CHAPTER II - MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE BENCHMARK METHODOLOGY (Article 2-12)SECTION 1 - MINIMUM STANDARDS COMMON FOR EU CLIMATE TRANSITION BENCHMARKS AND EU PARIS-ALIGNED BENCHMARKS (Article 2-8)Article 2 - Reference temperature scenarioArticle 3 - Equity allocation constraintArticle 4 - Calculation of GHG intensity or absolute GHG emissionsArticle 5 - Phase-in of Scope 3 GHG emissions data in the benchmark methodologyArticle 6 - Companies setting and publishing GHG emission reduction targetsArticle 7 - Setting a decarbonisation trajectory Article 8 - Change in GHG intensity and absolute GHG emissionsSECTION 2 - MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR EU CLIMATE TRANSITION BENCHMARKS (Article 9-10)Article 9 - Baseline reduction of GHG intensity or absolute GHG emissions for EU Climate Transition BenchmarksArticle 10 - Exclusions for EU Climate Transition BenchmarksSECTION 3 - MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR EU PARIS-ALIGNED BENCHMARKS (Article 11-12)Article 11 - Baseline reduction of GHG intensity or absolute GHG emissions for EU Paris-aligned BenchmarksArticle 12 - Exclusions for EU Paris-aligned Benchmarks
SECTION 1 - MINIMUM STANDARDS COMMON FOR EU CLIMATE TRANSITION BENCHMARKS AND EU PARIS-ALIGNED BENCHMARKS (Article 2-8)Article 2 - Reference temperature scenarioArticle 3 - Equity allocation constraintArticle 4 - Calculation of GHG intensity or absolute GHG emissionsArticle 5 - Phase-in of Scope 3 GHG emissions data in the benchmark methodologyArticle 6 - Companies setting and publishing GHG emission reduction targetsArticle 7 - Setting a decarbonisation trajectory Article 8 - Change in GHG intensity and absolute GHG emissions
SECTION 2 - MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR EU CLIMATE TRANSITION BENCHMARKS (Article 9-10)Article 9 - Baseline reduction of GHG intensity or absolute GHG emissions for EU Climate Transition BenchmarksArticle 10 - Exclusions for EU Climate Transition Benchmarks
SECTION 3 - MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR EU PARIS-ALIGNED BENCHMARKS (Article 11-12)Article 11 - Baseline reduction of GHG intensity or absolute GHG emissions for EU Paris-aligned BenchmarksArticle 12 - Exclusions for EU Paris-aligned Benchmarks
CHAPTER III - TRANSPARENCY AND ACCURACY (Article 13-15)Article 13 - Transparency requirements for estimations Q&AArticle 14 - Disclosure of the decarbonisation trajectory Q&AArticle 15 - Accuracy of the data sources Q&A