Updated 09/03/2025
In force

Version from: 08/07/2022
Amendments (5)
QA2017_3266 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Updated: 26/03/2021
Art. 32
QA2021_6163 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Answered: 30/09/2022
Art. 32
QA2022_6330 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 29/04/2022
Art. 32
QA2022_6341 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 21/12/2022
Art. 32
QA2022_6386 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Answered: 22/12/2022
Art. 32
QA2022_6415 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 26/07/2022
Art. 32
QA2022_6596 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 26/01/2023
Art. 32
QA2023_6699 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 28/03/2023
Art. 32
QA2024_7000 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 05/03/2024
Art. 32
QA2024_7053 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Answered: 03/05/2024
Art. 32
QA2022_6599 - Supervisory reporting - Liquidity (LCR, NSFR, AMM)
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 21/12/2022
Art. 32
QA2013_191 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Updated: 26/03/2021
Art. 32(1)
QA2015_1962 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Updated: 26/03/2021
Art. 32(1)
QA2015_2112 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Updated: 26/03/2021
Art. 32(1)
QA2016_2992 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Updated: 26/03/2021
Art. 32(1)
QA2019_4837 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Answered: 26/02/2021
Art. 32(1)
QA2023_6858 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 23/10/2023
Art. 32(1)
QA2015_2136 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 11/02/2022
Art. 32(2)
QA2015_2030 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 11/02/2022
Art. 32(2)(a)
QA2023_6806 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 14/09/2023
Art. 32(2)(a)
QA2020_5075 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 26/01/2023
Art. 32(2)(b)
QA2016_2585 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Updated: 26/03/2021
Art. 32(3)
QA2018_3959 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 11/02/2022
Art. 32(3)
QA2017_3475 - Supervisory reporting - Liquidity (LCR, NSFR, AMM)
Status: Final
Answered: 13/12/2019
Art. 32(3)
QA2014_897 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Updated: 26/03/2021
Art. 32(3)(a)
QA2018_3745 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Updated: 26/03/2021
Art. 32(3)(b)
QA2023_6772 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 04/05/2023
Art. 32(3)(e)
QA2022_6557 - Supervisory reporting - Liquidity (LCR, NSFR, AMM)
Status: Final
Answered: 26/05/2023
Art. 32(3)(e)
QA2019_4971 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Answered: 24/09/2021
Art. 32(3)(g)
QA2015_1855 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Updated: 26/03/2021
Art. 32(3)(2)
QA2016_2595 - Liquidity risk
Status: Rejected
Repelled: 11/02/2022
Art. 32(5)
QA2017_3163 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Updated: 26/03/2021
Art. 32(5)
QA2019_4705 - Liquidity risk
Status: Final
Answered: 07/08/2020
Art. 32(5)
Search within this legal act

Article 32 - Delegated Regulation 2015/61

Article 32


Liquidity inflows shall be assessed over a period of 30 calendar days. They shall comprise only contractual inflows from exposures that are not past due and for which the credit institution has no reason to expect non-performance within 30 calendar days.

Credit institutions shall apply a 100 % inflow rate to inflows referred to in paragraph 1, including in particular the following inflows:


monies due from central banks and financial customers with a residual maturity of no more than 30 calendar days;


monies due from trade finance transactions referred to in point (b) of the second subparagraph of Article 162(3) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 with a residual maturity of no more than 30 calendar days;


monies due from securities maturing within 30 calendar days;


monies due from positions in major indexes of equity instruments, provided there is no double counting with liquid assets. Those monies shall include monies contractually due within 30 calendar days, such as cash dividends from those major indexes and cash due from those equity instruments sold but not yet settled, if they are not recognised as liquid assets in accordance with Title II.


By way of derogation from paragraph 2, the inflows set out in this paragraph shall be subject to the following requirements:


monies due from non-financial customers with a residual maturity of no more than 30 calendar days, with the exception of monies due from those customers from trade finance transactions or maturing securities, shall be reduced for the purposes of principal payment by 50 % of their value. For the purposes of this point, the term ‘non-financial customers’ shall have the same meaning as in Article 31a(2). However, credit institutions acting as intermediaries that have received a commitment as referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 31(9) from a credit institution set up and sponsored by the central or regional government of at least one Member State in order for them to disburse a promotional loan to a final recipient, or have received a similar commitment from a multilateral development bank or a public sector entity, may take an inflow into account up to the amount of the outflow that they apply to the corresponding commitment to extend those promotional loans;


monies due from securities financing transactions and capital market-driven transactions with a residual maturity of no more than 30 calendar days shall be multiplied by:


0 % where they are collateralised by assets that, whether or not they are re-used in another transaction, would qualify in accordance with Articles 7 and 10 of this Regulation as liquid assets of any of the categories of level 1 asset referred to in Article 10, with the exception of extremely high quality covered bonds referred to in point (f) of Article 10(1);


