Updated 05/02/2025
In force

Version from: 28/03/2024
Amendments (2)
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ANNEX II - Implementing Regulation 650/2014


Options and discretions

List of templates

Part 1

Options and discretions set out in Directive 2013/36/EU, Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 and LCR Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/61

Part 2

Transitional options and discretions set out in Directive 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 575/2013

Part 3

Variable elements of remuneration (Article 94 of Directive 2013/36/EU)

Part 1

Options and discretions set out in Directive 2013/36/EU, Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 and LCR Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/61


Directive 2013/36/EU

Regulation (EU) No 575/2013

LCR Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/61



Description of the option or discretion

Exercised (Y/N/NA) (1)

National text (2)

Reference(s) (3)

Available in EN (Y/N)

Details / Comments


Date of the last update of information in this template




Article 9(2)



Member States

Exception to the prohibition against persons or undertakings other than credit institutions from taking deposits or other repayable funds from the public

The prohibition against persons or undertakings other than credit institutions from carrying out the business of taking deposits or other repayable funds from the public shall not apply to a Member State, a Member State's regional or local authorities, a public international bodies of which one or more Member States are members, or to cases expressly covered by national or union law, provided that those activities are subject to regulations and controls intended to protect depositors and investors.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 12(3)



Member States

Initial capital

Member States may decide that credit institutions which do not fulfil the requirements to hold separate own funds and which were in existence on 15 December 1979 may continue to carry out their business.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 12(3)



Member States

Initial capital

Credit Institutions for which Member States have decided that they can continue to carry out their business according to Article 12(3) of Directive 2013/36/EU may be exempted by MS from complying with the requirements contained in the first subparagraph of Article 13(1) of Directive 2013/36/EU.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 12(4)



Member States

Initial capital

Member States may grant authorisation to particular categories of credit institutions the initial capital of which is less that EUR 5 million, provided that the initial capital is not less than EUR 1 million and the Member State concerned notifies the Commission and EBA of its reasons for exercising that option.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 21(1)



Competent Authorities

Exemptions for credit institutions permanently affiliated to a central body

Competent authorities may exempt with regard to credit institutions permanently affiliated to a central body from the requirements set out in Articles 10, 12 and 13(1) of Directive 2013/36/EU.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 40



Competent Authorities

Reporting requirements to host competent authorities

The competent authorities of host Member States may, for information, statistical or supervisory purposes, require that all credit institutions having branches within their territories shall report to them periodically on their activities in those host Member States, in particular to assess whether a branch is significant in accordance with Article 51(1) of Directive 2013/36/EU.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 133(1)



Member States

Requirement to maintain a systemic risk buffer

Member States may introduce a systemic risk buffer of Common Equity Tier 1 capital for the financial sector or one or more subsets of that sector on all or a subset of exposures.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 134(1)



Member States

Recognition of a systemic risk buffer rate

Other Member States may recognise the systemic risk buffer rate set according to Article 133 and may apply that buffer rate to domestically authorised institutions for the exposures located in the Member State setting that buffer rate.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 152 first paragraph



Member States

Reporting requirements to host competent authorities

The competent authorities of host Member States may, for statistical purposes, require that all credit institutions having branches within their territories shall report to them periodically on their activities in those host Member States.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 152 second paragraph



Member States

Reporting requirements to host competent authorities

Host Member States may require that branches of credit institutions from other Member States provide the same information as they require from national credit institutions for that purpose.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 131(5)



Competent Authorities


The competent authority or the designated authority may require each O-SII, on a consolidated, sub-consolidated or individual basis, as applicable, to maintain an O-SII buffer of up to 3 % of the total risk exposure amount calculated in accordance with Article 92(3) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, taking into account the criteria for the identification of the O-SII. That buffer shall consist of Common Equity Tier 1 capital.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 160(6)



Competent Authorities

Transitional provisions for capital buffers

Member States may impose a shorter transitional period for capital buffers than that specified in paragraphs 1 to 4 of Article 160. Such a shorter transitional period may be recognised by other Member States.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 4(1)(145), point (b)


