Index |
Template |
Data field |
Borrower type |
Loan type |
Description |
Mandatory data fields |
Field type |
ESMA (RTS 2020/1224) |
ANACREDIT (Anacredit Reporting Manual to ECB/2016/13) |
FINREP (ITS 2021/451) |
1,00 |
Counterparty Group Identifier |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Institution's internal identifier to uniquely identify each counterparty group. Where counterparty group is defined as a group of related counterparties. Where a group could just be a standalone counterparty or multiple counterparties. Each counterparty group should have one Counterparty Group Identifier. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
1,01 |
Name of Counterparty Group |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Name used to refer to the counterparty group. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
1,02 |
Counterparty Identifier |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Institution's internal identifier to uniquely identify each counterparty. Each counterparty must have one counterparty identifier at the cut-off date. This value cannot be used as the counterparty identifier for any other counterparty. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
2.2.3; 12.4.1 |
1,03 |
Name of Counterparty |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Full legal name of the counterparty. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
12,1 |
1,04 |
Economic activity |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Classification of the corporate counterparty according to its economic activity, in accordance with the NACE revision 2 statistical classification as laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006. |
Mandatory |
Choice populated by using the classification NACE codes-a level two, three or four NACE code in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006. |
12.4.15 |
1,05 |
Role of the counterparty |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Role of the counterparty ("Protection provider", "Borrower"). |
Mandatory |
1,06 |
Legal Type of Counterparty |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Type of the counterparty broken-down by sector as defined in Annex V of the Regulation (EU) N. 2021/451 ("Non-financial corporations-SMEs"; "Non-financial corporations- other than SMEs"; "Households"). |
Mandatory |
Annex V.Part 1.Paragraph 5(i); Paragraph 42 (e) (f) |
1,07 |
Date of birth |
Private Individual |
Applicable to all |
Date of birth of the private individual counterparty. |
dd/mm/yyyy |
1,08 |
Residency of Counterparty |
Private Individual |
Applicable to all |
Indication whether the residency of the private individual counterparty is in the same country of the institution. |
Mandatory |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
1,09 |
Counterparty deceased |
Private Individual |
Applicable to all |
Indication as to whether the private individual counterparty has passed away. |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
Annex X.NPEL9 |
1,10 |
National identifier |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
A commonly used identification code which enables the unambiguous identification of the counterparty within its country of residency. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
1,11 |
National identifier |
Private Individual |
Applicable to all |
A commonly used identification code which enables the unambiguous identification of the counterparty within its country of residency. |
Alphanumeric |
1,12 |
Source of National identifier |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Name of the country specific registration office which provides the counterparty national identifier. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
1,13 |
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
A legal entity identifier of the counterparty assigned in accordance with the International Organisation for Standardisations. |
Choice populated by using ISO 17442. |
12.4.2 |
1,14 |
Address of Counterparty |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Counterparty's street address, including the street number. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
12.4.8 |
1,15 |
City of Counterparty |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Counterparty's city, town or village. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
12.4.9 |
1,16 |
Postal code of Counterparty |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Counterparty's postal code. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
12.4.10 |
1,17 |
Country of Counterparty |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Counterparty's country. |
Mandatory |
Choice populated by using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country. |
12.4.12 |
1,18 |
Availability of e-mail address |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Indicator whether the institution has the availability of an e-mail address of the counterparty. |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
1,19 |
Availability of telephone number |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Indicator whether the institution has the availability of a telephone number (mobile or landline) of the counterparty. |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
1,20 |
Date of Last Contact |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
The most recent date of contact with the counterparty, by using any oral or written communication mean (i.e. letter, phone collection, e-mail) and provided that a reply has been received by the counterparty. |
dd/mm/yyyy |
1,21 |
Date of Latest Annual Financial Statements |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Date of the latest available Financial Statements. |
dd/mm/yyyy |
1,22 |
Currency of Financial Statements |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Currency in which the latest available financial statements are expressed in. |
Choice populated by using ISO 4217 currency codes. |
1,23 |
