Article 4
Proposal for a decision
1. Before making a proposal for a decision, the supervisory authorities concerned shall confirm that the assessment of the application has been finalized and that the outcome of this assessment constitutes the basis for making a decision on the application.
2. The other supervisory authorities concerned shall give their input on the proposal for a decision to the group supervisor in writing by summarising the outcome of the assessment made.
3. The group supervisor, with the input of the other supervisory authorities concerned referred to in paragraph 2, shall draft a written proposal for a decision, including, if applicable, the terms and conditions the proposed decision is subject to. This proposal shall include the reasons for the decision and, if applicable, for the terms and conditions.
4. When drafting a proposal for a decision, the group supervisor shall consider, if appropriate, the views expressed during the assessment of the application by the other supervisory authorities concerned regarding the appropriateness of the group internal model for the calculation of the consolidated group Solvency Capital Requirement. If relevant, the group supervisor shall also take into consideration the views from the other supervisory authorities within the college of supervisors regarding the group internal model.
5. The group supervisor shall send the proposal for a decision to the supervisory authorities concerned and, where appropriate, to the other members and participants of the college.
6. The other supervisory authorities concerned shall provide in writing to the group supervisor their opinion on the proposal for a decision, including, if applicable, their opinion on the terms and conditions to which the proposed decision is subject. The group supervisor shall aggregate the opinions received and provide a synthesis of them to the other supervisory authorities concerned.
7. The group supervisor shall organise at least a session with the other supervisory authorities concerned to discuss the proposal for a decision and the opinions provided. These sessions may take place as a physical meeting or, when agreed by all the supervisory authorities concerned, through other means. The discussion shall aim at reaching consensus on a joint decision. Every supervisory authority concerned shall then confirm its views or send in writing its final views and reservations to the group supervisor.