Updated 18/10/2024
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Article 4 - Determination of the treatment of shareholders and creditors under normal insolvency proceedings

Article 4

Determination of the treatment of shareholders and creditors under normal insolvency proceedings

1.   The methodology for conducting the valuation pursuant to point (a) of Article 3 shall be limited to determining the discounted amount of expected cash flows under normal insolvency proceedings.

2.   Expected cash flows shall be discounted at the rate or rates reflecting, as appropriate, the timing associated with expected cash flows, prevailing circumstances as of the resolution decision date, risk-free interest rates, risk premia for similar financial instruments issued by similar entities, market conditions or discount rates applied by potential acquirers and other relevant characteristics of the element or elements being valued (‘relevant discount rate’). The relevant discount rate shall not apply where particular rates, if relevant for the purposes of the valuation, are specified in applicable insolvency law or practice.

3.   The valuer shall take the following into account in the determination of the discounted amount of expected cash flows under normal insolvency proceedings:


applicable insolvency law and practice in the relevant jurisdiction, which may influence factors such as the expected disposal period or recovery rates;


reasonably foreseeable administration, transaction, maintenance, disposal and other costs which would have been incurred by an administrator or insolvency practitioner, as well as financing costs;


the information on recent past insolvency cases of similar entities, where available and relevant.

4.   For assets traded in an active market, the valuer shall use the observed price, except where specific circumstances hamper the marketability of the assets of the entity, such as concentration, saturation and depth of the market.

5.   For assets not traded in an active market, the valuer shall consider a number of factors when determining the amount and timing of expected cash flows, including:


prices observed in active markets where similar assets are traded;


prices observed in normal insolvency proceedings or otherwise distressed transactions involving assets of a similar nature and condition;


prices observed in transactions involving the sale of business or the transfer to a bridge institution or an asset management vehicle in a resolution context relating to similar entities;


the likelihood of an asset generating net cash inflows under normal insolvency proceedings;


expected market conditions within a given disposal period, including market depth and the ability of the market to exchange the relevant volume of assets within that period; and


the length of a given disposal period shall reflect the implications of the applicable insolvency law, including the expected length of the liquidation process, or the characteristics of the relevant assets.

6.   The valuer shall consider whether the financial condition of the entity would have affected the expected cash flows, including through restrictions on the administrator's ability to negotiate terms with potential purchasers.

7.   Where possible, and subject to any applicable provision of the relevant insolvency regime, the cash flows shall reflect the contractual, statutory, or other legal rights of creditors or normal insolvency practices.

8.   The hypothetical proceeds resulting from the valuation shall be allocated to shareholders and creditors in accordance with their priority level under the applicable insolvency law, as provided for in Article 3.

9.   For the purpose of determining any unsecured amount of derivatives claims in insolvency, the valuer shall apply methodologies set out in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1401 (4), to the extent consistent with insolvency law and practice.

(4)  Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1401 of 23 May 2016 supplementing Directive 2014/59/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms with regard to regulatory technical standards for methodologies and principles on the valuation of liabilities arising from derivatives (OJ L 228, 23.8.2016, p. 7).