Taxonomy elements
Table 1
Legend for the element type and attributes
Data / Attribute type |
Definition |
abstract |
denotes a grouping element or a header |
date |
denotes that the element type is a date; dates are non-numeric line items |
instant or duration |
denotes that a monetary value or a numeric line item represents a stock (if instant) or a flow (if duration) |
line items |
denote elements in rows of a table |
table |
denotes the beginning of a structure represented by a table |
text |
denotes that the element type is text (a sequence of alphanumeric characters); it is used to mark up short pieces of narrative information; text elements are non-numeric line items |
text block |
denotes that the element type is a block of text; it is used to mark up larger pieces of information; text blocks are non-numeric line items |
true/false |
denotes that element type is a true or false statement; true/false statements are non-numeric line items |
typed axis |
denotes a dimensional property in a tabular structure, where the format for such dimensional property is defined in the taxonomy and the value of such dimensional property is provided by an undertaking in the report |
X |
denotes that the element type is monetary (a number in a declared currency); these elements are numeric line items |
X.XX |
denotes that element type is a decimalised value; these elements are numeric line items |
Table 2
List of taxonomy elements
Element name |
Element type and attributes |
Label type |
Label content |
References |
AccumulatedEarnings |
X instant |
Label |
Accumulated earnings |
Article 48c(2)(h), Directive 2013/34/EU |
AccumulatedEarningsOtherTaxJurisdictions |
X instant |
Label |
Accumulated earnings, other tax jurisdictions |
Article 48c(5), Directive 2013/34/EU |
ApplicationOfOptionToReportInAccordanceWithTaxationReportingInstructions |
True/False |
Label |
Application of option to report in accordance with taxation reporting instructions |
Article 48c(3), Directive 2013/34/EU |
VerboseLabel |
Option to use reporting instructions referred to in Section III, Parts B and C, of Annex III to Council Directive 2011/16/EU is applied |
CountryCodeOfMemberStateOrTaxJurisdiction |
Text |
Label |
Country code of Member State or tax jurisdiction |
Article 48c(5), Directive 2013/34/EU |
CountryOfRegisteredOfficeOfUltimateParentUndertaking |
Text |
Label |
Country of registered office of ultimate parent undertaking |
VerboseLabel |
Country where ultimate parent has its registered office |
DateOfEndOfFinancialYear |
Date |
Label |
Date of end of financial year |
Article 48c(2)(a), Directive 2013/34/EU |
DateOfStartOfFinancialYear |
Date |
Label |
Date of start of financial year |
Article 48c(2)(a), Directive 2013/34/EU |
DescriptionOfNatureOfActivitiesOfSubsidiaryUndertakingsInMemberStateOrTaxJurisdictionExplanatory |
Text block |
Label |
Description of nature of activities of subsidiary undertakings in Member State or tax jurisdiction [text block] |
Article 48c(2)(b), Directive 2013/34/EU |
VerboseLabel |
Brief description per country of nature of activities in Member State or tax jurisdiction |
DisclosureOfInformationOmittedForPreviousFinancialYearsExplanatory |
Text block |
Label |
Disclosure of information omitted for previous financial years [text block] |
Article 48c(6), Directive 2013/34/EU |
DisclosureOfNamesOfSubsidiaryUndertakingsConsolidatedInFinancialStatementsOfUltimateParentUndertakingExplanatory |
Text block |
Label |
Disclosure of names of subsidiary undertakings consolidated in financial statements of ultimate parent undertaking [text block] |
Article 48c(2)(a), Directive 2013/34/EU |
TerseLabel |
Name of subsidiary undertakings consolidated in financial statements of ultimate parent undertaking |
DisclosureOfTypeOfInformationOmittedExplanatory |
Text block |
Label |
Disclosure of type of information omitted [text block] |
Article 48c(6), Directive 2013/34/EU |
TerseLabel |
Information omitted |
DisclosureOfTypeOfInformationOmittedOtherTaxJurisdictionsExplanatory |
Text block |
Label |
Disclosure of type of information omitted, other tax jurisdictions [text block] |
Article 48c(6), Directive 2013/34/EU |
TerseLabel |
Information omitted, other tax jurisdictions |
ExplanationOfAnyMaterialDiscrepanciesBetweenIncomeTaxPaidAndAccruedAbstract |
Label |
Explanation of any material discrepancies between income tax paid and accrued [abstract] |
ExplanationOfAnyMaterialDiscrepanciesBetweenIncomeTaxPaidAndAccruedExplanatory |
Text block |
Label |
Explanation of any material discrepancies between income tax paid and accrued [text block] |
Article 48c(7), Directive 2013/34/EU |
ExplanationOfReasonForOmissionOfInformationExplanatory |
Text block |
Label |
Explanation of reason for omission of information [text block] |
Article 48c(6), Directive 2013/34/EU |
GeneralInformationAbstract |
Label |
General information [abstract] |
IncomeTaxAccrued |
X duration |
Label |
Income tax accrued |
Article 48c(2)(f), Directive 2013/34/EU |
VerboseLabel |
Income tax accrued – current year |
IncomeTaxAccruedOtherTaxJurisdictions |
X duration |
Label |
