Updated 06/01/2025
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Information to be provided to the competent authority

Application for authorisation as crowdfunding service provider

Information to be provided to the competent authority







Full legal name

Full legal name of the applicant


Trading name(s)

Trading name(s) to be used to provide the crowdfunding services


Internet address

Internet address of the website operated by the applicant


Physical address

Registered address of the applicant


National ID/Registration number

(where available)

National identifier of the applicant or evidence of the registration with the national register of companies



(where available)

Legal entity identifier of the applicant


Name and contact details of the person in charge of the application


Full name

Full first name(s) and surname(s) of the contact person



Function and/or title of the contact person within the applicant or status as an external person (e.g., consultant, law firm) and proof that the person has the power to file the application


Postal address (if different from the physical address of the applicant)



Telephone number



Email address



Legal form


Legal form of incorporation under national legislation


Articles of association


Articles of association and, where available, deed of incorporation


Programme of operations setting out the types of crowdfunding services that the applicant intends to provide and the crowdfunding platform that it intends to operate, including where and how crowdfunding offers are to be marketed


Information on the types of crowdfunding services

The applicant shall indicate:


The crowdfunding services that the applicant intends to provide (cross as appropriate):

Facilitation of granting of loans, which includes the provision of relevant information such as default rates of loans

Placing without a firm commitment basis of transferable securities and admitted instruments for crowdfunding purposes and the reception and transmission of orders in relation to those transferable securities and admitted instruments;


(Where the applicant provides or intends to provide facilitation of granting of loans) Whether the applicant intends to provide individual portfolio management of loans including a description of the internal arrangements for the provision of such activity and a description of the contractual arrangements that the applicant will establish with project owners and with investors (with particular reference to the mandates that investors will give to the applicant);


Other services or activities that the prospective crowdfunding service provider intends to provide (cross as appropriate):

Asset safekeeping

Payment services

Use of special purpose vehicles for the provision of crowdfunding services

Application of credit scores to crowdfunding projects

Suggestion of the price and/or the interest rate of crowdfunding offers

Operating a bulletin board

Establishing and operating contingency funds;


The types of offers that the applicant plans to present (such as loan-based projects, equity-based projects, the type of sector or business activity, the type of investments to be offered on the crowdfunding platform, and types of investors targeted);


The selection procedure setting out the details of the methods adopted to select the offers to be presented on the crowdfunding platform, including the nature and the extent of the due diligence undertaken in respect of project owners;


The arrangements to make public the offers on the crowdfunding platform and how the interests of investors for a crowdfunding project will be communicated to the relevant project owner;


Any other services/activities currently (or intended to be) provided by the applicant not covered by Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 that may be provided in accordance with Union or national law including references to and a copy of the relevant authorisations (where applicable)


Information on the crowdfunding platform

Description of:


the arrangements to make the information referred to in Article 19 of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 available on the website of the applicant’s crowdfunding platform, including relevant IT arrangements;


the arrangements to make the crowdfunding platform an internet-based information system, publicly accessible and without discriminatory access;


the procedures and arrangements for the prompt, fair and expeditious provision of the crowdfunding services, including the description of:


the procedures for the reception and transmission of client orders;


the systems for processing such orders;


how those procedures and arrangements allow for the reception and transmission and execution of the client orders on an equal basis;


mechanisms that the applicant plans to implement to facilitate the information flows between the project owner and the investors, or between the investors, if applicable


Marketing strategy

Description of the marketing strategy that the prospective crowdfunding service provider plans to use in the Union, including languages of the marketing communications; identification of the Member States where advertisements will be most visible in media and the expected means of communication that will be used


Description of the governance arrangements and internal control mechanism to ensure compliance with Regulation (EU) 2020/1503, including risk-management and accounting procedures


Governance arrangements

Description of:


the internal structure of the applicant (organisational chart, etc.) with indication of the distribution of the tasks and powers and the relevant reporting lines, the control arrangements implemented and any other useful information to illustrate the applicant’s operational features, policies and procedures to ensure effective and prudent management;


the staff-recruitment plan, if any, for the next three years and the relative state of implementation, or indication of the staff in active employment to be responsible for carrying out the services


Internal control mechanisms

Description of the internal control mechanism (such as compliance function and risk management function, where established) put in place by the applicant, in order to monitor and to ensure compliance of its procedures with Regulation (EU) 2020/1503, including information on reporting to the management body