Member States

Classification of small and non-complex institutions

Member States may lower the threshold of EUR 5 billion for the average over the four-year period immediately preceding the current annual reporting period of total value of institutions assets on an individual basis or, where applicable, on a consolidated basis in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 and Directive 2013/36/EU.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 4(2)


Member States or Competent Authorities

Treatment of indirect holdings in real estate

Member States or their competent authorities may allow shares constituting an equivalent indirect holding of immovable property to be treated as a direct holding of immovable property provided that such indirect holding is specifically regulated in the national law of the Member State and, when pledged as collateral, provides equivalent protection to creditors.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 24(2)


Competent Authorities

Reporting and the compulsory use of IFRS

Competent authorities may require that institutions effect the valuation of assets and off-balance sheet items and the determination of own funds in accordance with International Accounting Standards as applicable under Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002).


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 89(3)


Competent Authorities

Risk weighting and prohibition of qualifying holdings outside the financial sector

Competent authorities apply the following requirements to qualifying holdings of institutions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2:

for the purpose of calculating the capital requirement in accordance with Part Three of this Regulation, institutions shall apply a risk weight of 1 250  % to the greater of the following:

(i)  the amount of qualifying holdings referred to in paragraph 1 in excess of 15 % of eligible capital;

(ii)  the total amount of qualifying holdings referred to in paragraph 2 that exceed 60 % of the eligible capital of the institution.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 89(3)


Competent Authorities

Risk weighting and prohibition of qualifying holdings outside the financial sector

Competent authorities apply the following requirements to qualifying holdings of institutions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2: the competent authorities shall prohibit institutions from having qualifying holdings referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 the amount of which exceeds the percentages of eligible capital laid down in those paragraphs.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 430(4)


Competent Authorities

Reporting on own funds requirements and financial information

Competent authorities may require credit institutions that determine their own funds on a consolidated basis in accordance with international accounting standards pursuant to Article 24(2) to report financial information in accordance with this Article.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 124(2)


Competent or Designated Authorities

Risk weights and criteria applied to exposures secured by mortgages on immovable property

The authority designated in accordance with paragraph 1a of this Article may increase the risk weights applicable to those exposures within the ranges determined in the fourth subparagraph of this paragraph or impose stricter criteria than those set out in Article 125(2) or 126(2).


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 129(1)


Competent Authorities

Exposures in the form of covered bonds

The competent authorities may, after consulting EBA, partly waive the application of point (c) of the first subparagraph and allow credit quality step 2 for up to 10 % of the total exposure of the nominal amount of outstanding covered bonds of the issuing institution, provided that significant potential concentration problems in the Member States concerned can be documented due to the application of the credit quality step 1 requirement referred to in that point.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 129(1a), point (c)


Competent Authorities

Exposures to credit institutions that qualify for credit quality step 3 in the form of derivative contracts

The competent authorities designated pursuant to Article 18(2) of Directive (EU) 2019/2162 may, after consulting EBA, allow exposures to credit institutions that qualify for credit quality step 3 in the form of derivative contracts, provided that significant potential concentration problems in the Member States concerned due to the application of credit quality step 1 and 2 requirements referred to in this paragraph can be documented.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 129(3a)


Member states

Minimum level of overcollateralisation for covered bonds

Member States may set a lower minimum level of overcollateralisation for covered bonds than 5 % or authorise their competent authorities to set such a level, provided that the conditions in point (a) and (b) of this subparagraph are met.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 164(6)


Competent Authorities

Minimum values of exposure weighted average Loss Given Default (LGD) for exposures secured by property

