Updated 22/10/2024
In force

Initial Legal Act
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Article 1 - Making available to the public

Article 1

Making available to the public

1.   A figure shall be considered to be made available to the public for the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 where the figure is made accessible to a potentially indeterminate number of legal and natural persons other than the index provider or other than a determined number of recipients connected or related to the index provider

2.   A figure is made available to the public where it may be accessed by such persons either directly or indirectly as a result, inter alia, of its use by one or more supervised entities as a reference for a financial instrument it issues or to determine the amount payable under a financial instrument or a financial contract, or to measure the performance of an investment fund, or to provide a borrowing rate calculated as a spread or mark-up over such figure.

3.   Access may take place through a variety of media and modalities, set out by the provider or agreed between the provider and the recipients, free of charge or upon payment of a fee, including, but not limited to, telephone, file transfer protocol, internet, open access, news, media, through financial instruments, financial contracts or investment funds referencing the figure or by way of request to the users.