Fixed Assets |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Carrying amount of the corporate counterparty's fixed assets as per its latest available financial statements. Where ‘Fixed Assets’ is defined by IAS 16 (Property, Plant and Equipment) or similar according to other accounting standards, as assets whose use is for the business operation, where a value is assigned to them, and the useful economic life is more than one year. |
Number |
IAS 16.6 |
1,24 |
Current Assets |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Carrying amount of the corporate counterparty's current assets, excluding cash and cash equivalent items as per its latest available financial statements. Where ‘Current Assets’ are assets that are defined by IAS 1.60, or similar according to other accounting standards, as expected to be realised in the entity’s normal operating cycle, held primarily for the purpose of trading, and expected to be realised within 12 months after the reporting period. |
Number |
IAS 1.60; IAS 1.66 |
1,25 |
Cash and Cash Equivalent Items |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Carrying amount of the corporate counterparty's cash and cash equivalent items as per its latest available financial statements. Where ‘Cash and Cash Equivalents’ are defined by IAS 7 or similar according to other accounting standards, as short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. |
Number |
IAS 7.6 |
1,26 |
Total Assets |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Carrying amount of the corporate counterparty's total assets, as defined by the applicable accounting standard, as per its latest available financial statements. |
Number |
IAS 1.9(a), IG 6 |
1,27 |
Total Liabilities |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Carrying amount of the corporate counterparty's total liabilities, as defined by the applicable accounting standard, as per its latest available financial statements. |
Number |
IAS 1.9(b), IG 6 |
1,28 |
Total Debt |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Carrying amount of the corporate counterparty's total debt as defined by the IAS 32.11 (financial liabilities) or similar applicable accounting standard, as per its latest available financial statements. It's related to all formal, written financing agreements such as short-term loans payable, long-term loans payable, and bonds payable as per the latest available financial statements. |
Number |
IAS 32.11 |
1,29 |
Annual Turnover |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Annual sales volume net of all discounts and sales taxes of the counterparty in accordance with Recommendation 2003/361/EC. Equivalent to the concept of ‘total annual sales’ in Article 153(4) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013. |
Number |
12.4.22 |
Art. 153(4) |
1,30 |
Annual EBIT |
Corporate |
Applicable to all |
Amount of annual Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) generated by the corporate counterparty as per the latest available financial statements. |
Number |
1,31 |
Name of Insolvency/Restructuring Proceedings |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Name of any insolvency or restructuring proceedings to which the counterparty is subject. |
Mandatory |
Choice dependent on the country. |
1,32 |
Status of legal proceedings |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Categories describing a counterparty's legal status in relation to its solvency based on the national legal framework. The institution must transpose the values listed in the 'Field type' column into the national legal framework. |
Mandatory |
12.4.16 |
1,33 |
Description of other legal measures |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Description of the status of legal proceedings when ‘Other legal measures’ is selected in data field ‘Status of legal proceedings’. |
Alphanumeric |
12.4.16 |
1 ,xx |
2,00 |
Relationship |
Counterparty Identifier |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Institution's internal identifier to uniquely identify each counterparty. Each counterparty must have one counterparty identifier at the cut-off date. This value cannot be used as the counterparty identifier for any other counterparty. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
2.2.3; 12.4.1 |
2,01 |
Relationship |
Loan Identifier |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Institution’s internal identifier to uniquely identify each loan under a single loan agreement. Each loan must have one loan identifier at the cut-off date. This value cannot be used as the loan identifier for any other loan under the same or different loan agreement. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
2,02 |
Relationship |
Mortgage Identifier |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The institution’s internal identifier for the Mortgage Agreement. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
2,03 |
Relationship |
Protection Identifier |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Institution’s internal identifier to uniquely identify each protection used to secure the loan (collateral or guarantee). Each protection must have one protection identifier at the cut-off date. This value cannot be used as the protection identifier for any other protection. Where the categories of the collateral and guarantee are those defined in the template F13.01 of Annexes III and IV to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
2.2.6 |
Annex III and Annex IV. F 13.01 |
3,00 |
Loan |
Cut-off Date |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Reference date of the data included in the EBA NPL templates. In general, if not otherwise provided in the description of the field, the data refers to the cut-off date. |
Mandatory |
dd/mm/yyyy |
3,01 |
Loan |
Loan Identifier |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Institution’s internal identifier to uniquely identify each loan under a single loan agreement. Each loan must have one loan identifier at the cut-off date. This value cannot be used as the loan identifier for any other loan under the same or different loan agreement. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