Based on the data collected under Article 430a and on any other relevant indicators, and taking into account forward-looking immovable property market developments the authority designated in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Article shall periodically, and at least annually, assess whether the minimum LGD values referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, are appropriate for exposures secured by mortgages on residential property or commercial immovable property located in one or more parts of the territory of the Member State of the relevant authority. Where, on the basis of the assessment referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph, the authority designated in accordance with paragraph 5 concludes that the minimum LGD values referred to in paragraph 4 are not adequate, and if it considers that the inadequacy of LGD values could adversely affect current or future financial stability in its Member State, it may set higher minimum LGD values for those exposures located in one or more parts of the territory of the Member State of the relevant authority. Those higher minimum values may also be applied at the level of one or more property segments of such exposures. The authority designated in accordance with paragraph 5 shall notify EBA and the ESRB before making the decision referred to in this paragraph. Within one month of receipt of that notification EBA and the ESRB shall provide their opinion to the Member State concerned. EBA and the ESRB shall publish those LGD values.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 178(1), point (b)


Competent Authorities

Default of an obligor

Competent authorities may replace the 90 days with 180 days for exposures secured by residential property or SME commercial immovable property in the retail exposure class, as well as exposures to public sector entities.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 178(2), point (d)


Competent Authorities

Materiality threshold

Competent authorities shall define the threshold to assess the materiality of a credit obligation past due. This threshold shall reflect a level of risk that the competent authority considers to be reasonable.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 284(4)


Competent Authorities

Exposure value

Competent authorities may require an α higher than 1,4 or permit institutions to use their own estimates in accordance with Article 284 (9)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 284(9)


Competent Authorities

Exposure value

Competent authorities may permit institutions to use their own estimates of alpha


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 327(2)


Competent Authorities

Netting between a convertible and an offsetting position in the underlying instrument

Competent authorities may adopt an approach under which the likelihood of a particular convertible’s being converted is taken into account or require an own funds requirement to cover any loss which conversion might entail.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 395(1)


Competent Authorities

Large exposure limits for exposures to institutions

Competent authorities may set a lower large exposure limit than EUR 150 000 000 for exposures to institutions.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2)(a) 493(3)(a)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt covered bonds falling within the terms of Article 129(1), (3) and (6).


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2), point (b) and 493(3), point (b)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt asset items constituting claims on regional governments or local authorities of Member States.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2)(c) and 493(3)(c)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures incurred by an institution to its parent undertaking, to other subsidiaries of that parent undertaking or to its own subsidiaries and qualifying holdings.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2), point (d) and 493(3), point (d)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures to regional or central credit institutions with which the credit institution is associated in a network and which are responsible for cash-clearing operations within the network.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2), point (e) and 493(3), point (e)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures to credit institutions incurred by credit institutions, one of which operates on a non-competitive basis and provides or guarantees loans under legislative programmes or its statutes, to promote specified sectors of the economy under some form of government oversight and restrictions on the use of the loans, provided that the respective exposures arise from such loans that are passed on to the beneficiaries via credit institutions or from the guarantees of these loans.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2), point (f) and 493(3), point (f)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures to institutions, provided that those exposures do not constitute such institutions' own funds, do not last longer than the following business day and are not denominated in a major trading currency.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2), point (g) and 493(3), point (g)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures to central banks in the form of required minimum reserves held at those central banks which are denominated in their national currencies.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2), point (h) and 493(3), point (h)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures to central governments in the form of statutory liquidity requirements held in government securities which are denominated and funded in their national currencies provided that, at the discretion of the competent authority, the credit assessment of those central governments assigned by a nominated External Credit Assessment Institution is investment grade.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2), point (i) and 493(3), point (i)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt 50 % of medium/low risk off-balance sheet documentary credits and of medium/low risk off-balance sheet undrawn credit facilities referred to in Annex I and subject to the competent authorities’ agreement, 80 % of guarantees other than loan guarantees which have a legal or regulatory basis and are given for their members by mutual guarantee schemes possessing the status of credit institutions.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2), point (j) and 493(3), point (j)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt legally required guarantees used when a mortgage loan financed by issuing mortgage bonds is paid to the mortgage borrower before the final registration of the mortgage in the land register, provided that the guarantee is not used as reducing the risk in calculating the risk-weighted exposure amounts.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2), point (k)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt assets items constituting exposures in the form of a collateral or a guarantee for residential loans.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 493(3), point (k)


Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Member States may fully or partially exempt assets items constituting claims on and other exposures to recognised exchanges.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 400(2), point (l)


Competent Authorities

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures in the form of a guarantee for officially supported export credits.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 412(5)


Member States

Liquidity coverage requirement

Member States may maintain or introduce national provisions in the area of liquidity requirements before binding minimum standards for liquidity coverage requirements are specified and fully introduced in the Union in accordance with Article 460.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 412(5)


Member States or Competent Authorities

Liquidity coverage requirement

Member States or competent authorities may require domestically authorised institutions, or a subset of those institutions to maintain a higher liquidity coverage requirement up to 100 % until the binding minimum standard is fully introduced at a rate of 100 % in accordance with Article 460.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 420(2)


Competent Authorities

Liquidity outflow rate

The competent authorities shall determine the outflows to be assigned to the products and services which are not captured in the Regulation as long as the likelihood and potential volume of the liquidity outflows are material. The competent authorities may apply an outflow rate up to 5 % for trade finance off-balance-sheet related products, as referred to in Article 429 and Annex I.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 428p(10)


Competent Authorities

Required stable funding factors

Competent authorities may determine the required stable funding factors to be applied to off-balance-sheet exposures that are not specified in the CRR.








Article 428q(2)


Competent Authorities

Required stable funding factors

Competent authorities may determine the term of encumbrance for assets that have been segregated.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 428aq(10)


Competent Authorities

Required stable funding factors

Competent authorities may determine the required stable funding factors to be applied to off-balance-sheet exposures that are not referred to in the CRR in relation to the simplified calculation of the net stable funding ratio


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 428ar(2)


Competent Authorities

Required stable funding factors

Competent authorities may determine the term of encumbrance for assets that have been segregated in relation to the simplified calculation of the net stable funding ratio.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 471(1)


Competent Authorities

Exemption from deduction of equity holding in insurance companies from CET1 items

By way of derogation from Article 49(1), during the period from 31 December 2018 to 31 December 2024, institutions may choose not to deduct equity holdings in insurance undertakings, reinsurance undertakings and insurance holding companies where the conditions set out in paragraph 1 of Article 471 are met.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 473(1)


Competent Authorities

Introduction of amendments to IAS 19

By way of derogation from Article 481 during the period from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2018, competent authorities may permit institutions that prepare their accounts in conformity with the international accounting standards adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 to add to their Common Equity Tier 1 capital the applicable amount in accordance with paragraph 2 or 3 of Article 473, as applicable, multiplied by the factor applied in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 473 (4) .


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 478(3)


Competent Authorities

Transitional deductions from Common Equity Tier 1, Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 items

Competent authorities shall determine and publish an applicable percentage in the ranges specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 478 for each of the following deductions:

(a)  the individual deductions required pursuant to points (a) to (h) of Article 36(1), excluding deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and arise from temporary differences;

(b)  the aggregate amount of deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and arise from temporary differences and the items referred to in point (i) of Article 36(1) that is required to be deducted pursuant to Article 48;

(c)  each deduction required pursuant to points (b) to (d) of Article 56;

(d)  each deduction required pursuant to points (b) to (d) of Article 66.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 479(4)


Competent Authorities

Transitional recognition in consolidated Common Equity Tier 1 capital of instruments and items that do not qualify as minority interests

Competent authorities shall determine and publish the applicable percentage in the ranges specified in paragraph 3 of Article 479 (4).


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 480(3)


Competent Authorities

Transitional recognition of minority interests and qualifying Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital

Competent authorities shall determine and publish the value of the applicable factor in the ranges specified in paragraph 2 of Article 480 (4).


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 481(5)


Competent Authorities

Additional transitional filters and deductions

For each filter or deduction referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 481, competent authorities shall determine and publish the applicable percentages in the ranges specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of that Article (4).


