Formats for an application of a trade repository for extension of registration
Table 1
General information
Date of application |
Date of registration of the applicant as a trade repository |
Corporate name of securitisation repository |
Legal entity identifier (LEI) registered with the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation |
Legal address of the securitisation repository |
Legal address of any subsidiaries of the securitisation repository |
Legal address of any branches of the securitisation repository |
Uniform resource locator (URL) of the securitisation repository’s website |
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) registered with the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation |
The securitisation types, risk transfer methods and underlying exposure types for which the applicant repository is applying to be registered |
If the applicant is authorised or registered by a competent authority in the Member State where it is established, the name of the authority and any reference number related to the authorisation or registration |
Name of the person(s) responsible for the application |
Contact details of the person(s) responsible for the application |
Name of person(s) responsible for the securitisation repository compliance, or any other staff involved in compliance assessments for the securitisation repository, in relation to its provision of core securitisation services |
Contact details of the person(s) responsible for the securitisation repository compliance (or any other staff involved in compliance assessments for the securitisation repository) |
Table 2
Document references (1)
Provision of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/1230 containing the information requirement to which the document relates |
Unique reference number of document |
Title of the document |
Chapter or section or page of the document where the information is provided or reason why the information is not provided |
(1) For all information required in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/1230 with the exception of points (a) to (c), (e), (f), (h) and (i) of Article 2(2) and Article 7(2) thereof.