Article 29a
Union strategic supervisory priorities
Following a discussion in the Board of Supervisors and taking into account contributions received from competent authorities, existing work by the Union Institutions, and analysis, warnings and recommendations published by the ESRB, the Authority shall, at least every three years, by 31 March, identify up to two priorities of Union-wide relevance which shall reflect future developments and trends. Competent authorities shall take those priorities into account when drawing up their work programmes and shall notify the Authority accordingly. The Authority shall discuss the relevant activities by the competent authorities in the following year and draw conclusions. The Authority shall discuss possible follow-up which may include guidelines, recommendations to competent authorities, and peer reviews, in the respective area.
The priorities of Union-wide relevance identified by the Authority shall not prevent competent authorities from applying their best practices, acting on their additional priorities and developments, and national specificities shall be considered.