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 486(6)


Competent Authorities

Limits for grandfathering of items within Common Equity Tier 1, Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 items

Competent authorities shall determine and publish the applicable percentages in the ranges specified in paragraph 5 of Article 486 (4).


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 495(1)


Competent Authorities

Transitional treatment of equity exposures under the IRB approach

By way of derogation from Chapter 3 of Part Three, until 31 December 2017, the competent authorities may exempt from the IRB treatment certain categories of equity exposures held by institutions and EU subsidiaries of institutions in that Member State as at 31 December 2007 (4).


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y





Article 496(1)


Competent Authorities

Transitional provision on the calculation of own fund requirements for exposures in the form of covered bonds

Until 31 December 2017, competent authorities may waive in full or in part the 10 % limit for senior units issued by French Fonds Communs de Créances or by securitisation entities which are equivalent to French Fonds Communs de Créances laid down in points (d) and (f) of Article 129(1), provided that conditions specified in points (a) and (b) of Article 496(1) are fulfilled (4).


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y






Article 10(1), point (b)(iii)

Competent Authorities

LCR - Liquid assets

The liquidity reserve held by the credit institution in a central bank is recognisable as Level 1 asset provided that it can be withdrawn in times of stress. The purposes under which central bank reserves may be withdrawn for the purposes of this Article must be specified in an agreement between the CA and the ECB or the central bank.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y






Article 10(2)

Competent Authorities

LCR - Liquid assets

The market value of extremely high quality covered bonds referred to in paragraph 1(f) shall be subject to a haircut of at least 7 %. Except as specified in relation to shares and units in CIUs in points (b) and (c) of Article 15(2), no haircut shall be required on the value of the remaining level 1 assets. Those cases where the higher haircuts were set to an entire asset class (all assets subject to a specific and differentiated haircut in the LCR Delegated Regulation) (e.g. to all level 1 covered bonds, etc.).


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y






Article 12(1), point (c)(i)

Competent Authorities

LCR - Level 2B assets

Shares may constitute level 2B assets provided that they form part of a major stock index in a MS or in a third country, as identified as such by the CA of a MS or the relevant public authority in a third country.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y






Article 12(3)

Competent Authorities

LCR - Level 2B assets

For credit institutions which in accordance with their statutes of incorporation are unable for reasons of religious observance to hold interest bearing assets, the competent authority may allow to derogate from points (ii) and (iii) of paragraph 1(b) of this Article, provided there is evidence of insufficient availability of non-interest bearing assets meeting these requirements and the non-interest-bearing assets in question are adequately liquid in private markets.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y






Article 24(6)

Competent Authorities

LCR - Outflows from stable deposits in a third country qualifying for the 3 % rate

Credit institutions may be authorised by their competent authority to multiply by 3 % the amount of the retail deposits covered by a deposit guarantee scheme in a third country equivalent to the scheme referred to in paragraph 1 if the third country allows this treatment.


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




‘Y’ (Yes) indicates that the competetent authority or Member State empowered to exercise the relevant option or discretion has exercised it. ‘N’ (No) Indicates that the competetent authority or Member State empowered to exercise the relevant option or discretion has not exercised it. ‘NA’ (Not applicable) indicates that the exercise of the option is not possible or the discretion does not exist.


The text of the provision in the national legislation.


Reference in the national legislation and hyperlink(s) to the website containing the national text transposing the Union provision in question.


The provision has now expired and thus the information on the exercise of the discretion covers historically only the period up to the expiration date.

Part 2

Transitional options and discretions set out in Directive 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 575/2013


Directive 2013/36/EU

Regulation (EU) No 575/2013



Description of the option or discretion

Year(s) of application and the value in % (if applicable)

Exercised (Y/N/NA)

National text


Available in EN (Y/N)

Details / Comments


Date of the last update of information in this template




Article 160(6)


Member States

Transitional provisions for capital buffers

Member States may impose a shorter transitional period for capital buffers than that specified in paragraphs 1 to 4 of Article 160. Such a shorter transitional period may be recognised by other Member States.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 493(3), point (a)

Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt covered bonds falling within the terms of Article 129(1), (3) and (6).



