Article 11
Publication of ‘general good’ rules
1. Member States shall ensure appropriate publication by their competent authorities of the relevant national legal provisions protecting the general good, including information about whether and how the Member State has chosen to apply the stricter provisions provided for in Article 29(3), which are applicable to the carrying on of insurance and reinsurance distribution in their territories.
2. A Member State which proposes to apply and applies provisions regulating insurance distribution in addition to those set out in this Directive shall ensure that the administrative burden stemming from those provisions is proportionate with regard to consumer protection. The Member State shall continue to monitor those provisions to ensure they remain in conformity with this paragraph.
3. EIOPA shall include on its website the hyperlinks to the websites of competent authorities where information on ‘general good’ rules is published. Such information shall be updated by the national competent authorities on a regular basis and EIOPA shall make the information available on its website, with all national ‘general good’ rules categorised into different relevant areas of law.
4. Member States shall establish a single point of contact responsible for providing information on ‘general good’ rules in their respective Member State. Such a point of contact should be an appropriate competent authority.
5. EIOPA shall examine in a report, and inform the Commission about, the ‘general good’ rules published by Member States as referred to in this Article in the context of the proper functioning of this Directive and of the internal market before 23 February 2019.