Updated 18/10/2024
In force

Version from: 21/03/2024
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Article 17 - Enforcement

Article 17


Where institutions do not submit all the information referred in Article 14 within the timeframe foreseen in that Article, the resolution authority shall use estimates or its own assumptions in order to calculate the annual contribution of the institution concerned.
Where the information is not provided by 31 January each year, the resolution authority may assign the institution concerned to the highest risk adjusting multiplier as referred to in Article 9.
Where the information submitted by the institutions to the resolution authority is subject to restatements or revisions, the resolution authority shall adjust the annual contribution in accordance with the updated information upon the calculation of the annual contribution of that institution for the following contribution period.
Any difference between the annual contribution calculated and paid on the basis of the information subject to restatements or revision and the annual contribution which should have been paid following the adjustment of the annual contribution shall be settled in the amount of the annual contribution due for the following contribution period. That adjustment shall be made by decreasing or increasing the contributions to the following contribution period.