Article 2
For the purposes of this Decision, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) |
‘agglomerated stone’, means an industrial product manufactured from a mixture of aggregates of various sizes and natures (generally coming from natural stones), sometimes mixed with other compatible materials, additions and resin binder. |
(2) |
‘alternative cement’ means any cement not meeting the compositional requirements for common cements defined in EN 197-1 (6), including cements with very low Portland cement clinker contents as well as alkali-activated cements and geopolymers, which may contain no Portland cement clinker at all. |
(3) |
‘ceramic’ means a material based on clay materials or other non-metallic inorganic materials whose characteristic properties of high strength, wear resistance, long service life, chemical inertness, non-toxicity and resistance to heat and fire are a consequence of a carefully optimised time-temperature transformation occurring during firing operation in a kiln. |
(4) |
‘compressed earth blocks’ means products, which have regular and verified characteristics obtained by the static or dynamic compression of earth in a humid state followed by immediate demoulding and whose cohesion, both in the humid and dry state, is due to the clay fraction within the earth material and which may be enhanced by the use of additives. |
(5) |
‘fired clay’ means a material produced predominantly from clay or other argillaceous materials by shaping (extrusion and/or pressing), drying and firing of the prepared clay, with or without additives. |
(6) |
‘floor tile’ means a flat, usually square or rectangular shaped tile within standardised dimensional ranges, which may be shaped by extrusion, by direct moulding or be cut to size from slabs and that, when laid together, form the facing layer of internal or external floor structures that is normally intended to be visible to or come into contact with users of the floor area. |
(7) |
‘hydraulic binder’ means a common cement or a hydraulic lime, i.e. a finely ground inorganic material which, when mixed with water, forms a paste which sets and hardens by means of hydration reactions and processes and which, after hardening, retains its strength and stability even under water. Common cements must fall within one of the 27 cement classes defined in EN 197-1 and hydraulic limes must meet the requirements defined in EN 459-1 (7) for natural hydraulic limes, formulated limes or hydraulic limes. |
(8) |
‘kerb’ means straight or curved units within standardised dimensional ranges, which may be chamfered or sloped on the facing edge and whose primary purpose is to separate surfaces of the same or different levels, for example as edging to a road or footpath. |
(9) |
‘kitchen-worktop’ means a work surface, directly moulded or cut to size from slabs and fixed to a structure either mechanically or by means of specific adhesives that is primarily intended to be used for preparing food. |
(10) |
‘natural stone product’ and ‘dimension stone’ mean pieces of naturally occurring rock, where the natural stone products have been cut and finished to specified sizes, shapes and surface properties in a transformation plant, whereas dimension stone is the intermediate input material to the transformation plant, consisting of large blocks or slabs of naturally occurring rock obtained from quarrying operations. |
(11) |
‘paver’ means a unit within standardised dimensional ranges that is rectangular or any other shape that allows it to be laid in a repeating pattern in the surface course of a flexible pavement or rigid pavement and that may be joined using mortar, adhesives or interlocking mechanisms. |
(12) |
‘precast concrete’, means products made of concrete and manufactured in accordance with specific product standards in a place different from the final destination of use, protected from adverse weather conditions during production and which is the result of an industrial process under a factory production control system and with the possibility of sorting before delivery, including single and dual-layered ‘terrazzo tiles’, as per EN 13748-1:2004 and 13748-2:2004 (8). |
(13) |
‘roof tile’ means a product for discontinuous laying on pitched roofs. |
(14) |
‘table-top’ means the top part of a piece of table furniture, directly moulded or cut to size from slabs, and fixed to a table structure either mechanically or by means of specific adhesives that is primarily intended to provide a surface where users can rest, sit, eat, study or work, indoors or outdoors, and in domestic or non-domestic environments. |
(15) |
‘vanity top’ means a surface, directly moulded or cut to size from slabs, and fixed to a structure either mechanically or by means of specific adhesives, that is primarily intended to be used in domestic and non-domestic bathrooms or similar facilities where personal hygiene practices are regularly carried out (e.g. splash zone). |
(16) |
‘wall tile’ means a thin, usually square or rectangular shaped tile within standardised dimensional ranges, which may be shaped by extrusion, by direct moulding or be cut to size from slabs, and that, when laid together, form the facing layer of interior or exterior facing wall structures that is normally intended to be visible to or come into contact with passers-by. |
(6) EN 197-1:2011. Cement-Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements.
(7) EN 459-1:2015. Building lime – Part 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria.
(8) EN 13748-1:2004: Terrazzo tiles – Part 1: Terrazzo tiles for internal use. And EN 13748-2:2004: Terrazzo tiles – Part 2: Terrazzo tiles for external use.