Format of the relevant unique identification number in each Member State
Member State |
Legal person |
Natural person |
ID number type |
ID number format |
ID number type |
ID number format |
Austria |
If registered: Firmenbuchnummer ( |
Maximum: six digits plus one check letter |
If not registered: Umsatzsteuer-Identifikations-Nummer (UID-Nummer) ( |
— |
Belgium |
KBO/BCE number (KBO = KruispuntBank van Ondernemingen; BCE = Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises) |
0 + VAT number (0XXX.XXX.XXX) |
KBO/BCE number (KBO, KruispuntBank van Ondernemingen; BCE, Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises) |
10 digits (0 + 9 digit- VAT number) |
Bulgaria |
Unified Identification Code' as regulated by Art. 23, para. 1 of the Bulgarian Commercial Register Act. |
9 digits |
Unified Identification Code' as regulated by Art. 23, para. 1 of the Bulgarian Commercial Register Act. |
9 digits |
Croatia |
OIB (fiscal number; Osobni identifikacijski broj — Personal Identification Number) |
11 digits (10 random digits + 1 check digit) |
OIB (fiscal number; Osobni identifikacijski broj — Personal Identification Number) |
11 digits (10 random digits + 1 check digit) |
Cyprus |
Tax Identification Number (TIN) |
8 digits and 1 letter (e.g: 99999999L) |
Tax Identification Code (TIC) |
8 digits and 1 letter (the first digit is always zero) |
Czech Republic |
Personal identification number (Identifikační číslo osoby (IČO)) |
8 digits (e.g.:12345678) |
Personal identification number (Identifikační číslo osoby (IČO)) |
8 digits (e.g. 12345678) |
Denmark |
Company registration number (CVR number) |
8-digit number (e.g. 12345678) |
Personal registration number (CPR number) |
10 digit number in the format ‘123456-7890’ |
Estonia |
Company registry code, accessible at the Company Commercial Registry website. |
8-digit number |
Personal identification code (ID code) |
Personal identification code (ID code) |
Finland |
Local business ID ( or international VAT number |
Local business ID: 7 digits, a dash and a control mark, e.g. 1234567-8 VAT number: 8 digits — e.g. FI12345678 |
— |
— |
France |
9 digits |
9 digits |
Germany |
If registered: Handelsregisternummer (HReg-Nr.) (Commercial Register-number;, incl. place of registration HRA; HRB; GnR; PR;VR |
HRA xxxx HRB xxxx GnR xxxx PR xxxxx VR xxxx Choose the applicable format, depending on the (legal) person type, followed by a number with different length |
If not registered: Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (USt-IdNr.) ( (VAT-number) |
DExxxxxxxxx followed by a 9 digit number |
Greece |
Tax Identification Number (TIN — ΑΦΜ) |
9 digits |
Tax Identification Number (TIN — ΑΦΜ) |
9 digits |
Hungary |
Company registration number |
Numbers (##-##-######) |
Register number of private entrepreneurs Company registration number for sole proprietorships |
Numbers (########); Numbers (##-##-######) |
Iceland |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Ireland |
Company registration number |
6 digits |
— |
— |
Italy |
Registration number |
5 digits |
Fiscal code, available on the website of the OAM (Organismo per la Gestione degli Elenchi degli Agenti in Attivita' Finanziaria e dei Mediatori Creditizi): |
Alphanumerical code of 16 characters (‘SP’ followed by digits) |
Latvia |
Tax registration number ( |
11 digits |
Personal ID number (XXXXXX-XXXXX), or if person is a tax payer — individual entrepreneur, tax registration number ( |
Tax registration number: 11 digits |
Liechtenstein |
If available, the Legal Entity Identifier of the entity, or if not available: Commercial register number (Handelsregister-Nummer) |
Prefix FL + 11 digits (FL-XXXX.XXX.XXX-X). |
Personenidentifikationsnummer (Personal Identification Number) |
Maximum 12 digits |
Lithuania |
Company code from the Register of Legal Entities managed by the Centre of Registers of the Republic of Lithuania (; or |
