Table 1 — identification information to be published as referred to in Article 3(1) — type of execution venue
Venue |
Name |
Identifier (ISO 10383 Market Identifier Code (MIC) or the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) |
Country of Competent Authority |
Name |
Market Segment |
Name |
Identifier (ISO 10383 market segment MIC) |
Date of the trading day |
ISO 8601 |
Outages |
Nature |
Number |
Average duration |
Scheduled Auction |
Nature |
Number |
Average duration |
Number |
Value (as % of total value of transactions executed on that day) |
Table 2 — identification information to be published as referred to in Article 3(2) — type of financial instrument
Financial Instrument |
Name |
Identifier(ISO 6166) |
Written description of financial instrument, if no identifier available (including the currency of the underlying instrument, price multiplier, price notation, quantity notation and delivery type) |
Instrument classification |
(ISO 10962 CFI code) |
Currency |
(ISO 4217) |
Table 3 — price information to be published as referred to in Article 4 point (a)
Size Range |
All trades executed within first two minutes after time T |
First transaction after time T (if no transactions within first two minutes after time T) |
Time (T) |
Simple average executed price (excluding commissions and accrued interest) |
Total value executed |
Price |
Time of execution |
Transaction size |
best bid and offer or suitable reference price at time of execution |
09.30.00 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
11.30.00 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
13.30.00 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
15.30.00 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Table 4 — price information to be published as referred to in Article 4 point (b)
simple average transaction price |
volume-weighted transaction price |
highest executed price |
lowest executed price |
Table 5 — costs information to be published as referred to in Article 5
Information required under Article 5(a) to (d) |
(Description) |
Link to a website or other source where further information on costs is available |
Total value of all rebates, discounts, or other payments offered (as % of total traded value during the reporting period) |
% |
Total value of all costs (as a % of total traded value during the reporting period volume) |
% |
Table 6 — likelihood of execution information to be published as referred to in Article 6
Number of orders or request for quotes received |
Number of transactions executed |
Total value of transactions executed |
Number of orders or request for quotes received cancelled or withdrawn |
Number of orders or request for quotes received modified |
Median transaction size |
Median size of all orders or requests for quote |
Number of designated market makers |
Table 7 — likelihood of execution information to be published as referred to in Article 7(1)
Time |
Best Bid Price |
Best Offer Price |
Bid Size |
Offer Size |
Book depth within 3 price increments |
9.30.00 |
11.30.00 |
13.30.00 |
15.30.00 |
Table 8 — information to be published as referred to in Article 7(2) and 7(3)
Average volume at best bid and offer |
Average spread at best bid and offer |
Number of cancellations at best bid and offer |
Number of modifications at best bid and offer |
Average book depth at 3 price increments |
Mean time elapsed (to the millisecond) between an aggressive order or quote acceptance being received by the execution venue and the subsequent total or partial execution |
Median time elapsed (to the millisecond) between a market order being received by the execution venue and the subsequent total or partial execution |
Average speed of execution for unmodified passive orders at best bid and offer |
Number of Fill or Kill orders that failed |
Number of Immediate or Cancel orders that got zero fill |
Number of transactions executed on the trading venue that are Large in Scale pursuant to Article 4 or 9 of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 |
Value of transactions executed on the trading venue that are Large in Scale pursuant to Article 4 or 9 of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 |
Number of transactions that were executed on the trading venue pursuant to Article 4 or 9 of MiFIR, except for orders that are held in an order management facility of the trading venue pending disclosure and not Large in Scale |
Value of transactions that were executed on the trading venue pursuant to Article 4 or 9 of MiFIR, except for orders that are held in an order management facility of the trading venue pending disclosure and not Large in Scale |
Number of trading interruptions |
Average duration of trading interruptions |
Number of suspensions |
Nature of suspensions |
Average duration of suspensions |
For continuous quote venues, number of periods during which no quotes were provided |
For continuous quote venues, average duration of periods during which no quotes were provided |
Average quote presence |
Table 9 — information to be published as referred to in Article 8
Mean time elapsed between acceptance and execution |
Median time elapsed between acceptance and execution |
Mean time elapsed between request and provision of any corresponding quotes |
Median time elapsed between request and provision of any corresponding quotes |