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 493(3), point (b)

Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt asset items constituting claims on regional governments or local authorities of Member States.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 493(3), point (c)

Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures incurred by an institution to its parent undertaking, to other subsidiaries of that parent undertaking or to its own subsidiaries and qualifying holdings.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 493(3), point (d)

Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures to regional or central credit institutions with which the credit institution is associated in a network and which are responsible for cash-clearing operations within the network.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 493(3), point (e)

Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures to credit institutions incurred by credit institutions, one of which operates on a non-competitive basis and provides or guarantees loans under legislative programmes or its statutes, to promote specified sectors of the economy under some form of government oversight and restrictions on the use of the loans, provided that the respective exposures arise from such loans that are passed on to the beneficiaries via credit institutions or from the guarantees of these loans.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 493(3), point (f)

Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures to institutions, provided that those exposures do not constitute such institutions’ own funds, do not last longer than the following business day and are not denominated in a major trading currency.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 493(3), point (g)

Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures to central banks in the form of required minimum reserves held at those central banks which are denominated in their national currencies.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 493(3), point (h)

Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt exposures to central governments in the form of statutory liquidity requirements held in government securities which are denominated and funded in their national currencies provided that, at the discretion of the competent authority, the credit assessment of those central governments assigned by a nominated External Credit Assessment Institution is investment grade.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 493(3), point (i)

Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt 50 % of medium/low risk off-balance-sheet documentary credits and of medium/low risk off-balance sheet undrawn credit facilities referred to in Annex I and subject to the competent authorities’ agreement, 80 % of guarantees other than loan guarantees which have a legal or regulatory basis and are given for their members by mutual guarantee schemes possessing the status of credit institutions.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 493(3), point (j)

Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt legally required guarantees used when a mortgage loan financed by issuing mortgage bonds is paid to the mortgage borrower before the final registration of the mortgage in the land register, provided that the guarantee is not used as reducing the risk in calculating the risk-weighted exposure amounts.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 493(3), point (k)

Member States

Exemptions or partial exemptions to large exposures limits

Competent authorities may fully or partially exempt assets items constituting claims on and other exposures to recognised exchanges.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 412(5)

Member States

Liquidity coverage requirement

Member States may maintain or introduce national provisions in the area of liquidity requirements before binding minimum standards for liquidity coverage requirements are specified and fully introduced in the Union in accordance with Article 460.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 412(5)

Member States or Competent Authorities

Liquidity coverage requirement

Member States or competent authorities may require domestically authorised institutions, or a subset of those institutions to maintain a higher liquidity coverage requirement up to 100 % until the binding minimum standard is fully introduced at a rate of 100 % in accordance with Article 460.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 413(4)

Member States

Stable funding requirement

Member States may maintain or introduce national provisions in the area of stable funding requirements before binding minimum standards for net stable funding requirements set out in Article 413(1) become applicable (1).



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 471(1)

Competent Authorities

Exemption from deduction of equity holding in insurance companies from CET1 items

By way of derogation from Article 49(1), during the period from 31 December 2018 to 31 December 2024, institutions may choose not to deduct equity holdings in insurance undertakings, reinsurance undertakings and insurance holding companies where the conditions set out in paragraph 1 of Article 471 are met.



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 473(1)

Competent Authorities

Introduction of amendments to IAS 19

By way of derogation from Article 481 during the period from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2018, competent authorities may permit institutions that prepare their accounts in conformity with the international accounting standards adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 to add to their Common Equity Tier 1 capital the applicable amount in accordance with paragraph 2 or 3 of Article 473, as applicable, multiplied by the factor applied in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 473 (1).



