance broker. Nor is it permitted to state a general or incomplete name as international reinsurers have several operating companies that may be based in different countries.

In case of pooling arrangements, the name of the Pool (or pool manager) can be filled only if the Pool is a legal entity.


Type of reinsurer

Type of reinsurer to whom the underwriting risk has been transferred. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Direct Life insurer

2 — Direct Non–life insurer

3 — Direct Composite insurer

4 — Captive insurance undertaking

5 — Internal reinsurer (reinsurance undertaking which primary focus is to take risk from other insurance undertakings within the group)

6 — External reinsurer (reinsurance undertaking that takes risks from undertakings other than from insurance undertakings within the group)

7 — Captive reinsurance undertaking

8 — Special purpose vehicle

9 — Pool entity (where more than one insurance or reinsurance undertakings are involved)

10 — State pool


Country of residency

Identify the ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code for the country where the reinsurer is legally authorised/licensed.


External rating assessment by nominated ECAI

 Rating of the reinsurer at the reporting reference date as provided by the nominated credit assessment institution (ECAI).

If the rating is not available the item shall be left blank.


Nominated ECAI

 Identify the credit assessment institution (ECAI) giving the external rating in C0330, by using the following closed list. In case of ratings issued by subsidiaries of the ECAI please report the parent ECAI (the reference is to ESMA list of credit rating agencies registered or certified in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies). In case a new Credit Rating Agency is registered or certified by ESMA and while the closed list is not up-dated please report ‘Other nominated ECAI’.  
—  Euler Hermes Rating GmbH (LEI code: 391200QXGLWHK9VK6V27)
—  Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd (LEI code: 35380002378CEGMRVW86)
—  BCRA-Credit Rating Agency AD (LEI code: 747800Z0IC3P66HTQ142)
—  Creditreform Rating AG (LEI code: 391200PHL11KDUTTST66)
—  Scope Ratings GmbH (LEI code: 391200WU1EZUQFHDWE91)
—  ICAP Group SA (LEI code: 2138008U6LKT8VG2UK85)
—  GBB-Rating Gesellschaft für Bonitätsbeurteilung GmbH (LEI code: 391200OLWXCTKPADVV72)
—  ASSEKURATA Assekuranz Rating-Agentur GmbH (LEI code: 529900977LETWLJF3295)
—  ARC Ratings, S.A. (LEI code: 213800OZNJQMV6UA7D79)
—  AM Best Europe

— A.M. Best (EU) Rating Services B.V. (LEI code: 549300Z2RUKFKV7GON79)

— AM Best Europe-Rating Services Ltd. (AMBERS) (LEI code: 549300VO8J8E5IQV1T26)

—  DBRS Ratings Limited (LEI code: 5493008CGCDQLGT3EH93)
—  Fitch

— Fitch France S.A.S. (LEI code: 2138009Y4TCZT6QOJO69)

— Fitch Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 213800JEMOT1H45VN340)

— Fitch Italia S.p.A. (LEI code: 213800POJ9QSCHL3KR31)

— Fitch Polska S.A. (LEI code: 213800RYJTJPW2WD5704)

— Fitch Ratings España S.A.U. (LEI code: 213800RENFIIODKETE60)

— Fitch Ratings Limited (LEI code: 2138009F8YAHVC8W3Q52)

— Fitch Ratings CIS Limited (LEI code: 213800B7528Q4DIF2G76)

—  Moody’s

— Moody’s Investors Service Cyprus Ltd (LEI code: 549300V4LCOYCMNUVR81)

— Moody’s France S.A.S. (LEI code: 549300EB2XQYRSE54F02)

— Moody’s Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 549300M5JMGHVTWYZH47)

— Moody’s Italia S.r.l. (LEI code: 549300GMXJ4QK70UOU68)

— Moody’s Investors Service España S.A. (LEI code: 5493005X59ILY4BGJK90)

— Moody’s Investors Service Ltd (LEI code: 549300SM89WABHDNJ349)

— Moody’s Investors Service EMEA Ltd (LEI code: 54930009NU3JYS1HTT72)

— Moody’s Investors Service (Nordics) AB (LEI code: 549300W79ZVFWJCD2Z23)

—  Standard & Poor’s

— S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (LEI code:5493008B2TU3S6QE1E12)

—  CRIF Ratings S.r.l. (LEI code: 8156001AB6A1D740F237)
—  Capital Intelligence Ratings Ltd (LEI code: 549300RE88OJP9J24Z18)
—  European Rating Agency, a.s. (LEI code: 097900BFME0000038276)
—  Axesor Risk Management SL (LEI code: 959800EC2RH76JYS3844)
—  Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A. (LEI code: 8156004AB6C992A99368)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency (LEI code: 549300QYZ5CZYXTNZ676)
—  The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd (LEI code: 213800Q7GRZWF95EWN10)
—  Dagong Europe Credit Rating Srl (Dagong Europe) (LEI code: 815600BF4FF53B7C6311)
—  Spread Research (LEI code: 969500HB6BVM2UJDOC52)
—  EuroRating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 25940027QWS5GMO74O03)
—  HR Ratings de México, S.A. de C.V. (HR Ratings) (LEI code: 549300IFL3XJKTRHZ480)
—  Egan-Jones Ratings Co. (EJR) (LEI code: 54930016113PD33V1H31)
—  modeFinance S.r.l. (LEI code: 815600B85A94A0122614)
—  INC Rating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 259400SUBF5EPOGK0983)
—  Rating-Agentur Expert RA GmbH (LEI code: 213800P3OOBSGWN2UE81)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency Europe Limited (LEI code: 5493001NGHOLC41ZSK05)
—  Nordic Credit Rating AS (LEI code: 549300MLUDYVRQOOXS22)
—  DBRS Rating GmbH (LEI code: 54930033N1HPUEY7I370)
—  Beyond Ratings SAS (LEI code: 9695006ORIPPZ3QSM810)
—  Other nominated ECAI
This item shall be reported when External rating (C0330) is reported.


Credit quality step

Identify the credit quality step attributed to the reinsurer. The credit quality step shall reflect any readjustments to the credit quality made internally by the undertakings that use the standard formula.


One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

0 — Credit quality step 0

1 — Credit quality step 1

2 — Credit quality step 2

3 — Credit quality step 3

4 — Credit quality step 4

5 — Credit quality step 5

6 — Credit quality step 6

9 — No rating available


Internal rating

Internal rating of the reinsurer for undertakings using internal model to the extent that the internal ratings are used in their internal modelling. If an internal model undertaking is using solely external ratings this item shall not be reported.


Code broker

Identification code of the broker by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking

In case a specific code is attributed by the undertaking, the code shall be unique for the specific broker and shall not overlap with any other code, attributed by the undertaking or LEI code.


Type of code broker

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code broker’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Legal name broker

Statutory name of the broker.

S.30.03 — Outgoing Reinsurance Program basic data

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template is relevant to insurance and reinsurance undertakings with an outgoing reinsurance and/or retrocession program including any coverage provided by State backed reinsurance pool arrangements, excluding facultative covers.

This template shall be filled by the insurance and reinsurance undertaking which is transferring underwriting risk to the reinsurers through a reinsurance treaty whose period of validity includes or overlaps the next reporting year and are known when filling the template. If reinsurance strategy changes materially after that date or if the renovation of the reinsurance contracts are performed later than the reporting date and before next 1 January, the information on this template shall be re–submitted when adequate.





Reinsurance program code

Unique code (undertaking specific) covering all the individual reinsurance placements and/or treaties which belong to the same reinsurance program.


Treaty identification code

Treaty identification code that identifies the treaty exclusively and must be maintained in subsequent reports, usually the original treaty number registered in the company's books.


Progressive section number in treaty

The progressive section number assigned by the undertaking to the various sections of the treaty, in those cases where the treaty, for example, covers more than one line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, or covers different lines of activity with different limits. Treaties with different conditions are considered different treaties for the submission of information and shall be reported in different sections. For different lines of business covered under the same treaty, the conditions referring to each line of business will be detailed separately under each section number. Treaties coveringdifferent type of reinsurance (e.g. one section on a Quota Share basis and another one on XL) in the same treaty shall be reported in different sections. Treaties covering different layers of the same program shall be reported in different sections.


Progressive number of surplus/layer in program

The progressive surplus/layer number, when the treaty is part of a wider program.


Quantity of surplus/layers in program

The total number of surpluses or layers in the same program which includes the treaty which is being reported.


Finite reinsurance or similar arrangements

Identification of the reinsurance contract. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Non–traditional or Finite RE

(if any reinsurance contract or financial instrument which is not directly based on the principle of indemnity or is based on a contract wording which has limited or no demonstrable risk transfer mechanism)

2 — Other than non–traditional or Finite RE

In case of Finite reinsurance or a similar arrangement only the items which are feasible must be filled.


Line of business

Identification of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, reported. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Medical expense insurance

2 — Income protection insurance

3 — Workers' compensation insurance

4 — Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — Other motor insurance

6 — Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — General liability insurance

9 — Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — Legal expenses insurance

11 — Assistance

12 — Miscellaneous financial loss

13 — Proportional medical expense reinsurance

14 — Proportional income protection reinsurance

15 — Proportional workers' compensation reinsurance

16 — Proportional motor vehicle liability reinsurance

17 — Proportional other motor reinsurance

18 — Proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

19 — Proportional fire and other damage to property reinsurance

20 — Proportional general liability reinsurance

21 — Proportional credit and suretyship reinsurance

22 — Proportional legal expenses reinsurance

23 — Proportional assistance reinsurance

24 — Proportional miscellaneous financial loss reinsurance

25 — Non–proportional health reinsurance

26 — Non–proportional casualty reinsurance

27 — Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

28 — Non–proportional property reinsurance

29 — Health insurance

30 — Insurance with profit participation

31 — Index–linked and unit–linked insurance

32 — Other life insurance

33 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations

34 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligations other than health insurance obligations

35 — Health reinsurance

36 — Life reinsurance

37 — Multiline (as defined hereunder)

Additional remarks:

1)  Where the reinsurance treaty provides cover for more than one line of business and the terms of cover differ between lines of business then the treaty needs to be specified over multiple rows. The first row entry for the treaty needs to be entered as ‘Multiline’ that provides details of the overall terms of the treaty (such as deductibles and reinstatements), with the subsequent rows providing details of the individual terms of the reinsurance treaty to each relevant line of business.

