Updated 09/03/2025
In force

Version from: 22/11/2022
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Article 3 - Delegated Directive 2017/593

Article 3

Depositing client financial instruments

Member States shall allow investment firms to deposit financial instruments held by them on behalf of their clients into an account or accounts opened with a third party provided that the firms exercise all due skill, care and diligence in the selection, appointment and periodic review of the third party and of the arrangements for the holding and safekeeping of those financial instruments.

In particular, Member States shall require investment firms to take into account the expertise and market reputation of the third party as well as any legal requirements related to the holding of those financial instruments that could adversely affect clients' rights.

Where an investment firm proposes to deposit client financial instruments with a third party, Member States shall ensure that this investment firm only deposits financial instruments with a third party in a jurisdiction where the safekeeping of financial instruments for the account of another person is subject to specific regulation and supervision and that third party is subject to this specific regulation and supervision.

Member States shall ensure that investment firms do not deposit financial instruments held on behalf of clients with a third party in a third country that does not regulate the holding and safekeeping of financial instruments for the account of another person unless one of the following conditions is met:


the nature of the financial instruments or of the investment services connected with those instruments requires them to be deposited with a third party in that third country;


where the financial instruments are held on behalf of a professional client, that client requests the firm in writing to deposit them with a third party in that third country.

Member States shall ensure the requirements under paragraph 2 and 3 shall also apply when the third-party has delegated any of its functions concerning the holding and safekeeping of financial instruments to another third-party.