Article 93
If a UCITS proposes to market its units in a Member State other than its home Member State, it shall first submit a notification letter to the competent authorities of its home Member State.
The notification letter shall include information on arrangements made for marketing units of the UCITS in the host Member State, including, where relevant, in respect of share classes. In the context of Article 16(1), it shall include an indication that the UCITS is marketed by the management company that manages the UCITS.
The notification letter shall also include the details necessary, including the address, for the invoicing or for the communication of any applicable regulatory fees or charges by the competent authorities of the host Member State and information on the facilities for performing the tasks referred to in Article 92(1).
A UCITS shall enclose with the notification letter, as referred to in paragraph 1, the latest version of the following:
its fund rules or its instruments of incorporation, its prospectus and, where appropriate, its latest annual report and any subsequent half-yearly report translated in accordance with the provisions of Article 94(1)(c) and (d); and
its key investor information referred to in Article 78, translated in accordance with Article 94(1)(b) and (d).
The competent authorities of the UCITS home Member State shall verify whether the documentation submitted by the UCITS in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 is complete.
The competent authorities of the UCITS home Member State shall transmit the complete documentation referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 to the competent authorities of the Member State in which the UCITS proposes to market its units, no later than 10 working days of the date of receipt of the notification letter accompanied by the complete documentation provided for in paragraph 2. They shall enclose with the documentation an attestation that the UCITS fulfils the conditions imposed by this Directive.
Upon the transmission of the documentation, the competent authorities of the UCITS home Member State shall immediately notify the UCITS about the transmission. The UCITS may access the market of the UCITS host Member State as from the date of that notification.
Where, pursuant to a change as referred to in the first subparagraph, the UCITS would no longer comply with this Directive, the competent authorities of the UCITS home Member State shall inform the UCITS within 15 working days of receipt of all the information referred to in the first subparagraph that it is not to implement that change. In that case, the competent authorities of the UCITS home Member State shall notify the competent authorities of the UCITS host Member State accordingly.
Where a change referred to in the first subparagraph is implemented after information has been transmitted in accordance with the second subparagraph and pursuant to that change the UCITS no longer complies with this Directive, the competent authorities of the home Member State of the UCITS shall take all appropriate measures in accordance with Article 98, including, where necessary, the express prohibition of marketing of the UCITS and shall notify the competent authorities of the UCITS host Member State without undue delay of the measures taken.