Article 41
Investment rules
PEPP providers shall invest the assets corresponding to the PEPP in accordance with the ‘prudent person’ rule and in particular in accordance with the following rules:
the assets shall be invested in the best long-term interests of PEPP savers as a whole. In the case of a potential conflict of interest, a PEPP provider, or the entity which manages its portfolio, shall ensure that the investment is made in the sole interest of PEPP savers;
within the prudent person rule, PEPP providers shall take into account risks related to and the potential long-term impact of investment decisions on ESG factors;
the assets shall be invested in such a manner as to ensure the security, quality, liquidity and profitability of the portfolio as a whole;
the assets shall be predominantly invested on regulated markets. Investment in assets which are not admitted to trading on a regulated financial market shall be kept to prudent levels;
investment in derivative instruments shall be possible insofar as such instruments contribute to a reduction in investment risks or facilitate efficient portfolio management. Those instruments shall be valued on a prudent basis, taking into account the underlying asset, and included in the valuation of a PEPP provider’s assets. PEPP providers shall also avoid excessive risk exposure to a single counterparty and to other derivative operations;
the assets shall be properly diversified in such a way as to avoid excessive reliance on any particular asset, issuer or group of undertakings and accumulations of risk in the portfolio as a whole. Investments in assets issued by the same issuer or by issuers belonging to the same group shall not expose a PEPP provider to excessive risk concentration;
the assets shall not be invested in a non-cooperative jurisdiction for tax purposes identified in the applicable Council’s conclusions on the list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes, nor in a high-risk third country with strategic deficiencies identified by the applicable Commission Delegated Regulation adopted on the basis of Article 9 of Directive (EU) 2015/849;
the PEPP provider shall not expose itself and the assets corresponding to the PEPP to risks stemming from excessive leverage and excessive maturity transformation.