Article 8
Operational aspects of college meetings
1. The chair of the college shall determine the frequency of the college meetings having regard to the tasks of the college as set out in Article 120 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, and potential requests by college members.
2. The chair of the college shall convene at least one meeting of the college per year. The chair of the college shall decide if a meeting is convened in physical or in virtual format, based on the objectives the chair of the college sets for that meeting.
3. The members of the college may request the chair of the college to hold a meeting of the college. The chair of the college shall provide reasons for any rejection of such request.
4. The chair of the college shall send the proposed agenda of the college meeting to all the members of the college, and shall invite them to propose any additional agenda items. The chair of the college shall take into account any proposals on agenda items made by the members and shall explain, if requested, the reason for not incorporating them.
5. The members of the college who are involved in a particular meeting or activity of the college shall exchange documents and contributions to working documents with sufficient time in advance to enable all participants in that meeting or activity to actively contribute to the discussions in question.