3,02 |
Loan |
Inception date |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
The date on which the contractual relationship originated, i.e. the date on which the contract agreement became binding for all parties. |
Mandatory |
dd/mm/yyyy |
3.4.4 |
3,03 |
Loan |
Governing Law of Loan Agreement |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Jurisdiction governing the loan agreement. This does not necessarily correspond to the country where the loan agreement was originated. |
Mandatory |
Choice populated by using ISO 3166 ALPHA-2. |
Annex X.NPEL 23 |
3,04 |
Loan |
Joint Counterparties |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Number of counterparties who jointly owe under the loan. They are jointly responsible for payments to the lender arising under the loan agreement. |
Mandatory |
3,05 |
Loan |
Asset Class |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Asset class of the loan as defined in Article 2(1) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/1224. |
Mandatory |
Article 2(1). |
3,06 |
Loan |
Type of instrument |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Classification of the loan according to the type of contractual terms agreed between the parties. |
Mandatory |
Choice populated according to the seller's segmentation. A suggested list is the following:
3.4.1 |
3,07 |
Loan |
Legal final maturity date |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Contractual maturity date of the loan as at the cut-off date, taking into account any agreements amending initial contracts, including forbearance measures. This data field is required only when the field 'Days in Past-Due' is less than or equal to 365 days in past-due. |
dd/mm/yyyy |
3.4.6 |
3,08 |
Loan |
Currency |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Currency denomination of the Loan, in accordance with the ISO's 4217 standard. |
Mandatory |
Choice populated by using ISO 4217 Currency Codes. |
3.4.3 |
3,09 |
Loan |
Principal amount |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
The amount of oustanding principal as recognised on the balance sheet as at the cut-off date. The number does not include the amounts recognised under the field 'Accrued interest' and 'Other balances'. |
Mandatory |
Number |
3,10 |
Loan |
Accrued interest |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
The amount of accrued interest on loans as defined in Regulation (EU) No 1071/2013 (ECB/2013/33) as at the cut-off date. In accordance with the general principle of accruals accounting, interest receivable on instruments should be subject to on-balance sheet recording as it accrues (i.e. on an accruals basis) rather than when it is actually received (i.e. on a cash basis). |
Mandatory |
Number |
4.4.11 |
3,11 |
Loan |
Other balances |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Total amount of other outstanding amounts recognised on the balance sheet as at the cut-off date.The number should incorporate other charges, commissions, fees and other outstanding amounts not recognised under the field 'Principal amount' or 'Accrued interest'. |
Mandatory |
Number |
3,12 |
Loan |
Legal Balance |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Total claim amount, including any on-balance sheet exposures (excluding any debt forgiveness), off-balance sheet exposures and penalty interests, which the lender is entitled to receive by the debtor as at the cut-off date. |
Mandatory |
Number |
3,13 |
Loan |
Days in Past-Due |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Number of days that the loan is currently past-due as at the cut-off date. In case of non-performing loans that are not past-due, the number is zero. The loan is ‘past-due’ when it meets the criteria of paragraph 96 of Part 2 of Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451. |
Mandatory |
Number |
3,14 |
Loan |
Interest Rate |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Annualised agreed rate or narrowly defined interest rate in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1072/2013 of the European Central Bank (ECB/2013/34). It's applicable at the cut-off date, which takes into account any current forbearance measure. This data field is required only when the field 'Days in Past-Due' is less than or equal to 365 days in past-due. |
Percentage |
4.4.1 |
3,15 |
Loan |
Interest Rate Type |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Classification of loans based on the base rate for establishing the interest rate for each payment period. It's applicable at the cut-off date, which takes into account any current forbearance measure. This data field is required only when the field 'Days in Past-Due' is less than or equal to 365 days in past-due. |
3.4.8 |
3,16 |
Loan |
Description of Interest Rate Type |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Description of interest rate type when "Mixed" is selected in field "Interest Rate Type". This data field is required only when the field 'Days in Past-Due' is less than or equal to 365 days in past-due. |
Alphanumeric |
3,17 |
Loan |
Interest rate spread/margin |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Margin or spread (expressed as a percentage) to add to the reference rate that is used for the calculation of the interest rate in basis points. It's applicable at the cut-off date, which takes into account any current forbearance measure granted. This data field is required only when the field 'Days in Past-Due' is less than or equal to 365 days in past-due. |
Percentage |
3.4.12 |
3,18 |
Loan |
Reference Rate |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Reference rate used for the calculation of the actual interest rate. Combination of the reference rate value and maturity value, applicable at the cut-off date when ‘Variable’ is selected in the field ‘Interest Rate Type’. This data field is required only when the field 'Days in Past-Due' is less than or equal to 365 days in past-due. |
