Article 445
Disclosure of exposures to market risk under the standardised approach
Institutions calculating their own funds requirements in accordance with Part Three, Title IV, Chapter 1a, shall disclose their total own funds requirements, own funds requirements for the sensitivities-based method, default risk charge and own funds requirements for residual risks. The disclosure of own funds requirements for the measures of the sensitivities-based method and for default risk shall be broken down into the following instruments:
financial instruments other than securitisation instruments held in the trading book, with a breakdown by risk class, and a separate identification of the own funds requirements for default risk;
securitisation instruments not held in the ACTP, with a separate identification of the own funds requirements for credit spread risk and of the own funds requirements for default risk;
securitisation instruments held in the ACTP, with a separate identification of the own funds requirements for credit spread risk and of the own funds requirements for default risk.