2)  Where the term of the cover do not differ by line of business only the dominant (based on the Gross Estimated Treaty Premium Income) Solvency II line of business is required.

3)  Multiyear treaties with fixed conditions can be expressed by the columns used for the validity period.


Description risk category covered

Description of the main scope of the treaty cover. This is referred to the main portfolio which is the scope of the treaty and normally is part of the treaty description (e.g. ‘Industrial property’ or ‘Director and officers liability’. Undertakings can also include a description referring which business unit the risk was accepted in case this has led to different treaty conditions (e.g. ‘Distribution label A’).

The description of the risk category covered is entity specific and is not mandatory. Also the term ‘risk category’ isn't based on Level 1 and 2 terminologies but can be considered as an extra possibility the give additional information about the underwriting risk(s).


Type of reinsurance treaty

Code of the type of reinsurance treaty. One of the options in the following list shall be used:

1 — quota share

2 — variable quota share

3 — surplus

4 — excess of loss (per event and per risk)

5 — excess of loss (per risk)

6 — excess of loss (per event)

7 — excess of loss ‘back–up’ (protection against follow–on events which certain catastrophes can cause such as flooding or fire)

8 — excess of loss with basis risk

9 — reinstatement cover

10 — aggregate excess of loss

11 — unlimited excess of loss

12 — stop loss

13 — other proportional treaties

14 — other non–proportional treaties

Other proportional treaties (code 13) and Other non–proportional treaties (code 14) can be used for hybrid types of reinsurance treaties.


Inclusion of catastrophic reinsurance cover

Identification of the including of catastrophic guarantees. Depending on whether the listed catastrophe risks are protected under reinsurance covers, one or a combination (separated by ‘,’) of the following codes has to be used:

1 — cover excludes all catastrophic guarantees

2 — earthquake, volcanic eruption, tidal wave etc. are covered

3 — flood is covered

4 — hurricane, windstorm, etc. are covered

5 — other risks such as freeze, hail, strong wind are covered

6 — terrorism is covered

7 — SRCC (strikes, riots, civil commotion), sabotage, popular uprising are covered

8 — all the above mentioned risks are covered

9 — risks not otherwise included in the listed items are covered


Validity period (start date)

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date of commencement of the specific reinsurance treaty.


Validity period (expiry date)

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the final expiry date of the specific reinsurance treaty.

In case the treaty conditions remains unchanged when filling in the template and the undertaking is not making use of the termination clause, the expiry date will be the next possible expiry date.



Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency used while placing the reinsurance treaty. All the amounts must be expressed in this currency for the specific cover, unless otherwise required by the national supervisory authority. In case the treaty is placed in two different currencies, then the main currency must be filled..


Type of underwriting model

Type of underwriting model which is used to estimate the exposure of the underwriting risk and the need for reinsurance protection. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Sum Insured

the highest amount that the insurer can be obliged to pay out according to the original policy. SI must also be filled when type of underwriting model is not applicable

2 — Maximum Possible Loss

loss which may occur when the most unfavourable circumstances being more or less exceptionally combined, the fire is only stopped by impassable obstacles or lack of substance.

3 — Probable Maximum Loss

defined as the estimate of the largest loss from a single fire or peril to be expected, assuming the worst single impairment of primary private fire protection systems but with secondary protection systems or organizations (such as emergency organizations and private and/or public fire department response) functioning as intended. Catastrophic conditions like explosions resulting from massive release of flammable gases, which might involve large areas of the plant, detonation of massive explosives, seismic disturbances, tidal waves or flood, falling aircraft, and arson committed in more than one area are excluded in this estimate. This definition is a hybrid form between Maximum Possible Loss and Estimated Maximum Loss that is generally accepted and frequently used by insurers, reinsurers and reinsurance brokers

4 — Estimated Maximum Loss

loss that could reasonably be sustained from the contingencies under consideration, as a result of a single incident considered to be within the realms of probability taking into account all factors likely to increase or lessen the extent of the loss, but excluding such coincidences and catastrophes which may be possible but remain unlikely.

5 — Other

other possible underwriting models used. The type of ‘other’ underwriting model applied must be explained in the Regular Supervisory Report.

Although abovementioned definitions are used for the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, ‘Fire and other damage to property insurance and reinsurance’, similar definitions might be in place for other lines of business.


Estimated Subject Premium Income (XL — ESPI)

The amount of the estimated subject premiums income (‘ESPI’) relating to the contract period. It is normally the amount of premium referring to the portfolio protected under Excess of Loss treaties; in any case it is the amount on which the reinsurance premium is calculated by applying the rate. This item is only reported for XL treaties.


Gross Estimated Treaty Premium Income (proportional and non–proportional)

The amount of premium for 100 % of the treaty relating to the contract period. This amount is the equivalent of the 100 % reinsurance premium to be paid to all reinsurers for the treaty period, including the premium corresponding to unplaced shares.


Aggregate deductibles

The amount of franchise, meaning an additional retention when losses are covered by the reinsurer only when a certain amount of cumulative losses have taken place. This item is reported  , when applicable, only if item C0180 is not reported.


Aggregate deductibles (%)

The percentage of franchise, meaning an additional retention percentage when losses are covered by the reinsurer only when a certain amount of cumulative losses have taken place. This item is reported  , when applicable, only if item C0170 is not reported.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.


Retention or priority

The amount, for Surplus, Working XL and Catastrophe XL treaties, that is stated as retention or priority in the reinsurance treaty. Separate indication shall be given for the various lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Retention or priority (%)

The percentage, for Quota Share and Stop Loss treaties, that is stated as retention or priority in the reinsurance treaty. Separate indication shall be given for the various lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.



The amount that is stated as Limit in the reinsurance treaty. Separate indication shall be given for the various lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

In the case of unlimited cover ‘– 1’ is to be reported.


Limit (%)

The percentage, for Stop Loss treaties, that is stated as Limit in the reinsurance treaty. Separate indication shall be given for the various lines of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

In the case of unlimited cover ‘– 1’ is to be reported.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.


Maximum cover per risk or event

The amount of maximum cover per risk or event. If for a Quota Share or a Surplus a maximum amount has been agreed for an event (for example — windstorm), the 100 % amount is to be reported. In all other cases, the amount is equal to the Limit minus Priority.

In the case of unlimited cover ‘– 1’ is to be reported.


Maximum cover per treaty

The amount of maximum cover per treaty. If for a Quota Share or a Surplus a maximum amount has been set for the entire contract, the 100 % amount is to be reported. In the case of unlimited cover ‘– 1’ is to be reported. For XL or SL treaties the initial capacity has to be indicated (e.g. annual aggregate limits); total cover might also be the result of the information provided under C0250.


Number of reinstatements

Number of possibilities to recover the reinsurance coverage.


Description of reinstatements

Description of the reinstatements to recover the reinsurance coverage. Examples of possible content of this item are ‘2 at 100 % plus 1 at 150 %’ or ‘all free’


Maximum reinsurance commission

Report the maximum percentage of commission. If fixed, item C0270, C0280 and C0290 are equal.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.

This item is only applicable for proportional treaties.


Minimum reinsurance commission

Report the minimum percentage of commission. If fixed, item C0270, C0280 and C0290 are equal.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.

This item is only applicable for proportional treaties.


Expected reinsurance commission

Report the expected percentage of commission. If fixed, item C0270, C0280 and C0290 are equal.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.

This item is only applicable for proportional treaties.


Maximum overriding commission

Report the maximum percentage of Overriding commission. If fixed, item C0300, C0310 and C0320 are equal.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.

This item is only applicable for proportional treaties.


Minimum overriding commission

Report the minimum percentage of Overriding commission. If fixed, item C0300, C0310 and C0320 are equal.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.

This item is only applicable for proportional treaties.


Expected overriding commission

Report the expected percentage of Overriding commission. If fixed, item C0300, C0310 and C0320 are equal.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.

This item is only applicable for proportional treaties.


Maximum profit commission

Report the maximum percentage of Profit commission. If fixed, item C0330, C0340 and C0350 are equal.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.

This item is only applicable for proportional treaties.


Minimum profit commission

Report the minimum percentage of Profit commission. If fixed, item C0330, C0340 and C0350 are equal.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.

This item is only applicable for proportional treaties.


Expected profit commission

Report the expected percentage of Profit commission. If fixed, item C0330, C0340 and C0350 are equal.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.

This item is only applicable for proportional treaties.


XL rate 1

Report the fixed rate or starting rate of a sliding rate system.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.

This item is only reported for XL treaties.


XL rate 2

Report the top end rate of a sliding rate system  —.

The percentage shall be reported as a decimal.

This item is only reported for XL treaties.


XL premium flat

Indication on whether XL premium is based or not on a flat premium. One of the options in the following list shall be used:

1 — XL premium based on a flat premium

2 — XL premium not based on a flat premium

This item is only reported for XL treaties.

S.30.04 — Outgoing Reinsurance Program shares data

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template is relevant to insurance and reinsurance undertakings with an outgoing; reinsurance and/or retrocession program including any coverage provided by State backed reinsurance pool arrangements, excluding facultative covers.

This template shall be filled by the insurance and reinsurance undertaking which is transferring underwriting risk to the reinsurers through a reinsurance treaty whose period of validity includes or overlaps the next reporting year and are known when filling the template. If reinsurance strategy changes materially after that date or if the renovation of the reinsurance contracts are performed later than the reporting date and before next 1 January, the information on this template shall be re–submitted when adequate.





Reinsurance program code

Unique code (undertaking specific) covering all the individual reinsurance placements and/or treaties which belong to the same reinsurance program.


Treaty identification code

Treaty identification code that identifies it exclusively and must be maintained in subsequent reports, usually the original treaty number registered in the company's books.


Progressive section number in treaty

The progressive section number assigned by the undertaking to the various sections of the treaty, in those cases where the treaty, for example, covers more than one line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, or covers different lines of activity with different limits. Treaties with different conditions are considered different treaties for the submission of information and shall be reported in different sections. For different lines of business covered under the same treaty, the conditions referring to each line of business will be detailed separately under each section number. Treaties covering different type of reinsurance (e.g. one section on a Quota Share basis and another one on XL) in the same treaty shall be reported in different sections. Treaties covering different layers of the same program shall be reported in different sections.