Alphanumeric |
3,19 |
Loan |
Interest rate reset frequency |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Frequency at which the interest rate is reset after the initial fixed-rate period, if any. It's applicable at the cut-off date, which takes into account any current forbearance measure. This data field is required only when the field 'Days in Past-Due' is less than or equal to 365 days in past-due. |
3.4.9 |
3,20 |
Loan |
Payment Frequency |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Frequency of payments due, either of principal or interest, i.e. number of months between payments. It is based on the current loan agreement as at the cut-off date, which takes into account any current forbearance measure. This data field is required only when the field 'Days in Past-Due' is less than or equal to 365 days in past-due. |
3.4.16 |
3,21 |
Loan |
Last Payment Date |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Date that the last payment was made. |
dd/mm/yyyy |
Annex X.NPEL 30. |
3,22 |
Loan |
Last Payment Amount |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Amount of last payment. |
Number |
3,23 |
Loan |
Date of the default status of the instrument |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
The date on which the default status is considered to have occurred. Where default is as per Article 178 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (CRR). In case of non-performing loans that are not in default status, this data field is not reported. |
Mandatory |
dd/mm/yyyy |
4.4.5 |
Definition of default as of Article 178 |
3,24 |
Loan |
Loan legal status |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Indication of the loan legal status as at the cut-off date. |
Mandatory |
3,25 |
Loan |
Date of initiation of legal proceedings |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
The date on which the legal proceedings were initiated. This date must be the most recent relevant date prior to the cut-off date and must only be reported if the field 'Loan legal status' has the value 'legal proceedings'. |
Mandatory |
dd/mm/yyyy |
3,26 |
Loan |
Stage reached in legal proceedings |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
It is an indication of how advanced the relevant legal procedure has become as a result of various legal steps in the legal procedure having been completed for each secured or unsecured loan. The generic, standardised legal actions across countries are identified below. This is not an exhaustive list of legal actions and therefore the institution should make a value judgement as to whether they should add any additional legal actions to the generic standardised legal actions. Multiple selections of stages are allowed to be entered if applicable:
This data field must only be reported if the field 'Loan legal status' has the value 'legal proceedings'. |
Mandatory |
alphanumeric |
3,27 |
Loan |
Jurisdiction of Court |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Location of the court where the court case is being heard.This field is required only when a court case has been initiated |
Mandatory |
Choice populated by using ISO 3166 ALPHA-2. |
Annex X.NPEL20 |
3,28 |
Loan |
Date of Obtaining Order for Possession |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Date that the order for possession is granted by the court. This field is required only when an order for possession has been granted by the court. |
dd/mm/yyyy |
Annex X.NPEL21 |
3,29 |
Loan |
Statute of limitations date |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Date when the loan expires and legal proceedings cannot be undertaken.This field is required only when it is applicable under the governing law of the loan agreement and the legal status of the loan. |
Mandatory |
dd/mm/yyyy |
3,30 |
Loan |
Syndicated Loan |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Indicator as to whether the loan is provided by a syndicate or consortium of two or more credit institutions. This means that in the case of a syndicated loan the institution holds less than 100% of the total loan. |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
3,31 |
Loan |
Syndicated Portion |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Percentage of the portion held by the institution. Applicable when "Yes" is selected in field "Syndicated Loan". |
Percentage |
Annex X.NPEL 31 |
3,32 |
Loan |
Securitised |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Indicator as to whether the loan has been securitised or within covered bond pool. |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
3,33 |
Loan |
Lease agreement |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Indicator as to whether the credit agreement contains a lease. |
Mandatory |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
IFRS 16.9 |
3,34 |
Loan |
Start Date of Lease |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Date that the current lease starts if 'yes' is selected in the field 'Lease agreement'. |
dd/mm/yyyy |
3,35 |
Loan |
End Date of Lease |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Date that the current lease ends if 'yes' is selected in the field 'Lease agreement'. |
dd/mm/yyyy |
3,36 |
Loan |
Lease Break Option |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Details of any lease break clause(s) if 'yes' is selected in the field 'Lease agreement'. |
Alphanumeric |
3,37 |
Loan |
Type of Lease |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Type of the lease agreement with the counterparty if 'yes' is selected in the field 'Lease agreement'. |
3,38 |
Loan |
Forbearance measure |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Indicator as to whether forbearance measures are currently applied to the loan at the cut-off date. |
Mandatory |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
Art. 47b |
3,39 |
Loan |