9 digits (used to be 7 until 2004) |
Taxpayer's code — Name and Surname (the taxpayer's code is identical to personal code; however, for data protection reasons it is not normally disclosed), or |
Name and Surname (letters) |
Luxembourg |
Company registration number |
The letter B followed by 6 digits (e.g. B 123456) |
Social security number |
13 digits (first 8 digits are the person's date of birth: YYYYMMDD) |
Malta |
Company registration number: |
The letter C followed by 5 digits — e.g. C 28938 |
Identity Card number OR Passport number: |
6 digits and a capital letter — Example: 034976M OR 6 digits — e.g. 728349 |
Netherlands |
Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number |
8 digits |
Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number |
8 digits |
Norway |
Business Register Number (Organisation number) |
9 digits (for example 981 276 957) |
National identity number/D-number |
11 digits (first 6 digits are the person's date of birth: DD.MM.YY.) |
Poland |
Polish NIP (numer identyfikacji podatkowej) |
Polish NIP (numer identyfikacji podatkowej) |
Portugal |
Número de Identificação de Pessoa Coletiva (NIPC) |
9 digits |
Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF) |
9 digits |
Romania |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Slovak Republic |
Identifikačné číslo organizácie/Company Registration Number (IČO) |
8 digits IČO — 00 000 000 |
Company Registration Number (IČO) is assigned to legal persons and entrepreneurs!ut/p/b1/jY7RCoIwGEafKPfPqdsuV-BcLGnJlu0mLCKEpl1E0dtn0m3Wd_fBOXCQRzXyXXNvz82t7bvm8v4-2zu9ZvM5FsCwo6DyyiTGrrA06QDsBmAhRZFQDcC0TEGJwm64IQQE-c-HLxPwy18i3x5C9DiGCKKE4pRzChnlLOYEbZEffWGMqbRzIF2cgyJYQmktQE4_wFT_CEwElkUfTugabP2s1OwFKhgzhg!!/dl4/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/ |
8 digits IČO — 00 000 000 |
Slovenia |
Identification (registration) number assigned by the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services ( |
10 digits |
Identification (registration) number assigned by the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services ( |
10 digits |
Spain |
LEI code In absence: NIF (‘Número de Identificación Fiscal’) a.k.a tax identification number. Further information about the structure of the tax ID number is available at the following links: NIF (Legal Entities): |
It is composed of 20 characters as follows: Characters 1-4: A 4-character prefix allocated uniquely to each LOU (Local Operating Unit). Characters 5-6: 2 reserved characters set to zero. Characters 7-18: Entity-specific part of the code generated and assigned by LOUs according to transparent, sound and robust allocation policies. Characters 19-20: Two check digits as described in the ISO 17442 standard. It is composed of 9 characters as follows:
NIF (‘Número de Identificación Fiscal’), or tax identification number. For Non-Resident Spanish Individuals, for Spanish Individuals under 14 and for Non-Resident Foreign Individuals doing transactions with tax transcendence: For Foreign Individuals: NIE (‘Número de Identidad de Extranjero’). Further information about the structure of the tax ID number is available at the following links: NIF (Individuals) and NIE: |
It is composed of 9 characters: 8 digits and a final letter as check code at the end. It is composed of a letter (‘L’ for Spanish Non-Residents, ‘K’ for under 14 and ‘M’ for Non-Resident Foreigners), 7 alphanumeric characters and a letter (check control) It is composed of 9 characters: an initial letter, ‘X’, followed by 7 digits, and a final letter as check code. Having exhausted the numerical capacity of the letter ‘X’, the sequence will be continued in alphabetical order (first with ‘Y’ and then ‘Z’). |
Sweden |
Registration number ( |
Social Security Number |
United Kingdom |
Tax Identification Number (TIN) |
Tax Identification Number (TIN) |