Updated 12/03/2025
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Article 83 - Regulation 2021/23 (CCPRRR)

Article 83

Publication of administrative penalties or other administrative measures

1.   Resolution authorities or competent authorities shall publish on their official website any administrative penalties or administrative measures imposed by them for infringements of this Regulation where such penalties or measures have not been the subject of an appeal or where the right of appeal has been exhausted. Such publication shall take place without undue delay after the natural or legal person is informed of that penalty or measure and shall include information on the type and nature of the infringement and the identity of the natural or legal person on whom the penalty or measure is imposed.

Where Member States permit publication of administrative penalties or other administrative measures against which there is an appeal, resolution authorities and competent authorities shall, without undue delay, publish on their official websites information on the status of that appeal and the outcome thereof.

2.   Resolution authorities and competent authorities shall publish the administrative penalties or other administrative measures imposed by them on an anonymous basis, in a manner which is in accordance with national law, in any of the following circumstances:


where the administrative penalty or other administrative measure is imposed on a natural person and publication of personal data is shown to be disproportionate by an obligatory prior assessment of the proportionality of such publication;


where publication would jeopardise the stability of financial markets or an ongoing criminal investigation or proceedings;


where publication would cause, insofar as it can be determined, disproportionate damage to the CCP or natural persons involved.

Alternatively, in such cases, the publication of the data in question may be postponed for a reasonable period, if it is foreseeable that the reasons for anonymous publication will cease to exist within that period.

3.   Resolution authorities and competent authorities shall ensure that any publication in accordance with this Article shall remain on their official website for a period of at least five years. Personal data contained in the publication shall only be kept on the official website of the resolution authority or the competent authority for the period which is necessary in accordance with applicable data protection rules.

4.   By 12 August 2022, ESMA shall submit a report to the Commission on the publication of administrative penalties and other administrative measures by Member States on an anonymous basis as provided for under paragraph 2 and in particular whether there have been significant divergences between Member States in that respect. That report shall also address any significant divergences in the duration of publication of administrative penalties or other administrative measures under national law of Member States for publication of administrative penalties and other administrative measures.