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 478(2)

Competent Authorities

Deduction from Common Equity Tier 1 items for deferred tax assets that existed prior to 1 January 2014

Applicable percentage if the alternative applies (percentage in the ranges specified in paragraph 2 of Article 478)

2014 (0 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (10 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (20 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (30 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2018 (40 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2019 (50 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2020 (60 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2021 (70 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2022 (80 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2023 (90 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 478(3), point (a)

Competent Authorities

Transitional deductions from Common Equity Tier 1, Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 items

Competent authorities shall determine and publish an applicable percentage in the ranges specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 478 for (a) the individual deductions required pursuant to points (a) to (h) of Article 36(1), excluding deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and arise from temporary differences (1).

2014 (20 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (40 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (60 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (80 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 478(3), point (b)

Competent Authorities

Transitional deductions from Common Equity Tier 1, Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 items

Competent authorities shall determine and publish an applicable percentage in the ranges specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 478 for (b) the aggregate amount of deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and arise from temporary differences and the items referred to in point (i) of Article 36(1) that is required to be deducted pursuant to Article 48 (1).

2014 (20 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (40 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (60 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (80 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 478(3), point (c)

Competent Authorities

Transitional deductions from Common Equity Tier 1, Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 items

Competent authorities shall determine and publish an applicable percentage in the ranges specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 478 for (c) each deduction required pursuant to points (b) to (d) of Article 56 (1).

2014 (20 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (40 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (60 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (80 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 478(3), point (d)

Competent Authorities

Transitional deductions from Common Equity Tier 1, Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 items

Competent authorities shall determine and publish an applicable percentage in the ranges specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 478 for (d) each deduction required pursuant to points (b) to (d) of Article 66 (1).

2014 (20 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (40 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (60 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (80 % to 100 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 479(4)

Competent Authorities

Transitional recognition in consolidated Common Equity Tier 1 capital of instruments and items that do not qualify as minority interests

Competent authorities shall determine and publish the applicable percentage in the ranges specified in paragraph 3 of Article 479 (1).

2014 (0 % to 80 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (0 % to 60 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (0 % to 40 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (0 % to 20 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 480(3)

Competent Authorities

Transitional recognition of minority interests and qualifying Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital

Competent authorities shall determine and publish the value of the applicable factor in the ranges specified in paragraph 2 of Article 480 (1).

2014 (0,2 to 1,0)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (0,4 to 1,0)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (0,6 to 1,0)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (0,8 to 1,0)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 481(1)

Competent Authorities


Applicable percentage if a single percentage applies (percentage in the ranges specified in paragraph 3 of Article 481) (1).

2014 (0 % to 80 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (0 % to 60 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (0 % to 40 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (0 % to 20 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 481(5)

Competent Authorities

Additional transitional filters and deductions

For each filter or deduction referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 481, competent authorities shall determine and publish the applicable percentages in the ranges specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of that Article (1).

2014 (0 % to 80 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (0 % to 60 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (0 % to 40 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (0 % to 20 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 486(6)

Competent Authorities

Limits for grandfathering of items within Common Equity Tier 1, Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 items

Applicable percentage for determining the limits for grandfathering of items within Common Equity Tier 1 items pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 486 (percentage in the ranges specified in paragraph 5 of that Article).

2014 (60 % to 80 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (40 % to 70 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (20 % to 60 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (0 % to 50 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2018 (0 % to 40 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2019 (0 % to 30 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2020 (0 % to 20 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2021 (0 % to 10 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



Applicable percentage for determining the limits for grandfathering of items within Additional Tier 1 items pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 486 (percentage in the ranges specified in paragraph 5 of that Article).

2014 (60 % to 80 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (40 % to 70 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (20 % to 60 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (0 % to 50 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2018 (0 % to 40 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2019 (0 % to 30 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2020 (0 % to 20 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2021 (0 % to 10 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



Applicable percentage for determining the limits for grandfathering of items within Tier 2 items pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 486 (percentage in the ranges specified in paragraph 5 of that Article).

