Template for the information exchange in case of liquidity stress
Legal reference: |
Article 17 of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 524/2014 |
Competent Authority: |
Institution name: |
Submission date (DD/MM/YYYY): |
Information provided on consolidated basis (Yes/No) |
Please indicate ‘Yes’ if information in this template is provided on a consolidated basis and not at the level of the institution |
Description of the liquidity stress situation
Question/Information item |
Response/value |
Has a stress situation occurred or is this likely to occur within the next month or beyond (please specify time period)? |
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Description of the situation including the underlying cause of the stress situation |
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What will happen next? What should happen which would concern the competent authority? |
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Have contingency plans such as contingency funding plans been triggered? |
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Expected impact of the situation on contagion risk within the home Member State's banking sector over the next 3-6 months |
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Expected impact of the situation on the institution, including its critical economic functions, over the next 3-6 months |
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Expect impact of the situation on the activities of the branch over the next 3-6 months |
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Actions and Recovery
Please list actions taken so far by the institution or competent authority to mitigate the cause of the stress. Give details on the impact these actions have had: |
Action and who took the action |
Impact |
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Please list future actions planned by the institution or competent authority to mitigate the cause of the stress. Give details on the timescale for taking these actions and their expected impact: |
Action and who will take the action |
Timescale |
Impact |
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What are the future milestones and trigger points for further action? |
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Please list actions taken by the institution or competent authority to improve the liquidity position. Give details on their quantitative impact. |
Action and who took the action |
Impact |
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Please list the future actions planned by the institution or competent authority to improve the liquidity position. Give details on the timescale for taking these actions and their expected impact |
Action and who will take the action |
Timescale |
Impact |
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What are the future milestones and trigger points for further action? |
[free text answering the question] |
In addition, please provide the latest available quantitative information regarding liquidity as specified in Article 4(1)(c)-(h) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) No 524/2014 (see also the templates specified in Part I or 2 of Annex I) |