Progressive number of surplus/layer in program

The progressive surplus/layer number, when the treaty is part of a wider program.


Code reinsurer

Identification code of the reinsurer by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking

In case a specific code is attributed by the undertaking, the code shall be unique for the specific reinsurer and shall not overlap with any other code, attributed by the undertaking or LEI code.


Type of code reinsurer

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code reinsurer’. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Code broker

Identification code of the broker by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking

In case a specific code is attributed by the undertaking, the code shall be unique for the specific broker and shall not overlap with any other code, attributed by the undertaking or LEI code.

Where more than one broker was involved in the reinsurance placement only the main dominant broker is required.


Type of code broker

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code broker’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Activity code broker


Representing the activities of the broker involved, as considered by the undertaking. In case the activities are combined all activities must be mentioned separated by ‘,’:

1 — Intermediary for placement

2 — Underwriting on behalf of

3 — Financial services


Share reinsurer (%)

Percentage of the reinsurance treaty accepted by reinsurer identified in item C0050, expressed as absolute percentage of the treaty placement.

Percentages shall be reported as a decimal.


Exposure ceded for reinsurer's share

Amount of the exposure reinsured with the reinsurer. This amount is based on the maximum cover per risk/event and is calculated with the formula: Item Maximum cover per risk or event (reported in item C0230 of S.30.03) x Item Share reinsurer (%) (reported in item C0100 of S.30.04).

If C0230 from S.30.03 is Unlimited fill this cell with ‘– 1’.


Type of collateral (if applicable)

Type of collateral held. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Cash or equivalent in Trust

2 — Cash or Funds Withheld

3 — Letter of Credit

4 — Other

5 — None


Description of the reinsurers limit collateralised

Description of the reinsurer limit collateralised referring to the specific item specified in the treaty (e.g. 90 % of the technical provisions or 90 % of the premiums), if applicable.


Code collateral provider (if applicable)

Identification code using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If none is available this item shall not be reported.


Type of code of collateral provider

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code collateral provider (if applicable)’:

1 — LEI

9 — None


Estimated outgoing reinsurance premium for reinsurer's share

The estimated gross reinsurance premium of the treaty, to be paid by the undertaking, according to the next reporting year (N+1) for the share of each reinsurer. This amount is calculated according to the following examples:

Case 1: For Quota Share and Surplus; the share reported in item Share reinsurer (C0100) multiplied by item Gross Estimated Treaty Premium Income (C0160) reported in S.30.03;

Case 2: For XL–treaties if the treaty is subject to a fixed rate; the rate reported in item XL rate 1 (C0360) as reported in S.30.03 multiplied by the item Estimated Subject premium income (C0150) reported in S.30.03 multiplied by the share reported in item Share reinsurer (C0100).

Case 3: For XL–treaties if the treaty is subject to a sliding rate; the rate reported in item XL rate 2 (C0370) as reported in S.30.03 multiplied by the item Estimated Subject premium income (C0150) reported in S.30.03 multiplied by the share reported in item Share reinsurer (C0100).



Description of cases where either the reinsurer's participation is at conditions different from those of the standard facultative or treaty placement, or to provide any other information that the undertaking has to bring to the attention of the Supervisory Authority.

Information on reinsurers and brokers


Code reinsurer

Identification code of the reinsurer by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking

In case a specific code is attributed by the undertaking, the code shall be unique for the specific reinsurer and shall not overlap with any other code, attributed by the undertaking or LEI code.


Type of code reinsurer

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code reinsurer’. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Legal name reinsurer

Legal name of the reinsurer to whom the underwriting risk has been transferred. The official name of the risk–carrier reinsurer is stated in the reinsurance contract. It is not permitted to fill in the name of a reinsurance broker. Nor is it permitted to state a general or incomplete name as international reinsurers have several operating companies that may be based in different countries.

In case of pooling arrangements, the name of the Pool (or Pool manager) can be filled only if the Pool is a legal entity.


Type of reinsurer

Type of reinsurer to whom the underwriting risk has been transferred.

The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Direct Life insurer

2 — Direct Non–life insurer

3 — Direct Composite insurer

4 — Captive insurance undertaking

5 — Internal reinsurer (reinsurance undertaking which primary focus is to take risk from other insurance undertakings within the group)

6 — External reinsurer (reinsurance undertaking that takes risks from undertakings other than from insurance undertakings within the group)

7 — Captive reinsurance undertaking

8 — Special purpose vehicle

9 — Pool entity (where more than one insurance or reinsurance undertakings are involved)

10 — State pool


Country of residency

Identify the ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code for the country where the reinsurer is legally authorised/licensed.


External rating assessment by nominated ECAI

 Rating of the reinsurer at the reporting reference date as provided by the nominated credit assessment institution (ECAI).

 If the rating is not available the item shall be left blank.

This item is not applicable to reinsurers for which undertakings using internal model use internal ratings. If undertakings using internal model do not use internal rating, this item shall be reported.


Nominated ECAI

 Identify the credit assessment institution (ECAI) giving the external rating in C0230, by using the following closed list. In case of ratings issued by subsidiaries of the ECAI please report the parent ECAI (the reference is to ESMA list of credit rating agencies registered or certified in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies). In case a new Credit Rating Agency is registered or certified by ESMA and while the closed list is not up-dated please report ‘Other nominated ECAI’.  
—  Euler Hermes Rating GmbH (LEI code: 391200QXGLWHK9VK6V27)
—  Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd (LEI code: 35380002378CEGMRVW86)
—  BCRA-Credit Rating Agency AD (LEI code: 747800Z0IC3P66HTQ142)
—  Creditreform Rating AG (LEI code: 391200PHL11KDUTTST66)
—  Scope Ratings GmbH (LEI code: 391200WU1EZUQFHDWE91)
—  ICAP Group SA (LEI code: 2138008U6LKT8VG2UK85)
—  GBB-Rating Gesellschaft für Bonitätsbeurteilung GmbH (LEI code: 391200OLWXCTKPADVV72)
—  ASSEKURATA Assekuranz Rating-Agentur GmbH (LEI code: 529900977LETWLJF3295)
—  ARC Ratings, S.A. (LEI code: 213800OZNJQMV6UA7D79)
—  AM Best Europe

— A.M. Best (EU) Rating Services B.V. (LEI code: 549300Z2RUKFKV7GON79)

— AM Best Europe-Rating Services Ltd. (AMBERS) (LEI code: 549300VO8J8E5IQV1T26)

—  DBRS Ratings Limited (LEI code: 5493008CGCDQLGT3EH93)
—  Fitch

— Fitch France S.A.S. (LEI code: 2138009Y4TCZT6QOJO69)

— Fitch Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 213800JEMOT1H45VN340)

— Fitch Italia S.p.A. (LEI code: 213800POJ9QSCHL3KR31)

— Fitch Polska S.A. (LEI code: 213800RYJTJPW2WD5704)

— Fitch Ratings España S.A.U. (LEI code: 213800RENFIIODKETE60)

— Fitch Ratings Limited (LEI code: 2138009F8YAHVC8W3Q52)

— Fitch Ratings CIS Limited (LEI code: 213800B7528Q4DIF2G76)

—  Moody’s

— Moody’s Investors Service Cyprus Ltd (LEI code: 549300V4LCOYCMNUVR81)

— Moody’s France S.A.S. (LEI code: 549300EB2XQYRSE54F02)

— Moody’s Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 549300M5JMGHVTWYZH47)

— Moody’s Italia S.r.l. (LEI code: 549300GMXJ4QK70UOU68)

— Moody’s Investors Service España S.A. (LEI code: 5493005X59ILY4BGJK90)

— Moody’s Investors Service Ltd (LEI code: 549300SM89WABHDNJ349)

— Moody’s Investors Service EMEA Ltd (LEI code: 54930009NU3JYS1HTT72)

— Moody’s Investors Service (Nordics) AB (LEI code: 549300W79ZVFWJCD2Z23)

—  Standard & Poor’s
—  S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (LEI code:5493008B2TU3S6QE1E12)
—  CRIF Ratings S.r.l. (LEI code: 8156001AB6A1D740F237)
—  Capital Intelligence Ratings Ltd (LEI code: 549300RE88OJP9J24Z18)
—  European Rating Agency, a.s. (LEI code: 097900BFME0000038276)
—  Axesor Risk Management SL (LEI code: 959800EC2RH76JYS3844)
—  Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A. (LEI code: 8156004AB6C992A99368)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency (LEI code: 549300QYZ5CZYXTNZ676)
—  The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd (LEI code: 213800Q7GRZWF95EWN10)
—  Dagong Europe Credit Rating Srl (Dagong Europe) (LEI code: 815600BF4FF53B7C6311)
—  Spread Research (LEI code: 969500HB6BVM2UJDOC52)
—  EuroRating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 25940027QWS5GMO74O03)
—  HR Ratings de México, S.A. de C.V. (HR Ratings) (LEI code: 549300IFL3XJKTRHZ480)
—  Egan-Jones Ratings Co. (EJR) (LEI code: 54930016113PD33V1H31)
—  modeFinance S.r.l. (LEI code: 815600B85A94A0122614)
—  INC Rating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 259400SUBF5EPOGK0983)
—  Rating-Agentur Expert RA GmbH (LEI code: 213800P3OOBSGWN2UE81)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency Europe Limited (LEI code: 5493001NGHOLC41ZSK05)
—  Nordic Credit Rating AS (LEI code: 549300MLUDYVRQOOXS22)
—  DBRS Rating GmbH (LEI code: 54930033N1HPUEY7I370)
—  Beyond Ratings SAS (LEI code: 9695006ORIPPZ3QSM810)
—  Other nominated ECAI


Credit quality step

Identify the credit quality step attributed to the reinsurer. The credit quality step shall reflect any readjustments to the credit quality made internally by the undertakings that use the standard formula

This item is not applicable to reinsurers for which undertakings using internal model use internal ratings. If undertakings using internal model do not use internal rating, this item shall be reported.

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

0 — Credit quality step 0

1 — Credit quality step 1

2 — Credit quality step 2

3 — Credit quality step 3

4 — Credit quality step 4

5 — Credit quality step 5

6 — Credit quality step 6

9 — No rating available


Internal rating

Internal rating of reinsurers for undertakings using internal model to the extent that the internal ratings are used in their internal modelling. If an internal model undertaking is using solely external ratings this item shall not be reported.


