Updated 09/03/2025
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Version from: 08/01/2023
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ANNEX XXXVII - Implementing Regulation 2021/637


Table EU IRRBBA - Qualitative information on interest rate risks of non-trading book activities

Free format text boxes for disclosure of qualitative information

Row number

Qualitative information - free format

Legal basis


A description of how the institution defines IRRBB for purposes of risk control and measurement


Article 448(1), point (e)


A description of the institution's overall IRRBB management and mitigation strategies


Article 448(1), point (f)


The periodicity of the calculation of the institution's IRRBB measures, and a description of the specific measures that the institution uses to gauge its sensitivity to IRRBB


Article 448(1), points (e) (i) and (v); Article 448(2)


A description of the interest rate shock and stress scenarios that the institution uses to estimate changes in the economic value and in net interest income (if applicable)


Article 448(1), point (e) (iii); Article 448(2)

(e )

A description of the key modelling and parametric assumptions different from those used for disclosure of template EU IRRBB1 (if applicable)


Article 448(1), point (e) (ii); Article 448(2)


A high-level description of how the Institution hedges its IRRBB, as well as the associated accounting treatment (if applicable)


Article 448(1), point (e) (iv); Article 448(2)


A description of key modelling and parametric assumptions used for the IRRBB measures in template EU IRRBB1 (if applicable)


Article 448(1), point (c); Article 448(2)


Explanation of the significance of the IRRBB measures and of their significant variations since previous disclosures


Article 448(1), point (d)


Any other relevant information regarding the IRRBB measures disclosed in template EU IRRBB1 (optional)



(1) (2)

Disclosure of the average and longest repricing maturity assigned to non-maturity deposits


Article 448(1), point (g)

Template EU IRRBB1 - Interest rate risks of non-trading book activities

Supervisory shock scenarios





Changes of the economic value of equity

Changes of the net interest income

Current period

Last period

Current period

Last period


Parallel up






Parallel down


















Short rates up






Short rates down