Article 67
Consultation with resolution college members
College members consulted by the group-level resolution authority shall provide their comments on the draft group resolution plan and the resolvability assessment within the time limit specified under Article 61(2)(g).
In particular, the relevant competent authorities referred to in Articles 115 and 116 of Directive 2013/36/EU shall provide their opinion with regard to the assessment of the resolvability of the entities in their jurisdiction.
Where any of the authorities considers that there are substantive impediments to the resolvability of the group or any of its entities, it shall communicate its assessment to the group-level resolution authority in a timely manner and in any event by the time limit specified under Article 61(2)(g).
The group-level resolution authority shall transmit to the resolution authorities of subsidiaries the comments received from the other resolution college members, including comments on the assessment of the resolvability of the entities in their jurisdiction expressed by these authorities.