Updated 22/10/2024
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Initial Legal Act
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Forms and templates for the cooperation between authorities of the home Member State and of the host Member State

(Article 24(8) of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014)

Table 1

Template for the exchange of information between the competent authority of the home Member State and the competent authority of the host Member State where a CSD has set up a branch




Details concerning the review and evaluation of the CSD referred to in Article 22(1) of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014

Information to be provided by the competent authority of the home Member State

Corporate name of the CSD


when changes occur

Legal address of the CSD


when changes occur

List of services that the CSD provides in accordance with the Annex of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014


when changes occur

Structure and ownership of the group to which the CSD belongs


when significant changes occur

Level of the capital of the CSD (where relevant, Tier 1 capital and total capital)


when significant changes occur

Organisation, management body and senior management of the CSD (including CVs)


when changes occur

Processes and arrangements for governance


when changes significantly impact the governance of the CSD

Details of the authorities involved in the supervision/oversight of the CSD


advance notification, where practicable, or as soon as possible

Information on any material threats to the CSD's ability to comply with Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 and relevant delegated and implementing regulations


advance notification, where practicable, or without undue delay

Sanctions and exceptional supervisory measures which may impact the activities of the CSD's branch


advance notification, where practicable, or without undue delay

Repo on major problems of performance or incidents and remedial actions taken which may impact the activities of the branch


when it occurs

Difficulties in the CSD's operations that have potentially significant spill-over effects on the branch


as soon as possible

Factors which suggest a potentially high risk of contagion from the operations of the CSD to the branch


as soon as possible

Extension of services or withdrawal of the authorisation


advance notification, where practicable, or as soon as possible

Headcount statistics


yearly basis

Financial data, such as balance sheet, profit and loss accounts


yearly basis

Size of the operations (assets under custody, revenues)


yearly basis

Risk Management Policy


when changes significantly impact the governance or risk management of the CSD

Where relevant for the branch, outsourcing agreements concerning the services provided by the branch


when changes significantly impact the governance or risk management of the CSD

Other information for the purpose of fulfilling its mandate


Upon the request of the competent authority of the host Member State

Information to be provided by the competent authority of the host Member State

Corporate name of the branch


when changes occur

Legal address of the branch


when changes occur

List of services provided through the branch in accordance with the Annex of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014


when changes occur

Organisation, senior management of the branch


when changes occur

Processes and arrangements specific to the governance of the branch


when changes significantly impact the governance or risk management of the CSD

Details of the authorities involved in the supervision/oversight of the branch


advance notification, where practicable, or as soon as possible

Information on any material threats to the ability of the CSD's branch to comply with Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 and relevant delegated and implementing regulations


advance notification, where practicable, or as soon as possible

Sanctions and exceptional supervisory measures applied to the branch


advance notification, where practicable, or as soon as possible

Repo on major performance problems or incidents and remedial actions taken


when it occurs

Difficulties in the branch's operations that have potentially significant spill-over effects on the CSD


as soon as possible

Factors which suggest a potentially high risk of contagion from the operations of the branch to the operations of the CSD


as soon as possible

Headcount statistics of the branch


yearly basis

Financial data, such as balance sheet, profit and loss accounts concerning the branch


yearly basis

Other information for the purpose of fulfilling its mandate


Upon the request of the competent authority of the home Member State

Table 2

Template to be filled in by the competent authority carrying out on-site inspections of a branch of the CSD



Name of the competent authority requesting the on-site inspection


Primary and secondary contact person of the competent authority requesting the on-site inspection

name, telephone number, email address, role

Name of the branch of the CSD where the on-site inspection will take place

name and address

Name of the CSD that has established the branch


Where available, contact person of the CSD or the branch in charge of the on-site inspection

name, telephone number, email address, role

Name of the other competent authority


Primary and secondary contact person of the other competent authority

name, telephone number, email address, role

Scheduled date of the on-site inspection


Rationale for the on-site inspection


Underlying documents that are planned to be used in the context of the on-site inspection

list of documents

Table 3

Template to be filled in by the competent authority of the home Member State following the request FOR information by the competent authority of the host Member State



Corporate name of the CSD


Legal address of the CSD


List of services the CSD provides in accordance with the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 909/2014


Corporate name of the CSD participants as Legal Entities


Home country of the CSD participants (ISO 2-digit country code)


LEI of the issuers whose securities issues are recorded in securities accounts centrally or not centrally maintained by the CSD


Home country of issuers (ISO 2-digit country)


ISIN code of the issued securities constituted under the law of the host Member State initially recorded in the CSD of the home Member State


Market value or, if not available, nominal value of securities issued by issuers from the host Member State for which the CSD of the home Member State provides the core services referred to in point 1 or 2 of Section A of the Annex to of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014


Market value or, if not available, nominal value of securities recorded in securities accounts not centrally maintained by the CSD of the home Member State for participants and other holders of securities accounts of the host Member State


Value of the settlement instructions against payment plus the market value of the FOP settlement instructions or, if not available, the nominal value of the FOP settlement instructions settled by the CSD of the home Member State in relation to transactions in securities issued by issuers from the host Member State


Value of the settlement instructions against payment plus the market value of the FOP settlement instructions or, if not available, the nominal value of the FOP settlement instructions settled by the CSD of the home Member State from participants as well as for other holders of securities accounts of the host Member State


Other information for the purpose of fulfilling its mandate


Table 4

Template to be filled in by the competent authority of the host Member State having clear and demonstrable grounds for believing that a CSD providing services within its territory in accordance with Article 23 of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 is in breach of the obligations arising from the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014



Name of the competent authority of the host Member State


Primary and secondary contact person of the competent authority of the host Member State

name, telephone number, email address, role

Name of the CSD that provides services in the host Member State considered to be in breach of its obligations

name and address

Contact person of the CSD that provides services in the host Member State considered to be in breach of its obligations

name, telephone number, email address, role

Name of the competent authority of the home Member State


Primary and secondary contact person of the competent authority of the home Member State

name, telephone number, email address, role

Where relevant, primary and secondary contact person of ESMA

name, telephone number, email address, role

Description of the grounds for believing that the CSD established in the home Member State providing services in the territory of the host Member State according to Article 23 of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 is in breach of the obligations arising from the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014
