Article 430
Reporting on prudential requirements and financial information
Institutions shall report to their competent authorities on:
the requirements laid down in Articles 92a and 92b, for institutions that are subject to those requirements;
large exposures as set out in Article 394;
liquidity requirements as set out in Article 415;
the aggregate data for each national immovable property market as set out in Article 430a(1);
the requirements and guidance set out in Directive 2013/36/EU qualified for standardised reporting, except for any additional reporting requirement under point (j) of Article 104(1) of that Directive;
the level of asset encumbrance, including a breakdown by the type of asset encumbrance, such as repurchase agreements, securities lending, securitised exposures or loans;
their exposures to ESG risks, including:
their existing and new exposures to fossil fuel sector entities;
their exposures to physical risks and transition risks;
their crypto-asset exposures;
Institutions exempted in accordance with Article 6(5) shall not be subject to the reporting requirement on the leverage ratio set out in point (a) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph on an individual basis.
In addition to the reporting on prudential requirements referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, institutions shall report financial information to their competent authorities where they are one of the following:
an institution that is subject to Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002;
a credit institution that prepares its consolidated accounts in accordance with the international accounting standards pursuant to point (b) of Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002.
Any new reporting requirements set out in such implementing technical standards shall not be applicable earlier than six months from the date of their entry into force.
For the purposes of paragraph 2, the draft implementing technical standards shall specify which components of the leverage ratio shall be reported using day-end or month-end values. For that purpose, EBA shall take into account both of the following:
how susceptible a component is to significant temporary reductions in transaction volumes that could result in an underrepresentation of the risk of excessive leverage at the reporting reference date;
developments and findings at international level.
EBA shall submit to the Commission the draft implementing technical standards referred to in this paragraph by 28 June 2021, except in relation to the following:
the leverage ratio, which shall be submitted by 28 June 2020;
the obligations laid down in Articles 92a and 92b, which shall be submitted by 28 June 2020;
Power is conferred on the Commission to adopt the implementing technical standards referred to in the first subparagraph in accordance with Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010.
EBA shall assess the costs and benefits of the reporting requirements laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 ( 36 ) in accordance with this paragraph and report its findings to the Commission by 28 June 2020. That assessment shall be carried out in particular in relation to small and non-complex institutions. For those purposes, the report shall:
classify institutions into categories based on their size, complexity and the nature and level of risk of their activities;
measure the reporting costs incurred by each category of institutions during the relevant period to meet the reporting requirements set out in Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014, taking into account the following principles:
the reporting costs shall be measured as the ratio of the reporting costs relative to the institution's total costs during the relevant period;
the reporting costs shall comprise all expenditure related to the implementation and operation on an on-going basis of the reporting systems, including expenditure on staff, IT systems, legal, accounting, auditing and consultancy services;
the relevant period shall refer to each annual period during which institutions have incurred reporting costs to prepare for the implementation of the reporting requirements laid down in Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 and to continue operating the reporting systems on an on-going basis;
assess whether the reporting costs incurred by each category of institutions were proportionate with regard to the benefits delivered by the reporting requirements for the purposes of prudential supervision;
assess the effects of a reduction of reporting requirement on costs and supervisory effectiveness; and
make recommendations on how to reduce reporting requirements at least for small and non-complex institutions, to which end EBA shall target an expected average cost reduction of at least 10 % but ideally a 20 % cost reduction. EBA shall, in particular, assess whether:
the reporting requirements referred to in point (g) of paragraph 1 could be waived for small and non-complex institutions where asset encumbrance was below a certain threshold;
the reporting frequency required in accordance with points (a), (c), and (g) of paragraph 1 could be reduced for small and non-complex institutions.
EBA shall accompany that report by draft implementing technical standards referred to in paragraph 7.
Competent authorities shall consult EBA on whether institutions, other than those referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4, should report on financial information on a consolidated basis in accordance with paragraph 3, provided that all the following conditions are met:
the relevant institutions are not already reporting on a consolidated basis;
the relevant institutions are subject to an accounting framework in accordance with Directive 86/635/EEC;
financial reporting is considered necessary to provide a comprehensive view of the risk profile of those institutions' activities and of the systemic risks they pose to the financial sector or the real economy as set out in Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010.
EBA shall develop draft implementing technical standards to specify the formats and templates that institutions referred to in the first subparagraph shall use for the purposes set out therein.
Power is conferred on the Commission to adopt the implementing technical standards referred to in the second subparagraph in accordance with Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010.
Competent authorities, resolution authorities and designated authorities shall make use of data exchange wherever possible to reduce reporting requirements. The provisions on the exchange of information and professional secrecy as laid down in Section II of Chapter I of Title VII of Directive 2013/36/EU shall apply.
( 36 ) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 of 16 April 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions according to Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 191, 28.6.2014, p. 1).