Code broker

Identification code of the broker by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking

In case a specific code is attributed by the undertaking, the code shall be unique for the specific broker and shall not overlap with any other code, attributed by the undertaking or LEI code.

Where a reinsurance treaty is covered by more than one broker only the dominant broker shall be reported.


Type of code broker

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code broker’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Legal name broker

Statutory name of the broker.


Code collateral provider (if applicable)

Identification code using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available.

If none is available this item shall not be reported.


Type of code collateral provider (if applicable)


Identification of the code used for the ‘Collateral provider’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

9 — None


Collateral provider name

Name of the collateral provider will depend on the type of collateral specified in C0120.

— Where collateral is held in trust the collateral provider will be the Trust provider.

— Where the collateral is on a Cash or Funds withheld basis this cell can remain blank.

— Where the collateral is a Letters of Credit it will be the underlying Financial Institution providing this facility.

— Where other report only if applicable.

S.31.01 — Share of reinsurers (including Finite Reinsurance and SPV's)

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template shall be filled by the insurance and reinsurance undertakings where a recoverable is recognised in relation to the reinsurer (even if all contracts with that reinsurer have terminated) and whose reinsurer is reducing the gross technical provisions as per end of the reporting year.

The template collects information on reinsurers and not on separate treaties. All ceded technical provisions, including those ceded under Finite reinsurance (as defined in S.30.03 Column C0060), must be completed. This also means that if an SPV or a syndicate of Lloyd's acts as a reinsurer the SPV or the syndicate must be listed.





Code reinsurer

Identification code of the reinsurer by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking


Type of code Reinsurer

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code reinsurer’. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Reinsurance recoverables — Premium provision Non–life including Non–SLT Health

The amount of share of the reinsurer in the recoverables from reinsurance (including Finite Re and SPV) before the adjustment for expected losses due to the counterparty default, in the best estimate of the premium provisions calculated as the expected present value of future incoming and outgoing cash flows.


Reinsurance recoverables — Claims provisions Non–life including Non–SLT Health

The amount of share of the reinsurer in the recoverables from reinsurance (including Finite Re and SPV) before the adjustment for expected losses due to the counterparty default, in the best estimate of the claims provisions.


Reinsurance recoverables — Technical provisions Life including SLT Health

The amount of share of the reinsurer in the recoverables from reinsurance (including Finite Re and SPV) before the adjustment for expected losses due to the counterparty default, in the best estimate of the technical provisions.


Adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default

Per reinsurer the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default. The adjustment shall be calculated separately and must be in line with Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

This value shall be reported as negative value.


Reinsurance recoverables: Total reinsurance recoverables

The result of ceded technical provisions (resulting from claims provision + premiums provision + Non–Life TP calculated as a whole and Life including health SLT, including the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default.


Net receivables

The amounts past due resulting from: claims paid by the insurer but not yet reimbursed by the reinsurer plus commissions to be paid by the reinsurer and other receivables minus debts to the reinsurer. Cash deposits are excluded and are to be considered as guarantees received.


Assets pledged by reinsurer

Amount of assets pledged by the reinsurer to mitigate the counterparty default risk of the reinsurer.


Financial guarantees

Amount of guarantees received by the undertaking from the reinsurer to guarantee the payment of the liabilities due by the undertaking (includes letter of credit, undrawn committed borrowing facilities).


Cash deposits

 Amount of cash deposits received by the undertaking from the reinsurers.


Total guarantees received

Total amount of types of guarantees.

 Corresponds to the sum of the amounts reported in C0120, C0130 and C0140.

Information on reinsurers


Code reinsurer

Identification code of the reinsurer by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code attributed by the undertaking


Type of code Reinsurer

Identification of the code used in item ‘Code reinsurer’. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Legal name reinsurer

Legal name of the reinsurer to whom the underwriting risk has been transferred. The official name of the risk–carrier reinsurer is stated in the reinsurance contract. It is not permitted to fill in the name of a reinsurance broker. Nor is it permitted to state a general or incomplete name as international reinsurers have several operating companies that may be based in different countries.

In case of pooling arrangements, the name of the Pool (or Pool manager) can be filled only if the Pool is a legal entity.


Type of reinsurer

Type of reinsurer to whom the underwriting risk has been transferred.

The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Direct Life insurer

2 — Direct Non–life insurer

3 — Direct Composite insurer

4 — Captive insurance undertaking

5 — Internal reinsurer (reinsurance undertaking which primary focus is to take risk from other insurance undertakings within the group)

6 — External reinsurer (reinsurance undertaking that takes risks from undertakings other than from insurance undertakings within the group)

7 — Captive reinsurance undertaking

8 — Special purpose vehicle

9 — Pool entity (where more than one insurance or reinsurance undertakings are involved)

10 — State pool


Country of residency

Identify the ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code for the country where the reinsurer is legally authorised/licensed.


External rating assessment by nominated ECAI

The actual/current rating that is considered by the undertaking.

 If the rating is not available the item shall be left blank and the reinsurer shall be identified as ‘9 — no rating available’ in column C0230 (Credit quality step).

This item is not applicable to reinsurers for which undertakings using internal model use internal ratings. If undertakings using internal model do not use internal rating, this item shall be reported.


Nominated ECAI

 Identify the credit assessment institution (ECAI) giving the external rating in C0210, by using the following closed list. In case of ratings issued by subsidiaries of the ECAI please report the parent ECAI (the reference is to ESMA list of credit rating agencies registered or certified in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies). In case a new Credit Rating Agency is registered or certified by ESMA and while the closed list is not up-dated please report ‘Other nominated ECAI’.  
—  Euler Hermes Rating GmbH (LEI code: 391200QXGLWHK9VK6V27)
—  Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd (LEI code: 35380002378CEGMRVW86)
—  BCRA-Credit Rating Agency AD (LEI code: 747800Z0IC3P66HTQ142)
—  Creditreform Rating AG (LEI code: 391200PHL11KDUTTST66)
—  Scope Ratings GmbH (LEI code: 391200WU1EZUQFHDWE91)
—  ICAP Group SA (LEI code: 2138008U6LKT8VG2UK85)
—  GBB-Rating Gesellschaft für Bonitätsbeurteilung GmbH (LEI code: 391200OLWXCTKPADVV72)
—  ASSEKURATA Assekuranz Rating-Agentur GmbH (LEI code: 529900977LETWLJF3295)
—  ARC Ratings, S.A. (LEI code: 213800OZNJQMV6UA7D79)
—  AM Best Europe
—  A.M. Best (EU) Rating Services B.V. (LEI code: 549300Z2RUKFKV7GON79)
—  AM Best Europe-Rating Services Ltd. (AMBERS) (LEI code: 549300VO8J8E5IQV1T26)
—  DBRS Ratings Limited (LEI code: 5493008CGCDQLGT3EH93)
—  Fitch
—  Fitch France S.A.S. (LEI code: 2138009Y4TCZT6QOJO69)
—  Fitch Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 213800JEMOT1H45VN340)
—  Fitch Italia S.p.A. (LEI code: 213800POJ9QSCHL3KR31)
—  Fitch Polska S.A. (LEI code: 213800RYJTJPW2WD5704)
—  Fitch Ratings España S.A.U. (LEI code: 213800RENFIIODKETE60)
—  Fitch Ratings Limited (LEI code: 2138009F8YAHVC8W3Q52)
—  Fitch Ratings CIS Limited (LEI code: 213800B7528Q4DIF2G76)
—  Moody’s
—  Moody’s Investors Service Cyprus Ltd (LEI code: 549300V4LCOYCMNUVR81)
—  Moody’s France S.A.S. (LEI code: 549300EB2XQYRSE54F02)
—  Moody’s Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 549300M5JMGHVTWYZH47)
—  Moody’s Italia S.r.l. (LEI code: 549300GMXJ4QK70UOU68)
—  Moody’s Investors Service España S.A. (LEI code: 5493005X59ILY4BGJK90)
—  Moody’s Investors Service Ltd (LEI code: 549300SM89WABHDNJ349)
—  Moody’s Investors Service EMEA Ltd (LEI code: 54930009NU3JYS1HTT72)
—  Moody’s Investors Service (Nordics) AB (LEI code: 549300W79ZVFWJCD2Z23)
—  Standard & Poor’s
—  S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (LEI code:5493008B2TU3S6QE1E12)
—  CRIF Ratings S.r.l. (LEI code: 8156001AB6A1D740F237)
—  Capital Intelligence Ratings Ltd (LEI code: 549300RE88OJP9J24Z18)
—  European Rating Agency, a.s. (LEI code: 097900BFME0000038276)
—  Axesor Risk Management SL (LEI code: 959800EC2RH76JYS3844)
—  Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A. (LEI code: 8156004AB6C992A99368)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency (LEI code: 549300QYZ5CZYXTNZ676)
—  The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd (LEI code: 213800Q7GRZWF95EWN10)
—  Dagong Europe Credit Rating Srl (Dagong Europe) (LEI code: 815600BF4FF53B7C6311)
—  Spread Research (LEI code: 969500HB6BVM2UJDOC52)
—  EuroRating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 25940027QWS5GMO74O03)
—  HR Ratings de México, S.A. de C.V. (HR Ratings) (LEI code: 549300IFL3XJKTRHZ480)
—  Egan-Jones Ratings Co. (EJR) (LEI code: 54930016113PD33V1H31)
—  modeFinance S.r.l. (LEI code: 815600B85A94A0122614)
—  INC Rating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 259400SUBF5EPOGK0983)
—  Rating-Agentur Expert RA GmbH (LEI code: 213800P3OOBSGWN2UE81)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency Europe Limited (LEI code: 5493001NGHOLC41ZSK05)
—  Nordic Credit Rating AS (LEI code: 549300MLUDYVRQOOXS22)
—  DBRS Rating GmbH (LEI code: 54930033N1HPUEY7I370)
—  Beyond Ratings SAS (LEI code: 9695006ORIPPZ3QSM810)
—  Other nominated ECAI


Credit quality step

Identify the credit quality step attributed to the reinsurer. The credit quality step shall reflect any readjustments to the credit quality made internally by the undertakings that use the standard formula.


One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

0 — Credit quality step 0

1 — Credit quality step 1

2 — Credit quality step 2

3 — Credit quality step 3

4 — Credit quality step 4

5 — Credit quality step 5

6 — Credit quality step 6

9 — No rating available


Internal rating

Internal rating of the reinsurer for undertakings using internal model to the extent that the internal ratings are used in their internal modelling. If an internal model undertaking is using solely external ratings this item shall not be reported.

