Updated 13/03/2025
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Initial Legal Act
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Article 17 - Delegated Regulation 2023/1193

Article 17

Communication plan

When preparing a description of the communication plan in accordance with Article 12(7), point (p), of Regulation (EU) 2021/23, the resolution authority shall ensure that the resolution plans include at least the descriptions of the following elements:


the communication plan specifying the following:


who informs the media and the public;


when the media and public are to be informed;


what is to be communicated, to ensure only public information on the resolution plan is communicated in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2021/23;


the operational arrangements and procedures of the communication plan, the criteria for applying the communication strategy, the suitability of the communication plan and how the plan achieves the aim of ensuring that the CCP’s communication and disclosure plan manages to meet the objective of acting in a transparent manner;


details differentiating between legally required formal notifications and voluntary undertaken communication with a description of how the resolution plan has taken into account different regulatory requirements for disclosure of information, in particular where such information could affect critical services in the financial market and where the CCP is a listed company or is owned by a listed company;


how the resolution plan has assessed possible material negative market reactions to the resolution of a CCP and how the plan envisages mitigating such potentially negative market reactions when disclosing information.