Template number |
Template code |
Name of the template or group of templates |
Short name |
1 |
Z 01.00 |
Organisational structure |
2 |
Z 02.00 |
Liability Structure |
3 |
Z 03.00 |
Own funds requirements |
4 |
Z 04.00 |
Intragroup financial interconnections |
5,1 |
Z 05.01 |
Major counterparties (Liabilities) |
MCP 1 |
5,2 |
Z 05.02 |
Major counterparties (off-balance sheet) |
MCP 2 |
6 |
Z 06.00 |
Deposit insurance |
Critical functions and core business lines |
7,1 |
Z 07.01 |
Criticality assessment of economic functions |
FUNC 1 |
7,2 |
Z 07.02 |
Mapping of critical functions to legal entities |
FUNC 2 |
7,3 |
Z 07.03 |
Mapping of core business lines to legal entities |
FUNC 3 |
7,4 |
Z 07.04 |
Mapping of critical functions to core business lines |
FUNC 4 |
8 |
Z 08.00 |
Critical services |
FMI services - providers and users |
9 |
Z 09.00 |
FMI Services - Providers and Users - Mapping to Critical Functions (FMI) |
FMI 1 |
Information systems |
10,1 |
Z 10.01 |
Critical Information systems (General information) |
CIS 1 |
10,2 |
Z 10.02 |
Mapping of information systems |
CIS 2 |
Z 01.00 - Organisational structure (ORG)
Entity |
Direct Parent |
Name |
Code |
LEI code |
Entity type |
Country |
Included in prudential consolidation |
Art 7 CRR Waiver |
Art 10 CRR waiver |
Total assets |
Total Risk Exposure Amount |
Leverage ratio exposure |
Accounting standard |
Contribution to total consolidated assets |
Contribution to total consolidated risk exposure amount |
Contribution to consolidated Leverage Ratio Exposure |
Name |
Code |
LEI code |
Share Capital |
Voting rights in the entity |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
0060 |
0070 |
0080 |
0090 |
0100 |
0110 |
0120 |
0130 |
0140 |
0150 |
0160 |
0170 |
0180 |
0190 |
0200 |
0210 |
Z 02.00 - Liability Structure (LIAB)
Counterparty |
Households |
Non-financial corporations (SMEs) |
Non-financial corporations (non-SMEs) |
Credit institutions |
Other financial corporations |
General governments & Central banks |
Non identified, listed on a trading venue |
Non identified, not listed on a trading venue |
of which: intragroup |
of which: liabilities governed by the law of a third-country, excluding intragroup |
Row |
Item |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
0060 |
0070 |
0080 |
0090 |
0100 |
0110 |
0100 |
0110 |
Covered deposits |
0120 |
Secured liabilities - collateralised part |
0130 |
Client liabilities, if protected in insolvency |
0140 |
Fiduciary liabilities, if protected in insolvency |
0150 |
Institution liabilities < 7 days |
0161 |
System (operator) and CCP liabilities < 7 days |
0170 |
Employee liabilities |
0180 |
Liabilities critical to operational daily functioning |
0190 |
Tax and social security authorities liabilities, if preferred |
0200 |
DGS liabilities |
0210 |
Liabilities towards other entities of the resolution group |
0300 |
0310 |
Deposits, not covered but preferential |
0311 |
of which: residual maturity <= 1 month |
0312 |
of which: residual maturity > 1 month < 1 year |
0313 |
of which: residual maturity >= 1 year and < 2 years |
0314 |
of which: residual maturity >= 2 years |
0320 |
Deposits, not covered and not preferential |
0321 |
of which: residual maturity <= 1 month |
0322 |
of which: residual maturity > 1 month < 1 year |
0323 |
of which: residual maturity >= 1 year and < 2 years |
0324 |
of which: residual maturity >= 2 years |
0330 |
Balance sheet liabilities arising from derivatives |
0331 |
Sum of net liability positions taking into account contractual netting sets, after mark-to-market adjustments, prior to collateral offset |
0332 |
Sum of net liability positions taking into account contractual netting sets, after mark-to-market adjustments, post collateral offset |
0333 |
Sum of net liability positions taking into account contractual netting sets, after mark-to-market adjustments, post collateral offset, incorporating estimated close-out amounts |
0334 |
Sum of net liability positions taking into account prudential netting rules |
0340 |
Uncollateralised secured liabilities |
0341 |
