Article 20
Valuation for the purposes of resolution
The purposes of the valuation shall be:
to inform the determination of whether the conditions for resolution or the conditions for the write-down or conversion of capital instruments and eligible liabilities in accordance with Article 21 are met;
if the conditions for resolution are met, to inform the decision on the appropriate resolution action to be taken in respect of an entity referred to in Article 2;
when the power to write down or convert relevant capital instruments and eligible liabilities in accordance with Article 21(7) is applied, to inform the decision on the extent of the cancellation or dilution of instruments of ownership, and the extent of the write-down or conversion of relevant capital instruments and eligible liabilities;
when the bail-in tool is applied, to inform the decision on the extent of the writing down or conversion of bail-inable liabilities;
when the bridge institution tool or asset separation tool is applied, to inform the decision on the assets, rights, liabilities or instruments of ownership to be transferred and the decision on the value of any consideration to be paid to the institution under resolution or, as the case may be, to the owners of the instruments of ownership;
when the sale of business tool is applied, to inform the decision on the assets, rights, liabilities or instruments of ownership to be transferred and to inform the Board's understanding of what constitutes commercial terms for the purposes of Article 24(2)(b);
in all cases, to ensure that any losses on the assets of an entity referred to in Article 2 are fully recognised at the moment the resolution tools are applied or the power to write down or convert relevant capital instruments and eligible liabilities in accordance with Article 21 is exercised.
Without prejudice to the Union State aid framework, where applicable, the valuation shall be based on prudent assumptions, including as to rates of default and severity of losses. The valuation shall not assume any potential future provision of any extraordinary public financial support, any central bank emergency liquidity assistance, or any central bank liquidity assistance provided under non-standard collateralisation, tenor and interest rate terms to an entity referred to in Article 2 from the point at which resolution action is taken or the power to write down or convert relevant capital instruments and eligible liabilities in accordance with Article 21 is exercised. Furthermore, the valuation shall take account of the fact that, if any resolution tool is applied:
the Board may recover any reasonable expenses properly incurred from the institution under resolution, in accordance with Article 22(6);
the Fund may charge interest or fees in respect of any loans or guarantees provided to the institution under resolution, in accordance with Article 76.
The valuation shall be supplemented by the following information as appearing in the accounting books and records of an entity referred to in Article 2:
an updated balance sheet and a report on the financial position of an entity referred to in Article 2;
an analysis and an estimate of the accounting value of the assets;
the list of outstanding on-balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet liabilities shown in the books and records of an entity referred to in Article 2, with an indication of the respective credits and priority of claims referred to in Article 17.
The provisional valuation referred to in the first subparagraph shall include a buffer for additional losses, with appropriate justification.
The purposes of the ex-post definitive valuation shall be:
to ensure that any losses on the assets of an entity referred to in Article 2 are fully recognised in the books of accounts of that entity;
to inform the decision to write back creditors' claims or to increase the value of the consideration paid, in accordance with paragraph 12 of this Article.
In the event that the ex-post definitive valuation's estimate of the net asset value of an entity referred to in Article 2 is higher than the provisional valuation's estimate of the net asset value of that entity, the Board may request the national resolution authority to:
exercise its power to increase the value of the claims of creditors or owners of relevant capital instruments which have been written down under the bail-in tool;
instruct a bridge institution or asset management vehicle to make a further payment of consideration in respect of the assets, rights or liabilities to an institution under resolution, or as the case may be, in respect of the instruments of ownership to the owners of those instruments of ownership.
The valuation referred to in paragraph 16 shall determine:
the treatment that shareholders and creditors, or the relevant deposit guarantee schemes, would have received if an institution under resolution with respect to which the resolution action or actions have been effected, had entered normal insolvency proceedings at the time when the decision on the resolution action was taken;
the actual treatment that shareholders and creditors have received in the resolution of an institution under resolution; and
whether there is any difference between the treatment referred to in point (a) of this paragraph and the treatment referred to in point (b) of this paragraph.
The valuation referred to in paragraph 16 shall:
assume that an institution under resolution with respect to which the resolution action or actions have been effected, would have entered normal insolvency proceedings at the time when the decision on the resolution action was taken;
assume that the resolution action or actions had not been effected;
disregard any provision of extraordinary public financial support to an institution under resolution.