Updated 13/03/2025
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of 24 September 2021

supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the notion of segregated accounts to ensure client money’s protection in the event of an investment firm’s failure

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on the prudential requirements of investment firms and amending Regulations (EU) No 1093/2010, (EU) No 575/2013, (EU) No 600/2014 and (EU) No 806/2014 (1), and in particular the third subparagraph of Article 15(5), in conjunction with point (b) of the first subparagraph of Article 15(5) thereof,



Segregated accounts are defined in point (49) of Article 4(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 for the purposes of Table 1 in Article 15(2) of that Regulation. To enable investment firms to apply lower coefficients for the calculation of the own funds requirement “client money held”, where client money is held on segregated accounts, the notion of segregated accounts should be specified as embracing the conditions, which ensure the protection of client money in the event of the failure of an investment firm. As those conditions are set out in Article 2(1) of Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 (2), it is appropriate to refer to the same conditions for the purposes of specifying the notion of segregated accounts under this Regulation. Therefore, this Regulation should establish a set of similar requirements as those laid down in Article 2(1) of Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593.


This Regulation is based on the draft regulatory technical standards submitted to the Commission by the European Banking Authority.


The European Banking Authority has conducted open public consultations on the draft regulatory technical standards on which this Regulation is based, analysed the potential related costs and benefits and requested the advice of the Banking Stakeholder Group established in accordance with Article 37 of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council (3),


(1)   OJ L 314, 5.12.2019, p.1.

(2)  Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593supplementing Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to safeguarding of financial instruments and funds belonging to clients, product governance obligations and the rules applicable to the provision or reception of fees, commissions or any monetary or non-monetary benefits (OJ L 87, 31.3.2017, p. 500).

(3)  Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/78/EC (OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p. 12).