of which: residual maturity <= 1 month |
0342 |
of which: residual maturity > 1 month < 1 year |
0343 |
of which: residual maturity >= 1 year and < 2 years |
0344 |
of which: residual maturity >= 2 years |
0350 |
Structured notes |
0351 |
of which: residual maturity <= 1 month |
0352 |
of which: residual maturity > 1 month < 1 year |
0353 |
of which: residual maturity >= 1 year and < 2 years |
0354 |
of which: residual maturity >= 2 years |
0360 |
Senior unsecured liabilities |
0361 |
of which: residual maturity <= 1 month |
0362 |
of which: residual maturity > 1 month < 1 year |
0363 |
of which: residual maturity >= 1 year and < 2 years |
0364 |
of which: residual maturity >= 2 years |
0365 |
Senior non-preferred liabilities |
0366 |
of which: residual maturity <= 1 month |
0367 |
of which: residual maturity > 1 month < 1 year |
0368 |
of which: residual maturity >= 1 year and < 2 years |
0369 |
of which: residual maturity >= 2 years |
0370 |
Subordinated liabilities (not recognised as own funds) |
0371 |
of which: residual maturity <= 1 month |
0372 |
of which: residual maturity > 1 month < 1 year |
0373 |
of which: residual maturity >= 1 year and < 2 years |
0374 |
of which: residual maturity >= 2 years |
0380 |
Other MREL eligible liabilities |
0381 |
of which: residual maturity >= 1 year and < 2 years |
0382 |
of which: residual maturity >= 2 years |
0390 |
Non-financial liabilities |
0400 |
Residual liabilities |
0500 |
0510 |
Common Equity Tier 1 Capital |
0511 |
of which: capital instruments/share capital |
0512 |
of which: instruments ranking pari passu with ordinary shares |
0520 |
Additional Tier 1 capital |
0521 |
of which: (part of) subordinated liabilities recognised as own funds |
0530 |
Tier 2 Capital |
0531 |
of which: (part of) subordinated liabilities recognised as own funds |
0600 |
Z 03.00 - Own funds requirements (OWN)
Amount or Percentage |
0010 |
0100 |
0110 |
Contribution to total consolidated risk exposure amount |
0120 |
Total Exposure Measure |
0210 |
Initial capital |
0220 |
Leverage Ratio Requirement |
0300 |
0310 |
TSCR: to be made up of CET1 capital |
0320 |
TSCR: to be made up of Tier 1 capital |
0400 |
0410 |
Capital Conservation Buffer |
0420 |
Conservation buffer due to macro-prudential or systemic risk identified at the level of a Member State |
0430 |
Institution-Specific Countercyclical Capital Buffer |
0440 |
Systemic Risk Buffer |
0450 |
Global Systemically Important Institution Buffer |
0460 |
Other Systemically Important Institution Buffer |
0500 |
Overall capital requirement (OCR) ratio |
0510 |
OCR: to be made up of CET1 capital |
0520 |
OCR: to be made up of Tier 1 capital |
0600 |
OCR and Pillar 2 Guidance (P2G) |
0610 |
OCR and P2G: to be made up of CET1 capital |
0620 |
OCR and P2G: to be made up of Tier 1 capital |
Z 04.00 - Intragroup financial interconnections (IFC)
Issuer or guaranteed entity |
Creditor, holder or guarantee provider |
Financial interconnection |
Entity name |
Code |
Entity name |
Code |
Type |
Outstanding amount |
of which issued under 3rd ctry law |
of which MREL eligible |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
0060 |
0070 |
0080 |
Z 05.01 - Major Liability Counterparties (MCP 1)
Counterparty |
Type |
Outstanding amount |
Entity name |
Code |
Group or individual |
Country |
Sector |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
0060 |
0070 |
Z 05.02 - Major off-balance sheet counterparties (MCP 2)
Counterparty |
Type |
Amount |
Entity name |
Code |
Group or individual |
Country |
Sector |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
0060 |
0070 |
Z 06.00 - Deposit insurance (DIS)
Legal Entity |
DGS Membership |
Institutional Protection Scheme |
Additional protection under contractual scheme |
Entity name |
Code |
Amount of covered deposits |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
0060 |
Z 07.01 - Criticality assessment of economic functions (FUNC 1)
Country: |
Row |
Economic functions |
Quantitative Data |
Criticality Assessment |
ID |
Economic function |
Description of economic function |
Market share |