Risk management

A mapping of the risks identified by the applicant and a description of risk management policies and procedures to identify, manage and monitor risks related to applicant’s activities, processes and systems, including:


description of the internal processes and methodologies referred to in Article 6(2) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 (where applicable)


description of the policy of the contingency fund referred to in Article 6(5), point (b), of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 (where applicable)


Accounting procedures

Description of the accounting procedures by which the applicant will record and report its financial information


Description of systems, resources and procedures for the control and safeguarding of the data processing system


Control and safeguarding of data processing system

Description of:


the internal arrangements adopted to ensure the proper handling of the personal data and information received from investors, including the use of clouds


the policy for fraud prevention and privacy/data protection


the locations, methods and policies for documentation archiving, including the use of clouds


Description of operational risks


Risks related to the IT infrastructure and procedures

Description of the identified sources of operational risks and description of procedures, systems and controls adopted by the applicant to manage those operational risks (system reliability, security, integrity, privacy, etc.), including:


procedures to avoid operational interruptions;


back-up devices in place;


measures on safeguards against hackers’ attacks


Risk related to the determination of the offer

Description of the technical tools and human resources dedicated to the offer determination, in particular the determination of the pricing in accordance with Article 4(4), point (d), of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503


Risks related to the asset safekeeping services and to the payment services (where applicable)

Where the applicant intends to provide asset safekeeping services and payment services, description of the identified sources of operational risks and description of procedures, systems and controls adopted by the applicant to manage those risks related to those services, including when those services are provided by a third party


Risks relating to outsourcing of operational functions

Where the applicant intends to rely on a third party for the performance of operational functions, description of the identified sources of operational risks and description of procedures, systems and controls adopted by the applicant to manage those operational risks


Any other operational risk(s) (where applicable)

Description of any other identified source(s) of operational risks and description of the procedures, systems and controls adopted by the applicant to manage those operational risks


Description of the applicant’s prudential safeguards in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503


Prudential safeguards

The amount of the prudential safeguards that the applicant has in place at the time of the application for authorisation and the description of the assumptions used for its determination


Own funds

(where applicable)

The amount of the prudential safeguards covered by own funds referred to in Article 11(2), point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503


Insurance policy

(where applicable)

The amount of the applicant’s prudential safeguards covered by an insurance policy as referred to in Article 11(2), point (b), of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503


Forecast calculations and plans


Forecast calculation of the applicant’s prudential safeguards for the first three business years


Forecast accounting plans for the first three business years, including:


forecast balance sheets;


forecast profit and loss accounts or income statements;


Planning assumptions for the above forecast as well as explanations of the figures


Prudential safeguards planning

Description of the applicant’s prudential safeguards planning and monitoring procedures


Proof that the applicant meets the prudential safeguards in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503


Own funds


Documentation of how the applicant has calculated the amount in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503;


For existing undertakings, an audited account statement or public register certifying the amount of own funds of the applicant;


For undertakings in the process of being incorporated, a bank statement issued by a bank certifying that the funds are deposited in the applicant’s bank account


Insurance policy


Copy of the subscribed insurance policy incorporating all the elements necessary to comply with Article 11(6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503, where available, or


Copy of the preliminary insurance agreement incorporating all the elements necessary to comply with Article 11(6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 signed by an undertaking authorised to provide insurance in accordance with Union law or national law


Description of the business continuity plan


Business continuity plan

Description of the measures and procedures to ensure, in the event of failure of the prospective crowdfunding service provider, the continuity of the provision of critical services related to existing investments and sound administration of agreements between the prospective crowdfunding service provider and its clients, including, where applicable, provisions for the continued servicing of outstanding loans, client notification and handover of asset safekeeping arrangements


Proof of good repute of shareholders that directly or indirectly hold 20 % or more of the share capital or voting rights

Sub-fields 1-10 shall be repeated and completed for each of the shareholders who directly or indirectly hold 20 % or more of the share capital or voting rights

Where the shareholder holding 20 % or more of the share capital or voting rights is not a natural person, sub-fields 8 and 9 shall be completed for the legal entity and repeated and completed for each member of the management body and other persons effectively directing the business


Ownership structure chart

Ownership structure chart of the applicant showing the individual stake of shareholders who directly or indirectly hold 20 % or more of the share capital or voting rights




The full first name(s) and surname(s) in case of natural persons;


National ID number (ID or passport) in case of natural persons;


The legal name and legal form, in case of legal persons;


National ID/registration number (where available) in case of legal persons


Date and place of birth (where applicable)

Date and place of birth of shareholders who are natural persons


Domicile or registered address


The domicile, in case of natural persons


The registered address, in case of legal persons


Additional information in case of legal persons

Where the shareholder holding 20 % or more of the share capital or voting rights is a legal person a complete list of members of the management body and of persons who effectively direct its business, their name, date and place of birth, domicile, their national identification number where available


Amount of the holding

Amount of the shares capital or voting rights held by the person in absolute value and in percentage terms.

