Article 446
Disclosure of operational risk
Institutions shall disclose the following information:
the main characteristics and elements of their operational risk management framework;
their own funds requirement for operational risk equal to the business indicator component calculated in accordance with Article 313;
the business indicator, calculated in accordance with Article 314(1), and the amounts of each of the business indicator components and their sub-components for each of the three years relevant for the calculation of the business indicator;
the amount of the reduction of the business indicator for each exclusion from the business indicator in accordance with Article 315(2), as well as the corresponding justifications for such exclusions.
Institutions that calculate their annual operational risk losses in accordance with Article 316(1) shall disclose the following information in addition to the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article:
their annual operational risk losses for each of the last 10 financial years, calculated in accordance with Article 316(1);
the number of exceptional operational risk events and the amounts of the corresponding aggregated net operational risk losses that were excluded from the calculation of the annual operational risk loss in accordance with Article 320(1), for each of the last 10 financial years, and the corresponding justifications for those exclusions.