Article 2
For the purposes of this Directive the following definitions apply:
‘depositary’ means an institution entrusted with the duties set out in Articles 22 and 32 and subject to the other provisions laid down in Chapter IV and Section 3 of Chapter V;
‘management company’ means a company, the regular business of which is the management of UCITS in the form of common funds or of investment companies (collective portfolio management of UCITS);
‘management company’s home Member State’ means the Member State in which the management company has its registered office;
‘management company’s host Member State’ means a Member State, other than the home Member State, within the territory of which a management company has a branch or provides services;
‘UCITS home Member State’ means the Member State in which the UCITS is authorised pursuant to Article 5;
‘UCITS host Member State’ means a Member State, other than the UCITS home Member State, in which the units of the UCITS are marketed;
‘branch’ means a place of business which is a part of the management company, which has no legal personality and which provides the services for which the management company has been authorised;
‘competent authorities’ means the authorities which each Member State designates under Article 97;
‘close links’ means a situation in which two or more natural or legal persons are linked by either:
‘participation’, which means the ownership, direct or by way of control, of 20 % or more of the voting rights or capital of an undertaking; or
‘control’, which means the relationship between a ‘parent undertaking’ and a ‘subsidiary’, as defined in Articles 1 and 2 of Seventh Council Directive 83/349/EEC of 13 June 1983 based on the Article 54(3)(g) of the Treaty on consolidated accounts ( 1 ) and in all the cases referred to in Article 1(1) and (2) of Directive 83/349/EEC, or a similar relationship between any natural or legal person and an undertaking;
‘qualifying holding’ means a direct or indirect holding in a management company which represents 10 % or more of the capital or of the voting rights or which makes it possible to exercise a significant influence over the management of the management company in which that holding subsists;
‘initial capital’ means the funds as referred to in Article 57(a) and (b) of Directive 2006/48/EC;
‘own funds’ means own funds as referred to in Title V, Chapter 2, Section 1 of Directive 2006/48/EC;
‘durable medium’ means an instrument which enables an investor to store information addressed personally to that investor in a way that is accessible for future reference for a period of time adequate for the purposes of the information and which allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored;
‘transferable securities’ means:
shares in companies and other securities equivalent to shares in companies (shares);
bonds and other forms of securitised debt (debt securities);
any other negotiable securities which carry the right to acquire any such transferable securities by subscription or exchange;
‘money market instruments’ means instruments normally dealt in on the money market which are liquid and have a value which can be accurately determined at any time;
‘mergers’ means an operation whereby:
one or more UCITS or investment compartments thereof, the ‘merging UCITS’, on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfer all of their assets and liabilities to another existing UCITS or an investment compartment thereof, the ‘receiving UCITS’, in exchange for the issue to their unit-holders of units of the receiving UCITS and, if applicable, a cash payment not exceeding 10 % of the net asset value of those units;
two or more UCITS or investment compartments thereof, the ‘merging UCITS’, on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfer all of their assets and liabilities to a UCITS which they form or an investment compartment thereof, the ‘receiving UCITS’, in exchange for the issue to their unit-holders of units of the receiving UCITS and, if applicable, a cash payment not exceeding 10 % of the net asset value of those units;
one or more UCITS or investment compartments thereof, the ‘merging UCITS’, which continue to exist until the liabilities have been discharged, transfer their net assets to another investment compartment of the same UCITS, to a UCITS which they form or to another existing UCITS or an investment compartment thereof, the ‘receiving UCITS’;
‘cross-border merger’ means a merger of UCITS:
at least two of which are established in different Member States; or
established in the same Member State into a newly constituted UCITS established in another Member State;
‘domestic merger’ means a merger between UCITS established in the same Member State where at least one of the involved UCITS has been notified pursuant to Article 93;
‘management body’ means the body with ultimate decision-making authority in a management company, investment company or depositary, comprising the supervisory and the managerial functions, or only the managerial function if the two functions are separated. Where, according to national law, the management company, investment company or depositary has in place different bodies with specific functions, the requirements laid down in this Directive directed at the management body or at the management body in its supervisory function shall also, or shall instead, apply to those members of other bodies of the management company, investment company or depositary to whom the applicable national law assigns the respective responsibility;
‘financial instrument’ means a financial instrument specified in Section C of Annex I to Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 2 );
‘central counterparty’ or ‘CCP’ means a CCP as defined in Article 2, point (1), of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 3 ).
For the purposes of point (i)(ii) of paragraph 1, the following shall apply:
a subsidiary undertaking of a subsidiary undertaking shall also be considered to be a subsidiary of the parent undertaking which is at the head of those undertakings;
situations in which two or more natural or legal persons are permanently linked to the same person by a control relationship shall also be regarded as constituting a close links between such persons.
( 1 ) OJ L 193, 18.7.1983, p. 1.
( 2 ) Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Directive 2002/92/EC and Directive 2011/61/EU (OJ L 173, 12.6.2014, p. 349).
( 3 ) Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (OJ L 201, 27.7.2012, p. 1).
( 4 ) OJ L 390, 31.12.2004, p. 38.