Type of Forbearance measure |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Types of forbearance as defined in accordance with the criteria and the definitions specified in paragraphs 357 and 358 of Part 2 of Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Forbearance measure'. Multiple choices are permitted. |
Mandatory |
Annex V.Part 2.357-358. |
3,40 |
Loan |
End Date of Forbearance measure |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Date that the current applicable forbearance measure ends. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Forbearance measure'. In case of multiple forbearance measures, the most recent end date of the forbearance measures is considered. |
Mandatory |
dd/mm/yyyy |
Annex X.NPEL 41 |
3,41 |
Loan |
Description of the Forbearance measures |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Further comments/details on the forbearance measures, including the description of any clause to stop forbearance and multiple forbearance measures applied to the loan. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Forbearance measure'. |
Alphanumeric |
3,42 |
Loan |
Debt Forgiveness |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Gross carrying amount of the loan that was partially forgiven as part of current forbearance measure, including principal forgiveness agreed by external collection agencies, as at the cut-off date. Where debt forgiveness refers to a partial cancellation of the loan by the institution through forfeiture of right to legally recover it as specified in paragraph 358 of Part 2 of Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451. The gross carrying amount is defined in accordance with paragraph 34.Part 1 of Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451. Applicable when the category (e) debt forgiveness is selected in the field 'Type of Forbearance'. |
Number |
Annex V.Part 1.34 and Part 2.358 |
3,43 |
Loan |
Number of historical forbearance |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Number of forbearance(s) that happened in the last two years. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Forbearance measure'. |
Number |
3 ,xx |
Loan |
4,00 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Protection Identifier |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Institution’s internal identifier to uniquely identify each protection used to secure the loan (collateral or guarantee). Each protection must have one protection identifier at the cut-off date. This value cannot be used as the protection identifier for any other protection. Where the categories of the collateral and guarantee are those defined in the template F13.01 of Annexes III and IV to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
2.2.6 |
Annex III and IV. F 13.01 |
4,01 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Type of immovable property |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Type of the immovable property collateral. Applicable to all immovable (real estate) collateral. |
Mandatory |
4,02 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Type of movable property, other collateral and guarantee |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Type of movable property, other collateral and guarantee. Applicable to collateral (other than immovable property) and guarantees. |
Mandatory |
Choice populated according to the seller's segmentation. A suggested list is the following:
4,03 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Address of immovable property |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Street address where the immovable property is located at, including flat/house, number or name. Applicable to all immovable (real estate) collateral. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
4,04 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
City of immovable Property |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
City where the immovable property is located at. Applicable to all immovable (real estate) collateral. |
Mandatory |
Choice populated by using UN/LOCODE. |
4,05 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Immovable property Postcode |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Postcode where the immovable Property is located at. Applicable to all immovable (real estate) collateral, unless there is no postal code for land or alike. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
4,06 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Immovable property Country |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Region or country where the immovable property collateral is located. Applicable to all immovable (real estate) collateral. |
Mandatory |
Choice populated by using ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 of the region or country in which the collateral is located. |
4,07 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Immovable property collateral cadaster identification number |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The identification number under which the immovable property collateral is recorded in the cadaster. |
Alphanumeric |
4,08 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Cadaster identification |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The name and/or identification code of the official register (cadaster) showing details of ownership, boundaries and value of the immovable property (collateral). |
Alphanumeric |
4,09 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Lien position |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The highest ranking position held by the institution in relation to the collateral other than mortgage guarantee, which determines the order in which the law recognises the institution's claims against the collateral in a foreclosure. In case the loan has several liens on one collateral, the highest claim held by the institution is reported in this field. Applicable if the lien is recorded against the title to the collateral in the official deed records. In the case of mortgage guarantees, this field is not filled under this template but in the Template 4.2: Mortgage guarantee. |