Monetary amount |
Numeric indicator |
Impact on market |
Substitutability |
Critical Function |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
0060 |
0070 |
1 |
Deposits |
0010 |
1,1 |
Households |
0020 |
1,2 |
Non-financial corporations - SMEs |
0030 |
1,3 |
Non-financial corporations - non-SMEs |
0040 |
1,4 |
General Governments |
0050 |
1,5 |
Other sectors/counterparties (1) |
0060 |
1,6 |
Other sectors/counterparties (2) |
0070 |
1,7 |
Other sectors/counterparties (2) |
2 |
Lending |
0080 |
2,1 |
Households - lending for house purchase |
0090 |
2,2 |
Households - other lending |
0100 |
2,3 |
Non-financial corporations - SMEs |
0110 |
2,4 |
Non-financial corporations - non-SMEs |
0120 |
2,5 |
General Governments |
0130 |
2,6 |
Other sectors/counterparties (1) |
0140 |
2,7 |
Other sectors/counterparties (2) |
0150 |
2,8 |
Other sectors/counterparties (3) |
3 |
Payments, Cash, Settlement, Clearing, Custody services |
0160 |
3,1 |
Payment services to MFIs |
0170 |
3,2 |
Payment services to non-MFIs |
0180 |
3,3 |
Cash services |
0190 |
3,4 |
Securities settlement services |
0200 |
3,5 |
CCP clearing services |
0210 |
3,6 |
Custody services |
0220 |
3,7 |
Other services/activities/functions (1) |
0230 |
3,8 |
Other services/activities/functions (2) |
0240 |
3,9 |
Other services/activities/functions (3) |
4 |
Capital Markets |
0250 |
4,1 |
Derivatives held for trading - OTC |
0260 |
4,2 |
Derivatives held for trading - non-OTC |
0270 |
4,3 |
Secondary markets/trading (held-for-trading only) |
0280 |
4,4 |
Primary Markets/underwriting |
0290 |
4,5 |
Other services/activities/functions (1) |
0300 |
4,6 |
Other services/activities/functions (2) |
0310 |
4,7 |
Other services/activities/functions (3) |
5 |
Wholesale Funding |
0320 |
5,1 |
Borrowing |
0330 |
5,2 |
Derivatives (assets) |
0340 |
5,3 |
Lending |
0350 |
5,4 |
Derivatives (liabilities) |
0360 |
5,5 |
Other product types (1) |
0370 |
5,6 |
Other product types (2) |
0380 |
5.7 |
Other product types (3) |
Z 07.02 - Mapping of critical functions by legal entity (FUNC 2)
Critical functions |
Legal entity |
Monetary importance |
Country |
ID |
Entity name |
Code |
Monetary amount |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
Z 07.03 - Mapping of Core Business Lines to legal entities (FUNC 3)
Core business line |
Legal entity |
Core business line |
Business Line ID |
Description |
Entity name |
Code |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
Z 07.04 - Mapping of critical functions to core business lines (FUNC 4)
Critical functions |
Core business line |
Country |
Function ID |
Core business line |
Business Line ID |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
Z 08.00 - Critical services (SERV)
Identifier |
Service type |
Service recipient |
Service provider |
Critical function |
Estimated time for substitutability |
Estimated time for access to contracts |
Governing law |
Resolution-proof contract |
Entity Name |
Code |
Entity Name |
Code |
Part of the group |
Country |
ID |
0005 |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
0060 |
0070 |
0080 |
0090 |
0100 |
0110 |
0120 |
Z 09.00 - FMI Services - Providers and Users - Mapping to Critical Functions (FMI)
User |
Critical function |
Provider |
Governing law |
Entity Name |
Code |
Country |
ID |
Financial Market Infrastructure (FMI) |
Participation mode |
Intermediary |
Service Description |
System Type |
Name |
FMI Code |
Name |
Code |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
0060 |
0070 |
0080 |
0090 |
0100 |
0110 |
0120 |
Z 10.01 - Critical Information systems (General information) (CIS 1)
Critical information system |
Group Entity Responsible for the System |
System Identification Code |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Entity Name |
Code |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
0060 |
Z 10.02 - Mapping of information systems (CIS 2)
System Identification Code |
Group Entity user of the System |
Critical service |
Critical function |
Entity Name |
Code |
Identifier |
Country |
ID |
0010 |
0020 |
0030 |
0040 |
0050 |
0060 |