2014 (60 % to 80 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2015 (40 % to 70 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2016 (20 % to 60 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2017 (0 % to 50 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2018 (0 % to 40 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2019 (0 % to 30 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2020 (0 % to 20 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



2021 (0 % to 10 %)


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 495(1)

Competent Authorities

Transitional treatment of equity exposures under the IRB approach

By way of derogation from Chapter 3 of Part Three, until 31 December 2017, the competent authorities may exempt from the IRB treatment certain categories of equity exposures held by institutions and EU subsidiaries of institutions in that Member State as at 31 December 2007 (1).



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 496(1)

Competent Authorities

Transitional provision on the calculation of own fund requirements for exposures in the form of covered bonds

Until 31 December 2017, competent authorities may waive in full or in part the 10 % limit for senior units issued by French Fonds Communs de Créances or by securitisation entities which are equivalent to French Fonds Communs de Créances laid down in points (d) and (f) of Article 129(1), provided that conditions specified in points (a) and (b) of Article 496(1) are fulfilled (1).



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y




Article 500a(2)

Competent Authorities

Temporary treatment of public debt issued in the currency of another Member State

By way of derogation from Articles 395(1) and 493(4), competent authorities may allow institutions to incur exposures referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 500a, up to the limits specified in paragraph (2).



Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



The provision has now expired and thus the information on the exercise of the discretion covers historically only the period up to the expiration date.

Part 3

Variable elements of remuneration (Article 94 of Directive 2013/36 EU)


Directive 2013/36/EU



Information to disclose

Exercised (Y/N/NA)


Available in EN (Y/N)

Details / Comments


Date of the last update of information in this template




Article 94(1), point (g)(i)

Member States or Competent Authorities

Member States may set a lower maximum ratio between the variable and fixed components of remuneration (% set in national law calculated as variable component divided by fixed component of remuneration) (1)

[Value in %]


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



Article 94(1), point (g)(ii)

Member States or Competent Authorities

Member States may set a lower maximum level of the ratio between the variable and fixed components of remuneration which may be approved by shareholders or owners or members of the institution (% set in national law calculated as variable component divided by fixed component of remuneration) (1)

[Value in %]


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



Article 94(1), point (g)(iii)

Member States or Competent Authorities

Member States may set a lower maximum part of the total variable remuneration to which the discount rate may be applied (% of the total variable remuneration) (1)

[Value in %]


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



Article 94(1), point(l)

Member States or Competent Authorities

Description of any restriction on the types and designs or prohibitions of instruments that can be used for the purposes of awarding variable remuneration

[Free text/value]


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



Article 94(4)

Member States

By way of derogation from point (a) of paragraph 3, a Member State may lower or increase the threshold referred to therein, provided that:

(a)  the institution in relation to which the Member State makes use of this provision is not a large institution as defined in point (146) of Article 4(1) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 and, where the threshold is increased:

(i)  the institution meets the criteria set out in points (145)(c), (d) and (e) of Article 4(1) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013; and

(ii)  the threshold does not exceed EUR 15 billion;

(b)  it is appropriate to modify the threshold in accordance with this paragraph taking into account the institution’s nature, scope and complexity of its activities, its internal organisation or, if applicable, the characteristics of the group to which it belongs.

[Free text/value]


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



Article 94(5)

Member States

Member States may decide that staff members entitled to annual variable remuneration below the threshold and share referred to in that point shall not be subject to the exemption set out therein because of national market specificities in terms of remuneration practices or because of the nature of the responsibilities and job profile of those staff members.

[Free text/value]


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



Article 109 (6)

Member States

Member States may apply Articles 92, 94 and 95 on a consolidated basis to a broader scope of subsidiary undertakings and their staff.

[Free text/value]


Mandatory if Y

Mandatory if Y



If Member States have not exercised the discretion to reduce these default maximum percentages to figures (i) below 100 % for the bonus cap; (ii) to between 100–200 % bonus cap with shareholders’ approval; or (iii) to a discount rate of below 25 % then they shall disclose ‘No’ instead of ‘Yes’ .