Mandatory |
Number |
4,10 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Higher Ranking Loan |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The amount that higher ranking claimants/holders of first position liens are entitled to receive before the institution in a foreclosure of the collateral other than mortgage guarantee. The purpose of this field is to provide an indication of the extent to which the institution will be able to recoup the outstanding debt from the collateral in a foreclosure after first position liens have been settled in full. Applicable if the institution does not hold the first position lien in relation to the collateral. In the case of mortgage guarantees, this field is not filled under this template but in the Template 4.2: Mortgage guarantee. |
Mandatory |
Number |
4,11 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Register of Deeds Number |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Registration number under which the institution's lien against the title to the collateral other mortgage guarantee is recorded in the official deed records. Applicable if the institution has a lien on the collateral. In the case of mortgage guarantees, this field is not filled under this template but in the Template 4.2: Mortgage guarantee. |
Alphanumeric |
4,12 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Year of construction |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The year in which the collateral was constructed. |
4,13 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Building Area (M2) |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Building area (square metres) of the immovable property. Applicable to all immovable (real estate) collateral. |
Number |
4,14 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Land Area (M2) |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Land area surrounding the immovable property (square metres). Applicable to all immovable (real estate) collateral. |
Number |
4,15 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Completion of immovable property |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Indicator as to whether the construction of the immovable property is complete. |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
4,16 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Value of Energy Performance Certificate |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
For immovable property collateral, value stated on the Energy Performance Certificate as defined in the EU Energy Efficiency Directive 2012. Applicable to all immovable (real estate) collateral. |
4,17 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Type of Occupancy |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Type of occupancy for immovable property collateral. If the property has a mixed use, it can be classified according to its dominant use (based for example on the surface areas dedicated to each use). Applicable to all immovable (real estate) collateral. |
4,18 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Currency of collateral and guarantee |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Currency that the valuation and cash flows related to the collateral or guarantee are expressed in. Applicable to all type of collateral (immovable and movable property) and guarantees. |
Mandatory |
Choice field populated by using ISO 4217 Currency Codes. |
4,19 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Latest Internal Valuation Amount |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The value of the collateral as established for the relevant type of collateral following the chosen internal valuation approach, when last assessed at or prior to the cut-off date. This reflects the value of the collateral, without considering any (regulatory) haircuts. This data field is required when the institution has performed a recent internal valuation before or as at the cut-off date. |
Mandatory |
Number |
4,20 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Date of Latest Internal Valuation |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Date that the latest internal valuation as reported in the field 'latest internal valuation amount' took place at or prior to the cut-off date. Applicable when the institution has performed a recent internal valuation before or as at the cut-off date. |
Mandatory |
dd/mm/yyyy |
4,21 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Type of Appraisal Amount for the Latest Internal Valuation |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The type of appraisal amount applied for the latest internal valuation of the collateral: market value, book value, liquidation value, other. The market value is the expected price of the collateral at which it would change hands between a willing and informed buyer and seller. The liquidation value is the expected value of the collateral if it were to be liquidated, presumably at a loss (because it is allowed insufficient time to sell on the open market). The book value is the value of the collateral determined by reference to an intrinsic characteristic such as its cost, its principal balance or the amount that a third party is contractually obligated to pay to acquire, settle or discharge it. The type of appraisal amount is futher complemented by information about the method applied for the valuation in the field 'Type of Latest Internal Valuation'. Applicable when the institution has performed an internal valuation before or as at the cut-off date. |
Mandatory |
4,22 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Type of Latest Internal Valuation |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Type of the latest internal valuation for the collateral as reported in the field 'Latest internal valuation amount'. Applicable when the institution has performed an internal valuation before or as at the cut-off date. |
