Article 7
Change in scope, status or other data
Where an entity or a group falls under the scope of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 only for part of the financial year, its individual annual contribution for that financial year shall be calculated by reference to the number of full months during which it falls under the scope of that Article.
Where the status of an entity or a group changes between the categories specified in Article 4(1) during a financial year, its individual annual contribution for that financial year shall be calculated on the basis of the number of months for which the entity or a group fell under the respective category at the last day of the month.
Where other changes to the data of an entity or a group that were used to calculate its individual annual contribution for a financial year occur, the individual annual contribution of that entity or group for that financial year shall be calculated on the basis of the updated data.
Where a change as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 has been reported by the ECB or a change as referred to in paragraph 3 occurred, the Board shall recalculate only the individual annual contribution of that entity or group for the financial years concerned. Where changes as referred to in paragraph 1, 2 or 3 have occurred in relation to several entities or groups during the same financial year, the Board shall only take into account the changes concerning an individual entity or group for the purposes of recalculating the individual annual contribution of that entity or group.
For the purposes of calculating individual annual contributions due for a given financial year, the Board shall take into account any of the changes referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, that occur as of 1 January of that year, in the next financial year.
Where the amount of an individual annual contribution paid is higher than the amount recalculated in accordance with paragraph 4, the Board shall refund the difference to the entity or group concerned. Where the amount of an individual annual contribution paid is lower than the amount recalculated in accordance with paragraph 4, the entity or group concerned shall pay the difference to the Board. For the purposes of refunding or collecting an amount due in accordance with this paragraph, the Board shall decrease or increase the individual annual contribution of the entity or group concerned in the financial year following the recalculation pursuant to paragraph 4.
Except as provided for in Article 6(2a), the individual annual contributions of entities or groups that are not subject to the changes referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 or 3 of this Article shall not be adjusted.
The Board shall apply the aggregate surplus or deficit resulting from all the adjustments made in accordance with paragraph 5 to the total amount of annual contributions to be determined in accordance with Article 3 for the financial year following the financial year in which the adjustments are applied.
In line with the principle of sound management of its budget, the Board shall take any decisions deemed necessary in order to implement the provisions laid down in this Article, including as regards the timing of the refunds by the Board and of the additional payments to be collected from the entities.