Income tax accrued, other tax jurisdictions |
Article 48c(5), Directive 2013/34/EU |
VerboseLabel |
Income tax accrued – current year, other tax jurisdictions |
IncomeTaxPaidOnCashBasis |
X duration |
Label |
Income tax paid (on cash basis) |
Article 48c(2)(g), Directive 2013/34/EU |
IncomeTaxPaidOnCashBasisOtherTaxJurisdictions |
X duration |
Label |
Income tax paid (on cash basis), other tax jurisdictions |
Article 48c(5), Directive 2013/34/EU |
ListOfSubsidiariesAndActivitiesAbstract |
Label |
List of subsidiaries and activities [abstract] |
ListOfSubsidiariesAndActivitiesLineItems |
Label |
List of subsidiaries and activities [line items] |
ListOfSubsidiariesAndActivitiesTable |
Label |
List of subsidiaries and activities [table] |
NameOfMemberStateOrTaxJurisdictionTypedAxis |
Typed axis |
Label |
Name of Member State or tax jurisdiction [typed axis] |
Article 48c(5), Directive 2013/34/EU |
NameOfSingleSubsidiaryPublishingNonEUUndertakingReport |
Text |
Label |
Name and registered office of a single subsidiary undertaking which has published the report on income tax information of an undertaking that is not governed by the law of a Member State |
Article 48b(6)(b), Directive 2013/34/EU |
NameOfSingleBranchPublishingNonEUUndertakingReport |
Text |
Label |
Name and address of a single branch which has published the report on income tax information of an undertaking that is not governed by the law of a Member State |
Article 48b(6)(b), Directive 2013/34/EU |
NameOfUltimateParentOfGroupOfStandaloneCompany |
Text |
Label |
Name of ultimate parent of group / of standalone company |
Article 48c(2)(a), Directive 2013/34/EU |
VerboseLabel |
Name of ultimate parent of group / of standalone company (complete as per statutes or business register) |
NumberOfEmployees |
X.XX instant |
Label |
Number of employees |
Article 48c(2)(c), Directive 2013/34/EU |
NumberOfEmployeesOtherTaxJurisdictions |
X.XX instant |
Label |
Number of employees, other tax jurisdictions |
Article 48c(5), Directive 2013/34/EU |
OmittedInformationAbstract |
Label |
Omitted information [abstract] |
OverviewOfAllocationOfElementsOnCountrybycountryBasisAbstract |
Label |
Overview of allocation of elements on country-by-country basis [abstract] |
OverviewOfAllocationOfElementsOnCountrybycountryBasisAllOtherTaxJurisdictionsAggregatedBasisAbstract |
Label |
Overview of allocation of elements on country-by-country basis, all other tax jurisdictions (aggregated basis) [abstract] |
OverviewOfAllocationOfElementsOnCountrybycountryBasisMemberStateOrTaxJurisdictionAbstract |
Label |
Overview of allocation of elements on country-by-country basis, Member State or tax jurisdiction [abstract] |
OverviewOfAllocationOfElementsOnCountrybycountryBasisMemberStateOrTaxJurisdictionLineItems |
Label |
Overview of allocation of elements on country-by-country basis, Member State or tax jurisdiction [line items] |
OverviewOfAllocationOfElementsOnCountrybycountryBasisMemberStateOrTaxJurisdictionTable |
Label |
Overview of allocation of elements on country-by-country basis, Member State or tax jurisdiction [table] |
ProfitLossBeforeTax |
X duration |
Label |
Profit (loss) before tax |
Article 48c(2)(e), Directive 2013/34/EU |
VerboseLabel |
Profit (loss) before income tax |
ProfitLossBeforeTaxOtherTaxJurisdictions |
X duration |
Label |
Profit (loss) before tax, other tax jurisdictions |
Article 48c(5), Directive 2013/34/EU |
VerboseLabel |
Profit (loss) before income tax, other tax jurisdictions |
ReportingCurrency |
Text |
Label |
Reporting currency |
Article 48c(2)(a), and Article 48(c)8, Directive 2013/34/EU |
Revenues |
X duration |
Label |
Revenue |
Article 48c(2)(d), Directive 2013/34/EU |
TerseLabel |
Revenues |
RevenuesOtherTaxJurisdictions |
X duration |
Label |
Revenue, other tax jurisdictions |
Article 48c(5), Directive 2013/34/EU |
TerseLabel |
Revenues, other tax jurisdictions |
Table 3
List of additional taxonomy elements
Element name |
Element type and attributes |
Label type |
Label content |
References |
Assets |
X instant |
Label |
Tangible assets other than cash and cash equivalents |
AssetsOtherTaxJurisdictions |
X instant |
Label |
Tangible assets other than cash and cash equivalents, other tax jurisdictions |
Capital |
X instant |
Label |
Stated capital |
CapitalOtherTaxJurisdictions |
X instant |
Label |
Stated capital, other tax jurisdictions |
LanguageOfReport |
Text |
Label |
Language of report |
PublicSubsidiesReceived |
X duration |
Label |
Public subsidies received |
PublicSubsidiesReceivedOtherTaxJurisdictions |
X duration |
Label |
Public subsidies received, other tax jurisdictions |
RevenuesRelated |
X duration |
Label |
Revenues from transactions with related parties |
RevenuesRelatedOtherTaxJurisdictions |
X duration |
Label |
Revenues from transactions with related parties, other tax jurisdictions |
RevenuesUnrelated |
X duration |
Label |
Revenues from transactions with non-related parties |
RevenuesUnrelatedOtherTaxJurisdictions |
X duration |
Label |
Revenues from transactions with non-related parties, other tax jurisdictions |
ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)