In case of indirect shareholder, the amount shall refer to the intermediate holder


Information in case of indirect holding

Name and contact details of the person through which the share capital or voting rights are held




Proof of good repute


Official certificate or other equivalent document in accordance with national law proving the absence of criminal records;


Information on criminal investigations and/or proceedings, as well as relevant civil and administrative cases, in respect of infringements of national rules in the fields of commercial law, insolvency law, financial services law, anti-money laundering law, fraud law or professional liability obligations, in particular through an official certificate (if and so far as it is available from the relevant Member State or third country) or through another equivalent document. In the event that civil or administrative sanctions in one of the abovementioned fields were imposed, a detailed description thereof shall be provided. For ongoing investigations or proceedings, the information may be provided through a declaration of honour;


Information on refusal of registration, authorisation, membership, or licence to carry out trade, business or a profession; or the withdrawal, revocation or termination of such a registration, authorisation, membership or licence; or expulsion by a regulatory or government body or a professional body or association. Information on any ongoing procedure related to the foregoing shall also be provided;


Information on dismissal from employment relating to positions and tasks concerning the management of funds or similar fiduciary relationships and description of the reasons for such dismissal


Pre-existing (and ongoing) assessment

Information on whether an assessment of the good repute of the shareholder has already been (or is being) conducted by another competent authority or any other authority under other financial legislation, including the name of that authority and, where applicable, the date and outcome of its assessment


Information on the group structure (where applicable)

Information on whether the applicant is:


a subsidiary of a crowdfunding service provider authorised in another Member State;


a subsidiary of the parent undertaking of a crowdfunding service provider that is authorised in another Member State;


controlled by the same natural or legal persons who control a crowdfunding service provider authorised in another Member State


Identity of the natural persons responsible for the management of the applicant and proof that the natural persons involved in the management of the applicant are of good repute and possess sufficient knowledge, skills, and experience to manage the prospective crowdfunding provider and commit sufficient time to the performance of their duties

Sub-fields 1-12 shall be repeated and completed for each natural person who is member of the management or supervisory bodies of the applicant, and for each natural person who effectively directs the business

Sub-fields 1-8 and 10-11 shall be repeated and completed for each natural person who is responsible of internal control functions (where appointed)


Full name

Full first name(s) and surname(s) of the relevant natural person


ID/Passport number



Date and place of birth






Postal address

Postal address, if different from the address of domicile


Telephone number



Email address




Position within the management body or the organisation of the applicant at which the natural person is/will be appointed


Proof of good repute


Official certificate or other equivalent document in accordance with national law proving the absence of criminal records;


Information on criminal investigations or proceedings, as well as relevant civil and administrative cases, in respect of infringements of national rules in the fields of commercial law, insolvency law, financial services law, anti-money laundering law, fraud law or professional liability obligations, in particular through an official certificate (if and so far, as it is available from the relevant Member State or third country) or through another equivalent document. In the event of the existence of civil or administrative sanctions in respect of the abovementioned fields, a detailed description thereof shall be provided. For ongoing investigations or proceedings, the information may be provided through a declaration of honour;


Information on refusal of registration, authorisation, membership, or licence to carry out trade, business or a profession; or the withdrawal, revocation or termination of such a registration, authorisation, membership or licence; or expulsion by a regulatory or government body or a professional body or association. Information on any ongoing procedure related to the foregoing shall also be provided;


Information on dismissal from employment relating to positions and tasks concerning the management of funds or similar fiduciary relationships and description of the reasons for such dismissal;


Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum vitae stating:


relevant education (including the name(s) and type(s) of educational institution(s), type, and date of diploma(s)) and professional training (including the topic of the training, type(s) of educational institution(s) and date by which training was completed);


relevant professional experience (in and outside the financial sector), including the names of all organisations for which the person has worked, and nature and duration of the functions performed (start and end dates) and the reason of for departure (new function within the company/group, voluntary departure, forced departure or expiry of the mandate);


for positions held in the previous 10 years, when describing those activities, details shall be included on all powers held and the areas of operations under control.

