Article 17
Development and circulation of the draft resolution plan and the draft resolvability assessment
1. All resolution college members and observers shall provide the resolution authority of the CCP with their contributions to the resolution plan of the CCP and the resolvability assessment in a timely manner and in any event by the deadline set in the joint decision timetable for a resolution plan pursuant to Article 12(2), point (e) of this Regulation.
2. The resolution authority of the CCP shall develop the draft resolution plan in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EU) 2021/23, taking into account any contributions submitted by the relevant resolution college members and observers.
3. The resolution authority of the CCP shall circulate the contributions referred to in paragraph 1, the draft resolution plan and the draft resolvability assessment to the resolution college members and observers in a timely manner, however no later than the deadline set in Article 12(2), point (j) of this Regulation.