S.31.02 — Special Purpose Vehicles

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template is relevant for each insurance or reinsurance undertaking transferring risk(s) to a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), to ensure sufficient disclosure has been made where SPVs are used as alternative risk transfer methods to traditional reinsurance treaties.

The template applies to the use of:


SPVs defined under Article 13(26) and authorised under Article 211(1) of Directive 2009/138/EC;


SPVs meeting conditions of Article 211(3) of Directive 2009/138/EC;


SPVs regulated by third country supervisors where these meet equivalent measures to the conditions set out in Article 211(2) of Directive 2009/138/EC;


Other SPVs, not meeting the definitions above, where risks are transferred under arrangements with the economic substance of a reinsurance contract.

The template covers risk mitigation techniques (recognised or not) carried out by the (re)insurance undertaking whereby a SPV assumes risks from the reporting undertaking through a reinsurance contract; or assume insurance risks from the reporting undertaking transferred through a similar arrangement that is ‘reinsurance like’.





Internal code of SPV


Internal code attributed to the SPV by the undertaking by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code

This code shall be unique to each SPV and remain constant over subsequent reports.


ID Code of SPV notes or other financing mechanism issued

For the notes or other financing mechanism issued by the SPV and hold by the insurance and reinsurance undertaking identify the ID code by this order of priority if existent:

— ISO 6166 ISIN when available;

— Other ‘recognised’ codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC);

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available, and must be consistent over time.


ID Code Type of SPV notes or other financing mechanism issued

Type of ID Code used for the ‘Asset ID Code’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


Lines of Business SPV securitisation relates

Identification of the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, reported. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Medical expense insurance

2 — Income protection insurance

3 — Workers' compensation insurance

4 — Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — Other motor insurance

6 — Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — General liability insurance

9 — Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — Legal expenses insurance

11 — Assistance

12 — Miscellaneous financial loss

13 — Proportional medical expense reinsurance

14 — Proportional income protection reinsurance

15 — Proportional workers' compensation reinsurance

16 — Proportional motor vehicle liability reinsurance

17 — Proportional other motor reinsurance

18 — Proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

19 — Proportional fire and other damage to property reinsurance

20 — Proportional general liability reinsurance

21 — Proportional credit and suretyship reinsurance

22 — Proportional legal expenses reinsurance

23 — Proportional assistance reinsurance

24 — Proportional miscellaneous financial loss reinsurance

25 — Non–proportional health reinsurance

26 — Non–proportional casualty reinsurance

27 — Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

28 — Non–proportional property reinsurance

29 — Health insurance

30 — Insurance with profit participation

31 — Index–linked and unit–linked insurance

32 — Other life insurance

33 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations

34 — Annuities stemming from non–life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligations other than health insurance obligations

35 — Health reinsurance

36 — Life reinsurance

37 — Multiline

Where the reinsurance treaty or a similar arrangement provides cover for more than one line of business and the terms of cover differ between lines of business then the treaty needs to be specified over multiple rows. The first row entry for the treaty needs to be entered as ‘Multiline’ that provides details of the overall terms of the treaty, with the subsequent rows providing details of the individual terms of the reinsurance treaty to each relevant line of business. Where the term of the cover do not differ by line of business only the dominant Solvency II line of business is required.


Type of Trigger(s) in the SPV

Identify the trigger mechanisms used by the SPV as trigger events that would oblige the SPV to make payment to the ceding (re)insurance undertaking. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Indemnity

2 — Model Loss

3 — Index or Parametric

4 — Hybrids (including components from the above–mentioned techniques)

5 — Other


Contractual Trigger Event

Description of the specific trigger that would oblige the SPV to make payment to the ceding (re)insurance undertaking. This information should be complementary to the information on ‘Type of Trigger(s) in the SPV’ and should be descriptive enough to allow supervisors to identify the concrete trigger, e.g. specific weather/storm indices for cat risks or general mortality tables for longevity risks.


Same trigger as in underlying cedant's portfolio

Identify if the trigger defined in the underlying (re)insurance policy with the pay–out trigger defined in the treaty is the same as the one defined in the SPV. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Same trigger

2 — Different trigger


Basis risk arising from risk–transfer structure

Identify the causes of basis risk (i.e. that the exposure covered by the risk–mitigation technique does not correspond to the risk exposure of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking). The following close list shall be used:

1 — No basis risk

2 — Insufficient subordination for note holders,

3 — Investors' additional recourse against cedant,

4 — Additional risks were securitised subsequent to authorisation,

5 — Cedants hold exposure to notes issued,

9 — Other


Basis risk arising from contractual terms

Identify the basis risk arising from contractual terms.

1 — No basis risk

2 — Substantial part of risks insured not transferred

3 — Insufficient trigger to match risk exposure of cedant


SPV assets ring–fenced to settle cedant–specific obligations

The amount of SPV assets ring–fenced for the reporting cedant, which are available to settle the contractual liabilities reinsured by the SPV for that specific cedant only (collateral assets specifically recognised on balance sheet of the SPV in relation to the obligation assumed).


Other non cedant–specific SPV Assets for which recourse may exist

The amount of SPV assets (recognised on balance sheet of the SPV), not directly related to the reporting cedant but for which recourse exists. This would include any ‘free assets’ of the SPV, which may be available to settle the reporting cedant's liabilities.


Other recourse arising from securitisation

The amount of contingent assets of the SPV (held off balance sheet), not directly related to the reporting cedant but for which recourse exists. This includes recourse against other counterparties of the SPV, including guarantees, reinsurance contracts and derivative commitments to SPV made by the SPV sponsor, note holders, or other third parties.


Total maximum possible obligations from SPV under reinsurance policy

Amount of total maximum possible obligations from reinsurance contract (cedant–specific).


SPV fully funded in relation to cedant obligations throughout the reporting period

Identify if the protection offered by the risk–mitigation technique may only be partially recognised where counterparty to a reinsurance contract ceases to be able to provide effective and continuing risk–transfer. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — SPV fully funded in relation to cedant obligations

2 — SPV not fully funded in relation to cedant obligations


Current recoverables from SPV

Amount of SPV Recoverables recognised on the Solvency II balance sheet of the reporting undertaking (prior to adjustments made for expected losses due to counterparty default). This shall be calculated in accordance with the requirements of Article 41of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.


Identification of material investments held by cedant in SPV

Identify whether material investments held by the cedant in the SPV exist, according to Article 210 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

1 — Not applicable

2 — Investments of SPV controlled by cedant and/or sponsor (where it differs from cedant);

3 — Investments of SPV held by cedant (equity, notes or other subordinated debt of the SPV);

4 — Cedant sells reinsurance or other risk mitigation protection to the SPV;

5 — Cedant has provided guarantee or other credit enhancement to SPV or note holders;

6 — Sufficient basis risk retained by cedant;

9 — Other.

If this is reported then cells C0030 and C0040 needs to identify the instrument.


Securitisation assets related to cedant held in trust with other third party than cedant/sponsor?

Identify if there are securitisation assets related to cedant held in trust with other third party than cedant/sponsor, considering the provisions of Articles 214(2) and 326 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — Held in trust with other third party than cedant/sponsor

2 — Not held in trust with other third party than cedant/sponsor

Information on SPV


Internal code of SPV


Internal code attributed to the SPV by the undertaking by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code

This code shall be unique to each SPV and remain constant over subsequent reports.


Type of code SPV

Identification of the code used in item ‘internal code of SPV’. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Legal nature of SPV

Identify the legal nature of the SPV securitisation, according to Article 13(26) of Directive 2009/138/EC.

Closed list

1 — Trusts

2 — Partnerships

3 — Limited liability companies

4 — Other legal entity form not referred above

5 — Not incorporated


Name of SPV

Identify the name of the SPV


Incorporation no. of SPV

Registration number received at incorporation of the SPV. For un–incorporated SPVs, the undertaking should report the regulatory number or equivalent number obtained from the supervisory authority at the time of authorisation.

If the SPV is not incorporated this cell doesn't apply.


SPV country of authorisation

Identify the ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code for the country where the SPV is established and has received authorisation, where applicable.


SPV authorisation conditions

Identify authorisation conditions of the SPV according to Article 211 of the Directive 2009/138/EC or equivalent legal instrument. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — SPV authorised under Article 211(1) of Directive 2009/138/EC

2 — SPV authorised under Article 211(3) of Directive 2009/138/EC (grandfathered)

3 — SPV regulated by a third country supervisory authority where requirements equivalent to those set out in Article 211(2) of Directive 2009/138/EC are met by the special purpose vehicle

4 — SPV not covered above


External rating assessment by nominated ECAI

 Rating of the SPV (if any) that is considered by the undertaking and provided by an external rating agency.

If the rating is not available the item shall be left blank and the SPV shall be identified as ‘9 — no rating available’ in column C0290 (Credit quality step).

This item is not applicable to SPVs for which undertakings using internal model use internal ratings. If undertakings using internal model do not use internal rating, this item shall be reported.


