Updated 05/02/2025
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Article 3 - Implementing Regulation 2015/461

Article 3

Agreement on the process

1.   The supervisory authorities concerned shall agree on the process to reach and the way to formalise a joint decision including timeline, main steps and deliverables, also taking into account the requirements set out in Directive 2009/138/EC as further specified in the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 (3) supplementing Directive 2009/138/EC. In order to do everything within their power to reach a joint decision according to Article 231(2) of Directive 2009/138/EC, every supervisory authority concerned shall ensure that the main steps and deliverables set out for the agreed process are followed in a timely way.

2.   The supervisory authorities concerned shall take into account when agreeing on the process, any legal impediments or internal processes that may restrict them to give their formal view on the application within the specified timeframe. To this end, all supervisory authorities concerned shall inform the other ones about any legal impediments or internal processes that may exist in their respective supervisory authority.

3.   The supervisory authorities concerned shall provide the other authorities concerned with any information that may be relevant for the decision on the application as soon as practical.

4.   In the case a supervisory authority concerned raises a matter regarding the process, in particular when consensus on a decision is not likely to be reached, it shall explain the reasons for this to the other supervisory authorities concerned and indicate whether it intends to refer the matter to EIOPA according to Article 231(3) of Directive 2009/138/EC. The group supervisor shall discuss with all supervisory authorities concerned with the aim to find a solution to the matter. The supervisory authorities shall agree on a timeframe to reach a solution.

5.   If no satisfactory solution is reached in the agreed timeframe and the relevant supervisory authority decides to refer the matter to EIOPA, it shall do it without delay.

(3)  Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 of 10 October 2014 supplementing Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II) (OJ L 12, 17.1.2015, p. 1).