Updated 04/02/2025
In force

Version from: 17/01/2025
Amendments (12)
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Article 212 - Directive 2009/138/EC (Solvency II Directive)

Attention! This article was amended after the current consolidated version was issued. The amendments apply since 28/01/2025. Please consult Directive 2025/2 to review the changes made to the article.

Article 212



For the purposes of this Title, the following definitions shall apply:


participating undertaking’ means an undertaking which is either a parent undertaking or other undertaking which holds a participation, or an undertaking linked with another undertaking by a relationship as set out in Article 12(1) of Directive 83/349/EEC;


related undertaking’ means either a subsidiary undertaking or other undertaking in which a participation is held, or an undertaking linked with another undertaking by a relationship as set out in Article 12(1) of Directive 83/349/EEC;


group’ means a group of undertakings that:


consists of a participating undertaking, its subsidiaries and the entities in which the participating undertaking or its subsidiaries hold a participation, as well as undertakings linked to each other by a relationship as set out in Article 12(1) of Directive 83/349/EEC; or


is based on the establishment, contractually or otherwise, of strong and sustainable financial relationships among those undertakings, and that may include mutual or mutual-type associations, provided that:

one of those undertakings effectively exercises, through centralised coordination, a dominant influence over the decisions, including financial decisions, of the other undertakings that are part of the group; and,
the establishment and dissolution of such relationships for the purposes of this Title are subject to prior approval by the group supervisor,

where the undertaking exercising the centralised coordination shall be considered as the parent undertaking, and the other undertakings shall be considered as subsidiaries;


group supervisor’ means the supervisory authority responsible for group supervision, determined in accordance with Article 247;


college of supervisors’ means a permanent but flexible structure for the cooperation, coordination and facilitation of decision making concerning the supervision of a group;


insurance holding company’ means a parent undertaking which is not a mixed financial holding company and the main business of which is to acquire and hold participations in subsidiary undertakings, where those subsidiary undertakings are exclusively or mainly insurance or reinsurance undertakings, or third-country insurance or reinsurance undertakings, at least one of such subsidiary undertakings being an insurance or reinsurance undertaking;


For the purposes of this Title, the supervisory authorities shall also consider as a parent undertaking any undertaking which, in the opinion of the supervisory authorities, effectively exercises a dominant influence over another undertaking.

They shall also consider as a subsidiary undertaking any undertaking over which, in the opinion of the supervisory authorities, a parent undertaking effectively exercises a dominant influence.

They shall also consider as participation the holding, directly or indirectly, of voting rights or capital in an undertaking over which, in the opinion of the supervisory authorities, a significant influence is effectively exercised.