Updated 18/09/2024
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ANNEX - Relevant financial indicators to be considered in the assessment of the financial situation referred to in Article 7(4)


Relevant financial indicators to be considered in the assessment of the financial situation referred to in Article 7(4)


Profitability indicators:


Annual Net Income




Return on Equity (RoE) – RoE=(EBIT-Tax-Interest Paid)/(Average Equity)


Return on Assets (RoA) – RoA=(EBIT-Tax)/(Average Total Assets)


Net Profit Margin (NPM) – NPM=(EBIT-Tax)/(Average Total Assets)


Sales to Total Assets (STA) – STA = Sales/(Average Total Assets)


Leverage and debt indicators:


Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) – DER=(Debt+Value of Leases)/Equity


Debt Ratio (DR) – DR=(Total Debt)/(Total Assets)


Debt Yield (DY) – DY = EBITDA/Loan Amount


Loan to Cost (LC) – LC=(Loan Amount)/(Construction Cost)


Loan to Value (LV) – LV=(Loan Amount)/(Value of the Property)


Liquidity indicators:


Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR) – ICR = EBIT/Interest Expenses


Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) – DSCR = EBITDA/(Principal Amount+Interest Amount)


Cash Flow to Debt Ratio (CFD) – CFD=(Cash Flow)/Debt


Cash Ratio (CR) – CR=(Cash+Marketable Securities)/(Current Liabilities)


Net Working Capital to Total Assets (NWCTA) – NWCTA=(Current Assets (Cash, Short-Term Securities, Receivable, Inventories, Other Current Assets))/Assets


Capital indicators:


Capitalisation Rate (CR) – CR=(Net Operating Income)/Capital


Profit Yield (PY) =(Net Income)/Capital

ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg_del/2024/358/oj

ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)