PART TEN - TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS, REPORTS, REVIEWS AND AMENDMENTS (Article 465-520)TITLE I - TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS (Article 465-501b)CHAPTER 1 - Own funds requirements, unrealised gains and losses measured at fair value and deductions (Article 465-482)CHAPTER 2 - Grandfathering of capital instruments (Article 483-491)CHAPTER 3 - Transitional provisions for disclosure of own funds (Article 492)CHAPTER 4 - Large exposures, own funds requirements, leverage and the Basel I Floor (Article 493-501b)Article 493 - Transitional provisions for large exposures Q&AArticle 494 - Transitional provisions concerning the requirement for own funds and eligible liabilitiesArticle 494a - Grandfathering of issuances through special purpose entities Q&AArticle 494b - Grandfathering of own funds instruments and eligible liabilities instruments Q&AArticle 494c - Grandfathering of senior securitisation positionsArticle 494d - Reversion to less sophisticated approachesArticle 495 - Treatment of equity exposures under the IRB Approach RTSQ&AArticle 495a - Transitional arrangements for equity exposuresArticle 495b - Transitional arrangements for specialised lending exposuresArticle 495c - Transitional arrangements for leasing exposures as a credit risk mitigation techniqueArticle 495d - Transitional arrangements for unconditional cancellable commitmentsArticle 495e - Transitional arrangements for ECAI credit assessments of institutionsArticle 495f - Transitional arrangements for property revaluation requirementsArticle 495g - Transitional arrangements for certain public guarantees schemesArticle 495h - Transitional arrangements for the use of the alternative internal model approach for market riskArticle 496 - Own funds requirements for covered bonds [repealed]Article 497 - Own funds requirements for exposures to CCPs IAArticle 498 - Exemption for Commodities dealersArticle 499 - Leverage ITSQ&AArticle 500 - Adjustment for massive disposals Q&AArticle 500a - Temporary treatment of public debt issued in the currency of another Member State Q&AArticle 500b - Temporary exclusion of certain exposures to central banks from the total exposure measure in view of the COVID-19 pandemic Q&AGLArticle 500c - Exclusion of overshootings from the calculation of the back-testing addend in view of the COVID-19 pandemic GLArticle 500d - Temporary calculation of the exposure value of regular-way purchases and sales awaiting settlement in view of the COVID-19 pandemic GLArticle 501 - Adjustment of risk-weighted non-defaulted SME exposures Q&AGLArticle 501a - Adjustment to own funds requirements for credit risk for exposures to entities that operate or finance physical structures or facilities, systems and networks that provide or support essential public services Q&AGLArticle 501b - Derogation from reporting requirementsTITLE II - REPORTS AND REVIEWS (Article 501c-519b)TITLE IIA - IMPLEMENTATION OF RULES (Article 519c-519f)TITLE III - AMENDMENTS (Article 520)
TITLE I - TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS (Article 465-501b)CHAPTER 1 - Own funds requirements, unrealised gains and losses measured at fair value and deductions (Article 465-482)CHAPTER 2 - Grandfathering of capital instruments (Article 483-491)CHAPTER 3 - Transitional provisions for disclosure of own funds (Article 492)CHAPTER 4 - Large exposures, own funds requirements, leverage and the Basel I Floor (Article 493-501b)Article 493 - Transitional provisions for large exposures Q&AArticle 494 - Transitional provisions concerning the requirement for own funds and eligible liabilitiesArticle 494a - Grandfathering of issuances through special purpose entities Q&AArticle 494b - Grandfathering of own funds instruments and eligible liabilities instruments Q&AArticle 494c - Grandfathering of senior securitisation positionsArticle 494d - Reversion to less sophisticated approachesArticle 495 - Treatment of equity exposures under the IRB Approach RTSQ&AArticle 495a - Transitional arrangements for equity exposuresArticle 495b - Transitional arrangements for specialised lending exposuresArticle 495c - Transitional arrangements for leasing exposures as a credit risk mitigation techniqueArticle 495d - Transitional arrangements for unconditional cancellable commitmentsArticle 495e - Transitional arrangements for ECAI credit assessments of institutionsArticle 495f - Transitional arrangements for property revaluation requirementsArticle 495g - Transitional arrangements for certain public guarantees schemesArticle 495h - Transitional arrangements for the use of the alternative internal model approach for market riskArticle 496 - Own funds requirements for covered bonds [repealed]Article 497 - Own funds requirements for exposures to CCPs IAArticle 498 - Exemption for Commodities dealersArticle 499 - Leverage ITSQ&AArticle 500 - Adjustment for massive disposals Q&AArticle 500a - Temporary treatment of public debt issued in the currency of another Member State Q&AArticle 500b - Temporary exclusion of certain exposures to central banks from the total exposure measure in view of the COVID-19 pandemic Q&AGLArticle 500c - Exclusion of overshootings from the calculation of the back-testing addend in view of the COVID-19 pandemic GLArticle 500d - Temporary calculation of the exposure value of regular-way purchases and sales awaiting settlement in view of the COVID-19 pandemic GLArticle 501 - Adjustment of risk-weighted non-defaulted SME exposures Q&AGLArticle 501a - Adjustment to own funds requirements for credit risk for exposures to entities that operate or finance physical structures or facilities, systems and networks that provide or support essential public services Q&AGLArticle 501b - Derogation from reporting requirements
CHAPTER 1 - Own funds requirements, unrealised gains and losses measured at fair value and deductions (Article 465-482)
CHAPTER 4 - Large exposures, own funds requirements, leverage and the Basel I Floor (Article 493-501b)Article 493 - Transitional provisions for large exposures Q&AArticle 494 - Transitional provisions concerning the requirement for own funds and eligible liabilitiesArticle 494a - Grandfathering of issuances through special purpose entities Q&AArticle 494b - Grandfathering of own funds instruments and eligible liabilities instruments Q&AArticle 494c - Grandfathering of senior securitisation positionsArticle 494d - Reversion to less sophisticated approachesArticle 495 - Treatment of equity exposures under the IRB Approach RTSQ&AArticle 495a - Transitional arrangements for equity exposuresArticle 495b - Transitional arrangements for specialised lending exposuresArticle 495c - Transitional arrangements for leasing exposures as a credit risk mitigation techniqueArticle 495d - Transitional arrangements for unconditional cancellable commitmentsArticle 495e - Transitional arrangements for ECAI credit assessments of institutionsArticle 495f - Transitional arrangements for property revaluation requirementsArticle 495g - Transitional arrangements for certain public guarantees schemesArticle 495h - Transitional arrangements for the use of the alternative internal model approach for market riskArticle 496 - Own funds requirements for covered bonds [repealed]Article 497 - Own funds requirements for exposures to CCPs IAArticle 498 - Exemption for Commodities dealersArticle 499 - Leverage ITSQ&AArticle 500 - Adjustment for massive disposals Q&AArticle 500a - Temporary treatment of public debt issued in the currency of another Member State Q&AArticle 500b - Temporary exclusion of certain exposures to central banks from the total exposure measure in view of the COVID-19 pandemic Q&AGLArticle 500c - Exclusion of overshootings from the calculation of the back-testing addend in view of the COVID-19 pandemic GLArticle 500d - Temporary calculation of the exposure value of regular-way purchases and sales awaiting settlement in view of the COVID-19 pandemic GLArticle 501 - Adjustment of risk-weighted non-defaulted SME exposures Q&AGLArticle 501a - Adjustment to own funds requirements for credit risk for exposures to entities that operate or finance physical structures or facilities, systems and networks that provide or support essential public services Q&AGLArticle 501b - Derogation from reporting requirements