7 % where they are collateralised by assets that, whether or not they are re-used in another transaction, would qualify in accordance with Articles 7 and 10 of this Regulation as liquid assets of the category referred to in point (f) of Article 10(1);


15 % where they are collateralised by assets that, whether or not they are re-used in another transaction, would qualify in accordance with Articles 7 and 11 of this Regulation as liquid assets of any of the categories of level 2A asset referred to in Article 11;


25 % where they are collateralised by assets that, whether or not they are re-used in another transaction, would qualify in accordance with Articles 7 and 13 of this Regulation as liquid assets of any of the categories of level 2B asset referred to in point (i), (ii) or (iv) of point (g) of Article 13(2);


30 % where they are collateralised by assets that, whether or not they are re-used in another transaction, would qualify in accordance with Articles 7 and 12 of this Regulation as liquid assets of the category of level 2B asset referred to in point (e) of Article 12(1);


35 % where they are collateralised by assets that, whether or not they are re-used in another transaction, would qualify in accordance with Articles 7 and 13 of this Regulation as liquid assets of any of the categories of level 2B asset referred to in point (iii) or (v) of point (g) of Article 13(2);


50 % if they are collateralised by assets that, whether or not they are re-used in another transaction, would qualify in accordance with Articles 7 and 12 of this Regulation as liquid assets of any of the categories of level 2B asset referred to in point (b), (c) or (f) of Article 12(1);


the percentage minimum haircut determined in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3) of Article 15 of this Regulation if they are collateralised by assets that, whether or not they are re-used in another transaction, would qualify in accordance with Articles 7 and 15 as shares or units in CIUs of the same level as the underlying liquid assets;


100 % where they are collateralised by assets that do not fall within any of points (i) to (viii) of this point.

However, no inflow shall be recognised where the collateral is used by the credit institution to cover a short position in accordance with the second sentence of Article 30(5);


monies due from contractual margin loans maturing in the next 30 calendar days made against non-liquid assets collateral may receive a 50 % inflow rate. Those inflows may only be considered where the credit institution is not using the collateral it originally received against the loans to cover any short positions;


monies due that the credit institution owing those monies treats in accordance with Article 27, with the exception of deposits at the central institution referred to in Article 27(3), shall be multiplied by a corresponding symmetrical inflow rate. Where the corresponding rate cannot be established, a 5 % inflow rate shall be applied;


collateral swaps, and other transactions with a similar form that mature within 30 calendar days shall lead to an inflow where the asset lent is subject to a lower haircut under Chapter 2 than the asset borrowed. The inflow shall be calculated by multiplying the market value of the asset lent by the difference between the inflow rate applicable to the asset borrowed and the inflow rate applicable to the asset lent in accordance with the rates specified in point (b). For the purposes of this calculation, a 100 % haircut shall apply to assets that do not qualify as liquid assets;


where the collateral obtained through reverse repos, securities borrowings, collateral swaps, or other transactions with a similar form, maturing within 30 calendar days is used to cover short positions that can be extended beyond 30 calendar days, the credit institution shall assume that such reverse repos, securities borrowings, collateral swaps or other transactions with a similar form will be rolled-over and will not give rise to any cash inflows reflecting the need to continue to cover the short position or to re-purchase the relevant securities. Short positions shall include both instances where in a matched book the credit institution sold short a security outright as part of a trading or hedging strategy and instances where in a matched book the credit institution has borrowed a security for a given period and lent the security out for a longer period;


undrawn credit or liquidity facilities, including undrawn committed liquidity facilities from central banks, and other commitments received, other than those referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 31(9) and in Article 34, shall not be taken into account as an inflow;


monies due from securities issued by the credit institution itself or by a SSPE with which the credit institution has close links shall be taken into account on a net basis with an inflow rate applied on the basis of the inflow rate applicable to the underlying assets in accordance with this Article;


loans with an undefined contractual end date shall be taken into account with a 20 % inflow rate, provided that the contract allows the credit institution to withdraw or to request payment within 30 calendar days.

 Paragraph 3, point (a), shall not apply to monies due from securities financing transactions and capital market-driven transactions that are collateralised by liquid assets in accordance with Title II as referred to in paragraph 3, point (b). Inflows from the release of balances held in segregated accounts in accordance with regulatory requirements for the protection of customer trading assets shall be taken into account in full, provided that those segregated balances are maintained in liquid assets as defined in Title II.
Outflows and inflows expected over 30 calendar days from the contracts listed in Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 and from credit derivatives shall be calculated on a net basis in accordance with Article 21 and shall be multiplied by a 100 % inflow rate in the event of a net inflow.
Credit institutions shall not take into account any inflows from any of the liquid assets referred to in Title II other than payments due on the assets that are not reflected in the market value of the asset.
Credit institutions shall not take into account inflows from any new obligations entered into.
Credit institutions shall take liquidity inflows which are to be received in third countries where there are transfer restrictions or which are denominated in non-convertible currencies into account only to the extent that they correspond to outflows respectively in the third country or currency in question.