Nominated ECAI

 Identify the credit assessment institution (ECAI) giving the external rating in C0270, by using the following closed list. In case of ratings issued by subsidiaries of the ECAI please report the parent ECAI (the reference is to ESMA list of credit rating agencies registered or certified in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies). In case a new Credit Rating Agency is registered or certified by ESMA and while the closed list is not up-dated please report ‘Other nominated ECAI’.  
—  Euler Hermes Rating GmbH (LEI code: 391200QXGLWHK9VK6V27)
—  Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd (LEI code: 35380002378CEGMRVW86)
—  BCRA-Credit Rating Agency AD (LEI code: 747800Z0IC3P66HTQ142)
—  Creditreform Rating AG (LEI code: 391200PHL11KDUTTST66)
—  Scope Ratings GmbH (LEI code: 391200WU1EZUQFHDWE91)
—  ICAP Group SA (LEI code: 2138008U6LKT8VG2UK85)
—  GBB-Rating Gesellschaft für Bonitätsbeurteilung GmbH (LEI code: 391200OLWXCTKPADVV72)
—  ASSEKURATA Assekuranz Rating-Agentur GmbH (LEI code: 529900977LETWLJF3295)
—  ARC Ratings, S.A. (LEI code: 213800OZNJQMV6UA7D79)
—  AM Best Europe

— A.M. Best (EU) Rating Services B.V. (LEI code: 549300Z2RUKFKV7GON79)

— AM Best Europe-Rating Services Ltd. (AMBERS) (LEI code: 549300VO8J8E5IQV1T26)

—  DBRS Ratings Limited (LEI code: 5493008CGCDQLGT3EH93)
—  Fitch

— Fitch France S.A.S. (LEI code: 2138009Y4TCZT6QOJO69)

— Fitch Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 213800JEMOT1H45VN340)

— Fitch Italia S.p.A. (LEI code: 213800POJ9QSCHL3KR31)

— Fitch Polska S.A. (LEI code: 213800RYJTJPW2WD5704)

— Fitch Ratings España S.A.U. (LEI code: 213800RENFIIODKETE60)

— Fitch Ratings Limited (LEI code: 2138009F8YAHVC8W3Q52)

— Fitch Ratings CIS Limited (LEI code: 213800B7528Q4DIF2G76)

—  Moody’s

— Moody’s Investors Service Cyprus Ltd (LEI code: 549300V4LCOYCMNUVR81)

— Moody’s France S.A.S. (LEI code: 549300EB2XQYRSE54F02)

— Moody’s Deutschland GmbH (LEI code: 549300M5JMGHVTWYZH47)

— Moody’s Italia S.r.l. (LEI code: 549300GMXJ4QK70UOU68)

— Moody’s Investors Service España S.A. (LEI code: 5493005X59ILY4BGJK90)

— Moody’s Investors Service Ltd (LEI code: 549300SM89WABHDNJ349)

— Moody’s Investors Service EMEA Ltd (LEI code: 54930009NU3JYS1HTT72)

— Moody’s Investors Service (Nordics) AB (LEI code: 549300W79ZVFWJCD2Z23)

—  Standard & Poor’s
—  S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (LEI code:5493008B2TU3S6QE1E12)
—  CRIF Ratings S.r.l. (LEI code: 8156001AB6A1D740F237)
—  Capital Intelligence Ratings Ltd (LEI code: 549300RE88OJP9J24Z18)
—  European Rating Agency, a.s. (LEI code: 097900BFME0000038276)
—  Axesor Risk Management SL (LEI code: 959800EC2RH76JYS3844)
—  Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A. (LEI code: 8156004AB6C992A99368)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency (LEI code: 549300QYZ5CZYXTNZ676)
—  The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd (LEI code: 213800Q7GRZWF95EWN10)
—  Dagong Europe Credit Rating Srl (Dagong Europe) (LEI code: 815600BF4FF53B7C6311)
—  Spread Research (LEI code: 969500HB6BVM2UJDOC52)
—  EuroRating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 25940027QWS5GMO74O03)
—  HR Ratings de México, S.A. de C.V. (HR Ratings) (LEI code: 549300IFL3XJKTRHZ480)
—  Egan-Jones Ratings Co. (EJR) (LEI code: 54930016113PD33V1H31)
—  modeFinance S.r.l. (LEI code: 815600B85A94A0122614)
—  INC Rating Sp. z o.o. (LEI code: 259400SUBF5EPOGK0983)
—  Rating-Agentur Expert RA GmbH (LEI code: 213800P3OOBSGWN2UE81)
—  Kroll Bond Rating Agency Europe Limited (LEI code: 5493001NGHOLC41ZSK05)
—  Nordic Credit Rating AS (LEI code: 549300MLUDYVRQOOXS22)
—  DBRS Rating GmbH (LEI code: 54930033N1HPUEY7I370)
—  Beyond Ratings SAS (LEI code: 9695006ORIPPZ3QSM810)
—  Other nominated ECAI


Credit quality step

Identify the credit quality step attributed to the SPV. The credit quality step shall reflect any readjustments to the credit quality made internally by the undertaking.


One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

0 — Credit quality step 0

1 — Credit quality step 1

2 — Credit quality step 2

3 — Credit quality step 3

4 — Credit quality step 4

5 — Credit quality step 5

6 — Credit quality step 6

9 — No rating available


Internal rating

Internal rating of the SPV for undertakings using internal model to the extent that the internal ratings are used in their internal modelling. If an internal model undertaking is using solely external ratings this item shall not be reported.

S.36.01 — IGT — Equity–type transactions, debt and asset transfer

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

The purpose of this template is to collect information according to Article 265 of Directive 2009/138/EC on all (significant, very significant and transactions required to be reported in all circumstances) IGTs related to equity, debt, reciprocal financing and asset transfers related transactions within a group according to Article 213 (2)(d) of Directive 2009/138/EC. These include, but are not limited to:

equity and other capital items including participations in related entities and transfer shares of related entities of the group;
debt including bonds, loans, collateralised debt, and other transactions of similar nature e.g. with periodic pre–determined interest or coupon or premium payments for a pre–determined period of time.
other asset transfer such as transfer of properties and transfer of shares of other companies unrelated (i.e. outside) to the group.

The insurance undertaking is expected to complete this template for all significant, very significant and transactions required to be reported in all circumstances for IGTs between the individual undertaking and the mixed–activity insurance holding company and its related undertakings.

This template shall include IGTs that were:

in–force at the start of the reporting period.
incepted during the reporting period and outstanding at the reporting date.
incepted and expired/matured during the reporting period.

Where similar transactions with a related entity may be excluded from IGT reporting when considered individually against the thresholds for significant and very significant, these transactions must nevertheless be individually reported where collectively they are at or above the corresponding threshold values for significant or very significant IGTs.

Each transaction shall be reported separately.

Any additions/top–ups to significant IGTs shall be reported as a separate IGT, even if the top–up in its own right falls below the significant threshold limit. For example, if an undertaking increases the initial loan amount to another related undertaking the addition to the loan should be recorded as a separate item with its issue date as the date of the top–up.

Where the transaction value is different for two transacting parties (e.g. a EUR 10 m transaction between A and B where A records EUR 10 m but B only receive EUR 9,5 m because of transactions costs, of say EUR 0,5 m has been expensed) the template shall record the maximum amount as the transaction amount, in this case EUR 10 m.

Where there is a chain of related IGTs (say A invests in B and B invests in C), each link of the chain needs to be reported as a separate IGT.





ID of intragroup transaction

Unique internal identification code for each intragroup transaction. Should be consistent over time.


Investor/lender name

Name of the entity that is buying the equity or lending to a related undertaking within the group. I.e. the entity that recognises the transaction as an asset on their balance sheet (debit — balance sheet).


Identification code for investor/lender

The unique identification code attached to the investor/buyer/transferee by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code

Specific code:

— For EEA insurance and reinsurance undertakings and other EEA regulated undertakings within the group: identification code used in the local market, attributed by the undertaking's competent supervisory authority;

— For non–EEA undertakings and non–regulated undertakings within the group, identification code will be provided by the group. When allocating an identification code to each non–EEA or non–regulated undertaking, the group should comply with the following format in a consistent manner:

— identification code of the parent undertaking + ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country of the undertaking + 5 digits


ID code type of code of the investor/lender

Identification of the code used in item ‘Identification code for the investor/lender’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Issuer/borrower name

Name of the entity that is issuing the equity/capital item, or borrowing money (issuing debt). I.e. the entity that recognises the transaction as a liability or capital on their balance sheet (credit — balance sheet).


Identification code for issuer/borrower

The unique identification code attached to the investor/buyer/transferee by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code

Specific code:

— For EEA insurance and reinsurance undertakings and other EEA regulated undertakings within the group: identification code used in the local market, attributed by the undertaking's competent supervisory authority;

— For non–EEA undertakings and non–regulated undertakings within the group, identification code will be provided by the group. When allocating an identification code to each non–EEA or non–regulated undertaking, the group should comply with the following format in a consistent manner:

— identification code of the parent undertaking + ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country of the undertaking + 5 digits


ID code type of code of the issuer/borrower

Identification of the code used in item ‘Identification code for the issuer/borrower’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


ID Code of the instrument

This is the identification code of the instrument (capital, debt etc.) between the two counterparties identified using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. This code must be consistent over time.

This may be different from the intragroup transaction code provided in cell C0010.


ID Code Type of the instrument

Type of ID Code used for the ‘ID Code of the instrument’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


Transaction type

Identify the transaction type. The following close list shall be used:

1 — Bonds/Debt — collateralised

2 — Bonds/Debt — uncollateralised

3 — Equity type — shares/participations

4 — Equity type — others

5 — Other asset transfer — properties

6 — Other asset transfer — others


Transaction Issue date

This is the earlier of the transaction/debt issue date or the date the IGT is effective from if different from the issue date.

The date should follow the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) format.


Maturity date of transaction

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date when the transaction expires/reaches maturity if applicable.

— For IGTs with no maturity date use ‘9999–12–31’.

— For perpetual securities use ‘9999–12–31’


Currency of transaction

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency in which the transaction took place.


Contractual amount of transaction/Transaction price

Amount of the transaction or price as per agreement/contract.


Value of collateral/asset

The value of collateral for collaterised debt or asset value for IGT involving asset transfer.


Amount of redemption/prepayments/paybacks during reporting period

Amount of total redemptions/prepayments/paybacks during the reporting period if applicable.


Amount of dividends/interest/coupon and other payments made during reporting period

This cell shall capture any payments made in relation to the IGTs recorded in this template for the reporting period (12 months up to the reporting date).

This includes, but not limited to:

— Dividends for the current year including paid or declared but unpaid dividends.

— Any deferred dividends from previous years paid during the reporting period (i.e. any deferred dividends paid that impacted the P&L for the reporting period).

— Interest payments made in relation to debt instruments.

— Any other payments made in relation to the IGTs that are reported in this template, e.g. charges on asset transfers.

Amount of total tops–ups if applicable, i.e. total additional money invested during the reporting period such as a additional payments on partly paid shares or increasing loan amount during the period,


Balance of contractual amount of transaction at reporting date

Outstanding amount of the transaction at the reporting date if applicable e.g. for debt issue. If there has been a full early settlement/prepayment, the balance of contractual amount will be zero.


Coupon/Interest rate

The interest or coupon rate as a percentage, if applicable. For variable interest rate, this shall include the reference rate and the interest rate above it.

