Updated 18/10/2024
In force

Initial Legal Act
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Table 3

Specifications of indicators




Total assets


FINREP (IFRS or GAAP) → F 01.01, row 380, column 010

Total liabilities


FINREP (IFRS or GAAP) → F 01.02, row 300, column 010

Total fees and commission income


FINREP (IFRS or GAAP) → F 02.00, row 200, column 010

Assets under management


FINREP (IFRS or GAAP) → F 22.02, row 010, column 010

Intra-financial system liabilities


FINREP (IFRS or GAAP) → F 20.06, rows 020 + 030 + 050 + 060 + 100 + 110, column 010, All countries (z-axis)

Intra-financial system assets


FINREP (IFRS or GAAP) → F 20.04, rows 020 + 030 + 050 + 060 + 110 + 120 + 170 + 180, column 010, All countries (z-axis)

Debt securities outstanding


FINREP (IFRS or GAAP) → F 01.02, rows 050 + 090 + 130, column 010

Value of OTC derivatives (notional)


FINREP (IFRS) → F 10.00, rows 300 + 310 + 320, column 030 + F 11.00, rows 510 + 520 + 530, column 030

FINREP (GAAP) → F 10.00, rows 300 + 310 + 320, column 030 + F 11.00, rows 510 + 520 + 530, column 030

Cross-jurisdictional liabilities


FINREP (IFRS or GAAP) → F 20.06, rows 010 + 040 + 070, column 010, All countries except home country (z-axis)

Note: The calculated value should exclude (i) intra-office liabilities and (ii) liabilities of foreign branches and subsidiaries vis-à-vis counterparties in the same host country

Cross-jurisdictional claims


FINREP (IFRS or GAAP) → F 20.04, rows 010 + 040 + 080 + 140, column 010, All countries except home country (z-axis)

Note: The calculated value should exclude (i) intra-office assets and (ii) assets of foreign branches and subsidiaries vis-à-vis counterparties in the same host country

Private sector deposits from depositors in the EU

EU only

FINREP (IFRS or GAAP) → F 20.06, rows 120 + 130, column 010, EU countries (z-axis)

Private sector loans to recipients in the EU

EU only

FINREP (IFRS or GAAP) → F 20.04, rows 190 + 220, column 010, EU countries (z-axis)

Value of domestic payment transactions


Payments made in the reporting year (excluding intra-group payments): this indicator is calculated as the value of a bank's payments sent through all of the main payment systems of which it is a member.

Report the total gross value of all cash payments sent by the relevant entity via large-value payment systems and the gross value of all cash payments sent through an agent bank (e.g. using a correspondent or nostro account) over the reporting year in each indicated currency. All payments sent via an agent bank should be reported, regardless of how the agent bank actually settles the transaction. Do not include intra-group transactions (i.e. transactions processed within or between entities in the same group as the relevant entity). If precise totals are unavailable, known overestimates may be reported.

Payments should be reported regardless of the purpose, location or settlement method. This includes, but is not limited to, cash payments associated with derivatives, securities financing transactions and foreign exchange transactions. Do not include the value of any non-cash items settled in connection with these transactions. Include cash payments made on behalf of the reporting entity as well as those made on behalf of customers (including financial institutions and other commercial customers). Do not include payments made through retail payment systems.

Include only outgoing payments (i.e. exclude payments received). Include the amount of payments made via Continuous Linked Settlement (CLS). Other than CLS payments, do not net any outgoing wholesale payment values, even if the transaction was settled on a net basis (i.e. all wholesale payments made via large-value payment systems or through an agent must be reported on a gross basis). Retail payments sent via large-value payment systems or through an agent may be reported on a net basis.

Please report values in euros, using the official rate specified at http://ec.europa.eu/budget/contracts_grants/info_contracts/inforeuro/inforeuro_en.cfm (for monthly rates) or http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/exchange/eurofxref/html/index.en.html (for daily rates).