Updated 09/03/2025
In force

Version from: 17/01/2025
Amendments (4)
There is currently no Level 2 legal act based on or specifying Article 69.
QA1103 - ETFs
Status: Final
Answered: 11/07/2013
Art. 69
QA1104 - ETFs
Status: Final
Answered: 15/03/2013
Art. 69
QA1105 - ETFs
Status: Final
Answered: 11/07/2013
Art. 69
QA1106 - ETFs
Status: Final
Answered: 11/07/2013
Art. 69
QA1107 - ETFs
Status: Final
Answered: 11/07/2013
Art. 69
QA945 - Disclosures
Status: Final
Answered: 01/02/2016
Art. 69
QA1164 - Disclosures
Status: Final
Answered: 24/03/2014
Art. 69
QA1166 - Disclosures
Status: Final
Answered: 24/03/2014
Art. 69
QA1167 - Disclosures
Status: Final
Answered: 24/03/2014
Art. 69
QA1169 - Disclosures
Status: Final
Answered: 24/03/2014
Art. 69
QA1170 - Disclosures
Status: Final
Answered: 24/03/2014
Art. 69
QA1173 - Disclosures
Status: Final
Answered: 24/03/2014
Art. 69
QA1175 - Disclosures
Status: Final
Answered: 15/03/2013
Art. 69
QA1176 - Disclosures
Status: Final
Answered: 15/03/2013
Art. 69
QA1108 - Efficient portfolio management (EPM) techniques
Status: Final
Answered: 15/03/2013
Art. 69
QA1109 - Efficient portfolio management (EPM) techniques
Status: Final
Answered: 15/03/2013
Art. 69
QA1110 - Efficient portfolio management (EPM) techniques
Status: Final
Answered: 15/03/2013
Art. 69
QA1177 - Efficient portfolio management (EPM) techniques
Status: Final
Answered: 15/03/2013
Art. 69
QA1165 - UCITS eligible assets and investment restrictions
Status: Final
Answered: 24/03/2014
Art. 69
QA1168 - UCITS eligible assets and investment restrictions
Status: Final
Answered: 24/03/2014
Art. 69
QA1171 - UCITS eligible assets and investment restrictions
Status: Final
Answered: 24/03/2014
Art. 69
QA1172 - UCITS eligible assets and investment restrictions
Status: Final
Answered: 24/03/2014
Art. 69
QA1174 - UCITS eligible assets and investment restrictions
Status: Final
Answered: 24/03/2014
Art. 69
QA1178 - UCITS eligible assets and investment restrictions
Status: Final
Answered: 15/03/2013
Art. 69
QA938 - Disclosures
Status: Final
Answered: 01/02/2016
Art. 69(1)
QA1029 - ELTIF
Status: Final
Answered: 30/03/2021
Art. 69(3)(a)
Status: Final
Updated: 12/03/2023
Art. 69(3)(a)
Status: Final
Updated: 12/03/2023
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA1207 - Remuneration
Status: Final
Answered: 25/05/2018
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA664 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 31/01/2023
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA665 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 31/01/2023
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA666 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 31/01/2023
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA669 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 02/02/2023
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA670 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 02/02/2023
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA671 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 02/02/2023
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA672 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 02/02/2023
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA961 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 31/03/2021
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA962 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 30/03/2021
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA967 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 20/05/2022
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA1030 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 28/05/2021
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA1032 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Answered: 16/07/2021
Art. 69(3)(a)
QA1033 - Costs and fees
Status: Final
Updated: 03/10/2024
Art. 69(3)(a)
Search within this legal act

Article 69 - Directive 2009/65/EC (UCITS Directive)

Article 69


The prospectus shall include the information necessary for investors to be able to make an informed judgement of the investment proposed to them, and, in particular, of the risks attached thereto.

The prospectus shall include, independent of the instruments invested in, a clear and easily understandable explanation of the fund’s risk profile.

The prospectus shall include either:


the details of the up-to-date remuneration policy, including, but not limited to, a description of how remuneration and benefits are calculated, the identities of persons responsible for awarding the remuneration and benefits including the composition of the remuneration committee, where such a committee exists; or


a summary of the remuneration policy and a statement to the effect that the details of the up-to-date remuneration policy, including, but not limited to, a description of how remuneration and benefits are calculated, the identity of persons responsible for awarding the remuneration and benefits, including the composition of the remuneration committee where such a committee exists, are available by means of a website – including a reference to that website – and that a paper copy will be made available free of charge upon request.

The prospectus shall contain at least the information provided for in Schedule A of Annex I, in so far as that information does not already appear in the fund rules or instruments of incorporation annexed to the prospectus in accordance with Article 71(1).
The annual report shall include a balance-sheet or a statement of assets and liabilities, a detailed income and expenditure account for the financial year, a report on the activities of the financial year and the other information provided for in Schedule B of Annex I as well as any significant information which will enable investors to make an informed judgement on the development of the activities of the UCITS and its results.

The annual report shall also include:


the total amount of remuneration for the financial year, split into fixed and variable remuneration paid by the management company and by the investment company to its staff, and the number of beneficiaries, and where relevant, any amount paid directly by the UCITS itself, including any performance fee;


the aggregate amount of remuneration broken down by categories of employees or other members of staff as referred to in Article 14a(3);


a description of how the remuneration and the benefits have been calculated;


the outcome of the reviews referred to in points (c) and (d) of Article 14b(1) including any irregularities that have occurred;


material changes to the adopted remuneration policy.

The half-yearly report shall include at least the information provided for in Sections I to IV of Schedule B of Annex I. Where a UCITS has paid or proposes to pay an interim dividend, the figures must indicate the results after tax for the half-year concerned and the interim dividend paid or proposed.

In order to ensure consistent harmonisation of this Article, ESMA may develop draft regulatory technical standards to specify the provisions concerning the content of the prospectus, the annual report and the half-yearly report as laid down in Annex I, and the format of those documents.

Power is delegated to the Commission to adopt the regulatory technical standards referred to in the first subparagraph in accordance with Articles 10 to 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010.