S.36.02 — IGT — Derivatives

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

This template shall report all IGTs between entities in scope of group supervision according to Article 213 (2)(d) of Directive 2009/138/EC.

The insurance undertaking is expected to complete this template for all significant, very significant and transactions required to be reported in all circumstances for IGTs between the individual undertaking and the mixed–activity insurance holding company and its related undertakings:

This template shall include IGTs that were:

in–force at the start of the reporting period.
incepted during the reporting period and outstanding at the reporting date.
incepted and expired/matured during the reporting period.

Where similar transactions with a related entity may be excluded from IGT reporting when considered individually against the thresholds for significant and very significant, these transactions must nevertheless be reported individually where collectively, they are at or above the corresponding threshold values for significant or very significant IGTs.

Each transaction shall be reported separately.

Any additions/top–ups to significant IGTs shall be reported as a separate IGT, even if the top–up in its own right falls below the significant threshold limit. For example, if an undertaking increases the initial loan amount to another related undertaking the addition to the loan should be recorded as a separate item with its issue date as the date of the top–up.

Where the transaction value is different for two transacting parties (e.g. a EUR 10 m transaction between A and B where A records EUR 10 m but B only receive EUR 9,5 m because of transactions costs, of say EUR 0,5 m has been expensed) the template should record the maximum amount as the transaction amount, in this case EUR 10 m.

Where there is a chain of related IGTs (say A invests in B and B invests in C), each link of the chain needs to be reported as a separate IGT.





ID of intragroup transaction

Unique internal identification code for each intragroup transaction. Must be consistent over time.


Investor/Buyer name

Name of the entity that is investing/buying the derivative, or the counterparty with the long position. For swaps the payer is the payer of the fixed rate that receives the floating rate.


Identification code of the investor/buyer

The unique identification code attached to the investor/buyer/transferee by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code

Specific code:

— For EEA insurance and reinsurance undertakings and other EEA regulated undertakings within the group: identification code used in the local market, attributed by the undertaking's competent supervisory authority;

— For non–EEA undertakings and non–regulated undertakings within the group, identification code will be provided by the group. When allocating an identification code to each non–EEA or non–regulated undertaking, the group should comply with the following format in a consistent manner:

— identification code of the parent undertaking + ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country of the undertaking + 5 digits


ID code type of code of the investor/buyer

Identification of the code used in item ‘Identification code for the investor/buyer’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Issuer/Seller name

Name of the entity that is issuing/selling the derivative, or the counterparty with the short position. For swaps the receiver, receives the fixed rates and pays the floating rate.


Identification code of the issuer/seller

The unique identification code attached to the investor/buyer/transferee by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code

Specific code:

— For EEA insurance and reinsurance undertakings and other EEA regulated undertakings within the group: identification code used in the local market, attributed by the undertaking's competent supervisory authority;

— For non–EEA undertakings and non–regulated undertakings within the group, identification code will be provided by the group. When allocating an identification code to each non–EEA or non–regulated undertaking, the group should comply with the following format in a consistent manner:

— identification code of the parent undertaking + ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country of the undertaking + 5 digits


ID code type of code of the issuer/seller

Identification of the code used in item ‘Identification code for the issuer/seller’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


ID Code of the instrument

This is the identification code of the instrument (derivative) between the two counterparties identified using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC)

— Code attributed by the undertaking, when the options above are not available. This code must be consistent over time.

This may be different from the intragroup transaction code provided in cell C0010.


ID Code Type of the instrument

Type of ID Code used for the ‘ID Code of the instrument’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

1 — ISO 6166 for ISIN code

2 — CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)

3 — SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)

4 — WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)

5 — Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)

6 — BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)

7 — Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)

8 — FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)

9 — Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies

99 — Code attributed by the undertaking


Transaction type

Identify the transaction type. The following close list shall be used:

1 — Derivatives — futures

2 –Derivatives — forwards

3 — Derivatives — options

4 — Derivatives — others

5 — Guarantees — credit protection

6 — Guarantees — others

7 — Swaps — credit default

8 — Swaps — interest rate

9 — Swaps — currency

10 — Swaps — others

A repurchase agreement should be considered as cash transaction plus forward contract.


Transaction Trade date

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date of the transaction/trade of the derivative contract. For rolled contracts use the initial trade date.


Maturity date

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the contractually defined date of close of the derivative contract, whether at maturity date, expiring date for options (European or American), etc.



Where applicable, identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the derivative, i.e. currency of the notional amount of the derivative (e.g.: option having as underlying an amount in USD). This item is not applicable for currency swap.


Notional amount at transaction date

The amount covered or exposed to the derivative at the transaction date.

For futures and options, corresponds to contract size multiplied by the number of contracts. For swaps and forwards, corresponds to the contract amount.


Notional amount at reporting date

The amount covered or exposed to the derivative at the reporting date, i.e. the closing balance.

For futures and options, corresponds to contract size multiplied by the number of contracts. For swaps and forwards, corresponds to the contract amount. Where a transaction has matured/expired during the reporting period before the reporting date, the notional amount at the reporting date will be zero.


Value of collateral

Value of the collateral pledged on reporting date (zero if derivative has been closed) if applicable.


Options, futures, forwards and other derivatives — Use of derivatives (by buyer)

Describe use of derivative (micro/macro hedge, efficient portfolio management). Micro hedge refers to derivatives covering a single financial instrument, forecasted transaction or liability. Macro hedge refers to derivatives covering a set of financial instruments, forecasted transactions or liabilities. The following closed list shall be used:

1 — Micro hedge

2 — Macro hedge

3 — Matching assets and liabilities cash–flows

4 — Efficient portfolio management, other than ‘Matching assets and liabilities cash–flows’.


Options, futures, forwards and other derivatives — Asset/liability underlying the derivative

 ID Code of the asset or liability underlying the derivative contract. This item is to be provided for derivatives that have a single underlying instrument or index in the undertaking's portfolio.

An index is considered a single instrument and shall be reported.

Identification code of the instrument underlying the derivative using the following priority:

— ISO 6166 code of ISIN when available;

— Other recognised codes (e.g.: CUSIP, Bloomberg Ticker, Reuters RIC);

— Code attributed by the undertaking for the underlying instrument when the options above are not available and must be unique and consistent over time for that instrument;

— ‘Multiple assets/liabilities’, if the underlying assets or liabilities are more than one.

If the underlying instrument is an index then the code of the index shall be reported.


ID Code Type of the Asset/liability underlying the derivative

Type of ID Code used for the ‘ID Code of the instrument’ item. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:
1 —  ISO 6166 for ISIN code
2 —  CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)
3 —  SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)
4 —  WKN (Wertpapier Kenn–Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)
5 —  Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)
6 —  BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)
7 —  Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)
8 —  FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)
9 —  Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies
99 —  Code attributed by the undertaking in case that none of the above options are available. This option shall also be used for the cases of ‘Multiple assets/liabilities’ and indexes.


Credit protection –CDS and Guarantees — Counterparty name for which credit protection is purchased

Name of the counterparty for which protection has been purchased for its default


Swaps — Swap delivered interest rate (for buyer)

Interest rate delivered under the swap contract (only for Interest rate swaps).


Swaps — Swap received interest rate (for buyer)

Interest rate received under the swap contract (only for Interest rate swaps).


Swaps — Swap delivered currency (for buyer)

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the swap price (only for currency swaps).


Swaps — Swap received currency (for buyer)

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the swap notional amount (only for currency swaps).

S.36.03 — IGT — Internal reinsurance

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

The purpose of this template is to collect information on all IGTs (significant, very significant and transactions required to be reported in all circumstances) related to internal reinsurance within a group identified according to Article 213(2)(d) of Directive 2009/138/EC. These include, but are not limited to:

reinsurance treaties between related undertakings;
facultative reinsurance between related undertakings; and
any other transaction that results in transferring underwriting risk (insurance risk) between related undertakings.

The insurance undertaking is expected to complete this template for all significant, very significant and transactions required to be reported in all circumstances for IGTs between the individual undertaking and the mixed–activity insurance holding company and its related undertakings.

This template shall include IGTs that were:

in–force at the start of the reporting period.
incepted during the reporting period and outstanding at the reporting date.
incepted and expired/matured during the reporting period.

Where similar transactions with a related entity may be excluded from IGT reporting when considered individually against the thresholds for significant and very significant, these transactions must nevertheless be individually reported where collectively they are at or above the corresponding threshold values for significant or very significant IGTs.

Each transaction shall be reported separately. Undertakings shall report as many rows as needed to properly identify the transaction, including if different types of reinsurance contracts/treaties are used.

Any additions/top–ups to significant IGTs shall be reported as a separate IGT, even if the top–up in its own right falls below the significant threshold limit. For example, if an undertaking increases the initial loan amount to another related undertaking the addition to the loan shall be recorded as a separate item with its issue date as the date of the top–up.

Where the transaction value is different for two transacting parties (e.g. a EUR 10 m transaction between A and B where A records EUR 10 m but B only receive EUR 9,5 m because of transactions costs, of say EUR 0,5 m has been expensed) the template shall record the maximum amount as the transaction amount, in this case EUR 10 m.

Where there is a chain of related IGTs (say A invests in B and B invests in C), each link of the chain needs to be reported as a separate IGT.





ID of intragroup transaction

Unique internal identification code for each intragroup transaction. Must be consistent over time.


Name of cedent

Legal name of the entity that has transferred the underwriting risk to another insurer or reinsurer within the group.


Identification code of cedent

The unique identification code attached to the investor/buyer/transferee by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code

Specific code:

— For EEA insurance and reinsurance undertakings and other EEA regulated undertakings within the group: identification code used in the local market, attributed by the undertaking's competent supervisory authority;

— For non–EEA undertakings and non–regulated undertakings within the group, identification code will be provided by the group. When allocating an identification code to each non–EEA or non–regulated undertaking, the group should comply with the following format in a consistent manner:

— identification code of the parent undertaking + ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country of the undertaking + 5 digits


ID code type of code of the cedant

Identification of the code used in item ‘Identification code for the cedant’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Name of reinsurer

Legal name of the reinsurer to whom the underwriting risk has been transferred.

This shall be the same as reported in S.30.02.