Choice populated according to the seller's segmentation. A suggested list is the following:
4,23 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Latest External Valuation Amount |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The value of the collateral as established for the relevant type of collateral following the chosen external valuation approach, when last assessed at or prior to the cut-off date. This reflects the value of the collateral, without considering any (regulatory) haircuts. This data field is required when the institution has asked for a recent external valuation before or as at the cut-off date. |
Mandatory |
Number |
4,24 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Date of Latest External Valuation |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Date that the latest external valuation as reported in the field 'latest external valuation amount' took place at or prior to the cut-off date. Applicable when the institution has asked for a recent external valuation performed before or as at the cut-off date. |
Mandatory |
dd/mm/yyyy |
4,25 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Type of Appraisal Amount for the Latest External Valuation |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The type of appraisal amount applied for the latest external valuation of the collateral: market value, book value, liquidation value, other. The market value is the expected price of the collateral at which it would change hands between a willing and informed buyer and seller. The liquidation value is the expected value of the collateral if it were to be liquidated, presumably at a loss (because it is allowed insufficient time to sell on the open market). The book value is the value of the collateral determined by reference to an intrinsic characteristic such as its cost, its principal balance or the amount that a third party is contractually obligated to pay to acquire, settle or discharge it. The type of appraisal amount is futher complemented by information about the method applied for the valuation in the field 'Type of Latest External Valuation'. Applicable when the institution has had an external valuation performed before or as at the cut-off date. |
Mandatory |
4,26 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Type of Latest External Valuation |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Type of the latest external valuation for the collateral as reported in the field 'Latest external valuation amount'. Applicable when the institution has had an external valuation performed before or as at the cut-off date. |
4,27 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Financial Guarantee Amount |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Maximum amount of the guarantee that can be considered as defined in paragraph 119 of Annex V. Part 2 to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/451, i.e. for financial guarantees received, the ‘maximum amount of the guarantee that can be considered’ is the maximum amount the guarantor would have to pay if the guarantee is called on. Applicable when "Financial Guarantees" is selected in the field "Type of movable property, other collateral and guarantee". |
Mandatory |
Number |
Annex V.Part 2.119 |
4,28 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
ISIN number in accordance with the ISIN Holdings data. Applicable when ‘Equity and debt Securities’ is selected in the field ‘Type of movable property, other collateral and guarantee’. |
Number |
4,29 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Enforcement Status |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Indicator as to whether the collateral has entered into the enforcement process as at cut-off date. Applicable to all type of collateral (immovable and movable property). |
Mandatory |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
Annex X.NPEC 7 |
4,30 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Enforcement Status Third Parties |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Indicator as to whether any other secured creditors have taken steps to enforce security over the collateral as at the cut-off date. Applicable to all type of collateral (immovable and movable property) |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
Annex X.NPEC 8 |
4,31 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Jurisdiction of Court |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Country of the court responsible for execution of the enforcement process. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Enforcement status'. |
Mandatory |
Choice populated by using ISO 3166 ALPHA-2. |
4,32 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Currency of Enforcement |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Currency that the items related to enforcement are expressed in. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Enforcement status'. |
Choice populated by using ISO 4217 Currency Codes. |
4,33 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Indicator of Enforcement |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Indicator as to whether the enforcement process has been entered into by the corporate or private individual counterparty. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Enforcement status'. |
Boolean (Yes or No). |
4,34 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Court Appraisal Amount |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Court appraisal amount of the collateral. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Enforcement status'. |
Mandatory |
Number |
Annex X.NPEC 12 |
4,35 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Date of Court Appraisal |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Date that the court appraisal happened. Applicable if a court appraisal has occurred, when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Enforcement status'. |
