Appendix 2
Requirements to be met by flush-free urinals and test methods
1. Flush-free urinal requirements
Flush-free urinals shall pass all the following tests:
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load resistance test, |
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draining test, |
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leak tightness test, and |
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backflow prevention of foul air and water test. |
2. Flush-free urinal test methods
2.1. Load resistance test
Flush-free urinals shall be deemed to comply with the load resistance test if they meet the requirements on load resistance passinga static load test similar to those defined in EN 13407. Any equivalent method shall be accepted.
2.2. Draining test
Flush-free urinals shall be deemed to comply with the draining test if they meet the requirements on the draining of water by passing a draining of water test similar to those defined in EN 14688. Given that the test in EN 14688 is defined for wash basins, any test adaptation to fit the purpose of testing flush-free urinals shall be accepted. Any equivalent method shall be accepted.
2.3. Leak tightness test
Flush-free urinals shall be deemed to comply with the leak tightness test if they ensure that all fluid poured into them is evacuated only through the outlet connection. Coloured water shall be used for this test to help detect any potential leakage. Any equivalent method shall be accepted.
Alternately, flush-free urinals shall be deemed to comply with the leak tightness test if they meet the requirements on water absorption by passing a determination of water absorption test similar to those defined in EN 13407. Any equivalent method shall be accepted.
2.4. Backflow prevention of foul air and water test
Flush-free urinals shall be deemed to comply with the backflow prevention of foul air and water test if they meet the requirements on odour tightness and resistance of the water seal to pressure similar to those defined in EN 1253-1 by passing, respectively, an odour tightness test and a resistance of the water seal to pressure test similar to those defined in EN 1253-2. Any equivalent method shall be accepted.