Identification code of reinsurer

The unique identification code attached to the investor/buyer/transferee by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code

Specific code:

— For EEA insurance and reinsurance undertakings and other EEA regulated undertakings within the group: identification code used in the local market, attributed by the undertaking's competent supervisory authority;

— For non–EEA undertakings and non–regulated undertakings within the group, identification code will be provided by the group. When allocating an identification code to each non–EEA or non–regulated undertaking, the group should comply with the following format in a consistent manner:

— identification code of the parent undertaking + ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country of the undertaking + 5 digits


ID code type of code of the reinsurer

Identification of the code used in item ‘Identification code for the reinsurer’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Validity period (start date)

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date of commencement of the specific reinsurance contract/treaty.


Validity period (expiry date)

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the expiry date of the specific reinsurance contract/treaty (i.e. the last date the specific reinsurance contract/treaty is in force). This item is not reported if there is no expiry date (for example, contract is continuous and ends by one of the parties giving notice).


Currency of contract/treaty

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of payments for the specific reinsurance contract/treaty.


Type of reinsurance contract/ treaty

Identify the type of reinsurance contract/treaty. The following close list shall be used:

1 — quota share

2 — variable quota share

3 — surplus

4 — excess of loss (per event and per risk)

5 — excess of loss (per risk)

6 — excess of loss (per event)

7 — excess of loss ‘back–up’ (protection against follow–on events which certain catastrophes can cause such as flooding or fire)

8 — excess of loss with basis risk

9 — reinstatement cover

10 — aggregate excess of loss

11 — unlimited excess of loss

12 — stop loss

13 — other proportional treaties

14 — other non–proportional treaties

15 — Financial reinsurance

16 — Facultative proportional

17 — Facultative non–proportional

Other proportional treaties (code 13) and Other non–proportional treaties (code 14) can be used for hybrid types of reinsurance treaties


Maximum cover by reinsurer under contract/treaty

For quota share or a surplus treaty, 100 % of the maximum amount that has been set for the entire contract/treaty is stated here (e.g. £ 10 million). In case of unlimited cover ‘– 1’ must be filled in here. For XL or SL treaties enter the initial capacity.

This item has to be reported in the currency of the transaction.


Net Receivables

The amount resulting from: claims paid by the insurer but not yet reimbursed by the reinsurer + commissions to be paid by the reinsurer + other receivables minus debts to the reinsurer. Cash deposits are excluded and are to be considered as guarantees received. Total amount must be equal to the sum of the balance sheet items: Reinsurance receivables and Reinsurance payables.


Total reinsurance recoverable

Total amount due from the reinsurer at the reporting date which include:

— Premium provision for part of the future reinsurance premium which has already been paid to the reinsurer;

— Claims provision for claims outstanding for insurer which have to be paid by the reinsurer; and/or

— Technical provisions for the amount reflecting the share of the reinsurer in the gross technical provisions.


Reinsurance result (for reinsured entity)

The reinsurance result for the reinsured entity should be calculated as follows:

Total reinsurance commissions received by reinsured entity


Gross reinsurance premiums paid by reinsured entity


Claims paid by reinsurer during the reporting period


Total reinsurance recoverables at the end of the reporting period


Total reinsurance recoverables at the start of the reporting period.


Line of business

Identify the line of business, as defined in Annex I to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, being reinsured. The following close list shall be used:

1 — Medical expense insurance

2 — Income protection insurance

3 — Workers' compensation insurance

4 — Motor vehicle liability insurance

5 — Other motor insurance

6 — Marine, aviation and transport insurance

7 — Fire and other damage to property insurance

8 — General liability insurance

9 — Credit and suretyship insurance

10 — Legal expenses insurance

11 — Assistance

12 — Miscellaneous financial loss

13 — Proportional medical expense reinsurance

14 — Proportional income protection reinsurance

15 — Proportional workers' compensation reinsurance

16 — Proportional motor vehicle liability reinsurance

17 — Proportional other motor reinsurance

18 — Proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

19 — Proportional fire and other damage to property reinsurance

20 — Proportional general liability reinsurance

21 — Proportional credit and suretyship reinsurance

22 — Proportional legal expenses reinsurance

23 — Proportional assistance reinsurance

24 — Proportional miscellaneous financial loss reinsurance

25 — Non–proportional health reinsurance

26 — Non–proportional casualty reinsurance

27 — Non–proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance

28 — Non–proportional property reinsurance


29 — Health insurance

30 — Insurance with profit participation

31 — Index-linked and unit-linked insurance

32 — Other life insurance

33 — Annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations

34 — Annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligations other than health insurance obligations

35 — Health reinsurance

36 — Life reinsurance

If a reinsurance arrangement covers more than one line of business, then select the most significant line of business from the list above.

S.36.04 — IGT — Cost Sharing, contingent liabilities, off balance sheet and other items

General comments:

This section relates to annual submission of information for individual entities.

The purpose of this template is to collect information on all other IGTs (significant, very significant and transactions required to be reported in all circumstances) which have not been captured in 36.01 to 36.03 templates within the group according to Article 213 (2) (d) of Directive 2009/138/EC. These include, but not limited to:

Internal cost sharing;
Contingent liabilities (other than derivatives);
Off balance sheet guarantees;
Any other transactions between related undertakings or natural persons in scope of the group supervision.

The insurance undertaking is expected to complete this template for all significant, very significant and transactions required to be reported in all circumstances for IGTs between the individual undertaking and the mixed–activity insurance holding company and its related undertakings.

This template shall include IGTs that were:

in–force at the start of the reporting period.
incepted during the reporting period and outstanding at the reporting date.
incepted and expired/matured during the reporting period.

Where similar transactions with a related entity may be excluded from IGT reporting when considered individually against the thresholds for significant and very significant, these transactions must nevertheless be individually reported where collectively they are at or above the corresponding threshold values for significant or very significant IGTs.

Each transaction shall be reported separately.

Any additions/top–ups to significant IGTs shall be reported as a separate IGT, even if the top–up in its own right falls below the significant threshold limit. For example, if an undertaking increases the initial loan amount to another related undertaking the addition to the loan should be recorded as a separate item with its issue date as the date of the top–up.

Where the transaction value is different for two transacting parties (e.g. a EUR 10 m transaction between A and B where A records EUR 10 m but B only receive EUR 9,5 m because of transactions costs, of say EUR 0,5 m has been expensed) the template should record the maximum amount as the transaction amount, in this case EUR 10 m.

Where there is a chain of related IGTs (say A invests in B and B invests in C), each link of the chain needs to be reported as a separate IGT.





ID of intragroup transaction

Unique internal identification code for each intragroup transaction. Must be consistent over time.


Investor/Buyer/Beneficiary name

Legal name of the entity that is purchasing/investing in the asset/investment or receiving the service/guarantee.


Identification code of the Investor/Buyer/Beneficiary

The unique identification code attached to the investor/buyer/transferee by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code

Specific code:

— For EEA insurance and reinsurance undertakings and other EEA regulated undertakings within the group: identification code used in the local market, attributed by the undertaking's competent supervisory authority;

— For non–EEA undertakings and non–regulated undertakings within the group, identification code will be provided by the group. When allocating an identification code to each non–EEA or non–regulated undertaking, the group should comply with the following format in a consistent manner:

— identification code of the parent undertaking + ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country of the undertaking + 5 digits


ID code type of code of the Investor/Buyer/Beneficiary

Identification of the code used in item ‘Identification code for the Investor/Buyer/Beneficiary’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Issuer/Seller/Provider name

Legal name of the entity that is selling/transferring the asset/investment or providing the service/guarantee.


Identification code of the Issuer/Seller/Provider

The unique identification code attached to the investor/buyer/transferee by this order of priority:

— Legal Entity Identifier (LEI);

— Specific code

Specific code:

— For EEA insurance and reinsurance undertakings and other EEA regulated undertakings within the group: identification code used in the local market, attributed by the undertaking's competent supervisory authority;

— For non–EEA undertakings and non–regulated undertakings within the group, identification code will be provided by the group. When allocating an identification code to each non–EEA or non–regulated undertaking, the group should comply with the following format in a consistent manner:

— identification code of the parent undertaking + ISO 3166–1 alpha–2 code of the country of the undertaking + 5 digits


ID code type of code of the Issuer/Seller/Provider

Identification of the code used in item ‘Identification code for the Issuer/Seller/Provider’:

1 — LEI

2 — Specific code


Transaction type

Identify the type of transaction. The following close list shall be used:

1 — Contingent liabilities

2 — Off balance sheet items

3 — Internal cost sharing

4 — Others


Transaction Issue date

Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date when the transaction/issue takes effect.


Effective date of agreement/contract underlying transaction

Where applicable, Identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date when the transaction or contract underlying the transactions takes effect if different from the transaction date. If same as the transaction date, the transaction date is to be reported.


Expiry date of agreement/contract underlying transaction

Where applicable, identify the ISO 8601 (yyyy–mm–dd) code of the date when the agreement/contract ceases. If the expiry date is perpetual use ‘9999–12–31’.


Currency of transaction

Identify the ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency in which the transaction took place.


Trigger event

Where applicable, brief description of event that would trigger the transaction/payment/liability/none e.g. event that would result in a contingent liability occurring.


Value of transaction/collateral/Guarantee

Value of the transaction, collateral pledged or contingent liability recognised on the Solvency II balance sheet.

All items shall be reported on Solvency II value. However where Solvency II value is not available (e.g. non–EEA operations under method 2 in equivalent regimes or banks and credit institutions) then the local or sectoral valuation rules should be used.


Maximum possible value of contingent liabilities

Maximum possible value, if possible, regardless of their probability (i.e. future cash flows required to settle the contingent liability over the lifetime of that contingent liability, discounted at the relevant risk–free interest rate term structure) of contingent liabilities included in Solvency II Balance Sheet.


Maximum possible value of contingent liabilities not included in Solvency II Balance Sheet

Enter the maximum amount of the contingent liability, for those not included in the Solvency II Balance Sheet, that could be due from the Provider.


Maximum value of letters of credit/guarantees

Sum of all possible cash flows if events triggering guarantees were all to happen in relation to guarantees provided by the ‘provider’ (cell C0050) to the ‘beneficiary’ (Cell C0020) to guarantee the payment of the liabilities due by the undertaking (includes letter of credit, undrawn committed borrowing facilities). This item shall not include amounts already reported under C0150 and C0160.


Value of guaranteed assets

Value of the guaranteed asset for which the guarantees are received.

Other local/sectoral valuation principles than Solvency II ones may be relevant in this case.