Mandatory |
dd/mm/yyyy |
Annex X.NPEC 13 |
4,36 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Cash in court |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Cash in court from sold assets awaiting for disburcemen to the institution. |
Number |
4,37 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Sale Agreed Price |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Agreed price for the disposal of the collateral. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Enforcement status'. |
Mandatory |
Number |
Annex X.NPEC 19 |
4,38 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Next Auction Date |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Date of the next intended auction to sell the collateral. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Enforcement status'. |
Mandatory |
dd/mm/yyyy |
Annex X.NPEC 23 |
4,39 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Court Auction Reserve Price for Next Auction |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Court set reserve price for next auction. The amount is the minimum price required by the court. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Enforcement status'. |
Mandatory |
Number |
Annex X.NPEC 24 |
4,40 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Last Auction Date |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Date that the last auction was performed in order to sell the collateral. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Enforcement status'. |
Mandatory |
dd/mm/yyyy |
Annex X.NPEC 25 |
4,41 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Court Auction Reserve Price for Last Auction |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Court set reserve price for last auction. This is the minimum price required by the court. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Enforcement status'. |
Number |
Annex X.NPEC 26 |
4,42 |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
Number of Failed Auctions |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Number of failed previous auctions for the collateral. Applicable when 'yes' is selected in the field 'Enforcement status'. |
Number |
Annex X.NPEC 27 |
4 ,xx |
Collateral, guarantee and enforcement |
4,43 |
Mortgage guarantee |
Mortgage Identifier |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The institution’s internal identifier for the Mortgage Agreement. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
4,44 |
Mortgage guarantee |
Mortgage amount |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
The maximum amount (including any fees, expenses, and liens on the immovable property) that the institution is entitled to receive in a foreclosure of the immovable property, which serves as collateral for the mortgage, as registered in the official deed register. Applicable if a mortgage lien has been established on the collateral. |
Mandatory |
Number |
4,45 |
Mortgage guarantee |
Lien position |
Secured loan |
The highest ranking position held by the institution in relation to the collateral which determines the order in which the law recognises the institution's claims against the collateral in a foreclosure. In case the loan has several liens on one collateral, the highest claim held by the institution is reported in this field. Applicable if a mortgage lien is recorded against the title to the collateral in the official deed records. |
Mandatory |
Number |
4,46 |
Mortgage guarantee |
Higher ranking loan |
Secured loan |
The amount that higher ranking claimants/holders of first position liens are entitled to receive before the institution in a foreclosure of the collateral. The purpose of this field is to provide an indication of the extent to which the institution will be able to recoup the outstanding debt from the collateral in a foreclosure after first position liens have been settled in full. Applicable if the institution does not have the first mortgage lien position in relation to the collateral. |
Mandatory |
Number |
4,47 |
Mortgage guarantee |
Register of Deeds Number |
Secured loan |
Registration number under which the institution's mortgage lien against the title to the collateral is recorded in the official deed records. Applicable if the institution has a mortgage lien on the collateral. |
Alphanumeric |
4 ,xx |
Mortgage guarantee |
5,00 |
Historical collection of repayments |
Loan Identifier |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Institution’s internal identifier to uniquely identify each loan under a single loan agreement. Each loan must have one loan identifier at the cut-off date. This value cannot be used as the loan identifier for any other loan under the same or different loan agreement. |
Mandatory |
Alphanumeric |
5,01 |
Historical collection of repayments |
Type of Collection |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Indication whether the collections of repayments occurred internally or by external collection agencies. |
5,02 |
Historical collection of repayments |
Name of External Collection Agent |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Name of the external collection agent. The field is required only in case of external collection. |
Alphanumeric |
5,03 |
Historical collection of repayments |
History of Total Repayments |
Applicable to all |
Applicable to all |
Total repayment amounts received by the institution for the past thirty-six months minimum from the cut-off date irrespective of the source of repayment, including collections by external collection agencies. Where the amounts are aggregated per month and presented in separate columns. |
Mandatory |
Number |
5,04 |
Historical collection of repayments |
History of Repayments - From Collateral Sales |
Applicable to all |
Secured loan |
Repayment amounts made by the collateral disposal for the past thirty-six months minimum from the cut-off date. Where the amounts are aggregated per month and presented in separate columns. |
Number |
5 ,xx |
Historical collection of repayments |