Updated 18/10/2024
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Initial Legal Act
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Article 2 - Determination of the amount necessary to continue to comply with conditions for authorisation and to carry out activities and sustain market confidence in the institution

Article 2

Determination of the amount necessary to continue to comply with conditions for authorisation and to carry out activities and sustain market confidence in the institution

1.   Resolution authorities shall determine an amount of recapitalisation which would be necessary to implement the preferred resolution strategy, as identified in the resolution planning process.

2.   Where the resolvability assessment concludes that liquidation of the institution under normal insolvency proceedings is feasible and credible, the recapitalisation amount shall be zero, unless the resolution authority determines that a positive amount is necessary on the grounds that liquidation would not achieve the resolution objectives to the same extent as an alternative resolution strategy.

3.   When estimating the institution's regulatory capital needs after implementation of the preferred resolution strategy, the resolution authority shall use the most recent reported values for the relevant total risk exposure amount or leverage ratio denominator, as applicable, unless all the following factors apply:


the resolution plan identifies, explains, and quantifies any change in regulatory capital needs immediately as a result of resolution action;


the change referred to in point (a) is considered in the resolvability assessment to be both feasible and credible without adversely affecting the provision of critical functions by the institution, and without recourse to extraordinary financial support other than contributions from resolution financing arrangements, consistently with Article 101(2) of Directive 2014/59/EU and the principles governing their use set out in paragraphs 5 and 8 of Article 44 of that Directive.

4.   Where the changes referred to in paragraph 3 are dependent on the actions of a purchaser of assets or business lines of the institution under resolution, or of third parties, the resolution authority shall prepare a reasoned explanation to the competent authority regarding the feasibility and credibility of that change.

5.   The recapitalisation amount shall be at least equal to the amount necessary to satisfy applicable capital requirements necessary to comply with the conditions for authorisation after the implementation of the preferred resolution strategy.

6.   The capital requirements referred to in paragraph 5 shall include the following:


own funds requirements pursuant to Articles 92 and 458 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, which include:


a CET1 capital ratio of 4,5 % of the total risk exposure amount;


a Tier 1 capital ratio of 6 % of the total risk exposure amount;


a total capital ratio of 8 % of the total risk exposure amount;


any requirement to hold own funds in excess of the requirement listed in point (a) of this paragraph, in particular pursuant to point (a) of Article 104(1) of Directive 2013/36/EU;


the Basel I floor according to Article 500 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013;


any applicable leverage ratio requirement.

7.   The recapitalisation amount shall also include any additional amount that the resolution authority considers necessary to maintain sufficient market confidence after resolution.

8.   The default additional amount shall be equal to the combined buffer requirement, as specified in Chapter 4, Section 1 of Directive 2013/36/EU which would apply to the institution after the application of resolution tools.

The additional amount required by the resolution authority may be lower than the default amount, if the resolution authority determines that a lower amount would be sufficient to sustain market confidence and ensure both the continued provision of critical economic functions by the institution and the access to funding without recourse to extraordinary financial support other than contributions from resolution financing arrangements, consistently with Article 101(2) and paragraphs 5 and 8 of Article 44 of Directive 2014/59/EU.

The assessment of the amount necessary to support market confidence shall take into account whether the capital position of the institution after the resolution would be appropriate in comparison with the current capital position of peer institutions.

9.   The resolution authority may determine, in consultation with the competent authority and taking into account information received from the competent authority relating to the institution's business model, funding model, and risk profile pursuant to Article 4, that, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3, it would be feasible and credible for all or part of any additional own funds requirement or buffer requirements currently applicable to the entity not to apply after implementation of the resolution strategy. In this case that part of the requirement may be disregarded for the purposes of determining the recapitalisation amount.

10.   The assessment referred to in paragraph 7 shall take account of capital resources in other group entities which would credibly and feasibly be available to support market confidence in the entity following resolution, in the case of entities which:


are subsidiaries of a group subject to a consolidated MREL;


would continue to fulfil the conditions referred to in point (a) following implementation of the preferred resolution strategy; and


would not be expected to maintain market confidence and access to funding on an individual basis following implementation of the preferred resolution strategy.

11.   Where the assets, liabilities or business lines of the institution are to be split between more than one entity following implementation of the preferred resolution strategy, references to risk exposure amounts and capital requirements in paragraphs 1 to 10 should be understood as the aggregate amounts across these entities.