Updated 12/03/2025
In force

Initial Legal Act
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Article 7 - Delegated Regulation 2023/1192

Article 7

Resolution college meetings and other activities

1.   The resolution college shall convene at least one meeting per year. The resolution authority of the CCP, with the consent of all members of the resolution college, taking into account the specificities of the CCP, may determine a higher frequency of meetings of the resolution college having regard to the CCP’s size, nature, scale and complexity, the systemic implications of the CCP across jurisdictions and currencies, the potential impact of the activities of the CCP, external circumstances and potential requests by the resolution college members.

2.   The resolution authority of the CCP shall organise ad hoc meetings, or other forms of activities between resolution college members and observers, in particular where dialogue between resolution college members and observers is required.

3.   The resolution authority of the CCP shall prepare the agenda and objectives of planned meetings and other activities. The resolution authority of the CCP shall communicate the draft agenda to the members and observers of the resolution college for consultation in advance of the meeting, invite them to contribute to it, and add points within an indicated timeline.

4.   All resolution college members and observers shall ensure that appropriate representatives from their respective institutions, in view of the objectives of the meeting and other activities of the resolution college, participate in the resolution college meetings and other activities. Those members and observers shall also ensure that those representatives are empowered to commit, to the maximum extent possible, their authorities to decisions taken in those meetings or other activities.

5.   The resolution authority of the CCP shall ensure that relevant documents are circulated at least 5 working days in advance before a particular meeting or activity of the resolution college, or within any other time frame agreed by the resolution college. Outcomes and decisions of resolution college meetings or other activities shall be documented in writing and the resolution authority of the CCP shall ensure that they are communicated to resolution college members and observers, to the extent relevant to their participation in the meeting, within 15 working days after the meeting or activity, or within any other time frame agreed by the resolution college.

The resolution authority of the CCP shall at least ensure that:


the annual resolution college meetings decide on the resolution plan of the CCP for the preceding resolution cycle and discuss the progress made towards resolvability of the CCP;


the resolution college meetings or activities remain effective, while ensuring that all resolution college members and observers are fully informed of the resolution college activities that are relevant to them;


the activities of the resolution college are regularly reviewed and remedial action is taken if the resolution college is not operating effectively.

6.   The resolution authority of the CCP shall act as a central point of contact for any matter related to the practical organisation of the resolution college.