The curriculum vitae may also include details (name, address, telephone number, email) of any reference person(s) who may be contacted by the competent authority (this field is not mandatory)


Time to be committed to the performance of the duties

Information on the minimum time that will be devoted to the performance of the person’s functions within the prospective crowdfunding service provider (annual and monthly indications), including information on:


the number of directorships in financial and non-financial companies held by that person at the same time;


the directorships in organisations which do not pursue predominantly commercial objectives held by that person at the same time;


other external professional activities, and any other functions and relevant activities, both within and outside the financial sector


Pre-existing (or ongoing) assessment of the reputation and experience

The information on whether an assessment of the good repute and of the knowledge and experience of the natural person has already been (or is being) conducted by another competent authority or any other authority under other financial legislation including the date of the assessment, the identity of that authority and, where applicable, the date and the outcome of this assessment


Self-assessment of the collective knowledge, skills, and experience

Details of the result of the assessment on the collective possession of sufficient knowledge, skills, and experience to manage the prospective crowdfunding provider by the natural persons involved in the management of the prospective crowdfunding service provider, performed by the applicant itself


Description of the internal rules to prevent persons referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 8(2) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 from engaging, as project owners, in crowdfunding services offered by the prospective crowdfunding service provider


Internal procedures on conflicts of interest of project owners

Description of the relevant internal rules adopted by the applicant


Description of outsourcing arrangements


Information on outsourcing arrangements

Description of:


the operational functions that the applicant plans to outsource, including cloud services;


the third parties to whom the operational functions will be outsourced (where available), including the indication of their location and a summary of the outsourcing arrangements in case the third party is located in a third country (where available);


the internal arrangements and resources allocated to the control of the outsourced functions;


the service level agreements in place with the service providers


Description of procedures to handle complaints from clients


Information on complaint handling

Description of the procedures to handle complaints from clients adopted by the applicant, including the timeframe within which a decision on the complaint will be notified to potential complainants, as provided in the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2117 (1)


Confirmation of whether the applicant intends to provide payment services itself or through a third party, under Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2), or through an arrangement in accordance with Article 10(5) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503


Information on payment services


The applicant shall inform the competent authority whether the payment services will be provided (cross as appropriate):

The applicant itself. If so, the applicant shall provide information on the relevant authorisation as payment service provider in accordance with Directive (EU) 2015/2366

An authorised third party. If so, the applicant shall indicate the name of the third party, and the applicant shall submit a copy of the subscribed agreement with the third party incorporating all the elements necessary to comply with Regulation (EU) 2020/1503, when available, or a copy of the preliminary agreement with the third party, incorporating all the elements necessary to comply with Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 signed by a third party authorised to payment services in accordance with Union law or national law

Through arrangements in accordance with Article 10(5) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503, which ensure that project owners accept funding of crowdfunding projects, or any other payment, only by means of a payment service provider in accordance with Directive (EU) 2015/2366. If so, the applicant shall provide a description of such arrangements.


The applicant shall include a description of the procedures and systems established by which the funds from the investors will be sent to the project owner and by which the investors will receive the remuneration of the capital invested


Procedures to verify the completeness, correctness and clarity of the information contained in the key investment information sheet


Procedures on the key investment information sheet

Description of the relevant procedures adopted by the applicant


Procedures in relation to investment limits for non-sophisticated investors referred to in Article 21(7) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503


Procedures on investment limits for non-sophisticated investors


The applicant shall provide a description of the procedures adopted in order:


to carry out the assessment whether and which crowdfunding services offered are appropriate, including details on information requested to non-sophisticated investors about their experience, investment objectives, financial situation and basic understanding of risks involved in investing in general and in investing in the types of investments offered on the crowdfunding platform, referred to in Article 21(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503


to carry out the simulation required to prospective non-sophisticated investors of their ability to bear loss, referred to in Article 21(5) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503


to provide the information referred to in Article 21(4) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503


The applicant shall provide a description of the procedures adopted by the applicant on investment limits for non-sophisticated investors, including the description of the content of the specific risk warning and the arrangements to acquire from the investor the explicit consent

(1)  Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2117 of 13 July 2022 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the requirements, standard formats and procedures for complaint handling (see page 42 of this Official Journal)..

(2)  Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market, amending Directives 2002/65/EC, 2009/110/EC and 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010, and repealing Directive 2007/64/EC (OJ L 337, 23.12.2015, p. 35).