Article 11
Calculation of model risk AVA
The expert-based approach shall consider all of the following:
complexity of products relevant to the model;
diversity of possible mathematical approaches and model parameters, where those model parameters are not related to market variables;
the degree to which the market for relevant products is ‘one way’;
the existence of unhedgeable risks in relevant products;
the adequacy of the model in capturing the behaviour of the pay-off of the products in the portfolio.
Institutions shall notify competent authorities of the models for which this approach is applied, and the methodology used to determine the AVA.
Where institutions use the method described in paragraph 4, the prudence of the method shall be confirmed annually by comparing the following:
the AVAs calculated using the method described in paragraph 4, if it were applied to a material sample of the valuation models for which the institution applies the method in paragraph 3; and
the AVAs produced by the method in paragraph 3 for the same sample of valuation models.