Article 172
1. The Commission shall adopt implementing measures specifying the criteria to assess whether the solvency regime of a third country applied to reinsurance activities of undertakings with their head office in that third country is equivalent to that laid down in Title I.
Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 301(3).
2. The Commission may, in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 301(2) and taking into account the criteria adopted in accordance with paragraph 1, decide whether the solvency regime of a third country applied to reinsurance activities of undertakings with their head office in that third country is equivalent to that laid down in Title I.
Those decisions shall be regularly reviewed.
3. Where in accordance with paragraph 2 the solvency regime of a third country has been deemed to be equivalent to that laid down in this Directive, reinsurance contracts concluded with undertakings having their head office in that third country shall be treated in the same manner as reinsurance contracts concluded with undertakings authorised in accordance with this Directive.