Article 4
Duties regarding subscription and redemptions
A depositary shall be deemed to comply with the requirements set out in point (a) of Article 22(3) of Directive 2009/65/EC where it ensures that the management company or the investment company has established, implements and applies an appropriate and consistent procedure to:
reconcile the subscription orders with the subscription proceeds, and the number of units issued with the subscription proceeds received by the UCITS;
reconcile the redemption orders with the redemptions paid, and the number of units cancelled with the redemptions paid by the UCITS;
verify on a regular basis that the reconciliation procedure is appropriate.
For the purpose of points (a), (b) and (c), the depositary shall in particular regularly check that there is consistency between the total number of units in the UCITS' accounts and the total number of outstanding units that appear in the UCITS' register.